Indexes Search Result: indexed - return
Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:7 @ Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:10 @ For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:11 @ So shall my word be that goeth forth out of...

Found: kjv@Ruth:1:16 @ And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or...

Found: kjv@Esther:4:15 @ Esther:4:15 Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer,

Found: rotherham@1Thessalonians:4:13-18 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@1Corinthians:15:51-57 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@Acts:1:11 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@Titus:2:13 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@1Peter:3:3-4 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@1Peter:3:8-13 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@1John:3:2-3 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@Luke:21:25-28 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@Matthew:24:3-14 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@Matthew:24:27-31 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@Matthew:24:36-44 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@2Timothy:3:1-5 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@1Timothy:4:1-3 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@2Timothy:4:1-8 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@Matthew:24:34 @ christ return

Found: rotherham@John:14:1-4 @ christ return

Found: @ christ return

Found: @ Redeemer’s Return ( - A. W. Pink )

Found: dict:hitchcock Barsabas @ son of return; son of rest - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Jashub @ a returning; a controversy; a dwelling place - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Shear-jashub @ the remnant shall return - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shobab @ returned; turned back; a spark - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shubael @ returning captivity; seat of God - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: @ AMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that on earth before the return of Christ there will be no age of military rule by Christ (contrary to premillennialism) nor an age of great blessing and success for the gospel (contrary to postmillennialism); at Christ's return the general resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous will take place, followed immediately by the final judgment

Found: @ ESCHATOLOGY –– the doctrine of the "last things" pertaining to the individual (death, afterlife) or to redemption (the coming, course, and consummation of Christ's kingdom, the millennium) or to the world (Christ's return, the resurrection, final judgment, the eternal state)

Found: @ POSTMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that Christ will return "after the millennium"; Christ has established His Messianic kingdom on earth, it is growing in numbers, area, and influence by means of the preaching of the gospel and Christian nurture, and it will have visible, worldwide, and blessed success before Christ returns at the general resurrection for final judgment

Found: @ PREMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that Christ will return "before the millennium" in order to resurrect the saints (the "first resurrection"), establish a military rule from Jerusalem over the rebellious nations (the battle of Armageddon), and usher in a thousand year period of material peace and prosperity; at the end of this period the nations (still in natural bodies) will rebel and make war against Christ and the resurrected saints (the battle of Gog and Magog), who will be saved by fire from heaven, followed by the second resurrection––now of unbelievers––and the final judgment

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Christian Zionism (called "Christian Restorationism" until the mid-twentieth century): The belief that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the establishment of the State of Israel is in accordance with Biblical prophecy and is a necessary precondition for the return of Jesus to reign on Earth.

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Confessing Movement: a neo-Evangelical movement within several mainline Protestant churches to return those churches to what members see as greater theological orthodoxy.

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Restoration Movement : 19th century attempt to return to a New Testament model of the Church.

Found: rotherham@Ezra:1 @ EZRA - NEHEMIAH - Written originally as one book, these two books describe the return of the Jewish exiles after more than a half-century of bondage in Babylon, and the subsequent restoration of Jerusalem, its Temple and it walls. Ezra and Nehemiah are of special importance, since they contain nearly all of the direct information known of the post-Exilic period of Hebrew history.

Found: rotherham@Nehemiah:1 @ EZRA - NEHEMIAH - Written originally as one book, these two books describe the return of the Jewish exiles after more than a half-century of bondage in Babylon, and the subsequent restoration of Jerusalem, its Temple and it walls. Ezra and Nehemiah are of special importance, since they contain nearly all of the direct information known of the post-Exilic period of Hebrew history.

Found: rotherham@Haggai:1 @ HAGGAI - This book, the first among the writings of the post-Exilic prophets, consists of four prophecies delivered within the space of 4 months, some 15 years after the return of the first exiles to Jerusalem. Work on the second Temple has begun shortly after the exiles’ arrival, but had been delayed for almost two decades. Haggai comes forward with a series of timely and vigorous messages challenging the people to respond wholeheartedly to a noble task - rebuilding the House of God.

