Indexes Search Result: indexed - take
Found: kjv@Ezekiel:36:26 @ A new heart also will I give you, and a...

Found: kjv@Psalms:51:11 @ Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:7 @ Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy...

Found: kjv@Psalms:147:11 @ The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in...

Found: kjv@1Corinthians:10:13 @ There hath no temptation taken you but such as is...

Found: kjv@Mark:14:36 @ And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:29 @ And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:30 @ Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of...

Found: kjv@Matthew:10:38 @ And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after...

Found: kjv@Job:11:18 @ And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea,...

Found: kjv@Matthew:16:24 @ Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:26 @ If ye then be not able to do that thing...

Found: ExceedingPromisesPartakersDivineNature @

Found: KoinonosPartake @ +

Found: Joshua:5:6 @ DISCONTENTMENT - The journey to the promised land should have taken 11 days, but it took 40 years because of disobedience and dissatisfaction.

Found: Luke:5:16-26 @ WHAT PRAYER WILL ACCOMPLISH *v.16 - @I. Manifestation of Power--Only God can do it. @II. Motivation--Willing to do anything to get the man to Jesus. @III. Methods--Whatever it takes to get people to Jesus. @IV. Misgivings--Opposition without and within. @V. Message--This never changes; it's the Gospel of Jesus, I Cor.15:1-4)

Found: Ephesians:5:18 @ FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT - I. Desiring (John kjv@7:37) You are not thirsty if you can take or leave it

Found: dict:hitchcock Achaz @ one that takes, or possesses - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ahaz @ one that takes or possesses - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Charchemish @ a lamb; as taken away; withdrawn - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Habor @ a partaker; a companion - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Jaresiah @ the bed of the Lord; the Lord hath taken away; poverty - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Moses @ taken out; drawn forth - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Mushi @ he that touches, that withdraws or takes away - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Sargon @ who takes away protection - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Tiglath-pileser @ that binds or takes away captivity - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: akjv@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: kjv@TITLE: American King James Version kjv@DESCRIPTION: This is a new translation of the Bible, based on the original King James Version. It is a simple word for word update from the King James English. I have taken care to change nothing doctrinally, but to simply update the spelling and vocabulary. I have not changed the grammar because that could alter the doctrine. kjv@RIGTHS: I am hereby putting the American King James version of the Bible into the public domain on November 8, 1999. kjv@PUBLISHER: The Free Bible Group

Found: @ AMILLENNIALISM –– the eschatological view that on earth before the return of Christ there will be no age of military rule by Christ (contrary to premillennialism) nor an age of great blessing and success for the gospel (contrary to postmillennialism); at Christ's return the general resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous will take place, followed immediately by the final judgment

Found: Wikipedia @ Thomas Gataker

Found: Wikipedia @ Jeremiah Whitaker

Found: 1414-1417 @ Constance under Martin V -Ended Great Schism of anti-Popes. 2 Popes deposed, 1 abdicated, and 1 new Pope elected. Condemned 45 propositions of Wycliffe and 30 of Hus, who was burned at the stake.

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL the one shall be taken, and

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL shall be taken, and the other

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL one shall be taken, and the

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL the one shall be taken,

Found: riversident@Revelation:1 @ REVELATION - This last book of the Bible identifies itself as "the revelation of Jesus Christ", and its author is designated "his servant John" who was exiled to the Greek island of Patmos because of his faith. Traditionally, John is identified with the author of the Fourth Gospel. Addressed to seven historical churches in Asia Minor, the Book of Revelation was written to warn against spiritual indifference and to elicit courage under persecution. Because of the extensive use of symbolism and picturesque imagery, its interpretation has posed many problem for the student of the Bible. While recognizing the historical situation (Roman persecution) that elicited this writing, many interpreters look upon it as a prophecy depicting events that were to take place at the end of the age. The ultimate victory of Christ is the dominant theme of this book.

Found: JANUARY27 AM @ Ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins: and in him is no sin.-riversident@1John:3:5 riversident@Hebrews:1:13. riversident@2Corinthians:5:21 riversident@1Peter:1:17-20. riversident@2Corinthians:5:14-15.

Found: MARCH5 AM @ O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me.-riversident@Isaiah:38:14 riversident@Psalms:123:1-2. riversident@Psalms:61:1-4. riversident@Isaiah:25:4 riversident@1Peter:2:21-23.

Found: MARCH25 PM @ Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing; nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.-riversident@Luke:5:5. riversident@Matthew:28:18-20 riversident@Matthew:13:47 riversident@1Corinthians:9:16 riversident@1Corinthians:9:22 riversident@Galatians:6:9. riversident@Isaiah:55:11. riversident@1Corinthians:3:7.

Found: JUNE16 PM @ Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.-riversident@Revelation:3:11 riversident@Matthew:9:21. riversident@Matthew:8:2-3. riversident@Matthew:17:20 riversident@Hebrews:10:35. riversident@Philippians:2:12-13 riversident@Mark:4:28. riversident@Hosea:6:3. riversident@Matthew:11:12. riversident@1Corinthians:9:24 riversident@2Timothy:4:7-8.

