Indexes Search Result: indexed - state
Found: December31 @ wmth@John:21:15-25 Jesus Reinstates Peter

Found: dict:torrey Apostates @ Apostates

Found: 000121 @ All-states Cremation Svc 4725 S Broadway Englewood, CO. 80110 Call 303-761-3260

Found: 002012 @ Chief Hosa Lodge - Interstate 70 at Exit 253 Genessee CO 720-913-0766">720-913-0766

Found: @ AUTONOMY –– the state of being a "law unto oneself," independent of outside authority

Found: @ ESCHATOLOGY –– the doctrine of the "last things" pertaining to the individual (death, afterlife) or to redemption (the coming, course, and consummation of Christ's kingdom, the millennium) or to the world (Christ's return, the resurrection, final judgment, the eternal state)

Found: @ PENOLOGY –– the study or theory of punishment, especially the punishment of criminals by the state

Found: @ THEOCRACY –– literally "the rule of God," however this is thought to be expressed (e.g., by His revealed principles, by His chosen leaders, by Himself in the person of the Son, etc.); the word is variously used by writers for different intended conceptions, some using it as a code word for uniqueness of Old Testament Israel, others using it for any social system where the church rules the state (or is not separated from it), and still others for a civil government which strives to submit to the socio-political standing laws revealed by God (in Old or New Testaments)

Found: Wikipedia @ Isaac Backus (1724–1806), advocate of the separation of church and state

Found: 879 A.D. @ Constantinople VII - called reinstated Patriarch Photius to repudiate [Council of 869-870.

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Restorationism (Christian primitivism) : The doctrine that most of the modern Church is apostate; includes the Millerites, Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Latter Day Saints.

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Ultramontanism : A movement within 19th-century Roman Catholicism to emphasize papal authority, particularly in the wake of the French Revolution and the secularization of the state

Found: wmth@Luke:1 @ LUKE - There is almost universal agreement that Luke, the "beloved physician" ( kjv@Colossians:4:14 ) who accompanied Paul on his missionary travels, was the author of the third Gospel. Luke wrote to present Jesus as the Universal Savior, the compassionate healer and teacher. His careful historical approach is revealed in the preface, which states that the author has traced "all things from the very first". Unlike Mark, this author includes an account of the Virgin Birth, and unlike Matthew he extensively describes the Perean Ministry (Chapters Luke:9-18 ).

Found: wmth@John:1 @ JOHN - The Gospel of John endeavors to explain the mystery of the Person of Christ by the use of the term "logos" (word) and was written to confirm Christians in the belief that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Its purpose is evangelical and is so stated in kjv@John:20:31. John not only records events as do the other Gospels but also uniquely interprets the events by giving them spiritual meaning. The author makes significant use of such words as light, water, life, love, and bread. Traditionally the author of this Gospel is considered to have been John, the Beloved Disciple.

Found: JULY5 PM @ Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.-wmth@Romans:12:16 wmth@James:2:1 wmth@James:2:5 wmth@1Corinthians:10:24. - wmth@1Timothy:. 6:8-9 wmth@1Corinthians:1:27-29 wmth@Psalms:131:1.

Found: Diognetus:8:2 @ Or dost thou accept the empty and nonsensical statements of those pretentious philosophers: of whom some said that God was fire (they call that God, where-unto they themselves shall go), and others water, and others some other of the elements which were created by God?

Found: Diognetus:8:3 @ And yet if any of these statements is worthy of acceptance, any one other created thing might just as well be made out to be God.

Found: Diognetus:12:3 @ for the scriptures state clearly how God from the beginning planted a tree of knowledge and a tree of life in the midst of Paradise, revealing life through knowledge; and because our first parents used it not genuinely they were made naked by the deceit of the serpent.

Found: Hermas:255:2 @ A certain man had an estate, and many slaves, and a portion of his estate he planted as a vineyard; and choosing out a certain slave who was trusty and well-pleasing (and) held in honor, he called him to him and saith unto him; "Take this vineyard which I have planted, and fence it till I come, but do nothing else to the vineyard. Now keep this my commandment, and thou shalt be free in my house." Then the master of the servant went away to travel abroad.

Found: Hermas:255:5 @ After a time the master of the servant and of the estate came, and he went into the vineyard. And seeing the vineyard fenced neatly, and digged as well, and all the weeds plucked up, and the vines flourishing, he rejoiced exceedingly at what his servant had done.

