Indexes Search Result: indexed - sk
Found: January27 @ alb@Matthew:7:7-12 Ask, Seek, Knock

Found: kjv@Matthew:21:22 @ And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing,...

Found: kjv@James:1:5 @ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of...

Found: kjv@1Samuel:1:17 @ Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the...

Found: kjv@James:4:2 @ Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:30 @ Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of...

Found: kjv@Luke:11:9 @ And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be...

Found: kjv@Luke:11:10 @ For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh...

Found: kjv@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say unto you, That if two of you...

Found: dict:easton Basilisk @ Basilisk

Found: dict:easton Basket @ Basket

Found: dict:easton Husk @ Husk

Found: dict:easton Tamarisk @ Tamarisk

Found: 000021 @ Sky Ridge Medical Ctr Call 720-225-1000 • 10101 Ridgegate Pkwy, Lone Tree, CO

Found: 001011 @ Addis Kidan Ethiopian Evangelical Church 11001 E. Alameda Ave Aurora, CO 80012 Call: 720-857-9402

Found: 001288 @ Concordia Lutheran Church Thomas Teske 13371 W. Alameda Parkway Lakewood, CO 80228 Call: 303-989-5260

Found: 103507 @ Sobesky Academy 2001 Hoyt St Denver, CO 80215 CALL SCHOOL NOW Special Education School

Found: Mark:7:24-30 @ FAITH UNFEIGNED - I. The Action--She went to Jesus @II. The Attitude--She realized she was a dog @III. The Answer--Jesus gave her what she asked

Found: Ephesians:5:18 @ FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT - II. Asking (John 14:14) "Ye have not because ye ask not"

Found: @ Hoskier, Herman Charles (1864-1938)

Found: @ Hoskier Codex B and Its Allies: A Study and an Indictment. Part I

Found: @ Hoskier Codex B and Its Allies: Part II

Found: @ Edersheim Sketches of Jewish Social Life

Found: @ Edersheim Sketches of Jewish Social Life

Found: @ Edersheim Sketches of Jewish Social Life

Found: dict:hitchcock Aroer @ heath; tamarisk - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Askelon @ weight; balance; fire of infamy - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Boskath @ in poverty - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Caleb @ a dog; a crow; a basket - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Calvary @ the place of a skull - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Chelub @ a basket - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Eshkalon @ same as Askelon - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Golgotha @ a heap of skulls; something skull-shaped - HITCHCOCK-G

Found: dict:hitchcock Jamlech @ reigning; asking counsel - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jehiskiah @ the strength, or taking, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Mishael @ who is asked for or lent - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Orpah @ the neck or skull - HITCHCOCK-O

Found: dict:hitchcock Salathiel @ asked or lent of God - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Salcah @ thy basket; thy lifting up - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Samuel @ heard of God; asked of God - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: @

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Found: tsk@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

Found: tab[sf_czecep@ntchap] @ TITLE: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad DESCRIPTION: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad: Bible Pismo svate Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle ekumenickeho vydani z r. 1985 (c) Ekumenicka\par rada cirkvi v CR. RIGTHS: Copyrighted PUBLISHER: graphic artist

Found: tsk @ TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

Found: alb@Exodus:12 @ The Egyptians Ask Moses to Depart

Found: PDF @ media: pdf/WhenCriticsAsk.pdf

Found: EPUB @ media: epub/NormanGeislerWhenCriticsAsk.epub

Found: dict:tsk Aaron @ STUDY BIBLE BY - Thompson's Chain Refference

Found: tsk@Genesis:1:1 @ STUDY BIBLE BY - Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge (also available on bible verse links)

Found: Info @ The following resources are believed to be in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. Please notify the site administrator if you believe that an item is not so and we will remove it. Note: the EBOOK formatting of some files collected here are of various quality; use at your own risk.