Found: AUGUST10 AM @ I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but thou shouldest keep them from the evil.-riversident@John:17:15 riversident@Philippians:2:15. riversident@Matthew:5:13-14. riversident@Matthew:5:16 riversident@Genesis:20:6 riversident@2Thessalonians:3:3. riversident@Nehemiah:5:15. riversident@Galatians:1:4. riversident@Jude:1:24-25.

Found: SEPTEMBER1 PM @ If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.-riversident@Luke:9:23 riversident@2Corinthians:6:8. riversident@2Timothy:3:12. riversident@Galatians:5:11 riversident@Galatians:1:10 riversident@1Peter:4:14-16 riversident@Philippians:1:29 riversident@2Corinthians:5:14-15. riversident@2Timothy:2:12.

Found: SEPTEMBER12 PM @ The Lord taketh my part.-riversident@Psalms:118:7 riversident@Psalms:20:1-2 riversident@Psalms:20:5-7-8 riversident@Isaiah:59:19. riversident@1Corinthians:10:13 riversident@Romans:8:31. riversident@Psalms:118:6 riversident@Daniel:3:17.

Found: SEPTEMBER30 AM @ He knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.-riversident@Job:23:10 riversident@Psalms:103:14. riversident@Lamentations:3:33 riversident@2Timothy:2:19-21 riversident@Malachi:3:3. riversident@Zechariah:13:9.

Found: OCTOBER19 AM @ The Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.-riversident@Proverbs:3:26 riversident@Psalms:76:10. riversident@Proverbs:21:1. riversident@Proverbs:16:7 riversident@Psalms:130:5-6. riversident@Psalms:34:4 riversident@Deuteronomy:33:27. riversident@Jeremiah:17:7 riversident@Romans:8:31.

Found: NOVEMBER28 PM @ As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that he might deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.-riversident@Hebrews:2:14-15 riversident@1Corinthians:15:55-57. riversident@2Corinthians:4:16 riversident@2Corinthians:5:1 riversident@2Corinthians:5:6-8 riversident@John:14:1-3.

Found: DECEMBER23 AM @ Let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me.-riversident@Isaiah:27:5 riversident@Jeremiah:29:11. riversident@Isaiah:48:22 riversident@Ephesians:2:13-14 riversident@Colossians:1:19-20. riversident@Romans:3:24-26. riversident@1John:1:9 riversident@Isaiah:26:4.

Found: 1Clement:8:6 <1CLEMENT>@ Seeing then that He desireth all His beloved to be partakers of repentance, He confirmed it by an act of His almighty will.

Found: 1Clement:9:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Wherefore let us be obedient unto His excellent and glorious will; and presenting ourselves as suppliants of His mercy and goodness, let us fall down before Him and betake ourselves unto His compassions, forsaking the vain toil and the strife and the jealousy which leadeth unto death.

Found: 1Clement:12:5 <1CLEMENT>@ And she said unto the men, Of a surety I perceive that the Lord your God delivereth this city unto you; for the fear and the dread of you is fallen upon the inhabitants thereof. When therefore it shall come to pass that ye take it, save me and the house of my father.

Found: 1Clement:16:7 <1CLEMENT>@ and the Lord delivered Him over for our sins. And He openeth not His mouth, because He is afflicted. As a sheep He was led to slaughter; and as a lamb before his shearer is dumb, so openeth He not His mouth. In His humiliation His judgment was taken away.

Found: 1Clement:16:8 <1CLEMENT>@ His generation who shall declare? For His life is taken away from the earth.

Found: 1Clement:16:12 <1CLEMENT>@ And the Lord desireth to take away from the toil of His soul, to show Him light and to mould Him with understanding, to justify a Just One that is a good servant unto many. And He shall bear their sins.

Found: 1Clement:18:8 <1CLEMENT>@ Make a clean heart within me, O God, and renew a right spirit in mine inmost parts. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.

Found: 1Clement:19:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Seeing then that we have been partakers of many great and glorious doings, let us hasten to return unto the goal of peace which hath been handed down to us from the beginning, and let us look steadfastly unto the Father and Maker of the whole world, and cleave unto His splendid and excellent gifts of peace and benefits.

Found: 1Clement:20:11 <1CLEMENT>@ All these things the great Creator and Master of the universe ordered to be in peace and concord, doing good unto all things, but far beyond the rest unto us who have taken refuge in His compassionate mercies through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Found: 1Clement:21:7 <1CLEMENT>@ let them show forth their lovely disposition of purity; let them prove their sincere affection of gentleness; let them make manifest the moderation of their tongue through their silence; let them show their love, not in factious preferences but without partiality towards all them that fear God, in holiness. Let our children be partakers of the instruction which is in Christ:

Found: 1Clement:21:9 <1CLEMENT>@ For He is the searcher out of the intents and desires; whose breath is in us, and when He listeth, He shall take it away.

Found: 1Clement:23:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye fools, compare yourselves unto a tree; take a vine. First it sheddeth its leaves, then a shoot cometh, then a leaf, then a flower, and after these a sour berry, then a full ripe grape. Ye see that in a little time the fruit of the tree attaineth unto mellowness.