Found: rotherham@Malachi:1 @ MALACHI - The name of the last book of the Old Testament and of the Prophet whose oracles it contains. Malachi ( from Hebrew meaning "my messenger") is an invaluable source concerning the Judaean Jews during the Persian period. Two themes are predomination: the sin and apostasy of Israel ( Malachi:1-2 ); and the coming judgment upon the faithless, with blessings promised for those who repent ( Malachi:3-4 ). The growing Messianic expectation in the Old Testament is apparent in Malachi by the announcement of God’s "messenger of the covenant", by whose coming Israel will be purified and judged; and of the return of the Prophet Elijah who will proclaim the Day of the Lord.

Found: rotherham@1Thessalonians:1 @ 1THESSALONIANS - These letters constitute what is probably the earliest writing of the Apostle Paul. There were written in A.D. 51-52, soon after the founding of the Thessalonian church, and give Paul’s answer, to some basic problems disturbing the Christians of Thessalonica. The major contributions are eschatological, investigating especially the events preceding and accompanying the return of Christ. The concern of Paul for his followers is apparent throughout.

Found: rotherham@2Thessalonians:1 @ 2THESSALONIANS - These letters constitute what is probably the earliest writing of the Apostle Paul. There were written in A.D. 51-52, soon after the founding of the Thessalonian church, and give Paul’s answer, to some basic problems disturbing the Christians of Thessalonica. The major contributions are eschatological, investigating especially the events preceding and accompanying the return of Christ. The concern of Paul for his followers is apparent throughout.

Found: FEBRUARY4 AM @ The Lord hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.-rotherham@Deuteronomy:17:16 rotherham@Hebrews:11:15-16 rotherham@Hebrews:11:25-26. rotherham@Hebrews:10:38-39. rotherham@Luke:9:62 rotherham@Galatians:6:14. rotherham@2Corinthians:6:17 rotherham@Philippians:1:6.

Found: APRIL2 AM @ If ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only.-rotherham@1Samuel:7:3 rotherham@1John:5:21. rotherham@2Corinthians:6:17-18. rotherham@Matthew:6:24 rotherham@Exodus:34:14. rotherham@1Chronicles:28:9 rotherham@Psalms:51:6. rotherham@1Samuel:16:7. rotherham@1John:3:21.

Found: MAY24 PM @ I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face.-rotherham@Hosea:5:15 rotherham@Isaiah:59:2. rotherham@Songs:5:6. rotherham@Isaiah:57:17-18. rotherham@Jeremiah:2:17 rotherham@Luke:15:20. rotherham@Hosea:14:4 rotherham@1John:1:9.

Found: DECEMBER8 PM @ The dust shall return to the earth as it was.-rotherham@Ecclesiastes:12:7 rotherham@1Corinthians:15:42-44. rotherham@1Corinthians:15:47 rotherham@Genesis:3:19. rotherham@Job:21:23-25-26 rotherham@Psalms:16:9. rotherham@Job:19:26. rotherham@Philippians:3:20-21 rotherham@Psalms:39:4. rotherham@Psalms:90:12.

Found: DECEMBER9 PM @ The spirit shall return unto God who gave it.-rotherham@Ecclesiastes:12:7 rotherham@Genesis:2:7. rotherham@Job:32:8. rotherham@1Corinthians:15:45. rotherham@Ecclesiastes:3:21 rotherham@2Corinthians:5:6-8. rotherham@Philippians:1:23. rotherham@1Thessalonians:4:13-14 rotherham@John:14:2-3.

Found: 1Clement:4:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Unto thee shall he turn, and thou shalt rule over him. {This last phrase has also been translated: Be at peace: thine offering returns to thyself, and thou shalt again possess it.}

Found: 1Clement:19:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Seeing then that we have been partakers of many great and glorious doings, let us hasten to return unto the goal of peace which hath been handed down to us from the beginning, and let us look steadfastly unto the Father and Maker of the whole world, and cleave unto His splendid and excellent gifts of peace and benefits.

Found: 1Clement:25:4 <1CLEMENT>@ and in the daytime in the sight of all, flying to the altar of the Sun, it layeth them thereupon; and this done, it setteth forth to return.

