
Dict: all - Da


DAMASCUS @ a city of Syria- kjv@2Samuel:8:6; kjv@1Kings:11:24; kjv@2Kings:5:12; kjv@Acts:9:2; kjv@Acts:22:6; kjv@Acts:26:20; kjv@Galatians:1:17


(1) Son of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:30:6; kjv@Genesis:49:16; kjv@Exodus:1:4; kjv@Numbers:26:42

(2) Town of- kjv@Joshua:19:47; kjv@1Kings:12:29; kjv@1Kings:15:20; kjv@2Chronicles:30:5

(3) Tribe of- kjv@Numbers:1:39; kjv@Joshua:19:48; kjv@Judges:18:30


(1) Worldly- kjv@Exodus:32:19; kjv@Judges:11:34; kjv@Judges:21:21; kjv@1Samuel:30:16; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:4; kjv@Mark:6:22

(2) Before the Lord- kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@2Samuel:6:14; kjv@Psalms:149:3; kjv@Psalms:150:4

DANIEL @ carried captive to Babylon, one of the greater prophets

(1) General References to- kjv@Daniel:1:6; kjv@Daniel:2:14; kjv@Daniel:5:17; kjv@Daniel:6:10,21; kjv@Daniel:9:2; kjv@Daniel:12:4; kjv@Ezekiel:14:14; kjv@Ezekiel:28:3

(2) Characteristics of
- Self-control- kjv@Daniel:1:8; kjv@Daniel:10:3
- Courage- kjv@Daniel:5:22,23
- Integrity- kjv@Daniel:6:4
- Prayerfulness- kjv@Daniel:2:17,18; kjv@Daniel:6:10
- Humility- kjv@Daniel:10:17 Spiritual Vision Daniel:7:9-12; target="27;7;9-12">Daniel:10:5,6


(1) Median King of Persia- kjv@Daniel:5:31; kjv@Daniel:6:1,25; kjv@Daniel:9:1

(2) Emancipator of Israel- kjv@Ezra:5:6; kjv@Ezra:6:1; kjv@Haggai:1:1; kjv@Zechariah:1:1

(3) King of Persia- kjv@Nehemiah:12:22

DARK DAYS @ kjv@2Samuel:22:29; kjv@Job:19:8; kjv@Job:30:26; kjv@Psalms:88:6; kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:8; kjv@Isaiah:24:11; kjv@Micah:7:8 kjv@Luke:22:53; kjv@John:8:12; kjv@John:16:20; kjv@Acts:27:20 Tribulation, AFFLICTIONS

DATHAN AND ABIRAM @ destroyed for their rebellion- kjv@Numbers:16:1,12,27

DAVID @ king and poet, General References to- kjv@Ruth:4:22; kjv@1Samuel:16:13; kjv@1Samuel:17:14,50; kjv@1Samuel:18:1,29; kjv@2Samuel:7:5; kjv@2Samuel:18:33; kjv@2Samuel:24:1; kjv@1Kings:2:10
"Israel's Versatile King" Beautiful- kjv@1Samuel:16:12 Divinely Chosen- kjv@1Samuel:16:13 Courageous- 1Samuel:17:34-36 A Champion- kjv@1Samuel:17:40 A great soldier- kjv@2Samuel:5:7 Forbidden to build the temple, because a man of war- kjv@1Chronicles:28:3 A Poet, see Psalms 8, 19, 23, &c. &c. General trend of his life spiritual- kjv@1Samuel:13:14; kjv@1Kings:15:5 Was led by passion to violate the Mosaic law- kjv@Deuteronomy:17:17; kjv@2Samuel:5:13 Yielded to gross sins in a period of ease- 2Samuel:11:127 Was rebuked by the prophet Nathan 2Samuel:12:131 His repentance and confession Psalms:51:1-19

DAY @ general references to- kjv@Genesis:1:5; kjv@Genesis:8:22; kjv@Psalms:74:16; kjv@Jeremiah:33:20

DAY OF PREPARATION @ kjv@Matthew:27:62; kjv@Mark:15:42; kjv@Luke:23:54; kjv@John:19:14


(1) General References to- kjv@Malachi:4:5; kjv@1Corinthians:5:5; kjv@2Corinthians:1:14; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:2; kjv@2Peter:3:10 Second Coming, FUTURE, THE Last Judgment, FUTURE, THE

(2) Called the Last, or Great Day- kjv@Joel:2:11,31; kjv@Zephaniah:1:14; kjv@Malachi:4:1; kjv@John:12:48; kjv@Romans:2:5; kjv@2Timothy:1:12 kjv@Hebrews:10:25; kjv@Jude:1:6; kjv@Revelation:6:17 End of the World, END OF THE WORLD Last Judgment, FUTURE, THE Second Coming, FUTURE, THE

(3) Day of Visitation- kjv@Isaiah:10:3; kjv@Jeremiah:10:15; kjv@Jeremiah:46:21; kjv@Hosea:9:7; kjv@Micah:7:4; kjv@Luke:19:44; kjv@1Peter:2:12 Last Judgment, FUTURE, THE

DAY'S JOURNEY @ kjv@Exodus:3:18; kjv@1Kings:19:4; kjv@Jonah:3:4 Tables, 3533

DAYS, THE LAST @ of time- kjv@Isaiah:2:2; kjv@Daniel:2:28; kjv@Daniel:12:9; kjv@Micah:4:1; kjv@Acts:2:17; kjv@2Timothy:3:1; kjv@2Peter:3:3


DABAREH - D>@ - (pasture), kjv@Joshua:21:28) or DABERATH, a town on the boundary of Zebulun. kjv@Joshua:19:12) Under the name of Debarieh it still lies at the western foot of Tabor.

DABBASHETH - D>@ - (a hill-place), a town on the boundary of Zebulun. kjv@Joshua:19:11)


DAGON - D>@ - (a fish), apparently the masculine, ( kjv@1Samuel:5:3-4) correlative of Atargatis, was the national god of the Philistines. The most famous temples of Dagon were at Gaza, kjv@Judges:16:21-30) and Ashdod. ( kjv@1Samuel:5:5-6; kjv@1Chronicles:10:10) The latter temple was destroyed by Jonathan in the Maccabaean wars. Traces of the worship of Dagon likewise appear in the names Caphar-dagon (near Jamnia) and Beth-dagon in Judah, kjv@Joshua:15:41) and Asher. kjv@Joshua:19:27) Dagon was represented with the face and hands of a man and the tail of a fish. ( kjv@1Samuel:5:5) The fish-like form was a natural emblem of fruitfulness, and as such was likely to be adopted by seafaring tribes in the representation of their gods.

DALAIAH - D>@ - (freed by Jehovah) a descendant of the royal family of Judah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:24)

DALMANUTHA - D>@ - a town on the west side of the Sea of Galilee, near Magdala. kjv@Matthew:15:39) and kjv@Mark:8:10 MAGDALA Dalmnnutha probably stood at the place called ’Ain-el
- Barideh , "the cold fountain."

DALMATIA - D>@ - a mountainous district on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. St. Paul sent Titus there. ( kjv@2Timothy:4:10)

DALPHON - D>@ - (swift), the second of the ten sons of Hamam kjv@Esther:9:7) (B.C. 610.)

DAMARIS - D>@ - (a heifer), an Athenian woman converted to Christianity by St. Paul’s preaching. kjv@Acts:17:34) (A.D 48.) Chrysostom and others held her to have been the wife of Dionysius the Areopagite.

DAMASCUS - D>@ - one of the most ancient and most important of the cities of Syria. It is situated 130 miles northeast of Jerusalem, in a plain of vast size and of extreme fertility, which lies east of the great chain of Anti
- Libanus, on the edge of the desert. This fertile plain, which is nearly circular and about 30 miles in diameter, is due to the river Barada , which is probably the "Abana" of Scripture. Two other streams the Wady Helbon upon the north and the Awaj, which flows direct from Hermon upon the south, increase the fertility of the Damascene plain, and contend for the honor of representing the "Pharpar" of Scripture. According to Josephus, Damascus was founded by Uz grandson of Shem. It is first mentioned in Scripture in connection with Abraham, kjv@Genesis:14:15) whose steward was a native of the place. kjv@Genesis:15:2) At one time david became complete master of the whole territory, which he garrisoned with israelites. (2 Samuel kjv@8:5-6) It was in league with Baasha, king of Israel against Asa, (Kings:15:19; kjv@2Chronicles:16:3) and afterwards in league with Asa against Baasha. (Kings:15:20) Under Ahaz it was taken by Tiglath-pileser, ( kjv@2Kings:16:7-8-9) the kingdom of Damascus brought to an end, and the city itself destroyed, the inhabitants being carried captive into Assyria. ( kjv@2Kings:16:9) comp. Isai 7:8 and kjv@Amos:1:5 Afterwards it passed successively under the dominion of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans and Saracens, and was at last captured by the Turks in 1516 A.D. Here the apostle Paul was converted and preached the gospel. kjv@Acts:9:1-25) Damascus has always been a great centre for trade. Its present population is from 100,000 to 150,000. It has a delightful climate. Certain localities are shown as the site of those scriptural events which specially interest us in its history. Queen’s Street, which runs straight through the city from east to west, may be the street called Straight. kjv@Acts:9:11) The house of Judas and that of Ananias are shown, but little confidence can be placed in any of these traditions.

DAN - D>@ - (a judge). The fifth son of Jacob, and the first of Bilhah, Rachel’s maid. kjv@Genesis:30:6) (B.C. after 1753.) The origin of the name is given in the exclamation of Rachel. The records of Dan are unusually meagre. Only one son is attributed to him, kjv@Genesis:46:23) but his tribe was, with the exception of Judah, the most numerous of all. In the division of the promised land Dan was the last of the tribes to receive his portion, which was the smallest of the twelve. kjv@Joshua:19:48) But notwithstanding its smallness it had eminent natural advantages. On the north and east it was completely embraced by its two brother tribes Ephraim and Benjamin, while on the southeast and south it joined Judah, and was thus surrounded by the three most powerful states of the whole confederacy. It was a rich and fertile district; but the Amorites soon "forced them into the mountain," kjv@Judges:1:34) and they had another portion granted them. kjv@Judges:18. In the "security" and "quiet," kjv@Judges:18:7 kjv@Judges:18:10) of their rich northern possession the Danites enjoyed the leisure and repose which had been denied them in their original seat. In the time of David Dan still kept its place among the tribes. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:35) Asher is omitted, but the "prince of the tribe of Dan" is mentioned in the list of ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:22) But from this time forward the name as applied to the tribe vanishes; it is kept alive only by the northern city. In the genealogies of 1Chr 2-12, Dan is omitted entirely. Lastly, Dan is omitted from the list of those who were sealed by the angel in the vision of St. John. kjv@Revelation:7:5-7) The well-known city, so familiar as the most northern landmark of Palestine, in the common expression "from Dan even to beersheba." The name of the place was originally LAISH or LESHEM. kjv@Joshua:19:47) After the establishment of the Danites at Dan it became the acknowledged extremity of the country. It is now Tell el
- Kadi , a mound, three miles from Banias, from the foot of which gushes out one of the largest fountains in the world, the main source of the Jordan.

DANITES, THE - D>@ - The descendants of Dan and the members of his tribe. kjv@Judges:13:2 kjv@Judges:18:1 kjv@Judges:18:11; kjv@1Chronicles:12:35)

DANJAAN - D>@ - (Danian , i.e. belonging to Dan). (2 Samuel 24:6) Probably the same as DAN.

DANCE - D>@ - The dance is spoken of in Holy Scripture universally as symbolical of some rejoicing, and is often coupled for the sake of contrast with mourning, as in kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4) comp. Psal 30:11; kjv@Matthew:11:17 In the earlier period it is found combined with some song or refrain, kjv@Exodus:15:20 kjv@Exodus:32:18-19; kjv@1Samuel:21:11) and with the tambourine (Authorized Version "timbrel"), more especially in those impulsive outbursts of popular feeling which cannot find sufficient vent in voice or in gesture singly. Dancing formed a part of the religious ceremonies of the Egyptians, and was also common in private entertainments. For the most part dancing was carried on by the women, the two sexes seldom and not customarily intermingling. The one who happened to be near of kin to the champion of the hour led the dance. In the earlier period of the Judges the dances of the virgins of Shiloh. kjv@Judges:21:19-23) were certainly part of a religious festivity. Dancing also had its place among merely festive amusements, apart from any religious character. kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:13 kjv@Mark:6:22)

DANCE - D>@ - a musical instrument of percussion, supposed to have been used by the Hebrews at an early period of their history.

DANIEL - D>@ - (judgment of God). The second son of David, by Abigail the Carmelitess. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:1) In (2 Samuel kjv@3:3) he is called Chileab. (B.C. about 1051.) The fourth of ’the greater prophets." Nothing is known of his parentage or family. He appears, however, to have been of royal or noble descent, kjv@Daniel:1:3) and to have possessed considerable personal endowments. kjv@Daniel:1:4) He was taken to Babylon in "the third year of Jehoiakim" (B.C. 604), and trained for the king’s service. He was divinely supported in his resolve to abstain from the "king’s meat" for fear of defilement. kjv@Daniel:1:8-16) At the close of his three years discipline, kjv@Daniel:1:5 kjv@Daniel:1:18) Daniel had an opportunity of exercising his peculiar gift, kjv@Daniel:1:17) of interpreting dreams, on the occasion of Nebuchadnezzar’s decree against the Magi. kjv@Daniel:2:14) ff. In consequence of his success he was made "ruler of the whole province of Babylon." kjv@Daniel:2:48) He afterwards interpreted the second dream of Nebuchadnezzar, kjv@Daniel:4:8-27) and the handwriting on the wall which disturbed the feast of Belshazzar. kjv@Daniel:5:10-28) At the accession of Darius he was made first of the "three presidents" of the empire, kjv@Daniel:6:2) and was delivered from the lion’s den, into which he had been cast for his faithfulness to the rites of his faith. kjv@Daniel:6:10-23) cf. Bel and Dr. 29-42. At the accession of Cyrus he still retained his prosperity, kjv@Daniel:6:28) cf. Dani 1:21 Though he does not appear to have remained at Babylon, cf. kjv@Daniel:1:21) and in "the third year of Cyrus" (B.C. 534) he saw his last recorded vision, on the banks of the Tigris. kjv@Daniel:10:1 kjv@Daniel:10:4) In the prophecies of Ezekiel mention is made of Daniel as a pattern of righteousness, kjv@Ezekiel:14:14 kjv@Ezekiel:14:20) and wisdom. kjv@Ezekiel:28:3) The narrative in kjv@Daniel:1:11) implies that Daniel was conspicuously distinguished for purity and knowledge at a very early age. A descendant of Ithamar, who returned with Ezra. kjv@Ezra:8:2) A priest who sealed the covenant drawn up by Nehemiah, B.C. 445. kjv@Nehemiah:10:6) He is perhaps the same as No. 3.

DANIEL, THE BOOK OF - D>@ - stands at the head of a series of writings in which the deepest thoughts of the Jewish people found expression after their close of the prophetic era. Daniel is composed partly in the vernacular Aramaic (Chaldee) and partly in the sacred Hebrew. The introduction, Daniel:1-2:4 a, is written in Hebrew. On the occasion of the "Syriac" (i.e. Aramaic) answer of the Chaldeans, the language changes to Aramaic, and this is retained till the close of the seventh chapter (2:4 b-7). The personal introduction of Daniel as the writer of the text, kjv@8:1, is marked by the resumption of the Hebrew, which continues to the close of the book. ch. 8-12. The book may be divided into three parts. The first chapter forms an introduction. The next six chapters, 2-7, give a general view of the progressive history of the powers of the world, and of the principles of the divine government as seen in the events of the life of Daniel. The remainder of the book, chs. 8-12, traces in minuter detail the fortunes of the people of God, as typical of the fortunes of the Church in all ages. In the first seven chapters Daniel is spoken of historically ; int he last five he appears personally as the writer. The cause of the difference of person is commonly supposed to lie int he nature of the case. It is, however, more probable that the peculiarity arose from the manner in which the book assumed its final shape. The book exercised a great influence upon the Christian Church. The New Testament incidentally acknowledges each of the characteristic elements of the book, its miracles, kjv@Hebrews:11:33-34) its predictions, kjv@Matthew:24:15) and its doctrine of angels. kjv@Luke:1:19 kjv@Luke:1:26) The authenticity of the book has been attacked in modern times. (But the evidence, both external and internal, is conclusive as to its genuineness. Rawlinson, in his "Historical Evidences," shows how some historical difficulties that had been brought against the book are solved by the inscription on a cylinder lately found among the ruins of Ur in Chaldea.