Found: 1Clement:24:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us mark the fruits, how and in what manner the sowing taketh place.

Found: 1Clement:25:3 <1CLEMENT>@ But, as the flesh rotteth, a certain worm is engendered, which is nurtured from the moisture of the dead creature and putteth forth wings. Then, when it is grown lusty, it taketh up that coffin where are the bones of its parent, and carrying them journeyeth from the country of Arabia even unto Egypt, to the place called the City of the Sun;

Found: 1Clement:29:3 <1CLEMENT>@ And in another place He saith, Behold, the Lord taketh for Himself a nation out of the midst of the nations, as a man taketh the first fruits of his threshing floor; and the holy of holies shall come forth from that nation.

Found: 1Clement:34:7 <1CLEMENT>@ Yea, and let us ourselves then, being gathered together in concord with intentness of heart, cry unto Him as from one mouth earnestly that we may be made partakers of His great and glorious promises.

Found: 1Clement:35:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us therefore contend, that we may be found in the number of those that patiently await Him, to the end that we may be partakers of His promised gifts.

Found: 1Clement:35:7 <1CLEMENT>@ For the scripture saith, But unto the sinner said God, Wherefore dost thou declare Mine ordinances, and takest My covenant upon thy lips?

Found: 1Clement:37:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us take our body as an example. The head without the feet is nothing; so likewise the feet without the head are nothing: even the smallest limbs of our body are necessary and useful for the whole body: but all the members conspire and unite in subjection, that the whole body maybe saved.

Found: 1Clement:57:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Because I called and ye obeyed not, and I held out words and ye heeded not, but made My councils of none effect, and were disobedient unto My reproofs; therefore I also will laugh at your destruction, and will rejoice over you when ruin cometh upon you, and when confusion overtaketh you suddenly, and your overthrow is at hand like a whirlwind,

Found: 1Clement:63:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore it is right for us to give heed to so great and so many examples and to submit the neck and occupying the place of obedience to take our side with them that are the leaders of our souls, that ceasing from this foolish dissension we may attain unto the goal which lieth before us in truthfulness, keeping aloof from every fault.

Found: 2Clement:10:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Wherefore, my brethren, let us do the will of the Father which called us, that we may live; and let us the rather pursue virtue, but forsake vice as the forerunner of our sins, and let us flee from ungodliness, lest evils overtake us.

Found: 2Clement:11:3 <2CLEMENT>@ Ye fools! compare yourselves unto a tree; take a vine. First it sheds its leaves, then a shoot cometh, after this a sour berry, then a full ripe grape.

Found: 2Clement:13:3 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Gentiles, when they hear from our mouths the oracles of God, marvel at them for their beauty and greatness; then, when they discover that our works are not worthy of the words which we speak, forthwith they betake themselves to blasphemy, saying that it is an idle story and a delusion.

Found: 2Clement:14:3 <2CLEMENT>@ Now the Church, being spiritual was manifested in the flesh of Christ, thereby showing us that if any of us guard her in the flesh and defile her not, he shall receive her again in the Holy Spirit: for this flesh is the counterpart and copy of the spirit. No man therefore, when he hath defiled the copy, shall receive the original for his portion. This therefore is what He meaneth, brethren; Guard ye the flesh, that ye may partake of the spirit.

Found: 2Clement:14:4 <2CLEMENT>@ But if we say that the flesh is the Church and the spirit is Christ, then he that hath dealt wantonly with the flesh hath dealt wantonly with the Church. Such and one therefore shall not partake of the spirit, which is Christ>.

Found: 2Clement:15:5 <2CLEMENT>@ Seeing then that we are partakers of so great kindness, let us not grudge ourselves the obtaining of so many good things. For in proportion as the pleasure is great which these words bring to them that have performed them, so also is the condemnation great which they bring to them that have been disobedient.

Found: 2Clement:16:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For if we bid farewell to these enjoyments and conquer our soul in refusing to fulfill its evil lusts, we shall be partakers of the mercy of Jesus.

Found: 2Clement:20:4 <2CLEMENT>@ For if God had paid the recompense of the righteous speedily, then straightway we should have been training ourselves in merchandise, and not in godliness; for we should seem to be righteous, though we were pursuing not that which is godly, but which is gainful. And for this cause Divine judgment overtaketh a spirit that is not just, and loadeth it with chains.

Found: Barnabas:3:5 @ Then shalt thou cry out and God shall hear thee; while thou art still speaking, He shall say 'Lo, I am here'; if thou shalt take away from thee the yoke and the stretching forth of the finger and the word of murmuring, and shalt give thy bread to the hungry heartily, and shalt pity the abased soul.

Found: Barnabas:4:9 @ But though I would fain write many things, not as a teacher, but as becometh one who loveth you not to fall short of that which we possess, I was anxious to write to you, being your devoted slave. Wherefore let us take heed in these last days. For the whole time of our faith shall profit us nothing, unless we now, in the season of lawlessness and in the offenses that shall be, as becometh sons of God, offer resistance, that the Black One may not effect an entrance.

