Indexes Search Result: indexed - head
Found: February28 @ jps@Matthew:14:1-12 John the Baptist Beheaded

Found: May23 @ jps@Mark:6:14-29 John the Baptist Beheaded

Found: kjv@Genesis:3:15 @ And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,...

Found: kjv@John:19:30 @ When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It...

Found: kjv@Psalms:23:5 @ Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of...

Found: kjv@Psalms:24:7 @ Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye...

Found: kjv@Psalms:24:9 @ Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them...

Found: dict:easton Behead @ Behead

Found: dict:easton Forehead @ Forehead

Found: dict:easton Godhead @ Godhead

Found: 103025 @ Arrowhead Elementary School 19100 East Bates Ave Aurora, CO 80013 CALL SCHOOL NOW Primary School

Found: 103593 @ Wildcat Mountain Elementary School 6585 Lionshead Parkway Lone Tree, CO 80124 CALL SCHOOL NOW

Found: Revelation:22:4 @ 7 PERFECT THINGS ABOUT HEAVEN - V. A place of perfect likeness (v.4) His name shall be in their foreheads (identification with Jesus)

Found: dict:hitchcock Ahasuerus @ prince; head; chief - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Delilah @ poor; small; head of hair - HITCHCOCK-D

Found: dict:hitchcock Mizzah @ defluxion from the head - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Rakkath @ empty; temple of the head - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Rosh @ the head; top, or beginning - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: kjv@Matthew:1 @ kjv@ENGLISH: TITLE: King James Version kjv@DESCRIPTION: Also called the Authorized Version, the King James Version of the Bible was translated by a committee headed by Lancelot Andrewes. Based on the work done by William Tyndale in 1526, The King James Version was completed in 1611 and has been influencing Christianity ever since.

Found: kjv @ Also called the Authorized Version, the King James Version of the Bible was translated by a committee headed by Lancelot Andrewes. Based on the work done by William Tyndale in 1526, The King James Version was completed in 1611 and has been influencing Christianity ever since.

Found: MID @ media: midi/Christ_The_Lord_Is_Risen_Today-Orientis_Partibus-Redhead_45.mid

Found: Info @

Online: The Ecole Glossary (2007 Archive Edition) Copyright © 1995, Anthony F. Beavers. This file may be copied on the condition that the entire contents, including the header and this copyright notice, remain intact. Project Homepage

Found: Wikipedia @ David Whitehead

Found: THEOLOGY ROMAN-CATHOLIC @ The Pope (i.e., belief that the Pope is the successor of St. Peter, the "rock" on which the Church is built, and therefore the infallible head of Christendom);

Found: JANUARY14 PM @ The woman's seed shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.-jps@Genesis:3:15 jps@Isaiah:52:14. jps@Isaiah:53:5 jps@Luke:22:53. jps@John:19:11 jps@1John:3:8. jps@Mark:1:34 jps@Matthew:28:18. jps@Mark:16:17 jps@Romans:16:20.

Found: MARCH17 AM @ He shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.-jps@Leviticus:1:4 jps@1Peter:1:18-19. jps@1Peter:2:24 jps@Ephesians:1:6 jps@1Peter:2:5. jps@Romans:12:1 jps@Jude:1:24-25.

Found: MARCH18 PM @ His name shall be in their foreheads.-jps@Revelation:22:4 jps@John:10:14. jps@2Timothy:2:19 jps@Nahum:1:7, jps@Revelation:7:3 jps@Ephesians:1:13-14. jps@2Corinthians:1:21-22 jps@Revelation:3:12. jps@Jeremiah:33:16.

Found: APRIL22 AM @ If his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own voluntary will. And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.-jps@Leviticus:1:3-4 jps@Genesis:22:8. jps@John:1:29. jps@Hebrews:10:10. jps@Matthew:20:28 jps@John:10:18. jps@Hosea:14:4. jps@Galatians:2:20 jps@2Corinthians:5:21. jps@Ephesians:1:6.

Found: APRIL26 AM @ His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me.-jps@Songs:2:6. jps@Deuteronomy:33:27. jps@Matthew:14:30-31. jps@Psalms:37:23-24 jps@Deuteronomy:33:12. jps@1Peter:5:7. jps@Zechariah:2:8 jps@John:10:28-29.