DANIEL, APOCRYPHAL ADDITIONS TO - D>@ - The Greek translations of Daniel contain several pieces which are not found int he original text. The most important are contained in the Apocrypha of the English Bible under the titles of The Son of the Three Holy Children, The History of Susannah, and The History of...Bel and the Dragon. The first of these is supposed to be the triumphal song of the three confessors in the furnace, kjv@Daniel:3:23) praising God for their deliverance, of which a chief part (35-66) has been used as a hymn in the Christian Church since the fourth century. The second, called also The Judgment of Daniel , relates the story of the clearing of Susannah from a charge of adultery; and the third gives an exaggerated account of Daniel’s deliverance.

DANNAH - D>@ - a city in the mountains of Judah, kjv@Joshua:15:49) and probably south or southwest of Hebron. No trace of its name has been discovered.

DARA - D>@ - ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:6) DARDA

DARIC - D>@ - (from dara , a king), Authorized Version "dram," ( kjv@1Chronicles:29:7; kjv@Ezra:2:69 kjv@Ezra:8:27; kjv@Nehemiah:7:70-71-72) a gold coin current in Palestine in the period after the return from Babylon. It weighed 128 grains, and was worth about five dollars. At these times there was no large issue of gold money except by the Persian kings. The darics which have been discovered are thick pieces of pure hold, of archaic style, bearing on the obverse the figure of a king with bow and javelin or bow and dagger, and on the reverse an irregular incuse square. The silver daric was worth about fifty cents.

DARIUS - D>@ - (lord), the name of several kings of Media and Persia. DARIUS THE MEDE, kjv@Daniel:6:1 kjv@Daniel:11:1) "the son of Ahasuerus," kjv@Daniel:9:1) who succeeded to the Babylonian kingdom ont he death of Belshazzar, being then sixty-two years old. kjv@Daniel:5:31 kjv@Daniel:9:1) (B.C. 538.) Only one year of his reign is mentioned, kjv@Daniel:9:1 kjv@Daniel:11:1) but that was of great importance for the Jews. Daniel was advanced by the king to the highest dignity, kjv@Daniel:6:1) ff., and in his reign was cast into the lions’ den. kjv@Daniel:6. This Darius is probably the same as "Astyages," the last king of the Medes. DARIUS, the son of Hystaspes the founder of the Perso
- Arian dynasty. Upon the usurpation of the magian Smerdis, he conspired with six other Persian chiefs to overthrow the impostor and on the success of the plot was placed upon the throne, B.C. 521. With regard to the Jews, Darius Hystaspes pursued the same policy as Cyrus, and restored to them the privileges which they had lost. kjv@Ezra:5:1) etc.; kjv@Ezra:6:1 etc. DARIUS THE PERSIAN, kjv@Nehemiah:12:22) may be identified with Darius II. Nothus (Ochus), king of Persia B.C. 424-3 to 405-4; but it is not improbable that it points to Darius III. Codomannus, the antagonist of Alexander and the last king of Persia, B.C. 336-330.

DARKNESS - D>@ - is spoken of as encompassing the actual presence of God, as that out of which he speaks,
the envelope, as it were, of divine glory. kjv@Exodus:20:21; kjv@Kings:8:12) The plague of darkness in Egypt was miraculous. The darkness "over all the land," kjv@Matthew:27:45) attending the crucifixion has been attributed to an eclipse, but was undoubtedly miraculous, as no eclipse of the sun could have taken place at that time, the moon being at the full at the time of the passover. Darkness is also, as in the expression "land of darkness," used for the state of the dead, kjv@Job:10:21-22) and frequently, figuratively, for ignorance and unbelief, as the privation of spiritual light. kjv@John:1:5 kjv@John:3:19)

DARKON - D>@ - (scatterer). Children of Darkon were among the "servants of Solomon" who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. kjv@Ezra:2:56; kjv@Nehemiah:7:58) (B.C. before 536).

DATES - D>@ - ( kjv@2Chronicles:31:5) marg. PALM TREE TREE

DATHAN - D>@ - (belonging to a fountain) a Reubenite chieftain, son of Eliab, who joined the conspiracy of Korah the Levite. kjv@Numbers:16:1 kjv@Numbers:26:9 kjv@Numbers:11:6 ; kjv@Psalms:106:17) (B.C. 1490-1452).

DAUGHTER - D>@ - The word is used in Scripture not only for daughter, but for granddaughter or other female descendant. kjv@Genesis:24:48) It is used of the female inhabitants of a place or country, kjv@Genesis:6:2; kjv@Luke:23:28) and of cities in general, kjv@Isaiah:10:32 kjv@Isaiah:23:12) but more specifically of dependent towns or hamlets, while to the principal city the correlative "mother" is applied. kjv@Numbers:21:25) "Daughters of music," i.e. singing birds, kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:4) refers to the power of making and enjoying music.

DAVID - D>@ - (well-beloved), the son of Jesse. His life may be divided into three portions: His youth before his introduction to the court of Saul; His relations with Saul; His reign. The early life of David contains in many important respects the antecedents of his future career. It appears that David was the youngest son, probably the youngest child, of a family of ten, and was born in Bethlehem B.C. 1085. The first time that David appears in history at once admits us to the whole family circle. The annual sacrificial feast is being held when Samuel appears, sent by God to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as they pass before him, ( kjv@1Samuel:16:6-10) Samuel sends for the youngest, David, who was "keeping the sheep," and anoints him. ( kjv@1Samuel:16:11-13) As David stood before Samuel we are enabled to fix his appearance at once in our minds. He was of short stature, with red or auburn hair, such as is not unfrequently seen in his countrymen of the East at the present day. In later life he wore a beard. His bright eyes are specially mentioned, ( kjv@1Samuel:16:12) and generally he was remarkable for the grace of his figure and countenance ("fair of eyes," "comely," "goodly,") ( kjv@1Samuel:16:12 kjv@1Samuel:16:18 kjv@1Samuel:17:42) well made and of immense strength and agility. His swiftness and activity made him like a wild gazelle, his feet like hart’s feet, and his arms strong enough to break a bow of steel. kjv@Psalms:18:33-34) After the anointing David resumes his accustomed duties, and the next we know of him he is summoned to the court to chase away the king’s madness by music, ( kjv@1Samuel:16:14-19) and in the successful effort of David’s harp we have the first glimpse into that genius for music and poetry which was afterwards consecrated in the Psalms. After this he returned to the old shepherd life again. One incident alone of his solitary shepherd life has come down to us
his conflict with the lion and the bear in defence of his father’s flocks. ( kjv@1Samuel:17:34-35) It was some years after this that David suddenly appears before his brothers in the camp of the army, and hears the defiant challenge of the Philistine giant Goliath. With his shepherd’s sling and five small pebbles he goes forth and defeats the giant. ( kjv@1Samuel:17:40-51) Relations with Saul.
We now enter on a new aspect of David’s life. The victory over Goliath had been a turning point of his career. Saul inquired his parentage, and took him finally to his court. Jonathan was inspired by the romantic friendship which bound the two youths together to the end of their lives. Unfortunately David’s fame proved the foundation of that unhappy jealousy of Saul towards him which, mingling with the king’s constitutional malady, poisoned his whole future relations to David. His position in Saul’s court seems to have been first armor-bearer, ( kjv@1Samuel:16:21 kjv@1Samuel:18:2) then captain over a thousand, ( kjv@1Samuel:18:13) and finally, on his marriage with Michal, the king’s second daughter, he was raised to the high office of captain of the king’s body-guard, second only, if not equal, to Abner, the captain of the host, and Jonathan, the heir apparent. David was not chiefly known for his successful exploits against the Philistines, by one of which he won his wife, and rove back the Philistine power with a blow from which it only rallied at the disastrous close of Saul’s reign. He also still performed from time to time the office of minstrel; but the successive attempts of Saul upon his life convinced him that he was in constant danger. He had two faithful allies, however, in the court
the son of Saul, his friend Jonathan, and the daughter of Saul, his wife Michal. Warned by the one and assisted by the other, he escaped by night, and was from thenceforward a fugitive. He at first found a home at the court of Achish, among the Philistines; but his stay was short. Discovered possibly by "the sword of Goliath," his presence revived the national enmity of the Philistines against their former conqueror, and he only escaped by feigning madness. ( kjv@1Samuel:21:13) His first retreat was the cave of Adullam. In this vicinity he was joined by his whole family, ( kjv@1Samuel:22:1) and by a motley crowd of debtors and discontented men, ( kjv@1Samuel:22:2) which formed the nucleus of his army. David’s life for the next few years was made up of a succession of startling incidents. He secures an important ally in Abiathar, ( kjv@1Samuel:23:6) his band of 400 at Adullam soon increased to 600, ( kjv@1Samuel:23:13) he is hunted by Saul from place to place like a partridge. ( kjv@1Samuel:23:14 kjv@1Samuel:23:22,25-29; 24:1-22; 26) He marries Abigail and Ahinoam. ( kjv@1Samuel:25:42-43) Finally comes the new of the battle of Gilboa and the death of Saul and Jonathan. kjv@1Samuel:31. The reception of the tidings of the death of his rival and of his friend, the solemn mourning, the vent of his indignation against the bearer of the message, the pathetic lamentation that followed, will close the second period of David’s life. (2 Samuel kjv@1:1-27) David’s reign.
As king of Judah at Hebron, 7 1/2 years. (2 Samuel kjv@2:1; 2 Samuel kjv@5:5) Here David was first formally anointed king. (2 Samuel kjv@2:4) To Judah his dominion was nominally confined. Gradually his power increased, and during the two years which followed the elevation of Ish-bosheth a series of skirmishes took place between the two kingdoms. Then rapidly followed the successive murders of Abner and of Ish-bosheth. (2 Samuel kjv@3:30; 4:5) The throne, so long waiting for him, was now vacant, and the united voice of the whole people at once called him to occupy it. For the third time David was anointed king, and a festival of three days celebrated the joyful event. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:39) One of David’s first acts after becoming king was to secure Jerusalem, which he seized from the Jebusites and fixed the royal residence there. Fortifications were added by the king and by Joab, and it was known by the special name of the "city of David." (2 Samuel kjv@5:9; 1Chronicles:11:7) The ark was now removed from its obscurity at Kirjath-jearim with marked solemnity, and conveyed to Jerusalem. The erection of the new capital at Jerusalem introduces us to a new era in David’s life and in the history of the monarchy. He became a king on the scale of the great Oriental sovereigns of Egypt and Persia, with a regular administration and organization of court and camp; and he also founded an imperial dominion which for the first time realize the prophetic description of the bounds of the chosen people. kjv@Genesis:15:18-21) During the succeeding ten years the nations bordering on his kingdom caused David more or less trouble, but during this time he reduced to a state of permanent subjection the Philistines on the west, (2 Samuel kjv@8:1) the Moabites on the east, (2 Samuel kjv@8:2) by the exploits of Benaiah, (2 Samuel 23:20) the Syrians on the northeast as far as the Euphrates, (2 Samuel kjv@8:3) the Edomites, (2 Samuel kjv@8:14) on the south; and finally the Ammonites, who had broken their ancient alliance, and made one grand resistance to the advance of his empire. (2 Samuel 10:1-19; 12:26-31) Three great calamities may be selected as marking the beginning, middle and close of David’s otherwise prosperous reign, which appear to be intimated in the question of Gad, (2 Samuel 24:13) "a three-years famine, a three-months flight or a three-days pestilence." a. Of these the first (the three-years famine) introduces us to the last notices of David’s relations with the house of Saul, already referred to. b. The second group of incidents contains the tragedy of David’s life, which grew in all its parts out of the polygamy, with its evil consequences, into which he had plunged on becoming king. Underneath the splendor of his last glorious campaign against the Ammonites was a dark story, known probably at that time only to a very few
the double crime of adultery with Bath-sheba and the virtual murder of Uriah. The clouds from this time gathered over David’s fortunes, and henceforward "the sword never departed from his house." (2 Samuel 12:10) The outrage on his daughter Tamar, the murder of his eldest son Amnon, and then the revolt of his best-beloved Absalom, brought on the crisis which once more sent him forth as wanderer, as in the days when he fled from Saul. (2 Samuel 15:18) The final battle of Absalom’s rebellion was fought in the "forest of Ephraim," and terminated in the accident which led to the young man’s death; and, though nearly heartbroken at the loss of his son, David again reigned in undisturbed peace at Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 20:1-22) c. The closing period of David’s life, with the exception of one great calamity, may be considered as a gradual preparation for the reign of his successor. This calamity was the three-days pestilence which visited Jerusalem at the warning of the prophet Gad. The occasion which led to this warning was the census of the people taken by Joab at the king’s orders, (2 Samuel 24:1-9; kjv@1Chronicles:21:1-7 kjv@1Chronicles:27:23-24) which was for some reason sinful in God’s sight. 2Sam 24. A formidable conspiracy to interrupt the succession broke out in the last days of David’s reign; but the plot was stifled, and Solomon’s inauguration took place under his father’s auspices. (Kings:1:1-53) By this time David’s infirmities had grown upon him. His last song is preserved
a striking union of the ideal of a just ruler which he had placed before him and of the difficulties which he had felt in realizing it. (2 Samuel 23:1-7) His last words to his successor are general exhortations to his duty. (Kings:2:1-9) He died, according to Josephus, at the age of 70, and "was buried in the city of David." After the return from the captivity, "the sepulchres of David" were still pointed out "between Siloah and the house of the mighty men," or "the guard-house." kjv@Nehemiah:3:16) His tomb, which became the general sepulchre of the kings of Judah, was pointed out in the latest times of the Jewish people. The edifice shown as such from the Crusades to the present day is on the southern hill of modern Jerusalem commonly called Mount Zion, under the so-called "Coenaculum;" but it cannot be identified with the tomb of David, which was emphatically within the walls.


DAY - D>@ - The variable length of the natural day at different seasons led in the very earliest times to the adoption of the civil day (or one revolution of the sun) as a standard of time. The Hebrews reckoned the day from evening to evening, kjv@Leviticus:23:32) deriving it from kjv@Genesis:1:5) "the evening and the morning were the first day." The Jews are supposed, like the modern Arabs, to have adopted from an early period minute specifications of the parts of the natural day. Roughly, indeed, they were content to divide it into "morning, evening and noonday," kjv@Psalms:55:17) but when they wished for greater accuracy they pointed to six unequal parts, each of which was again subdivided. These are held to have been
"the dawn." "Sunrise." "Heat of the day," about 9 o’clock. "The two noons," kjv@Genesis:43:16 kjv@Genesis:28:29) "The cool (lit. wind) of the day," before sunset, kjv@Genesis:3:8)
so called by the Persians to this day. "Evening." Before the captivity the Jews divided the night into three watches, kjv@Psalms:63:6 kjv@Psalms:90:4) viz. the first watch, lasting till midnight, kjv@Lamentations:2:19) the "middle watch," lasting till cockcrow, kjv@Judges:7:19) and the "morning watch," lasting till sunrise. kjv@Exodus:14:24) In the New Testament we have allusions to four watches, a division borrowed from the Greeks and Romans. These were
From twilight till 9 o/clock, kjv@Mark:11:11; kjv@John:20:19) Midnight, from 9 till 12 o’clock, kjv@Mark:13:35) 3 Macc kjv@5:23. Till daybreak. kjv@John:18:28) The word held to mean "hour" is first found in kjv@Daniel:3:6 kjv@Daniel:3:15 kjv@Daniel:5:5) Perhaps the Jews, like the Greeks, learned from the Babylonians the division of the day into twelve parts. In our Lord’s time the division was common. kjv@John:11:9)

DAYSMAN - D>@ - an old English term meaning umpire or arbitrator . kjv@Job:9:33)


Daberath @ pasture, a Levitical town of Issachar kjv@Joshua:19:12 kjv@Joshua:21:28), near the border of Zebulum. It is the modern small village of Deburich, at the base of Mount Tabor. Tradition has incorrectly made it the scene of the miracle of the cure of the lunatic child kjv@Matthew:17:14).

Daemon @ the Greek form, rendered "devil" in the Authorized Version of the New Testament. Daemons are spoken of as spiritual beings kjv@Matthew:8:16 kjv@Matthew:10:1 kjv@Matthew:12:43 -45) at enmity with God, and as having a certain power over man kjv@James:2:19; kjv@Revelation:16:14). They recognize our Lord as the Son of God kjv@Matthew:8:20; kjv@Luke:4:41). They belong to the number of those angels that "kept not their first estate," "unclean spirits," "fallen angels," the angels of the devil kjv@Matthew:25:41; kjv@Revelation:12:7-9). They are the "principalities and powers" against which we must "wrestle" kjv@Ephesians:6:12).

