Indexes Search Result: indexed - culo
Found: December30 @ val@John:21:1-14 Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish

Found: dict:torrey Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit @ Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Found: val@John:21 @ The Miraculous Catch of Fish

Found: val@Jonah:1 @ JONAH - The Old Testament counterpart of kjv@John:3:16, this book declares the universality of God’s love embracing even pagan nations. Its authorship and historicity are disputed. If one is willing to accept the miraculous, there is no compelling reason to deny its historicity. There is a strong possibility that the book is about Jonah and not by him. The author relates how Jonah refused God’s call to preach to the people of Nineveh, his punishment for this disobedience, his ready response to a second summons, and his bitter complaint at God’s sparing the city following her repentance. Christ Himself alludes to Jonah when speaking of His own death and Resurrection ( kjv@Matthew:12:39, kjv@Matthew:16:4; kjv@Luke:11:29-32 ).

Found: val@Mark:1 @ MARK - The Gospel of Mark, the shortest, is also held by most to be the first of the Gospels to be written. A tradition dating from the 2nd century ascribes this book to John Mark, a companion of Peter and also of Paul and Barnabas in their missionary endeavors. The preaching of Peter may well have been the source of most of Mark’s material. Mark accounts for the ministry of Jesus from His Baptism to His Ascension. Most commentaries agree that Mark’s purpose was neither biographical nor historical, but theological: to present Jesus as the Christ, the mighty worker rather than great teacher. Hence, Mark makes fewer references to the Parables and discourses, but meticulously records each of Jesus’ "mighty works" as evidence of His divine power. Mark contains 20 specific miracles and alludes to others. Bible scholars quite generally agree that Mark wrote his Gospel in Rome for the gentiles.

Found: John:21 @ The Miraculous Catch of Fish

Found: Diognetus:4:1 @ But again their scruples concerning meats, and their superstition relating to the Sabbath and the vanity of their circumcision and the dissimulation of their fasting and new moons, I do not suppose you need to learn from me, are ridiculous and unworthy of any consideration.

Found: Diognetus:4:4 @ Again, to vaunt the mutilation of the flesh as a token of election as though for this reason they were particularly beloved by God, is not this ridiculous?

Found: dict:torrey Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit @ Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Found: December30 @ val@John:21:1-14 Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish journal:December30

Found: December30 @ John:21:1-14 Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish

Found: val@John:21:1-14 @ Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish

Found: December30,105[John_21_1-14],val@John:21:1-14,Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish