Indexes Search Result: indexed - ceased
Found: Hermas:3:3 @ After these words of hers had ceased, she saith unto me, "Wilt thou listen to me as I read?" Then say I, "Yes, lady." She saith to me, "Be attentive, and hear the glories of God" I listened with attention and with wonder to that which I had no power to remember; for all the words were terrible, such as man cannot bear. The last words however I remembered, for they were suitable for us and gentle.

Found: Hermas:816:1 @ When then I ceased asking her concerning all these things, she saith to me; "Wouldest thou see something else?" Being very desirous of beholding, I was greatly rejoiced that I should see it.

Found: Hermas:1018:1 @ When then she ceased speaking with me, the six young men, who were building, came, and took her away to the tower, and other four lifted the couch, and took it also away to the tower. I saw not the face of these, for they were turned away.

Found: Hermas:481:4 @ And (the stones) ceased coming up from the deep, and the builders likewise ceased for a little. And again the six men ordered the multitude of the people to bring in stones from the mountains for the building of the tower.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL ceased @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL deceased @ (1)

Found: ceased @ kjv@CONCORD:ceased

Found: deceased @ kjv@CONCORD:deceased