Daemoniac @ one "possessed with a devil." In the days of our Lord and his apostles, evil spirits, "daemons," were mysteriously permitted by God to exercise an influence both over the souls and bodies of men, inflicting dumbness kjv@Matthew:9:32), blindness (12:22), epilepsy kjv@Mark:9:17-27), insanity kjv@Matthew:8:28; kjv@Mark:5:1-5). Daemoniacs are frequently distinguished from those who are afflicted with ordinary bodily maladies kjv@Mark:1:32 kjv@Mark:16:17-18; kjv@Luke:6:17-18). The daemons speak in their own persons kjv@Matthew:8:29; kjv@Mark:1:23-24 kjv@Mark:5:7). This influence is clearly distinguished from the ordinary power of corruption and of temptation over men. In the daemoniac his personality seems to be destroyed, and his actions, words, and even thoughts to be overborne by the evil spirit (Mark, l.c.; kjv@Acts:19:15).

Dagon @ little fish; diminutive from dag = a fish, the fish-god; the national god of the Philistines kjv@Judges:16:23). This idol had the body of a fish with the head and hands of a man. It was an Assyrio
- Babylonian deity, the worship of which was introduced among the Philistines through Chaldea. The most famous of the temples of Dagon were at Gaza kjv@Judges:16:23-30) and Ashdod ( kjv@1Samuel:5:1-7). (
See FISH.)

Dagon's house @ ( kjv@1Samuel:5:2), or Beth-dagon, as elsewhere rendered kjv@Joshua:15:41; 19:27), was the sanctuary or temple of Dagon. The Beth-dagon of kjv@Joshua:15:41 was one of the cities of the tribe of Judah, in the lowland or plain which stretches westward. It has not been identified. The Beth-dagon of kjv@Joshua:19:27 was one of the border cities of Asher. That of kjv@1Chronicles:10:10 was in the western half-tribe of Manasseh, where the Philistines, after their victory at Gilboa, placed Saul's head in the temple of their god. (Comp. kjv@1Samuel:31:8-13).

Daily sacrifice @ kjv@Daniel:8:12 kjv@Daniel:11:31 kjv@Daniel:12:11 ), a burnt offering of two lambs of a year old, which were daily sacrificed in the name of the whole Israelitish people upon the great altar, the first at dawn of day, and the second at evening kjv@Daniel:9:21), or more correctly, "between the two evenings." (

Dale, the king's @ the name of a valley, the alternative for "the valley of Shaveh" (q.v.), near the Dead Sea, where the king of Sodom met Abraham kjv@Genesis:14:17). Some have identified it with the southern part of the valley of Jehoshaphat, where Absalom reared his family monument ( kjv@2Samuel:18:18).

Dalmanutha @ a place on the west of the Sea of Galilee, mentioned only in kjv@Mark:8:10. In the parallel passage it is said that Christ came "into the borders of Magdala" kjv@Matthew:15:39). It is plain, then, that Dalmanutha was near Magdala, which was probably the Greek name of one of the many Migdols (i.e., watch-towers) on the western side of the lake of Gennesaret. It has been identified in the ruins of a village about a mile from Magdala, in the little open valley of 'Ain-el
- Barideh, "the cold fountain," called el
- Mejdel, possibly the "Migdal-el" of kjv@Joshua:19:38.

Dalmatia @ a mountainous country on the eastern shore of the Adriatic, a part of the Roman province of Illyricum. It still bears its ancient name. During Paul's second imprisonment at Rome, Titus left him to visit Dalmatia ( kjv@2Timothy:4:10) for some unknown purpose. Paul had himself formerly preached in that region kjv@Romans:15:19). The present Emperor of Austria bears, among his other titles, that of "King of Dalmatia."

Damaris @ a heifer, an Athenian woman converted to Christianity under the preaching of Paul kjv@Acts:17:34). Some have supposed that she may have been the wife of Dionysius the Areopagite.

Damascus @ activity, the most ancient of Oriental cities; the capital of Syria kjv@Isaiah:7:8 kjv@Isaiah:17:3); situated about 133 miles to the north of Jerusalem. Its modern name is Esh
- Sham; i.e., "the East." The situation of this city is said to be the most beautiful of all Western Asia. It is mentioned among the conquests of the Egyptian king Thothmes III. (B.C. 1500), and in the Amarna tablets (B.C. 1400). It is first mentioned in Scripture in connection with Abraham's victory over the confederate kings under Chedorlaomer kjv@Genesis:14:15). It was the native place of Abraham's steward (15:2). It is not again noticed till the time of David, when "the Syrians of Damascus came to succour Hadadezer" (q.v.), kjv@2Samuel:8:5; kjv@1Chronicles:18:5. In the reign of Solomon, Rezon became leader of a band who revolted from Hadadezer (kjvKings:11:23), and betaking themselves to Damascus, settled there and made their leader king. There was a long war, with varying success, between the Israelites and Syrians, who at a later period became allies of Israel against Judah ( kjv@2Kings:15:37). The Syrians were at length subdued by the Assyrians, the city of Damascus was taken and destroyed, and the inhabitants carried captive into Assyria ( kjv@2Kings:16:7-9; comp. kjv@Isaiah:7:8). In this, prophecy was fulfilled kjv@Isaiah:17:1; kjv@Amos:1:4; kjv@Jeremiah:49:24). The kingdom of Syria remained a province of Assyria till the capture of Nineveh by the Medes (B.C. 625), when it fell under the conquerors. After passing through various vicissitudes, Syria was invaded by the Romans (B.C. 64), and Damascus became the seat of the government of the province. In A.D. 37 Aretas, the king of Arabia, became master of Damascus, having driven back Herod Antipas. This city is memorable as the scene of Saul's conversion kjv@Acts:9:1-25). The street called "Straight," in which Judas lived, in whose house Saul was found by Ananias, is known by the name Sultany, or "Queen's Street." It is the principal street of the city. Paul visited Damascus again on his return from Arabia kjv@Galatians:1:16-17). Christianity was planted here as a centre kjv@Acts:9:20), from which it spread to the surrounding regions. In A.D. 634 Damascus was conquered by the growing Mohammedan power. In A.D. 1516 it fell under the dominion of the Turks, its present rulers. It is now the largest city in Asiatic Turkey. Christianity has again found a firm footing within its walls.

Damnation @ in kjv@Romans:13:2, means "condemnation," which comes on those who withstand God's ordinance of magistracy. This sentence of condemnation comes not from the magistrate, but from God, whose authority is thus resisted. In kjv@1Corinthians:11:29 (R.V., "judgment") this word means condemnation, in the sense of exposure to severe temporal judgements from God, as the following verse explains. In kjv@Romans:14:23 the word "damned" means "condemned" by one's own conscience, as well as by the Word of God. The apostle shows here that many things which are lawful are not expedient; and that in using our Christian liberty the question should not simply be, Is this course I follow lawful? but also, Can I follow it without doing injury to the spiritual interests of a brother in Christ? He that "doubteth", i.e., is not clear in his conscience as to "meats", will violate his conscience "if he eat," and in eating is condemned; and thus one ought not so to use his liberty as to lead one who is "weak" to bring upon himself this condemnation.

Dan @ a judge.

(1.) The fifth son of Jacob. His mother was Bilhah, Rachel's maid kjv@Genesis:30:6, "God hath judged me", Heb. dananni). The blessing pronounced on him by his father was, "Dan shall judge his people" (49:16), probably in allusion to the judgeship of Samson, who was of the tribe of Dan. The tribe of Dan had their place in the march through the wilderness on the north side of the tabernacle kjv@Numbers:2:25 kjv@Numbers:2:31 kjv@Numbers:10:25). It was the last of the tribes to receive a portion in the Land of Promise. Its position and extent are described in kjv@Joshua:19:40-48. The territory of Dan extended from the west of that of Ephraim and Benjamin to the sea. It was a small territory, but was very fertile. It included in it, among others, the cities of Lydda, Ekron, and Joppa, which formed its northern boundary. But this district was too limited. "Squeezed into the narrow strip between the mountains and the sea, its energies were great beyond its numbers." Being pressed by the Amorites and the Philistines, whom they were unable to conquer, they longed for a wider space. They accordingly sent out five spies from two of their towns, who went north to the sources of the Jordan, and brought back a favourable report regarding that region. "Arise," they said, "be not slothful to go, and to possess the land," for it is "a place where there is no want of any thing that is in the earth" kjv@Judges:18:10). On receiving this report, 600 Danites girded on their weapons of war, and taking with them their wives and their children, marched to the foot of Hermon, and fought against Leshem, and took it from the Sidonians, and dwelt therein, and changed the name of the conquered town to Dan kjv@Joshua:19:47). This new city of Dan became to them a new home, and was wont to be spoken of as the northern limit of Palestine, the length of which came to be denoted by the expression "from Dan to Beersheba", i.e., about 144 miles. "But like Lot under a similar temptation, they seem to have succumbed to the evil influences around them, and to have sunk down into a condition of semi-heathenism from which they never emerged. The mounds of ruins which mark the site of the city show that it covered a considerable extent of ground. But there remains no record of any noble deed wrought by the degenerate tribe. Their name disappears from the roll-book of the natural and the spiritual Israel.", Manning's Those Holy Fields. This old border city was originally called Laish. Its modern name is Tell el
- Kady, "Hill of the Judge." It stands about four miles below Caesarea Philippi, in the midst of a region of surpassing richness and beauty.

(2.) This name occurs in kjv@Ezekiel:27:19, Authorize Version; but the words there, "Dan also," should be simply, as in the Revised Version, "Vedan," an Arabian city, from which various kinds of merchandise were brought to Tyre. Some suppose it to have been the city of Aden in Arabia. (

- DAN.)

Dan-jaan @ woodland Dan, a place probably somewhere in the direction of Dan, near the sources of the Jordan ( kjv@2Samuel:24:6). The LXX. and the Vulgate read "Dan-ja'ar", i.e., "Dan in the forest."

Dance @ found in kjv@Judges:21:21-23; kjv@Psalms:30:11 kjv@Psalms:149:3 kjv@Psalms:150:4 ; kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:13, etc., as the translation of hul, which points to the whirling motion of Oriental sacred dances. It is the rendering of a word (rakad') which means to skip or leap for joy, in kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Isaiah:13:21, etc. In the New Testament it is in like manner the translation of different Greek words, circular motion kjv@Luke:15:25); leaping up and down in concert kjv@Matthew:11:17), and by a single person kjv@Matthew:14:6). It is spoken of as symbolical of rejoicing kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4. Comp. kjv@Psalms:30:11; kjv@Matthew:11:17). The Hebrews had their sacred dances expressive of joy and thanksgiving, when the performers were usually females kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@1Samuel:18:6). The ancient dance was very different from that common among Western nations. It was usually the part of the women only kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@Judges:11:34; comp. 5:1). Hence the peculiarity of David's conduct in dancing before the ark of the Lord ( kjv@2Samuel:6:14). The women took part in it with their timbrels. Michal should, in accordance with the example of Miriam and others, have herself led the female choir, instead of keeping aloof on the occasion and "looking through the window." David led the choir "uncovered", i.e., wearing only the ephod or linen tunic. He thought only of the honour of God, and forgot himself. From being reserved for occasions of religious worship and festivity, it came gradually to be practised in common life on occasions of rejoicing kjv@Jeremiah:31:4). The sexes among the Jews always danced separately. The daughter of Herodias danced alone kjv@Matthew:14:6).

Daniel @ God is my judge, or judge of God.

(1.) David's second son, "born unto him in Hebron, of Abigail the Carmelitess" ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:1). He is called also Chileab ( kjv@2Samuel:3:3).

(2.) One of the four great prophets, although he is not once spoken of in the Old Testament as a prophet. His life and prophecies are recorded in the Book of Daniel. He was descended from one of the noble families of Judah kjv@Daniel:1:3), and was probably born in Jerusalem about B.C. 623, during the reign of Josiah. At the first deportation of the Jews by Nebuchadnezzar (the kingdom of Israel had come to an end nearly a century before), or immediately after his victory over the Egyptians at the second battle of Carchemish, in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim (B.C. 606), Daniel and other three noble youths were carried off to Babylon, along with part of the vessels of the temple. There he was obliged to enter into the service of the king of Babylon, and in accordance with the custom of the age received the Chaldean name of Belteshazzar, i.e., "prince of Bel," or "Bel protect the king!" His residence in Babylon was very probably in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, now identified with a mass of shapeless mounds called the Kasr, on the right bank of the river. His training in the schools of the wise men in Babylon kjv@Daniel:1:4) was to fit him for service to the empire. He was distinguished during this period for his piety and his stict observance of the Mosaic law (1:8-16), and gained the confidence and esteem of those who were over him. His habit of attention gained during his education in Jerusalem enabled him soon to master the wisdom and learning of the Chaldeans, and even to excel his compeers. At the close of his three years of discipline and training in the royal schools, Daniel was distinguished for his proficiency in the "wisdom" of his day, and was brought out into public life. He soon became known for his skill in the interpretation of dreams (1:17; 2:14), and rose to the rank of governor of the province of Babylon, and became "chief of the governors" (Chald. Rab-signin) over all the wise men of Babylon. He made known and also interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream; and many years afterwards, when he was now an old man, amid the alarm and consternation of the terrible night of Belshazzar's impious feast, he was called in at the instance of the queen-mother (perhaps Nitocris, the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar) to interpret the mysterious handwriting on the wall. He was rewarded with a purple robe and elevation to the rank of "third ruler." The place of "second ruler" was held by Belshazzar as associated with his father, Nabonidus, on the throne (5:16). Daniel interpreted the handwriting, and "in that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain." After the taking of Babylon, Cyrus, who was now master of all Asia from India to the Dardanelles, placed Darius (q.v.), a Median prince, on the throne, during the two years of whose reign Daniel held the office of first of the "three presidents" of the empire, and was thus practically at the head of affairs, no doubt interesting himself in the prospects of the captive Jews Daniel:9), whom he had at last the happiness of seeing restored to their own land, although he did not return with them, but remained still in Babylon. His fidelity to God exposed him to persecution, and he was cast into a den of lions, but was miraculously delivered; after which Darius issued a decree enjoining reverence for "the God of Daniel" (6:26). He "prospered in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian," whom he probably greatly influenced in the matter of the decree which put an end to the Captivity (B.C. 536). He had a series of prophetic visions vouch-safed to him which opened up the prospect of a glorious future for the people of God, and must have imparted peace and gladness to his spirit in his old age as he waited on at his post till the "end of the days." The time and circumstances of his death are not recorded. He probably died at Susa, about eighty-five years of age. Ezekiel, with whom he was contemporary, mentions him as a pattern of righteousness (14:14,20) and wisdom (28:3). (

Daniel, Book of @ is ranked by the Jews in that division of their Bible called the Hagiographa (Heb. Khethubim). (
See BIBLE.) It consists of two distinct parts. The first part, consisting of the first six chapters, is chiefly historical; and the second part, consisting of the remaining six chapters, is chiefly prophetical. The historical part of the book treats of the period of the Captivity. Daniel is "the historian of the Captivity, the writer who alone furnishes any series of events for that dark and dismal period during which the harp of Israel hung on the trees that grew by the Euphrates. His narrative may be said in general to intervene between Kings and Chronicles on the one hand and Ezra on the other, or (more strictly) to fill out the sketch which the author of the Chronicles gives in a single verse in his last chapter: 'And them that had escaped from the sword carried he [i.e., Nebuchadnezzar] away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia'" ( kjv@2Chronicals:36:20). The prophetical part consists of three visions and one lengthened prophetical communication. The genuineness of this book has been much disputed, but the arguments in its favour fully establish its claims.

(1.) We have the testimony of Christ kjv@Matthew:24:15 kjv@Matthew:25:31 kjv@Matthew:26:64 ) and his apostles ( kjv@1Corinthians:6:2; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3) for its authority; and

(2) the important testimony of Ezekiel (14:14,20; 28:3).

(3.) The character and records of the book are also entirely in harmony with the times and circumstances in which the author lived.

(4.) The linguistic character of the book is, moreover, just such as might be expected. Certain portions kjv@Daniel:2:4; 7) are written in the Chaldee language; and the portions written in Hebrew are in a style and form having a close affinity with the later books of the Old Testament, especially with that of Ezra. The writer is familiar both with the Hebrew and the Chaldee, passing from the one to the other just as his subject required. This is in strict accordance with the position of the author and of the people for whom his book was written. That Daniel is the writer of this book is also testified to in the book itself (7:1-28; kjv@8:2; 9:2; 10:1-2; 12:4-5). (

Dannah @ murmuring, a city kjv@Joshua:15:49) in the mountains of Judah about 8 miles south-west of Hebron.

