Indexes Search Result: indexed - party
Found: 001165 @ Celebration Community Church 1650 S. Birch St. Denver, CO 80222 Call: 303-756-4994

Found: @ JUDAIZERS –– a Jewish heretical party in the early church which held that, in addition to faith in Christ, one must conform to Jewish customs (e.g., the ceremonial law of circumcision, the Old Covenant festivals) in order, through such self-effort and law-works, to be justified and sanctified

Found: @ PLURALISM –– the view that civil policy should balance the rights of various social spheres (e.g., family, school, church, business) and protect the rights of all conflicting viewpoints within the society, thereby not being based upon or favoring any one distinctive religion, philosophy, party, or sphere of life

Found: @ RETRIBUTIVE –– pertaining to recompense to a guilty party according to what the offense deserves

Found: RRR @ Royalist Party