Found: @ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&X=x&T=&Css=default&Index=When Critics Ask&Version=alb&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv#result' target=''>csv:LOCALMEDIA When Critics Ask </a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt'>WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt</a><br> Found: AAA <ECOLE>@ <a href=""> Alexander Nevski</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt'>WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt</a><br> Found: AAA <ECOLE>@ <a href=""> Anskar</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt'>WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt</a><br> Found: EEE <ECOLE>@ <a href=""> Euphrosyne of Polotsk </a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt'>WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt</a><br> Found: PPP <ECOLE>@ <a href=""> Paraskeva Pyatnitsa</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt'>WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt</a><br> Found: 3 Feb 865 <BCP>@ <A HREF="" target="BLANK_">Anskar, Bishop and Missionary To Denmark and Sweden</A><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt'>WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt</a><br> Found: 29 May 1637 <BCP>@ <A HREF="" target="BLANK_">Juraj Tranovsky, Hymnwriter</A><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt'>WEBCHURCHHISTORY.txt</a><br> Found: 18 Sep 1961 <BCP>@ <A HREF="" target="BLANK_">Dag Hammarskjold, Peacemaker</A><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Esther:1 ' target=''>alb@Esther:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ ESTHER - The Book of Esther, in the form of a short story similar to the Book of Ruth, has its setting in the palace of Shushan, or Susa, one of the three capitals of the Persian Empire. The story gives us a vivid picture of the Jews in exile, of the hostility of their non-Jewish enemies in Persia, and of how Esther became the queen of Ahasuerus (Xerxes), subsequently risking her life in order to save her people, the Jews, from total destruction. God’s providential care of His people is magnified throughout, though the word "God" never appears in the book.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Jeremiah:1 ' target=''>alb@Jeremiah:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ JEREMIAH - Jeremiah was God’s spokesman during the decline and fall of the southern kingdom, Judah. Among the Prophets not one had a more difficult task than that of standing alone for God in the midst of the apostasy of his own people, and not one who bares his soul to his reader as does Jeremiah. Although Jeremiah announced the coming destruction of Judah, he looked beyond this judgement to a day when religion, no longer national, would be individual and spiritual. This new kind of religion would result from God’s "new covenant" with His people.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Haggai:1 ' target=''>alb@Haggai:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ HAGGAI - This book, the first among the writings of the post-Exilic prophets, consists of four prophecies delivered within the space of 4 months, some 15 years after the return of the first exiles to Jerusalem. Work on the second Temple has begun shortly after the exiles’ arrival, but had been delayed for almost two decades. Haggai comes forward with a series of timely and vigorous messages challenging the people to respond wholeheartedly to a noble task - rebuilding the House of God.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: APRIL16 PM <DAILYLIGHT>@ He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:91:15' target=''>alb@Psalms:91:15</a>@! And God granted him that which he requested.--Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said unto God, . . . Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people.--And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Chronicles:4:10' target=''>alb@1Chronicles:4:10</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=2Chronicles:1:7-8-10' target=''>alb@2Chronicles:1:7-8-10</a>. - <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Kings:4:29' target=''>alb@1Kings:4:29</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=2Chronicles:14:11-12' target=''>alb@2Chronicles:14:11-12</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:65:2' target=''>alb@Psalms:65:2</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: AUGUST19 PM <DAILYLIGHT>@ Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Isaiah:45:11' target=''>alb@Isaiah:45:11</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Ezekiel:36:26-27' target=''>alb@Ezekiel:36:26-27</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Ezekiel:36:37' target=''>alb@Ezekiel:36:37</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:18:19-20' target=''>alb@Matthew:18:19-20</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Mark:11:22-23' target=''>alb@Mark:11:22-23</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: OCTOBER4 AM <DAILYLIGHT>@ Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Exodus:34:29' target=''>alb@Exodus:34:29</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:115:1' target=''>alb@Psalms:115:1</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:25:37' target=''>alb@Matthew:25:37</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Philippians:2:3' target=''>alb@Philippians:2:3</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Peter:5:5' target=''>alb@1Peter:5:5</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:17:2' target=''>alb@Matthew:17:2</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Acts:6:15' target=''>alb@Acts:6:15</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=John:17:22' target=''>alb@John:17:22</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=2Corinthians:3:18' target=''>alb@2Corinthians:3:18</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:5:14-15' target=''>alb@Matthew:5:14-15</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=SHEPHERDPUPLINUXIMG.txt'>SHEPHERDPUPLINUXIMG.txt</a><br> Found: Exodus:12 <DORE>@ The Egyptians Ask Moses to Depart <a href='' target=''></a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLETHINGS.txt'>BIBLETHINGS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Kings:19:4' target=''>alb@1Kings:19:4</a> <PLANT>@ Broom, White (Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb) -<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=BiblePlants' target=''> BiblePlants</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLETHINGS.txt'>BIBLETHINGS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:120:4' target=''>alb@Psalms:120:4</a> <PLANT>@ Broom, White (Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb) -<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=BiblePlants' target=''> BiblePlants</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLETHINGS.txt'>BIBLETHINGS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Genesis:21:33' target=''>alb@Genesis:21:33</a> <PLANT>@ (Tamarix aphylla) Tamarisk - [Hebrew, ’e?shel]. -<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=BiblePlants' target=''> BiblePlants</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt'>COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: sf_czecep <INTERNATIONAL>@ TITLE: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad DESCRIPTION: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad: Bible Pismo svate Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle ekumenickeho vydani z r. 1985 (c) Ekumenicka\par rada cirkvi v CR. RIGTHS: Copyrighted PUBLISHER: graphic artist <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt'>COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: tsk <REF>@ TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:17:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us be imitators also of them which went about in goatskins and sheepskins, preaching the coming of Christ. We mean Elijah and Elisha and likewise Ezekiel, the prophets, and besides them those men also that obtained a good report. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:36:4 <1CLEMENT>@ but of His Son the Master said thus, <i>Thou art My Son, I this day have begotten thee. Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the Gentiles for Thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Thy possession.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:50:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Who is sufficient to be found therein, save those to whom God shall vouchsafe it? Let us therefore entreat and ask of His mercy, that we may be found blameless in love, standing apart from the factiousness of men. All the generations from Adam unto this day have passed away: but they that by God's grace were perfected in love dwell in the abode of the pious; and they shall be made manifest in the visitation of the Kingdom of God. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:53:5 <1CLEMENT>@ O mighty love<i> O unsurpassable perfection</i> The servant is bold with his Master; he asketh forgiveness for the multitude, or he demandeth that himself also be blotted out with them. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:55:4 <1CLEMENT>@ The blessed Judith, when the city was beleaguered, asked of the elders that she might be suffered to go forth into the camp of the aliens. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:59:2 <1CLEMENT>@ but we shall be guiltless of this sin. And we will ask, with instancy of prayer and supplication, that the Creator of the universe may guard intact unto the end the number that hath been numbered of His elect throughout the whole world, through His beloved Son Jesus Christ, through whom He called us from darkness to light, from ignorance to the full knowledge of the glory of His Name. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:12:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Lord Himself, being asked by a certain person when his kingdom would come, said, <i>When the two shall be one, and the outside as the inside, and the male with the female, neither male or female.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:15:4 <2CLEMENT>@ For this word is the token of a great promise: for the Lord saith of Himself that He is more ready to give than he that asketh to ask. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:19:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore, brothers and sisters, after the God of truth hath been heard, I read unto you an exhortation to the end that ye may give heed to the things which are written, for that ye may save both yourselves and him that readeth in the midst of you. For I ask of you as a reward that ye repent with your whole heart, and give salvation and life to yourselves. For doing this we shall set a goal for all the young who desire to toil in the study of piety and of the goodness of God. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:4:6 <BARNABAS>@ Ye ought therefore to understand. Moreover I ask you this one thing besides, as being one of yourselves and loving you all in particular more than my own soul, to give heed to yourselves now, and not to liken yourselves to certain persons who pile up sin upon sin, saying that our covenant remains to them also. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:9:4 <BARNABAS>@ He saith unto them; <i>Thus saith the Lord your God</i> (so I find the commandment); <i>sow not upon thorns, be ye circumcised in to your <i>Lord.</i> And what saith He? <i>Be ye circumcised in the hardness of <i>your heart; and then ye will not harden your neck.</i> Take this again; <i>Behold, sayith the Lord, all the Gentiles are uncircumcised <i>in their foreskin, but this people is uncircumcised in their <i>hearts.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:21:7 <BARNABAS>@ But if you have any remembrance of good, call me to mind when ye practice these things these things, that both my desire and my watchfulness may lead to some good result. I entreat you asking it as a favor. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Didache:1:4 <DIDACHE>@ Abstain thou from fleshly and bodily lusts. <i>If any man give thee a blow on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also,</i> and thou shalt be perfect; <i>If a man impress thee to go with him one mile, go with him twain; if a man take away thy cloak, give him thy coat also; if a man take away from thee that which is thy own, ask it not back,</i> for neither art thou able. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Didache:1:5 <DIDACHE>@ <i>To every man that asketh of thee give, and ask not back</i> for the Father desireth that gifts be given to all from His own bounties. Blessed is he that giveth according to the commandment; for he is guiltless. Woe to him that receiveth; for, if a man receiveth having need, he is guiltless; but he that hath no need shall give satisfaction why and wherefore he received and being put in confinement he shall be examined concerning the deeds that he hath done, and <i>he shall not come out thence until he hath given back the last farthing.