Indexes Search Result: indexed - bless
Found: kjv@Acts:20:35 @ I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring...

Found: kjv@Genesis:12:2 @ And I will make of thee a great nation, and...

Found: kjv@Genesis:22:17 @ That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying...

Found: kjv@Matthew:26:26 @ And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed...

Found: kjv@Psalms:100:4 @ Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts...

Found: kjv@Psalms:103:1 @ Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is...

Found: kjv@Psalms:103:22 @ Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:11 @ For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth,...

Found: kjv@Numbers:6:24 @ Numbers:6:24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

Found: kjv@1Peter:3:9 @ Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but...

Found: kjv@Matthew:5:44 @ But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them...

Found: kjv@John:20:29 @ Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me,...

Found: kjv@Revelation:5:12 @ Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that...

Found: kjv@Revelation:22:7 @ Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the...

Found: kjv@Psalms:24:5 @ He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness...

Found: jub@Luke:6:27-28 @ blessing others

Found: jub@Romans:12:14 @ blessing others

Found: jub@1Corinthians:4:12 @ blessing others

Found: jub@1Peter:3:9 @ blessing others

Found: @ blessing others

    COMPASSION - I. It Begins at home II. It Broadens with witnessing III. It Brings blessing

    Found: Deuteronomy:6:23-25 @ FAMILY ALTER - VI. The Promise (vv.23-25) (Many blessings)

    Found: dict:hitchcock Baruch @ who is blessed - HITCHCOCK-B

    Found: dict:hitchcock Berachah @ blessing; bending the knee - HITCHCOCK-B

    Found: @

    PUBLIC DOMAIN Please share these resources freely with those to whom you are dear. May it serve them well toward filling their diverse spiritual needs. May God bless your efforts! You are welcome to redistribute these many audio resources to whomever you would like, they are willing offered into the public domain for the believer's edification. However, if you are to distribute these materials we do ask that you redistribute them unedited and without profit.

    Found: @ AMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that on earth before the return of Christ there will be no age of military rule by Christ (contrary to premillennialism) nor an age of great blessing and success for the gospel (contrary to postmillennialism); at Christ's return the general resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous will take place, followed immediately by the final judgment

    Found: @ COVENANT –– a mutually binding compact between God and His people, sovereignly transacted by the Lord, wherein a promise is made by God which calls for trust on the part of His people and entails obligations of submission which are sanctioned by blessings and curses

    Found: @ POSTMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that Christ will return "after the millennium"; Christ has established His Messianic kingdom on earth, it is growing in numbers, area, and influence by means of the preaching of the gospel and Christian nurture, and it will have visible, worldwide, and blessed success before Christ returns at the general resurrection for final judgment

    Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Prosperity Theology: (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health and wealth gospel, or the gospel of success) is a Christian religious doctrine that financial blessing is the will of God for Christians, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to Christian ministries will always increase one's material wealth.

    Found: jub@Deuteronomy:1 @ DEUTERONOMY - The final book of the Pentateuch derives its English name from the Greek work deuteronomion, meaning the "second law", or the "law repeated". Deuteronomy is essentially Moses’ farewell address(es) to a new generation in which he summons them to hear the law of God, to be instructed in the application of its principles to the new circumstances awaiting them, and to renew intelligently the covenant God had made with their fathers - a covenant that must be faithfully observed as the condition of God’s blessings upon them in the Promised Land.

    Found: jub@Joel:1 @ JOEL - Traditionally called the "Prophet of Pentecost," since his prophecy of the outpouring of the Spirit ( kjv@Joel:2:28 ) is quoted by Peter ( kjv@Acts:2:16 ) as being fulfilled at Pentecost, Joel was the kind of man who could see the eternal in the temporal. The occasion of his message was a devastating locust plague, which he interpreted as foreboding the Day of the Lord when God would act directly to punish His people for their sins. Joel calls upon the people of Judah to repent, promising that repentance will bring God’s blessings, material and spiritual.

