Indexes Search Result: indexed - crucified
Found: kjv@Matthew:28:5 @ And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear...

Found: kjv@Galatians:2:20 @ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not...

Found: Barnabas:7:3 @ But moreover when crucified He had vinegar and gall given Him to drink. Hear how on this matter the priests of the temple have revealed. Seeing that there is a commandment in scripture, Whatsoever shall not observe the fast shall surely die, the Lord commanded, because He was in His own person about to offer the vessel of His Spirit a sacrifice for our sins, that the type also which was given in Isaac who was offered upon the alter should be fulfilled.

Found: Barnabas:7:9 @ What then meaneth this? Give heed. The one at the alter, and the other accursed. And moreover the accursed one crowned. For they shall see Him in that day wearing the long scarlet robe about His flesh, and shall say, Is not this He, Whom once we crucified and set at nought and spat upon; verily this was He, Who then said that He was the Son of God.

Found: Barnabas:12:1 @ In like manner again He defineth concerning the cross in another prophet, who saith; And when shall these things be accomplished? saith the Lord. Whenever a tree shall be bended and stand upright, and whensoever blood shall drop from a tree. Again thou art taught concerning the cross, and Him that was to be crucified.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:16:2 @ If then they which do these things after the flesh are put to death, how much more if a man through evil doctrine corrupt the faith of God for which Jesus Christ was crucified. Such a man, having defiled himself, shall go into the unquenchable fire; and in like manner also shall he that hearkeneth unto him.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:7:2 @ Even though I myself, when I am with you, should beseech you, obey me not; but rather give credence to these things which I write to you. For I write to you in the midst of life, yet lusting after death. My lust hath been crucified, and there is no fire of material longing in me, but only water living and speaking in me, saying within me, Come to the Father.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:17:2 @ So he put forward Nicetes, the father of Herod and brother of Alce, to plead with the magistrate not to give up his body, 'lest,' so it was said, 'they should abandon the crucified one and begin to worship this man'--this being done at the instigation and urgent entreaty of the Jews, who also watched when we were about to take it from the fire, not knowing that it will be impossible for us either to forsake at any time the Christ who suffered for the salvation of the whole world of those that are saved--suffered though faultless for sinners--nor to worship any other.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL crucified @ (8)

Found: crucified @ kjv@CONCORD:crucified

Found: rwp@Psalms:22:17 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah’s bones will not be broken (a person’s legs were usually broken after being crucified to speed up their death) kjv@John:19:31-33-36

Found: rwp@Psalms:34:20 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah’s bones will not be broken (a person’s legs were usually broken after being crucified to speed up their death) kjv@John:19:31-33-36

Found: rwp@Isaiah:53:12 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah will be crucified with criminals kjv@Matthew:27:38; kjv@Mark:15:27; kjv@Luke:23:32-33