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Didache:11:6 <DIDACHE>@ And when he departeth let the apostle receive nothing save bread, until he findeth shelter; but if he ask money, he is a false prophet. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Diognetus:1:1 <DIOGNETUS>@ Since I see, most excellent Diognetus, that thou art exceedingly anxious to understand the religion of the Christians, and that thy enquiries respecting them are distinctly and carefully made, as to what God they trust and how they worship Him, that they all disregard the world and despise death, and take no account of those who are regarded as gods by the Greeks, neither observe the superstition of the Jews, and as to the nature of the affection which they entertain one to another, and of this new development or interest, which has entered into men's lives now and not before: I gladly welcome this zeal in thee, and I ask of God, Who supplieth both the speaking and the hearing to us, that it may be granted to myself to speak in such a way that thou mayest be made better by the hearing, and to thee that thou mayest so listen that I the speaker may not be disappointed. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3:2 <HERMAS>@ But the great mercy of the Lord had pity on thee and thy family, and will strengthen thee, and establish thee in His glory. Only be not thou careless, but take courage, and strengthen thy family. For as the smith hammering his work conquers the task which he wills, so also doth righteous discourse repeated daily conquer all evil. Cease not therefore to reprove thy children; for I know that if they shall repent with all their heart, they shall be written in the books of life with the saints." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:4<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=8' target=''>8</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ And afterwards I saw a vision in my house. The aged woman came, and asked me, if I had already given the book to the elders. I said that I had not given it. "Thou hast done well," she said, "for I have words to add. When then I shall have finished all the words, it shall be made known by thy means to all the elect. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=9' target=''>9</a>y:3 <HERMAS>@ I asked her, saying, "Lady, to what part of the country?" "Where thou wilt," saith she. I selected a beautiful and retired spot; but before I spoke to her and named the spot, she saith to me, "I will come, whither thou willest." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=11' target=''>11</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ "Many shall hear; but when they hear, some of them shall be glad, and others shall weep. Yet even these latter, if they hear and repent, shall likewise be glad. Hear thou therefore the parables of the tower; for I will reveal all things unto thee. And trouble me no more about revelation; for these revelations have an end, seeing that they have been completed. Nevertheless thou wilt not cease asking for revelations; for thou art shameless." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=11' target=''>11</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ The tower, which thou seest building, is myself, the Church, which was seen of thee both now and aforetime. Ask, therefore, what thou willest concerning the tower, and I will reveal it unto thee, that thou mayest rejoice with the saints." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=11' target=''>11</a>:5 <HERMAS>@ I asked her, "Wherefore is the tower builded upon waters, lady?" "I told thee so before," said she, "and indeed thou dost enquire diligently. So by thy enquiry thou discoverest the truth. Hear then why the tower is builded upon waters; it is because your life is saved and shall be saved by water. But the tower has been founded by the word of the Almighty and Glorious Name, and is strengthened by the unseen power of the Master." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:7<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=15' target=''>15</a>:5 <HERMAS>@ Still importunate, I asked her further, whether for all these stones that were rejected and would not fit into the building of the tower that was repentance, and they had a place in this tower. "They can repent," she said, "but they cannot be fitted into this tower. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:8<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=16' target=''>16</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ When then I ceased asking her concerning all these things, she saith to me; "Wouldest thou see something else?" Being very desirous of beholding, I was greatly rejoiced that I should see it. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:8<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=16' target=''>16</a>:9 <HERMAS>@ Then I asked her concerning the seasons, whether the consummation is even now. But she cried aloud, saying, "Foolish man, seest thou not that the tower is still a-building? Whensoever therefore the tower shall be finished building, the end cometh; but it shall be built up quickly. Ask me no more questions: this reminder is sufficient for you and for the saints, and is the renewal of your spirits. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:10<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=18' target=''>18</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ And, as she went, I asked her to reveal to me concerning the three forms, in which she had appeared to me. She answered and said to me; "As concerning these things thou must ask another, that they may be revealed to thee." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:10<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=18' target=''>18</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ And I see the aged woman in a vision of the night, saying to me, "Every enquiry needs humility. Fast therefore, and thou shalt receive what thou askest from the Lord." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:10<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=18' target=''>18</a>:7 <HERMAS>@ So I fasted one day; and that very night there appeared unto me a young man, and he saith to me, "Seeing that thou askest me revelations offhand with entreaty, take heed lest by thy much asking thou injure thy flesh. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:10<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=18' target=''>18</a>:9 <HERMAS>@ I say unto him in reply, "Sir, this one thing alone I ask, concerning the three forms of the aged woman, that a complete revelation may be vouchsafed me." He saith to me in answer, How long are ye without understanding? It is your double-mindedness that maketh you of no understanding, and because your heart is not set towards the Lord." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:13<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=21' target=''>21</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ They then that have fully repented shall be young again, and founded firmly, seeing that they have repented with their whole heart. There thou hast the revelation entire and complete. Thou shalt ask nothing more as touching revelation-- but if anything be lacking still, it shall be revealed unto thee." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=24' target=''>24</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ I asked her concerning the four colors, which the beast had upon its head. Then she answered me and said, "Again thou art curious about such matters." "Yes, lady," said I, "make known unto me what these things are." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=25' target=''>25</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ As I prayed in the house, and sat on the couch, there entered a man glorious in his visage, in the garb of a shepherd, with a white skin wrapped about him, and with a wallet on his shoulders and a staff in his hand. And he saluted me, and I saluted him in return. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=29' target=''>29</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ I say to him, "Sir, permit me to ask thee a few more questions" "Say on," saith he. "Sir," say I, "if a man who has a wife that is faithful in the Lord detect her in adultery, doth the husband sin in living with her?" <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=30' target=''>30</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ I asked him again, saying, "Seeing that the Lord held me worthy that thou shouldest always dwell with me, suffer me still to say a few words, since I understand nothing, and my heart has been made dense by my former deeds. Make me to understand, for I am very foolish, and I apprehend absolutely nothing." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=31' target=''>31</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ "I will still proceed, Sir," say I, "to ask a further question." "Speak on," saith he. "I have heard, Sir," say I, "from certain teachers, that there is no other repentance, save that which took place when we rent down into the water and obtained remission of our former sins." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:4<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=32' target=''>32</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ I asked him again, saying, "Sir, since once thou dost bear with me, declare unto me this further matter also." "Say on," saith he. "If a wife, Sir," say I, "or, it may be, a husband fall asleep, and one of them marry, doth the one that marrieth sin?" <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=39' target=''>39</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ He saith to me; "Remove from thyself a doubtful mind and doubt not at all whether to ask of God, saying within thyself, "How can I ask thing of the Lord and receive it, seeing that I have committed so many sins against Him?" <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=39' target=''>39</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ Reason not thus, but turn to the Lord with thy whole heart, and ask of Him nothing wavering, and thou shalt know His exceeding compassion, that He will surely not abandon thee, but will fulfill the petition of thy soul. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=39' target=''>39</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ Do thou therefore cleanse thy heart from all the vanities of this life, and from the things mentioned before; and ask of the Lord, and thou shalt receive all things, and shalt lack nothing of all thy petitions, if thou ask of the Lord nothing wavering. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=39' target=''>39</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ But they that are complete in the faith make all their petitions trusting in the Lord, and they receive, because they ask without wavering, nothing doubting; for every doubtful-minded man, if he repent not, shall hardly be saved. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=39' target=''>39</a>:7 <HERMAS>@ Cleanse therefore thy heart from doubtful-mindedness, and put on faith, for it is strong, and trust God that thou wilt receive all thy petitions which thou askest; and if after asking anything of the Lord, thou receive thy petition somewhat tardily, be not of doubtful mind because thou didst not receive the petition of thy soul at once. For assuredly it is by reason of some temptation or some transgression, of which thou art ignorant, that thou receivest thy petition so tardily. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=39' target=''>39</a>:8 <HERMAS>@ Do thou therefore cease not to make thy soul's petition, and thou shalt receive it. But if thou grow weary, and doubt as thou askest, blame thyself and not Him that giveth unto thee. See to this doubtful-mindedness; for it is evil and senseless, and uprooteth many from the faith, yea, even very faithful and strong men. For indeed this doubtful-mindedness is a daughter of the devil, and worketh great wickedness against the servants of God. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=48' target=''>48</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ I say to him, "Sir, listen to a few words from me." "Say what thou wilt," saith he. "Man, Sir," I say, "is eager to keep the commandments of God, and there is no one that asketh not of the Lord that he may be strengthened in His commandments, and be subject to them; but the devil is hard and overmastereth them." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=50' target=''>50</a>:11 <HERMAS>@ But practice your own expenditure, in which ye can rejoice; and do not corrupt, neither touch that which is another man's, nor lust after it for it is wicked to lust after other men's possessions. But perform thine own task, and thou shalt be saved." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=53' target=''>53</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ How then," saith he, "can such a man ask anything of the Lord and receive it, seeing that he serveth not the Lord? <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=For' target=''>For</a> they that serve Him, these shall receive their petitions, but they that serve not the Lord, these shall receive nothing. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=56' target=''>56</a>:9 <HERMAS>@ These things thou shalt so observe, thou and thy children and thy whole household; and, observing them, thou shalt be blessed; yea, and all those, who shall hear and observe them, shall be blessed, and whatsoever things they shall ask of the Lord, they shall receive." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:4<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=57' target=''>57</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ But he again answered, and said unto me; "Whosoever," saith he, "is a servant of God, and hath his own Lord in his heart, asketh understanding of Him, and receiveth it, and interpreteth every parable, and the words of the Lord which are spoken in parables are made known unto him. But as many as are sluggish and idle in intercession, these hesitate to ask of the Lord. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:4<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=57' target=''>57</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ But the Lord is abundant in compassion, and giveth to them that ask of Him without ceasing. But thou who hast been strengthened by the holy angel, and hast received from him such (powers of intercession and art not idle, wherefore dost thou not ask understanding of the Lord, and obtain it from Him)." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:4<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=57' target=''>57</a>:5 <HERMAS>@ I say to him, "Sir, I that have thee with me have (but) need to ask thee and enquire of thee; for thou showest me all things, and speakest with me; but if I had seen or heard them apart from thee I should have asked of the Lord, that they might be shown to me." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=61' target=''>61</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ and he was feeding a great number of sheep, and these sheep were, as it were, well fed and very frisky, and were gladsome as they skipped about hither and thither; and the shepherd himself was all gladsome over his flock; and the very visage of the shepherd was exceedingly gladsome; and he ran about among the sheep. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=62' target=''>62</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ I say to him, "Sir, I comprehend not what means "unto death," and what "unto corruption". "Listen," saith he; "the sheep which thou sawest gladsome and skipping about, these are they who have been turned asunder from God utterly, and have delivered themselves over to the lusts of this world. In these, therefore, there is not repentance unto life. For the Name of God is being blasphemed through them. The life of such persons is death. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=62' target=''>62</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ But the sheep, which thou sawest not skipping about, but feeding in one place, these are they that have delivered themselves over to acts of self-indulgence and deceit, but have not uttered any blasphemy against the Lord. These then have been corrupted from the truth. In these there is hope of repentance, wherein they can live. Corruption then hath hope of a possible renewal, but death hath eternal destruction." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=62' target=''>62</a>:5 <HERMAS>@ Again we went forward a little way, and he showeth me a great shepherd like a wild man in appearance, with a white goatskin thrown about him; and he had a kind of wallet on his shoulders, and a staff very hard and with knots in it, and a great whip. And his look was very sour, so that I was afraid of him because of his look. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=62' target=''>62</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ This shepherd then kept receiving from the young man, the shepherd, those sheep that were frisky and well fed, but not skipping about, and putting them in a certain spot, which was precipitous and covered with thorns and briars, so that the sheep could not disentangle themselves from the thorns and briars, but [became entangled among the thorns and briars. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=63' target=''>63</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ When then they are afflicted with every kind of affliction, then they are delivered over to me for good instruction, and are strengthened in the faith of the Lord, and serve the Lord with a pure heart the remaining days of their life. But, if they repent, the evil works which they have done rise up in their hearts, and then they glorify God, saying that He is a just Judge, and that they suffered justly each according to his doings. And they serve the Lord thenceforward with a pure heart, and are prosperous in all their doings, receiving from the Lord whatsoever things they may ask; and then they glorify the Lord because they were delivered over unto me, and they no longer suffer any evil thing." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3[63^:3 <HERMAS>@ He saith to me, "Thou art foolish, and comprehendest not the power of the torment" "True," say I, "for if I had comprehended it, I should not have asked thee to declare it to me." "Listen," saith he, "to the power of both, [of the self-indulgence and of the torment]. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=66' target=''>66</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ I say to him; "Sir, be thou with me, and I shall be able to endure all affliction <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=easily' target=''>easily</a>." "I will be with thee," saith he; "and I will ask the angel that punisheth to afflict thee more lightly; but thou shalt be afflicted for a short time, and thou shalt be restored again to thy house. Only continue to be humble and to minister unto the Lord with a pure heart, thou and thy children and thy house, and walk in my commandments which I command thee, and thus it will be possible for thy repentance to be strong and pure. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=82' target=''>82</a>:7 <HERMAS>@ And the shepherd asked the virgins whether the master of the tower had arrived. And they said that he would be there directly to inspect the building. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:6<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=83' target=''>83</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ And the builders asked him from what mountain he desired stones to be brought and put into their place. And he would not have them brought from the mountains, but ordered them to be brought from a certain plain that was nigh at hand. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:11<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=88' target=''>88</a>:5 <HERMAS>@ And I had become as it were a younger man, and I commenced myself likewise to sport with them. For some of them began to dance, <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=others to skip,' target=''>others to skip,</a> others to sing. But I kept silence and walked with them round the tower, and was glad with them. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:11<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=88' target=''>88</a>:8 <HERMAS>@ Then came the shepherd, and saith to the virgins; "Have ye done him any injury?" "Ask him," say they. I say to him, "Sir, I was rejoiced to stay with them." "On what didst thou sup?" saith he "I supped, Sir," say I, "on the words of the Lord the whole night through." "Did they treat thee well?" saith he. "Yes, Sir," say I. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:13[90^:4 <HERMAS>@ "Now, Sir," say I, "show me why the tower is not built upon the ground, but upon the rock and upon the gate." "Because thou art senseless," saith he, "and without understanding <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=thou askest the question' target=''>thou askest the question</a>." "I am obliged, Sir," say I, "to ask all questions of thee, because I am absolutely unable to comprehend anything at all; for all are great and glorious and difficult for men to understand." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:20<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=97' target=''>97</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ These <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=then, that are mixed up in many and various business affairs,' target=''>then, that are mixed up in many and various business affairs,</a> cleave <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=not' target=''>not</a> to the servants of God, but go astray, being choked by their affairs, but the wealthy unwillingly cleave to the servants of God, fearing lest they may be asked for something by them. Such men therefore <i>shall hardly enter into the kingdom of God.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:33<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=110' target=''>110</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ The shepherd said to me, "Hast thou asked me all thy questions?" And I said, "Yes, Sir." "Why then hast thou not enquired of me concerning the shape of the stones placed in the building, in that we filled up their shapes?" And I said, "I forgot, Sir." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=112' target=''>112</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ I say unto him; "Ask him, Sir, himself, whether from the time that he hath been in my house, I have done ought out of order, whereby I have offended him." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusPolycarp:1:3' target=''> IgnatiusPolycarp:1:3</a> <IGNATIUSPOLYCARP>@ Give thyself to unceasing prayers. Ask for larger wisdom than thou hast. Be watchful, and keep thy spirit from slumbering. Speak to each man severally after the manner of God. Bear the maladies of all, as a perfect athlete. where there is more toil, there is much gain. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusRomans:1:1' target=''> IgnatiusRomans:1:1</a> <IGNATIUSROMANS>@ Forasmuch as in answer to my prayer to God it hath been granted me to see your godly countenances, so that I have obtained even more than I asked; for wearing bonds in Christ Jesus I hope to salute you, if it be the Divine will that I should be counted worthy to reach unto the end; <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=MartyrdomPolycarp:12:2' target=''> MartyrdomPolycarp:12:2</a> <MARTYRDOMPOLYCARP>@ When this was proclaimed by the herald, the whole multitude both of Gentiles and of Jews who dwelt in Smyrna cried out with ungovernable wrath and with a loud shout, 'This is the teacher of Asia, the father of the Christians, the puller down of our gods, who teacheth numbers not to sacrifice nor worship.' Saying these things, they shouted aloud and asked the Asiarch Philip to let a lion loose upon Polycarp. But he said that it was not lawful for him, since he had brought the sports to a close. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Polycarp:13:1 <POLYCARP>@ Ye wrote to me, both ye yourselves and Ignatius, asking that if any one should go to Syria he might carry thither the letters from you. And this I will do, if I get a fit opportunity, either I myself, or he whom I shall send to be ambassador on your behalf also. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=ask' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL ask </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (12)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=asked' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL asked </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (7)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=asketh' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL asketh </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (2)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=baskets' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL baskets </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (4)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=skull' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL skull </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (1)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=sky' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL sky </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (3)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBLINKS.txt'>WEBLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> <CLOUD>@ Puppy Web Based Apps - CLOUD - <PUPPY><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt'>PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=sf_czecep&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>sf_czecep@Matthew:1 </a><INTERNATIONAL>@ TITLE: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad DESCRIPTION: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad: Bible Pismo svate Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle ekumenickeho vydani z r. 1985 (c) Ekumenicka\par rada cirkvi v CR. RIGTHS: Copyrighted PUBLISHER: graphic artist <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt'>PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=tsk&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>tsk@Matthew:1 </a><REF>@ TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION.txt'>FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=January27' target=''> January27</a> <GOSPELYEARLY>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:7:7-12' target=''>alb@Matthew:7:7-12</a> Ask <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=jsearch&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Index=journal&File=FaithOfJesus&String=January27' target=''>journal:January27</a> , Seek, Knock<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: ARCHAEOLOGY <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank">Arch. of Holy Land </a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: UNSORTED <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_top">Exegetical Insights </a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: ask <AAA>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=ask' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:ask</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: asked <AAA>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=asked' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:asked</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: askelon <AAA>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=askelon' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:askelon</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: askest <AAA>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=askest' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:askest</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: asketh <AAA>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=asketh' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:asketh</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: asking <AAA>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=asking' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:asking</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: basket <BBB>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=basket' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:basket</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: baskets <BBB>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=baskets' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:baskets</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: foreskin <FFF>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=foreskin' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:foreskin</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: foreskins <FFF>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=foreskins' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:foreskins</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: goatskins <GGG>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=goatskins' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:goatskins</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: husk <HHH>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=husk' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:husk</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: husks <HHH>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=husks' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:husks</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: sheepskins <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=sheepskins' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:sheepskins</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skies <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skies' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skies</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skilful <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skilful' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skilful</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skilfully <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skilfully' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skilfully</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skilfulness <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skilfulness' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skilfulness</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skill <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skill' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skill</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skin <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skin' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skin</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skins <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skins' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skins</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skip <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skip' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skip</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skipped <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skipped' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skipped</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skippedst <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skippedst' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skippedst</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skipping <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skipping' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skipping</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skirt <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skirt' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skirt</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skirts <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skirts' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skirts</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: skull <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=skull' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:skull</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: sky <SSS>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=sky' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:sky</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: task <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=task' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:task</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: taskmasters <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=taskmasters' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:taskmasters</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: tasks <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=tasks' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:tasks</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: unskilful <UUU>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=unskilful' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:unskilful</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=John:16:24' target=''>alb@John:16:24</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command - ask in my name<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:11:9' target=''>alb@Luke:11:9</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:5:42' target=''>alb@Matthew:5:42</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command - Give to him that asketh thee...borrow of thee turn not thou away<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:7:7' target=''>alb@Matthew:7:7</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command -<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:7:9' target=''>alb@Matthew:7:9</a> <KJV>@ Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:7:10' target=''>alb@Matthew:7:10</a> <KJV>@ Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:7:11' target=''>alb@Matthew:7:11</a> <KJV>@ how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:16:3' target=''>alb@Matthew:16:3</a> <KJV>@ O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:16:9' target=''>alb@Matthew:16:9</a> <KJV>@ Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:16:10' target=''>alb@Matthew:16:10</a> <KJV>@ Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Mark:8:19' target=''>alb@Mark:8:19</a> <KJV>@ When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Mark:8:20' target=''>alb@Mark:8:20</a> <KJV>@ And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Mark:9:21' target=''>alb@Mark:9:21</a> <KJV>@ And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Mark:10:38' target=''>alb@Mark:10:38</a> <KJV>@ Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:11:11' target=''>alb@Luke:11:11</a> <KJV>@ If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:11:12' target=''>alb@Luke:11:12</a> <KJV>@ Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:11:13' target=''>alb@Luke:11:13</a> <KJV>@ how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:19:31' target=''>alb@Luke:19:31</a> <KJV>@ And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=John:16:5' target=''>alb@John:16:5</a> <KJV>@ none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=John:18:21' target=''>alb@John:18:21</a> <KJV>@ Why askest thou me? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=INDEXEASTON.txt'>INDEXEASTON.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=dict&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=easton&String=Basilisk ' target=''>dict:easton Basilisk </a> <EASTONB>@ Basilisk <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=INDEXEASTON.txt'>INDEXEASTON.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=dict&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=easton&String=Basket ' target=''>dict:easton Basket </a> <EASTONB>@ Basket <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=INDEXEASTON.txt'>INDEXEASTON.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=dict&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=easton&String=Husk ' target=''>dict:easton Husk </a> <EASTONH>@ Husk <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=INDEXEASTON.txt'>INDEXEASTON.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=dict&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=easton&String=Tamarisk ' target=''>dict:easton Tamarisk </a> <EASTONT>@ Tamarisk <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION2.txt'>FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION2.