    Found: jub@Malachi:1 @ MALACHI - The name of the last book of the Old Testament and of the Prophet whose oracles it contains. Malachi ( from Hebrew meaning "my messenger") is an invaluable source concerning the Judaean Jews during the Persian period. Two themes are predomination: the sin and apostasy of Israel ( Malachi:1-2 ); and the coming judgment upon the faithless, with blessings promised for those who repent ( Malachi:3-4 ). The growing Messianic expectation in the Old Testament is apparent in Malachi by the announcement of God’s "messenger of the covenant", by whose coming Israel will be purified and judged; and of the return of the Prophet Elijah who will proclaim the Day of the Lord.

    Found: JANUARY27 PM @ I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life.-jub@Deuteronomy:30:19 jub@Ezekiel:18:32 jub@John:15:22 jub@Luke:12:47 jub@Romans:6:23. jub@John:3:36 jub@Romans:6:16 jub@John:12:26.

    Found: FEBRUARY7 AM @ When thou has eaten and are full, . . . thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.-jub@Deuteronomy:8:10 jub@Deuteronomy:8:11. jub@Luke:17:15-18. jub@1Timothy:. kjv@4:4-5. jub@Romans:14:6. jub@Proverbs:10:22 jub@Psalms:103:1-4.

    Found: MARCH11 AM @ The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.-jub@Numbers:6:24 jub@Proverbs:10:22. jub@Psalms:5:12 jub@Psalms:121:3-5-7-8. jub@Isaiah:27:3 jub@John:17:11-12 jub@2Timothy:4:18.

    Found: MARCH19 AM @ God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in the turning away every one of you from his iniquities.-jub@Acts:3:26 jub@1Peter:1:3. jub@Romans:5:10 jub@Titus:2:13-14. jub@1Peter:1:15-16 jub@Ephesians:1:3. jub@Colossians:2:9-10. jub@John:1:16 jub@Romans:8:32.

    Found: MARCH29 AM @ Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.-jub@Matthew:25:34 jub@Luke:12:32. jub@James:2:5. jub@Romans:8:17 jub@John:16:27. jub@Hebrews:11:16 jub@Revelation:21:7 jub@2Timothy:4:8. jub@Philippians:1:6.

    Found: APRIL5 AM @ I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.-jub@Genesis:32:26. jub@Isaiah:27:5 jub@Matthew:15:28. jub@Matthew:9:29. jub@James:1:6-7 jub@Luke:24:28-29-31-32. jub@Exodus:33:13. jub@Exodus:33:14.

    Found: APRIL29 PM @ That blessed hope, . . . the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.-jub@Titus:2:13 jub@Hebrews:6:19-20. jub@Acts:3:21. jub@2Thessalonians:1:10 jub@Romans:8:22-23. jub@1John:3:2. jub@Colossians:3:4 jub@Revelation:22:20.

    Found: MAY16 PM @ I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel.-jub@Psalms:16:7 jub@Isaiah:9:6. jub@Proverbs:8:14. jub@Psalms:119:105. jub@Proverbs:3:5-6 jub@Jeremiah:10:23. jub@Isaiah:30:21. jub@Proverbs:16:3. jub@Job:23:10. jub@Proverbs:20:24 jub@Psalms:73:24. jub@Psalms:48:14.

    Found: JUNE17 PM @ All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee.-jub@Psalms:145:10 jub@Psalms:103:1-2. jub@Psalms:34:1. -Psa 145:2 jub@Psalms:63:3-5 jub@Luke:1:46-47 jub@Revelation:4:11.

    Found: JUNE26 AM @ Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil! And God granted him that which he requested.-jub@1Chronicles:4:10 jub@Proverbs:50:0:22. jub@Job:34:29 jub@Psalms:3:8. jub@Psalms:31:19. jub@John:17:15 jub@Matthew:7:7-8. jub@Psalms:34:22.

