Indexes Search Result: indexed - stature
Found: kjv@1Samuel:16:7 @ But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:25 @ And which of you with taking thought can add to...

Found: Hermas:683:1 @ And, behold, after a little while I see an array of many men coming, and in the midst a man of such lofty stature that he overtopped the tower.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:11:2 @ Therefore that your work may be perfected both on earth and in heaven, it is meet that your church should appoint, for the honor of God, an ambassador of God that he may go as far as Syria and congratulate them because they are at peace, and have recovered their proper stature, and their proper bulk hath been restored to them.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL stature @ (1)

Found: stature @ kjv@CONCORD:stature

Found: tsk@Matthew:6:27 @ Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? - Jesus By Question

Found: tsk@Luke:12:25 @ And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? - Jesus By Question