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=January27' target=''> January27</a> <FAITHOFJESUS>@ <a href='/html/devotion/Matthew:7:7-12.html' target=''>Matthew:7:7-12</a> Ask , Seek, Knock<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Samuel:8 ' target=''>alb@1Samuel:8 </a><StorylinesOT>@ Israel Asks for a King<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Kings:3:1-15' target=''>alb@1Kings:3:1-15</a> <StorylinesOT>@ Solomon Asks for Wisdom<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=2Chronicles:1 ' target=''>alb@2Chronicles:1 </a><StorylinesOT>@ Solomon Asks for Wisdom<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Jeremiah:13:12-14' target=''>alb@Jeremiah:13:12-14</a> <StorylinesOT>@ Wineskins<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Jeremiah:24 ' target=''>alb@Jeremiah:24 </a><StorylinesOT>@ Two Baskets of Figs<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Amos:8 ' target=''>alb@Amos:8 </a><StorylinesOT>@ A Basket of Ripe Fruit<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Zechariah:5:5-11' target=''>alb@Zechariah:5:5-11</a> <StorylinesOT>@ The Woman in a Basket<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:7:7-12' target=''>alb@Matthew:7:7-12</a> <StorylinesNT>@ Ask, Seek, Knock<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Titus:1:5-16' target=''>alb@Titus:1:5-16</a> <StorylinesNT>@ Titus' Task on Crete<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=MOBILETRANSLATIONINDEX.txt2'>MOBILETRANSLATIONINDEX.txt2</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=sf_czecep&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>sf_czecep@Matthew:1 </a><INTERNATIONAL>@ TITLE: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad DESCRIPTION: Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad: Bible Pismo svate Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle ekumenickeho vydani z r. 1985 (c) Ekumenicka\par rada cirkvi v CR. RIGTHS: Copyrighted PUBLISHER: graphic artist <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Ask Christopher West , Religion and Spirituality , Theology of the Body Institute; catholic; christian; theology of the body; john paul II , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Brave Marriage Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Kensi Duszynski; air1; aspergers; branthansen; christianity; cureinternational; faith; jesus; radio; sherri; toast; wayfm , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Calvary Albuquerque with Skip Heitzig Video Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Skip Heitzig; calvary; albuquerque; new mexico; skip; heitzig; jesus; christ; christian; teaching; biblical; christianity; bible; religion; godcast; n , PODCAST , , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig Audio Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Skip Heitzig; 247674; calvary; church; albuquerque; new mexico; skip; heitzig; jesus; christ; christian; teaching; biblical; christianity; bible; reli , PODCAST , , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Dtesh Catholic Place , Religion and Spirituality , Douglas Sumowski; drunk; girls; christian; bible; church; womens; ministry; study , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , First Friday Lunch and Learn , Religion and Spirituality , Matthew Armstrong; schools; trends; crossroads; christianity; club , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , GodPod Sweden Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , David Fredin; swedish; svenska; kristen; christian; podcast; podradio; musik; music; podsafe; podsäker; teologi; tro; kunskap; bön; lovsång; psalm; Jesus; Gud; treen , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Greg Boyd: Apologies & Explanations , Religion and Spirituality ,; christianapologetics; christianity; philosophy; religion , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , iSermon , Religion and Spirituality , Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos and Ancient Faith Radio; sermons; homilies; winnipeg; orthodox; church; christian; greek; canada; scripture; bible; tradition; catec , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Michael Easley inContext , Religion and Spirituality , Michael Easley; audio; christianity; faith; fire; give; holiness; mfm; listen; ministries; mountain; prayers; sin; podcast , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Project Resurrection , Religion and Spirituality , Rev. Jonathan Fisk; affirming; and; christian; christianity; church; community; liberal; open; progressive; ray; roger , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Skit Guys Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , The Skit Guys; comedy; skits; drama; guys; religion; christianity; christian , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , The Atheist Experience , Religion and Spirituality , Atheist Community of Austin; atheism; church-state separation; christianity; religion; news; skepticism; Austin; Texas , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , The Atheist Experience Experience , Religion and Spirituality ,; atheism; church-state separation; christianity; religion; news; skepticism; Austin; Texas , PODCAST , , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , The Catholic Culture Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Thomas V. Mirus; The Duskwhales; art; rock; music; pop; christian; catholic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , The Catholic Feminist , Religion and Spirituality , Claire Swinarski; catholic; christian; feminist; jesus; politics; religion; socialjustice; women , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , The Connection Radio Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Skip Heitzig; 247674; Skip Heitzig; connect; calvary; albuquerque; new mexico; jesus; christ; christian; teaching; biblical; christianity; bible; radi , PODCAST , , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , The Holy Post , Religion and Spirituality , Phil Vischer; atheism; christianity; christiantaylor; philvischer; skyejethani; veggietales , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , The Weekly Eudemon , Religion and Spirituality , Eric Scheske; omaha; church; christianity; god; jesus; theology; scripture; reformed; culture; bible , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv'>LOCALMEDIA.csv</a><br> Found: PDF,When Critics Ask,Geisler and Howe, <a href='/media/pdf/WhenCriticsAsk.pdf' target='_blank'>media: pdf/WhenCriticsAsk.pdf</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv'>LOCALMEDIA.csv</a><br> Found: EPUB,When Critics Ask,Geisler and Howe, <a href='/media/epub/NormanGeislerWhenCriticsAsk.epub' target='_blank'>media: epub/NormanGeislerWhenCriticsAsk.epub</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv'>ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv</a><br> Found: Sky News,<a href='mms://' target=''>mms://</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv'>ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv</a><br> Found: skyNEWS,<a href='rtsp://' target=''>rtsp://</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv'>ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv</a><br> Found: TV Disco,rtmp://<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv'>TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv</a><br> Found: Sky Sports 1,<a href='rtsp://' target=''>rtsp://</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv'>TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv</a><br> Found: Sky Sports 2,<a href='rtsp://' target=''>rtsp://</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv'>TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv</a><br> Found: Sky Sports 3,<a href='rtsp://' target=''>rtsp://</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv'>TESTRTSPSTREAMS.csv</a><br> Found: Sky Sports 4,<a href='rtsp://' target=''>rtsp://</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv'>BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=tsk&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1,' target=''>tsk@Matthew:1,</a>ENGLISH:,Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Allspice Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered a good anesthetic/ analgesic/ antioxidant/ antiseptic/ carminative/ relaxant/ rubefacient/ stimulant and tonic.,Health benefits: It has been claimed to induce numbness/ relieve pain/ relaxes the body and mind/ add color to the skin/ and stimulate various other functions,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Basil Essential Oil,Properties: Basil essential oil is carminative/ anti-spasmodic/ analgesic/ antibacterial/ and opthalmic.,Health benefits: It has long been used for skin care/ indigestion/ respiratory problems/ infections/ stress disorders/ blood circulation issues/ pain/ and vomiting.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Cajuput Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antiseptic/ cosmetic/ bactericide/ insecticide/ decongestant/ analgesic/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ antispasmodic/ antineuralgic/ carminative/ stimulant/ tonic/ sudorific/ and emenagogue.,Health benefits: It protects wounds from becoming septic/ takes care of skin/ kills bacteria and insects/ cures congestion in the respiratory system/ reduces pain/ cures coughs/ reduces fever/ cures spasm/ and gives relief from the pain of neuralgia. Cajuput essential oil also removes gases/ stimulates secretions and nerve responses/ tones up organic systems/ increases perspiration/ gives relief from obstructed menses and regulates consistent menstruation.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Cinnamon Essential Oil,Properties: It is antibacterial/ antifungal/ antimicrobial/ astringent/ anti-clotting/ stimulating/ cooling/ and carminative in nature.,Health benefits: It is frequently employed as a brain tonic/ as well as for respiratory problems/ skin infections/ blood impurity/ blood circulation issues/ infections/ wound healing/ pain relief/ birth control/ menstruation problems/ breastfeeding/ heart disorders/ diabetes/ colon cancer/ indigestion/ and as a relief for bad breath!,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Clove Essential Oil,Properties: It is antimicrobial/ antifungal/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ aphrodisiac/ and stimulating in nature.,Health benefits: CLove essential oil has long been used in treatments related to dental care/ like toothaches and cavities/ as well as for infections/ skin care/ stress/ headaches/ respiratory problems/ earaches/ indigestion/ nausea/ blood circulation issues/ blood purification/ diabetes/ immune system weakness/ premature ejaculation/ cholera/ and sties.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Eucalyptus Essential Oil,Properties: It has a number of important qualities/ including anti-inflammatory/ antispasmodic/ decongestant/ deodorant/ antiseptic/ antibacterial/ and stimulating.,Health benefits: It is very useful in the treatment of respiratory problems/ wounds/ muscle pain/ mental exhaustion/ dental care/ skin care/ diabetes/ fever/ and intestinal germs.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Galbanum Essential Oil,Properties: Galbanum essential oil has been used as an antiarthritic/ antirheumatic/ antispasmodic/ cicatrisant/ circulatory stimulant/ decongestant/ detoxifier/ emollient/ insecticide/ antiparasitic and a vulnerary.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it treats rheumatism and arthritis/ relaxes spasm/ clears scars and spots/ increases blood and lymph circulation/ clears congestion/ and eases breathing. Furthermore/ it removes toxins/ improves skin health/ kills & repels insects/ eliminates parasites/ and speeds up the healing of wounds.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Geranium Essential Oil,Properties: It has a range of qualities/ including use as an astringent/ haemostatic/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ diuretic/ deodorant/ styptic/ tonic/ vermifuge/ and vulnerary.,Health benefits: It is employed to induce tightening of the gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels and in stopping hemorrhage/ scar healing/ promotion of cell growth/ and increased urination. It is also used to stop body odor/ tone up the body/ and kill intestinal parasites and worms.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Ginger Essential Oil,Properties: It can be used as an analgesic/ antiemetic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ bactericidal/ carminative/ cephalic/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ laxative/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ stomachic/ sudorific and tonic.,Health benefits: Ginger essential oil has been known to cure pain/ stop vomiting/ protect from wounds becoming septic/ and relax spasms. Some practitioners also use it to inhibit bacterial growth/ eliminate gas/ and improve brain and memory function/ while helping to expel phlegm & catarrh. Finally/ it is known to break fevers/ clear bowels/ bring color to the skin/ improve stomach health/ and promote sweating/ which helps removes toxins from the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Helichrysum Essential Oil,Properties: This essential oil is antispasmodic/ anticoagulant/ antiallergenic/ antimicrobial/ antihaematomic/ antiphlogistic/ nervine/ antiinflammatory/ antitussive/ cicatrisant/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ anti septic/ cholagogue/ emollient/ mucolytic/ fungicidal/ hepatic/ diuretic/ splenic/ and cytophylactic.,Health benefits: Patients regularly use this essential oil because it reduces spasms/ maintains the fluidity of blood/ fights allergies/ inhibits microbial infections/ dissolves and clears blood clots/ reduces inflammation from fever/ and is good for nervous system health. Furthermore/ it reduces various other types of inflammation/ clears phlegm and reduces coughs/ heals scars/ protects wounds from becoming septic/ stimulates proper bile discharge into the stomach/ makes skin smooth and young/ dissolves mucus/ and kills fungus. It is also notoriously good for the liver and spleen/ while stimulating urination and the regeneration of new cells.