Indexes Search Result: indexed - speaketh
Found: kjv@Proverbs:6:19 @ A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth...

Found: FEBRUARY23 AM @ The blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.-tsk@Hebrews:12:24 tsk@John:1:29. tsk@Revelation:13:8. tsk@Hebrews:10:4-5 tsk@Hebrews:10:10 tsk@Genesis:4:4. tsk@Ephesians:5:2 tsk@Hebrews:10:22. tsk@Hebrews:10:19.

Found: JUNE28 PM @ The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits.-- tsk@1Timothy:. kjv@4:1. tsk@Luke:8:18. tsk@Colossians:3:16. tsk@Ephesians:6:16 tsk@Psalms:119:165 tsk@Psalms:119:103-104 tsk@Psalms:119:105. tsk@Psalms:119:99 tsk@2Corinthians:11:14. tsk@Galatians:1:8.

Found: JULY14 AM @ Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.-tsk@Matthew:12:34 tsk@Colossians:3:16 tsk@Proverbs:4:23. tsk@Proverbs:18:21. tsk@Psalms:37:30-31. tsk@Ephesians:4:29 tsk@Acts:4:20. tsk@Psalms:116:10 tsk@Matthew:10:32. tsk@Romans:10:10.

Found: 1Clement:15:5 <1CLEMENT>@ For this cause let the deceitful lips be made dumb which speak iniquity against the righteous. And again May the Lord utterly destroy all the deceitful lips, the tongue that speaketh proud things, even them that say, Let us magnify our tongue; our lips are our own; who is lord over us?

Found: 2Clement:6:4 <2CLEMENT>@ The one speaketh of adultery and defilement and avarice and deceit, but the other biddeth farewell to these.

Found: 2Clement:15:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For this is the recompense which we are able to pay to God who created us, if he that speaketh and heareth both speak and hear with faith and love.

Found: 2Clement:17:4 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Lord said, I come to gather together all the nations, tribes, and languages. Herein He speaketh of the day of His appearing, when He shall come and redeem us, each man according to his works.

Found: 2Clement:17:6 <2CLEMENT>@ He speaketh of that day of judgment, when men shall see those among us that live ungodly lives and dealt falsely with the commandments of Jesus Christ.

Found: Barnabas:2:9 @ So we ought to perceive, unless we are without understanding, the mind of the goodness of our Father; for He speaketh to us, desiring us not to go astray like them but to seek how we may approach Him.

Found: Barnabas:2:10 @ Thus then speaketh He to us; The sacrifice unto God is a broken heart, the smell of a sweet savor unto the Lord is a heart that glorifies its Maker. We ought therefore, brethren, to learn accurately concerning our salvation, lest the Evil One having effected an entrance of error in us should fling us away from our life.

Found: Barnabas:3:1 @ He speaketh again therefore to them concerning these things; Wherefore fast ye for Me, saith the Lord, so that your voice is heard this day crying aloud? This is not the fast which have chosen, saith the Lord; not a man abasing his soul;

Found: Barnabas:4:3 @ The last offence is at hand, concerning which the scripture speaketh, as Enoch saith. For to this end the Master hath cut the seasons and the days short, that His beloved might hasten and come to His inheritance.

Found: Barnabas:4:4 @ And the prophet also speaketh on this wise; Ten reigns shall reign upon the earth, and after them shall arise another king, who shall bring low three of the kings under one.

Found: Barnabas:4:5 @ In like manner Daniel speaketh concerning the same; And I saw the forth beast to be wicked and strong and more intractable than all the beasts of the earth, and how there arose from him ten horns, and from these a little horn and excrescence, and how that it abased under one three of the great horns.

Found: Barnabas:5:2 @ For the scripture concerning Him containeth some things relating to Israel, and some things relating to us. And it speaketh thus; He was wounded for your transgressions, and He hath been bruised for our sins; by His stripes we were healed. As a sheep He was led to slaughter, as a lamb is dumb before his shearer.

Found: Barnabas:6:10 @ What then saith He? Into the good land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Blessed is our Lord, brethren, who established among us wisdom and understanding of His secret things. For the prophet speaketh a parable concerning the Lord. Who shall comprehend, save he that is wise and prudent and that loveth his Lord?

