Indexes Search Result: indexed - tribute
Found: dict:hitchcock Tatnai @ that gives; the overseer of the gifts and tributes - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: @

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Found: gltv@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: kjv@TITLE: Green's Literal Translation kjv@DESCRIPTION: Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002 kjv@RIGTHS: no entry DistributionLicense in sword.conf found kjv@PUBLISHER:

Found: gltv @ TITLE: Green's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002 RIGTHS: no entry DistributionLicense in sword.conf found PUBLISHER:

Found: litv @ TITLE: Green's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002 RIGTHS: no entry DistributionLicense in sword.conf found PUBLISHER:

Found: @ GENERAL REVELATION –– God's revelation of His person, glory, and attributes to all men in all ages through nature, conscience, and history, so that they are without excuse for not worshipping Him correctly and leading righteous lives; unlike special revelation, it is not verbal in character or redemptive in content

Found: EPUB @ media: epub/TheAttributesofGod-ThomasWatson.epub

Found: @ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&X=x&T=&Css=default&Index=The Attributes of God&Version=gltv&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv#result' target=''>csv:LOCALMEDIA The Attributes of God </a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: THEOLOGY MAJOR TOPICS <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="Theology Proper">Theology Proper</a> : the study of <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="God">God</a>'s attributes, nature, and relation to the world. May include: <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="Theodicy">Theodicy</a> : attempts at reconciling the existence of <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="Evil">evil</a> and suffering in the world with the nature and justice of God; <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="Negative theology">Apophatic theology</a> : negative theology which seeks to describe God by negation (e.g., <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="Immutability (theology)">immutable</a>, <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="Impassibility">impassible</a> ). It is the discussion of what God is <i>not</i>, or the investigation of how language about God breaks down (see <a href="" target="BLANK_" title="The nature of God in Western theology">the nature of God in Western theology</a>). Apophatic theology often is contrasted with "<a href="" target="BLANK_" title="Cataphatic theology">Cataphatic theology</a>."<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: THEOLOGY TRADITIONAL-SYSTEMATIC <CHRISTIANITY>@ The attributes of God<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt'>COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: gltv <ENGLISH>@ TITLE: Green's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002 RIGTHS: no entry<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=DistributionLicense' target=''> DistributionLicense</a> in sword.conf found PUBLISHER: <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt'>COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: litv <ENGLISH>@ TITLE: Green's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002 RIGTHS: no entry<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=DistributionLicense' target=''> DistributionLicense</a> in sword.conf found PUBLISHER: <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Diognetus:7:4 <DIOGNETUS>@ Not so. But in gentleness <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=and' target=''>and</a> meekness has He sent Him, as a king might send his son who is a king. He sent Him, as sending God; He sent Him, as <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=a man' target=''>a man</a> unto men; He sent Him, as Savior, as using persuasion, not force: for force is no attribute of God. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=55' target=''>55</a>:9 <HERMAS>@ After some few days, his master made a feast, and sent to him many dainties from the feast. But when the servant received <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=the dainties sent to him by the master' target=''>the dainties sent to him by the master</a>, he took what was sufficient for him, and distributed the rest to his fellow servants. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=tribute' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL tribute </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (5)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt'>PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=gltv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>gltv@Matthew:1 </a><ENGLISH>@ TITLE: Green's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002 RIGTHS: no entry<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=DistributionLicense' target=''> DistributionLicense</a> in sword.conf found PUBLISHER: <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt'>PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=litv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>litv@Matthew:1 </a><ENGLISH>@ TITLE: Green's Literal Translation DESCRIPTION: Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002 RIGTHS: no entry<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=DistributionLicense' target=''> DistributionLicense</a> in sword.conf found PUBLISHER: <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: distribute <DDD>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=distribute' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:distribute</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: distributed <DDD>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=distributed' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:distributed</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: distributeth <DDD>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=distributeth' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:distributeth</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: tribute <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=tribute' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:tribute</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=gltv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:72:10-11' target=''>gltv@Psalms:72:10-11</a> <JESUSOTPROPHECY>@ Jesus By OTProphecy - Great kings will pay homage and tribute to the Messiah <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&X=x&T=&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:2:1-11' target=''> kjv@Matthew:2:1-11</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=gltv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:17:25' target=''>gltv@Matthew:17:25</a> <KJV>@ What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=tribute&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv'>LOCALMEDIA.csv</a><br> Found: EPUB,The Attributes of God,Thomas Watson, <a href='/media/epub/TheAttributesofGod-ThomasWatson.epub' target='_blank'>media: epub/TheAttributesofGod-ThomasWatson.epub</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=tribute&File=BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv'>BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=gltv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1,' target=''>gltv@Matthew:1,</a>ENGLISH:, Green's Literal Translation, Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Scripture quoted by permission. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903. Permission to non-commercially distribute freely for use with The SWORD Project, granted by Jay P. Green, Jr. on Oct 3, 2002, no entry<a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=DistributionLicense' target=''> DistributionLicense</a> in sword.conf found, <br><br><br></div><br><br><div class='FOOTER'><center> <br><input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Back' onClick='history.go(-1)' > <input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Forward' onClick='history.go(+1)' > <p><img src='/img/pbiblx2_logo3.png' alt='[pBiblx2]'/><br>Sun Jun 30 20:25:05 2024<br>pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System Version 2.1.9 - GPL3 2009-2020</p></center></div> </body></html>