Found: AUGUST4 AM @ It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.-jps@John:19:30 jps@Hebrews:12:2. jps@John:17:4. jps@Hebrews:10:10-14. jps@Colossians:2:14 jps@John:10:17-18. jps@John:15:13.

Found: OCTOBER1 PM @ Grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.-jps@Ephesians:4:15 jps@Mark:4:28. jps@Ephesians:4:13 jps@2Corinthians:10:12 jps@2Corinthians:10:17-18 jps@Colossians:2:17-19. jps@2Peter:3:18.

Found: kjv @ TITLE: King James Version DESCRIPTION: Also called the Authorized Version, the King James Version of the Bible was translated by a committee headed by Lancelot Andrewes. Based on the work done by William Tyndale in 1526, The King James Version was completed in 1611 and has been influencing Christianity ever since. RIGTHS: Public Domain PUBLISHER:

Found: 1Clement:1:1 <1CLEMENT>@ By reason of the sudden and repeated calamities and reverses which are befalling us, brethren, we consider that we have been somewhat tardy in giving heed to the matters of dispute that have arisen among you, dearly beloved, and to the detestable and unholy sedition, so alien and strange to the elect of God, which a few headstrong and self-willed persons have kindled to such a pitch of madness that your name, once revered and renowned and lovely in the sight of all men, hath been greatly reviled.

Found: 1Clement:16:16 <1CLEMENT>@ All they that beheld me mocked at me; they spake with their lips; they wagged their heads, saying, He hoped on the Lord; let Him deliver him, or let Him save him, for He desireth him.

Found: 1Clement:37:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us take our body as an example. The head without the feet is nothing; so likewise the feet without the head are nothing: even the smallest limbs of our body are necessary and useful for the whole body: but all the members conspire and unite in subjection, that the whole body maybe saved.

Found: 1Clement:56:5 <1CLEMENT>@ For the righteous, it is said, shall chasten me in mercy and shall reprove me, but let not the mercy of sinners anoint my head.

Found: 1Clement:57:5 <1CLEMENT>@ or when ye call upon Me, yet will I not here you. Evil men shall seek me and not find me: for they hated wisdom, and chose not the fear of the Lord, neither would they give head unto My councils, but mocked at My reproofs.

Found: Barnabas:6:4 @ And the prophet saith again; The stone which the builders rejected, this became the head and the corner. And again He saith; This is the great and wonderful day, which the Lord made.

Found: Barnabas:7:8 @ And do ye all spit upon it and goad it, and place scarlet wool about its head, and so let it be cast into the wilderness. And when it is so done, he that taketh the goat into the wilderness leadeth it, and taketh off the wool, and putteth it upon the branch which is called Rachia, the same whereof we are wont to eat the shoots when we find them in the country. Of this briar alone is the fruit thus sweet.

Found: Barnabas:13:5 @ And he brought Ephraim and Manasseh, desiring that Manasseh should be blessed, because he was the elder; for Joseph led him by the right hand of his father Jacob. But Jacob saw in the spirit a type of the people that should come afterwards. And what saith He? And Jacob crossed his hands, and placed his right hand on the head of Ephraim, the second and younger, and blessed him. And Joseph said unto Jacob, Transfer thy right hand to the head of Manasseh, for he is my first born son. And Jacob said to Joseph, I know it, my son, I know it; but the greater shall serve the less. Yet this one also shall be blessed.

Found: Didache:7:3 @ But if thou hast neither, then pour water on the head thrice in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Found: Hermas:1:heading Vision 1 @

Found: Hermas:15:heading Vision 2 @

Found: Hermas:122:heading Vision 4 @

Found: Hermas:122:6 @ As the cloud of dust waxed greater and greater, I suspected that it was something supernatural. Then the sun shone out a little, and behold, I see a huge beast like some sea-monster, and from its mouth fiery locusts issued forth. And the beast was about a hundred feet in length, and its head was as it were of pottery.

Found: Hermas:122:10 @ And the beast had on its head four colors; black then fire and blood color, then gold, then white.