Darda @ pearl of wisdom, one of the four who were noted for their wisdom, but whom Solomon excelled (kjvKings:4:31).

Daric @ in the Revised Version of kjv@1Chronicles:29:7; kjv@Ezra:2:69 kjv@Ezra:8:27; kjv@Nehemiah:7:70-72, where the Authorized Version has "dram." It is the rendering of the Hebrew darkemon and the Greek dareikos. It was a gold coin, bearing the figure of a Persian King with his crown and armed with bow and arrow. It was current among the Jews after their return from Babylon, i.e., while under the Persian domination. It weighed about 128 grains troy, and was of the value of about one guinea or rather more of our money. It is the first coin mentioned in Scripture, and is the oldest that history makes known to us.

Darius @ the holder or supporter, the name of several Persian kings.

(1.) Darius the Mede kjv@Daniel:11:1), "the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes" (9:1). On the death of Belshazzar the Chaldean he "received the kingdom" of Babylon as viceroy from Cyrus. During his brief reign (B.C. 538-536) Daniel was promoted to the highest dignity kjv@Daniel:6:1-2); but on account of the malice of his enemies he was cast into the den of lions. After his miraculous escape, a decree was issued by Darius enjoining "reverence for the God of Daniel" (6:26). This king was probably the "Astyages" of the Greek historians. Nothing can, however, be with certainty affirmed regarding him. Some are of opinion that the name "Darius" is simply a name of office, equivalent to "governor," and that the "Gobryas" of the inscriptions was the person intended by the name.

(2.) Darius, king of Persia, was the son of Hystaspes, of the royal family of the Achaemenidae. He did not immediately succeed Cyrus on the throne. There were two intermediate kings, viz., Cambyses (the Ahasuerus of Ezra), the son of Cyrus, who reigned from B.C. 529-522, and was succeeded by a usurper named Smerdis, who occupied the throne only ten months, and was succeeded by this Darius (B.C. 521-486). Smerdis was a Margian, and therefore had no sympathy with Cyrus and Cambyses in the manner in which they had treated the Jews. He issued a decree prohibiting the restoration of the temple and of Jerusalem kjv@Ezra:4:17-22). But soon after his death and the accession of Darius, the Jews resumed their work, thinking that the edict of Smerdis would be now null and void, as Darius was in known harmony with the religious policy of Cyrus. The enemies of the Jews lost no time in bringing the matter under the notice of Darius, who caused search to be made for the decree of Cyrus (q.v.). It was not found at Babylon, but at Achmetha kjv@Ezra:6:2); and Darius forthwith issued a new decree, giving the Jews full liberty to prosecute their work, at the same time requiring the Syrian satrap and his subordinates to give them all needed help. It was with the army of this king that the Greeks fought the famous battle of Marathon (B.C. 490). During his reign the Jews enjoyed much peace and prosperity. He was succeeded by Ahasuerus, known to the Greeks as Xerxes, who reigned for twenty-one years.

(3.) Darius the Persian kjv@Nehemiah:12:22) was probably the Darius II. (Ochus or Nothus) of profane history, the son of Artaxerxes Longimanus, who was the son and successor of Ahasuerus (Xerxes). There are some, however, who think that the king here meant was Darius III. (Codomannus), the antagonist of Alexander the Great (B.C. 336-331).

Darkness @ The plague (the ninth) of darkness in Egypt kjv@Exodus:10:21) is described as darkness "which may be felt." It covered "all the land of Egypt," so that "they saw not one another." It did not extend to the land of Goshen (ver. 23). When Jesus hung upon the cross kjv@Matthew:27:45; kjv@Luke:23:44), from the "sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour." On Mount Sinai, Moses kjv@Exodus:20:21) "drew near unto the thick darkness where God was." This was the "thick cloud upon the mount" in which Jehovah was when he spake unto Moses there. The Lord dwelt in the cloud upon the mercy-seat (kjvKings:8:12), the cloud of glory. When the psalmist kjv@Psalms:97:2) describes the inscrutable nature of God's workings among the sons of men, he says, "Clouds and darkness are round about him." God dwells in thick darkness. Darkness kjv@Isaiah:13:9-10; kjv@Matthew:24:29) also is a symbol of the judgments that attend on the coming of the Lord. It is a symbol of misery and adversity kjv@Job:18:6; kjv@Psalms:107:10; kjv@Isaiah:8:22; kjv@Ezekiel:30:18). The "day of darkness" in kjv@Joel:2:2, caused by clouds of locusts, is a symbol of the obscurity which overhangs all divine proceedings. "Works of darkness" are impure actions kjv@Ephesians:5:11). "Outer darkness" refers to the darkness of the streets in the East, which are never lighted up by any public or private lamps after nightfall, in contrast with the blaze of cheerful light in the house. It is also a symbol of ignorance kjv@Isaiah:9:2 kjv@Isaiah:60:2; kjv@Matthew:6:23) and of death kjv@Job:10:21 kjv@Job:17:13).

Darling @Psalms:22:20 kjv@Psalms:35:17) means an "only one."

Dart @ an instrument of war; a light spear. "Fiery darts" kjv@Ephesians:6:16) are so called in allusion to the habit of discharging darts from the bow while they are on fire or armed with some combustible material. Arrows are compared to lightning kjv@Deuteronomy:32:23-42; kjv@Psalms:7:13 kjv@Psalms:120:4).

Date @ the fruit of a species of palm (q.v.), the Phoenix dactilifera. This was a common tree in Palestine kjv@Joel:1:12; kjv@Nehemiah:8:15). Palm branches were carried by the Jews on festive occasions, and especially at the feast of Tabernacles kjv@Leviticus:23:40; kjv@Nehemiah:8:15).

Dathan @ welled; belonging to a fountain, a son of Eliab, a Reubenite, who joined Korah (q.v.) in his conspiracy, and with his accomplices was swallowed up by an earthquake kjv@Numbers:16:1 kjv@Numbers:26:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:6; kjv@Psalms:106:17).

Daughter @ This word, besides its natural and proper sense, is used to designate,

(1.) A niece or any female descendant kjv@Genesis:20:12 kjv@Genesis:24:48 kjv@Genesis:28:6 ).

(2.) Women as natives of a place, or as professing the religion of a place; as, "the daughters of Zion" kjv@Isaiah:3:16), "daughters of the Philistines" ( kjv@2Samuel:1:20).

(3.) Small towns and villages lying around a city are its "daughters," as related to the metropolis or mother city. Tyre is in this sense called the daughter of Sidon kjv@Isaiah:23:12).

(4.) The people of Jerusalem are spoken of as "the daughters of Zion" kjv@Isaiah:37:22).

(5.) The daughters of a tree are its boughs kjv@Genesis:49:22).

(6.) The "daughters of music" kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:4) are singing women.

David @ beloved, the eighth and youngest son of Jesse, a citizen of Bethlehem. His father seems to have been a man in humble life. His mother's name is not recorded. Some think she was the Nahash of kjv@2Samuel:17:25. As to his personal appearance, we only know that he was red-haired, with beautiful eyes and a fair face ( kjv@1Samuel:16:12 kjv@1Samuel:17:42). His early occupation was that of tending his father's sheep on the uplands of Judah. From what we know of his after history, doubtless he frequently beguiled his time, when thus engaged, with his shepherd's flute, while he drank in the many lessons taught him by the varied scenes spread around him. His first recorded exploits were his encounters with the wild beasts of the field. He mentions that with his own unaided hand he slew a lion and also a bear, when they came out against his flock, beating them to death in open conflict with his club ( kjv@1Samuel:17:34-35). While David, in the freshness of ruddy youth, was thus engaged with his flocks, Samuel paid an unexpected visit to Bethlehem, having been guided thither by divine direction ( kjv@1Samuel:16:1-13). There he offered up sacrifice, and called the elders of Israel and Jesse's family to the sacrificial meal. Among all who appeared before him he failed to discover the one he sought. David was sent for, and the prophet immediately recognized him as the chosen of God, chosen to succeed Saul, who was now departing from the ways of God, on the throne of the kingdom. He accordingly, in anticipation, poured on his head the anointing oil. David went back again to his shepherd life, but "the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward," and "the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul" ( kjv@1Samuel:16:13-14). Not long after this David was sent for to soothe with his harp the troubled spirit of Saul, who suffered from a strange melancholy dejection. He played before the king so skilfully that Saul was greatly cheered, and began to entertain great affection for the young shepherd. After this he went home to Bethlehem. But he soon again came into prominence. The armies of the Philistines and of Israel were in battle array in the valley of Elah, some 16 miles south-west of Bethlehem; and David was sent by his father with provisions for his three brothers, who were then fighting on the side of the king. On his arrival in the camp of Israel, David (now about twenty years of age) was made aware of the state of matters when the champion of the Philistines, Goliath of Gath, came forth to defy Israel. David took his sling, and with a well-trained aim threw a stone "out of the brook," which struck the giant's forehead, so that he fell senseless to the ground. David then ran and slew him, and cut off his head with his own sword ( 1Samuel:17). The result was a great victory to the Israelites, who pursued the Philistines to the gates of Gath and Ekron. David's popularity consequent on this heroic exploit awakened Saul's jealousy ( kjv@1Samuel:18:6-16), which he showed in various ways. He conceived a bitter hatred toward him, and by various stratagems sought his death ( 1Samuel:18-30). The deep-laid plots of the enraged king, who could not fail to observe that David "prospered exceedingly," all proved futile, and only endeared the young hero the more to the people, and very specially to Jonathan, Saul's son, between whom and David a life-long warm friendship was formed. A fugitive. To escape from the vengeance of Saul, David fled to Ramah ( kjv@1Samuel:19:12-18) to Samuel, who received him, and he dwelt among the sons of the prophets, who were there under Samuel's training. It is supposed by some that the sixth, seventh, and eleventh Psalms were composed by him at this time. This place was only 3 miles from the residence of Saul, who soon discovered whither the fugitive had gone, and tried ineffectually to bring him back. Jonathan made a fruitless effort to bring his father to a better state of mind toward David ( 1Samuel:20), who, being made aware of the fact, saw no hope of safety but in flight to a distance. We accordingly find him first at Nob (21:1-9) and then at Gath, the chief city of the Philistines. The king of the Philistines would not admit him into his service, as he expected that he would, and David accordingly now betook himself to the stronghold of Adullam (22:1-4; kjv@1Chronicles:12:8-18). Here in a short time 400 men gathered around him and acknowledged him as their leader. It was at this time that David, amid the harassment and perils of his position, cried, "Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem;" when three of his heroes broke through the lines of the Philistines and brought him the water for which he longed ( kjv@2Samuel:23:13-17), but which he would not drink. In his rage at the failure of all his efforts to seize David, Saul gave orders for the massacre of the entire priestly family at Nob, "persons who wore a linen ephod", to the number of eighty-five persons, who were put to death by Doeg the Edomite. The sad tidings of the massacre were brought to David by Abiathar, a son of Ahimelech, the only one who escaped. Comp. kjv@Psalms:52. Hearing that Keilah, a town on the western frontier, was harassed by the Philistines, David with his men relieved it ( kjv@1Samuel:23:1-14); and then, for fear of Saul, he fled to the strongholds in the "hill country" of Judah. Comp. kjv@Psalms:31. While encamped there, in the forest in the district of Ziph, he was visited by Jonathan, who spoke to him words of encouragement (23:16-18). The two now parted never to meet again. Saul continued his pursuit of David, who narrowly escaped from him at this time, and fled to the crags and ravines of Engedi, on the western shore of the Dead Sea ( kjv@1Samuel:23:29). Here Saul, who still pursued him with his army, narrowly escaped, through the generous forbearance of David, and was greatly affected by what David had done for him. He returned home from pursuing him, and David betook himself to Maon, where, with his 600 men, he maintained himself by contributions gathered from the district. Here occurred the incident connected with Nabal and his wife Abigail ( 1Samuel:25), whom David married after Nabal's death. Saul again went forth ( kjv@1Samuel:26) in pursuit of David, who had hid himself "in the hill Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon," in the wilderness of Ziph, and was a second time spared through his forbearance. He returned home, professing shame and penitence for the way in which he had treated David, and predicting his elevation to the throne. Fighting against Israel. Harassed by the necessity of moving from place to place through fear of Saul, David once more sought refuge among the Philistines ( 1Samuel:27). He was welcomed by the king, who assigned him Ziklag as his residence. Here David lived among his followers for some time as an independent chief engaged in frequent war with the Amalekites and other tribes on the south of Judah. Achish summoned David with his men to join his army against Saul; but the lords of the Philistines were suspicious of David's loyalty, and therefore he was sent back to Ziklag, which he found to his dismay may had been pillaged and burnt during his brief absence. David pursued after the raiders, the Amalekites, and completely routed them. On his return to Ziklag tidings reached him of Saul's death ( 2Samuel:1). An Amalekite brought Saul's crown and bracelet and laid them at his feet. David and his men rent their clothes and mourned for Saul, who had been defeated in battle near Mount Gilboa. David composed a beautiful elegy, the most beautiful of all extant Hebrew odes, a "lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son" ( kjv@2Samuel:1:18-27). It bore the title of "The Bow," and was to be taught to the children, that the memory of Saul and Jonathan might be preserved among them. "Behold, it is written in the book of Jasher" (q.v.). David king over Judah. David and his men now set out for Hebron under divine direction ( kjv@2Samuel:2:1-4). There they were cordially welcomed, and he was at once anointed as king. He was now about thirty years of age. But his title to the throne was not undisputed. Abner took Ish-bosheth, Saul's only remaining son, over the Jordan to Mahanaim, and there crowned him as king. Then began a civil war in Israel. The first encounter between the two opposing armies, led on the one side by Abner, and on the other by Joab, took place at the pool of Gibeon. It resulted in the defeat of Abner. Other encounters, however, between Israel and Judah followed ( kjv@2Samuel:3:1 kjv@2Samuel:3:5), but still success was on the side of David. For the space of seven and a half years David reigned in Hebron. Abner now sided with David, and sought to promote his advancement; but was treacherously put to death by Joab in revenge for his having slain his brother Asahel at Gibeon (3:22-39). This was greatly to David's regret. He mourned for the death of Abner. Shortly after this Ish-bosheth was also treacherously put to death by two Canaanites of Beeroth; and there being now no rival, David was anointed king over all Israel (4:1-12). David king over all Israel ( kjv@2Samuel:5:1-5; kjv@1Chronicles:11:1-3). The elders of Israel now repaired to Hebron and offered allegiance to David in name of all the people, among whom the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. He was anointed king over all Israel, and sought out a new seat of government, more suitable than Hebron, as the capital of his empire. At this time there was a Jebusite fortress, "the stronghold", on the hill of Zion, called also Jebus. This David took from the Jebusites, and made it Israel's capital, and established here his residence, and afterwards built for himself a palace by the aid of Tyrian tradesmen. The Philistines, who had for some time observed a kind of truce, now made war against David; but were defeated in battle at a place afterwards called, in remembrance of the victory, Baal-perazim. Again they invaded the land, and were a second time routed by him. He thus delivered Israel from their enemies. David now resolved to bring up the ark of the covenant to his new capital ( 2Samuel:6). It was in the house of Abinadab at Kirjath-jearim, about 7 miles from Jerusalem, where it had been for many years, from the time when the Philistines had sent it home ( kjv@1Samuel:6; 7). In consequence of the death of Uzzah (for it was a divine ordinance that only the Levites should handle the ark, Numbers:4), who had put forth his hand to steady the ark when the cart in which it was being conveyed shook by reason of the roughness of the road, David stayed the procession, and conveyed the ark into the house of Obed-edom, a Philistine from Gath. After three months David brought the ark from the house of Obed-edom up to Jerusalem. Comp. kjv@Psalms:24. Here it was placed in a new tent or tabernacle which David erected for the purpose. About seventy years had passed since it had stood in the tabernacle at Shiloh. The old tabernacle was now at Gibeah, at which Zadok ministered. David now ( kjv@1Chronicles:16) carefully set in order all the ritual of divine worship at Jerusalem, along with Abiathar the high priest. A new religious era began. The service of praise was for the first time introduced into public worship. Zion became henceforth "God's holy hill." David's wars. David now entered on a series of conquests which greatly extended and strengthened his kingdom ( 2Samuel:8). In a few years the whole territory from the Euphrates to the river of Egypt, and from Gaza on the west to Thapsacus on the east, was under his sway ( kjv@2Samuel:8:3-13; 10). David's fall. He had now reached the height of his glory. He ruled over a vast empire, and his capital was enriched with the spoils of many lands. But in the midst of all this success he fell, and his character became stained with the sin of adultery ( kjv@2Samuel:11:2-27). It has been noted as characteristic of the Bible that while his military triumphs are recorded in a few verses, the sad story of his fall is given in detail, a story full of warning, and therefore recorded. This crime, in the attempt to conceal it, led to anoter. He was guilty of murder. Uriah, whom he had foully wronged, an officer of the Gibborim, the corps of heros (23:39), was, by his order, "set in the front of the hottest battle" at the siege of Rabbah, in order that he might be put to death. Nathan the prophet ( kjv@2Samuel:7:1-17 kjv@2Samuel:12:1-23) was sent by God to bring home his crimes to the conscience of the guilty monarch. He became a true penitent. He bitterly bewailed his sins before God. The thirty-second and fifty-first Psalms reveal the deep struggles of his soul, and his spiritual recovery. Bathsheba became his wife after Uriah's death. Her first-born son died, according to the word of the prophet. She gave birth to a second son, whom David called Solomon, and who ultimately succeeded him on the throne ( kjv@2Samuel:12:24-25). Peace. After the successful termination of all his wars, David formed the idea of building a temple for the ark of God. This he was not permitted to carry into execution, because he had been a man of war. God, however, sent Nathan to him with a gracious message ( kjv@2Samuel:7:1-16). On receiving it he went into the sanctuary, the tent where the ark was, and sat before the Lord, and poured out his heart in words of devout thanksgiving (18-29). The building of the temple was reserved for his son Solomon, who would be a man of peace ( kjv@1Chronicles:22:9 kjv@1Chronicles:28:3). A cloudy evening. Hitherto David's carrer had been one of great prosperity and success. Now cloudy and dark days came. His eldest son Amnon, whose mother was Ahinoam of Jezreel, was guilty of a great and shameful crime ( 2Samuel:13). This was the beginning of the disasters of his later years. After two years Absalom terribly avenged the crime against Tamar, and put Amnon to death. This brought sore trouble to David's heart. Absalom, afraid of the consequences of his guilt, fled to Geshur beyond Jordan, where he remained for three years, when he was brought back through the intrigue of Joab ( 2Samuel:14). After this there fell upon the land the calamity of three years' famine ( kjv@2Samuel:21:1-14). This was soon after followed by a pestilence, brought upon the land as a punishment for David's sinful pride in numbering the people ( 2Samuel:24), in which no fewer than 70,000 perished in the space of three days. Rebellion of Absalom. The personal respect for David was sadly lowered by the incident of Bathsheba. There was a strong popular sentiment against the taking of the census, and the outburst of the plague in connection with it deepened the feeling of jealously that had begun to manifest itself among some of the tribes against David. Absalom, taking full advantage of this state of things, gradually gained over the people, and at length openly rebelled against his father, and usurped the throne. Ahithophel was Absalom's chief counsellor. The revolt began in Hebron, the capital of Judah. Absalom was there proclaimed king. David was now in imminent danger, and he left Jerusalem ( kjv@2Samuel:15:13-20), and once more became a fugitive. It was a momentous day in Israel. The incidents of it are recorded with a fulness of detail greater than of any other day in Old Testament history. David fled with his followers to Mahanarm, on the east of Jordan. An unnatural civil war broke out. After a few weeks the rival armies were mustered and organized. They met in hostile array at the wood of Ephraim ( kjv@2Samuel:18:1-8). Absalom's army was defeated, and himself put to death by the hand of Joab (9-18). The tidings of the death of his rebellious son filled the heart of David with the most poignant grief. He "went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept"