    Found: SEPTEMBER17 PM @ O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.-jub@Psalms:34:8 jub@John:2:9-10 jub@Job:34:3. jub@2Corinthians:4:13. jub@2Timothy:1:12. jub@Songs:2:3 jub@Romans:2:4. jub@Romans:8:32 jub@1Peter:2:2-3 jub@Psalms:5:11.

    Found: SEPTEMBER28 AM @ They shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.-jub@Numbers:6:27 jub@Isaiah:26:13. jub@Isaiah:63:19 jub@Deuteronomy:28:10. jub@1Samuel:12:22 jub@Daniel:9:19. jub@Psalms:79:9-10. jub@Proverbs:18:10.

    Found: OCTOBER7 PM @ O Lord God, . . . with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever.-jub@2Samuel:7:29 jub@1Chronicles:17:27. jub@Proverbs:10:22 jub@Acts:20:35. jub@Luke:14:13-14. jub@Matthew:25:34-36 jub@Psalms:41:1 jub@Psalms:84:11.

    Found: OCTOBER27 PM @ He whom thou blessest is blessed.-jub@Numbers:22:6 jub@Matthew:5:3-12. jub@Luke:11:28 jub@Revelation:22:14.

    Found: 1Clement:10:3 <1CLEMENT>@ For He saith unto him Go forth from thy land and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto the land which I shall show thee, and I will make thee into a great nation, and I will bless thee and will magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. And I will bless them that bless thee, and I will curse them that curse thee; and in thee shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed.

    Found: 1Clement:15:3 <1CLEMENT>@ and again, they blessed with their mouth, but they cursed with their heart.

    Found: 1Clement:30:8 <1CLEMENT>@ Boldness and arrogance and daring are for them that are accursed of God; but forbearance and humility and gentleness are with them that are blessed of God.

    Found: 1Clement:31:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us therefore cleave unto His blessing, and let us see what are the ways of blessing. Let us study the records of the things that have happened from the beginning.

    Found: 1Clement:31:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Wherefore was our father Abraham blessed? Was it not because he wrought righteousness and truth through faith?

    Found: 1Clement:33:6 <1CLEMENT>@ So having finished all these things, He praised them and blessed them and said, Increase and multiply.

    Found: 1Clement:35:1 <1CLEMENT>@ How blessed and marvelous are the gifts of God, dearly beloved

    Found: 1Clement:40:4 <1CLEMENT>@ They therefore that make their offerings at the appointed seasons are acceptable and blessed: for while they follow the institutions of the Master they cannot go wrong.

    Found: 1Clement:43:1 <1CLEMENT>@ And what marvel, if they which were entrusted in Christ with such a work by God appointed the aforesaid persons? seeing that even the blessed Moses who was a faithful servant in all His house recorded for a sign in the sacred books all things that were enjoined upon him. And him also the rest of the prophets followed, bearing witness with him unto the laws that were ordained by him.

    Found: 1Clement:47:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Take up the epistle of the blessed Paul the Apostle.

    Found: 1Clement:48:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Seeing then that many gates are opened, this is that gate which is in righteousness, even that which is in Christ, whereby all are blessed that have entered in and direct their path in holiness and righteousness, performing all things without confusion.

    Found: 1Clement:50:6 <1CLEMENT>@ This declaration of blessedness was pronounced upon them that have been elected by God through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

    Found: 1Clement:55:4 <1CLEMENT>@ The blessed Judith, when the city was beleaguered, asked of the elders that she might be suffered to go forth into the camp of the aliens.

    Found: 2Clement:19:4 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore let not the godly be grieved, if he be miserable in the times that now are: a blessed time awaiteth him. He shall live again in heaven with our fathers, and shall have rejoicing throughout a sorrowless eternity.

    Found: Barnabas:1:2 @ Seeing that the ordinances of God are great and rich unto you, I rejoice with an exceeding great and overflowing joy at your blessed and glorious spirits; so innate is the grace of the spiritual gift that ye have received.

