Indexes Search Result: indexed - bread
Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:10 @ For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from...

Found: kjv@Matthew:26:26 @ And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed...

Found: kjv@John:6:35 @ And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of...

Found: kjv@Matthew:4:4 @ But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall...

Found: kjv@Matthew:6:11 @ Matthew:6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.

Found: kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:1 @ Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find...

Found: dict:easton Handbreadth @ Handbreadth

Found: dict:easton Shewbread @ Shewbread

Found: dict:torrey Shewbread @ Shewbread

Found: dict:hitchcock Beth-lehem @ house of bread - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Lahmam @ their bread; their war - HITCHCOCK-L

Found: dict:hitchcock Lahmi @ my bread; my war - HITCHCOCK-L

Found: dict:hitchcock Og @ a cake; bread baked in ashes - HITCHCOCK-O

Found: dict:hitchcock Rehabiah @ breadth, or extent, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Rehob @ breadth; space; extent - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: tsk@John:1 @ JOHN - The Gospel of John endeavors to explain the mystery of the Person of Christ by the use of the term "logos" (word) and was written to confirm Christians in the belief that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Its purpose is evangelical and is so stated in kjv@John:20:31. John not only records events as do the other Gospels but also uniquely interprets the events by giving them spiritual meaning. The author makes significant use of such words as light, water, life, love, and bread. Traditionally the author of this Gospel is considered to have been John, the Beloved Disciple.

Found: OCTOBER14 PM @ Give us this day our daily bread.-tsk@Matthew:6:11 tsk@Psalms:37:25. tsk@Isaiah:33:16. - tsk@1Kings:17:6 tsk@Philippians:4:19. tsk@Hebrews:13:5 tsk@Deuteronomy:8:3. tsk@John:6:32-34.

Found: 1Clement:34:1 <1CLEMENT>@ The good workman receiveth the bread of his work with boldness, but the slothful and careless dareth not look his employer in the face.

Found: Barnabas:3:3 @ But unto us He saith; Behold, this is the fast which I have chosen, saith the Lord; loosen every band of wickedness, untie the tightened cords of forcible contracts, send away the broken ones released and tear in pieces every unjust bond. Break thy bread to the hungry, and if thou seest one naked clothe him; bring the shelterless into thy house, and if thou seest a humble man, thou shalt not despise him, neither shall any one of thy household and of thine own seed.

Found: Barnabas:3:5 @ Then shalt thou cry out and God shall hear thee; while thou art still speaking, He shall say 'Lo, I am here'; if thou shalt take away from thee the yoke and the stretching forth of the finger and the word of murmuring, and shalt give thy bread to the hungry heartily, and shalt pity the abased soul.

Found: Didache:8:2 @ Neither pray ye as the hypocrites, but as the Lord commanded in His Gospel, thus pray ye: Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debt, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one; for Thine is the power and the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:9:3 @ Then as regarding the broken bread: We give Thee thanks, O our Father, for the life and knowledge which Thou didst make known unto us through Thy Son Jesus; Thine is the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:9:4 @ As this broken bread was scattered upon the mountains and being gathered together became one, so may Thy Church be gathered together from the ends of the earth into Thy kingdom; for Thine is the glory and the power through Jesus Christ for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:11:6 @ And when he departeth let the apostle receive nothing save bread, until he findeth shelter; but if he ask money, he is a false prophet.

Found: Didache:12:3 @ But if he wishes to settle with you, being a craftsman, let him work for and eat his bread.

Found: Didache:13:5 @ If thou makest bread, take the firstfruit and give according to the commandment.

Found: Didache:14:1 @ And on the Lord's own day gather yourselves together and break bread and give thanks, first confessing your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure.

Found: Hermas:356:7 @ And thus shalt thou do. Having fulfilled what is written, on that day on which thou fastest thou shalt taste nothing but bread and water; and from thy meats, which thou wouldest have eaten, thou shalt reckon up the amount of that day's expenditure, which thou wouldest have incurred, and shalt give it to a widow, or an orphan, or to one in want, and so shalt thou humble thy soul, that he that hath received from thy humiliation may satisfy his own soul, and may pray for thee to the Lord.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:5:2 @ Let no man be deceived. If any one be not within the precinct of the altar, he lacketh the bread of God. For, if the prayer of one and another hath so great force, how much more that of the bishop and of the whole Church.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:20:2 @ especially if the Lord should reveal aught to me. Assemble yourselves together in common, every one of you severally, man by man, in grace, in one faith and one Jesus Christ, who after the flesh was of David's race, who is Son of Man and Son of God, to the end that ye may obey the bishop and the presbytery without distraction of mind; breaking one bread, which is the medicine of immortality and the antidote that we should not die but live for ever in Jesus Christ.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:4:1 @ I write to all the churches, and I bid all men know, that of my own free will I die for God unless Ye should hinder me. I exhort you, be ye not an unseasonable kindness to me. Let me be given to the wild beasts, for through them I can attain unto God. I am God's wheat, and I am ground by the teeth of wild beasts that I may be found pure bread of Christ.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:7:3 @ I have no delight in the food of corruption or in the delights of this life. I desire the bread of God, which is the flesh of Christ who was of the seed of David; and for a draught I desire His blood, which is love incorruptible.

Found: dict:torrey Shewbread @ Shewbread

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL bread @ (14)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL shewbread @ (1)

Found: bread @ kjv@CONCORD:bread

Found: breadth @ kjv@CONCORD:breadth

Found: handbreadth @ kjv@CONCORD:handbreadth

Found: shewbread @ kjv@CONCORD:shewbread

Found: tsk@Matthew:7:9 @ Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Matthew:12:4 @ How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Matthew:16:8 @ O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Matthew:16:11 @ How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Mark:2:26 @ How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Mark:8:17 @ Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Luke:6:4 @ How he went into the house of God, and did take and eat the shewbread, and gave also to them that were with him; which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Luke:11:11 @ If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@John:6:5 @ Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Handbreadth @ Handbreadth

Found: dict:easton Shewbread @ Shewbread