(33), giving utterance to the heart-broken cry, "Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!" Peace was now restored, and David returned to Jerusalem and resumed the direction of affairs. An unhappy dispute arose between the men of Judah and the men of Israel (19:41-43). Sheba, a Benjamite, headed a revolt of the men of Israel. He was pursued to Abelbeth-maachah, and was there put to death, and so the revolt came to an end. The end. After the suppression of the rebellion of Absalom and that of Sheba, ten comparatively peaceful years of David's life passed away. During those years he seems to have been principally engaged in accumulating treasures of every kind for the great temple at Jerusalem, which it was reserved to his successor to build ( kjv@1Chronicles:22; 28; 29), a house which was to be "exceeding magnifical, of fame and of glory throughout all countries" (22:5). The exciting and laborious life he had spent, and the dangers and trials through which he had passed, had left him an enfeebled man, prematurely old. It became apparent that his life was now drawing to its close. A new palace conspiracy broke out as to who should be his successor. Joab favoured Adonijah. The chiefs of his party met at the "Fuller's spring," in the valley of Kidron, to proclaim him king; but Nathan hastened on a decision on the part of David in favour of Solomon, and so the aim of Adonijah's party failed. Solomon was brought to Jerusalem, and was anointed king and seated on his father's throne (kjvKings:1:11-53). David's last words are a grand utterance, revealing his unfailing faith in God, and his joyful confidence in his gracious covenant promises ( kjv@2Samuel:23:1-7). After a reign of forty years and six months ( kjv@2Samuel:5:5; kjv@1Chronicles:3:4) David died (B.C. 1015) at the age of seventy years, "and was buried in the city of David." His tomb is still pointed out on Mount Zion. Both in his prophetical and in his regal character David was a type of the Messiah ( kjv@1Samuel:16:13). The book of Psalms commonly bears the title of the "Psalms of David," from the circumstance that he was the largest contributor (about eighty psalms) to the collection. (
See PSALMS.) "The greatness of David was felt when he was gone. He had lived in harmony with both the priesthood and the prophets; a sure sign that the spirit of his government had been throughly loyal to the higher aims of the theocracy. The nation had not been oppressed by him, but had been left in the free enjoyment of its ancient liberties. As far as his power went he had striven to act justly to all ( kjv@2Samuel:8:15). His weak indulgence to his sons, and his own great sin besides, had been bitterly atoned, and were forgotten at his death in the remembrance of his long-tried worth. He had reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem and seven and a half at Hebron ( kjv@2Samuel:5:5). Israel at his accession had reached the lowest point of national depression; its new-born unity rudely dissolved; its territory assailed by the Philistines. But he had left it an imperial power, with dominions like those of Egypt or Assyria. The sceptre of Solomon was already, before his father's death, owned from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, and from the Orontes to the Red Sea.", Geikie's Hours etc., iii.

David, City of @

(1.) David took from the Jebusites the fortress of Mount Zion. He "dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David" ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:7). This was the name afterwards given to the castle and royal palace on Mount Zion, as distinguished from Jerusalem generally (kjvKings:3:1; 8:1), It was on the south-west side of Jerusalem, opposite the temple mount, with which it was connected by a bridge over the Tyropoeon valley.

(2) Bethlehem is called the "city of David" kjv@Luke:2:4 kjv@Luke:2:11), because it was David's birth-place and early home ( kjv@1Samuel:17:12).

Day @ The Jews reckoned the day from sunset to sunset kjv@Leviticus:23:32). It was originally divided into three parts kjv@Psalms:55:17). "The heat of the day" ( kjv@1Samuel:11:11; kjv@Nehemiah:7:3) was at our nine o'clock, and "the cool of the day" just before sunset kjv@Genesis:3:8). Before the Captivity the Jews divided the night into three watches,

(1) from sunset to midnight kjv@Lamentations:2:19);

(2) from midnight till the cock-crowing kjv@Judges:7:19); and

(3) from the cock-crowing till sunrise kjv@Exodus:14:24). In the New Testament the division of the Greeks and Romans into four watches was adopted kjv@Mark:13:35). (
See WATCHES.) The division of the day by hours is first mentioned in kjv@Daniel:3:6 kjv@Daniel:3:15 kjv@Daniel:4:19 kjv@Daniel:5:5 . This mode of reckoning was borrowed from the Chaldeans. The reckoning of twelve hours was from sunrise to sunset, and accordingly the hours were of variable length kjv@John:11:9). The word "day" sometimes signifies an indefinite time kjv@Genesis:2:4; kjv@Isaiah:22:5; kjv@Hebrews:3:8, etc.). In kjv@Job:3:1 it denotes a birthday, and in kjv@Isaiah:2:12, kjv@Acts:17:31, and kjv@2Timothy:1:18, the great day of final judgment.

Day's journey @ The usual length of a day's journey in the East, on camel or horseback, in six or eight hours, is about 25 or 30 miles. The "three days' journey" mentioned in kjv@Exodus:3:18 is simply a journey which would occupy three days in going and returning.

Daysman @ an umpire or arbiter or judge kjv@Job:9:33). This word is formed from the Latin diem dicere, i.e., to fix a day for hearing a cause. Such an one is empowered by mutual consent to decide the cause, and to "lay his hand", i.e., to impose his authority, on both, and enforce his sentence.

Dayspring @ kjv@Job:38:12; kjv@Luke:1:78), the dawn of the morning; daybreak. (Comp. kjv@Isaiah:60:1-2; kjv@Malachi:4:2; kjv@Revelation:22:16.)

Daystar @ which precedes and accompanies the sun-rising. It is found only in kjv@2Peter:1:19, where it denotes the manifestation of Christ to the soul, imparting spiritual light and comfort. He is the "bright and morning star" of kjv@Revelation:2:28 kjv@Revelation:22:16. (Comp. kjv@Numbers:24:17.)



Daily Sacrifice, the @ Ordained in mount Sinai kjv@Numbers:28:6
A lamb as a burnt offering morning and evening kjv@Exodus:29:38 kjv@Exodus:29:39 kjv@Numbers:28:3 kjv@Numbers:28:4
Doubled on the sabbath kjv@Numbers:28:9 kjv@Numbers:28:10
Required to be
With a meat and drink offering kjv@Exodus:29:40 kjv@Exodus:29:41 kjv@Numbers:28:5-8
Slowly and entirely consumed kjv@Leviticus:6:9-12
Perpetually observed kjv@Exodus:29:42 kjv@Numbers:28:3 kjv@Numbers:28:6
Peculiarly acceptable kjv@Numbers:28:8 kjv@Psalms:141:2
Secured God's presence and favour kjv@Exodus:29:43 kjv@Exodus:29:44
Times of offering, were seasons of prayer kjv@Ezra:9:5 kjv@Daniel:9:20 kjv@Daniel:9:21 kjv@Acts:3:1
Restored after the captivity kjv@Ezra:3:3
The abolition of, foretold kjv@Daniel:9:26 kjv@Daniel:9:27 kjv@Daniel:11:31
Illustrative of
Christ kjv@John:1:29 kjv@John:1:36 kjv@1Peter:1:19
Acceptable prayer kjv@Psalms:141:2

Dan, the Tribe Of @ Descended from Jacob's fifth son kjv@Genesis:30:6
Predictions respecting kjv@Genesis:49:16 kjv@Genesis:49:17 kjv@Deuteronomy:33:22
Persons selected from
To number the people kjv@Numbers:1:12
To spy out the land kjv@Numbers:13:12
To divide the land kjv@Numbers:34:22
Strength of, on leaving Egypt kjv@Numbers:1:38 kjv@Numbers:1:39
Led the fourth and last division of Israel kjv@Numbers:2:31 kjv@Numbers:10:25
Encamped north of the tabernacle kjv@Numbers:2:25
Offering of, at dedication kjv@Numbers:7:66-71
Families of kjv@Numbers:26:42
Strength of, entering Canaan kjv@Numbers:26:43
On Ebal, said amen to the curses kjv@Deuteronomy:27:13
Bounds of its inheritance kjv@Joshua:19:40-46
A commercial people kjv@Judges:5:17 kjv@Ezekiel:27:19
Restricted to the hills by Amorites kjv@Judges:1:34
A part of
Sent to seek new settlements kjv@Judges:18:1 kjv@Judges:18:2
Tool Laish and called it Dan kjv@Joshua:19:47 kjv@Judges:18:8-13 kjv@Judges:18:27-29
Plundered Michah of his idols and his ephod kjv@Judges:18:17-21 kjv@Judges:18:27
Set up Micah's idols in Dan kjv@Judges:18:30 kjv@Judges:18:31
Reproved for not aiding against Sisera kjv@Judges:5:17
Samson was of kjv@Judges:13:2 kjv@Judges:13:24 kjv@Judges:13:25
Some of, at coronation of David kjv@1Chronicles:12:35
Ruler appointed over, by David kjv@1Chronicles:27:22

Darkness @ Created by God kjv@Psalms:104:20 kjv@Isaiah:45:7
Originally covered the earth kjv@Genesis:1:2
Separated from the light kjv@Genesis:1:4
Called night kjv@Genesis:1:5
Caused by the setting of the sun kjv@Genesis:15:17 kjv@John:6:17
Inexplicable nature of kjv@Job:38:19 kjv@Job:38:20
Exhibits God's power and greatness kjv@Job:38:8 kjv@Job:38:9
Degrees of, mentioned
Great kjv@Genesis:15:12
That may be felt kjv@Exodus:10:21
Thick kjv@Deuteronomy:5:22 kjv@Joel:2:2
Gross kjv@Jeremiah:13:16
Outer or extreme kjv@Matthew:8:12
Effects of
Keeps us from seeing objects kjv@Exodus:10:23
Causes us to go astray kjv@John:12:35 kjv@1John:2:11
Causes us to stumble kjv@Isaiah:59:10
Often put for night kjv@Psalms:91:6
Called the swaddling band of the sea kjv@Job:38:9
Cannot hide us from God kjv@Psalms:139:11 kjv@Psalms:139:12
The wicked
The children of kjv@1Thessalonians:5:5
Live in kjv@Psalms:107:10
Walk in kjv@Psalms:82:5
Perpetuate their designs in kjv@Job:24:16
Are full of kjv@Matthew:6:23
On mount Sinai kjv@Exodus:19:16 kjv@Hebrews:12:18
Over the land of Egypt kjv@Exodus:10:21 kjv@Exodus:10:22
At the death of Christ kjv@Matthew:27:45
Before the destruction of Jerusalem kjv@Matthew:24:29
Illustrative of
Greatness and unsearchableness of God kjv@Exodus:20:21 kjv@2Samuel:22:10 kjv@2Samuel:22:12 kjv@1Kings:8:12 kjv@Psalms:97:2
Abstruse and deep subjects kjv@Job:28:3
Secrecy kjv@Isaiah:45:19 kjv@Matthew:10:27
Ignorance and error kjv@Job:37:19 kjv@Isaiah:60:2 kjv@John:1:5 kjv@John:3:19 kjv@John:12:35 kjv@Acts:26:18
Anything hateful kjv@Job:3:4-9
A course of sin kjv@Proverbs:2:13 kjv@Ephesians:5:11
Heavy afflictions kjv@Job:23:17 kjv@Psalms:112:4 kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:17 kjv@Isaiah:5:30 kjv@Isaiah:8:22 kjv@Isaiah:59:9
The power of Satan kjv@Ephesians:6:12 kjv@Colossians:1:13
The grave kjv@1Samuel:2:9 kjv@Job:10:21 kjv@Job:10:22
The punishment of devils and wicked men kjv@Matthew:22:13 kjv@2Peter:2:4 kjv@2Peter:2:17 kjv@Jude:1:6 kjv@Jude:1:13

Day @ The light first called kjv@Genesis:1:5
Natural, from evening to evening kjv@Genesis:1:5 kjv@Leviticus:23:32
Artificial, the time of the sun's continuance above the horizon kjv@Genesis:31:39 kjv@Genesis:31:40 kjv@Nehemiah:4:21 kjv@Nehemiah:4:22
Prophetical, a year kjv@Ezekiel:4:6 kjv@Daniel:12:12
Artificial, divided into
Break of kjv@Genesis:32:24 kjv@Genesis:32:26 kjv@Songs:2:17
Morning kjv@Exodus:29:39 kjv@2Samuel:23:4
Noon kjv@Genesis:43:16 kjv@Psalms:55:17
Decline of kjv@Judges:19:8 kjv@Judges:19:9 kjv@Luke:9:12 kjv@Luke:24:29
Evening kjv@Genesis:8:11 kjv@Psalms:104:23 kjv@Jeremiah:6:4
Sometimes divided into four parts kjv@Nehemiah:9:3
Later subdivided into twelve hours kjv@Matthew:20:3 kjv@Matthew:20:5 kjv@Matthew:20:6 kjv@John:11:9
Time of, ascertained by the dial kjv@2Kings:20:11
Succession of, secured by covenant kjv@Genesis:8:22
Made for the glory of God kjv@Psalms:74:16
Proclaims the glory of God kjv@Psalms:19:2
Under the control of God kjv@Amos:5:8 kjv@Amos:8:9
A time of judgment called a day of
Anger kjv@Lamentations:2:21
Wrath kjv@Job:20:28 kjv@Zephaniah:1:15 kjv@Zephaniah:1:18 kjv@Romans:2:5
Visitation kjv@Micah:7:4
Destruction kjv@Job:21:30
Darkness kjv@Joel:2:2 kjv@Zephaniah:1:15
Trouble kjv@Psalms:102:2
Calamity kjv@Deuteronomy:32:35 kjv@Jeremiah:18:17
Adversity kjv@Proverbs:24:10
Vengeance kjv@Proverbs:6:34 kjv@Isaiah:61:2
Slaughter kjv@Isaiah:30:25 kjv@Jeremiah:12:3
Evil kjv@Jeremiah:17:17 kjv@Amos:6:3 kjv@Ephesians:6:13
The Lord kjv@Isaiah:2:12 kjv@Isaiah:13:6 kjv@Zephaniah:1:14
A time of mercy called a day of
Salvation kjv@2Corinthians:6:2
Redemption kjv@Ephesians:4:30
Visitation kjv@Jeremiah:27:22 kjv@1Peter:2:12
God's power kjv@Psalms:110:3
A time of festivity called a
Good day kjv@Esther:8:17 kjv@Esther:9:19
Day of good tidings kjv@2Kings:7:9
Day which the Lord has made kjv@Psalms:118:24
Solemn day kjv@Numbers:10:10 kjv@Hosea:9:5
Day of gladness kjv@Numbers:10:10
The time for labour kjv@Psalms:104:22
Wild beasts hide during kjv@Psalms:104:22
Illustrative of
Time of judgment kjv@1Corinthians:3:13 kjv@1Corinthians:4:3
Spiritual light kjv@1Thessalonians:5:5 kjv@1Thessalonians:5:8 kjv@2Peter:1:19
The path of the just kjv@Proverbs:4:18




