Indexes Search Result: indexed - cried
Found: kjv@Matthew:21:9 @ And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried,...

Found: kjv@Luke:23:46 @ And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he...

Found: kjv@Matthew:27:46 @ And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud...

Found: kjv@Mark:15:39 @ And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw...

Found: 7 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL cried with a loud voice,

Found: APRIL16 AM @ I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes: nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.-psalter@Psalms:31:22 psalter@Psalms:69:2. psalter@Lamentations:3:54-57 psalter@Psalms:77:7-11. psalter@Psalms:27:13.

Found: SEPTEMBER18 PM @ En-hakkore. (Or, The well of him that cried.)-psalter@Judges:15:19 psalter@John:4:10. psalter@John:7:37-39 psalter@Malachi:3:10. psalter@Luke:11:13. psalter@Luke:11:9 psalter@Galatians:4:6. psalter@Romans:8:15.

Found: 1Clement:22:7 <1CLEMENT>@ The righteous cried out, and the Lord heard him, and delivered him from all his troubles. Many are the troubles of the righteous, and the Lord shall deliver him from them all.

Found: 1Clement:34:6 <1CLEMENT>@ For the scripture saith, Ten thousands of ten thousands stood by Him, and thousands of thousands ministered unto Him: and they cried aloud, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Sabaoth; all creation is full of His glory.

Found: Hermas:816:9 @ Then I asked her concerning the seasons, whether the consummation is even now. But she cried aloud, saying, "Foolish man, seest thou not that the tower is still a-building? Whensoever therefore the tower shall be finished building, the end cometh; but it shall be built up quickly. Ask me no more questions: this reminder is sufficient for you and for the saints, and is the renewal of your spirits.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:19:1 @ And hidden from the prince of this world were the virginity of Mary and her child-bearing and likewise also the death of the Lord--three mysteries to be cried aloud--the which were wrought in the silence of God. How then were they made manifest to the ages?

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:7:1 @ For even though certain persons desired to deceive me after the flesh, yet the spirit is not deceived, being from God; for it knoweth whence it cometh and whence it goeth, and it searcheth out the hidden things. I cried out, when I was among you; I spake with a loud voice, with God's own voice, Give ye heed to the bishop and the presbytery and deacons.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:12:2 @ When this was proclaimed by the herald, the whole multitude both of Gentiles and of Jews who dwelt in Smyrna cried out with ungovernable wrath and with a loud shout, 'This is the teacher of Asia, the father of the Christians, the puller down of our gods, who teacheth numbers not to sacrifice nor worship.' Saying these things, they shouted aloud and asked the Asiarch Philip to let a lion loose upon Polycarp. But he said that it was not lawful for him, since he had brought the sports to a close.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL cried @ (10)

Found: cried @ kjv@CONCORD:cried

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL cried with a loud voice, @ 7