Indexes Search Result: indexed - country
Found: kjv@Luke:2:8 @ And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in...

Found: dict:easton North country @ North country

Found: dict:hitchcock Assyria @ country of Assur or Ashur - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Haran @ mountainous country - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Jesui @ even-tempered; flat country - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Sinim @ south country, - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: MARCH26 AM @ The kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods . . . to every man according to his several ability.-jub@Matthew:25:14-15 jub@Romans:6:16 jub@1Corinthians:12:11 jub@1Corinthians:12:7. jub@1Peter:4:10. jub@1Corinthians:4:2. jub@Luke:12:48 jub@2Corinthians:2:16. jub@Philippians:4:13.

Found: JUNE10 AM @ The younger son took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.-jub@Luke:15:13. jub@1Corinthians:6:11. jub@Ephesians:2:3-6 jub@1John:4:10 jub@Romans:5:8-10.

Found: NOVEMBER8 PM @ The children of Israel pitched before them like two little flocks of kids; but the Syrians filled the country.-- jub@1Kings:20:27@20:28-29. jub@1John:4:4 jub@Isaiah:41:10 jub@Jeremiah:1:19.

Found: 1Clement:4:10 <1CLEMENT>@ Jealousy compelled Moses to flee from the face of Pharaoh king of Egypt while it was said to him by his own countryman, Who made thee a judge or a decider over us, Wouldest thou slay me, even as yesterday thou slewest the Egyptian?

Found: 1Clement:11:1 <1CLEMENT>@ For his hospitality and godliness Lot was saved from Sodom, when all the country round about was judged by fire and brimstone; the Master having thus fore shown that He forsaketh not them which set their hope on Him, but appointeth unto punishment and torment them which swerve aside.

Found: 1Clement:12:2 <1CLEMENT>@ For when the spies were sent forth unto Jericho by Joshua the son of Nun, the king of the land perceived that they were come to spy out his country, and sent forth men to seize them, that being seized they might be put to death.

Found: 1Clement:25:3 <1CLEMENT>@ But, as the flesh rotteth, a certain worm is engendered, which is nurtured from the moisture of the dead creature and putteth forth wings. Then, when it is grown lusty, it taketh up that coffin where are the bones of its parent, and carrying them journeyeth from the country of Arabia even unto Egypt, to the place called the City of the Sun;

Found: 1Clement:42:4 <1CLEMENT>@ So preaching everywhere in country and town, they appointed their firstfruits, when they had proved them by the Spirit, to be bishops and deacons unto them that should believe.

Found: 1Clement:55:5 <1CLEMENT>@ So she exposed herself to peril and went forth for love of her country and of her people which were beleaguered; and the Lord delivered Holophernes into the hand of a woman.

Found: Barnabas:7:8 @ And do ye all spit upon it and goad it, and place scarlet wool about its head, and so let it be cast into the wilderness. And when it is so done, he that taketh the goat into the wilderness leadeth it, and taketh off the wool, and putteth it upon the branch which is called Rachia, the same whereof we are wont to eat the shoots when we find them in the country. Of this briar alone is the fruit thus sweet.

Found: Diognetus:5:5 @ They dwell in their own countries, but only as sojourners; they bear their share in all things as citizens, and they endure all hardships as strangers. Every foreign country is a fatherland to them, and every fatherland is foreign.

Found: Hermas:1:3 @ After a certain time, as I was journeying to Cumae, and glorifying God's creatures for their greatness and splendor and power, as I walked I fell asleep. And a Spirit took me, and bore me away through a pathless tract, through which no man could pass: for the place was precipitous, and broken into clefts by reason of the waters. When then I had crossed the river, I came into the level country, and knelt down, and began to pray to the Lord and to confess my sins.

Found: Hermas:15:4 @ I took it, and retiring to a certain spot in the country I copied it letter for letter: for I could not make out the syllables. When then I had finished the letters of the book, suddenly the book was snatched out of my hand; but by whom I did not see.

Found: Hermas:19y:2 @ After fasting often, and entreating the Lord to declare unto me the revelation which He promised to show me by the mouth of the aged woman, that very night the aged woman was seen of me, and she said to me, "Seeing that thou art so importunate and eager to know all things, come into the country where thou abidest, and about the fifth hour I will appear, and will show thee what thou oughtest to see."

Found: Hermas:19y:3 @ I asked her, saying, "Lady, to what part of the country?" "Where thou wilt," saith she. I selected a beautiful and retired spot; but before I spoke to her and named the spot, she saith to me, "I will come, whither thou willest."

Found: Hermas:19y:4 @ I went then, brethren, into the country, and I counted up the hours, and came to the place where I appointed her to come, and I see an ivory couch placed there, and on the couch there lay a linen cushion, and on the cushion was spread a coverlet of fine linen of flax.

Found: Hermas:122:2 @ I was going into the country by the Companion Way. From the high road, it is about ten stades; and the place is easy for traveling.

Found: Hermas:150:4 @ Thou, therefor who hast fields and dwellings and many other possessions, when thou art cast out by him, what wilt thou do with thy field and thy house am all the other things that thou preparedst for thyself? For the lord of this country saith to thee justly, "Either conform to my laws, or depart from my country."

Found: Hermas:161:5 @ And after he had told these things to me, he saith to me, "Let us go into the country, and I will show thee the shepherds of the sheep." "Let us go, Sir," say I. And we came to a certain plain, and he showeth me a young man, a shepherd, clothed in a light cloak, of saffron color;

Found: IgnatiusRomans:prologue:1 @ Ignatius, who is also Theophorus, unto her that hath found mercy in the bountifulness of the Father Most High and of Jesus Christ His only Son; to the church that is beloved and enlightened through the will of Him who willed all things that are, by faith and love towards Jesus Christ our God; even unto her that hath the presidency in the country of the region of the Romans, being worthy of God, worthy of honor, worthy of felicitation, worthy of praise, worthy of success, worthy in purity, and having the presidency of love, walking in the law of Christ and bearing the Father's name; which church also I salute in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Father; unto them that in flesh and spirit are united unto His every commandment, being filled with the grace of God without wavering, and filtered clear from every foreign stain; abundant greeting in Jesus Christ our God in blamelessness.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL country @ (8)

Found: country @ kjv@CONCORD:country

Found: countrymen @ kjv@CONCORD:countrymen

Found: dict:easton North country @ North country

Found: , Hope Sounds , Religion and Spirituality , K-LOVE Radio; castingcrowns; christianmusic; dannygokey; faith; forkingandcountry; god; jesus; klove; laurendaigle; mandisa; mercyme; nataliegrant; positivemusic; , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Massey's Music Productions , Religion and Spirituality , Rick Massey; acoustic; amateur; baptist; bluegrass; catholic; charismatic; christian; contemporary; country; episcopal; god; gospel; independent; indie; jesus; local , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Master Mind; Body & Spirit , Religion and Spirituality , Matt Belair; acoustic; amateur; baptist; bluegrass; catholic; charismatic; christian; contemporary; country; episcopal; god; gospel; independent; indie; jesus; local , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Strang Report , Religion and Spirituality , Charisma Podcast Network; country; usa; america; christian; faith; government; president; prayer; leaders; nation; intercession; interceded , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Street Apologist w Vocab Malone , Religion and Spirituality , Vocab Malone; country; usa; america; christian; faith; government; president; prayer; leaders; nation; intercession; interceded , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership with Ruth Haley Barton , Religion and Spirituality , Ruth Haley Barton; country; usa; america; christian; faith; government; president; prayer; leaders; nation; intercession; interceded , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Stronger Leadership Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Deanna Shrodes ; country; usa; america; christian; faith; government; president; prayer; leaders; nation; intercession; interceded , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,