Found: Hermas:457:1 @ I entreated him earnestly, that he would show me the parable of the estate, and of the master, and of the vineyard, and of the servant that fenced the vineyard, and of the fence, and of the weeds which were plucked up out of the vineyard, and of the son, and of the friends, the advisers. For I understood that all these things are a parable.

Found: Hermas:558:1 @ "I told thee just now," saith he, "that thou art unscrupulous and importunate, in enquiring for the interpretations of the parables. But since thou art so obstinate, I will interpret to thee the parable of the estate and all the accompaniments thereof, that thou mayest make them known unto all. Hear now," saith he, "and understand them.

Found: Hermas:558:2 @ The estate is this world, and the lord of the estate is He that created all things, and set them in order, and endowed them with power; and the servant is the Son of God, and the vines are this people whom He Himself planted;

Found: Hermas:167:14 @ And others came bringing their rods green, as they received them from the angel; and the most part of the multitude gave up their rods in this state; and the angel rejoiced exceedingly at these; these also stood apart.

Found: Hermas:167:16 @ And others gave up their rods green and with shoots; and their shoots had, as it were, a kind of fruit. And those men were exceeding gladsome, whose rods were found in this state. And over them the angel exulted, and the shepherd was very gladsome over them.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:3:1 @ Yea, and it becometh you also not to presume upon the youth of your bishop, but according to the power of God the Father to render unto him all reverence, even as I have learned that the holy presbyters also have not taken advantage of his outwardly youthful estate, but give place to him as to one prudent in God; yet not to him, but to the Father of Jesus Christ, even to the Bishop of all.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:2 @ This account Gaius copied from the papers of Irenaeus. The same lived with Irenaeus who had been a disciple of the holy Polycarp. For this Irenaeus, being in Rome at the time of the martyrdom of the bishop Polycarp, instructed many; and many most excellent and orthodox treatises by him are in circulation. In these he makes mention of Polycarp, saying that he was taught by him. And he ably refuted every heresy, and handed down the catholic rule of the Church just as he had received it from the saint. He mentions this fact also, that when Marcion, after whom the Marcionites are called, met the holy Polycarp on one occasion, and said 'Recognize us, Polycarp,' he said in reply to Marcion, 'Yes indeed, I recognize the firstborn of Satan.' The following statement also is made in the writings of Irenaeus, that on the very day and hour when Polycarp was martyred in Smyrna Irenaeus being in the city of the Romans heard a voice as of a trumpet saying, ' Polycarp is martyred.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:3 @ From these papers of Irenaeus then, as has been stated already, Gaius made a copy, and from the copy of Gaius Isocrates made another in Corinth.

Found: dict:torrey Apostates @ Apostates

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL state @ (1)

Found: wmth@Genesis:21:10-13 @ Sons inherit father's estate - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: December31 @ wmth@John:21:15-25 Jesus Reinstates Peter journal:December31

Found: estate @ kjv@CONCORD:estate

Found: estates @ kjv@CONCORD:estates

Found: state @ kjv@CONCORD:state

Found: stately @ kjv@CONCORD:stately

Found: December31 @ John:21:15-25 Jesus Reinstates Peter

Found: wmth@John:21:15-25 @ Jesus Reinstates Peter

Found: , Ex-Christian Monologues , Religion and Spirituality , Webmdave -- Webmaster of ExChristian.Net; ex; Christian; exchristian; ex; christian; atheism; atheist; agnosticism; agnostic; apostate; extian; xtian; reason; rati , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: , Religious Taters , Religion and Spirituality , ; christian; video; religious; taters; update , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , The Atheist Experience , Religion and Spirituality , Atheist Community of Austin; atheism; church-state separation; christianity; religion; news; skepticism; Austin; Texas , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , The Atheist Experience Experience , Religion and Spirituality ,; atheism; church-state separation; christianity; religion; news; skepticism; Austin; Texas , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: , The Lance Wallnau Show , Religion and Spirituality , Dr. Lance Wallnau; william; cia; steele; spiritual; deep; christian; taylor; lance; state; mountains; 7; ministry; warfare; prophetic; dossier; wallnau , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: TV-EN, CT-N TV (parl., Comm.),

Found: US Cope Colostate edu csutv,mms://

Found: December31,105[John_21_15-25],wmth@John:21:15-25,Jesus Reinstates Peter