Indexes Search Result: indexed - heed
Found: kjv@Matthew:24:4 @ And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that...

Found: kjv@Luke:21:8 @ And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived:...

Found: kjv@Hebrews:3:12 @ Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you...

Found: MAY20 AM @ Take heed unto thyself.-- rkjnt@1Timothy:. 4:16 rkjnt@1Corinthians:9:25-27. rkjnt@Ephesians:6:11-12 rkjnt@Galatians:5:24-25. rkjnt@Romans:8:14. - rkjnt@1Timothy:. kjv@4:15.

Found: JUNE28 PM @ The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits.-- rkjnt@1Timothy:. kjv@4:1. rkjnt@Luke:8:18. rkjnt@Colossians:3:16. rkjnt@Ephesians:6:16 rkjnt@Psalms:119:165 rkjnt@Psalms:119:103-104 rkjnt@Psalms:119:105. rkjnt@Psalms:119:99 rkjnt@2Corinthians:11:14. rkjnt@Galatians:1:8.

Found: OCTOBER26 PM @ Take heed to your spirit.-rkjnt@Malachi:2:15 rkjnt@Luke:9:49-50 rkjnt@Luke:9:54-55 rkjnt@Numbers:11:27-29 rkjnt@Galatians:5:22-23. rkjnt@Galatians:5:24-27.

Found: 1Clement:1:1 <1CLEMENT>@ By reason of the sudden and repeated calamities and reverses which are befalling us, brethren, we consider that we have been somewhat tardy in giving heed to the matters of dispute that have arisen among you, dearly beloved, and to the detestable and unholy sedition, so alien and strange to the elect of God, which a few headstrong and self-willed persons have kindled to such a pitch of madness that your name, once revered and renowned and lovely in the sight of all men, hath been greatly reviled.

Found: 1Clement:2:1 <1CLEMENT>@ And ye were all lowly in mind and free from arrogance, yielding rather than claiming submission, more glad to give than to receive, and content with the provisions which God supplieth. And giving heed unto His words, ye laid them up diligently in your hearts, and His sufferings were before your eyes.

Found: 1Clement:4:2 <1CLEMENT>@ And God looked upon Abel and upon his gifts, but unto Cain and unto his sacrifices He gave no heed.

Found: 1Clement:57:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Because I called and ye obeyed not, and I held out words and ye heeded not, but made My councils of none effect, and were disobedient unto My reproofs; therefore I also will laugh at your destruction, and will rejoice over you when ruin cometh upon you, and when confusion overtaketh you suddenly, and your overthrow is at hand like a whirlwind,

Found: 1Clement:63:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore it is right for us to give heed to so great and so many examples and to submit the neck and occupying the place of obedience to take our side with them that are the leaders of our souls, that ceasing from this foolish dissension we may attain unto the goal which lieth before us in truthfulness, keeping aloof from every fault.

Found: 2Clement:17:3 <2CLEMENT>@ And let us not think to give heed and believe now only, while we have departed home, let us remember the commandments of the Lord, and not suffer ourselves to be dragged off the other way by our worldly lusts; but coming hither more frequently, let us strive to go forward in the commandments of the Lord, that we all having the same mind may be gathered together unto life.

Found: 2Clement:19:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore, brothers and sisters, after the God of truth hath been heard, I read unto you an exhortation to the end that ye may give heed to the things which are written, for that ye may save both yourselves and him that readeth in the midst of you. For I ask of you as a reward that ye repent with your whole heart, and give salvation and life to yourselves. For doing this we shall set a goal for all the young who desire to toil in the study of piety and of the goodness of God.

Found: Barnabas:2:1 @ Seeing then that the days are evil, and that the Active One himself has the authority, we ought to give heed to ourselves and to seek out the ordinances of the Lord.

Found: Barnabas:4:6 @ Ye ought therefore to understand. Moreover I ask you this one thing besides, as being one of yourselves and loving you all in particular more than my own soul, to give heed to yourselves now, and not to liken yourselves to certain persons who pile up sin upon sin, saying that our covenant remains to them also.

Found: Barnabas:4:9 @ But though I would fain write many things, not as a teacher, but as becometh one who loveth you not to fall short of that which we possess, I was anxious to write to you, being your devoted slave. Wherefore let us take heed in these last days. For the whole time of our faith shall profit us nothing, unless we now, in the season of lawlessness and in the offenses that shall be, as becometh sons of God, offer resistance, that the Black One may not effect an entrance.

Found: Barnabas:4:14 @ Moreover understand this also, my brothers. When ye see that after so many signs and wonders wrought in Israel, even then they were abandoned, let us give heed, lest haply we be found, as the scripture saith, many are called but few are chosen.

Found: Barnabas:7:7 @ But the other one--what must they do with it? Accursed, saith He, is the one. Give heed how the type of Jesus is revealed.

