Indexes Search Result: indexed - reed
Found: dict:easton Freedom @ Freedom

Found: 001102 @ Bonnie Brae Baptist Church 700 Bonnie Brae Blvd Denver, CO 80209 Call: 303-722-7611

Found: @ Edwards Freedom of the Will

Found: @ Schaff Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volume I. The History of Creeds.

Found: @ Schaff Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volume II. The History of Creeds.

Found: @ Schaff Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.

Found: @ Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volume I. The History of Creeds. ( - Philip Schaff)

Found: @ Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volume II. The History of Creeds. ( - Philip Schaff)

Found: @ Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. ( - Philip Schaff )

Found: @ Apostles' Creed ( - Anonymous )

Found: @ Athanasian Creed ( - Anonymous )

Found: @ Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. ( - Philip Schaff )

Found: @ Historic Creeds and ConfessionsRick Brannan, Editor: Logos Research Systems, Oak Harbor, WA, 1998 ( - Rick Brannan )

Found: @ Nicene Creed ( - Anonymous )

Found: dict:hitchcock Kanah @ of reeds - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: bwe@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: kjv@TITLE: Bible in Worldwide English NT kjv@DESCRIPTION: The Bible in Worldwide English (BWE)\par This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman, who died in 1993. She was a Canadian Bible teacher in Liberia in West Africa. Whilst teaching students in a Bible School where the language used was English, she found that she was spending more time explaining the meaning of the English than she was teaching the Bible itself. So she decided to write this simple version in easy English so that her students could easily understand.\par\par In 1959 the Full Gospel Publishing House in Toronto, Canada, printed a trial edition of the Gospel of Mark. A further edition was published in 1962 by the American Bible Society. The whole New Testament was first published by SOON Publications in India in 1969 in hardback form. This was assisted by Operation Mobilisation (OM) and was reprinted in 1971.\par\par The vision to reprint a new edition of the whole New Testament has now been carried out by SOON in conjunction with EPH and OM. Where a change to more modern words has been made, this has been kept in line with the the Authorised Version. kjv@RIGTHS: unknown kjv@PUBLISHER: freedom for bible ORG

Found: bwe @ TITLE: Bible in Worldwide English NT DESCRIPTION: The Bible in Worldwide English (BWE)\par This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman, who died in 1993. She was a Canadian Bible teacher in Liberia in West Africa. Whilst teaching students in a Bible School where the language used was English, she found that she was spending more time explaining the meaning of the English than she was teaching the Bible itself. So she decided to write this simple version in easy English so that her students could easily understand.\par\par In 1959 the Full Gospel Publishing House in Toronto, Canada, printed a trial edition of the Gospel of Mark. A further edition was published in 1962 by the American Bible Society. The whole New Testament was first published by SOON Publications in India in 1969 in hardback form. This was assisted by Operation Mobilisation (OM) and was reprinted in 1971.\par\par The vision to reprint a new edition of the whole New Testament has now been carried out by SOON in conjunction with EPH and OM. Where a change to more modern words has been made, this has been kept in line with the the Authorised Version. RIGTHS: unknown PUBLISHER: freedom for bible ORG

Found: tab[sf_bwe@ntchap] @ BROKEN LINK TITLE: Bible in Worldwide English NT PUBLISHER: freedom for bible ORG

Found: rwp@Ezra:7 @ Artaxerxes Grants Freedom to the Jews

Found: DoctrinalStudy @ STUDY AIDS - Confessions Catechisms Creeds etc...

Found: DoctrinalStudy @ STUDY AIDS - Doctrine Confessions Catechisms Creeds etc...

Found: NNN @ The Nicene Creed

Found: AAA @ Apostle's Creed

Found: NNN @ Nicene Creed

Found: AAA @ Apostles' Creed

Found: AAA @ Athanasian Creed

Found: CCC @ First Council of Nicaea (325) and Nicene Creed

Found: 315 A.D. @ Council of Neocaesarea. Much of the Nicean Creed was copied from this creed.

Found: May 20th to July 25th 325 A.D. @ Nicea I - Opposed Arians and created Nicean Creed 250-318 bishops out of 1,800 bishops in the world. Arians kicked out of Orthodox churches

Found: 589 A.D. @ Toledo - filioque clause put in to Creed

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Arminianism : Reaction to Calvinist soteriology, which affirms man's freedom to accept or reject God's gift of salvation; identified with Dutch Reformed theologian Jacobus Arminius, developed by Hugo Grotius, defended by the Remonstrants, and popularized by John Wesley. Key doctrine of Anglican and Methodist churches, adopted by many Baptists and some Congregationalists.

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Liberalism : Belief in interpreting the Bible to allow for the maximum amount of individual freedom.

