Indexes Search Result: indexed - settle
Found: Didache:12:3 @ But if he wishes to settle with you, being a craftsman, let him work for and eat his bread.

Found: Didache:13:1 @ But every time prophet desiring to settle among you is worthy of his food.

Found: Hermas:363:4 @ "I would fain learn, Sir," said I, "of what sort are these various punishments." "Listen," saith he; "the various tortures and punishments are tortures belonging to the present life; for some are punished with losses, and others with want, and others with divers maladies, and others with every kind of unsettlement, and others with insults from unworthy persons and with suffering in many other respects.

Found: Hermas:363:5 @ For many, being unsettled in their plans, set their hands to many things, and nothing ever goes forward with them. And then they say that they do not prosper in their doings, and it doth not enter into their hearts that they have done evil deeds, but they blame the Lord.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:3:2 @ But, since love doth not suffer me to be silent concerning you, therefore was I forward to exhort you, that ye run in harmony with the mind of God: for Jesus Christ also, our inseparable life, is the mind of the Father, even as the bishops that are settled in the farthest parts of the earth are in the mind of Jesus Christ.

Found: UNSORTED @ Amorite Settlements

Found: settle @ kjv@CONCORD:settle

Found: settled @ kjv@CONCORD:settled

Found: settlest @ kjv@CONCORD:settlest

Found: emtv@2Kings:17:24-41 @ Samaria Resettled

Found: Myrtle Essential Oil,Properties: It is an antiseptic/ astringent/ deodorant/ expectorant/ and a sedative.,Health benefits: Myrtle essential oil increases the rate of wound healing/ and protects ulcers against developing more serious infections. Also/ it tightens gums and muscles/ stops hemorrhaging/ reduces body odor/ fights coughs & colds/ soothes inflammations/ and settles nervous disorders.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Myrtle Essential Oil,Properties: It is an antiseptic/ astringent/ deodorant/ expectorant/ and a sedative.,Health benefits: Myrtle essential oil increases the rate of wound healing/ and protects ulcers against developing more serious infections. Also/ it tightens gums and muscles/ stops hemorrhaging/ reduces body odor/ fights coughs & colds/ soothes inflammations/ and settles nervous disorders.,