Indexes Search Result: indexed - path
Found: kjv@Psalms:119:105 @ Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:3:6 @ In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct...

Found: kjv@Psalms:8:8 @ The fowl of the air, and the fish of the...

Found: kjv@Psalms:23:3 @ He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths...

Found: dict:torrey Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, the @ Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, the

Found: dict:hitchcock Salim @ foxes; fists; path - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shobal @ path; ear of corn - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shual @ fox; path; first - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: MARCH3 AM @ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.-gltv@Proverbs:3:5-6 gltv@Psalms:62:8 gltv@Psalms:32:8-10. gltv@Isaiah:30:21 gltv@Exodus:33:15-16.

Found: JUNE20 PM @ Thou compassest my path and my lying down.-gltv@Psalms:139:3. gltv@Genesis:28:16-17 gltv@2Chronicles:16:9 gltv@Psalms:4:8 gltv@Psalms:91:9-11. gltv@Proverbs:3:24. gltv@Psalms:127:2.

Found: JULY25 PM @ Thou wilt shew me the path of life.-gltv@Psalms:16:11 gltv@Jeremiah:21:8. gltv@1Samuel:12:23. gltv@John:14:6. gltv@Matthew:14:19 gltv@Proverbs:4:12. gltv@Matthew:7:13-14 gltv@Isaiah:35:8. gltv@Hosea:6:3 gltv@John:14:2.

Found: AUGUST8 AM @ The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.-gltv@Proverbs:4:18 gltv@Philippians:3:12. gltv@Hosea:6:3 gltv@Matthew:13:43. gltv@2Corinthians:3:18. gltv@1Corinthians:13:10-12. -I gltv@John:3:2-3.

Found: AUGUST27 AM @ Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.-gltv@Psalms:119:105 gltv@Psalms:17:4-5. gltv@Proverbs:6:22-23. gltv@Isaiah:30:21 gltv@John:8:12. - gltv@2Peter:1:19. gltv@1Corinthians:13:12. gltv@Revelation:22:5.

Found: SEPTEMBER30 PM @ Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.-gltv@Psalms:25:4 gltv@Exodus:33:12-14. gltv@Psalms:103:7 gltv@Psalms:25:9 gltv@Psalms:25:12. gltv@Proverbs:3:5-6 gltv@Psalms:16:11. gltv@Psalms:32:8. gltv@Proverbs:4:18.

Found: BackToThePsalms001 @ Part 1 The pathway to a scriptural kind of happiness. @


Found: BackToThePsalms001 @ Part 2 Why is the man who does not follow this scriptural pathway not this special type of happy? @


Found: 1Clement:16:6 <1CLEMENT>@ We all went astray like sheep, each man went astray in his own path:

Found: 1Clement:48:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Seeing then that many gates are opened, this is that gate which is in righteousness, even that which is in Christ, whereby all are blessed that have entered in and direct their path in holiness and righteousness, performing all things without confusion.

Found: 2Clement:5:7 <2CLEMENT>@ For when we desire to obtain these things we fall away from the righteous path.

Found: Barnabas:10:10 @ And David also receiveth knowledge of the same three decrees, and saith; Blessed is the man who hath not gone in the council of the ungodly--even as the fishes go in darkness into the depths; and hath not stood in the path of sinners--just as they who pretend to fear the Lord sin like swine; and hath not sat on the seat of the destroyers--as the birds that are seated for prey. Ye have now the complete lesson concerning eating.

Found: Hermas:1:3 @ After a certain time, as I was journeying to Cumae, and glorifying God's creatures for their greatness and splendor and power, as I walked I fell asleep. And a Spirit took me, and bore me away through a pathless tract, through which no man could pass: for the place was precipitous, and broken into clefts by reason of the waters. When then I had crossed the river, I came into the level country, and knelt down, and began to pray to the Lord and to confess my sins.

Found: Hermas:26:6 @ Thou shalt therefore say unto the elders of the Church, that they direct their paths in righteousness, that they may receive in full the promises with abundant glory.

Found: Hermas:135:2 @ Do thou therefore trust righteousness, but trust not unrighteousness; for the way of righteousness is straight, but the way of unrighteousness is crooked. But walk thou in the straight and level path, and leave the crooked one alone.

Found: Hermas:135:3 @ For the crooked way has no tracks, but only pathlessness and many stumbling stones, and is rough and thorny. So it is therefore harmful to those who walk in it.

Found: Hermas:659:3 @ Having Himself then cleansed the sins of His people, He showed them the paths of life, giving them the law which He received from His Father. Thou seest," saith he, "that He is Himself Lord of the people, having received all power from His Father.

Found: Hermas:975:1 @ "But they that have given up their rods two thirds withered and one third green, these are men who have been believers, but grew rich and became renowned among the Gentiles. They clothed themselves with great pride and became high-minded, and abandoned the truth and did not cleave to the righteous, but lived together after the manner of the Gentiles, and this path appeared the more pleasant unto them; yet they departed not from God, but continued in the faith, though they wrought not the works of the faith.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:10:1 @ Seeing that in answer to your prayer and to the tender sympathy which ye have in Christ Jesus, it hath been reported to me that the church which is in Antioch of Syria hath peace, it is becoming for you, as a church of God, to appoint a deacon to go thither as God's ambassador, that he may congratulate them when they are assembled together, and may glorify the Name.

Found: dict:torrey Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, the @ Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, the

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL paths @ (1)

Found: @ bible-pathway Bible Pathway Host= Rick Hash

Found: @ pathway-of-light Pathway Of Light Host= Dr. Glenn Mollette

Found: @ pathway-to-victory Pathway to Victory Host= Dr. Robert Jeffress

Found: aspatha @ kjv@CONCORD:aspatha

Found: path @ kjv@CONCORD:path

Found: pathros @ kjv@CONCORD:pathros

Found: pathrusim @ kjv@CONCORD:pathrusim

Found: paths @ kjv@CONCORD:paths

Found: pathway @ kjv@CONCORD:pathway

Found: Love,dict:all Love dict:all affection ,tag:love tag:compassion ,love empathy

Found: Love,dict:all Love dict:all affection ,tag:love tag:compassion ,love empathy