Indexes Search Result: indexed - full
Found: kjv@Psalms:86:15 @ But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion,...

Found: kjv@Matthew:5:44 @ But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:28 @ Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which...

Found: kjv@Revelation:4:8 @ And the four beasts had each of them six wings...

Found: kjv@Psalms:24:4 @ He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:11:9 @ They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy...

Found: Luke:10:38-42 @ DUTIES THAT DISTRACT - B. Mary worshipped faithfully,God's will is eternal. Jesus said "she hath chosen that good part."

Found: Hebrews:10:19-23 @ FAITH - What promise should we have faith (full assurance) in? (v.22)

Found: Hebrews:10:19 @ FAITH - What promise should we have faith (full assurance) in? (v.22) I. The blood of Christ (v.19)

Found: Hebrews:10:20 @ FAITH - What promise should we have faith (full assurance) in? (v.22) II. The new and living way (death and resurrection) (v.20)

Found: Hebrews:10:21 @ FAITH - What promise should we have faith (full assurance) in? (v.22) III. Our High Priest (v.21)

Found: Hebrews:10:23 @ FAITH - What promise should we have faith (full assurance) in? (v.22) IV. Concl: (v.23)

Found: dict:hitchcock Carmel @ circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Damascus @ a sack full of blood; the similitude of burning - HITCHCOCK-D

Found: dict:hitchcock En-rogel @ the fuller-E's fountain; the well of searching - HITCHCOCK

Found: dict:hitchcock Hanan @ full of grace - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Jehosheba @ fullness, or oath, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Mallothi @ fullness; circumcision - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Millo @ fullness - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Samos @ full of gravel - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: FFF @ Fuller, Andrew

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Christian Torah-submission: A movement of Christians that pursue lifestyles that are both fully dedicated to Jesus Christ and also obedient to God's commands found in the Torah.

Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS @ Quiverfull: considers childbearing in marriage a Christian duty, emphasizes the continual role of Providence in controlling whether or not a woman conceives, and eschews all forms of human-mediated contraception. Generally involves complete submission of the wife to the husband; women generally don't work and children are homeschooled.

Found: rotherham@Deuteronomy:1 @ DEUTERONOMY - The final book of the Pentateuch derives its English name from the Greek work deuteronomion, meaning the "second law", or the "law repeated". Deuteronomy is essentially Moses’ farewell address(es) to a new generation in which he summons them to hear the law of God, to be instructed in the application of its principles to the new circumstances awaiting them, and to renew intelligently the covenant God had made with their fathers - a covenant that must be faithfully observed as the condition of God’s blessings upon them in the Promised Land.

Found: rotherham@Ecclesiastes:1 @ ECCLESIASTES - In English, the title means "Preacher". Traditionally held to have been written by Solomon, this book is now almost universally recognized as about him rather than by him. The author’s purpose is to prove the vanity of everything "under the sun". This truth is first announced a fact, then proved from the "Preacher’s" experience and observations. Finally, the author shows that the fullness of life is found only in the recognition of things "above the sun", things spiritual as well as material.

Found: FEBRUARY7 AM @ When thou has eaten and are full, . . . thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.-rotherham@Deuteronomy:8:10 rotherham@Deuteronomy:8:11. rotherham@Luke:17:15-18. rotherham@1Timothy:. kjv@4:4-5. rotherham@Romans:14:6. rotherham@Proverbs:10:22 rotherham@Psalms:103:1-4.

Found: FEBRUARY10 AM @ The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single thy whole body also is full of light.-rotherham@Luke:11:34 rotherham@1Corinthians:2:14. rotherham@Psalms:119:18 rotherham@John:8:12. rotherham@2Corinthians:3:18. rotherham@2Corinthians:4:6 rotherham@Ephesians:1:17-18.

Found: FEBRUARY11 PM @ The trees of the Lord are full of sap.-rotherham@Psalms:104:16 rotherham@Hosea:14:5-6. rotherham@Jeremiah:17:7-8.Eze. 17:24 rotherham@Psalms:92:12-14

Found: rotherham@Proverbs:7:17 @ Aloe (Aquilaria agallocha) Maybe but doubtfully, Aloe, Aloe succotrina. - BiblePlants

Found: 1Clement:2:3 <1CLEMENT>@ and, being full of holy counsel, in excellent zeal and with a pious confidence ye stretched out your hands to Almighty God, supplicating Him to be propitious, if unwillingly ye had committed any sin.

