Indexes Search Result: indexed - down
Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:10 @ For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:5 @ Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:6 @ O my God, my soul is cast down within me:...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:11 @ Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why...

Found: kjv@Amos:5:24 @ But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:5 @ Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve...

Found: kjv@Hebrews:12:2 @ Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;...

Found: kjv@James:1:17 @ Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,...

Found: kjv@John:15:13 @ Greater love hath no man than this, that a man...

Found: kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:3 @ A time to kill, and a time to heal; a...

Found: kjv@Job:11:19 @ Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee...

Found: kjv@Psalms:23:2 @ He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:11:6 @ The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:11:7 @ And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young...

Found: 001552 @ The Sanctuary Downtown Peter Hiett 1660 Shermon St. Denver, NY 80203 Call: 720-341-5060

Found: Nehemiah:4:4-11 @ DISCOURAGEMENT - A blight on Christianity is a discouraged, downcast, defeated Christian who is saying by his attitude and life that God is not powerful enough. What causes discouragement?

Found: Isaiah:6:5-7 @ SPIRITUAL GROWTH - V. It comes as we keep our eyes on the Lord so we won't look down on others (vv.5-7)

Found: dict:hitchcock Harum @ high; throwing down - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Jared @ a ruling; commanding; coming down - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jarmuth @ fearing, or seeing, or throwing down, death - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jered @ ruling; coming down - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jeriah @ fear, or throwing down, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Julia @ downy; soft and tender hair - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Maachah @ pressed down; worn; fastened - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Mikloth @ little wants; little voices; looking downward - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Raddai @ ruling; coming down - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Reba @ the fourth; a square; that lies or stoops down - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Taanach-shilo @ breaking down a fig-tree - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: dict:hitchcock Tahath @ fear; going down - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: dict:hitchcock Ziklag @ measure pressed down - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: THEOLOGY MAJOR TOPICS @ Theology Proper : the study of God's attributes, nature, and relation to the world. May include: Theodicy : attempts at reconciling the existence of evil and suffering in the world with the nature and justice of God; Apophatic theology : negative theology which seeks to describe God by negation (e.g., immutable, impassible ). It is the discussion of what God is not, or the investigation of how language about God breaks down (see the nature of God in Western theology). Apophatic theology often is contrasted with "Cataphatic theology."

Found: kjc@Nahum:1 @ NAHUM - This book is a vivid prediction of the approaching downfall of Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, one of the most warlike of the ancient heathen nations. Of the Prophet Nahum, whose name means "consolation" or "comfort", little is known. His purpose was to comfort his people, long harassed by Assyria, with the promise that this cruel and oppressing people would soon meet destruction at God’s hand.

Found: JANUARY13 PM @ Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.-kjc@Ephesians:4:26 kjc@Matthew:18:15 kjc@Matthew:18:21-22. kjc@Mark:11:25 kjc@Colossians:3:12-13. kjc@Ephesians:4:32 kjc@Luke:17:5.

Found: FEBRUARY22 PM @ When thou liest down, thou shall not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.-kjc@Proverbs:3:24 kjc@Mark:4:37-38 kjc@Philippians:4:6-7 kjc@Psalms:4:8. kjc@Psalms:127:2 kjc@Acts:7:59-60. kjc@2Corinthians:5:8.

Found: MARCH13 PM @ O my God, my soul is cast down within me.-kjc@Psalms:42:6 kjc@Isaiah:26:3-4 kjc@Psalms:55:22. kjc@Psalms:22:24. kjc@James:5:13 kjc@John:14:27. kjc@Matthew:6:25-26. kjc@John:20:27 kjc@Matthew:28:20.

Found: MARCH25 PM @ Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing; nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.-kjc@Luke:5:5. kjc@Matthew:28:18-20 kjc@Matthew:13:47 kjc@1Corinthians:9:16 kjc@1Corinthians:9:22 kjc@Galatians:6:9. kjc@Isaiah:55:11. kjc@1Corinthians:3:7.