Found: Hermas:223:1 @ Now after I had passed the beast, and had gone forward about thirty feet, behold, there meeteth me a virgin arrayed as if she were going forth from a bridal-chamber all in white and with white sandals, veiled up to her forehead, and her head-covering consisted of a turban, and her hair was white.

Found: Hermas:324:1 @ I asked her concerning the four colors, which the beast had upon its head. Then she answered me and said, "Again thou art curious about such matters." "Yes, lady," said I, "make known unto me what these things are."

Found: Hermas:525:heading Revelation 5 @

Found: Hermas:525:5 @ But he answered and said unto me, "Be not confounded, but strengthen thyself in my commandments which I am about to command thee. For I was sent," saith he, "that I might show thee again all the things which thou didst see before, merely the heads which are convenient for you. First of all, write down my commandments and my parables; and the other matters thou shalt write down as I shall show them to thee. The reason why," saith he, "I command thee to write down first the commandments and parables is, that thou mayest read them off-hand, and mayest be able to keep them."

Found: Hermas:126:heading Mandate 1 @

Found: Hermas:127:heading Mandate 2 @

Found: Hermas:128:heading Mandate 3 @

Found: Hermas:129:heading Mandate 4 @

Found: Hermas:133:heading Mandate 5 @

Found: Hermas:135:heading Mandate 6 @

Found: Hermas:137:heading Mandate 7 @

Found: Hermas:138:heading Mandate 8 @

Found: Hermas:139:heading Mandate 9 @

Found: Hermas:140:heading Mandate 10 @

Found: Hermas:143:heading Mandate 11 @

Found: Hermas:143:20 @ Now take the power which cometh from above. The hail is a very, small grain, and yet, when it falleth on a man's head, what pain it causeth! Or again, take a drop which falls on the ground from the tiles, and bores through the stone.

Found: Hermas:144:heading Mandate 12 @

Found: Hermas:150:heading Parables Which He Spake With Me

Found: Hermas:151:heading Another Parable

Found: Hermas:152:heading Another Parable

Found: Hermas:153:heading Another Parable

Found: Hermas:161:heading Parable 6 @

Found: Hermas:166:heading Parable 7 @

Found: Hermas:166:3 @ I say to him; "Sir, if they perpetrated such deeds that the glorious angel is embittered, what have I done?" "They cannot be afflicted otherwise," saith he, "unless thou, the head of the whole house, be afflicted; for if thou be afflicted, they also of necessity will be afflicted; but if thou be prosperous, they can suffer no affliction."

Found: Hermas:167:heading Parable 8 @

Found: Hermas:178:heading Parable 9 @

Found: Hermas:1111:heading Parable 10 @

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:9:2 @ So then ye are all companions in the way, carrying your God and your shrine, your Christ and your holy things, being arrayed from head to foot in the commandments of Jesus Christ. And I too, taking part in the festivity, am permitted by letter to bear you company and to rejoice with you, that ye set not your love on anything after the common life of men, but only on God.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:17:1 @ For this cause the Lord received ointment on His head, that He might breathe incorruption upon the Church. Be not anointed with the ill odor of the teaching of the prince of this world, lest he lead you captive and rob you o the life which is set before you.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL beheaded @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL head @ (11)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL heads @ (1)

Found: jps@Revelation:13:1-3 @ 7 headed 10 horned 10 crowned beast - END TIME - GENERAL

Found: @ Wabash Internet Guide to Religion - BIBLE RESEARCH

Found: kjv@Matthew:1 @ Also called the Authorized Version, the King James Version of the Bible was translated by a committee headed by Lancelot Andrewes. Based on the work done by William Tyndale in 1526, The King James Version was completed in 1611 and has been influencing Christianity ever since.

Found: @ Headcovering - SERMONAUDIO

Found: jps@Leviticus:19:27-28 @ Don't round corners of head, mar corners of beard, make flesh cuttings or printmarks on you - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: February28 @ jps@Matthew:14:1-12 John the Baptist Beheaded journal:February28

Found: May23 @ jps@Mark:6:14-29 John the Baptist Beheaded journal:May23

Found: News Feeds - Daily Chistian news headlines.

