Indexes Search Result: indexed - wise
Found: kjv@Luke:18:17 @ Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:1:5 @ A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:1:6 @ To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:6:6 @ Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:9:8 @ Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:9:9 @ Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be...

Found: kjv@1Peter:3:9 @ Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:31 @ And as ye would that men should do to you,...

Found: kjv@Esther:4:16 @ Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in...

Found: kjv@Psalms:19:7 @ The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul:...

Found: kjv@Luke:15:10 @ Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the...

Found: dict:hitchcock Hachmoni @ a wise man - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Lasea @ thick; wise - HITCHCOCK-L

Found: FFF @ Frederick the Wise

Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS @ Christian pacifism: Christian churches, groups or communities teaching that Jesus was himself a pacifist who taught and practiced total nonviolence, and that his followers must do likewise.

Found: JANUARY12 AM @ The only wise God our Saviour-psalter@Jude:1:25 psalter@1Corinthians:1:30. psalter@Job:11:7-8 psalter@1Corinthians:2:7. psalter@Ephesians:3:9-10 psalter@James:1:5. psalter@James:3:17.

Found: APRIL11 AM @ In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.-psalter@Proverbs:10:19 psalter@James:1:19. psalter@Proverbs:16:32. psalter@James:3:2. psalter@Matthew:12:37. psalter@Psalms:141:3 psalter@1Peter:2:21-23. psalter@Hebrews:12:3 psalter@Revelation:14:5.

Found: JUNE16 AM @ See that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.-psalter@Ephesians:5:15-16 psalter@Joshua:22:5. psalter@Colossians:4:5-6. psalter@1Thessalonians:5:22 psalter@Matthew:25:5-6. psalter@Matthew:25:13. psalter@2Peter:1:10. psalter@Luke:12:37.

Found: SEPTEMBER29 PM @ What things soever the Father doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.-psalter@John:5:19 psalter@Proverbs:2:6. psalter@Luke:21:15 psalter@Psalms:27:14. psalter@2Corinthians:12:9 psalter@Jude:1:1. psalter@Hebrews:2:11 psalter@Jeremiah:23:24. psalter@Ephesians:1:23 psalter@Isaiah:43:11. psalter@John:4:42 psalter@Titus:1:4.

Found: NOVEMBER21 AM @ Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.-psalter@John:6:37 psalter@Exodus:22:27. psalter@Leviticus:26:44. psalter@Ezekiel:16:60 psalter@Isaiah:1:18. psalter@Isaiah:55:7. psalter@Luke:23:42-43 psalter@Isaiah:42:3.

Found: NOVEMBER28 PM @ As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that he might deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.-psalter@Hebrews:2:14-15 psalter@1Corinthians:15:55-57. psalter@2Corinthians:4:16 psalter@2Corinthians:5:1 psalter@2Corinthians:5:6-8 psalter@John:14:1-3.

Found: BackToThePsalms002 @ Part 5 Conclusion: "Be wise now therfore..." @


Found: 1Clement:3:3 <1CLEMENT>@ So men were stirred up, the mean against the honorable, the ill reputed against the highly reputed, the foolish against the wise, the young against the elder.

Found: 1Clement:8:5 <1CLEMENT>@ And in another place He saith on this wise, Wash, be ye clean. Put away your iniquities from your souls out of My sight. Cease from your iniquities; learn to do good; seek out judgment; defend him that is wronged: give judgment for the orphan, and execute righteousness for the widow; and come and let us reason together, saith He; and though your sins be as crimson, I will make them white as snow; and though they be as scarlet, I will make them white as wool. And if ye be willing and will hearken unto Me, ye shall eat the good things of the earth; but if ye be not willing, neither hearken unto Me, a sword shall devour you; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken these things.

Found: 1Clement:11:2 <1CLEMENT>@ For when his wife had gone forth with him, being otherwise minded and not in accord, she was appointed for a sign hereunto, so that she became a pillar of salt unto this day, that it might be known unto all men that they which are double-minded and they which doubt concerning the power of God are set for a judgment and for a token unto all the generations.

Found: 1Clement:13:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us therefore be lowly minded, brethren, laying aside all arrogance and conceit and folly and anger, and let us do that which is written. For the Holy Ghost saith, Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, nor the strong in his strength, neither the rich in his riches; but he that boasteth let him boast in the Lord, that he may seek Him out, and do judgment and righteousness most of all remembering the words of the Lord Jesus which He spake, teaching forbearance and long-suffering:

Found: 1Clement:17:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us be imitators also of them which went about in goatskins and sheepskins, preaching the coming of Christ. We mean Elijah and Elisha and likewise Ezekiel, the prophets, and besides them those men also that obtained a good report.

Found: 1Clement:37:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us take our body as an example. The head without the feet is nothing; so likewise the feet without the head are nothing: even the smallest limbs of our body are necessary and useful for the whole body: but all the members conspire and unite in subjection, that the whole body maybe saved.

Found: 1Clement:38:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Let not the strong neglect the weak; and let the weak respect the strong. Let the rich minister aid to the poor; and let the poor give thanks to God, because He hath given him one through whom his wants may be supplied. Let the wise display his wisdom, not in words, but in good works. He that is lowly in mind, let him not bear testimony to himself, but leave testimony to be borne to him by his neighbor. He that is pure in the flesh, let him be so, and not boast, knowing that it is Another who bestoweth his continence upon him.

Found: 1Clement:43:3 <1CLEMENT>@ And having shut the tabernacle he sealed the keys and likewise also the doors.

Found: 1Clement:48:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Let a man be faithful, let him be able to expound a deep saying, let him be wise in the discernment of words, let him be strenuous in deeds, let him be pure;

Found: 1Clement:60:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Thou through Thine operations didst make manifest the everlasting fabric of the world. Thou, Lord, didst create the earth. Thou that art faithful throughout all generations, righteous in Thy judgments, marvelous in strength and excellence, Thou that art wise in creating and prudent in establishing that which Thou hast made, that art good in the things which are seen and faithful with them that trust on Thee, pitiful and compassionate, forgive us our iniquities and our unrighteousnesses and our transgressions and shortcomings.

Found: 2Clement:6:7 <2CLEMENT>@ For, if we do the will of Christ, we shall find rest; but if otherwise, then nothing shall deliver us from eternal punishment, if we should disobey His commandments.

Found: 2Clement:11:4 <2CLEMENT>@ So likewise My people had tumults and afflictions: but afterward they shall receive good things.

Found: Barnabas:1:7 @ For the Lord made known to us by His prophets things past and present, giving us likewise the firstfruits of the taste of things future. And seeing each of these things severally coming to pass, according as He spake, we ought to offer a richer and higher offering to the fear of Him. But I, not as though I were a teacher, but as one of yourselves, will show forth a few things, whereby ye shall be gladdened in the present circumstances.

Found: Barnabas:4:4 @ And the prophet also speaketh on this wise; Ten reigns shall reign upon the earth, and after them shall arise another king, who shall bring low three of the kings under one.

Found: Barnabas:4:11 @ For the scripture saith; Woe unto them that are wise for themselves, and understanding in their own sight. Let us become spiritual, let us become a temple perfect unto God. As far as in us lies, let us exercise ourselves in the fear of God, and let us strive to keep His commandments, that we may rejoice in His ordinances.

Found: Barnabas:5:3 @ We ought therefore to be very thankful unto the Lord, for that He both revealed unto us the past, and made us wise in the present, and as regards the future we are not without understanding.

Found: Barnabas:6:10 @ What then saith He? Into the good land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Blessed is our Lord, brethren, who established among us wisdom and understanding of His secret things. For the prophet speaketh a parable concerning the Lord. Who shall comprehend, save he that is wise and prudent and that loveth his Lord?

Found: Barnabas:9:5 @ But thou wilt say; In truth the people hath been circumcised for a seal. Nay, but so likewise is every Syrian and Arabian and all the priests of the idols. Do all those then too belong to their covenant? Moreover the Egyptians also are included among the circumcised.

Found: Barnabas:10:11 @ Again Moses saith; Ye shall everything that divideth the hoof and cheweth the cud. What meaneth he? He that receiveth the food knoweth Him that giveth him the food, and being refreshed appeareth to rejoice in him. Well said he, having regard to the commandment. What then meaneth he? Cleave unto those that fear the Lord, with those who meditate in their heart on the distinction of the word which they have received, with those who tell of the ordinances of the Lord and keep them, with those who know that meditation is a work of gladness and who chew the cud of the word of the Lord. But why that which divideth the hoof? Because the righteous man both walketh in this world, and at the same time looketh for the holy world to come. Ye see how wise a lawgiver Moses was.

Found: Barnabas:15:1 @ Moreover concerning the Sabbath likewise it is written in the Ten Words, in which He spake to Moses face to face on Mount Sinai; And ye shall hallow the Sabbath of the Lord with pure hands and with a pure heart.