Found: JUNE20 PM @ Thou compassest my path and my lying down.-kjc@Psalms:139:3. kjc@Genesis:28:16-17 kjc@2Chronicles:16:9 kjc@Psalms:4:8 kjc@Psalms:91:9-11. kjc@Proverbs:3:24. kjc@Psalms:127:2.

Found: JULY29 AM @ Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down.-kjc@Isaiah:64:1 kjc@Songs:8:14. kjc@Romans:8:23. kjc@Psalms:144:5 kjc@Acts:1:11. kjc@Hebrews:9:28. kjc@Isaiah:25:9 kjc@Revelation:22:20. kjc@Titus:2:13. kjc@Philippians:3:20.

Found: AUGUST28 AM @ The accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.-kjc@Revelation:12:10 kjc@Revelation:12:11. kjc@Romans:8:33-34 kjc@Colossians:2:15. kjc@Hebrews:2:14-15. kjc@Romans:8:37. kjc@Ephesians:6:11 kjc@Ephesians:6:17. kjc@1Corinthians:15:57.

Found: AUGUST29 PM @ I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.-kjc@Psalms:4:8 kjc@Psalms:91:5 kjc@Psalms:91:4. kjc@Matthew:23:37. kjc@Psalms:121:3-5 kjc@Psalms:61:4. kjc@Psalms:139:12 kjc@Romans:8:32. kjc@1Corinthians:3:23. kjc@Isaiah:12:2.

Found: SEPTEMBER2 PM @ He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.-kjc@Psalms:23:2 kjc@Isaiah:57:20-21 kjc@Matthew:11:28. kjc@Psalms:37:7. kjc@Hebrews:4:10 kjc@Hebrews:13:9. kjc@Ephesians:4:14-15 kjc@Songs:2:3-4.

Found: SEPTEMBER29 AM @ Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us.-kjc@1John:3:16 kjc@Ephesians:3:19. kjc@John:15:13. kjc@2Corinthians:8:9. kjc@1John:4:11. kjc@Ephesians:4:32. kjc@Colossians:3:13. kjc@Mark:10:45. kjc@1Peter:2:21 kjc@John:13:14-15. kjc@1John:3:16.

Found: NOVEMBER22 PM @ There is a hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.-kjc@Job:14:7 kjc@Isaiah:42:3. kjc@Psalms:23:3 kjc@2Corinthians:7:10. kjc@Hebrews:12:11 kjc@Psalms:119:67. kjc@Ezra:9:13 kjc@Micah:7:8-9.

Found: @ Dagon-fallen-down-before-the-ark

Found: 1Clement:4:12 <1CLEMENT>@ Jealousy brought Dathan and Abiram down alive to hades, because they made sedition against Moses the servant of God.

Found: 1Clement:7:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Wherefore let us forsake idle and vain thoughts; and let us conform to the glorious and venerable rule which hath been handed down to us;

Found: 1Clement:9:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Wherefore let us be obedient unto His excellent and glorious will; and presenting ourselves as suppliants of His mercy and goodness, let us fall down before Him and betake ourselves unto His compassions, forsaking the vain toil and the strife and the jealousy which leadeth unto death.

Found: 1Clement:19:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Seeing then that we have been partakers of many great and glorious doings, let us hasten to return unto the goal of peace which hath been handed down to us from the beginning, and let us look steadfastly unto the Father and Maker of the whole world, and cleave unto His splendid and excellent gifts of peace and benefits.

Found: 1Clement:48:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us therefore root this out quickly, and let us fall down before the Master and entreat Him with tears, that He may show Himself propitious and be reconciled unto us, and may restore us to the seemly and pure conduct which belongeth to our love of the brethren.

Found: 1Clement:51:2 <1CLEMENT>@ For such as walk in fear and love desire that they themselves should fall into suffering rather than their neighbors; and they pronounce condemnation against themselves rather than against the harmony which hath been handed down to us nobly and righteously.

Found: 1Clement:51:4 <1CLEMENT>@ for they went down to hades alive, and Death shall be their shepherd.

Found: 1Clement:53:2 <1CLEMENT>@ When Moses went up into the mountain and had spent forty days and forty nights in fasting and humiliation, God said unto him; Moses, Moses, come down , quickly hence, for My people whom thou leadest forth from the land of Egypt have wrought iniquity: they have transgressed quickly out of the way which thou didst command unto them: they have made for themselves molten images.

Found: Barnabas:4:8 @ But they lost it by turning unto idols. For thus saith the Lord; Moses, Moses, come down quickly; for thy people whom thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt hath done unlawfully. And Moses understood, and threw the two tables from his hands; and their covenant was broken in pieces, that the covenant of the beloved Jesus might be sealed unto our hearts in the hope which springeth from faith in Him.

Found: Barnabas:11:8 @ Ye perceive how He pointed out the water and the cross at the same time. For this is the meaning; Blessed are they that set their hope on the cross, and go down into the water; for He speaketh of the reward at his proper season; then, saith He, I will repay. But now what saith He? His leaves shall not fall off; He meaneth by this that every word, which shall come forth from you through your mouth in faith and love, shall be for the conversion and hope of many.

Found: Barnabas:11:11 @ This He saith, because we go down into the water laden with sins and filth, and rise up from it bearing fruit in the heart, resting our fear and hope on Jesus in the spirit. And whosoever shall eat of these shall live forever; He meaneth this; whosoever, saith He, shall hear these things spoken and shall believe, shall live forever.

Found: Barnabas:12:11 @ And again thus sayith Isaiah; The Lord said unto my Christ the Lord, of whose right hand I laid hold, that the nations should give ear before Him, and I will break down the strength of kings. See how David calleth Him Lord, and calleth Him not Son.

Found: Barnabas:14:2 @ For the prophet saith; And Moses was fasting in Mount Sinai forty days and forty nights, that he might receive the covenant of the Lord to give to the people. And Moses received from the Lord the two tables which were written by the finger of the hand of the Lord in the spirit. And Moses took them, and brought them down to give them to the people.

Found: Barnabas:14:3 @ And the Lord said unto Moses; Moses, Moses, come down quickly; for thy people, whom thou leddest forth from the land of Egypt, hath done wickedly. And Moses perceived that they had made for themselves again molten images, and he cast them out of his hands and the tables of the covenant of the Lord were broken in pieces.

Found: Barnabas:16:3 @ Furthermore He saith again; Behold they that pulled down this temple themselves shall build it.

Found: Barnabas:16:4 @ So it cometh to pass; for because they went to war it was pulled down by their enemies. Now also the very servants of their enemies shall build it up.

Found: Diognetus:11:1 @ Mine are no strange discourses nor perverse questionings, but having been a disciple of Apostles I come forward as a teacher of the Gentiles, ministering worthily to them, as they present themselves disciples of the truth, the lessons which have been handed down.

Found: Hermas:1:3 @ After a certain time, as I was journeying to Cumae, and glorifying God's creatures for their greatness and splendor and power, as I walked I fell asleep. And a Spirit took me, and bore me away through a pathless tract, through which no man could pass: for the place was precipitous, and broken into clefts by reason of the waters. When then I had crossed the river, I came into the level country, and knelt down, and began to pray to the Lord and to confess my sins.

Found: Hermas:2:2 @ While I was advising and discussing these matters in my heart, I see, before me a great white chair of snow-white wool; and there came an aged lady in glistening raiment, having a book in her hands, and she sat down alone, and she saluted me, "Good morrow, Hermas." Then I grieved and weeping, said, "Good morrow, lady."

Found: Hermas:2:3 @ And she said to me "Why so gloomy, Hermas, thou that art patient and good-tempered and art always smiling? Why so downcast in thy looks, and far from cheerful?" And I said to her, "Because of an excellent lady's saying that I had sinned against her."

Found: Hermas:19y:5 @ When I saw these things so ordered, and no one in the place, I was amazed, and a fit of trembling seized me, and my hair stood on end; and a fit of shuddering came upon me, because I was alone. When then I recovered myself, and remembered the glory of God, and took courage, I knelt down and confessed my sins to the Lord once more, as I had done on the former occasion.