Found: 1Clement:23:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye fools, compare yourselves unto a tree; take a vine. First it sheddeth its leaves, then a shoot cometh, then a leaf, then a flower, and after these a sour berry, then a full ripe grape. Ye see that in a little time the fruit of the tree attaineth unto mellowness.

Found: 1Clement:25:2 <1CLEMENT>@ There is a bird, which is named the phoenix. This, being the only one of its kind, liveth for five hundred years; and when it hath now reached the time of its dissolution that it should die, it maketh for itself a coffin of frankincense and myrrh and the other spices, into the which in the fullness of time it entereth, and so it dieth.

Found: 1Clement:34:6 <1CLEMENT>@ For the scripture saith, Ten thousands of ten thousands stood by Him, and thousands of thousands ministered unto Him: and they cried aloud, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Sabaoth; all creation is full of His glory.

Found: 1Clement:42:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Having therefore received a charge, and having been fully assured through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and confirmed in the word of God with full assurance of the Holy Ghost, they went forth with the glad tidings that the kingdom of God should come.

Found: 1Clement:44:2 <1CLEMENT>@ For this cause therefore, having received complete foreknowledge, they appointed the aforesaid persons, and afterwards they provided a continuance, that if these should fall asleep, other approved men should succeed to their ministration. Those therefore who were appointed by them, or afterward by other men of repute with the consent of the whole Church, and have ministered unblamably to the flock of Christ in lowliness of mind, peacefully and with all modesty, and for long time have borne a good report with all these men we consider to be unjustly thrust out from their ministration.

Found: 1Clement:45:7 <1CLEMENT>@ Or were Ananias and Azarias and Misael shut up in the furnace of fire by them that professed the excellent and glorious worship of the Most High? Far be this from our thoughts. Who then were they that did these things? Abominable men and full of all wickedness were stirred up to such a pitch of wrath, as to bring cruel suffering upon them that served God in a holy and blameless purpose, not knowing that the Most High is the champion and protector of them that in a pure conscience serve His excellent Name: unto whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:54:3 <1CLEMENT>@ He that shall have done this, shall win for himself great renown in Christ, and every place will receive him: for the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

Found: 1Clement:59:2 <1CLEMENT>@ but we shall be guiltless of this sin. And we will ask, with instancy of prayer and supplication, that the Creator of the universe may guard intact unto the end the number that hath been numbered of His elect throughout the whole world, through His beloved Son Jesus Christ, through whom He called us from darkness to light, from ignorance to the full knowledge of the glory of His Name.

Found: 1Clement:60:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Yea, Lord, make Thy face to shine upon us in peace for our good, that we may be sheltered by Thy mighty hand and delivered from every sin by Thine uplifted arm. And deliver us from them that hate us wrongfully.

Found: 1Clement:62:1 <1CLEMENT>@ As touching those things which befit our religion and are most useful for a virtuous life to such as would guide their steps in holiness and righteousness, we have written fully unto you, brethren.

Found: 2Clement:11:3 <2CLEMENT>@ Ye fools! compare yourselves unto a tree; take a vine. First it sheds its leaves, then a shoot cometh, after this a sour berry, then a full ripe grape.

Found: 2Clement:13:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore, brethren, let us repent forthwith. Let us be sober unto that which is good: for we are full of much folly and wickedness. Let us wipe away from us our former sins, and let us not be found to be men pleasers. Neither let us desire to please one another only, but also those men that are without, by our righteousness, that the Name be not blasphemed by reason of us.

Found: 2Clement:16:4 <2CLEMENT>@ Almsgiving therefore is a good thing, even as repentance from sin> Fasting is better than prayer, but almsgiving better than both. And love covereth a multitude of sins, but prayer out of a good conscience delivereth from death. Blessed is every man that is found full of these. For almsgiving lifteth off the burden of sin.

Found: Barnabas:2:5 @ What to Me is the multitude of your sacrifices, saith the Lord I am full of whole burnt-offerings, and the fat of lambs and the blood of bulls and of goats desire not, not though ye should come to be seen of Me. or who required these things at your hands? Ye shall continue no more to tread My court. If ye bring fine flour, it is in vain; incense is an abomination to Me; your new moons and your Sabbaths I cannot away with.

Found: Barnabas:4:8 @ But they lost it by turning unto idols. For thus saith the Lord; Moses, Moses, come down quickly; for thy people whom thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt hath done unlawfully. And Moses understood, and threw the two tables from his hands; and their covenant was broken in pieces, that the covenant of the beloved Jesus might be sealed unto our hearts in the hope which springeth from faith in Him.

Found: Barnabas:7:4 @ What then saith He in the prophet? And let them eat of the goat that is offered at the fast for all their sins. Attend carefully; And let all the priests alone eat the entrails unwashed with vinegar.

Found: Barnabas:8:1 @ But what think ye meaneth the type, where the commandment is given to Israel that those men, whose sins are full grown, offer an heifer and slaughter and burn it, and then that the children take up the ashes, and cast them into vessels, and twist the scarlet wool on a tree (see here again is the type of the cross and the scarlet wool), and the hyssop, and that this done the children should sprinkle the people one by one, that they may be purified from their sins?

Found: Barnabas:16:7 @ I find then that there is a temple, How then shall it be built in the name of the Lord? Understand ye. Before we believed on God, the abode of our heart was corrupt and weak, a temple truly built by hands; for it was full of idolatry and was a house of demons, because we did whatsoever was contrary to God.

Found: Barnabas:20:1 @ But the way of the Black One is crooked and full of a curse. For it is a way of eternal death with punishment wherein are the things that destroy men's souls--idolatry, boldness, exhalation of power, hypocrisy, doubleness of heart, adultery, murder, plundering, pride, transgression, treachery, malice, stubbornness, witchcraft, magic, covetousness, absence of the fear of God;

Found: Didache:5:1 @ But the way of death is this. First of all, it is evil and full of a curse; murders, adulteries, lusts, fornications, thefts, idolatries, magical arts, witchcrafts, plunderings, false witnessings, hypocrisies, doubleness of heart, treachery, pride, malice, stubbornness, covetousness, foul--speaking, jealousy, boldness, exaltation, boastfulness;

Found: Diognetus:1:1 @ Since I see, most excellent Diognetus, that thou art exceedingly anxious to understand the religion of the Christians, and that thy enquiries respecting them are distinctly and carefully made, as to what God they trust and how they worship Him, that they all disregard the world and despise death, and take no account of those who are regarded as gods by the Greeks, neither observe the superstition of the Jews, and as to the nature of the affection which they entertain one to another, and of this new development or interest, which has entered into men's lives now and not before: I gladly welcome this zeal in thee, and I ask of God, Who supplieth both the speaking and the hearing to us, that it may be granted to myself to speak in such a way that thou mayest be made better by the hearing, and to thee that thou mayest so listen that I the speaker may not be disappointed.

Found: Diognetus:7:1 @ For it is no earthly discovery, as I said, which was committed to them, neither do they care to guard so carefully any mortal invention, nor have they entrusted to them the dispensation of human mysteries.

Found: Diognetus:7:2 @ But truly the Almighty Creator of the Universe, the Invisible God Himself from heaven planted among men the truth and the holy teaching which surpasseth the wit of man, and fixed it firmly in their hearts, not as any man might imagine, by sending (to mankind) a subaltern, or angel, or ruler, or one of those that direct the affairs of earth, or one of those who have been entrusted with the dispensations in heaven, but the very Artificer and Creator of the Universe Himself, by Whom He made the heavens, by Whom He enclosed the sea in its proper bounds, Whose mysteries all the elements faithfully observe, from Whom the sun hath received even the measure of the courses of the day to keep them, Whom the moon obeys as He bids her shine by night, Whom the stars obey as they follow the course of the moon, by Whom all things are ordered and bounded and placed in subjection, the heavens and the things that are in the heavens, the earth and the things that are in the earth, the sea and the things that are in the sea, fire, air, abyss, the things that are in the heights, the things that are in the depths, the things that are between the two. Him He sent unto them.

Found: Diognetus:9:2 @ And when our iniquity had been fully accomplished, and it had been made perfectly manifest that punishment and death were expected as its recompense, and the season came which God had ordained, when henceforth He should manifest His goodness and power (O the exceeding great kindness and love of God), He hated us not, neither rejected us, nor bore us malice, but was long-suffering and patient, and in pity for us took upon Himself our sins, and Himself parted with His own Son as a ransom for us, the holy for the lawless, the guileless for the evil, the just for the unjust, the incorruptible for the corruptible, the immortal for the mortal.

Found: Diognetus:10:1 @ This faith if thou also desirest, apprehend first full knowledge of the Father.

Found: Diognetus:10:3 @ And when thou hast attained to this full knowledge, with what joy thinkest thou that thou wilt be filled, or how wilt thou love Him that so loved thee before?

Found: Hermas:2:1 @ As soon as she had spoken these words the heavens were shut and I was given over to horror and grief Then I said within myself "If this sin is recorded against me, how can I be saved? Or how shall I propitiate God for my sins which are full-blown? Or with which words shall I entreat the Lord that He may be propitious unto me?

Found: Hermas:2:4 @ Then she said, "Far be this thing from the servant of God! Nevertheless the thought did enter into thy heart concerning her. Now to the servants of God such a purpose bringeth sin. For it is an evil and mad purpose to overtake a devout spirit that hath been already approved, that it should desire an evil deed, and especially if it be Hermas the temperate, who abstaineth from every evil desire, and is full of all simplicity and of great guilelessness.

Found: Hermas:3:1 @ "Yet it is not for this that God is wroth with thee, but that thou mayest convert thy family, that hath done wrong against the Lord and against you their parents. But out of fondness for thy children thou didst not admonish thy family, but didst suffer it to become fearfully corrupt. Therefore the Lord is wroth with thee. But He will heal all thy past sins, which have been committed in thy family; for by reason of their sins and iniquities thou hast been corrupted by the affairs of this world.

Found: Hermas:26:6 @ Thou shalt therefore say unto the elders of the Church, that they direct their paths in righteousness, that they may receive in full the promises with abundant glory.

Found: Hermas:1220:2 @ "Imagine an old man, who has now lost all hope of himself by reason of his weakness and his poverty, and expecteth nothing else save the last day of his life. Suddenly an inheritance is left him. He heareth the news, riseth up and full of joy clothes himself with strength, and no longer lieth down, but standeth up, and his spirit, which was now broken by reason of his former circumstances, is renewed again, and he no longer sitteth, but taketh courage; so also was it with you, when you heard the revelation which the Lord revealed unto you.

Found: Hermas:1321:4 @ They then that have fully repented shall be young again, and founded firmly, seeing that they have repented with their whole heart. There thou hast the revelation entire and complete. Thou shalt ask nothing more as touching revelation-- but if anything be lacking still, it shall be revealed unto thee."

Found: Hermas:128:3 @ When then I heard these things, I wept bitterly. But seeing me weep he saith, "Why weepest thou?" "Because, Sir," say I "I know not if I can be saved." "Why so?" saith he. "Because, Sir," I say, "never in my life spake I a true word, but I always lied deceitfully with all men and dressed up my falsehood as truth before all men; and no man ever contradicted me, but confidence was placed in my word. How then, Sir," say I, "can I live, seeing that I have done these things?"

Found: Hermas:234:1 @ "Hear now," saith he, "the working of angry temper, how evil it is, and how it subverteth the servants of God by its own working, and how it leadeth them astray from righteousness. But it doth not lead astray them that are full in the faith, nor can it work upon them, because the power of the Lord is with them; but them that are empty and double-minded it leadeth astray.

Found: Hermas:143:14 @ But when he comes into an assembly full of righteous men who have a Spirit of deity, and intercession is made from them, that man is emptied, and the earthly spirit fleeth from him in fear, and that man is struck dumb and is altogether broken in pieces, being unable to utter a word.