Found: Barnabas:6:14 @ Behold then we have been created anew, as He saith again in another prophet; Behold, saith the Lord, I will take out from these, that is to say, from those whom the Spirit of the Lord foresaw, their stony hearts, and will put into them hearts of flesh; for He Himself was to be manifested in the flesh and to dwell in us.

Found: Barnabas:7:6 @ Attend ye to the commandments which He gave. Take two goats, fair and alike, and offer them, and let the priest take the one for a whole burnt offering for sins.

Found: Barnabas:7:8 @ And do ye all spit upon it and goad it, and place scarlet wool about its head, and so let it be cast into the wilderness. And when it is so done, he that taketh the goat into the wilderness leadeth it, and taketh off the wool, and putteth it upon the branch which is called Rachia, the same whereof we are wont to eat the shoots when we find them in the country. Of this briar alone is the fruit thus sweet.

Found: Barnabas:7:11 @ But what meaneth it, that they place the wool in the midst of the thorns? It is a type of Jesus set forth for the Church, since whosoever should desire to take away the scarlet wool it behoved him to suffer many things owing to the terrible nature of the thorn, and through affliction to win the mastery over it. Thus, He saith, they that desire to see Me, and to attain unto My kingdom, must lay hold on Me through tribulation and affliction.

Found: Barnabas:8:1 @ But what think ye meaneth the type, where the commandment is given to Israel that those men, whose sins are full grown, offer an heifer and slaughter and burn it, and then that the children take up the ashes, and cast them into vessels, and twist the scarlet wool on a tree (see here again is the type of the cross and the scarlet wool), and the hyssop, and that this done the children should sprinkle the people one by one, that they may be purified from their sins?

Found: Barnabas:16:6 @ But let us enquire whether there be any temple of God. There is; in the place where he himself undertakes to make and finish it. For it is written And it shall come to pass, when the week is being accomplished, the temple of God shall be built gloriously in the name of the Lord.

Found: Barnabas:19:5 @ Thou shalt not doubt whether a thing shall be or not be. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain. Thou shalt love thy neighbor more than thine own soul. Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion, nor again shalt thou kill it when it is born. Thou shalt not withhold thy hand from thy son or daughter, but from their youth thou shalt teach them the fear of God.

Found: Barnabas:19:8 @ Thou shalt make thy neighbor partake in all things, and shalt not say that anything is thine own. For if ye are fellow partakers in that which is imperishable, how much rather shall ye be in the things which are perishable. Thou shalt not be hasty with thine own tongue, for the mouth is the snare of death. So far as thou art able, thou shalt be pure for thy soul's sake.

Found: Barnabas:19:12 @ Thou shalt not make a schism, but thou shalt pacify them that contend by bringing them together. Thou shalt confess thy sins. Thou shalt not betake thyself to prayer with an evil conscience. This is the way of light.

Found: Barnabas:21:4 @ Again and again I entreat you; be good lawgivers one to another; continue faithful councilors to yourselves; take away from you all hypocrisy.

Found: Didache:1:4 @ Abstain thou from fleshly and bodily lusts. If any man give thee a blow on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also, and thou shalt be perfect; If a man impress thee to go with him one mile, go with him twain; if a man take away thy cloak, give him thy coat also; if a man take away from thee that which is thy own, ask it not back, for neither art thou able.

Found: Didache:4:8 @ Thou shalt not turn away from him that is in want, but shalt make thy brother partaker in all things, and shalt not say that anything is thy own. For if ye are fellow-partakers in that which is imperishable, how much rather in the things which are perishable?

Found: Didache:4:14 @ In church thou shalt confess thy transgressions, and shalt not betake thyself to prayer with an evil conscience. This is the way of life.

Found: Didache:13:3 @ Every firstfruit then of the produce of the wine-vat and of the threshing-floor, of thy oxen and of thy sheep, thou shalt take and give as the firstfruit to the prophets; for they are your chief-priests.

Found: Didache:13:5 @ If thou makest bread, take the firstfruit and give according to the commandment.

Found: Didache:13:6 @ In like manner, when thou openest a jar of wine or of oil, take the firstfruit and give to the prophets;

Found: Didache:13:7 @ yea and of money and raiment and every possession take the firstfruit, as shall seem good to thee, and give according to the commandment.

Found: Diognetus:1:1 @ Since I see, most excellent Diognetus, that thou art exceedingly anxious to understand the religion of the Christians, and that thy enquiries respecting them are distinctly and carefully made, as to what God they trust and how they worship Him, that they all disregard the world and despise death, and take no account of those who are regarded as gods by the Greeks, neither observe the superstition of the Jews, and as to the nature of the affection which they entertain one to another, and of this new development or interest, which has entered into men's lives now and not before: I gladly welcome this zeal in thee, and I ask of God, Who supplieth both the speaking and the hearing to us, that it may be granted to myself to speak in such a way that thou mayest be made better by the hearing, and to thee that thou mayest so listen that I the speaker may not be disappointed.

