Indexes Search Result: indexed - honorable
Found: Ephesians:4:1 @ PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY - I. The Walk (vv.1,17) Should be honorable, faithful, distinctive.

Found: dict:hitchcock Bartimeus @ son of the honorable - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Jochebed @ glorious; honorable - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Timeus @ perfect; admirable; honorable - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: dict:hitchcock Timon @ honorable; worthy - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: 1Clement:2:8 <1CLEMENT>@ Being adorned with a most virtuous and honorable life, ye performed all your duties in the fear of Him. The commandments and the ordinances of the Lord were written on the tablets of your hearts.

Found: 1Clement:3:3 <1CLEMENT>@ So men were stirred up, the mean against the honorable, the ill reputed against the highly reputed, the foolish against the wise, the young against the elder.

Found: Barnabas:6:2 @ Woe unto you, for ye all shall wax old as a garment, and the moth shall consume you. And again the prophet saith, seeing that as a hard stone He was ordained for crushing; Behold I will put into the fountains of Zion a stone very precious, elect, a chief corner-stone, honorable.

Found: Didache:15:2 @ Therefore despise them not; for they are your honorable men along with the prophets and teachers.

Found: Diognetus:2:2 @ Is not one of them stone, like that which we tread under foot, and another bronze, no better than the vessels which are forged for our use, and another wood, which has already become rotten, and another silver, which needs a man to guard it lest it be stolen, and another iron, which is corroded with rust, and another earthenware, not a whit more comely than that which is supplied for the most dishonorable service?

Found: Hermas:27[104a:3 @ Blessed I pronounced you all to be--I the angel of repentance--whoever of you are guileless as infants, because your part is good and honorable in the sight of God.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:4:1 @ So then it becometh you to run in harmony with the mind of the bishop; which thing also ye do. For your honorable presbytery, which is worthy of God, is attuned to the bishop, even as its strings to a lyre. Therefore in your concord and harmonious love Jesus Christ is sung.

Found: Polycarp:6:1 @ And the presbyters also must be compassionate, merciful towards all men, turning back the sheep that are gone astray, visiting all the infirm, not neglecting a widow or an orphan or a poor man: but providing always for that which is honorable in the sight of God and of men, abstaining from all anger, respect of persons, unrighteous judgment, being far from all love of money, not quick to believe anything against any man, not hasty in judgment, knowing that we all are debtors of sin.