Found: Hermas:447:2 @ And when he saw that I was altogether disturbed and confounded, he began to speak more kindly and cheerfully to me, and he saith; "Foolish fellow, void of understanding and of doubtful mind, perceivest thou not the glory of God, how great and mighty and marvelous it is, how that He created the world for man's sake, and subjected all His creation to man, and gave all authority to him, that he should be master over all things under the heaven?

Found: Hermas:548:3 @ When a man has filled amply sufficient jars with good wine, and among these jars a few are quite empty, he comes to the jars, and does not examine the full ones, for he knows that they are full; but he examineth the empty ones, fearing lest they have turned sour. For empty jars soon turn sour, and the taste of the wine is spoilt.

Found: Hermas:150:6 @ Take heed therefore; as dwelling in a strange land prepare nothing more for thyself but a competency which is sufficient for thee, and make ready that, whensoever the master of this city may desire to cast thee out for thine opposition to his law, thou mayest go forth from his city and depart into thine own city and use thine own law joyfully, free from all insult.

Found: Hermas:255:3 @ When then he had gone away, the servant took and fenced the vineyard; and having finished the fencing of the vineyard, he noticed that the vineyard was full of weeds.

Found: Hermas:558:4 @ I say to him; "Sir, great and marvelous are all things and all things are glorious; was it likely then," say I, "that I could have apprehended them?" "Nay, nor can any other man, though he be full of understanding, apprehend them." "Yet again, Sir," say I, "explain to me what I am about to enquire of thee."

Found: Hermas:760:4 @ But now keep thyself, and the Lord Almighty, Who is full of compassion, will give healing for thy former deeds of ignorance, if henceforth thou defile not thy flesh, neither the Spirit; for both share in common, and the one cannot be defiled without the other. Therefore keep both pure, and thou shalt live unto God."

Found: Hermas:268:5 @ After the angel had finished these things, he saith to the shepherd; "I go away; but these thou shalt send away to (their places within) the walls, according as each deserveth to dwell; but examine their rods carefully), and so send them away. But be careful in examining them. Take heed lest any escape thee," saith he. "Still if any escape thee, I will test them at the altar." When he had thus spoken to the shepherd, he departed.

Found: Hermas:672:3 @ I say unto him, "Sir, now then show me concerning those that have given up their rods, what manner of man each of them is, and their abode, that when they hear this, they that believed and have received the seal and have broken it and did not keep it sound may fully understand what they are doing, and repent, receiving from thee a seal, and may glorify the Lord, that He had compassion upon them and sent thee to renew their spirits."

Found: Hermas:1177:2 @ I say to him; "Sir, I hope that all when they hear these words will repent; for I am persuaded that each one, when he fully knows his own deeds and fears God, will repent."

Found: Hermas:178:5 @ The first was black as soot; the second was bare, without vegetation; the third was thorny and full of briars;

Found: Hermas:178:7 @ the fifth mountain had green grass and was rugged; the sixth mountain was full with clefts throughout, some small and some great, and the clefts had vegetation, but the grass was not very luxuriant, but rather as if it had been withered;

Found: Hermas:178:8 @ the seventh mountain had smiling vegetation, and the whole mountain was in a thriving condition, and cattle and birds of every kind did feed upon that mountain; and the more the cattle and the birds did feed, so much the more did the herbage of that mountain flourish. The eighth mountain was full of springs, and every kind of creature of the Lord did drink of the springs on that mountain.

Found: Hermas:683:3 @ And that man inspected the building so carefully, that he felt each single stone; and he held a rod in his hand and struck each single stone that was built in.

Found: Hermas:784:2 @ "Clean these stones carefully, and set them in the building of the tower, these, I mean, which can fit with the rest; but those which will not fit, throw far away from the tower."

Found: Hermas:986:6 @ and they took them up joyfully, and carried away all the stones and put them in the place whence they had been taken. And after all the stones had been taken up, and not a single stone still lay round the tower, the shepherd saith unto me; "Let us go round the tower, and see that there is no defect in it." And I proceeded to go round it with him.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:7 @ So by their means they were quickened into life, and came to the full knowledge of the name of the Son of God. For this cause also they came up with them, and were fitted with them into the building of the tower and were builded with them, without being shaped; for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity. Only they had not this seal. Thou hast then the interpretation of these things also." "I have, Sir," say I.