Found: Barnabas:7:9 @ What then meaneth this? Give heed. The one at the alter, and the other accursed. And moreover the accursed one crowned. For they shall see Him in that day wearing the long scarlet robe about His flesh, and shall say, Is not this He, Whom once we crucified and set at nought and spat upon; verily this was He, Who then said that He was the Son of God.

Found: Barnabas:15:4 @ Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end.

Found: Barnabas:16:8 @ But it shall be built in the name of the Lord. Give heed then that the temple of the Lord may be built gloriously.

Found: Barnabas:20:2 @ persecutors of good men, hating the truth, loving lies, not perceiving the reward of righteousness, not cleaving to the good nor to the righteous judgment, paying no heed to the widow and the orphan, wakeful not for the fear of God but for that which is evil; men from whom gentleness and forbearance stand aloof and far off; loving vain things, pursuing a recompense, not pitying the poor man, not toiling for him that is oppressed with toil, ready to slander, not recognizing Him that made them murderers of children, corrupters of the creatures of God, turning away from him that is in want, oppressing him that is afflicted, advocates of the wealthy, unjust judges of the poor, sinful in all things.

Found: Hermas:1018:7 @ So I fasted one day; and that very night there appeared unto me a young man, and he saith to me, "Seeing that thou askest me revelations offhand with entreaty, take heed lest by thy much asking thou injure thy flesh.

Found: Hermas:150:5 @ What then shalt thou do, who art under law in thine own city? For the sake of thy fields and the rest of thy possessions wilt thou altogether repudiate thy law, and walk according to the law of this city? Take heed, lest it be inexpedient to repudiate the law; for if thou shouldest desire to return again to thy city, thou shall surely not be received because thou didst repudiate the law of the city, and shalt be shut out from it.

Found: Hermas:150:6 @ Take heed therefore; as dwelling in a strange land prepare nothing more for thyself but a competency which is sufficient for thee, and make ready that, whensoever the master of this city may desire to cast thee out for thine opposition to his law, thou mayest go forth from his city and depart into thine own city and use thine own law joyfully, free from all insult.

Found: Hermas:150:7 @ Take heed therefore, ye that serve God and have Him in your heart: work the "works of God being mindful of His commandments and of the promises which He made, and believe Him that He will perform them, if His commandments be kept.

Found: Hermas:565:2 @ He answered and said unto me; "Thy stupidity cleaveth to thee; and thou wilt not cleanse thy heart and serve God Take heed," saith he, "lest haply the time be fulfilled, and thou be found in thy foolishness. Listen then," saith he, "even as thou wishest, that thou mayest comprehend the matter.

Found: Hermas:268:5 @ After the angel had finished these things, he saith to the shepherd; "I go away; but these thou shalt send away to (their places within) the walls, according as each deserveth to dwell; but examine their rods carefully), and so send them away. But be careful in examining them. Take heed lest any escape thee," saith he. "Still if any escape thee, I will test them at the altar." When he had thus spoken to the shepherd, he departed.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:7:1 @ For even though certain persons desired to deceive me after the flesh, yet the spirit is not deceived, being from God; for it knoweth whence it cometh and whence it goeth, and it searcheth out the hidden things. I cried out, when I was among you; I spake with a loud voice, with God's own voice, Give ye heed to the bishop and the presbytery and deacons.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:6:1 @ Give ye heed to the bishop, that God also may give heed to you. I am devoted to those who are subject to the bishop, the presbyters, the deacons. May it be granted me to have my portion with them in the presence of God. Toil together one with another, struggle together, run together, suffer together, lie down together, rise up together, as God's stewards and assessors and ministers.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:7:2 @ It is therefore meet that ye should abstain from such, and not speak of them either privately or in public; but should give heed to the Prophets, and especially to the Gospel, wherein the passion is shown unto us and the resurrection is accomplished.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:2:3 @ And giving heed unto the grace of Christ they despised the tortures of this world, purchasing at the cost of one hour a release from eternal punishment. And they found the fire of their inhuman torturers cold: for they set before their eyes the escape from the eternal fire which is never quenched; while with the eyes of their heart they gazed upon the good things which are reserved for those that endure patiently, things which neither ear hath heard nor eye hath seen, neither have they entered into the heart of man, but were shown by the Lord to them, for they were no longer men but angels already.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL heed @ (4)

Found: heed @ kjv@CONCORD:heed

Found: rkjnt@Luke:11:35 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness

Found: rkjnt@Luke:12:15 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed, and beware of covetousness

Found: rkjnt@Luke:17:3-4 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive times in a day

Found: rkjnt@Luke:21:34 @ Jesus By Command - take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting

Found: rkjnt@Luke:21:8 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come...go ye not therefore after them

Found: rkjnt@Luke:8:18 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed therefore how ye hear

Found: rkjnt@Mark:13:6 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed lest any man deceive you

Found: rkjnt@Mark:4:24 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete

Found: rkjnt@Matthew:16:6 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

Found: rkjnt@Matthew:18:10 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones

Found: rkjnt@Matthew:6:1-3 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed that ye do not your alms before not sound a trumpet...let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth