Indexes Search Result: indexed - city
Found: kjv@1Samuel:20:42 @ And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as...

Found: kjv@Matthew:5:14 @ Ye are the light of the world. A city that...

Found: kjv@Luke:2:4 @ And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the...

Found: kjv@Luke:2:11 @ For unto you is born this day in the city...

Found: dict:easton Adam, the city of @ Adam, the city of

Found: dict:easton Palm trees, The city of @ Palm trees, The city of

Found: dict:easton Salt, The city of @ Salt, The city of

Found: dict:torrey Simplicity @ Simplicity

Found: 001265 @ City on the Hill Church 7483 Arapahoe Rd Boulder, CO 80303 Call: 303-440-3873

Found: 001266 @ City Presbyterian Church Services 4th floor of the Tivoli Building Denver, CO Call: 720-946-1783

Found: 001487 @ New City Church Aaron Carlson 3635 S Monaco Pkwy Denver, CO 80237 Call: 303-434-5512

Found: 001555 @ Tri-City Baptist Church 6953 92nd Lane Arvada, CO 80002 Call: 303-424-2287

Found: dict:hitchcock Abel @ a city; mourning - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Baal-gad @ idol of fortune or felicity - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Capernaum @ the field of repentance; city of comfort - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Eri @ my city - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Hierapolis @ holy city - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Hor-hagidgad @ the hill of felicity - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Ir @ watchman; city; vision - HITCHCOCK-I

Found: dict:hitchcock Irshemesh @ a city of bondage - HITCHCOCK-I

Found: dict:hitchcock Kir @ a city; wall; meeting - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath @ city; vocation; meeting - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-arba @ city of four; fourth city - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-arim @ city of those who watch - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-baal @ city of Baal, or of a ruler - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-huzoth @ city of streets; populous city - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-jearim @ city of woods - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-sannah @ city of enmity, or of a blackberry bush - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirjath-sepher @ city of letters, or of the book - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Neapolis @ the new city - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nicopolis @ the city of victory - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: d[hitchcock@Shiloh -S(name of a city)] @ peace; abundance - HITCHCOCK


Back to the Psalms Series@ PRODUCED BY: Layman Randy P 2019
Using: pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System Software

Using: Audacity

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Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS @ Christian existentialism: a school of thought founded by the 19th-century Danish philosopher and father of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard, which emphasizes subjectivity and deep reflection on purpose, the apparent absurdity of life and the cosmos, the inevitable despair of an awakened existence, and finding authenticity of self by faith in God.

Found: psalter@Ezekiel:1

@ EZEKIEL - Ezekiel was carried into exile in Babylon, where he received his call and exercised his prophetic ministry. His dual role of prophet-priest and his position as "watchman" over his people make Ezekiel unique among the prophets and may account for the uniqueness of his message and his methods of delivery. The book contains 48 chapters, divided at the halfway point by the fall of Jerusalem. Ezekiel’s prophecies before this event are chiefly messages of condemnation upon Judah for her sin; following the city’s fall, the prophet speaks to helpless people of the hope and certainty of restoration to their homeland and of worship again in the Temple.

Found: psalter@Jonah:1 @ JONAH - The Old Testament counterpart of kjv@John:3:16, this book declares the universality of God’s love embracing even pagan nations. Its authorship and historicity are disputed. If one is willing to accept the miraculous, there is no compelling reason to deny its historicity. There is a strong possibility that the book is about Jonah and not by him. The author relates how Jonah refused God’s call to preach to the people of Nineveh, his punishment for this disobedience, his ready response to a second summons, and his bitter complaint at God’s sparing the city following her repentance. Christ Himself alludes to Jonah when speaking of His own death and Resurrection ( kjv@Matthew:12:39, kjv@Matthew:16:4; kjv@Luke:11:29-32 ).

Found: psalter@Nahum:1 @ NAHUM - This book is a vivid prediction of the approaching downfall of Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, one of the most warlike of the ancient heathen nations. Of the Prophet Nahum, whose name means "consolation" or "comfort", little is known. His purpose was to comfort his people, long harassed by Assyria, with the promise that this cruel and oppressing people would soon meet destruction at God’s hand.

Found: JANUARY26 AM @ Let us go forth unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.-psalter@Hebrews:13:13-14 psalter@1Peter:4:12.13. psalter@2Corinthians:1:7 psalter@1Peter:4:14 psalter@Acts:5:41. psalter@Hebrews:11:25-26.