Found: Diognetus:10:6 @ But whosoever taketh upon himself the burden of his neighbor, whosoever desireth to benefit one that is worse off in that in which he himself is superior, whosoever by supplying to those that are in want possessions which he received from God becomes a God to those who receive them from him, he is an imitator of God.

Found: Hermas:1:5 @ And, looking at her, I said to her, "Lady, what doest thou here?" Then she answered me, "I was taken up, that I might convict thee of thy sins before the Lord."

Found: Hermas:2:4 @ Then she said, "Far be this thing from the servant of God! Nevertheless the thought did enter into thy heart concerning her. Now to the servants of God such a purpose bringeth sin. For it is an evil and mad purpose to overtake a devout spirit that hath been already approved, that it should desire an evil deed, and especially if it be Hermas the temperate, who abstaineth from every evil desire, and is full of all simplicity and of great guilelessness.

Found: Hermas:3:2 @ But the great mercy of the Lord had pity on thee and thy family, and will strengthen thee, and establish thee in His glory. Only be not thou careless, but take courage, and strengthen thy family. For as the smith hammering his work conquers the task which he wills, so also doth righteous discourse repeated daily conquer all evil. Cease not therefore to reprove thy children; for I know that if they shall repent with all their heart, they shall be written in the books of life with the saints."

Found: Hermas:15:1 @ I was on the way to Cumae, at the same season as last year, and called to mind my last year's vision as I walked; and again a Spirit taketh me, and carrieth me away to the same place as last year.

Found: Hermas:19y:6 @ Then she came with six young men, the same whom I had seen before, and she stood by me, and listened attentively to me, as I prayed and confessed my sins to the Lord. And she touched me, and said: "Hermas, make an end of constantly entreating for thy sins; entreat also for righteousness, that thou mayest take some part forthwith to thy family."

Found: Hermas:5[13^:7 @ Learn first from thyself When thou hadst riches, thou wast useless; but now thou art useful and profitable unto life. Be ye useful unto God, for thou thyself also art taken from the same stones.

Found: Hermas:917:2 @ Now then hear me and be at peace among yourselves, and have regard one to another, and assist one another, and do not partake of the creatures of God alone in abundance, but share them also with those that are in want.

Found: Hermas:1018:7 @ So I fasted one day; and that very night there appeared unto me a young man, and he saith to me, "Seeing that thou askest me revelations offhand with entreaty, take heed lest by thy much asking thou injure thy flesh.

Found: Hermas:1220:2 @ "Imagine an old man, who has now lost all hope of himself by reason of his weakness and his poverty, and expecteth nothing else save the last day of his life. Suddenly an inheritance is left him. He heareth the news, riseth up and full of joy clothes himself with strength, and no longer lieth down, but standeth up, and his spirit, which was now broken by reason of his former circumstances, is renewed again, and he no longer sitteth, but taketh courage; so also was it with you, when you heard the revelation which the Lord revealed unto you.

Found: Hermas:127:2 @ First of all, speak evil of no man, neither take pleasure in listening to a slanderer. Otherwise thou that hearest too shalt be responsible for the sin of him that speaketh the evil, if thou believest the slander, which thou hearest; for in believing it thou thyself also wilt have a grudge against thy brother. So then shalt thou be responsible for the sin of him that speaketh the evil.

Found: Hermas:129:9 @ Not only," saith he, "is it adultery, if a man pollute his flesh, but whosoever doeth things like unto the heathen committeth adultery. If therefore in such deeds as these likewise a man continue and repent not, keep away from him, and live not with him. Otherwise, thou also art a partaker of his sin.

Found: Hermas:133:5 @ For if you take a little wormwood, and pour it into a jar of honey, is not the whole of the honey spoiled, and all that honey ruined by a very small quantity of wormwood? For it destroyeth the sweetness of the honey, and it no longer hath the same attraction for the owner, because it is rendered bitter and hath lost its use. But if the wormwood be not put into the honey, the honey is found sweet and becomes useful to its owner.

Found: Hermas:143:18 @ Listen then to the parable which I shall tell thee. Take a stone, and throw it up to heaven--see if thou canst reach it; or again, take a squirt of water, and squirt it up to heaven--see if thou canst bore through the heaven."

Found: Hermas:143:20 @ Now take the power which cometh from above. The hail is a very, small grain, and yet, when it falleth on a man's head, what pain it causeth! Or again, take a drop which falls on the ground from the tiles, and bores through the stone.

Found: Hermas:255:11 @ All these things which had taken place his master heard, and again rejoiced greatly at his deed. So the master called together again his friends and his son, and announced to them the deed that he had done with regard to his dainties which he had received; and they still more approved of his resolve, that his servant should be made joint-heir with his son."

Found: Hermas:167:3 @ And after all had taken the rods, the angel laid aside the sickle, and the tree was sound, just as I had seen it.

Found: Hermas:268:6 @ And, after the angel had departed, the shepherd saith to me; "Let us take the rods of all and plant them, to see whether any of them shall be able to live." I say unto him, "Sir, these withered things, how can they live?"