    Found: Barnabas:13:4 @ And in another prophecy Jacob speaketh more plainly to Joseph his son, saying; Behold, the Lord hath not bereft me of thy face; bring me thy sons, that I may bless them.

    Found: Barnabas:13:5 @ And he brought Ephraim and Manasseh, desiring that Manasseh should be blessed, because he was the elder; for Joseph led him by the right hand of his father Jacob. But Jacob saw in the spirit a type of the people that should come afterwards. And what saith He? And Jacob crossed his hands, and placed his right hand on the head of Ephraim, the second and younger, and blessed him. And Joseph said unto Jacob, Transfer thy right hand to the head of Manasseh, for he is my first born son. And Jacob said to Joseph, I know it, my son, I know it; but the greater shall serve the less. Yet this one also shall be blessed.

    Found: Diognetus:5:15 @ They are reviled, and they bless; they are insulted, and they respect

    Found: Diognetus:10:8 @ Then shalt thou admire those who endure for righteousness' sake the fire that is for a season, and shalt count them blessed when thou perceivest that fire... * * *

    Found: Hermas:3:4 @ "Behold, the God of Hosts, Who by His invisible and mighty power and by His great wisdom created the world, and by His glorious purpose clothed His creation with comeliness, and by His strong word fixed the heaven, and founded the earth upon the waters, and by His own wisdom and providence formed His holy Church, which also He blessed-behold, He removeth the heavens and the mountains and the hills and the seas, and all things are made level for His elect, that He may fulfill to them the promise which He promised with great glory and rejoicing, if so be that they shall keep the ordinances of God, which they received, with great faith."

    Found: Hermas:138:9 @ First of all, there is faith, fear of the Lord, love, concord, words of righteousness, truth, patience; nothing is better than these in the life of men. If a man keep these, and exercise not self-restraint from them, he becomes blessed in his life.

    Found: Hermas:356:9 @ These things thou shalt so observe, thou and thy children and thy whole household; and, observing them, thou shalt be blessed; yea, and all those, who shall hear and observe them, shall be blessed, and whatsoever things they shall ask of the Lord, they shall receive."

    Found: Hermas:161:1 @ As I sat in my house, and glorified the Lord for all things that I had seen, and was considering concerning the commandments, how that they were beautiful and powerful and gladsome and glorious and able to save a man's soul, I said within myself; "Blessed shall I be, if I walk in these commandments; yea, and whosoever shall walk in them shall be blessed."

    Found: Hermas:24101:2 @ they were ever simple and guileless and blessed, having nothing against one another, but rejoicing always in the servants of God, and clothed in the Holy Spirit of these virgins, and having compassion always on every man, and out of their labors they supplied every man's need without reproach and without misgiving.

    Found: Hermas:27[104^:6 @ Reckon yourselves blessed therefore; yea, rather think that ye have done a great work, if any of you shall suffer for God's sake. The Lord bestoweth life upon you, and ye percieved it not; for your sins weighed you down, and if ye had not suffered for the Name of the Lord, ye had died unto God by reason of your sins.

    Found: Hermas:27[104a:2 @ For this world and the vanities of their possessions must be cut off from them, and then they will fit into the kingdom of God. For it is necessary that they should enter into the kingdom of God; because the Lord hath blessed this innocent kind. Of this kind then not one shall perish. Yea, even though any one of them being tempted by the most wicked devil have committed any fault, he shall return speedily unto his Lord.

    Found: IgnatiusEphesians:prologue:1 @ Ignatius, who is also Theophorus, unto her which hath been blessed in greatness through the plentitude of God the Father; which hath been foreordained before the ages to be forever and unto abiding and unchangeable glory, united and elect in a true passion, by the will of the Father and of Jesus Christ our God; even unto the church which is at Ephesus of Asia, worthy of all felicitation; abundant greeting in Christ Jesus and in blameless joy.