Found: Hermas:19y:8 @ And after the young men had retired and we were left alone, she saith to me, "Sit down here." I say to her, "Lady, let the elders sit down first." "Do as I bid thee," saith she, "sit down."

Found: Hermas:19y:9 @ When then I wanted to sit down on the right side, she would not allow me, but beckoned me with her hand that I should sit on the left side. As then I was musing thereon, and was sad because she would not permit me to sit on the right side, she saith to me, "Art thou sad, Hermas? The place on the right side is for others, even for those who have already been well-pleasing to God, and have suffered for the Name's sake. But thou lackest much that thou shouldest sit with them; but as thou abidest in thy simplicity, even so, and thou shalt sit with them, thou and as many as shall have done their deeds, and have suffered what they suffered."

Found: Hermas:1220:2 @ "Imagine an old man, who has now lost all hope of himself by reason of his weakness and his poverty, and expecteth nothing else save the last day of his life. Suddenly an inheritance is left him. He heareth the news, riseth up and full of joy clothes himself with strength, and no longer lieth down, but standeth up, and his spirit, which was now broken by reason of his former circumstances, is renewed again, and he no longer sitteth, but taketh courage; so also was it with you, when you heard the revelation which the Lord revealed unto you.

Found: Hermas:525:2 @ And he immediately sat down by my side, and he saith unto me, "I was sent by the most holy angel, that I might dwell with thee the remaining days of thy life."

Found: Hermas:525:5 @ But he answered and said unto me, "Be not confounded, but strengthen thyself in my commandments which I am about to command thee. For I was sent," saith he, "that I might show thee again all the things which thou didst see before, merely the heads which are convenient for you. First of all, write down my commandments and my parables; and the other matters thou shalt write down as I shall show them to thee. The reason why," saith he, "I command thee to write down first the commandments and parables is, that thou mayest read them off-hand, and mayest be able to keep them."

Found: Hermas:525:6 @ So I wrote down the commandments and parables, as he commanded me.

Found: Hermas:331:1 @ "I will still proceed, Sir," say I, "to ask a further question." "Speak on," saith he. "I have heard, Sir," say I, "from certain teachers, that there is no other repentance, save that which took place when we rent down into the water and obtained remission of our former sins."

Found: Hermas:143:3 @ For being empty himself he giveth empty answers to empty enquirers; for what-ever enquiry may be made of him, he answereth according to the emptiness of the man. But he speaketh also some true words; for the devil filleth him with his own spirit, if so be he shall be able to break down some of the righteous.

Found: Hermas:649:2 @ Believe, therefore, on God, ye who by reason of your sins have despaired of your life, and are adding to your sins, and weighing down your life; for if ye turn unto the Lord with your whole heart, and work righteousness the remaining days of your life, and serve Him rightly according to His will, He will give healing to your former sins, and ye shall have power to master the works of the devil. But of the threatening of the devil fear not at all; for he is unstrung, like the sinews of a dead man.

Found: Hermas:470:1 @ And after a few days we came to the place, and the shepherd sat down in the place of the angel, while I stood by him. And he saith to me; "Gird thyself with a garment of raw flax, and minister to me." So I girded myself with a clean garment of raw flax made of coarse material.

Found: Hermas:178:1 @ After I had written down the commandments and parables of the shepherd, the angel of repentance, he came to me and saith to me; "I wish to show thee all things that the Holy Spirit, which spake with thee in the form of the Church, showed unto thee. For that Spirit is the Son of God.

Found: Hermas:1188:7 @ For the virgins spread their linen tunics on the ground, and made me lie down in the midst of them, and they did nothing else but pray; and I prayed with them without ceasing, and not less than they. And the virgins rejoiced that I so prayed. And I stayed there with the virgins until the morning till the second hour.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:4 @ The seal then is the water: so they go down into the water dead, and they come up alive. "thus to them also this seal was preached, and they availed themselves of it that they might enter into the kingdom of God."

Found: Hermas:15[92^:6 @ Therefore they went down with them into the water, and came up again. But these went down alive and again came up alive; whereas the others that had fallen asleep before them went down dead and came up alive.

