Indexes Search Result: indexed - saving
Found: @ Divine Cordial, or, The transcendent priviledge of those that love God and are savingly called ... ( - Thomas Watson)

Found: @ Divine Cordial, or, The transcendent priviledge of those that love God and are savingly called ... ( - Thomas Watson)

Found: dict:hitchcock Shua @ crying; saving - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: @ REDEMPTIVE HISTORY –– the special, unified course of historical events by which God prepared, accomplished, and applies redemption for His people and thereby advances His saving kingdom

Found: @ REDEMPTIVE LAW –– ceremonial laws which taught or symbolized the way of atonement or God's saving presence among His people (e.g., laws dealing with sacrifice, the priesthood, the temple)

Found: rwp@Romans:1 @ ROMANS - This letter, the first in canonical order, but not the first of Paul’s Epistles, is the longest and the most influential of all the Apostle’s writings. Writing to Christians at Rome whom he hoped soon to visit, Paul presents to them his mature convictions concerning the Christian faith: the universality of sin; the impotence of the law as a means of salvation; the nature of God’s saving act in Christ, and its appropriation by faith. The letter closes with spiritual advice and some personal remarks.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:8:2 @ And he was met by Herod the captain of police and his father Nicetes, who also removed him to their carriage and tried to prevail upon him, seating themselves by his side and saying, 'Why what harm is there in saying, Caesar is Lord, and offering incense', with more to this effect, 'and saving thyself?' But he at first gave them no answer. When however they persisted, he said, 'I am not going to do what ye counsel me.'

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL saving @ (1)

Found: UNSORTED @ A.W. Pink - Faith

Found: saving @ kjv@CONCORD:saving