Found: Barnabas:16:1 @ Moreover I will tell you likewise concerning the temple, how these wretched men being led astray set their hope on the building, and not on their God that made them, as being a house of God.

Found: Didache:11:5 @ but he shall not abide more than a single day, or if there be need, a second likewise; but if he abide three days, he is a false prophet.

Found: Didache:11:9 @ And no prophet when he ordereth a table in the Spirit shall eat of it; otherwise he is a false prophet.

Found: Diognetus:8:10 @ For so long as He kept and guarded His wise design as a mystery, He seemed to neglect us and to be careless about us.

Found: Hermas:311:2 @ "Many shall hear; but when they hear, some of them shall be glad, and others shall weep. Yet even these latter, if they hear and repent, shall likewise be glad. Hear thou therefore the parables of the tower; for I will reveal all things unto thee. And trouble me no more about revelation; for these revelations have an end, seeing that they have been completed. Nevertheless thou wilt not cease asking for revelations; for thou art shameless."

Found: Hermas:127:2 @ First of all, speak evil of no man, neither take pleasure in listening to a slanderer. Otherwise thou that hearest too shalt be responsible for the sin of him that speaketh the evil, if thou believest the slander, which thou hearest; for in believing it thou thyself also wilt have a grudge against thy brother. So then shalt thou be responsible for the sin of him that speaketh the evil.

Found: Hermas:129:6 @ "What then, Sir," say I, "shall the husband do, if the wife continue in this case?" "Let him divorce her," saith he, "and let the husband abide alone: but if after divorcing his wife he shall marry another, he likewise committeth adultery."

Found: Hermas:129:9 @ Not only," saith he, "is it adultery, if a man pollute his flesh, but whosoever doeth things like unto the heathen committeth adultery. If therefore in such deeds as these likewise a man continue and repent not, keep away from him, and live not with him. Otherwise, thou also art a partaker of his sin.

Found: Hermas:234:8 @ Refrain therefore from angry temper, the most evil of evil spirits. But clothe thyself in long-suffering, and resist angry temper and bitterness, and thou shalt be round in company with the holiness which is beloved of the Lord. See then that thou never neglect this commandment; for if thou master this commandment, thou shalt be able likewise to keep the remaining commandments, which I am about to give thee. Be strong in them and endowed with power; and let all be endowed with power, as many as desire to walk in them."

Found: Hermas:137:2 @ But fear not the devil; for, if thou fear the Lord, thou shalt be master over the devil, for there is no power in him. For in whom is no power, neither is there fear of him; but in whom power is glorious, of him is fear likewise. For every one that hath power hath fear, whereas he that hath no power is despised of all.

Found: Hermas:138:8 @ "Sir," say I, "show me the power of the good also, that I may walk in them and serve them, that doing them it may be possible for me to be saved." "Hear," saith he, "the works of the good likewise, which thou must do, and towards which thou must exercise no self-restraint.

Found: Hermas:342:3 @ "Wherefore," say I, "doth not the intercession of him that is saddened ascend to the altar?" "Because," saith he, "sadness is seated at his heart. Thus sadness mingled with the intercession doth not suffer the intercession to ascend pure to the altar. For as vinegar when mingled with wine in the same (vessel) hath not the same pleasant taste, so likewise sadness mingled with the Holy Spirit hath not the same intercession.

Found: Hermas:143:19 @ "How, Sir," say I, "can these things be? For both these things which thou hast mentioned are beyond our power." "Well then," saith he, "just as these things are beyond our power, so likewise the earthly spirits have no power and are feeble.

Found: Hermas:143:21 @ Thou seest then that the smallest things from above falling on the earth have great power. So likewise the divine Spirit coming from above is powerful. This Spirit therefore trust, but from the other hold aloof."

Found: Hermas:151:8 @ In the sight of men then the elm seemeth not to bear fruit, and they know not, neither perceive, that if there cometh a drought the elm having water nurtureth the vine, and the vine having a constant supply of water beareth fruit two fold, both for itself and for the elm. So likewise the poor, by interceding with the Lord for the rich, establish their riches, and again the rich, supplying their needs to the poor, establish their souls.

Found: Hermas:153:5 @ Do thou therefore bear fruit, that in that summer thy fruit may be known. But abstain from overmuch business, and thou shalt never fill into any sin. For they that busy themselves overmuch, sin much also, being distracted about their business, and in no wise serving their own Lord.

Found: Hermas:356:3 @ But if thou do any good thing outside the commandment of God, thou shalt win for thyself more exceeding glory, and shalt be more glorious in the sight of God than thou wouldest otherwise have been. If then, while thou keepest the commandments of God, thou add these services likewise, thou shalt rejoice, if thou observe them according to my commandment."

Found: Hermas:565:7 @ But there are habits of self-indulgence like-wise which save men; for many are self-indulgent in doing good, being carried away by the pleasure it gives to themselves. This self-indulgence then is expedient for the servants of God, and bringeth life to a man of this disposition; but the harmful self-indulgences afore-mentioned bring to men torments and punishments; and if they continue in them and repent not, they bring death upon themselves."

Found: Hermas:166:3 @ I say to him; "Sir, if they perpetrated such deeds that the glorious angel is embittered, what have I done?" "They cannot be afflicted otherwise," saith he, "unless thou, the head of the whole house, be afflicted; for if thou be afflicted, they also of necessity will be afflicted; but if thou be prosperous, they can suffer no affliction."

Found: Hermas:369:7 @ But the others, who likewise gave up their rods green and with shoots, though not with fruit, are they that were persecuted for the law, but did not suffer nor yet deny their law.

Found: Hermas:571:2 @ And those gave them up likewise who had the one half green and the other half withered. The rods of some were found entirely green, of some half-withered, of some withered and eaten, and of some green and with shoots. These were all sent away each to his company.

Found: Hermas:874:5 @ Many of them therefore repented and departed to dwell inside the tower; but many utterly rebelled from God; these lost their life finally. And some of them were double-minded and caused dissensions. For these then there is repentance, if they repent speedily and continue not in their pleasures; but if they continue in their doings, they likewise procure for themselves death.

Found: Hermas:279:3 @ And around the gate stood twelve virgins. The four then that stood at the corners seemed to me to be more glorious (than the rest); but the others likewise were glorious; and they stood at the four quarters of the gate, and virgins stood in pairs between them.

Found: Hermas:481:3 @ And, after the ten stones, other twenty-five stones came up from the deep, and these were fitted into the building of the tower, being carried by the virgins, like the former. And after these thirty-five stones came up. And these likewise were fitted into the tower. And after these came up other forty stones. and these all were put into the building of the tower. So four rows were made in the foundations of the tower.

Found: Hermas:481:4 @ And (the stones) ceased coming up from the deep, and the builders likewise ceased for a little. And again the six men ordered the multitude of the people to bring in stones from the mountains for the building of the tower.

Found: Hermas:481:6 @ But some stones were handed in by the men for the building, and these did not become bright; but just as they were placed, such likewise were they found; for they were not handed in by the virgins, nor had they been carried in through the gate. These stones then were unsightly in the building of the tower.

Found: Hermas:1188:5 @ And I had become as it were a younger man, and I commenced myself likewise to sport with them. For some of them began to dance, others to skip, others to sing. But I kept silence and walked with them round the tower, and was glad with them.

Found: Hermas:1289:5 @ For if thou wishest to enter into any city, and that city is walled all round and has one gate only, canst thou enter into that city except through the gate which it hath?" "Why, how, Sir," say I, "is it possible otherwise?" "If then thou canst not enter into the city except through the gate itself, even so," saith he, "a man cannot enter into the kingdom of God except by the name of His Son that is beloved by Him.

Found: Hermas:1289:6 @ Didst thou see," saith he, "the multitude that is building the tower?" "I saw it, Sir," say I. "They," saith he, are all glorious angels. With these then the Lord is walled around. But the gate is the Son of God; there is this one entrance only to the Lord. No one then shall enter in unto Him otherwise than through His Son.

Found: Hermas:1390:2 @ "And these virgins, who are they?" "They," saith he, "are holy spirits; and no man can otherwise be found in the kingdom of God, unless these shall clothe him with their garment; for if thou receive only the name, but receive not the garment from them, thou profitest nothing. For these virgins are powers of the Son of God. If therefore thou bear the Name, and bear not His power, thou shalt bear His Name to none effect.

Found: Hermas:1390:7 @ These all," saith he, "received the name of the Son of God, and received likewise the power of these virgins. When then they received these spirits, they were strengthened, and were with the servants of God, and they had one spirit and one body and one garment; for they had the same mind, and they wrought righteousness.

Found: Hermas:1592:3 @ Hear," saith he, "likewise the names of the women that wear the black garments. Of these also four are more powerful than the rest; the first is Unbelief; the second, Intemperance; the third, Disobedience; the fourth, Deceit; and their followers are called, Sadness, Wickedness, Wantonness, Irascibility, Falsehood, Folly, Slander, Hatred. The servant of God that beareth these names shall see the kingdom of God, but shall not enter into it."

