Indexes Search Result: indexed - purifies
Found: Angelica Essential Oil,Properties: Angelica essential oil is commonly known as a beneficial anti-spasmodic/ carminative/ depurative/ diaphoretic/ digestive/ diuretic/ hepatic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ nervine/ stimulant/ stomachic and tonic,Health benefits: It relaxes spasms/ reduces gases/ purifies the blood/ promotes perspiration/ improves digestion/ increases urination/ and removes toxins. Angelica essential oil is also good for the liver/ it relieves obstructed menstruation/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ reduces fever/ cures nervous disorders/ is good for the stomach/ and it tones up the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Birch Essential Oil,Properties: It is a tonic/ disinfectant/ stimulant & antidepressant/ analgesic/ detoxifier/ antirheumatic and antiarthritic. Furthermore/ it is a diuretic/ antiseptic/ astringent/ febrifuge/ germicide/ insecticide/ and a depurative.,Health benefits: Birch essential oil fights depression/ reduces pain/ promotes urination/ protects wounds from becoming septic/ reduces fever/ kills germs/ and purifies the blood.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Fennel Essential Oil,Properties: Fennel essential oil is an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ aperitif/ carminative/ depurative/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ galactogogue/ laxative/ stimulant/ stomachic/ splenic/ tonic/ and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: It has also been found to protect wounds against becoming septic/ and it clears spasm/ increases appetite/ removes excess gas/ purifies blood/ increases urination/ and promotes a regulated menstrual cycle. Fennel essential oil defends against cough and cold/ increases milk secretion/ helps clear bowels and constipation/ stimulates systems/ and is good for stomach and spleen health.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Juniper Essential Oil,Properties: Juniper essential oil has long been known as an antiseptic/ sudorific/ antirheumatic/ depurative/ antispasmodic/ stimulating/ stomachic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ rubefacient/ vulnerary and tonic.,Health benefits: This oil protects wounds against becoming septic/ increases sweating/ cures rheumatism and arthritis/ purifies blood/ eliminates spasms/ stimulates functions/ and is good for the stomach. Juniper essential oil also makes gums stronger and stops hemorrhaging/ reduces excess gas/ promotes urination/ brings color to the skin/ and generally promotes quick healing of wounds.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Mandarin Essential Oil,Properties: It is famed for being an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ circulatory/ cytophylactic/ depurative/ digestive/ hepatic/ nervous relaxant/ sedative/ stomachic and a tonic.,Health benefits: This essential oil protects wounds against becoming septic/ relaxes spasms/ increases blood & lymph circulation/ promotes growth & regeneration of cells/ purifies blood/ facilitates digestion/ and is good for the liver. Furthermore/ it soothes inflammation and nervous afflictions/ while being good for the stomach and generally toning up the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Parsley Essential Oil,Properties: This type of essential oil is antimicrobial/ antirheumatic/ antiarthritic/ antiseptic/ astringent/ carminative/ circulatory/ detoxifier/ digestive/ diuretic/ depurative/ emenagogue/ febrifuge/ hypotensive/ laxative/ stimulant/ stomachic and uterine.,Health benefits: This oil inhibits microbial growth/ treats rheumatism and arthritis/ protects against sepsis/ tightens gums and muscles/ and helps stop hair loss. It also reduces chances of hemorrhaging/ removes gases/ improves circulation of blood and lymph/ removes toxins/ facilitates digestion/ increases urination and subsequent removal of toxins. Furthermore/ it purifies blood/ reduces obstructed menstruation/ soothes fever/ reduces blood pressure/ clears the bowels/ stimulates functions/ and restores uterine health.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Pennyroyal Essential Oil,Properties: Pennyroyal essential oil is an antihysteric/ antimicrobial and antibacterial/ antirheumatic and antiarthritic/ antiseptic/ astringent/ cordial/ decongestant/ depurative/ digestive/ emenagogue/ insecticide and a stomachic.,Health benefits: Some physicians employ this as a way to sedate hysterical events/ inhibit microbial and bacterial growth/ treat rheumatism and arthritis/ as well as protecting against sepsis/ tightening gums and muscles. Furthermore/ pennyroyal essential oil helps prevent hair loss and hemorrhaging/ clears congestion and eases breathing/ purifies blood/ facilitates digestion/ opens obstructed menstruation and makes them regular/ while also killing and repelling insects.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Rose Essential Oil,Properties: Rose essential oil has long been used as an antidepressant/ antiphlogistic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ antiviral/ aphrodisiac/ astringent/ bactericidal/ cholagogue/ cicatrisant/ depurative/ emenagogue/ haemostatic/ hepatic/ laxative/ nervine/ stomachic/ and a uterineoil substance.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it fights depression and uplifts mood/ soothes inflammation due to fever/ protects wounds against developing sepsis/ relieves spasms/ fights viral infections/ enhances libido and cures sexual disorders/ while tightening gums and muscles/ and stopping hemorrhaging. Furthermore/ it inhibits bacterial growth/ promotes discharges and secretions/ heals scars/ purifies the blood/ opens up obstructed menses/ stops hemorrhaging/ boosts liver health/ cures constipation and nervous disorders/ as well as being good for stomach and uterine health.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Angelica Essential Oil,Properties: Angelica essential oil is commonly known as a beneficial anti-spasmodic/ carminative/ depurative/ diaphoretic/ digestive/ diuretic/ hepatic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ nervine/ stimulant/ stomachic and tonic,Health benefits: It relaxes spasms/ reduces gases/ purifies the blood/ promotes perspiration/ improves digestion/ increases urination/ and removes toxins. Angelica essential oil is also good for the liver/ it relieves obstructed menstruation/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ reduces fever/ cures nervous disorders/ is good for the stomach/ and it tones up the body.,