Found: Hermas:380:2 @ For the virgins standing round the gate told the men to hasten to build the tower. Now the virgins had spread out their hands, as if they would take something from the men.

Found: Hermas:582:5 @ "If," saith he, "thou be not found possessed of an idle curiosity, thou shalt know all things. For after a few days we shall come here, and thou shalt see the sequel that overtaketh this tower and shalt understand all the parables accurately."

Found: Hermas:885:2 @ Then he inspected those that were mildewed, and he took and shaped many of them, and ordered the virgins to take them up and put them into the building. And the virgins took them up and placed them in the building of the tower in a middle position. But the rest he ordered to be placed with the black ones; for these also were found black.

Found: Hermas:885:5 @ Then he began to inspect those that were half white and half black, and many of them were (now) found black; and he ordered these also to be taken up with those that had been cast aside. But all the rest were found white, and were taken up by the virgins; for being white they were fitted by the virgins themselves into the building. But they were placed towards the outside, because they were found sound, so that they could hold together those that were placed in the middle; for not a single one of them was too short.

Found: Hermas:885:6 @ Then he began to inspect the hard and rough; and a few of them were cast away, because they could not be shaped; for they were found very hard. But the rest of them were shaped and taken up by the virgins and fitted into the middle of the building of the tower; for they were somewhat weak.

Found: Hermas:986:4 @ But the rest, which remained over, were taken up, and put aside into the plain whence they were brought; they were not however cast away, "Because," saith he, there remaineth still a little of the tower to be builded. And the master of the tower is exceedingly anxious that these stones be fitted into the building, for they are very bright."

Found: Hermas:986:5 @ So twelve women were called, most beautiful in form, clad in black, girded about and having the shoulders bare, with their hair hanging loose. And these women, methought, had a savage look. And the shepherd ordered them to take up the stones which had been cast away from the building, and to carry them off to the same mountains from which also they had been brought;

Found: Hermas:986:6 @ and they took them up joyfully, and carried away all the stones and put them in the place whence they had been taken. And after all the stones had been taken up, and not a single stone still lay round the tower, the shepherd saith unto me; "Let us go round the tower, and see that there is no defect in it." And I proceeded to go round it with him.

Found: Hermas:1087:1 @ And I, as I walked with him, was glad to see so brave a sight. And the shepherd saith to me; "Go and bring plaster and fine clay, that I may fill up the shapes of the stones that have been taken up and put into the building; for all the circuit of the tower must be made smooth."

Found: Hermas:13[90^:2 @ "They shall enter," saith he, "if they shall put away the works of these women, and take again the power of the virgins, and walk in their works. For this is the reason why there was also a cessation in the building, that, if these repent, they may go into the building of the tower; but if they repent not, then others will go, and these shall be cast away finally."

Found: Hermas:27[104^:3 @ "Wherefore then, Sir," say I, "have all the trees fruits, but some of their fruits are more beautiful than others?" "Listen," saith he; "all as many as ever suffered for the Name's sake are glorious in the sight of God, and the sins of all these were taken away, because they suffered for the name of the Son of God. Now here why their fruits are various, and some surpassing others.

Found: Hermas:27[104_:4 @ After he had finished the parables of the mountains, I say unto him, "Sir, now explain to me concerning the stones that were taken from the plain and placed in the building in the room of the stoes that were taken from the tower, and concerning the round (stones) which were placed in the building, and concerning those that were still round".

Found: Hermas:27[104`:1 @ "Hear," saith he, "likewise concerning all these things. The stones which were taken from the plain and placed in the building of the tower in the room of those that were rejected, are the roots of this white mountain.

Found: Hermas:27[104`:5 @ When therefore the Lord percieved their mind, that they could favor the truth, and likewise remain good, He commanded their possessions to be cut off from them, yet not to be taken away altogether, so that they might be able to do some good with that which hath been left to them, and might live unto God for that they come of a good kind. So therefore they have been cut away a little, and placed in the building of this tower".