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Latter Day Saint movement (Mormonism): Belief that the Book of Mormon and others to be additional divine scriptures; belief in living prophets; generally reject the Nicene creed and other early creeds.

Found: rwp@Galatians:1 @ GALATIANS - Paul’s letter addressed to the churches in Galatia is the great letter on Christian freedom; in it Paul attacks the Christians who wished to exalt the law. Galatians’ emphasis is similar to the theme of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The doctrinal section, as is typical of the Pauline format, is followed by an intensely practical section in Chapters five and six.

Found: SEPTEMBER17 AM @ A bruised reed shall he not break.-rwp@Matthew:12:20 rwp@Psalms:51:17. rwp@Psalms:147:3. rwp@Isaiah:57:15-16 rwp@Ezekiel:34:16. rwp@Hebrews:12:12-13. rwp@Isaiah:35:4.

Found: Ezra:7 @ Artaxerxes Grants Freedom to the Jews

Found: bwe @ TITLE: Bible in Worldwide English NT DESCRIPTION: The Bible in Worldwide English (BWE)\par This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman, who died in 1993. She was a Canadian Bible teacher in Liberia in West Africa. Whilst teaching students in a Bible School where the language used was English, she found that she was spending more time explaining the meaning of the English than she was teaching the Bible itself. So she decided to write this simple version in easy English so that her students could easily understand.\par\par In 1959 the Full Gospel Publishing House in Toronto, Canada, printed a trial edition of the Gospel of Mark. A further edition was published in 1962 by the American Bible Society. The whole New Testament was first published by SOON Publications in India in 1969 in hardback form. This was assisted by Operation Mobilisation (OM) and was reprinted in 1971.\par\par The vision to reprint a new edition of the whole New Testament has now been carried out by SOON in conjunction with EPH and OM. Where a change to more modern words has been made, this has been kept in line with the the Authorised Version. RIGTHS: unknown PUBLISHER: freedom for bible ORG

Found: sf_bwe @ BROKEN LINK TITLE: Bible in Worldwide English NT PUBLISHER: freedom for bible ORG

Found: 1Clement:20:4 <1CLEMENT>@ The earth, bearing fruit in fulfillment of His will at her proper seasons, putteth forth the food that supplieth abundantly both men and beasts and all living things which are thereupon, making no dissension, neither altering anything which He hath decreed.

Found: 1Clement:27:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Who shall say unto Him, What hast thou done? or who shall resist the might of His strength? When He listeth, and as He listeth, He will do all things; and nothing shall pass away of those things that He hath decreed.

Found: Barnabas:19:6 @ Thou shalt not be found coveting thy neighbors goods; thou shalt not be found greedy of gain. Neither shalt thou cleave with thy soul to the lofty, but shalt walk with the humble and righteous. The accidents that befall thee thou shalt receive as good, knowing that nothing is done without God. Thou shalt not be double minded nor double tongued.

Found: Hermas:513:1 @ "Hear now concerning the stones that go to the building The stones that are squared and white, and that fit together in their joints, these are the apostles and bishops and teachers and deacons, who walked after the holiness of God, and exercised their office of bishop and teacher and deacon in purity and sanctity for the elect of God, some of them already fallen on sleep, and others still living. And because they always agreed with one another, they both had peace among themselves and listened one to another. Therefore their joinings fit together in the building of the tower."

Found: Hermas:255:7 @ And he saith to them; "I promised this servant his freedom, if he should keep the commandment which I commanded him; but he kept my commandment and did a good work besides to my vineyard, and pleased me greatly. For this work therefore which he has done, I desire to make him joint-heir with my son, because, when the good thought struck him, he did not neglect it, but fulfilled it."

Found: Hermas:255:8 @ In this purpose the son of the master agreed with him, that the servant should be made joint-heir with the son.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:4:3 @ Despise not slaves, whether men or women. Yet let not these again be puffed up, but let them serve the more faithfully to the glory of God, that they may obtain a better freedom from God. Let them not desire to be set free at the public cost, lest they be found slaves of lust.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:4:3 @ I do not enjoin you, as Peter and Paul did. They were Apostles, I am a convict; they were free, but I am a slave to this very hour. Yet if I shall suffer, then am I a freed-man of Jesus Christ, and I shall rise free in Him. Now I am learning in my bonds to put away every desire.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL agreed @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL reed @ (5)