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Hyssop Essential Oil,Properties: Hyssop essential oil is an astringent/ stimulant/ antispasmodic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ hypertensive/ nervine/ sudorific/ tonic/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ vulnerary,Health benefits: It induces the tightening of gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels/ while reducing spasms/ eliminating excess gas/ as well as promoting quick healing of scars and after-marks. Furthermore/ it promotes digestion/ increases urination/ regulates menstruation/ decreases phlegm and coughs/ increases blood pressure/ and promotes sweating. It is commonly thought to be good for reducing stress on the nervous system and reducing fevers.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Juniper Essential Oil,Properties: Juniper essential oil has long been known as an antiseptic/ sudorific/ antirheumatic/ depurative/ antispasmodic/ stimulating/ stomachic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ rubefacient/ vulnerary and tonic.,Health benefits: This oil protects wounds against becoming septic/ increases sweating/ cures rheumatism and arthritis/ purifies blood/ eliminates spasms/ stimulates functions/ and is good for the stomach. Juniper essential oil also makes gums stronger and stops hemorrhaging/ reduces excess gas/ promotes urination/ brings color to the skin/ and generally promotes quick healing of wounds.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Lavender Essential Oil,Properties: Lavender essential oil can be calming/ sleep inducing/ analgesic/ disinfectant/ antiinflammatory/ antiseptic/ and antifungal.,Health benefits: This oil is beneficial for treatment of issues with the nervous system/ insomnia/ pain relief/ urine flow/ respiratory disorders/ skin care/ hair care/ blood circulation/ indigestion/ and immune system health.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Lemon Essential Oil,Properties: Lemon essential oil is an antiseptic/ antiviral/ astringent/ aperitif/ bactericidal/ disinfectant/ febrifuge/ haemostatic/ restorative/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: This oil protects from wounds becoming septic/ while inhibiting viral and bacterial growth/ strengthening gums/ and stopping hair loss. Furthermore/ it lifts skin/ induces firmness in muscles/ stops hemorrhaging/ fights infections/ and cures fevers.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Neroli Essential Oil,Properties: Neroli essential oil is an antidepressant/ aphrodisiac/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ cordial/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ disinfectant/ antispasmodic/ deodorant/ digestive/ emollient/ sedative/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: It has been traditionally used to uplift mood and fight depression/ and also as a way to enhance libido/ protect wounds against infections/ kill bacteria/ and provide relief from gas. Furthermore/ neroli essential oil speeds up the fading of scars and after marks/ promotes cell growth/ fights infection/ reduces spasms/ eliminates body odor/ improves digestion/ takes care of skin/ while soothing anxiety and inflammation.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Peppermint Essential Oil,Properties: Peppermint oil is used as an analgesic/ anesthetic/ antiseptic/ antigalactogogue/ antiphlogistic/ antispasmodic/ astringent/ carminative/ cephalic/ cholagogue/ cordial/ decongestant/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ hepatic/ nervine/ stimulant/ stomachic/ sudorific/ vasoconstrictor and as a vermifuge.,Health benefits: It is commonly used in the treatment of pain relief/ as a way to induce numbness/ protect against sepsis/ reduce milk flow and discharge/ relax spasm/ strengthen gums/ stop hair loss/ and lifts skin. Also/ it induces firmness in muscles/ stops hemorrhaging/ removes gas/ is good for brain and memory health/ and promotes bile discharge/ clears congestion and eases breathing. Furthermore/ peppermint essential oil relieves obstructed menstruation/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ reduces fever/ is good for the liver/ nerves/ and stomach/ while promoting perspiration and slight contraction of the blood vessels.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Pimento Essential Oil,Properties: It can be used as an anaesthetic/ analgesic/ anti oxidant/ anti septic/ carminative/ relaxant/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ or as a tonic,Health benefits: Traditionally/ pimento essential oil induces numbness/ relieves pain/ fights premature aging/ protects against sepsis/ reduces excess gas/ relaxes the body and mind/ brings coloration to the skin/ and generally increases the tone and health of users.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Pine Essential Oil,Properties: it is often used as an antibacterial/ analgesic/ diuretic/ energizing/ anti septic/ or aromatic substance.,Health benefits: It is commonly employed to help in skin care/ cosmetics/ increase of metabolism/ pain relief/ stress disorders/ mental fatigue/ urinary tract infections/ and various respiratory problems.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Rosemary Essential Oil,Properties: Rosemary essential oil is great for stimulating hair growth/ and as a disinfectant/ antiseptic/ anti-inflammatory/ carminative/ antibacterial/ and analgesic substance.,Health benefits: It is very useful in terms of hair care/ skin care/ mouth care/ anxiety/ mental disorders/ depression/ pain/ headache/ rheumatism/ respiratory problems/ bronchial asthma/ indigestion/ and flatulence.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Sandalwood Essential Oil,Properties: It can be used as an antiseptic/ anti-inflammatory/ antiphlogistic/ antispasmodic/ astringent/ cicatrisant/ carminative/ diuretic/ disinfectant/ emollient/ expectorant/ hypotensive/ memory booster/ sedative and a tonic substance.,Health benefits: Sandalwood essential oil protects wounds from infection/ soothes inflammations due to fever and other conditions/ clears up spasms/ tightens gums and muscles and helps stop hair loss. It can also reduce the chance of hemorrhaging/ heal scars and after marks/ give relief from gas/ increase urination/ fight infections/ and it keeps skin smooth & free from infections. Finally/ sandalwood essential oil traditionally cures coughs and colds/ reduces blood pressure/ increases memory/ soothes nervous disorders and inflammations/ and boosts your immune system.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Thuja Essential Oil,Properties: This type of essential oil is an antirheumatic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insect repellent/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ tonic and a vermifuge substance.,Health benefits: It has been commonly used to treat rheumatism and arthritis/ tighten gums and muscles/ as well as helping to stop hair loss. It reduces the chances of hemorrhage/ increases urination and removal of toxins/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the cycle/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ repels insects/ brings color to the skin/ stimulates systemic functions/ and generally tones up the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Wintergreen Essential Oil,Properties: Wintergreen essential oil is commonly used as an analgesic/ anodyne/ antirheumatic/ antiarthritic/ antispasmodic/ antiseptic/ aromatic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ emenagogue and a stimulating substance.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it is used for pain relief/ relaxation of the body and mind/ treatment of rheumatism and arthritis/ as well as for reduction in spasms. Furthermore/ it protects against sepsis/ spreads a pleasant fragrance/ tightens gums and muscles and helps stop hair loss. Finally/ it reduces the risk of hemorrhaging/ removes gases/ increases urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ and regulates a normal and healthy menstrual cycle.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Allspice Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered a good anesthetic/ analgesic/ antioxidant/ antiseptic/ carminative/ relaxant/ rubefacient/ stimulant and tonic.,Health benefits: It has been claimed to induce numbness/ relieve pain/ relaxes the body and mind/ add color to the skin/ and stimulate various other functions,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Basil Essential Oil,Properties: Basil essential oil is carminative/ anti-spasmodic/ analgesic/ antibacterial/ and opthalmic.,Health benefits: It has long been used for skin care/ indigestion/ respiratory problems/ infections/ stress disorders/ blood circulation issues/ pain/ and vomiting.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Cajuput Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antiseptic/ cosmetic/ bactericide/ insecticide/ decongestant/ analgesic/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ antispasmodic/ antineuralgic/ carminative/ stimulant/ tonic/ sudorific/ and emenagogue.,Health benefits: It protects wounds from becoming septic/ takes care of skin/ kills bacteria and insects/ cures congestion in the respiratory system/ reduces pain/ cures coughs/ reduces fever/ cures spasm/ and gives relief from the pain of neuralgia. Cajuput essential oil also removes gases/ stimulates secretions and nerve responses/ tones up organic systems/ increases perspiration/ gives relief from obstructed menses and regulates consistent menstruation.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Cinnamon Essential Oil,Properties: It is antibacterial/ antifungal/ antimicrobial/ astringent/ anti-clotting/ stimulating/ cooling/ and carminative in nature.,Health benefits: It is frequently employed as a brain tonic/ as well as for respiratory problems/ skin infections/ blood impurity/ blood circulation issues/ infections/ wound healing/ pain relief/ birth control/ menstruation problems/ breastfeeding/ heart disorders/ diabetes/ colon cancer/ indigestion/ and as a relief for bad breath!,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Clove Essential Oil,Properties: It is antimicrobial/ antifungal/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ aphrodisiac/ and stimulating in nature.,Health benefits: CLove essential oil has long been used in treatments related to dental care/ like toothaches and cavities/ as well as for infections/ skin care/ stress/ headaches/ respiratory problems/ earaches/ indigestion/ nausea/ blood circulation issues/ blood purification/ diabetes/ immune system weakness/ premature ejaculation/ cholera/ and sties.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Eucalyptus Essential Oil,Properties: It has a number of important qualities/ including anti-inflammatory/ antispasmodic/ decongestant/ deodorant/ antiseptic/ antibacterial/ and stimulating.,Health benefits: It is very useful in the treatment of respiratory problems/ wounds/ muscle pain/ mental exhaustion/ dental care/ skin care/ diabetes/ fever/ and intestinal germs.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Galbanum Essential Oil,Properties: Galbanum essential oil has been used as an antiarthritic/ antirheumatic/ antispasmodic/ cicatrisant/ circulatory stimulant/ decongestant/ detoxifier/ emollient/ insecticide/ antiparasitic and a vulnerary.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it treats rheumatism and arthritis/ relaxes spasm/ clears scars and spots/ increases blood and lymph circulation/ clears congestion/ and eases breathing. Furthermore/ it removes toxins/ improves skin health/ kills & repels insects/ eliminates parasites/ and speeds up the healing of wounds.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Geranium Essential Oil,Properties: It has a range of qualities/ including use as an astringent/ haemostatic/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ diuretic/ deodorant/ styptic/ tonic/ vermifuge/ and vulnerary.,Health benefits: It is employed to induce tightening of the gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels and in stopping hemorrhage/ scar healing/ promotion of cell growth/ and increased urination. It is also used to stop body odor/ tone up the body/ and kill intestinal parasites and worms.