Found: MAY26 PM @ The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.-psalter@Revelation:21:23 psalter@Acts:26:13-15. psalter@Matthew:17:1-2. psalter@Isaiah:60:19-20 psalter@1Peter:5:10.

Found: AUGUST13 AM @ He hath prepared for them a city.-psalter@Hebrews:11:16 psalter@John:14:3. psalter@1Peter:1:4. psalter@Hebrews:13:14 psalter@Acts:1:11. psalter@James:5:7-8. psalter@Hebrews:10:37 psalter@1Thessalonians:4:17-18.

Found: 1Clement:12:5 <1CLEMENT>@ And she said unto the men, Of a surety I perceive that the Lord your God delivereth this city unto you; for the fear and the dread of you is fallen upon the inhabitants thereof. When therefore it shall come to pass that ye take it, save me and the house of my father.

Found: 1Clement:55:4 <1CLEMENT>@ The blessed Judith, when the city was beleaguered, asked of the elders that she might be suffered to go forth into the camp of the aliens.

Found: 2Clement:2:2 <2CLEMENT>@ And in that He said, Cry aloud, thou that travailest not, He meaneth this; Let us not, like women in travail, grow weary of offering up our prayers with simplicity to God.

Found: Barnabas:3:6 @ To this end therefore, my brethren, He that is long-suffering, foreseeing that the people whom He had prepared in His well-beloved would believe in simplicity, manifested to us beforehand concerning all things, that we might not as novices shipwreck ourselves upon their law.

Found: Barnabas:10:4 @ Neither shalt thou eat eagle nor falcon nor kite nor crow. Thou shalt not, He saith, cleave unto, or be likened to, such men who now not how to provide food for themselves by toil and sweat, but in their lawlessness seize what belongeth to others, and as if they were walking in guilelessness watch and search about for some one to rob in their rapacity, just as these birds alone do not provide food for themselves, but sit idle and seek how they may eat the meat that belongeth to others, being pestilent in their evil-doings.

Found: Barnabas:16:5 @ Again, it was revealed how the city and the temple and the people of Israel should be betrayed. For the scripture saith; And it shall be in the last days, that the Lord shall deliver up the sheep of the pasture and the fold and the tower thereof to destruction. And it came to pass as the Lord spake.

Found: Barnabas:17:1 @ So far as it was possible with all simplicity to declare it unto you, my soul hopeth that I have not omitted anything of the matters pertaining unto salvation and so failed in my desire.

Found: Hermas:2:4 @ Then she said, "Far be this thing from the servant of God! Nevertheless the thought did enter into thy heart concerning her. Now to the servants of God such a purpose bringeth sin. For it is an evil and mad purpose to overtake a devout spirit that hath been already approved, that it should desire an evil deed, and especially if it be Hermas the temperate, who abstaineth from every evil desire, and is full of all simplicity and of great guilelessness.

Found: Hermas:37:2 @ But herein is thy salvation, in that thou didst not depart from the living God, and in thy simplicity and thy great continence. These have saved thee, if thou abidest therein; and they save all who do such things, and walk in guilelessness and simplicity. These men prevail over all wickedness, and continue unto life eternal.

Found: Hermas:48:3 @ Thou shalt therefore write two little books, and shalt send one to Clement, and one to Grapte. So Clement shall send to the foreign cities, for this is his duty; while Grapte shall instruct the widows and the orphans. But thou shalt read (the book) to this city along with the elders that preside over the Church.

Found: Hermas:19y:9 @ When then I wanted to sit down on the right side, she would not allow me, but beckoned me with her hand that I should sit on the left side. As then I was musing thereon, and was sad because she would not permit me to sit on the right side, she saith to me, "Art thou sad, Hermas? The place on the right side is for others, even for those who have already been well-pleasing to God, and have suffered for the Name's sake. But thou lackest much that thou shouldest sit with them; but as thou abidest in thy simplicity, even so, and thou shalt sit with them, thou and as many as shall have done their deeds, and have suffered what they suffered."

Found: Hermas:816:5 @ "And the others, lady, who be they?" "They are daughters one of the other. The name of the one is Simplicity, of the next, Knowledge, of the next, Guilelessness, of the next, Reverence, of the next, Love. When then thou shalt do all the works of their mother, thou canst live."