Found: Birch Essential Oil,Properties: It is a tonic/ disinfectant/ stimulant & antidepressant/ analgesic/ detoxifier/ antirheumatic and antiarthritic. Furthermore/ it is a diuretic/ antiseptic/ astringent/ febrifuge/ germicide/ insecticide/ and a depurative.,Health benefits: Birch essential oil fights depression/ reduces pain/ promotes urination/ protects wounds from becoming septic/ reduces fever/ kills germs/ and purifies the blood.,

Found: Fennel Essential Oil,Properties: Fennel essential oil is an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ aperitif/ carminative/ depurative/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ galactogogue/ laxative/ stimulant/ stomachic/ splenic/ tonic/ and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: It has also been found to protect wounds against becoming septic/ and it clears spasm/ increases appetite/ removes excess gas/ purifies blood/ increases urination/ and promotes a regulated menstrual cycle. Fennel essential oil defends against cough and cold/ increases milk secretion/ helps clear bowels and constipation/ stimulates systems/ and is good for stomach and spleen health.,

Found: Juniper Essential Oil,Properties: Juniper essential oil has long been known as an antiseptic/ sudorific/ antirheumatic/ depurative/ antispasmodic/ stimulating/ stomachic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ rubefacient/ vulnerary and tonic.,Health benefits: This oil protects wounds against becoming septic/ increases sweating/ cures rheumatism and arthritis/ purifies blood/ eliminates spasms/ stimulates functions/ and is good for the stomach. Juniper essential oil also makes gums stronger and stops hemorrhaging/ reduces excess gas/ promotes urination/ brings color to the skin/ and generally promotes quick healing of wounds.,

Found: Mandarin Essential Oil,Properties: It is famed for being an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ circulatory/ cytophylactic/ depurative/ digestive/ hepatic/ nervous relaxant/ sedative/ stomachic and a tonic.,Health benefits: This essential oil protects wounds against becoming septic/ relaxes spasms/ increases blood & lymph circulation/ promotes growth & regeneration of cells/ purifies blood/ facilitates digestion/ and is good for the liver. Furthermore/ it soothes inflammation and nervous afflictions/ while being good for the stomach and generally toning up the body.,

Found: Parsley Essential Oil,Properties: This type of essential oil is antimicrobial/ antirheumatic/ antiarthritic/ antiseptic/ astringent/ carminative/ circulatory/ detoxifier/ digestive/ diuretic/ depurative/ emenagogue/ febrifuge/ hypotensive/ laxative/ stimulant/ stomachic and uterine.,Health benefits: This oil inhibits microbial growth/ treats rheumatism and arthritis/ protects against sepsis/ tightens gums and muscles/ and helps stop hair loss. It also reduces chances of hemorrhaging/ removes gases/ improves circulation of blood and lymph/ removes toxins/ facilitates digestion/ increases urination and subsequent removal of toxins. Furthermore/ it purifies blood/ reduces obstructed menstruation/ soothes fever/ reduces blood pressure/ clears the bowels/ stimulates functions/ and restores uterine health.,

Found: Pennyroyal Essential Oil,Properties: Pennyroyal essential oil is an antihysteric/ antimicrobial and antibacterial/ antirheumatic and antiarthritic/ antiseptic/ astringent/ cordial/ decongestant/ depurative/ digestive/ emenagogue/ insecticide and a stomachic.,Health benefits: Some physicians employ this as a way to sedate hysterical events/ inhibit microbial and bacterial growth/ treat rheumatism and arthritis/ as well as protecting against sepsis/ tightening gums and muscles. Furthermore/ pennyroyal essential oil helps prevent hair loss and hemorrhaging/ clears congestion and eases breathing/ purifies blood/ facilitates digestion/ opens obstructed menstruation and makes them regular/ while also killing and repelling insects.,

Found: Rose Essential Oil,Properties: Rose essential oil has long been used as an antidepressant/ antiphlogistic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ antiviral/ aphrodisiac/ astringent/ bactericidal/ cholagogue/ cicatrisant/ depurative/ emenagogue/ haemostatic/ hepatic/ laxative/ nervine/ stomachic/ and a uterineoil substance.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it fights depression and uplifts mood/ soothes inflammation due to fever/ protects wounds against developing sepsis/ relieves spasms/ fights viral infections/ enhances libido and cures sexual disorders/ while tightening gums and muscles/ and stopping hemorrhaging. Furthermore/ it inhibits bacterial growth/ promotes discharges and secretions/ heals scars/ purifies the blood/ opens up obstructed menses/ stops hemorrhaging/ boosts liver health/ cures constipation and nervous disorders/ as well as being good for stomach and uterine health.,