Indexes Search Result: indexed - amount
Found: 002048 @ Paramount Theatre - 1631 Glenarm Place Denver CO 80202 303-405-1325">303-405-1325

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Liberalism : Belief in interpreting the Bible to allow for the maximum amount of individual freedom.

Found: Hermas:356:7 @ And thus shalt thou do. Having fulfilled what is written, on that day on which thou fastest thou shalt taste nothing but bread and water; and from thy meats, which thou wouldest have eaten, thou shalt reckon up the amount of that day's expenditure, which thou wouldest have incurred, and shalt give it to a widow, or an orphan, or to one in want, and so shalt thou humble thy soul, that he that hath received from thy humiliation may satisfy his own soul, and may pray for thee to the Lord.

Found: amounting @ kjv@CONCORD:amounting