- A place on the boundary line of the territory of the tribe of Zebulun kjv@Joshua:19:11

- Also called DABAREH
- A town of Issachar kjv@Joshua:19:12; kjv@Joshua:21:28
- Assigned to the Levites kjv@1Chronicles:6:72

- A short sword kjv@Judges:3:16-22

- An idol of the Philistines kjv@Judges:16:23; 1Samuel:5
- Temple of kjv@1Chronicles:10:10

- Sacrificial kjv@Exodus:29:38-42; kjv@Exodus:30:7-9; kjv@Numbers:28:3-8; kjv@Ezra:3:4-6; kjv@Ezekiel:46:13-15; kjv@Daniel:9:21-26 kjv@Daniel:9:27; kjv@Daniel:11:31; kjv@Acts:3:1

- FIGURATIVE kjv@John:1:29 kjv@John:1:36 kjv@1Peter:1:19


- A town on the west coast of the Sea of Galilee kjv@Mark:8:10

- A country on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea kjv@2Timothy:4:10

- Son of Haman kjv@Esther:9:7

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Exodus:21:18-19 kjv@Exodus:21:22 kjv@Exodus:21:28-34; kjv@Deuteronomy:22:13-19 kjv@Deuteronomy:22:Leviticus:6:1-5; 28, 29

- A female convert of Athens kjv@Acts:17:34

- An ancient city kjv@Genesis:14:15; kjv@Genesis:15:2
- Capital of Syria kjv@1Kings:20:34; kjv@Isaiah:7:8; kjv@Jeremiah:49:23-29; kjv@Ezekiel:47:16-17
- Laid under tribute to David kjv@2Samuel:8:5-6
- Besieged by Rezon kjv@1Kings:11:23-24
- Recovered by Jeroboam kjv@2Kings:14:28
- Taken by king of Assyria kjv@2Kings:16:9
- Walled kjv@Jeremiah:49:27; kjv@2Corinthians:11:33
- Garrisoned kjv@2Corinthians:11:32
- Luxury in kjv@Amos:3:12
- Paul's experiences in kjv@Acts:9; Amos:22:5-16; kjv@Amos:26:12-20; kjv@2Corinthians:11:32; kjv@Galatians:1:17
- Prophecies concerning kjv@Isaiah:8:4; kjv@Isaiah:17:1-2; kjv@Jeremiah:49:23-29; kjv@Amos:1:3-5; kjv@Zechariah:9:1
- Wilderness of kjv@1Kings:19:15



-1. Fifth son of Jacob and Bilhah kjv@Genesis:30:6; kjv@Genesis:35:25 .Descendants of kjv@Genesis:46:23; kjv@Numbers:26:42-43 .
See TRIBE OF, below .Blessed of Jacob kjv@Genesis:49:16-17

-2. TRIBE OF .Census of kjv@Numbers:1:39; kjv@Numbers:26:42-43 .Inheritance of, according to the allotment of Joshua kjv@Joshua:19:40-47 .Of Ezekiel kjv@Ezekiel:48:1 .Position of, in journey and camp, during the exodus kjv@Numbers:2:25 kjv@Numbers:2:31 kjv@Numbers:10:25 .Blessed by Moses kjv@Deuteronomy:33:22 .Fail to conquer the Amorites kjv@Judges:1:34-35 .Conquests by kjv@Joshua:19:47; kjv@Judges:18:27-29 .Deborah rebukes, for their cowardice kjv@Judges:5:17 .Idolatry of Judges:18 .Commerce of kjv@Judges:5:17; kjv@Ezekiel:27:19 .

-3. A city of the tribe of Dan .Also called LAISH, and LESHEM kjv@Genesis:14:14; kjv@Deuteronomy:34:1; kjv@Judges:20:1; kjv@Jeremiah:8:16 .Captured by the people of Dan kjv@Joshua:19:47 .Idolatry established at kjv@Judges:18; 1Kings:12:28-29; kjv@Amos:8:14 .Capture by Ben-hadad kjv@1Kings:15:20; kjv@2Chronicles:16:4

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@Exodus:32:19; kjv@Judges:11:34; kjv@Judges:21:19-21; kjv@1Samuel:18:6; kjv@1Samuel:21:11; kjv@1Samuel:30:16; kjv@2Samuel:6:14-16; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Psalms:30:11; kjv@Psalms:149:3; kjv@Psalms:150:4; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4; kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:13 kjv@Lamentations:5:15; kjv@Matthew:11:17; kjv@Luke:15:23-25
- Herodias dances in the presence of Herod (Antipas) kjv@Matthew:14:6; kjv@Mark:6:22
- Idolatrous kjv@Exodus:32:19 kjv@Exodus:32:25


-1. A Jewish captive, also called BELTESHAZZAR .Educated at king's court Daniel:1 .Interprets visions kjv@Daniel:2; 4; 5 .Promotion and executive authority of kjv@Daniel:2:48-49; kjv@Daniel:5:11-29; kjv@Daniel:6:2 .Conspiracy against, cast into the lions' den Daniel:6 .Prophecies of kjv@Daniel:4:8-9; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; kjv@Matthew:24:15 .Abstinence of kjv@Daniel:1:8-16 .Wisdom of kjv@Daniel:1:17; kjv@Ezekiel:28:3 .Devoutness of kjv@Daniel:2:18; 6; 9; 10; 12; kjv@Ezekiel:14:14 .Courage and fidelity of kjv@Daniel:4:27; kjv@Daniel:5:17-23; kjv@Daniel:6:10-23 .Worshiped by Nebuchadnezzar kjv@Daniel:2:6

-2. David's son .Also called CHILEAB kjv@2Samuel:3:3; kjv@1Chronicles:3:1

-3. A descendant of Ithamar, and a companion of Ezra kjv@Ezra:8:2; kjv@Nehemiah:10:6


- JAAN @
- A place near the source of the Jordan River kjv@2Samuel:24:6

- A city in the mountains of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:49


- Also called DARA
- A famous wise man kjv@1Kings:4:31; kjv@1Chronicles:2:6


-1. The Mede, king of Persia kjv@Daniel:5:31; 6; kjv@Daniel:9:1

-2. King of Persia .Emancipates the Jews kjv@Ezra:5; 6; kjv@Haggai:1:1 kjv@Haggai:1:15 kjv@Zechariah:1:1

-3. The Persian kjv@Nehemiah:12:22

- Over the face of the earth kjv@Genesis:1:2; kjv@Job:38:9; kjv@Jeremiah:4:23
- Called NIGHT kjv@Genesis:1:5
- God creates kjv@Isaiah:45:7
- Miraculous .In Egypt kjv@Exodus:10:21-22; kjv@Psalms:105:28 .At Mount Sinai kjv@Exodus:20:21; kjv@Hebrews:12:18 .At the crucifixion kjv@Matthew:27:45; kjv@Mark:15:33

- A servant of Solomon kjv@Ezra:2:56; kjv@Nehemiah:7:58

- A light javelin kjv@Numbers:25:7; kjv@1Samuel:18:10; kjv@2Samuel:18:14; kjv@Job:41:29

- FIGURATIVE kjv@Ephesians:6:16

- A fruit, (margin) kjv@2Chronicles:31:5

- A conspirator against Moses kjv@Numbers:16:1-35; kjv@Numbers:26:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:6; kjv@Psalms:106:17

- Forbidden to be wife of her mother's husband kjv@Leviticus:20:14
- Sold in concubinage kjv@Exodus:21:7-10
- Given in marriage by parents kjv@Judges:1:12-13; kjv@1Samuel:17:25; kjv@1Samuel:18:20-21
- Property rights of kjv@Numbers:27:1-11; 36; kjv@Joshua:17:3-6; kjv@Ruth:4:3
- Used also for granddaughter kjv@Genesis:36:2


- IN

- LAW @

- FILIAL .INSTANCE OF, Ruth kjv@Ruth:1:11-18; kjv@Ruth:4:15

- UNFILIAL .Prophecy of kjv@Micah:7:6; kjv@Matthew:10:35


-1. King of Israel .Genealogy of kjv@Ruth:4:18-22; kjv@1Samuel:16:11; kjv@1Samuel:17:12; kjv@1Chronicles:2:3-15; kjv@Matthew:1:1-6; kjv@Luke:3:31-38 .A shepherd kjv@1Samuel:16:11 .Kills a lion and a bear kjv@1Samuel:17:34-36 .Anointed king, while a youth, by the prophet Samuel, and inspired kjv@1Samuel:16:1 kjv@1Samuel:16:13 kjv@Psalms:89:19-37 .Chosen of God kjv@Psalms:78:70 .Described to Saul kjv@1Samuel:16:18 .Detailed as armor-bearer and musician at Saul's court kjv@1Samuel:16:21-23 .Kills Goliath 1Samuel:17 .The love of Jonathan for kjv@1Samuel:18:1-4 .Popularity and discreetness of 1Samuel:18 .Saul's jealousy of kjv@1Samuel:18:8-30 .Is defrauded of Merab, and given Michal to marry kjv@1Samuel:18:17-27 .Jonathan intercedes for kjv@1Samuel:19:1-7 .Probably writes Psalms Eleven at this period of his life kjv@Psalms:17; 35; 52; 58; 64; 109; 142 .Conducts a campaign against, and defeats the Philistines kjv@1Samuel:19:8 .Saul attempts to kill him; he escapes to Ramah, and lives at Naioth, where Saul pursues him kjv@1Samuel:19:9-24 .About this time writes Psalms:59 .Returns, and Jonathan makes covenant with him 1Samuel:20 .Escapes by way of Nob, where he obtains shewbread and Goliath's sword from Abimelech kjv@1Samuel:21:1-6; kjv@Matthew:12:3-4 .Escapes to Gath kjv@1Samuel:21:10-15 .At this time probably writes kjv@Psalms:34; 35; 52; 56; 120 .Recruits an army of insurgents, goes to Moab, returns to Hareth 1Samuel:22 .Probably writes Psalms:13 .Saves Keilah kjv@1Samuel:23:1-13 .Makes second covenant with Jonathan kjv@1Samuel:23:16-18 .Goes to the wilderness of Ziph, is betrayed to Saul kjv@1Samuel:23:13-26 .Writes a psalm on the betrayal Psalms:54 .And probably kjv@Psalms:22; 31; 34; 140 .Saul is diverted from pursuit of kjv@1Samuel:23:27-28 .At this time probably writes kjv@Psalms:12; 22 .Goes to En-gedi kjv@1Samuel:23:29 .Refrains from killing Saul 1Samuel:24 .Writes Psalms:57 .Covenants with Saul 1Samuel:26 .Marries Nabal's widow, Abigail, and Ahinoam 1Samuel:25 .Lives in the wilderness of Ziph, has opportunity to kill Saul, but only takes his spear; Saul is contrite 1Samuel:26 .Flees to Achish and lives in Ziklag 1Samuel:27 .The list of men who join him kjv@1Chronicles:12:1-22 .Conducts an expedition against Amalekites, misstates the facts to Achish kjv@1Samuel:27:8-12 .At this time probably writes Psalms:141 .Is refused permission to accompany the Philistines to battle against the Israelites kjv@1Samuel:28:1-2; 29 .Rescues the people of Ziklag, who had been captured by the Amalekites 1Samuel:30 .Probably writes kjv@Psalms:18; 20; 21 .Death and burial of Saul and his sons kjv@1Samuel:31; 2Samuel:21:1-14 .Kills the murderer of Saul kjv@2Samuel:1:1-16 .Lamentation over Saul kjv@2Samuel:1:17-27 .After living for one year and four months at Ziklag kjv@1Samuel:27:7 .David goes to Hebron, and is anointed king by Judah kjv@2Samuel:2:1-4 kjv@2Samuel:2:11 kjv@2Samuel:5:5; kjv@1Kings:2:11; kjv@1Chronicles:3:4; kjv@1Chronicles:11:1-3 .The list of those who join him at Hebron kjv@1Chronicles:12:23-40 .Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, crowned kjv@2Samuel:2:4 .David wages war against and defeats Ish-bosheth kjv@2Samuel:2:13-32; kjv@2Samuel:3:4 .Demands the restoration of Michal, his wife kjv@2Samuel:3:14-16 .Abner revolts from Ish-bosheth, and joins David, but is killed by Joab 2Samuel:3 .Punishes Ish-bosheth's murderers 2Samuel:4 .Anointed king over all Israel, after reigning over Judah at Hebron for seven years and six months, and reigns thirty-three years kjv@2Samuel:2:11; kjv@2Samuel:5:5; kjv@1Chronicles:3:4; kjv@1Chronicles:11:1-3; kjv@1Chronicles:12:23-40; kjv@1Chronicles:29:27 .Makes conquest of Jerusalem kjv@2Samuel:5:6; kjv@1Chronicles:11:4-8; kjv@Isaiah:29:1 .Builds a palace kjv@2Samuel:5:11; kjv@2Chronicles:2:3 .Friendship of, with Hiram, king of Tyre kjv@2Samuel:5:11; kjv@1Kings:5:1 .Prospered of God kjv@2Samuel:5:10; kjv@1Chronicles:11:9 .Fame of kjv@1Chronicles:14:17 .Philistines make war against, and are defeated by him kjv@2Samuel:5:17 kjv@2Samuel:5:25 .Assembles thirty-thousand men to escort the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem with music and thanksgiving kjv@2Samuel:6:1-5 .Uzzah is struck down when he attempts to steady the ark of the covenant kjv@2Samuel:6:6-11 .David is terrified, and leaves the ark at the house of Obed-edom kjv@2Samuel:6:9-11 .After three months, David brings the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem with dancing and great joy kjv@2Samuel:6:12-16; 1Chronicles:13 .Organized the tabernacle service kjv@1Chronicles:9:22; kjv@1Chronicles:15:16-24; kjv@1Chronicles:16:4-6 kjv@1Chronicles:16:37-43 .Offers sacrifice, distributes gifts, and blesses the people kjv@2Samuel:6:17-19 .Michal rebukes him for his religious enthusiasm kjv@2Samuel:6:20-23 .Desires to build a temple, is forbidden, but receives God's promise that his seed should

-2. A prophetic name for Christ kjv@Jeremiah:30:9; kjv@Ezekiel:34:23-24; kjv@Ezekiel:37:24-25; kjv@Hosea:3:5

- A creative period kjv@Genesis:1:5 kjv@Genesis:1:8, 13, 19, 23, 31; kjv@Genesis:2:2
- Divided into twelve hours kjv@John:11:9
- Prophetic kjv@2Peter:3:8; kjv@Daniel:8:14; kjv@Daniel:9:24-27; kjv@Daniel:12:11-12; kjv@Revelation:11:3; kjv@Revelation:9:15; kjv@Revelation:12:6
- Six working days ordained kjv@Exodus:20:9; kjv@Ezekiel:46:1
- Th sixth day of the week called preparation day kjv@John:19:14 kjv@John:19:Mark:15:42; 31, 42
- The first day of the week called the Lord's day kjv@Revelation:1:10
- Day's journey, eighteen or twenty miles kjv@Exodus:3:18; kjv@1Kings:19:4; kjv@Jonah:3:4
- Sabbath day's journey, about two-thousand paces kjv@Acts:1:12
- The seventh of the week ordained as a day of rest .
- Times of adversity called Day of the Lord kjv@Isaiah:2:12; kjv@Isaiah:13:6 kjv@Isaiah:13:9 kjv@Isaiah:34:8; kjv@Jeremiah:46:10; kjv@Lamentations:2:22; kjv@Ezekiel:30:3; kjv@Amos:5:18; kjv@Joel:2:1; kjv@Obadiah:1:15; kjv@Zephaniah:1:8 kjv@Zephaniah:1:18 kjv@Zephaniah:2:2-3; kjv@Zechariah:14:1

