Indexes Search Result: indexed - nails
Found: Barnabas:5:13 @ But He Himself desired so to suffer; for it was necessary for Him to suffer on a tree. For he that prophesied said concerning Him, Spare My soul form the sword; and, Pierce My flesh with nails, for the congregations of evil-doers have risen up against Me.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:13:3 @ Forthwith then the instruments that were prepared for the pile were placed about him; and as they were going likewise to nail him to the stake, he said; 'Leave me as I am; for He that hath granted me to endure the fire will grant me also to remain at the pile unmoved, even without the security which ye seek from the nails.'

Found: nails @ kjv@CONCORD:nails

Found: , Journey Christian Church , Religion and Spirituality , Terry Davis; Journey Christian Church; Arron Chambers; Matt Estrin; Terry Davis; Patrick Lightfoot; Enjoy the Journey; Eats with sinners , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,