Found: Hermas:816:7 @ Their powers are mastered each by the other, and they follow each other, in the order in which they were born. From Faith is born Continence, from Continence Simplicity, from Simplicity Guilelessness, from Guilelessness Reverence, from Reverence Knowledge, from Knowledge Love. Their works then are pure and reverent and divine.

Found: Hermas:917:1 @ "Hear me, my children. I brought you up in much simplicity and guilelessness and reverence, through the mercy of the Lord, Who instilled righteousness into you, that ye might be justified and sanctified from all wickedness and all crookedness. But ye will not to cease from your wickedness.

Found: Hermas:122:8 @ Having therefore, brethren, put on the faith of the Lord and called to mind the mighty works that He had taught me, I took courage and gave myself up to the beast. Now the beast was coming on with such a rush, that it might have ruined a city.

Found: Hermas:127:1 @ He saith to me; "Keep simplicity and be guileless, and thou shalt be as little children, that know not the wickedness which destroyeth the life of men.

Found: Hermas:128:4 @ "Your supposition," he saith, "is right and true, for it behoved thee as a servant of God to walk in truth, and no complicity with evil should abide with the Spirit of truth, nor bring grief to the Spirit which is holy and true." "Never, Sir," say I, "heard I clearly words such as these."

Found: Hermas:150:1 @ He saith to me; "Ye know that ye, who are the servants of God, are dwelling in a foreign land; for your city is far from this city. If then ye know your city, in which ye shall dwell, why do ye here prepare fields and expensive displays and buildings and dwelling-chambers which are superfluous?

Found: Hermas:150:2 @ He, therefore, that prepareth these things for this city does not purpose to return to his own city.

Found: Hermas:150:3 @ O foolish and double-minded and miserable man, perceivest thou not that all these things are foreign, and are under the power of another For the lord of this city shall say, "I do not wish thee to dwell in my city; go forth from this city, for thou dost not conform to my laws."

Found: Hermas:150:5 @ What then shalt thou do, who art under law in thine own city? For the sake of thy fields and the rest of thy possessions wilt thou altogether repudiate thy law, and walk according to the law of this city? Take heed, lest it be inexpedient to repudiate the law; for if thou shouldest desire to return again to thy city, thou shall surely not be received because thou didst repudiate the law of the city, and shalt be shut out from it.

Found: Hermas:150:6 @ Take heed therefore; as dwelling in a strange land prepare nothing more for thyself but a competency which is sufficient for thee, and make ready that, whensoever the master of this city may desire to cast thee out for thine opposition to his law, thou mayest go forth from his city and depart into thine own city and use thine own law joyfully, free from all insult.

Found: Hermas:150:9 @ For to this end the Master enriched you, that ye might perform these ministrations for Him. It is much better to purchase fields and possessions and houses of this kind, which thou wilt find in thine own city, when thou visitest it.

Found: Hermas:1289:5 @ For if thou wishest to enter into any city, and that city is walled all round and has one gate only, canst thou enter into that city except through the gate which it hath?" "Why, how, Sir," say I, "is it possible otherwise?" "If then thou canst not enter into the city except through the gate itself, even so," saith he, "a man cannot enter into the kingdom of God except by the name of His Son that is beloved by Him.

Found: Hermas:1592:2 @ The first is Faith, and the second, Continence, and the third, Power, and the fourth, Long-suffering. But the others stationed between them have these names--Simplicity, Guilelessness, Purity, Cheerfulness, Truth, Understanding, Concord, Love. He that beareth these names and the name of the Son of God shall be able to enter into the kingdom of God.