Found: Hermas:15[92^:2 @ "It was necessary for them," saith he, "to rise up through water, that they might be made alive; for otherwise they could not enter into the kingdom of God, except they had put aside the deadness of their former life.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:3 @ So these likewise that had fallen asleep received the seal of the Son of God and entered into the kingdom of God. For before a man," saith he, "has borne the name of the Son of God, he is dead; but when he has received the seal, he layeth aside his deadness, and resumeth life.

Found: Hermas:1996:2 @ And from the second mountain, the bare one, they that believed are such as these; hypocrites and teachers of wickedness. And these then are like the former in not having the fruit of righteousness. For, even as their mountain is unfruitful, so likewise such men as these have a name indeed, but they are void of the faith, and there is no fruit of truth in them. For these then repentance is offered, if they repent quickly; but if they delay, they will have their death with the former."

Found: Hermas:27[104`:1 @ "Hear," saith he, "likewise concerning all these things. The stones which were taken from the plain and placed in the building of the tower in the room of those that were rejected, are the roots of this white mountain.

Found: Hermas:27[104`:4 @ Hear now likewise concerning those round and bright stones. All these are from the white mountain. Now here wherefore they have been found round. Their riches have darkened and obscured them a little from the truth.

Found: Hermas:27[104`:5 @ When therefore the Lord percieved their mind, that they could favor the truth, and likewise remain good, He commanded their possessions to be cut off from them, yet not to be taken away altogether, so that they might be able to do some good with that which hath been left to them, and might live unto God for that they come of a good kind. So therefore they have been cut away a little, and placed in the building of this tower".

Found: Hermas:3113:3 @ I said unto him, "I hope, Sir, that I shall please them, so that they may gladly dwell in my house for ever; and just as he to whom thou didst deliver me maketh no complaint against me, so they likewise shall make no complaint."

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:18:1 @ My spirit is made an offscouring for the Cross, which is a stumbling-block to them that are unbelievers, but to us salvation and life eternal. Where is the wise? Where is the disputer? Where is the boasting of them that are called prudent?

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:19:1 @ And hidden from the prince of this world were the virginity of Mary and her child-bearing and likewise also the death of the Lord--three mysteries to be cried aloud--the which were wrought in the silence of God. How then were they made manifest to the ages?

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:7:2 @ Howbeit there were those who suspected me of saying this, because I knew beforehand of the division of certain persons. But He in whom I am bound is my witness that I learned it not from flesh of man; it was the preaching of the Spirit who spake on this wise; Do nothing without the bishop; keep your flesh as a temple of God; cherish union; shun divisions; be imitators of Jesus Christ, as He Himself also was of His Father.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:9:1 @ The priests likewise were good, but better is the High-priest to whom is committed the holy of holies; for to Him alone are committed the hidden things of God; He Himself being the door of the Father, through which Abraham and Isaac and Jacob enter in, and the Prophets and the Apostles and the whole Church; all these things combine in the unity of God.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:13:3 @ Forthwith then the instruments that were prepared for the pile were placed about him; and as they were going likewise to nail him to the stake, he said; 'Leave me as I am; for He that hath granted me to endure the fire will grant me also to remain at the pile unmoved, even without the security which ye seek from the nails.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:20:1 @ Ye indeed required that the things which happened should be shown unto you at greater length: but we for the present have certified you as it were in a summary through our brother Marcianus. When then ye have informed yourselves of these things, send the letter about likewise to the brethren which are farther off, that they also may glorify the Lord, who maketh election from His own servants.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL likewise @ (11)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL otherwise @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL wise @ (17)

Found: @ healthy-wealthy-wise Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise Host= Frank Jordan

Found: contrariwise @ kjv@CONCORD:contrariwise

Found: likewise @ kjv@CONCORD:likewise

Found: otherwise @ kjv@CONCORD:otherwise

Found: unwise @ kjv@CONCORD:unwise

Found: wise @ kjv@CONCORD:wise

Found: wisely @ kjv@CONCORD:wisely

Found: wiser @ kjv@CONCORD:wiser

Found: psalter@Luke:17:31-32 @ Jesus By Command - In that day...let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back...Remember Lot's wife

Found: psalter@Luke:6:31 @ Jesus By Command - do ye also to them likewise

Found: psalter@Matthew:10:16 @ Jesus By Command - be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves

Found: psalter@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? - Jesus By Question

Found: psalter@Luke:12:42 @ Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? - Jesus By Question