Found: Hermas:27[104a:4 @ Moreover I bid all of you, whoever have received this seal, keep guilelessness, and bear no grudge, and continue not in your wickedness nor in the memory of the offenses of bitterness; but become of one spirit, and heal these evil clefts and take them away from among you, that the owner of the flocks may rejoice concerning them.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:4:2 @ And do ye, each and all, form yourselves into a chorus, that being harmonious in concord and taking the key note of God ye may in unison sing with one voice through Jesus Christ unto the Father, that He may both hear you and acknowledge you by your good deeds to be members of His Son. It is therefore profitable for you to be in blameless unity, that ye may also be partakers of God always.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:10:1 @ And pray ye also without ceasing for the rest of mankind (for there is in them a hope of repentance), that they may find God. Therefore permit them to take lessons at least from your works.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:11:2 @ Let nothing glitter in your eyes apart from Him, in whom I carry about my bonds, my spiritual pearls in which I would fain rise again through your prayer, whereof may it be my lot to be always a partaker, that I may be found in the company of those Christians of Ephesus who moreover were ever of one mind with the Apostles in the power of Jesus Christ.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:19:3 @ From that time forward every sorcery and every spell was dissolved, the ignorance of wickedness vanished away, the ancient kingdom was pulled down, when God appeared in the likeness of man unto newness of everlasting life; and that which had been perfected in the counsels of God began to take effect. Thence all things were perturbed, because the abolishing of death was taken in hand.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:3:1 @ Yea, and it becometh you also not to presume upon the youth of your bishop, but according to the power of God the Father to render unto him all reverence, even as I have learned that the holy presbyters also have not taken advantage of his outwardly youthful estate, but give place to him as to one prudent in God; yet not to him, but to the Father of Jesus Christ, even to the Bishop of all.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:10:2 @ Therefore put away the vile leaven which hath waxed stale and sour, and betake yourselves to the new leaven, which is Jesus Christ. Be ye salted in Him, that none among you grow putrid, seeing that by your savor ye shall be proved.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:11:3 @ It seemed to me therefore a fitting thing that ye should send one of your own people with a letter, that he might join with them in giving glory for the calm which by God's will had overtaken them, and because they were already reaching a haven through your prayers. Seeing ye are perfect, let your counsels also be perfect; for if ye desire to do well, God is ready to grant the means.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:2:1 @ Blessed therefore and noble are all the martyrdoms which have taken place according to the will of God (for it behoveth us to be very scrupulous and to assign to God the power over all things).

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:6:2 @ for it was impossible for him to lie concealed, seeing that the very persons who betrayed him were people of his own household. And the captain of the police, who chanced to have the very name, being called Herod, was eager to bring him into the stadium, that he himself might fulfill his appointed lot, being made a partaker with Christ, while they--his betrayers--underwent the punishment of Judas himself.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:8:3 @ Then they, failing to persuade him, uttered threatening words and made him dismount with speed, so that he bruised his shin, as he got down from the carriage. And without even turning round, he went on his way promptly and with speed, as if nothing had happened to him, being taken to the stadium; there being such a tumult in the stadium that no man's voice could be so much as heard.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:13:2 @ But when the pile was made ready, divesting himself of all his upper garments and loosing his girdle, he endeavored also to take off his shoes, though not in the habit of doing this before, because all the faithful at all times vied eagerly who should soonest touch his flesh. For he had been treated with all honor for his holy life even before his gray hairs came.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:13:3 @ Forthwith then the instruments that were prepared for the pile were placed about him; and as they were going likewise to nail him to the stake, he said; 'Leave me as I am; for He that hath granted me to endure the fire will grant me also to remain at the pile unmoved, even without the security which ye seek from the nails.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:14:1 @ So they did not nail him, but tied him. Then he, placing his hands behind him and being bound to the stake, like a noble ram out of a great flock for an offering, a burnt sacrifice made ready and acceptable to God, looking up to heaven said; 'O Lord God Almighty, the Father of Thy beloved and blessed Son Jesus Christ, through whom we have received the knowledge of Thee, the God of angels and powers and of all creation and of the whole race of the righteous, who live in Thy presence;

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:17:1 @ But the jealous and envious Evil One, the adversary of the family of the righteous, having seen the greatness of his martyrdom and his blameless life from the beginning, and how he was crowned with the crown of immortality and had won a reward which none could gainsay, managed that not even his poor body should be taken away by us, although many desired to do this and to touch his holy flesh.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:17:2 @ So he put forward Nicetes, the father of Herod and brother of Alce, to plead with the magistrate not to give up his body, 'lest,' so it was said, 'they should abandon the crucified one and begin to worship this man'--this being done at the instigation and urgent entreaty of the Jews, who also watched when we were about to take it from the fire, not knowing that it will be impossible for us either to forsake at any time the Christ who suffered for the salvation of the whole world of those that are saved--suffered though faultless for sinners--nor to worship any other.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:17:3 @ For Him, being the Son of God, we adore, but the martyrs as disciples and imitators of the Lord we cherish as they deserve for their matchless affection towards their own King and Teacher. May it be our lot also to be found partakers and fellow-disciples with them.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL partakers @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL take @ (35)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL taken @ (10)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL taketh @ (6)

Found: riversident@Matthew:24:40-41 @ Living - One taken another left - RAPTURE

Found: riversident@Exodus:20:7 @ Don't take God's name in vain - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Exodus:23:8 @ Don't take a gift (bribery) - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Exodus:23:25 @ He will take away sickness - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Deuteronomy:5:11 @ Don't take God's name in vain - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Deuteronomy:16:18-20 @ Judges and officers not to take gifts (bribery) - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Deuteronomy:17:8-13 @ Cases too hard for judges to be taken to Levites - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Deuteronomy:22:6-7 @ Don't take a mother bird with young - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Deuteronomy:24:6 @ Don't take a millstone as pledge - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Deuteronomy:25:1,2 @ Controversies to be taken to the judges - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: riversident@Deuteronomy:27:25 @ Cursed be he that takes reward to slay the innocent - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: overtake @ kjv@CONCORD:overtake