Found: beheaded @ kjv@CONCORD:beheaded

Found: forehead @ kjv@CONCORD:forehead

Found: foreheads @ kjv@CONCORD:foreheads

Found: godhead @ kjv@CONCORD:godhead

Found: grayheaded @ kjv@CONCORD:grayheaded

Found: head @ kjv@CONCORD:head

Found: headbands @ kjv@CONCORD:headbands

Found: headlong @ kjv@CONCORD:headlong

Found: heads @ kjv@CONCORD:heads

Found: headstone @ kjv@CONCORD:headstone

Found: heady @ kjv@CONCORD:heady

Found: jps@Deuteronomy:21:11-13 @The women who had to shave their heads before marriage - UnusualStory

Found: jps@Judges:4:17-21 @A woman killed a man by driving a nail through his head - UnusualStory

Found: jps@2Kings:6:1-6 @The axe head that floated in the river - UnusualStory

Found: jps@Psalms:118:22-23 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah is a “stone the builders rejected” who will become the “head cornerstone” kjv@Matthew:21:42-43; kjv@Acts:4:11; kjv@Ephesians:2:20; kjv@1Peter:2:6-8

Found: jps@Isaiah:28:16 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah is a “stone the builders rejected” who will become the “head cornerstone” kjv@Matthew:21:42-43; kjv@Acts:4:11; kjv@Ephesians:2:20; kjv@1Peter:2:6-8

Found: jps@Luke:21:28 @ Jesus By Command - then look up, and lift up your heads

Found: jps@Matthew:6:16-17 @ Jesus By Command - when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance...anoint thine head, and wash thy face

Found: jps@Matthew:21:42 @ Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? - Jesus By Question

Found: jps@Luke:20:17 @ What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Behead @ Behead

Found: dict:easton Forehead @ Forehead

Found: dict:easton Godhead @ Godhead

Found: February28 @ Matthew:14:1-12 John the Baptist Beheaded

Found: May23 @ Mark:6:14-29 John the Baptist Beheaded

Found: jps@2Kings:6:1-7 @ An Axhead Floats

Found: jps@Matthew:14:1-12 @ John the Baptist Beheaded

Found: jps@Mark:6:14-29 @ John the Baptist Beheaded

Found: , A Christian and an Atheist , Religion and Spirituality , Emery and Scott; podcast; the; of; a; revolution; peter; talking; buddhist; noise; tribe; being; osborne; shakedown; eddy; supermoon; ikebe; understood; canfordumas , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Headed Someplace , Religion and Spirituality , Kara Zimmerman; christianity; hca; hca; studios; john; peterson; christian; school; new; jersey; christian; schools; school; private; schools; christian; music , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Minehead Baptist Church , Religion and Spirituality , Minehead Baptist Church; sermon; christian; jesus; god; minehead; england; uk; inspirational; uplifting; church; baptist; biblical; bible; holy; spirit; spirit; love; , PODCAST , , British English; United Kingdom ,

Found: kjv@Matthew:1,ENGLISH: ,King James Version, Also called the Authorized Version, the King James Version of the Bible was translated by a committee headed by Lancelot Andrewes. Based on the work done by William Tyndale in 1526, The King James Version was completed in 1611 and has been influencing Christianity ever since.,

