Indexes Search Result: indexed - llet
Found: kjv@Psalms:42:7 @ Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts:...

Found: kjv@1Corinthians:3:16 @ Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,...

Found: kjv@1John:4:16 @ And we have known and believed the love that God...

Found: kjv@Acts:17:24 @ God that made the world and all things therein, seeing...

Found: dict:easton Fillets @ Fillets

Found: dict:easton Millet @ Millet

Found: @ Golden Grain ( - John Follette)

Found: @ Golden Grain ( - John Follette)

Found: dict:hitchcock Cenchrea @ millet; small pulse - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: JULY11 PM @ He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.-lut@Psalms:107:9 lut@1Peter:2:3 lut@Psalms:63:1-2. lut@Psalms:84:2. lut@Philippians:1:23 lut@Psalms:17:15. lut@Revelation:7:16-17. lut@Psalms:36:8. lut@Jeremiah:31:14.

Found: JULY18 AM @ He calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.-lut@John:10:3 lut@2Timothy:2:19. lut@Matthew:7:22-23. lut@Psalms:1:6 lut@Isaiah:49:16. lut@Songs:8:6. lut@Nahum:1:7 lut@John:14:2-3.

Found: AUGUST11 PM @ Where is the way that light dwelleth?-lut@Job:38:19 lut@1John:1:5. lut@John:9:5 lut@1John:1:6-7. lut@Colossians:1:12-14 lut@1Thessalonians:5:5. lut@Matthew:5:14-16.

Found: lut@Ezekiel:4:9 @ Millet - BibleFoodGrains

Found: 1Clement:24:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Day and night show unto us the resurrection. The night falleth asleep, and day ariseth; the day departeth, and night cometh on.

Found: 1Clement:39:7 <1CLEMENT>@ But call thou, if perchance one shall obey thee, or if thou shalt see one of the holy angels. For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth him that has gone astray.

Found: Barnabas:1:4 @ Being therefore persuaded of this, and being conscious with myself that having said much among you I know that the Lord journeyed with me on the way of righteousness, and am wholly constrained also myself to this, to love you more than my own soul (for great faith and love dwelleth in you through the hope of the life which is His)--considering this therefore, that,

Found: Barnabas:12:11 @ And again thus sayith Isaiah; The Lord said unto my Christ the Lord, of whose right hand I laid hold, that the nations should give ear before Him, and I will break down the strength of kings. See how David calleth Him Lord, and calleth Him not Son.

Found: Barnabas:16:9 @ How? Understand ye. By receiving the remission of our sins and hoping on the Name we became new, created afresh from the beginning. Wherefore God dwelleth truly in our habitation within us. How? The word of his faith, the calling of his promise, the wisdom of the ordinances, the commandments of the teaching, He Himself prophesying in us, He Himself dwelling in us, opening for us who had been in bondage unto death the door of the temple, which is the mouth, and giving us repentance leadeth us to the incorruptible temple.

Found: Barnabas:16:10 @ For he that desireth to be saved looketh not to the man, but to Him that dwelleth and speaketh in him, being amazed at this that he has never at any time heard these words from the mouth of the speaker, nor himself ever desired to hear them. This is the spiritual temple built up to the Lord.

Found: Diognetus:6:8 @ The soul though itself immortal dwelleth in a mortal tabernacle- so Christians sojourn amidst perishable things, while they look for the imperishability which is in the heavens.

Found: Diognetus:10:4 @ And loving Him thou wilt be an imitator of His goodness. And marvel not that a man can be an imitator of God. He can, if God willeth it.

Found: Hermas:1:6 @ I said to her, "Dost thou now convict me?" "Nay, not so," said she, "but hear the words, that I shall say to thee. God, Who dwelleth in the heavens, and created out of nothing the things which are, and increased and multiplied them for His holy Church's sake, is wroth with thee, for that thou didst sin against me."

Found: Hermas:4:2 @ Then she calleth me unto her, and she touched my breast, and saith to me, "Did my reading please thee?" And I say unto her, "Lady, these last words please me, but the former were difficult and hard." Then she spake to me, saying, "These last words are for the righteous, but the former are for the heathen and the rebellious."