Found: bwe@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Bible in Worldwide English NT DESCRIPTION: The Bible in Worldwide English (BWE)\par This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman, who died in 1993. She was a Canadian Bible teacher in Liberia in West Africa. Whilst teaching students in a Bible School where the language used was English, she found that she was spending more time explaining the meaning of the English than she was teaching the Bible itself. So she decided to write this simple version in easy English so that her students could easily understand.\par\par In 1959 the Full Gospel Publishing House in Toronto, Canada, printed a trial edition of the Gospel of Mark. A further edition was published in 1962 by the American Bible Society. The whole New Testament was first published by SOON Publications in India in 1969 in hardback form. This was assisted by Operation Mobilisation (OM) and was reprinted in 1971.\par\par The vision to reprint a new edition of the whole New Testament has now been carried out by SOON in conjunction with EPH and OM. Where a change to more modern words has been made, this has been kept in line with the the Authorised Version. RIGTHS: unknown PUBLISHER: freedom for bible ORG

Found: sf_bwe@Matthew:1 @ BROKEN LINK TITLE: Bible in Worldwide English NT PUBLISHER: freedom for bible ORG

Found: @ Greed - SERMONAUDIO

Found: COMMENTARY @ OT Notes by Book

Found: COMMENTARY @ NT Notes by Book

Found: UNSORTED @ Creeds 1

Found: UNSORTED @ Creeds 2

Found: UNSORTED @ Creeds 3

Found: agreed @ kjv@CONCORD:agreed

Found: breed @ kjv@CONCORD:breed

Found: breeding @ kjv@CONCORD:breeding

Found: decreed @ kjv@CONCORD:decreed

Found: freed @ kjv@CONCORD:freed

Found: freedom @ kjv@CONCORD:freedom

Found: greedily @ kjv@CONCORD:greedily

Found: greediness @ kjv@CONCORD:greediness

Found: greedy @ kjv@CONCORD:greedy

Found: reed @ kjv@CONCORD:reed

Found: reeds @ kjv@CONCORD:reeds

Found: rwp@Ephesians:3:12 @I may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Found: rwp@Matthew:11:7 @ What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? - Jesus By Question

Found: rwp@Luke:7:24 @ What went ye out into the wilderness for to see? A reed shaken with the wind? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Freedom @ Freedom

Found: rwp@Isaiah:48:12-22 @ Israel Freed

Found: rwp@Jeremiah:34:8-22 @ Freedom for Slaves

Found: rwp@Jeremiah:40:1-41:15 @ Jeremiah Freed

Found: rwp@1Corinthians:10:23-11:1 @ The Believer's Freedom

Found: rwp@Galatians:5:1-15 @ Freedom in Christ

Found: rwp@Colossians:2:6-23 @ Freedom From Human Regulations Through Life With Christ

Found: , Freedom Church , Religion and Spirituality , Freedom Church - Lebanon; Indiana; christ; christian; freedom; god; hope; jesus; love; truth , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Freedom Road Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Freedom Road LLC; christ; christian; freedom; god; hope; jesus; love; truth , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , GRACEOLOGIE with Gwen Smith , Religion and Spirituality , Gwen Smith; gary; free; freedom; inspirational; christian; faith; bible; fear; emily; help; healing; cancer; thomas; anxiety; freeman; courage; annie; encouraging; bian , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Journeywomen , Religion and Spirituality , Hunter Beless; women; religion; redemption; freedom; christian; journeywomen , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Joy and Infertility , Religion and Spirituality , Caley Porter; women; religion; redemption; freedom; christian; journeywomen , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , Real Talk Kim , Religion and Spirituality , REAL TALK KIM; addiction; business; christian; christianity; christianmen; dad; dating; daughters; discipleship; faith; father; for; freedom; husband; men; mentor; mo , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Writings of the Church Fathers , Religion and Spirituality , H. Ian Attila and Ancient Faith Radio; patristics; church; fathers; christian; texts; history; church; orthodox; catholic; faith; creed , PODCAST , , American English;United States ,

Found: bwe@Matthew:1,ENGLISH:, Bible in Worldwide English NT, The Bible in Worldwide English (BWE)\par This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman, who died in 1993. She was a Canadian Bible teacher in Liberia in West Africa. Whilst teaching students in a Bible School where the language used was English, she found that she was spending more time explaining the meaning of the English than she was teaching the Bible itself. So she decided to write this simple version in easy English so that her students could easily understand.\par\par In 1959 the Full Gospel Publishing House in Toronto, Canada, printed a trial edition of the Gospel of Mark. A further edition was published in 1962 by the American Bible Society. The whole New Testament was first published by SOON Publications in India in 1969 in hardback form. This was assisted by Operation Mobilisation (OM) and was reprinted in 1971.\par\par The vision to reprint a new edition of the whole New Testament has now been carried out by SOON in conjunction with EPH and OM. Where a change to more modern words has been made, this has been kept in line with the the Authorised Version., unknown, freedom for bible ORG