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Ginger Essential Oil,Properties: It can be used as an analgesic/ antiemetic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ bactericidal/ carminative/ cephalic/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ laxative/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ stomachic/ sudorific and tonic.,Health benefits: Ginger essential oil has been known to cure pain/ stop vomiting/ protect from wounds becoming septic/ and relax spasms. Some practitioners also use it to inhibit bacterial growth/ eliminate gas/ and improve brain and memory function/ while helping to expel phlegm & catarrh. Finally/ it is known to break fevers/ clear bowels/ bring color to the skin/ improve stomach health/ and promote sweating/ which helps removes toxins from the body.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Helichrysum Essential Oil,Properties: This essential oil is antispasmodic/ anticoagulant/ antiallergenic/ antimicrobial/ antihaematomic/ antiphlogistic/ nervine/ antiinflammatory/ antitussive/ cicatrisant/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ anti septic/ cholagogue/ emollient/ mucolytic/ fungicidal/ hepatic/ diuretic/ splenic/ and cytophylactic.,Health benefits: Patients regularly use this essential oil because it reduces spasms/ maintains the fluidity of blood/ fights allergies/ inhibits microbial infections/ dissolves and clears blood clots/ reduces inflammation from fever/ and is good for nervous system health. Furthermore/ it reduces various other types of inflammation/ clears phlegm and reduces coughs/ heals scars/ protects wounds from becoming septic/ stimulates proper bile discharge into the stomach/ makes skin smooth and young/ dissolves mucus/ and kills fungus. It is also notoriously good for the liver and spleen/ while stimulating urination and the regeneration of new cells.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Hyssop Essential Oil,Properties: Hyssop essential oil is an astringent/ stimulant/ antispasmodic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ hypertensive/ nervine/ sudorific/ tonic/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ vulnerary,Health benefits: It induces the tightening of gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels/ while reducing spasms/ eliminating excess gas/ as well as promoting quick healing of scars and after-marks. Furthermore/ it promotes digestion/ increases urination/ regulates menstruation/ decreases phlegm and coughs/ increases blood pressure/ and promotes sweating. It is commonly thought to be good for reducing stress on the nervous system and reducing fevers.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Juniper Essential Oil,Properties: Juniper essential oil has long been known as an antiseptic/ sudorific/ antirheumatic/ depurative/ antispasmodic/ stimulating/ stomachic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ rubefacient/ vulnerary and tonic.,Health benefits: This oil protects wounds against becoming septic/ increases sweating/ cures rheumatism and arthritis/ purifies blood/ eliminates spasms/ stimulates functions/ and is good for the stomach. Juniper essential oil also makes gums stronger and stops hemorrhaging/ reduces excess gas/ promotes urination/ brings color to the skin/ and generally promotes quick healing of wounds.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Lavender Essential Oil,Properties: Lavender essential oil can be calming/ sleep inducing/ analgesic/ disinfectant/ antiinflammatory/ antiseptic/ and antifungal.,Health benefits: This oil is beneficial for treatment of issues with the nervous system/ insomnia/ pain relief/ urine flow/ respiratory disorders/ skin care/ hair care/ blood circulation/ indigestion/ and immune system health.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Lemon Essential Oil,Properties: Lemon essential oil is an antiseptic/ antiviral/ astringent/ aperitif/ bactericidal/ disinfectant/ febrifuge/ haemostatic/ restorative/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: This oil protects from wounds becoming septic/ while inhibiting viral and bacterial growth/ strengthening gums/ and stopping hair loss. Furthermore/ it lifts skin/ induces firmness in muscles/ stops hemorrhaging/ fights infections/ and cures fevers.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Neroli Essential Oil,Properties: Neroli essential oil is an antidepressant/ aphrodisiac/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ cordial/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ disinfectant/ antispasmodic/ deodorant/ digestive/ emollient/ sedative/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: It has been traditionally used to uplift mood and fight depression/ and also as a way to enhance libido/ protect wounds against infections/ kill bacteria/ and provide relief from gas. Furthermore/ neroli essential oil speeds up the fading of scars and after marks/ promotes cell growth/ fights infection/ reduces spasms/ eliminates body odor/ improves digestion/ takes care of skin/ while soothing anxiety and inflammation.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Peppermint Essential Oil,Properties: Peppermint oil is used as an analgesic/ anesthetic/ antiseptic/ antigalactogogue/ antiphlogistic/ antispasmodic/ astringent/ carminative/ cephalic/ cholagogue/ cordial/ decongestant/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ hepatic/ nervine/ stimulant/ stomachic/ sudorific/ vasoconstrictor and as a vermifuge.,Health benefits: It is commonly used in the treatment of pain relief/ as a way to induce numbness/ protect against sepsis/ reduce milk flow and discharge/ relax spasm/ strengthen gums/ stop hair loss/ and lifts skin. Also/ it induces firmness in muscles/ stops hemorrhaging/ removes gas/ is good for brain and memory health/ and promotes bile discharge/ clears congestion and eases breathing. Furthermore/ peppermint essential oil relieves obstructed menstruation/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ reduces fever/ is good for the liver/ nerves/ and stomach/ while promoting perspiration and slight contraction of the blood vessels.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Pimento Essential Oil,Properties: It can be used as an anaesthetic/ analgesic/ anti oxidant/ anti septic/ carminative/ relaxant/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ or as a tonic,Health benefits: Traditionally/ pimento essential oil induces numbness/ relieves pain/ fights premature aging/ protects against sepsis/ reduces excess gas/ relaxes the body and mind/ brings coloration to the skin/ and generally increases the tone and health of users.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Pine Essential Oil,Properties: it is often used as an antibacterial/ analgesic/ diuretic/ energizing/ anti septic/ or aromatic substance.,Health benefits: It is commonly employed to help in skin care/ cosmetics/ increase of metabolism/ pain relief/ stress disorders/ mental fatigue/ urinary tract infections/ and various respiratory problems.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Rosemary Essential Oil,Properties: Rosemary essential oil is great for stimulating hair growth/ and as a disinfectant/ antiseptic/ anti-inflammatory/ carminative/ antibacterial/ and analgesic substance.,Health benefits: It is very useful in terms of hair care/ skin care/ mouth care/ anxiety/ mental disorders/ depression/ pain/ headache/ rheumatism/ respiratory problems/ bronchial asthma/ indigestion/ and flatulence.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Sandalwood Essential Oil,Properties: It can be used as an antiseptic/ anti-inflammatory/ antiphlogistic/ antispasmodic/ astringent/ cicatrisant/ carminative/ diuretic/ disinfectant/ emollient/ expectorant/ hypotensive/ memory booster/ sedative and a tonic substance.,Health benefits: Sandalwood essential oil protects wounds from infection/ soothes inflammations due to fever and other conditions/ clears up spasms/ tightens gums and muscles and helps stop hair loss. It can also reduce the chance of hemorrhaging/ heal scars and after marks/ give relief from gas/ increase urination/ fight infections/ and it keeps skin smooth & free from infections. Finally/ sandalwood essential oil traditionally cures coughs and colds/ reduces blood pressure/ increases memory/ soothes nervous disorders and inflammations/ and boosts your immune system.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Thuja Essential Oil,Properties: This type of essential oil is an antirheumatic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insect repellent/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ tonic and a vermifuge substance.,Health benefits: It has been commonly used to treat rheumatism and arthritis/ tighten gums and muscles/ as well as helping to stop hair loss. It reduces the chances of hemorrhage/ increases urination and removal of toxins/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the cycle/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ repels insects/ brings color to the skin/ stimulates systemic functions/ and generally tones up the body.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Wintergreen Essential Oil,Properties: Wintergreen essential oil is commonly used as an analgesic/ anodyne/ antirheumatic/ antiarthritic/ antispasmodic/ antiseptic/ aromatic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ emenagogue and a stimulating substance.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it is used for pain relief/ relaxation of the body and mind/ treatment of rheumatism and arthritis/ as well as for reduction in spasms. Furthermore/ it protects against sepsis/ spreads a pleasant fragrance/ tightens gums and muscles and helps stop hair loss. Finally/ it reduces the risk of hemorrhaging/ removes gases/ increases urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ and regulates a normal and healthy menstrual cycle.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , FF rádio , Christian , Slovakia , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Radio Różaniec - Nowenna Pompejanska , Christian , Poland , , , ,<a href=',,,' target=''>,,,</a> ;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Radio Life Channel , Christian-Gospel , Switzerland , , , ,<a href=',,' target=''>,,</a> ;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , KKLQ 100.3 FM Los Angeles, CA , Christian-Contemporary , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Radio Skaut - Rijeka , Christian-PopAdult , Croatia , , , ,<a href=',,,' target=''>,,,</a> ;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , EWTN Radio GB & Ireland , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , KLFG 89.5 FM Fort Dodge, IA , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , KMVS 89.3 FM Moss Beach, CA , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , WJKE 101.3 FM Stillwater, NY , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , KYLK 103.7 FM Wilburton, OK , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , KLKV 99.9 FM Hunt TX , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , WKCP 89.7 FM Miami, FL , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , WPKV 98.3 FM Duquesne, PA , Christian-Contemporary , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , WRCM 91.9 FM Wingate, NC , Christian-Contemporary , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , WRKV 88.9 FM Raleigh, NC , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , KLXF 90.5 FM Visalia, CA , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Rádio Lumen , Christian , Slovakia , , , ,<a href=',,,' target=''>,,,</a> ;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , WPFM 107.9 Panama City, FL , Christian , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , K-LOVE , Christian-Contemporary , USA , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , - Evangeliske Sanger , Christian , Norway , , , ,<a href=',' target=''>,</a> ;;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Anioł Beskidów , Christian , Poland , , , ,<a href=',,' target=''>,,</a> ;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs'>CHRISTIANRADIO.cvs</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Radio Life Channel , Christian-Gospel , Switzerland , , , ,<a href=',,' target=''>,,</a> ;;;-<br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=sk&File=FOJDD.csv'>FOJDD.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=January27' target=''> January27</a>,105[Matthew_7_7-12],<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=alb&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:7:7-12' target=''>alb@Matthew:7:7-12</a>,Ask Seek Knock<br><br><br></div><br><br><div class='FOOTER'><center> <br><input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Back' onClick='history.go(-1)' > <input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Forward' onClick='history.go(+1)' > <p><img src='/img/pbiblx2_logo3.png' alt='[pBiblx2]'/><br>Fri Jul 5 07:05:49 2024<br>pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System Version 2.1.9 - 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