Found: overtaken @ kjv@CONCORD:overtaken

Found: overtaketh @ kjv@CONCORD:overtaketh

Found: partaker @ kjv@CONCORD:partaker

Found: partakers @ kjv@CONCORD:partakers

Found: partakest @ kjv@CONCORD:partakest

Found: stakes @ kjv@CONCORD:stakes

Found: take @ kjv@CONCORD:take

Found: taken @ kjv@CONCORD:taken

Found: taker @ kjv@CONCORD:taker

Found: takest @ kjv@CONCORD:takest

Found: taketh @ kjv@CONCORD:taketh

Found: undertake @ kjv@CONCORD:undertake

Found: untaken @ kjv@CONCORD:untaken

Found: riversident@Luke:17:31-32 @ Jesus By Command - In that day...let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back...Remember Lot's wife

Found: riversident@Luke:21:34 @ Jesus By Command - take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting

Found: riversident@Luke:9:23 @ Jesus By Command - If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me

Found: riversident@Matthew:10:19 @ Jesus By Command - take no thought how or what ye shall speak

Found: riversident@Matthew:16:24 @ Jesus By Command - let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me

Found: riversident@Matthew:18:15-17 @ Jesus By Command - go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone...if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more...tell it unto the church...let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican

Found: riversident@Matthew:6:31 @ Jesus By Command - Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed...

Found: riversident@Matthew:6:28 @ And why take ye thought for raiment? - Jesus By Question

Found: riversident@Matthew:6:31 @ Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? - Jesus By Question

Found: riversident@Matthew:17:25 @ What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers? - Jesus By Question

Found: riversident@Matthew:26:55 @ Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? - Jesus By Question

Found: riversident@Mark:2:9 @ Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? - Jesus By Question

Found: riversident@Mark:14:48 @ Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me? - Jesus By Question

Found: riversident@Luke:6:4 @ How he went into the house of God, and did take and eat the shewbread, and gave also to them that were with him; which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone? - Jesus By Question

Found: riversident@Luke:12:26 @ why take ye thought for the rest? - Jesus By Question

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL one shall be taken, and the @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL shall be taken, and the other @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL the one shall be taken, and @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL the one shall be taken, @ 5

Found: akjv@Matthew:1,ENGLISH:, American King James Version, This is a new translation of the Bible, based on the original King James Version. It is a simple word for word update from the King James English. I have taken care to change nothing doctrinally, but to simply update the spelling and vocabulary. I have not changed the grammar because that could alter the doctrine., I am hereby putting the American King James version of the Bible into the public domain on November 8, 1999., The Free Bible Group

Found: Cajuput Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antiseptic/ cosmetic/ bactericide/ insecticide/ decongestant/ analgesic/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ antispasmodic/ antineuralgic/ carminative/ stimulant/ tonic/ sudorific/ and emenagogue.,Health benefits: It protects wounds from becoming septic/ takes care of skin/ kills bacteria and insects/ cures congestion in the respiratory system/ reduces pain/ cures coughs/ reduces fever/ cures spasm/ and gives relief from the pain of neuralgia. Cajuput essential oil also removes gases/ stimulates secretions and nerve responses/ tones up organic systems/ increases perspiration/ gives relief from obstructed menses and regulates consistent menstruation.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Neroli Essential Oil,Properties: Neroli essential oil is an antidepressant/ aphrodisiac/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ cordial/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ disinfectant/ antispasmodic/ deodorant/ digestive/ emollient/ sedative/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: It has been traditionally used to uplift mood and fight depression/ and also as a way to enhance libido/ protect wounds against infections/ kill bacteria/ and provide relief from gas. Furthermore/ neroli essential oil speeds up the fading of scars and after marks/ promotes cell growth/ fights infection/ reduces spasms/ eliminates body odor/ improves digestion/ takes care of skin/ while soothing anxiety and inflammation.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Cajuput Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antiseptic/ cosmetic/ bactericide/ insecticide/ decongestant/ analgesic/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ antispasmodic/ antineuralgic/ carminative/ stimulant/ tonic/ sudorific/ and emenagogue.,Health benefits: It protects wounds from becoming septic/ takes care of skin/ kills bacteria and insects/ cures congestion in the respiratory system/ reduces pain/ cures coughs/ reduces fever/ cures spasm/ and gives relief from the pain of neuralgia. Cajuput essential oil also removes gases/ stimulates secretions and nerve responses/ tones up organic systems/ increases perspiration/ gives relief from obstructed menses and regulates consistent menstruation.,

Found: Neroli Essential Oil,Properties: Neroli essential oil is an antidepressant/ aphrodisiac/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ cordial/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ disinfectant/ antispasmodic/ deodorant/ digestive/ emollient/ sedative/ and a tonic.,Health benefits: It has been traditionally used to uplift mood and fight depression/ and also as a way to enhance libido/ protect wounds against infections/ kill bacteria/ and provide relief from gas. Furthermore/ neroli essential oil speeds up the fading of scars and after marks/ promotes cell growth/ fights infection/ reduces spasms/ eliminates body odor/ improves digestion/ takes care of skin/ while soothing anxiety and inflammation.,