Found: Hermas:15:3 @ But after I had risen up from prayer, I behold before me the aged lady, whom also I had seen last year, walking and reading a little book. And she saith to me, "Canst thou report these things to the elect of God?" I say unto her, "Lady, I cannot recollect so much; but give me the little book, that I may copy it." "Take it," saith she, "and be sure and return it to me."

Found: Hermas:525:1 @ As I prayed in the house, and sat on the couch, there entered a man glorious in his visage, in the garb of a shepherd, with a white skin wrapped about him, and with a wallet on his shoulders and a staff in his hand. And he saluted me, and I saluted him in return.

Found: Hermas:128:2 @ They therefore that speak lies set the Lord at nought, and become robbers of the Lord, for they do not deliver up to Him the deposit which they received. For they received of Him a spirit free from lies. This if they shall return a lying spirit, they have defiled the commandment of the Lord and have become robbers."

Found: Hermas:129:7 @ "If then, Sir," say I, "after the wife is divorced, she repent and desire to return to her own husband, shall she not be received?"

Found: Hermas:150:2 @ He, therefore, that prepareth these things for this city does not purpose to return to his own city.

Found: Hermas:150:5 @ What then shalt thou do, who art under law in thine own city? For the sake of thy fields and the rest of thy possessions wilt thou altogether repudiate thy law, and walk according to the law of this city? Take heed, lest it be inexpedient to repudiate the law; for if thou shouldest desire to return again to thy city, thou shall surely not be received because thou didst repudiate the law of the city, and shalt be shut out from it.

Found: Hermas:167:5 @ The angel who gave the rods to the people demanded them back from them again, and according as they had received them, so also they were summoned to him, and each of them returned the several rods. But the angel of the Lord took them, and examined them.

Found: Hermas:268:9 @ And after he had watered the rods, he saith to me; "Let us go now. and after days let us return and inspect all the rods; for He Who created this tree willeth that all those who have received rods from this tree should live. And I myself hope that these little rods, after they have got moisture and been watered, will live the greater part of them."

Found: Hermas:1188:2 @ I say to them; "I will await him till evening, and if he come not, I will depart home and return early in the morning." But they answered and said unto me; "To us thou wast entrusted; thou canst not depart from us."

Found: Hermas:13[90^:1 @ What then, Sir," say I, "if these men, being such as they are, should repent and put away their desire for these women, and return unto the virgins, and walk in their power and in their works? Shall they not enter into the house of God?"

Found: Hermas:27[104a:2 @ For this world and the vanities of their possessions must be cut off from them, and then they will fit into the kingdom of God. For it is necessary that they should enter into the kingdom of God; because the Lord hath blessed this innocent kind. Of this kind then not one shall perish. Yea, even though any one of them being tempted by the most wicked devil have committed any fault, he shall return speedily unto his Lord.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:8:1 @ I therefore did my own part, as a man composed unto union. But where there is division and anger, there God abideth not. Now the Lord forgiveth all men when they repent, if repenting they return to the unity of God and to the council of the bishop. I have faith in the grace of Jesus Christ, who shall strike off every fetter from you; and I entreat you,

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:5:3 @ But their names, being unbelievers, I have not thought fit to record in writing--nay, far be it from me even to remember them, until they repent and return to the passion, which is our resurrection.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL return @ (4)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL returned @ (1)

Found: rotherham@Acts:1:9-11 @ Jesus returns in the same way he left - RAPTURE

Found: rotherham@Deuteronomy:23:15-16 @ Do not return escaped servants - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: return @ kjv@CONCORD:return

Found: returned @ kjv@CONCORD:returned

Found: returneth @ kjv@CONCORD:returneth

Found: returning @ kjv@CONCORD:returning

Found: rotherham@Luke:17:31-32 @ Jesus By Command - In that day...let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back...Remember Lot's wife

Found: rotherham@Matthew:10:11-13 @ Jesus By Command - enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence...come into an house, salute it...let your peace come upon it...let your peace return to you

Found: , Return to the Word Radio , Christian , USA , , , ,, ;;;;-