Found: Hermas:27[104^:6 @ Reckon yourselves blessed therefore; yea, rather think that ye have done a great work, if any of you shall suffer for God's sake. The Lord bestoweth life upon you, and ye percieved it not; for your sins weighed you down, and if ye had not suffered for the Name of the Lord, ye had died unto God by reason of your sins.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:13:1 @ Do your diligence therefore to meet together more frequently for thanksgiving to God and for His glory. For when ye meet together frequently, the powers of Satan are cast down; and his mischief cometh to nought in the concord of your faith.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:19:3 @ From that time forward every sorcery and every spell was dissolved, the ignorance of wickedness vanished away, the ancient kingdom was pulled down, when God appeared in the likeness of man unto newness of everlasting life; and that which had been perfected in the counsels of God began to take effect. Thence all things were perturbed, because the abolishing of death was taken in hand.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:6:1 @ Give ye heed to the bishop, that God also may give heed to you. I am devoted to those who are subject to the bishop, the presbyters, the deacons. May it be granted me to have my portion with them in the presence of God. Toil together one with another, struggle together, run together, suffer together, lie down together, rise up together, as God's stewards and assessors and ministers.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:7:2 @ So when he heard that they were come, he went down and conversed with them, the bystanders marvelling at his age and his constancy, and wondering how there should be so much eagerness for the apprehension of an old man like him. Thereupon forthwith he gave orders that a table should be spread for them to eat and drink at that hour, as much as they desired. And he persuaded them to grant him an hour that he might pray unmolested;

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:8:3 @ Then they, failing to persuade him, uttered threatening words and made him dismount with speed, so that he bruised his shin, as he got down from the carriage. And without even turning round, he went on his way promptly and with speed, as if nothing had happened to him, being taken to the stadium; there being such a tumult in the stadium that no man's voice could be so much as heard.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:12:2 @ When this was proclaimed by the herald, the whole multitude both of Gentiles and of Jews who dwelt in Smyrna cried out with ungovernable wrath and with a loud shout, 'This is the teacher of Asia, the father of the Christians, the puller down of our gods, who teacheth numbers not to sacrifice nor worship.' Saying these things, they shouted aloud and asked the Asiarch Philip to let a lion loose upon Polycarp. But he said that it was not lawful for him, since he had brought the sports to a close.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:3 @ And I Socrates wrote it down in Corinth from the copy of Gaius. Grace be with all men.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:4 @ And I Pionius again wrote it down from the aforementioned copy, having searched it out (for the blessed Polycarp showed me in a revelation, as I will declare in the sequel), gathering it together when it was now well nigh worn out by age, that the Lord Jesus Christ may gather me also with His elect into His heavenly kingdom; to whom be the glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. {2** THE THREE PROCEEDING PARAGRAPHS AS READ IN THE MOSCOW MS. **}2 @ {9 @

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:2 @ This account Gaius copied from the papers of Irenaeus. The same lived with Irenaeus who had been a disciple of the holy Polycarp. For this Irenaeus, being in Rome at the time of the martyrdom of the bishop Polycarp, instructed many; and many most excellent and orthodox treatises by him are in circulation. In these he makes mention of Polycarp, saying that he was taught by him. And he ably refuted every heresy, and handed down the catholic rule of the Church just as he had received it from the saint. He mentions this fact also, that when Marcion, after whom the Marcionites are called, met the holy Polycarp on one occasion, and said 'Recognize us, Polycarp,' he said in reply to Marcion, 'Yes indeed, I recognize the firstborn of Satan.' The following statement also is made in the writings of Irenaeus, that on the very day and hour when Polycarp was martyred in Smyrna Irenaeus being in the city of the Romans heard a voice as of a trumpet saying, ' Polycarp is martyred.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:4 @ And I Pionius again wrote it down from the copy of Isocrates, having searched for it in obedience to a revelation of the holy Polycarp, gathering it together, when it was well nigh worn out by age, that the Lord Jesus Christ may gather me also with His elect into His heavenly kingdom; to whom be the glory with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL down @ (29)