Found: Clove Essential Oil,Properties: It is antimicrobial/ antifungal/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ aphrodisiac/ and stimulating in nature.,Health benefits: CLove essential oil has long been used in treatments related to dental care/ like toothaches and cavities/ as well as for infections/ skin care/ stress/ headaches/ respiratory problems/ earaches/ indigestion/ nausea/ blood circulation issues/ blood purification/ diabetes/ immune system weakness/ premature ejaculation/ cholera/ and sties.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Marjoram Essential Oil,Properties: Marjoram essential oil is analgesic/ antispasmodic/ anaphrodisiac/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ bactericidal/ carminative/ cephalic/ cordial/ diaphoretic/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ fungicidal/ hypotensive/ laxative/ nervine/ sedative/ stomachic/ vasodilator/ and vulnerary. Quite the busy essential oil!,Health benefits: It is commonly prescribed or chosen for treatment because it reduces pain/ eliminates spasms and cures cramps. Marjoram essential oil also protects from wounds becoming septic/ inhibits viral and bacterial growth/ removes excess gas from the intestines/ cures headaches/ increases perspiration/ promotes digestion/ increases urination/ opens up obstructed menses/ cures coughs and colds/ and dilutes phlegm. Finally/ it is known to kill fungus/ lower blood pressure/ cure constipation/ soothe nervous disturbances/ widen and relax blood vessels/ and generally improving the health of your stomach.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Rosemary Essential Oil,Properties: Rosemary essential oil is great for stimulating hair growth/ and as a disinfectant/ antiseptic/ anti-inflammatory/ carminative/ antibacterial/ and analgesic substance.,Health benefits: It is very useful in terms of hair care/ skin care/ mouth care/ anxiety/ mental disorders/ depression/ pain/ headache/ rheumatism/ respiratory problems/ bronchial asthma/ indigestion/ and flatulence.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Rosewood Essential Oil,Properties: Rosewood essential oil is commonly thought of as an analgesic/ antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aphrodisiac/ antibacterial/ cephalic/ deodorant/ insecticide/ and stimulant substance.,Health benefits: It is often used to reduce pain/ fight depression/ protect wounds from becoming septic/ enhance libido and promote sexual arousal. It also kills bacteria/ and is good for the brain/ while curing headaches/ driving away body odor/ killing insects and stimulating gland discharges.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Clove Essential Oil,Properties: It is antimicrobial/ antifungal/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ aphrodisiac/ and stimulating in nature.,Health benefits: CLove essential oil has long been used in treatments related to dental care/ like toothaches and cavities/ as well as for infections/ skin care/ stress/ headaches/ respiratory problems/ earaches/ indigestion/ nausea/ blood circulation issues/ blood purification/ diabetes/ immune system weakness/ premature ejaculation/ cholera/ and sties.,

Found: Marjoram Essential Oil,Properties: Marjoram essential oil is analgesic/ antispasmodic/ anaphrodisiac/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ bactericidal/ carminative/ cephalic/ cordial/ diaphoretic/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ fungicidal/ hypotensive/ laxative/ nervine/ sedative/ stomachic/ vasodilator/ and vulnerary. Quite the busy essential oil!,Health benefits: It is commonly prescribed or chosen for treatment because it reduces pain/ eliminates spasms and cures cramps. Marjoram essential oil also protects from wounds becoming septic/ inhibits viral and bacterial growth/ removes excess gas from the intestines/ cures headaches/ increases perspiration/ promotes digestion/ increases urination/ opens up obstructed menses/ cures coughs and colds/ and dilutes phlegm. Finally/ it is known to kill fungus/ lower blood pressure/ cure constipation/ soothe nervous disturbances/ widen and relax blood vessels/ and generally improving the health of your stomach.,

Found: Rosemary Essential Oil,Properties: Rosemary essential oil is great for stimulating hair growth/ and as a disinfectant/ antiseptic/ anti-inflammatory/ carminative/ antibacterial/ and analgesic substance.,Health benefits: It is very useful in terms of hair care/ skin care/ mouth care/ anxiety/ mental disorders/ depression/ pain/ headache/ rheumatism/ respiratory problems/ bronchial asthma/ indigestion/ and flatulence.,

Found: Rosewood Essential Oil,Properties: Rosewood essential oil is commonly thought of as an analgesic/ antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aphrodisiac/ antibacterial/ cephalic/ deodorant/ insecticide/ and stimulant substance.,Health benefits: It is often used to reduce pain/ fight depression/ protect wounds from becoming septic/ enhance libido and promote sexual arousal. It also kills bacteria/ and is good for the brain/ while curing headaches/ driving away body odor/ killing insects and stimulating gland discharges.,

Found: February28,105[Matthew_14_1-12],jps@Matthew:14:1-12,John the Baptist Beheaded

Found: May23,105[Mark_6_14-29],jps@Mark:6:14-29,John the Baptist Beheaded