Found: Hermas:24101:3 @ The Lord then seeing their simplicity and entire childliness made them to abound in the labors of their hands, and bestowed favor on them in all their doings.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:9:3 @ My spirit saluteth you, and the love of the churches which received me in the name of Jesus Christ, not as a mere wayfarer; for even those churches which did not lie on my route after the flesh went before me from city to city.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:11:1 @ Your prayer sped forth unto the church which is in Antioch of Syria; whence coming a prisoner in most godly bonds I salute all men, though I am not worthy to belong to it, being the very last of them. By the Divine will was this vouchsafed to me, not of my own complicity, but by God's grace, which I pray may be given to me perfectly, that through your prayers I may attain unto God.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:5:1 @ Now the glorious Polycarp at the first, when he heard it, so far from being dismayed, was desirous of remaining in town; but the greater part persuaded him to withdraw. So he withdrew to a farm not far distant from the city; and there he stayed with a few companions, doing nothing else night and day but praying for all men and for the churches throughout the world; for this was his constant habit.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:8:1 @ But when at length he brought his prayer to an end, after remembering all who at any time had come in his way, small and great, high and low, and all the universal Church throughout the world, the hour of departure being come, they seated him on an ass and brought him into the city, it being a high Sabbath.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:2 @ This account Gaius copied from the papers of Irenaeus. The same lived with Irenaeus who had been a disciple of the holy Polycarp. For this Irenaeus, being in Rome at the time of the martyrdom of the bishop Polycarp, instructed many; and many most excellent and orthodox treatises by him are in circulation. In these he makes mention of Polycarp, saying that he was taught by him. And he ably refuted every heresy, and handed down the catholic rule of the Church just as he had received it from the saint. He mentions this fact also, that when Marcion, after whom the Marcionites are called, met the holy Polycarp on one occasion, and said 'Recognize us, Polycarp,' he said in reply to Marcion, 'Yes indeed, I recognize the firstborn of Satan.' The following statement also is made in the writings of Irenaeus, that on the very day and hour when Polycarp was martyred in Smyrna Irenaeus being in the city of the Romans heard a voice as of a trumpet saying, ' Polycarp is martyred.'

Found: dict:torrey Simplicity @ Simplicity

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL city @ (22)

Found: psalter@Revelation:11:8 @ great city - END TIME - GENERAL

Found: psalter@Revelation:16:19 @ great city split 3 parts - END TIME - GENERAL

Found: psalter@Revelation:17:18 @ great city dominion - END TIME - GENERAL

Found: psalter@Revelation:18:10 @ great city judged - END TIME - GENERAL

Found: psalter@Revelation:18:16-21 @ great city laid waste - END TIME - GENERAL

Found: @ Genesis Veracity

Found: psalter@Deuteronomy:21:19 @ Court held at gate of city - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: ARCHAEOLOGY @ Factual Evidence

Found: ARCHAEOLOGY @ City of David

Found: UNSORTED @ Canonicity 1

Found: UNSORTED @ Canonicity 2

Found: UNSORTED @ Canonicity 3

Found: city @ kjv@CONCORD:city

Found: simplicity @ kjv@CONCORD:simplicity

Found: psalter@Luke:24:49 @ Jesus By Command - tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power

Found: dict:easton Adam, the city of @ Adam, the city of

Found: dict:easton Palm trees, The city of @ Palm trees, The city of

Found: dict:easton Salt, The city of @ Salt, The city of

Found: , C3 Church San Diego // AUDIO , Religion and Spirituality , C3 Church San Diego; jurgen; leanne; matthesius; c3; church; christian; city; church; san; diego; ccc; c3sandiego; c3 , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , C3 Powerhouse Sunshine Coast Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , C3 Powerhouse Sunshine Coast; jurgen; leanne; matthesius; c3; church; christian; city; church; san; diego; ccc; c3sandiego; c3 , PODCAST , , Australian English; Australia ,

Found: , Café PHÁP (Dharma Espresso) , Religion and Spirituality , Thầy Hằng Trường; jurgen; leanne; matthesius; c3; church; christian; city; church; san; diego; ccc; c3sandiego; c3 , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Cafeteria Christian , Religion and Spirituality , Cafeteria Christian & Alter Guild; jurgen; leanne; matthesius; c3; church; christian; city; church; san; diego; ccc; c3sandiego; c3 , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Call and Response with Krishna Das , Religion and Spirituality , Kirtan Wallah Foundation; jurgen; leanne; matthesius; c3; church; christian; city; church; san; diego; ccc; c3sandiego; c3 , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , CityLife Church Australia , Religion and Spirituality , Tim Costello; god; citylife; church; Andrew Hill; christian; christianity; city life , PODCAST , , Australian English; Australia ,

Found: , CITYLIGHTS , Religion and Spirituality , CITYLIGHTS Podcast; god; citylife; church; Andrew Hill; christian; christianity; city life , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Mill City Church Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Mill City Church; marriagemotherhoodparentingchristianityfaithwifehusband , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: LA Cityview 35,