Found: Hermas:525:1 @ As I prayed in the house, and sat on the couch, there entered a man glorious in his visage, in the garb of a shepherd, with a white skin wrapped about him, and with a wallet on his shoulders and a staff in his hand. And he saluted me, and I saluted him in return.

Found: Hermas:128:1 @ Again he saith to me; "Love truth, and let nothing but truth proceed out of thy mouth, that the Spirit which God made to dwell in this flesh, may be found true in the sight of all men; and thus shall the Lord, Who dwelleth in thee, be glorified; for the Lord is true in every word, and with Him there is no falsehood.

Found: Hermas:129:3 @ Look to it therefore. Abstain from this desire; for, where holiness dwelleth, there lawlessness ought not to enter into the heart of a righteous man."

Found: Hermas:133:2 @ For if thou art long-suffering, the Holy Spirit that abideth in thee shall be pure, not being darkened by another evil spirit, but dwelling in a large room shall rejoice and be glad with the vessel in which he dwelleth, and shall serve God with much cheerfulness, having prosperity in himself.

Found: Hermas:133:3 @ But if any angry temper approach, forthwith the Holy Spirit, being delicate, is straitened, not having the place clear, and seeketh to retire from the place; for he is being choked by the evil spirit, and has no room to minister unto the Lord, as he desireth, being polluted by angry temper. For the Lord dwelleth in long-suffering, but the devil in angry temper.

Found: Hermas:133:6 @ Thou seest then that long-suffering is very sweet, beyond the sweetness of honey, and is useful to the Lord, and He dwelleth in it. But angry, temper is bitter and useless. If then angry temper be mixed with long-suffering, long-suffering is polluted and the man's intercession is no longer useful to God."

Found: Hermas:234:3 @ But long-suffering is great and strong, and has a mighty and vigorous power, and is prosperous in great enlargement, gladsome, exultant, free from care, glorifying the Lord at every season, having no bitterness in itself, remaining always gentle and tranquil. This long-suffering therefore dwelleth with those whose faith is perfect.

Found: Hermas:234:5 @ For when all these spirits dwell in one vessel, where the Holy Spirit also dwelleth, that vessel cannot contain them, but overfloweth.

Found: Hermas:140:6 @ But they that have the fear of God, and investigate concerning deity and truth, and direct their heart towards the Lord, perceive and understand everything that is said to them more quickly, because they have the fear of the Lord in themselves; for where the Lord dwelleth, there too is great understanding. Cleave therefore unto the Lord, and thou shalt understand and perceive all things.

Found: Hermas:241:5 @ Put away therefore from thyself sadness, and afflict not the Holy Spirit that dwelleth in thee, lest haply He intercede with God against thee, and depart from thee.

Found: Hermas:143:2 @ These doubtful-minded ones then come to him as to a soothsayer and enquire of him what shall befall them. And he, the false prophet, having no power of a divine Spirit in himself, speaketh with them according to their enquiries and according to the lusts of their wickedness, and filleth their souls as they themselves wish.

Found: Hermas:143:3 @ For being empty himself he giveth empty answers to empty enquirers; for what-ever enquiry may be made of him, he answereth according to the emptiness of the man. But he speaketh also some true words; for the devil filleth him with his own spirit, if so be he shall be able to break down some of the righteous.

Found: Hermas:143:9 @ When then the man who hath the divine Spirit cometh into an assembly of righteous men, who have faith in a divine Spirit, and intercession is made to God by the gathering of those men, then the angel of the prophetic spirit, who is attached to him, filleth the man, and the man, being filled with the Holy Spirit, speaketh to the multitude, according as the Lord willeth.

Found: Hermas:143:20 @ Now take the power which cometh from above. The hail is a very, small grain, and yet, when it falleth on a man's head, what pain it causeth! Or again, take a drop which falls on the ground from the tiles, and bores through the stone.

Found: Hermas:245:4 @ But do thou clothe thyself in the desire of righteousness, and, having armed thyself with the fear of the Lord, resist them. For the fear of God dwelleth in the good desire. If the evil desire shall see thee armed with the fear of God and resisting itself, it shall flee far from thee, and shall no more be seen of thee, being in fear of thine arms.

Found: Hermas:548:4 @ So also the devil cometh to all the servants of God tempting them. As many then as are complete in the faith, oppose him mightily, and he departeth from them, not having a place where he can find an entrance. So he cometh next to the empty ones, and finding a place goeth into them, and further he doeth what he willeth in them, and they become submissive slaves to him.

Found: Hermas:760:1 @ "I was right glad, Sir," say I, "to hear this interpretation." "Listen now," saith he, "Keep this thy flesh pure and undefiled, that the Spirit which dwelleth in it may bear witness to it, and thy flesh may be justified.

Found: Hermas:262:5 @ Again we went forward a little way, and he showeth me a great shepherd like a wild man in appearance, with a white goatskin thrown about him; and he had a kind of wallet on his shoulders, and a staff very hard and with knots in it, and a great whip. And his look was very sour, so that I was afraid of him because of his look.

Found: Hermas:268:9 @ And after he had watered the rods, he saith to me; "Let us go now. and after days let us return and inspect all the rods; for He Who created this tree willeth that all those who have received rods from this tree should live. And I myself hope that these little rods, after they have got moisture and been watered, will live the greater part of them."

Found: Hermas:1177:1 @ And after he had completed the interpretations of all the rods, he saith unto me; "Go, and tell all men to repent, and they shall live unto God; for the Lord in His compassion sent me to give repentance to all, though some of them do not deserve it for their deeds; but being long-suffering the Lord willeth them that were called through His Son to be saved."

Found: Hermas:1087:5 @ But I caught hold of his wallet, and began to adjure him by the Lord that he would explain to me all what he had showed me. He saith to me; "I am busy for a little while, and then I will explain everything to thee. Await me here till I come."

Found: Hermas:1087:6 @ I say to him; "Sir, when I am here alone what shall I do?" "Thou art not alone," saith he; "for these virgins are here with thee." "Commend me then to them," say I. The shepherd calleth them to him and saith to them; "I commend this man to you till I come," and he departed.

Found: Hermas:32109:2 @ The Lord dwelleth in men that love peace; for to Him peace is dear; but from the contentious and them that are given up to wickedness He keepeth afar off. Restore therefore to Him your spirit whole as ye received it.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:15:3 @ Nothing is hidden from the Lord, but even our secrets are nigh unto Him. Let us therefore do all things as knowing that He dwelleth in us, to the end that we may be His temples and He Himself may be in us as our God. This is so, and it will also be made clear in our sight from the love which we rightly bear towards Him.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:5:2 @ And while praying he falleth into a trance three days before his apprehension; and he saw his pillow burning with fire. And he turned and said unto those that were with him: 'It must needs be that I shall be burned alive.'

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL calleth @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL dwelleth @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL falleth @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL selleth @ (1)

Found: @ pathway-of-light Pathway Of Light Host= Dr. Glenn Mollette

Found: UNSORTED @ Journals/Bulletins

Found: befalleth @ kjv@CONCORD:befalleth

Found: calleth @ kjv@CONCORD:calleth

Found: disannulleth @ kjv@CONCORD:disannulleth

Found: dwelleth @ kjv@CONCORD:dwelleth

Found: excelleth @ kjv@CONCORD:excelleth

Found: falleth @ kjv@CONCORD:falleth

Found: fillet @ kjv@CONCORD:fillet

Found: filleted @ kjv@CONCORD:filleted

Found: filleth @ kjv@CONCORD:filleth

Found: fillets @ kjv@CONCORD:fillets

Found: killeth @ kjv@CONCORD:killeth

Found: millet @ kjv@CONCORD:millet

Found: rolleth @ kjv@CONCORD:rolleth

Found: selleth @ kjv@CONCORD:selleth

Found: smelleth @ kjv@CONCORD:smelleth

Found: stilleth @ kjv@CONCORD:stilleth

Found: telleth @ kjv@CONCORD:telleth

Found: tilleth @ kjv@CONCORD:tilleth

Found: travelleth @ kjv@CONCORD:travelleth

Found: willeth @ kjv@CONCORD:willeth

Found: lut@Mark:12:37 @ David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? - Jesus By Question

Found: lut@Luke:20:44 @ David therefore calleth him Lord, how is he then his son? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Fillets @ Fillets

Found: dict:easton Millet @ Millet