    Found: IgnatiusEphesians:1:3 @ seeing then in God's name I have received your whole multitude in the person of Onesimus, whose love passeth utterance and who is moreover your bishop in the flesh and I pray that ye may love him according to Jesus Christ and that ye all may be like him; for blessed is He that granted unto you according to your deserving to have such a bishop.

    Found: IgnatiusEphesians:2:1 @ But as touching my fellow servant Burrhus, who by the will of God is your deacon blessed in all things, I pray that he may remain with me to the honor of yourselves and of your bishop. Yea, and Crocus also, who is worthy of God and of you whom I received as an ensample of the love which ye bear me, hath relieved me in all ways--even so may the Father of Jesus Christ refresh him--together with Onesimus and Burrhus and Euplus and Fronto; in whom I saw you all with the eyes of love.

    Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:prologue:1 @ Ignatius, who is also Theophorus, unto her which hath been blessed through the grace of God the Father in Christ Jesus our Savior, in whom I salute the church which is in Magnesia on the Maeander, and I wish her abundant greeting in God the Father and in Jesus Christ.

    Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:1:2 @ whose silence is more powerful than others speech. For he is attuned in harmony with the commandments, as a lyre with its strings. Wherefore my soul blesseth his godly mind, for I have found that it is virtuous and perfect--even the imperturbable and calm temper which he hath, while living in all godly forbearance.

    Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:7:2 @ It becometh thee, most blessed Polycarp, to call together a godly council and to elect some one among you who is very dear to you and zealous also, who shall be fit to bear the name of God's courier--to appoint him, I say, that he may go to Syria and glorify your zealous love unto the glory of God.

    Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:1:2 @ truly nailed up in the flesh for our sakes under Pontius Pilate and Herod the tetrarch (of which fruit are we--that is, of His most blessed passion); that He might set up an ensign unto all the ages through His resurrection, for His saints and faithful people, whether among Jews or among Gentiles, in one body of His Church.

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:1:1 @ We write unto you, brethren, an account of what befell those that suffered martyrdom and especially the blessed Polycarp, who stayed the persecution, having as it were set his seal upon it by his martyrdom. For nearly all the foregoing events came to pass that the Lord might show us once more an example of martyrdom which is conformable to the Gospel

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:14:1 @ So they did not nail him, but tied him. Then he, placing his hands behind him and being bound to the stake, like a noble ram out of a great flock for an offering, a burnt sacrifice made ready and acceptable to God, looking up to heaven said; 'O Lord God Almighty, the Father of Thy beloved and blessed Son Jesus Christ, through whom we have received the knowledge of Thee, the God of angels and powers and of all creation and of the whole race of the righteous, who live in Thy presence;

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:14:2 @ I bless Thee for that Thou hast granted me this day and hour, that I might receive a portion amongst the number of martyrs in the cup of Thy Christ unto resurrection of eternal life, both of soul and of body, in the incorruptibility of the Holy Spirit. May I be received among these in Thy presence this day, as a rich and acceptable sacrifice, as Thou didst prepare and reveal it beforehand, and hast accomplished it, Thou that art the faithful and true God.

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:14:3 @ For this cause, yea and for all things, I praise Thee, I bless Thee, I glorify Thee, through the eternal and heavenly High-priest, Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son, through whom with Him and the Holy Spirit be glory both now and ever and for the ages to come. Amen.'

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:19:1 @ So it befell the blessed Polycarp, who having with those from Philadelphia suffered martyrdom in Smyrna--twelve in all--is especially remembered more than the others by all men, so that he is talked of even by the heathen in every place: for he showed himself not only a notable teacher, but also a distinguished martyr, whose martyrdom all desire to imitate, seeing that it was after the pattern of the Gospel of Christ.

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:19:2 @ Having by his endurance overcome the unrighteous ruler in the conflict and so received the crown of immortality, he rejoiceth in company with the Apostles and all righteous men, and glorifieth the Almighty God and Father, and blesseth our Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of our souls and helmsman of our bodies and shepherd of the universal Church which is throughout the world.

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:21:1 @ Now the blessed Polycarp was martyred on the second day of the first part of the month Xanthicus, on the seventh before the calends of March, on a great Sabbath, at the eighth hour. He was apprehended by Herodes, when Philip of Tralles was high priest, in the proconsulship of Statius Quadratus, but in the reign of the Eternal King Jesus Christ. To whom be the glory, honor, greatness, and eternal throne, from generation to generation. Amen.

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:1 @ We bid you God speed, brethren, while ye walk by the word of Jesus Christ which is according to the Gospel; with whom be glory to God for the salvation of His holy elect; even as the blessed Polycarp suffered martyrdom, in whose footsteps may it be our lot to be found in the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

    Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:4 @ And I Pionius again wrote it down from the aforementioned copy, having searched it out (for the blessed Polycarp showed me in a revelation, as I will declare in the sequel), gathering it together when it was now well nigh worn out by age, that the Lord Jesus Christ may gather me also with His elect into His heavenly kingdom; to whom be the glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. {2** THE THREE PROCEEDING PARAGRAPHS AS READ IN THE MOSCOW MS. **}2 @ {9 @

    Found: Polycarp:3:2 @ For neither am I, nor is any other like unto me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when he came among you taught face to face with the men of that day the word which concerneth truth carefully and surely; who also, when he was absent, wrote a letter unto you, into the which if ye look diligently, ye shall be able to be builded up unto the faith given to you,

    Found: Polycarp:9:1 @ I exhort you all therefore to be obedient unto the word of righteousness and to practice all endurance, which also ye saw with your own eyes in the blessed Ignatius and Zosimus and Rufus, yea and in others also who came from among yourselves, as well as in Paul himself and the rest of the Apostles;

    Found: Polycarp:11:3 @ But I have not found any such thing in you, neither have heard thereof, among whom the blessed Paul labored, who were his letters in the beginning. For he boasteth of you in all those churches which alone at that time knew God; for we knew Him not as yet.

    Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL bless @ (1)

    Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL blessed @ (18)

    Found: @ Blessing - SERMONAUDIO

    Found: jub@Deuteronomy:11:26-28 @ A blessing and a curse - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

    Found: bless @ kjv@CONCORD:bless

    Found: blessed @ kjv@CONCORD:blessed

    Found: blessedness @ kjv@CONCORD:blessedness

    Found: blessest @ kjv@CONCORD:blessest

    Found: blesseth @ kjv@CONCORD:blesseth

    Found: blessing @ kjv@CONCORD:blessing

    Found: blessings @ kjv@CONCORD:blessings

    Found: jub@Genesis:12:3 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah will be a descendant of Abraham, through whom everyone on earth will be blessed kjv@Acts:3:25-26

    Found: jub@Genesis:18:18 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah will be a descendant of Abraham, through whom everyone on earth will be blessed kjv@Acts:3:25-26

    Found: jub@Matthew:5:44 @ Jesus By Command - Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you

    Found: , Bill Winston Video Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Bill Winston Ministries; bill winston; veronica winston; faith; healing; bwm; christian teaching; prosperity; blessing , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

    Found: , Blessings Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Dr.Johnson Cherian; audio; bible; blessed; blessings; christ; christian; faith; god; jesus , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

    Found: , BLIND FAITH LIVE ! Real People. Real Miracles. , Religion and Spirituality , Philip Keller "Trapper Jack"; Dr. Issam Nemeh; Miracle Healings; audio; bible; blessed; blessings; christ; christian; faith; god; jesus , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

    Found: , The Greg Amundson Show , Religion and Spirituality , Gregory Amundson; blessing; body; christian; crossfit; educatation; fitness; fun; gregamundson; grit; health; inspiration; laugh; leadership; learn; love; mentaltoug , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,