Indexes Search Result: indexed - wish
Found: November15 @ ylt@John:7:45-8:11 Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders

Found: 000012 @ National Jewish Medical Ctr Call tel://303-388-4461 • 1400 Jackson St, Denver, CO

Found: @ Edersheim Sketches of Jewish Social Life

Found: @ Edersheim Sketches of Jewish Social Life

Found: @ Edersheim Sketches of Jewish Social Life

Found: jps@Psalms:1 @ ENGLISH: kjv@TITLE: Jewish Publication Society AT kjv@DESCRIPTION: Jewish Publication Society Old Testament kjv@RIGTHS: By the Jewish Publication Society All rights reserved. kjv@PUBLISHER: FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP

Found: orthjbc@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: kjv@TITLE: The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha kjv@DESCRIPTION: HE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA A translation from the original language without goyishe and non-frum terminology. kjv@RIGTHS: Copyrighted; Distribution permission granted Entire Brit Chadasha Translation finished 4/10/94 to 11/14/96 To Moshiach be the Glory kjv@PUBLISHER: Rabbi Bird

Found: jps @ TITLE: Jewish Publication Society AT DESCRIPTION: Jewish Publication Society Old Testament RIGTHS: By the Jewish Publication Society All rights reserved. PUBLISHER: FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP

Found: orthjbc @ TITLE: The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha DESCRIPTION: HE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA A translation from the original language without goyishe and non-frum terminology. RIGTHS: Copyrighted; Distribution permission granted Entire Brit Chadasha Translation finished 4/10/94 to 11/14/96 To Moshiach be the Glory PUBLISHER: Rabbi Bird

Found: @ JUDAIZERS –– a Jewish heretical party in the early church which held that, in addition to faith in Christ, one must conform to Jewish customs (e.g., the ceremonial law of circumcision, the Old Covenant festivals) in order, through such self-effort and law-works, to be justified and sanctified