- JUDGMENT .Called THE DAY OF THE LORD kjv@Malachi:4:5; kjv@1Corinthians:5:5; kjv@2Corinthians:1:14; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:2; kjv@2Peter:3:10 .
See JUDGMENT .A figure of spiritual illumination kjv@Proverbs:4:18; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:8

- A mediator kjv@Job:9:33

- Figurative of spiritual life kjv@2Peter:1:19


kjv@STRING:Abda <HITCHCOCK>@ a servant; servitude - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abidah <HITCHCOCK>@ father of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abidan <HITCHCOCK>@ father of judgment - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abinadab <HITCHCOCK>@ father of a vow, or of willingness - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aceldama <HITCHCOCK>@ field of blood - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adadah <HITCHCOCK>@ testimony of the assembly - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adah <HITCHCOCK>@ an assembly - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the witness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adaliah <HITCHCOCK>@ one that draws water; poverty; cloud; death - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adam <HITCHCOCK>@ earthy; red - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adamah <HITCHCOCK>@ red earth; of blood - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adami <HITCHCOCK>@ my man; red; earthy; human - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adar <HITCHCOCK>@ high; eminent - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Addon <HITCHCOCK>@ basis; foundation; the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahihud <HITCHCOCK>@ brother of vanity, or of darkness, or of joy, or of praise; <HITCHCOCK>@ witty brother - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahinadab <HITCHCOCK>@ a willing brother; brother of a vow - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Almodad <HITCHCOCK>@ measure of God - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aminadab <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Amminadab - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ammi-nadab <HITCHCOCK>@ my people is liberal - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ammishaddai <HITCHCOCK>@ the people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with me - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Asnapper <HITCHCOCK>@ unhappiness; increase of danger - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ataroth-addar <HITCHCOCK>@ crowns of power - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Baladan <HITCHCOCK>@ one without judgment - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bathsheba <HITCHCOCK>@ the seventh daughter; the daughter of satiety - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bedad <HITCHCOCK>@ alone; solitary - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bedan <HITCHCOCK>@ according to judgment - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beeliada <HITCHCOCK>@ an open idol - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Benhadad <HITCHCOCK>@ son of Hadad, or noise - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Berodach-baladan <HITCHCOCK>@ the son of death - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beth-dagon <HITCHCOCK>@ the house of corn, or of fish - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bethesda <HITCHCOCK>@ house of pity or mercy - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bethsaida <HITCHCOCK>@ house of fruits, or of food, or of snares - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bildad <HITCHCOCK>@ old friendship - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bithiah <HITCHCOCK>@ daughter of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Candace <HITCHCOCK>@ who possesses contrition - HITCHCOCK-C


kjv@STRING:Clauda <HITCHCOCK>@ a lamentable voice - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Dabareh <HITCHCOCK>@ the word; the thing; a bee; obedient - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dabbasheth <HITCHCOCK>@ flowing with honey - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Daberath <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Dabareh - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dagon <HITCHCOCK>@ corn; a fish - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dalaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the poor of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dalmanutha <HITCHCOCK>@ a bucket; a branch - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dalmatia <HITCHCOCK>@ deceitful lamps; vain brightness - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dalphon <HITCHCOCK>@ the house of caves - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Damaris <HITCHCOCK>@ a little woman - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Damascus <HITCHCOCK>@ a sack full of blood; the similitude of burning - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dan <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment; he that judges - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Daniel <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment of God; God my judge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dannah <HITCHCOCK>@ judging - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Darah <HITCHCOCK>@ generation; house of the shepherd or of the companion - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Darda <HITCHCOCK>@ home of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Darius <HITCHCOCK>@ he that informs himself - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Darkon <HITCHCOCK>@ of generation; of possession - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dathan <HITCHCOCK>@ laws or rites - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:David <HITCHCOCK>@ well-beloved, dear - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dedan <HITCHCOCK>@ their breasts; friendship; a judge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dedanim <HITCHCOCK>@ the descendants of Dedan - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dibon <HITCHCOCK>@ abundance of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dibon-gad <HITCHCOCK>@ great understanding; abundance of sons - HITCHCOCK-D


kjv@STRING:Eladah <HITCHCOCK>@ the eternity of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Eldaah <HITCHCOCK>@ knowledge of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Eldad <HITCHCOCK>@ favored of God; love of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Eliada <HITCHCOCK>@ knowledge of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Elidad <HITCHCOCK>@ beloved of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Elmodam <HITCHCOCK>@ the God of measure, or of the garment - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Emims <HITCHCOCK>@ fears; terrors; formidable; people - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Eneas <HITCHCOCK>@ laudable - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:En-haddah <HITCHCOCK>@ quick sight; well of gladness - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Enon <HITCHCOCK>@ cloud; mass of darkness; fountain; eye - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Epenetus <HITCHCOCK>@ laudable; worthy of praise - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Ephes-dammim <HITCHCOCK>@ effusion of blood - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Esrom <HITCHCOCK>@ dart of joy; division of a song - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Evil-merodach <HITCHCOCK>@ the fool of Merodach; the fool grinds bitterly - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Gadarenes <HITCHCOCK>@ men of Gadara, i-G.e., a place surrounded or walled - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Gudgodah <HITCHCOCK>@ happiness - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Hadad <HITCHCOCK>@ joy; noise; clamor - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hadadezer <HITCHCOCK>@ beauty of assistance - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hadadrimmon <HITCHCOCK>@ invocation to the god Rimmon - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hadar <HITCHCOCK>@ power; greatness - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hadarezer <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Hadadezer - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hadashah <HITCHCOCK>@ news; a month - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hadassah <HITCHCOCK>@ a myrtle; joy - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hammedatha <HITCHCOCK>@ he that troubles the law - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Haradah <HITCHCOCK>@ well of great fear - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hazar-addar <HITCHCOCK>@ an imprisoned generation - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hazargaddah <HITCHCOCK>@ imprisoned band - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hebrews <HITCHCOCK>@ descendants of Heber - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Henadad <HITCHCOCK>@ grace of the beloved - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hezron <HITCHCOCK>@ the dart of joy; the division of the song - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hiddai <HITCHCOCK>@ a praise; a cry - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hodaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the praise of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hoglah <HITCHCOCK>@ his festival or dance - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Huldah <HITCHCOCK>@ the world - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Idalah <HITCHCOCK>@ the hand of slander, or of cursing - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Igdaliah <HITCHCOCK>@ the greatness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Irshemesh <HITCHCOCK>@ a city of bondage - HITCHCOCK-I


kjv@STRING:Jadau <HITCHCOCK>@ his hand; his confession - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jedaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the hand of the Lord; confessing the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jedidah <HITCHCOCK>@ well beloved; amiable - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoadah <HITCHCOCK>@ passing over; testimony of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoaddan <HITCHCOCK>@ pleasure, or time, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoiada <HITCHCOCK>@ knowledge of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehozadak <HITCHCOCK>@ justice of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jemima <HITCHCOCK>@ handsome as the day - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jew <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Judah - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jonadab <HITCHCOCK>@ who gives liberally - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jordan <HITCHCOCK>@ the river of judgment - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Judah <HITCHCOCK>@ the praise of the Lord; confession - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Judith <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Judah - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Kedar <HITCHCOCK>@ blackness; sorrow - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Laadah <HITCHCOCK>@ to assemble together; to testify; passing over - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Laadan <HITCHCOCK>@ for pleasure; devouring; judgment - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Maadai <HITCHCOCK>@ pleasant; testifying - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Madai <HITCHCOCK>@ a measure; judging; a garment - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Magdala <HITCHCOCK>@ tower; greatness - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Magdalene <HITCHCOCK>@ a person from Magdala - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahanehdan <HITCHCOCK>@ tents of judgment - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Makkedah <HITCHCOCK>@ worshiping; burning; raised; crookedness - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Medad <HITCHCOCK>@ he that measures; water of love - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Medan <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment; process - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mehida <HITCHCOCK>@ a riddle; sharpness of wit - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mejarkon <HITCHCOCK>@ the waters of Jordan - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Merodach <HITCHCOCK>@ bitter contrition - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Merodach-baladan <HITCHCOCK>@ bitter contrition, without judgment - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Metheg-ammah <HITCHCOCK>@ bridle of bondage - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Migdalel <HITCHCOCK>@ tower of God - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Migdalgad <HITCHCOCK>@ tower compassed about - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mithredath <HITCHCOCK>@ breaking the law - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Moladah <HITCHCOCK>@ birth; generation - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Nadab <HITCHCOCK>@ free and voluntary gift; prince - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nebuzar-adan <HITCHCOCK>@ fruits or prophecies of judgment - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nedabiah <HITCHCOCK>@ prince or vow of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nekoda <HITCHCOCK>@ painted; inconstant - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nimshi <HITCHCOCK>@ rescued from danger - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nisan <HITCHCOCK>@ standard; miracle - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Noah <HITCHCOCK>@ that quavers or totters -N(Zelophehad's daughter) - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Nodab <HITCHCOCK>@ vowing of his own accord - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Ophel <HITCHCOCK>@ a tower; darkness; small white cloud - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Padan-aram <HITCHCOCK>@ cultivated field or table-land - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Parshandatha <HITCHCOCK>@ given by prayer - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pasdammin <HITCHCOCK>@ portion or diminishing of blood - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pedahzur <HITCHCOCK>@ strong or powerful savior; stone of redemption - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pedaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ redemption of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Perida <HITCHCOCK>@ separation; division - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Peruda <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Perida - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pilate <HITCHCOCK>@ armed with a dart - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Raddai <HITCHCOCK>@ ruling; coming down - HITCHCOCK-R


kjv@STRING:Rhodes <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Rhoda - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Shemida <HITCHCOCK>@ name of knowledge; that puts knowledge - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shiloh -S(name of a city) <HITCHCOCK>@ peace; abundance - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Succoth-benoth <HITCHCOCK>@ the tents of daughters, or young women; or prostitutes - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Tahpenes <HITCHCOCK>@ standard; flight; temptation - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Theudas <HITCHCOCK>@ flowing with water - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tidal <HITCHCOCK>@ that breaks the yoke; knowledge of elevation - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Toah <HITCHCOCK>@ weapon; dart - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tob-adonijah <HITCHCOCK>@ my good God; the goodness of the foundation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Ummah <HITCHCOCK>@ darkened; covered; his people - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Zebedee <HITCHCOCK>@ abundant; portion - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zebudah <HITCHCOCK>@ endowed; endowing - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zedad <HITCHCOCK>@ his side; his hunting - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zeredah <HITCHCOCK>@ ambush; change of dominion - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zurishaddai <HITCHCOCK>@ the Almighty is my rock and strength - HITCHCOCK-Z


DAMASCUS @ a city of Syria- kjv@2Samuel:8:6; kjv@1Kings:11:24; kjv@2Kings:5:12; kjv@Acts:9:2; kjv@Acts:22:6; kjv@Acts:26:20; kjv@Galatians:1:17


(1) Son of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:30:6; kjv@Genesis:49:16; kjv@Exodus:1:4; kjv@Numbers:26:42

(2) Town of- kjv@Joshua:19:47; kjv@1Kings:12:29; kjv@1Kings:15:20; kjv@2Chronicles:30:5

(3) Tribe of- kjv@Numbers:1:39; kjv@Joshua:19:48; kjv@Judges:18:30


(1) Worldly- kjv@Exodus:32:19; kjv@Judges:11:34; kjv@Judges:21:21; kjv@1Samuel:30:16; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:4; kjv@Mark:6:22

(2) Before the Lord- kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@2Samuel:6:14; kjv@Psalms:149:3; kjv@Psalms:150:4

DANIEL @ carried captive to Babylon, one of the greater prophets

(1) General References to- kjv@Daniel:1:6; kjv@Daniel:2:14; kjv@Daniel:5:17; kjv@Daniel:6:10,21; kjv@Daniel:9:2; kjv@Daniel:12:4; kjv@Ezekiel:14:14; kjv@Ezekiel:28:3

(2) Characteristics of
- Selfcontrol kjv@Daniel:1:8; kjv@Daniel:10:3 Courage kjv@Daniel:5:22,23 Integrity kjv@Daniel:6:4 Prayerfulness kjv@Daniel:2:17,18; kjv@Daniel:6:10 Humility kjv@Daniel:10:17 Spiritual Vision Daniel:7:9-12; target="27;7;9-12">Daniel:10:5,6


(1) Median King of Persia- kjv@Daniel:5:31; kjv@Daniel:6:1,25; kjv@Daniel:9:1

(2) Emancipator of Israel- kjv@Ezra:5:6; kjv@Ezra:6:1; kjv@Haggai:1:1; kjv@Zechariah:1:1

(3) King of Persia- kjv@Nehemiah:12:22

DARK DAYS @ kjv@2Samuel:22:29; kjv@Job:19:8; kjv@Job:30:26; kjv@Psalms:88:6; kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:8; kjv@Isaiah:24:11; kjv@Micah:7:8 kjv@Luke:22:53; kjv@John:8:12; kjv@John:16:20; kjv@Acts:27:20 Tribulation, AFFLICTIONS

DATHAN AND ABIRAM @ destroyed for their rebellion- kjv@Numbers:16:1,12,27

DAVID @ king and poet, General References to- kjv@Ruth:4:22; kjv@1Samuel:16:13; kjv@1Samuel:17:14,50; kjv@1Samuel:18:1,29; kjv@2Samuel:7:5; kjv@2Samuel:18:33; kjv@2Samuel:24:1; kjv@1Kings:2:10
"Israel's Versatile King" Beautiful- kjv@1Samuel:16:12 Divinely Chosen- kjv@1Samuel:16:13 Courageous- 1Samuel:17:3436 A Champion kjv@1Samuel:17:40 A great soldier- kjv@2Samuel:5:7 Forbidden to build the temple, because a man of war- kjv@1Chronicles:28:3 A Poet, see Psalms 8, 19, 23, &c. &c. General trend of his life spiritual- kjv@1Samuel:13:14; kjv@1Kings:15:5 Was led by passion to violate the Mosaic law- kjv@Deuteronomy:17:17; kjv@2Samuel:5:13 Yielded to gross sins in a period of ease- 2Samuel:11:127 Was rebuked by the prophet Nathan 2Samuel:12:131 His repentance and confession Psalms:51:1-19

DAY @ general references to- kjv@Genesis:1:5; kjv@Genesis:8:22; kjv@Psalms:74:16; kjv@Jeremiah:33:20

DAY OF PREPARATION @ kjv@Matthew:27:62; kjv@Mark:15:42; kjv@Luke:23:54; kjv@John:19:14


(1) General References to- kjv@Malachi:4:5; kjv@1Corinthians:5:5; kjv@2Corinthians:1:14; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:2; kjv@2Peter:3:10 Second Coming, FUTURE, THE Last Judgment, FUTURE, THE

(2) Called the Last, or Great Day- kjv@Joel:2:11,31; kjv@Zephaniah:1:14; kjv@Malachi:4:1; kjv@John:12:48; kjv@Romans:2:5; kjv@2Timothy:1:12 kjv@Hebrews:10:25; kjv@Jude:1:6; kjv@Revelation:6:17 End of the World, END OF THE WORLD Last Judgment, FUTURE, THE Second Coming, FUTURE, THE

(3) Day of Visitation- kjv@Isaiah:10:3; kjv@Jeremiah:10:15; kjv@Jeremiah:46:21; kjv@Hosea:9:7; kjv@Micah:7:4; kjv@Luke:19:44; kjv@1Peter:2:12 Last Judgment, FUTURE, THE

DAY'S JOURNEY @ kjv@Exodus:3:18; kjv@1Kings:19:4; kjv@Jonah:3:4 Tables, 3533

DAYS, THE LAST @ of time- kjv@Isaiah:2:2; kjv@Daniel:2:28; kjv@Daniel:12:9; kjv@Micah:4:1; kjv@Acts:2:17; kjv@2Timothy:3:1; kjv@2Peter:3:3


H9 <STRHEB>@ אבדה 'ăbêdâh ab-ay-daw' From H6; concretely something lost; abstractly {destruction} that is Hades: - lost. Compare H10.