Found: Hermas:1895:1 @ "How, Sir," say I, "did they become worse, after they had fully known God?" "He that knoweth not God," saith he, "and committeth wickedness, hath a certain punishment for his wickedness; but he that knoweth God fully ought not any longer to commit wickedness, but to do good.

Found: Hermas:23100:4 @ If God and our Lord, Who ruleth over all things and hath the authority over all His creation, beareth no grudge against them that confess their sins, but is propitiated, doth man, who is mortal and full of sins, bear a grudge against man, as though he were able to destroy or save him?

Found: Hermas:27[104^:1 @ "And from the eleventh mountain, where were trees full of fruit, decked with divers kinds of fruits, they that believed are such as these;

Found: Hermas:32109:3 @ For suppose thou hast given to a fuller a new garment whole, and desirest to receive it back again whole, but the fuller give it back to thee torn, wilt thou receive it thus? Wilt thou not at once blaze out and attack him with reproaches, saying; "The garment which I gave thee was whole; wherefore hast thou rent it and made it useless? See, by reason of the rent, which thou hast made in it, it cannot be of use." Wilt thou not then say all this to a fuller even about a rent which he has made in thy garment?

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:4:1 @ It is therefore meet that we not only be called Christians, but also be such; even as some persons have the bishop's name on their lips, but in everything act apart from him. Such men appear to me not to keep a good conscience, for as much as they do not assemble themselves together lawfully according to commandment.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:8:2 @ for the divine prophets lived after Christ Jesus. For this cause also they were persecuted, being inspired by His grace to the end that they which are disobedient might be fully persuaded that there is one God who manifested Himself through Jesus Christ His Son, who is His Word that proceeded from silence, who in all things was well-pleasing unto Him that sent Him.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:11:1 @ Now these things I say, my dearly beloved, not because I have learned that any of you are so minded; but as being less than any of you, I would have you be on your guard betimes, that ye fall not into the snares of vain doctrine; but be ye fully persuaded concerning the birth and the passion and the resurrection, which took place in the time of the governorship of Pontius Pilate; for these things were truly and certainly done by Jesus Christ our hope; from which hope may it not befall any of you to be turned aside.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:14:1 @ Knowing that ye are full of God, I have exhorted you briefly. Remember me in your prayers, that I may attain unto God; and remember also the church which is in Syria, whereof I am not worthy to be called a member. For I have need of your united prayer and love in God, that it may be granted to the church which is in Syria to be refreshed by the dew of your fervent supplication.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:prologue:1 @ Ignatius, who is also Theophorus, to the church of God the Father and of Jesus Christ, which is in Philadelphia of Asia which hath found mercy and is firmly established in the concord of God and rejoiceth in the passion of our Lord and in His resurrection without wavering, being fully assured in all mercy; which church I salute in the blood of Jesus Christ, that is eternal and abiding joy more especially if they be at one with the bishop and the presbyters who are with him, and with the deacons that have been appointed according to the mind of Jesus Christ, whom after His own will He confirmed and established by His Holy Spirit.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:4:3 @ Despise not slaves, whether men or women. Yet let not these again be puffed up, but let them serve the more faithfully to the glory of God, that they may obtain a better freedom from God. Let them not desire to be set free at the public cost, lest they be found slaves of lust.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:prologue:1 @ Ignatius, who is also Theophorus, to the church of God the Father and of Jesus Christ the Beloved, which hath been mercifully endowed with every grace, being filled with faith and love and lacking in no grace, most reverend and bearing holy treasures; to the church which is in Smyrna of Asia, in a blameless spirit and in the word of God abundant greeting.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:1:1 @ I give glory to Jesus Christ the God who bestowed such wisdom upon you; for I have perceived that ye are established in faith immovable, being as it were nailed on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, in flesh and in spirit, and firmly grounded in love in the blood of Christ, fully persuaded as touching our Lord that He is truly of the race of David according to the flesh, but Son of God by the Divine will and power, truly born of a virgin and baptized by John that all righteousness might be fulfilled by Him,

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:7:3 @ and on their consenting, he stood up and prayed, being so full of the grace of God, that for two hours he could not hold his peace, and those that heard were amazed, and many repented that they had come against such a venerable old man.

Found: Polycarp:1:3 @ though ye saw Him not, ye believe with joy unutterable and full of glory; unto which joy many desire to enter in; forasmuch as ye know that it is by grace ye are saved, not of works, but by the will of God through Jesus Christ.

Found: Polycarp:3:2 @ For neither am I, nor is any other like unto me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when he came among you taught face to face with the men of that day the word which concerneth truth carefully and surely; who also, when he was absent, wrote a letter unto you, into the which if ye look diligently, ye shall be able to be builded up unto the faith given to you,

Found: Polycarp:4:3 @ Our widows must be sober-minded as touching the faith of the Lord, making intercession without ceasing for all men, abstaining from all calumny, evil speaking, false witness, love of money, and every evil thing, knowing that they are God's altar, and that all sacrifices are carefully inspected, and nothing escapeth Him either of their thoughts or intents or any of the secret things of the heart.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL despitefully @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL full @ (8)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL spitefully @ (1)

Found: @ Internet Ancient History Sourcebook at Fordham BIBLE RESEARCH - DIRECTORY

Found: @ The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia - BIBLE RESEARCH

Found: DICTIONARY @ Collection w/ Links

Found: COMMENTARY @ 25+ Commentaries


Found: bountifully @ kjv@CONCORD:bountifully

Found: carefully @ kjv@CONCORD:carefully

Found: cheerfully @ kjv@CONCORD:cheerfully

Found: deceitfully @ kjv@CONCORD:deceitfully

Found: despitefully @ kjv@CONCORD:despitefully

Found: faithfully @ kjv@CONCORD:faithfully

Found: fearfully @ kjv@CONCORD:fearfully

Found: full @ kjv@CONCORD:full

Found: fuller @ kjv@CONCORD:fuller

Found: fullers @ kjv@CONCORD:fullers

Found: fully @ kjv@CONCORD:fully

Found: hatefully @ kjv@CONCORD:hatefully

Found: joyfully @ kjv@CONCORD:joyfully

Found: lawfully @ kjv@CONCORD:lawfully

Found: mournfully @ kjv@CONCORD:mournfully

Found: plentifully @ kjv@CONCORD:plentifully

Found: reproachfully @ kjv@CONCORD:reproachfully

Found: shamefully @ kjv@CONCORD:shamefully

Found: skilfully @ kjv@CONCORD:skilfully

Found: spitefully @ kjv@CONCORD:spitefully

Found: unfaithfully @ kjv@CONCORD:unfaithfully

Found: wilfully @ kjv@CONCORD:wilfully

Found: wonderfully @ kjv@CONCORD:wonderfully

Found: wrongfully @ kjv@CONCORD:wrongfully

Found: rotherham@Ezekiel:37:1-14 @Valley full of dry bones prophesied to be resurrected - UnusualStory

Found: JOYFULL_FM @ media: m3u/JoyfullFM.m3u

Found: rotherham@Luke:6:28 @ Jesus By Command - Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you

Found: rotherham@Matthew:5:44 @ Jesus By Command - Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you

Found: rotherham@Mark:8:19 @ When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? - Jesus By Question

Found: rotherham@Mark:8:20 @ And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? - Jesus By Question

Found: , Old Fashioned Revival Hour Broadcast , Religion and Spirituality , Old Fashioned Revival Hour; fuller; bible; jesus; baptist; kjv; evangelism; scripture; billy graham; christian; catholic , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , FAITHFUL LIFE , Religion and Spirituality , Matt and Lisa Jacobson; romance; bible; christianity; marriage; husband; wife; faithfullifepodcast; mattjacobson; lisajacobson; faithfulman; club31women; faithfu , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Queerology: A Podcast on Belief and Being , Religion and Spirituality , Matthias Roberts; faithfullylgbt; gay; gaychristian; lgbt; lgbtchristian; lgbtq; matthiasroberts; queer; queerchristian; queerology , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,