Indexes Search Result: indexed - influence
Found: @ POSTMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that Christ will return "after the millennium"; Christ has established His Messianic kingdom on earth, it is growing in numbers, area, and influence by means of the preaching of the gospel and Christian nurture, and it will have visible, worldwide, and blessed success before Christ returns at the general resurrection for final judgment

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Christian fundamentalism: sought to assert a minimal set of traditional Christian beliefs against the influences of Modernist Christianity; became a movement of separation from the "mainline" Protestant churches.

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ New Thought Movement: belief in metaphysical interpretation of the Bible. Phineas Quimby is generally considered the founder of New Thought. His influence on the New Thought movement can be traced through Unity Church, Divine Science, Religious Science, Understanding Principles for Better Living Church and Seicho-No-Ie.

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Postmodern Christianity: an understanding of Christianity that has been influenced by continental philosophy.

Found: POLITICAL MOVEMENTS @ Christian anarchism: the rejection of all authority and power other than God, sometimes even including the organized church. Christian anarchists believe that Jesus of Nazareth was an anarchist, and that his movement was reversed by strong Judaist and Roman statist influences.

Found: POLITICAL MOVEMENTS @ Dominionism: a movement among socially conservative Christians to gain influence or control over secular civil government through political action — seeking either a nation governed by Christians or a nation governed by a Christian understanding of biblical law.

Found: POLITICAL MOVEMENTS @ Liberation theology: an important and controversial school movement in the theology and praxis of the Roman Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council, it has been officially condemned. It had broad influence in Latin America and explores the relationship between Christian theology and political activism, particularly in areas of social justice, poverty, and human rights. It gave priority to the economically poor and oppressed of the human community. See also Black theology, Dalit theology, Feminist theology, Minjung theology & Queer theology.

Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS @ Postmodern Christianity: an understanding of Christianity that has been influenced by the postmodern trend in 20th-century continental philosophy, associated with literary deconstruction, postliberal or narrative theology, and the Emerging church movement.

Found: riversident@Jude:1 @ JUDE - The author of this short letter warns his readers against the dangers of apostasy, and points to the faithlessness of the Israelites as a reminder of God’s judgment. Surrounded as his readers were by moral corruption and apostacizing influences, the author urges them to "contend for the faith" ( Jude:3 ), and in a closing benediction he commends them to the One "who is able to keep you from falling" ( Jude:24 ). Both the similarity of this letter to II Peter and Jude’s use of non-Biblical sources ( Jude:9 , Jude:14-15 ) have been the subject of much discussion.

Found: influences @ kjv@CONCORD:influences