Indexes Search Result: indexed - covenants
Found: @ Two Covenants ( - Andrew Murray )

Found: @ COVENANT THEOLOGY –– the position that all of the post-fall covenants made by God are essentially one, centering on God's gracious promise in Jesus Christ, with each successive covenant expanding on previous ones, rather than disgarding them or running parallel to the others; the covenants prior to Christ were marked by anticipation and administered by foreshadows, while the fulfillment or substance was found in Christ's person and redemptive work, establishing the New Covenant today

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ British Israelism or "Anglo-Israelism": The Christian belief that many modern descendants of British and European heritage are descended from the Ten Lost Tribes or directly from the Tribe of Judah and thereby the heirs of the covenants with Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

Found: covenants @ kjv@CONCORD:covenants