Found: @ down-gilead-lane Down Gilead Lane Host= from CBH Ministries

Found: UNSORTED @ SBLGNT Downloads

Found: down @ kjv@CONCORD:down

Found: downsitting @ kjv@CONCORD:downsitting

Found: downward @ kjv@CONCORD:downward

Found: kjc@Luke:14:8-10 @ Jesus By Command - sit not down in the highest room...go and sit down in the lowest room

Found: kjc@Luke:17:31-32 @ Jesus By Command - In that day...let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back...Remember Lot's wife

Found: kjc@Luke:9:44 @ Jesus By Command - Let these sayings sink down into your ears

Found: kjc@Luke:14:28 @ For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? - Jesus By Question

Found: kjc@Luke:14:31 @ Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? - Jesus By Question

Found: kjc@Luke:17:7 @ But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat? - Jesus By Question

Found: kjc@John:13:38 @ Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? - Jesus By Question

Found: , A Christian and an Atheist , Religion and Spirituality , Emery and Scott; podcast; the; of; a; revolution; peter; talking; buddhist; noise; tribe; being; osborne; shakedown; eddy; supermoon; ikebe; understood; canfordumas , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , All Souls Sunday Sermons , Religion and Spirituality , Ollie Lansdowne; sermon; preaching; allsouls; stott; langham; christianity; church; bible , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Beyond Belief , Religion and Spirituality , BBC Radio 4; children; christ; christian; church; devotion; devotional; family; jesus; kids; marriage; smallgroup , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Bill Winston Video Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Bill Winston Ministries; bill winston; veronica winston; faith; healing; bwm; christian teaching; prosperity; blessing , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Book Bonus Mindset Secret Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , SmartLife Inc ; hillsong; sisterhood; bobbie; houston; sermon; church; free; online; download; live; christian; gospel; ministry; worship; australia; colour , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Books and Culture , Religion and Spirituality , SmartLife Inc ; hillsong; sisterhood; bobbie; houston; sermon; church; free; online; download; live; christian; gospel; ministry; worship; australia; colour , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Diamond Lake Lutheran Church (NewFrontierRadioHour) , Religion and Spirituality , Graydon Royce; lutheran; christian; variety; prairie; home; companion; church; music; comedy; theology; minneapolis , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Teaching for today , Religion and Spirituality , The Christian Institute; Christian; Institute; Colin Hart , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs , Religion and Spirituality , Annie F. Downs; author; christian; fun; interviews; nashville; speaker , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Thought For The Day , Religion and Spirituality , BBC Radio 4; trbc; jonathan; falwell; lynchburg; virginia; thomas; road; christian; life; bible; prayer; sin , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Upside Down Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Kayla Craig; Lindsy Wallace; upside down; grief podcast; christian grief; christian mental health; upside down kingdom; christian podcast; catholic po , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Village Church Sydney and Christians in the Media - Audio , Religion and Spirituality , Jon Kwan; Evangelical; Jesus; Australia; Bible; Christianity; Media , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: Coriander Essential Oil,Properties: For centuries/ this essential oil has been used as an analgesic/ aphrodisiac/ antispasmodic/ carminative/ depurative/ deodorant/ digestive/ fungicide/ lipolytic/ stimulant/ and stomachic.,Health benefits: It has been well-reported to reduce pain/ increase libido/ reduce spasms/ eliminate excess gas/ purify the blood/ decrease body odor/ promote digestion/ and inhibit fungal growth and infection. Furthermore/ it reduces fat by breaking it down through hydrolysis/ and maintains good health and tone of the stomach.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Coriander Essential Oil,Properties: For centuries/ this essential oil has been used as an analgesic/ aphrodisiac/ antispasmodic/ carminative/ depurative/ deodorant/ digestive/ fungicide/ lipolytic/ stimulant/ and stomachic.,Health benefits: It has been well-reported to reduce pain/ increase libido/ reduce spasms/ eliminate excess gas/ purify the blood/ decrease body odor/ promote digestion/ and inhibit fungal growth and infection. Furthermore/ it reduces fat by breaking it down through hydrolysis/ and maintains good health and tone of the stomach.,