Found: Barnabas:6:13 @ Again I will shew thee how the Lord speaketh concerning us. He made a second creation at the last; and the Lord saith; Behold I make the last things as the first. In reference to this then the prophet preached; Enter into a land flowing with milk and honey, and be lords over it.

Found: Barnabas:11:8 @ Ye perceive how He pointed out the water and the cross at the same time. For this is the meaning; Blessed are they that set their hope on the cross, and go down into the water; for He speaketh of the reward at his proper season; then, saith He, I will repay. But now what saith He? His leaves shall not fall off; He meaneth by this that every word, which shall come forth from you through your mouth in faith and love, shall be for the conversion and hope of many.

Found: Barnabas:13:4 @ And in another prophecy Jacob speaketh more plainly to Joseph his son, saying; Behold, the Lord hath not bereft me of thy face; bring me thy sons, that I may bless them.

Found: Barnabas:15:3 @ Of the Sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of the creation; And God made the works of His hands in six days, and He ended on the seventh day, and rested on it, and He hallowed it.

Found: Barnabas:16:10 @ For he that desireth to be saved looketh not to the man, but to Him that dwelleth and speaketh in him, being amazed at this that he has never at any time heard these words from the mouth of the speaker, nor himself ever desired to hear them. This is the spiritual temple built up to the Lord.

Found: Barnabas:19:9 @ Be not thou found holding out thy hands to receive, and drawing them in to give. Thou shalt love as the apple of thine eye every one that speaketh unto thee the word of the Lord.

Found: Didache:4:1 @ My child, thou shalt remember him that speaketh unto thee the word of God night and day, and shalt honor him as the Lord; for whencesoever the Lordship speaketh, there is the Lord.

Found: Didache:11:8 @ Yet not every one that speaketh in the Spirit is a prophet, but only if he have the ways of the Lord. From his ways therefore the false prophet and the prophet shall be recognized.

Found: Hermas:127:2 @ First of all, speak evil of no man, neither take pleasure in listening to a slanderer. Otherwise thou that hearest too shalt be responsible for the sin of him that speaketh the evil, if thou believest the slander, which thou hearest; for in believing it thou thyself also wilt have a grudge against thy brother. So then shalt thou be responsible for the sin of him that speaketh the evil.

Found: Hermas:236:3 @ "Hear," saith he, "and understand their workings. The angel of righteousness is delicate and bashful and gentle and tranquil. When then this one enters into thy heart, forthwith he speaketh with thee of righteousness, of purity, of holiness, and of contentment, of every righteous deed and of every glorious virtue. When all these things enter into thy heart, know that the angel of righteousness is with thee. [These then are the works of the angel of righteousness.] Trust him therefore and his works.

Found: Hermas:143:2 @ These doubtful-minded ones then come to him as to a soothsayer and enquire of him what shall befall them. And he, the false prophet, having no power of a divine Spirit in himself, speaketh with them according to their enquiries and according to the lusts of their wickedness, and filleth their souls as they themselves wish.

Found: Hermas:143:3 @ For being empty himself he giveth empty answers to empty enquirers; for what-ever enquiry may be made of him, he answereth according to the emptiness of the man. But he speaketh also some true words; for the devil filleth him with his own spirit, if so be he shall be able to break down some of the righteous.

Found: Hermas:143:5 @ For no Spirit given of God needeth to be consulted; but, having the power of deity, speaketh all things of itself, because it is from above, even from the power of the divine Spirit.

Found: Hermas:143:6 @ But the spirit which is consulted, and speaketh according to the desires of men, is earthly and fickle, having no power; and it speaketh not at all, unless it be consulted."

Found: Hermas:143:8 @ In the first place, he that hath the divine Spirit, which is from above, is gentle and tranquil and humble-minded, and abstaineth from all wickedness and vain desire of this present world, and holdeth himself inferior to all men, and giveth no answer to any man when enquired of, nor speaketh in solitude (for neither doth the Holy Spirit speak when a man wisheth Him to speak); but the man speaketh then when God wisheth him to speak.

Found: Hermas:143:9 @ When then the man who hath the divine Spirit cometh into an assembly of righteous men, who have faith in a divine Spirit, and intercession is made to God by the gathering of those men, then the angel of the prophetic spirit, who is attached to him, filleth the man, and the man, being filled with the Holy Spirit, speaketh to the multitude, according as the Lord willeth.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL speaketh @ (4)

Found: speaketh @ kjv@CONCORD:speaketh