Found: PDF @ media: pdf/SketchesOfJewishSocialLife.pdf

Found: @ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&X=x&T=&Css=default&Index=Sketches Of Jewish Social Life&Version=ylt&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv#result' target=''>csv:LOCALMEDIA Sketches Of Jewish Social Life </a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href=""target="BLANK_" title="Hebrew Roots">Hebrew Roots</a> movement: Emphasizes the Jewish roots of Christianity and understanding Jesus and the New Testament in the light of Old Testament observances and Jewish tradition.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href=""target="BLANK_" title="Christian vegetarianism">Christian vegetarianism</a>: the dietary practice of <a href=""target="BLANK_" title="Vegetarianism">vegetarianism</a> or <a href=""target="BLANK_" title="Veganism">veganism</a> based on the idea that Jesus, the twelve apostles and the early <a href=""target="BLANK_" title="Jewish Christian">Jewish followers</a> of Jesus (the <a href=""target="BLANK_" title="Nazarene (sect)">Nazarenes</a>) were vegetarians.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Ezra:1 ' target=''>ylt@Ezra:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ EZRA - NEHEMIAH - Written originally as one book, these two books describe the return of the Jewish exiles after more than a half-century of bondage in Babylon, and the subsequent restoration of Jerusalem, its Temple and it walls. Ezra and Nehemiah are of special importance, since they contain nearly all of the direct information known of the post-Exilic period of Hebrew history.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Nehemiah:1 ' target=''>ylt@Nehemiah:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ EZRA - NEHEMIAH - Written originally as one book, these two books describe the return of the Jewish exiles after more than a half-century of bondage in Babylon, and the subsequent restoration of Jerusalem, its Temple and it walls. Ezra and Nehemiah are of special importance, since they contain nearly all of the direct information known of the post-Exilic period of Hebrew history.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Esther:1 ' target=''>ylt@Esther:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ ESTHER - The Book of Esther, in the form of a short story similar to the Book of Ruth, has its setting in the palace of Shushan, or Susa, one of the three capitals of the Persian Empire. The story gives us a vivid picture of the Jews in exile, of the hostility of their non-Jewish enemies in Persia, and of how Esther became the queen of Ahasuerus (Xerxes), subsequently risking her life in order to save her people, the Jews, from total destruction. God’s providential care of His people is magnified throughout, though the word "God" never appears in the book.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>ylt@Matthew:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ MATTHEW - From at least the 2nd century A.D., the Gospel of Matthew has been ascribed to Matthew the publican, tax collector, and disciple. It is the most complete account of Jesus’ teachings and was written to convince the writer’s Jewish audience that Jesus was the Messiah descended from David, the One promised by the Old Testament Prophets. It is peculiarly the Gospel for Israel. The most significant teaching passages are the Sermon on the Mount ( Matthew:5-7 ) and the parable sections (especially Chapter Matthew:13 ).<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Galatians:1 ' target=''>ylt@Galatians:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ GALATIANS - Paul’s letter addressed to the churches in Galatia is the great letter on Christian freedom; in it Paul attacks the Christians who wished to exalt the law. Galatians’ emphasis is similar to the theme of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The doctrinal section, as is typical of the Pauline format, is followed by an intensely practical section in Chapters five and six.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=James:1 ' target=''>ylt@James:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ JAMES - The author of this letter introduces himself as "James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ". Four men in the New Testament bore this name but the writer of this Epistle is usually identified with James who was the leader of the church in Jerusalem. The letter is addressed to the "the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad", and is the most Jewish in style and form of any of the New Testament books. It is not a treatise on Christian theology but rather a practical letter dealing with Christian ethics. James insists that works, not words, are the mark of a disciple.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt'>COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: jps <ENGLISH>@ TITLE: Jewish Publication Society AT DESCRIPTION: Jewish Publication Society Old Testament RIGTHS: By the Jewish Publication Society All rights reserved. PUBLISHER: FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt'>COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: orthjbc <ENGLISH>@ TITLE: The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha DESCRIPTION: HE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA A translation from the original language without goyishe and non-frum terminology. RIGTHS: Copyrighted; Distribution permission granted Entire Brit Chadasha Translation finished 4/10/94 to 11/14/96 To Moshiach be the Glory PUBLISHER: Rabbi Bird<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Didache:12:3 <DIDACHE>@ But if he wishes to settle with you, being a craftsman, let him work for and eat his bread. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Diognetus:11:7 <DIOGNETUS>@ If thou grieve not this grace, thou shalt understand the discourses which the Word holds by the mouth of those whom He desires when He wishes. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=10' target=''>10</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ When she had said this, she wished to depart; but, falling at her feet, I entreated her by the Lord that she would show me the vision which she promised. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=11' target=''>11</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ When she had shown me these things, she wished to hurry away. I say to her, "Lady, what advantage is it to me to have seen these things, and yet not to know what the things mean? "She answered and said unto me, "Thou art an over-curious fellow, in desiring to know all that concerns the tower." "Yea, lady," I said, "that I may announce it to my brethren, and that they <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=may be the more gladdened and' target=''>may be the more gladdened and</a> when they hear <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=these things' target=''>these things</a> they may know the Lord in great glory." Then said she, <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:4<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=12' target=''>12</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ I enquired of her, saying, "Lady, I could wish to know concerning the end of the stones, and their power, of what kind it is." She answered and said unto me, "It is not that thou of all men art especially worthy that it should be revealed to thee; for there are others before thee, and better than thou art, unto whom these visions ought to have been revealed. But that the name of God may be glorified, it hath been revealed to thee, all shall be revealed, for the sake of the doubtful-minded, who question in their hearts whether these things are so or not. Tell them that all these things are true, and that there is nothing beside the truth, but that all are steadfast, and valid, and established on a firm foundation. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:9<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=17' target=''>17</a>:10 <HERMAS>@ How is it that ye wish to instruct the elect of the Lord, while ye yourselves have no instruction? Instruct one another therefore, and have peace among yourselves, that I also may stand gladsome before the Father, and give an account concerning you all to your Lord." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=35' target=''>35</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ I charged thee," saith he, "in my first commandment to guard faith and fear and temperance." "Yes, Sir," say I. "But now," saith he, "I wish to show thee their powers also, that thou mayest understand what is the power and effect of each one of them. For their effects are two fold. Now they are prescribed alike to the righteous and the unrighteous. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=43' target=''>43</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ These doubtful-minded ones then come to him as to a soothsayer and enquire of him what shall befall them. And he, the false prophet, having no power of a divine Spirit in himself, speaketh with them according to their enquiries <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=and according to the lusts of their wickedness' target=''>and according to the lusts of their wickedness</a>, and filleth their souls as they themselves wish. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=43' target=''>43</a>:8 <HERMAS>@ In the first place, he that hath the <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=divine' target=''>divine</a> Spirit, which is from above, is gentle and tranquil and humble-minded, and abstaineth from all wickedness and vain desire of this present world, and holdeth himself inferior to all men, and giveth no answer to any man when enquired of, nor speaketh in solitude (for neither doth the Holy Spirit speak when a man wisheth Him to speak); but the man speaketh then when God wisheth him to speak. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=50' target=''>50</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ O foolish and double-minded and miserable man, perceivest thou not that all these things are foreign, and are under the power of another For the lord of this city shall say, "I do not wish thee to dwell in my city; go forth from this city, for thou dost not conform to my laws." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=65' target=''>65</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ He answered and said unto me; "Thy stupidity cleaveth to thee; and thou wilt not cleanse thy heart and serve God Take heed," <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=saith he,' target=''>saith he,</a> "lest haply the time be fulfilled, and thou be found in thy foolishness. Listen then," <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=saith he,' target=''>saith he,</a> "even as thou wishest, that thou mayest comprehend the matter. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=65' target=''>65</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ He that liveth in self-indulgence and is deceived for one day, and doeth what he wisheth, is clothed in much folly and comprehendeth not the thing which he doeth; for on the morrow he forgetteth what he did the day before. For self-indulgence and deceit have no memories, by reason of the folly, wherewith each is clothed; but when punishment and torment cling to a man for a single day, he is punished and tormented for a whole year long; for punishment and torment have long memories. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=66' target=''>66</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ After a few days I saw him on the same plain, where also I had seen the shepherds, and he saith to me, "What seekest thou?" "I am here, Sir," say I, "that thou mayest bid the shepherd that punisheth go out of my house; for he afflicteth me much." "It is necessary for thee," saith he, "to be afflicted; for so," saith he, "the glorious angel ordered as concerning thee, for he wisheth thee to be proved." "Why, what so evil thing have I done, Sir," say I, "that I should be delivered over to this angel?" <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=78' target=''>78</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ After I had written down the commandments and parables of the shepherd, the angel of repentance, he came to me and saith to me; "I wish to show thee all things that the Holy Spirit, which spake with thee in the form of the Church, showed unto thee. For that Spirit is the Son of God. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:9<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=86' target=''>86</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ "I, Sir," say I, "do not possess this art, neither am I a mason, nor can I understand." Seest thou not," saith he, "that they are very round; and if I wish to make them square, very much must needs be chiseled off from them? Yet some of them must of necessity be placed into the building." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:11<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=88' target=''>88</a>:6 <HERMAS>@ But when evening came I wished to go away home; but they would not let me go, but detained me. And I stayed the night with them, and I slept by the side of the tower. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:12<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=89' target=''>89</a>:5 <HERMAS>@ For if thou wishest to enter into any city, and that city is walled all round and has one gate only, canst thou enter into that city except through the gate which it hath?" "Why, how, Sir," say I, "is it possible otherwise?" "If then thou canst not enter into the city except through the gate itself, even so," saith he, "a man cannot enter into the kingdom of God except by the name of His Son that is beloved by Him. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=x&T=&Css=default&String=113' target=''>113</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ He saith unto the shepherd, "I perceive," saith he, "that he wishes to live as the servant of God, and that he will keep these commandments, and will place these virgins in a clean habitation." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusMagnesians:prologue:1' target=''> IgnatiusMagnesians:prologue:1</a> <IGNATIUSMAGNESIANS>@ Ignatius, who is also Theophorus, unto her which hath been blessed through the grace of God the Father in Christ Jesus our Savior, in whom I salute the church which is in Magnesia on the Maeander, and I wish her abundant greeting in God the Father and in Jesus Christ. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=MartyrdomPolycarp:3:1' target=''> MartyrdomPolycarp:3:1</a> <MARTYRDOMPOLYCARP>@ But thanks be to God; for He verily prevailed against all. For the right noble Germanicus encouraged their timorousness through the constancy which was in him; and he fought with the wild beasts in a signal way. For when the proconsul wished to prevail upon him and bade him have pity on his youth, he used violence and dragged the wild beast towards him, desiring the more speedily to obtain a release from their unrighteous and lawless life. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBLINKS.txt'>WEBLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> <WEBLINK>@ The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia - BIBLE RESEARCH<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBLINKS.txt'>WEBLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> <EVANGELISM>@ Real Messiah - Jewish Objections<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt'>PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=jps&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:1 ' target=''>jps@Psalms:1 </a><ENGLISH>@ TITLE: Jewish Publication Society AT DESCRIPTION: Jewish Publication Society Old Testament RIGTHS: By the Jewish Publication Society All rights reserved. PUBLISHER: FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt'>PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=orthjbc&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>orthjbc@Matthew:1 </a><ENGLISH>@ TITLE: The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha DESCRIPTION: HE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA A translation from the original language without goyishe and non-frum terminology. RIGTHS: Copyrighted; Distribution permission granted Entire Brit Chadasha Translation finished 4/10/94 to 11/14/96 To Moshiach be the Glory PUBLISHER: Rabbi Bird<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=NEWAUDIOLINKS.txt'>NEWAUDIOLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> <JJJ>@ Jews - SERMONAUDIO<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION.txt'>FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=November15' target=''> November15</a> <GOSPELYEARLY>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=John:7:45-8:11' target=''>ylt@John:7:45-8:11</a> Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=jsearch&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Index=journal&File=FaithOfJesus&String=November15' target=''>journal:November15</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: DICTIONARY <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank">Jewish Encyclopedia</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: BIBLEMAPS <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank"> Large Collection </a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: UNSORTED <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank">Arch. Excavations </a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: UNSORTED <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank"> Early Jewish Literature</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: UNSORTED <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank">Josephus</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: UNSORTED <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank">Babylonian Talmud </a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt'>WEBSTUDYLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: UNSORTED <WEBLINKS>@ <a href="" target="_blank">Talmud </a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: jewish <JJJ>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=jewish' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:jewish</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: wish <WWW>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=wish' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:wish</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: wished <WWW>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=wished' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:wished</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: wishing <WWW>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=wishing' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:wishing</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION2.txt'>FAITHOFJESUSDEVOTION2.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=November15' target=''> November15</a> <FAITHOFJESUS>@ <a href='/html/devotion/John:7:45-8:11.html' target=''>John:7:45-8:11</a> Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=default&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt'>BIBLEBYSTORYLINE.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=John:7:45-8:11' target=''>ylt@John:7:45-8:11</a> <StorylinesNT>@ Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Judaism's response to Christian Missionaries with Rabbi Tovia Singer , Religion and Spirituality , Tovia Singer; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Jude , Religion and Spirituality , Stephen Armstrong; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Jude 3 Project , Religion and Spirituality , Jude 3 Project; Inc.; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Just Thinking Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Darrell Harrison; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Justice & the Inner Life Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Christian Alliance for Orphans; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , Justin Peters on SermonAudio , Religion and Spirituality , Rev. David VanBrugge; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , JW Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , The JW Podcast Team; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='' target=''></a> , JW Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , The JW Podcast Team; Rabbi; Tovia; Singer; Jewish; Response; missionaries; christian; messianic , PODCAST , <a href='' target=''></a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv'>LOCALMEDIA.csv</a><br> Found: PDF,Sketches Of Jewish Social Life,Alfred Edersheim, <a href='/media/pdf/SketchesOfJewishSocialLife.pdf' target='_blank'>media: pdf/SketchesOfJewishSocialLife.pdf</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv'>ENGLISHTVSTREAM.csv</a><br> Found: Jewish News One TV (English),rtmp://<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv'>BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=jps&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1,' target=''>jps@Matthew:1,</a>ENGLISH:, Jewish Publication Society AT, Jewish Publication Society Old Testament, By the Jewish Publication Society All rights reserved., FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv'>BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=orthjbc&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1,' target=''>orthjbc@Matthew:1,</a>ENGLISH:, The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha, HE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA A translation from the original language without goyishe and non-frum terminology., Copyrighted; Distribution permission granted Entire Brit Chadasha Translation finished 4/10/94 to 11/14/96 To Moshiach be the Glory, Rabbi Bird<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=default&Index=wish&File=FOJDD.csv'>FOJDD.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=November15' target=''> November15</a>,105[John_7_45-8_11],<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=x&T=&Css=default&Version=ylt&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=John:7:45-8:11' target=''>ylt@John:7:45-8:11</a>,Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders<br><br><br></div><br><br><div class='FOOTER'><center> <br><input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Back' onClick='history.go(-1)' > <input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Forward' onClick='history.go(+1)' > <p><img src='/img/pbiblx2_logo3.png' alt='[pBiblx2]'/><br>Sun Jun 16 08:42:55 2024<br>pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System Version 2.1.9 - GPL3 2009-2020</p></center></div> </body></html>