H12 <STRHEB>@ אבדן 'abdân ab-dawn' From H6; a perishing: - destruction.

H13 <STRHEB>@ אבדן 'obdân ob-dawn' From H6; a perishing: - destruction.

H27 <STRHEB>@ אבידן 'ăbîydân ab-ee-dawn' From H1 and H1777; father of judgment (that is judge); {Abidan} an Israelite: - Abidan.

H28 <STRHEB>@ אבידע 'ăbîydâ‛ ab-ee-daw' From H1 and H3045; father of knowledge (that is knowing); {Abida} a son of Abraham by Keturah: - {Abida} Abidah.

H33 <STRHEB>@ אבי העזרי 'ăbîy hâ‛ezrîy ab-ee'-haw-ez-ree' From H44 with the article inserted; father of the Ezrite; and Abiezrite or descendant of Abiezer: - Abiezrite.

H37 <STRHEB>@ אביטל 'ăbîyţal ab-ee-tal' From H1 and H2919; father of dew (that {is} fresh); {Abital} a wife of King David: - Abital.

H38 <STRHEB>@ אביּם 'ăbîyâm ab-ee-yawm' From H1 and H3220; father of (the) sea (that {is} seaman); Abijam (or {Abijah}) a king of Judah: - Abijam.

H41 <STRHEB>@ אבינדב 'ăbîynâdâb ab-ee-naw-dawb' From H1 and H5068; father of generosity (that {is} liberal); {Abinadab} the name of four Israelites: - Abinadab.

H49 <STRHEB>@ אבישׁג 'ăbîyshag ab-ee-shag' From H1 and H7686; father of error (that {is} blundering); {Abishag} a concubine of David: - Abishag.

H53 <STRHEB>@ אבשׁלום אבישׁלום 'ăbîyshâlôm 'abshâlôm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ab-shaw-lome' From H1 and H7965; father of peace (that {is} friendly); {Abshalom} a son of David; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite: - {Abishalom} Absalom.

H54 <STRHEB>@ אביתר 'ebyâthâr eb-yaw-thawr' Contracted from H1 and H3498; father of abundance (that {is} liberal); {Ebjathar} an Israelite: - Abiathar.

H65 <STRHEB>@ אבל מחולה 'âbêl mechôlâh aw-bale' mekh-o-law' From H58 and H4246; meadow of dancing; {Abel-Mecholah} a place in Palestine: - Abel-meholah.

H71 <STRHEB>@ אבנה 'ăbânâh ab-aw-naw' Perhaps feminine of H68; stony; {Abanah} a river near Damascus: - Abana. Compare H549.

H91 <STRHEB>@ אגגי 'ăgâgîy ag-aw-ghee' Patrial or patronymic from H90; an Agagite or descendant (subject) of Agag: - Agagite.

H92 <STRHEB>@ אגדּה 'ăgûddâh ag-ood-daw' Feminine passive participle of an unused root (meaning to bind); a {band} bundle6 {knot} or arch: - {bunch} {burden} troop.

H1004 <STRHEB>@ בּית bayith bah'-yith Probably from H1129 abbreviated; a house (in the greatest variation of {applications} especially {family} etc.): - {court} {daughter} {door} + {dungeon} {family} + forth {of} X great as would {contain} hangings. {home[born]} [winter]house ({-hold}) {inside(-ward}) {palace} {place} + {prison} + {steward} + {tablet} {temple} {web} + within (-out).

H1013 <STRHEB>@ בּית־גּדר bêyth-gâdêr bayth-gaw-dare' From H1004 and H1447; house of (the) wall; Beth {Gader} a place in Palestine: - Beth-gader.

H1014 <STRHEB>@ בּית גּמוּל bêyth gâmûl bayth gaw-mool' From H1004 and the passive participle of H1576; house of (the) weaned; {Beth-Gamul} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-gamul.

H1015 <STRHEB>@ בּית דּבלתים bêyth diblâthayim bayth dib-law-thah'-yim From H1004 and the dual of H1690; house of (the) two fig cakes; {Beth-Diblathajim} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-diblathaim.

H1016 <STRHEB>@ בּית־דּגון bêyth-dâgôn bayth-daw-gohn' From H1004 and H1712; house of Dagon; {Beth-Dagon} the name of two places in Palestine: - Beth-dagon.

H1020 <STRHEB>@ בּית הישׁימות bêyth hayeshîymôth bayth hah-yesh-ee-moth' From H1004 and the plural of H8451 with the article interposed; house of the deserts; {Beth-ha-Jeshimoth} a town East of the Jordan: - Beth-jeshimoth.

H1027 <STRHEB>@ בּית הרם bêyth hârâm bayth haw-rawm' From H1004 and H7311 with the article interposed; house of the height; {Beth-ha-Ram} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-aram.

H1028 <STRHEB>@ בּית הרן bêyth hârân bayth haw-rawn' Probably for H1027; {Beth-ha-ran} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-haran.

H1039 <STRHEB>@ בּית נמרה bêyth nimrâh bayth nim-raw' From H1004 and the feminine of H5246; house of (the) leopard; {Beth-Nimrah} a place east of the Jordan: - Beth-nimrah. Compare H5247.

H1047 <STRHEB>@ בּית פּעור bêyth pe‛ôr bayth pe-ore' From H1004 and H6465; house of Peor; {Beth-Peor} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-peor.

H1067 <STRHEB>@ בּכּירה bekîyrâh bek-ee-raw' Feminine from H1069; the eldest daughter: - firstborn.

H1070 <STRHEB>@ בּכר beker beh'-ker From H1069 (in the sense of youth); a young camel: - dromedary.

H1072 <STRHEB>@ בּכרה bikrâh bik-raw' Feminine of H1070; a young she camel: - dromedary.

H1076 <STRHEB>@ בּכרי bakrîy bak-ree' Patronymic from H1071; a Bakrite (collectively) or descendant of Beker: - Bachrites.

H1081 <STRHEB>@ בּלאדן baldân bal-ad-awn' From H1078 and H113 (contracted); Bel (is his) lord; {Baladan} the name of a Babylonian prince: - Baladan.

H1085 <STRHEB>@ בּלדּד bildad bil-dad' Of uncertain derivation; {Bildad} one of Job´ s friends: - Bildad.

H1095 <STRHEB>@ בּלטשׁאצּר bêlţesha'tstsar bale-tesh-ats-tsar' Of foreign derivation; {Belteshatstsar} the Babylonian name of Daniel: - Belteshazzar.

H1108 <STRHEB>@ בּלעי bal‛îy bel-ee' Patronymic from H1106; a Belaite (collectively) or descendant of Bela: - Belaites.

H1120 <STRHEB>@ בּמות בּעל בּמות bâmôth bâmôth baal {baw-moth'} baw-moth' bah'-al Plural of H1116; heights; the second form is a more complete form of the first form; from the same and H1168; heights of Baal; Bamoth or Bamoth {Baal} a place East of the Jordan: - {Bamoth} Bamoth-baal.

H1121 <STRHEB>@ בּן bên bane From H1129; a son (as a builder of the family {name}) in the widest sense (of literal and figurative {relationship} including {grandson} subject6 {nation} quality or {condition} {etc.} (like {H1} {H251} etc.): - + {afflicted} {age} [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] {[Lev-]ite} [anoint-]ed {one} appointed {to} (+) {arrow} [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] {[Grec-]ian} one {born} {bough} {branch} {breed} + (young) {bullock} + (young) {calf} X came up {in} {child} {colt} X {common} X {corn} {daughter} X of {first} + {firstborn} {foal} + very {fruitful} + {postage} X {in} + {kid} + {lamb} (+) {man} {meet} + {mighty} + {nephew} {old} (+) {people} + {rebel} + {robber} X servant {born} X {soldier} {son} + {spark} + {steward} + {stranger} X {surely} them {of} + tumultuous {one} + {valiant[-est]} {whelp} {worthy} young ({one}) youth.

H1125 <STRHEB>@ בּן־אבינדב ben-'ăbîynâdâb ben-ab-ee''-naw-dawb' From H1121 and H40; (the) son of Abinadab; Ben {Abinadab} an Israelite: - the son of Abinadab.

H1130 <STRHEB>@ בּן־הדד ben-hădad ben-had-ad' From H1121 and H1908; son of Hadad; Ben {Hadad} the name of several Syrian kings: - Ben-hadad.

H1145 <STRHEB>@ בּן־אישׁ ימיני בּן־היּמיני בּן־ימיני ben-yemîynîy ben-ha-yemînîy ben-'îysh yemîynîy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ben-eesh' yem-ee-nee' Multiple forms. Sometimes (with the article inserted); with H376 inserted (); son of a man of Jemini; or shorter (; ); a man of Jemini; or (); more simply: a Jeminite; (plural patronymic from H1144; a {Benjaminite} or descendant of Benjamin: - {Benjamite} of Benjamin.

H1162 <STRHEB>@ בּעז bô‛az bo'-az From an unused root of uncertain meaning; {Boaz} the ancestor of David; also the name of a pillar in front of the temple: - Boaz.

H1181 <STRHEB>@ בּעלי בּמות ba‛ălêy bâmôth bah-al-ay' baw-moth From the plural of H1168 and the plural of H1116; Baals of (the) heights; Baale {Bamoth} a place East of the Jordan: - lords of the high places.

H1182 <STRHEB>@ בּעלידע beelyâdâ‛ beh-el-yaw-daw' From H1168 and H3045; Baal has known; {Beeljada} an Israelite: - Beeliada.

H1184 <STRHEB>@ בּעלי יהוּדה ba‛ălêy yehûdâh bah-al-ay' yeh-hoo-daw' From the plural of H1167 and H3063; masters of Judah; Baale {Jehudah} a place in Palestine: - Baale of Judah.

H1186 <STRHEB>@ בּעל מעון baal me‛ôn bah'-al meh-one' From H1168 and H4583; Baal of (the) habitation (of) (compare H1010); Baal {Meon} a place East of the Jordan: - Baal-meon.

H1194 <STRHEB>@ בּען be‛ôn beh-ohn' Probably a contraction of H1010; {Beon} a place East of the Jordan: - Beon.

H1203 <STRHEB>@ בּעשׁתּרה beeshterâh beh-esh-ter-aw' From H6251 (as singular of H6252) with prepositional prefix; with Ashtoreth; {Beeshterah} a place East of the Jordan: - Beeshterah.

H1242 <STRHEB>@ בּקר bôqer bo'-ker From H1239; properly dawn (as the break of day); generally morning: - (+) {day} {early} {morning} morrow.

H1255 <STRHEB>@ בּראדך בּלאדן berô'dak baldân ber-o-dak' bal-ad-awn' A variation of H4757; Berodak {Baladan} a Babylonian king: - Berodach-baladan.

H1264 <STRHEB>@ בּרום berôm ber-ome' Probably of foreign origin; damask (stuff of variegated thread): - rich apparel.

H1284 <STRHEB>@ בּריעי berîy‛îy ber-ee-ee' Patronymic from H1283; a Beriite (collectively) or descendant of Beriah: - Beerites.

H1288 <STRHEB>@ בּרך bârak baw-rak' A primitive root; to kneel; by implication to bless God (as an act of {adoration}) and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit); also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the {king} as treason): - X {abundantly} X {altogether} X at {all} {blaspheme} {bless} {congratulate} {curse} X {greatly} X {indeed} kneel ({down}) {praise} {salute} X {still} thank.

H1316 <STRHEB>@ בּשׁן bâshân baw-shawn' Of uncertain derivation; Bashan (often with the {article}) a region East of the Jordan: - Bashan.

H1320 <STRHEB>@ בּשׂר bâώâr baw-sawr' From H1319; flesh (from its freshness); by extension {body} person; also (by euphemism) the pudenda of a man: - {body} {[fat} lean] flesh {[-ed]} {kin} [man-] {kind} + {nakedness} {self} skin.

H1323 <STRHEB>@ בּת bath bath From H1129 (as feminine of H1121); a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of {relationship} literally and figuratively): - apple [of the {eye]} {branch} {company} {daughter} X {first} X {old} + {owl} {town} village.

H1332 <STRHEB>@ בּתיה bithyâh bith-yaw' From H1323 and H3050; daughter (that {is} worshipper) of Jah; {Bithjah} an Egyptian woman: - Bithiah.

H1337 <STRHEB>@ בּת רבּים bath rabbîym bath rab-beem' From H1323 and a masculine plural from H7227; the daughter (that {is} city) of Rabbah: - Bath-rabbim.

H1338 <STRHEB>@ בּתרון bithrôn bith-rone' From H1334; (with the article) the craggy spot; {Bithron} a place East of the Jordan: - Bithron.

H1339 <STRHEB>@ בּת־שׁבע bath-shebabath-sheh'-bah From H1323 and H7651 (in the sense of H7650); daughter of an oath; {BathSheba} the mother of Solomon: - Bath-sheba.

H1340 <STRHEB>@ בּת־שׁוּע bath-shûabath-shoo'-ah From H1323 and H7771; daughter of wealth; Bath {shua} the same as H1339: - Bath-shua.

H1366 <STRHEB>@ גּבל גּבוּל gebûl gebûl {gheb-ool'} gheb-ool' From H1379; properly a cord (as {twisted}) that {is} (by implication) a boundary; by extension the territory inclosed: - {border} {bound} {coast} X {great} {landmark} {limit} {quarter} space.

H1367 <STRHEB>@ גּבלה גּבוּלה gebûlâh gebûlâh {gheb-oo-law'} gheb-oo-law' Feminine of H1366; a {boundary} region: - {border} {bound} {coast} {landmark} place.

H1412 <STRHEB>@ גּדגּדה gûdgôdâh gud-go'-daw By reduplication from H1413 (in the sense of cutting) cleft; {Gudgodah} a place in the Desert: - Gudgodah.

H1413 <STRHEB>@ גּדד gâdad gaw-dad' A primitive root (compare H1461); to crowd; also to gash (as if by pressing into): - assemble (selves by {troops}) gather (selves {together} self in {troops}) cut selves.

H1414 <STRHEB>@ גּדד gedad ghed-ad' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1413; to cut down: - hew down.

H1415 <STRHEB>@ גּדה gâdâh gaw-daw' From an unused root (meaning to cut off); a border of a river (as cut into by the stream): - bank.

H1417 <STRHEB>@ גּדדה גּדוּד gedûd gedûdâh {ghed-ood'} ghed-oo-daw' From H1413; a furrow (as cut): - furrow.

H1418 <STRHEB>@ גּדוּדה gedûdâh ghed-oo-daw' Feminine participle passive of H1413; an incision: - cutting.

H1425 <STRHEB>@ גּדי gâdîy gaw-dee' Patronymic from H1410; a Gadite (collectively) or descendant of Gad: - {Gadites} children of Gad.

H1431 <STRHEB>@ גּדל gâdal gaw-dal' A primitive root; properly to twist (compare {H1434}) that {is} to be (causatively make) large (in various {senses} as in {body} {mind} estate or {honor} also in pride): - {advance} {boast} bring {up} {exceed} {excellent} be ({-come} {do} {give} {make} {wax}) great ({-er} come to . . {estate} + {things}) grow ({up}) {increase} lift {up} magnify ({-ifical}) be much set {by} nourish ({up}) {pass} {promote} proudly {[spoken]} tower.

H1432 <STRHEB>@ גּדל gâdêl gaw-dale' From H1431; large (literally or figuratively): - {great} grew.

H1435 <STRHEB>@ גּדּל giddêl ghid-dale' From H1431; stout; {Giddel} the name of one of the {Nethinim} also of one of Solomon´ s servants: - Giddel.

H1436 <STRHEB>@ גּדליהוּ גּדליה gedalyâh gedalyâhû {ghed-al-yaw'} ghed-al-yaw'-hoo From H1431 and H3050; Jah has become great; {Gedaljah} the name of five Israelites: - Gedaliah.

H1437 <STRHEB>@ גּדּלתּי giddaltîy ghid-dal'-tee From H1431; I have made great; {Giddalti} an Israelite: - Giddalti.

H1438 <STRHEB>@ גּדע gâdagaw-dah' A primitive root; to fell a tree; generally to destroy anything: - cut ({asunder} in {sunder} {down} {off}) hew down.

H1442 <STRHEB>@ גּדף gâdaph gaw-daf' A primitive root; to hack (with {words}) that {is} revile: - {blaspheme} reproach.

H1443 <STRHEB>@ גּדר gâdar gaw-dar' A primitive root; to wall in or around: - close {up} fence {up} {hedge} {inclose} make up [a {wall]} {mason} repairer.

H1447 <STRHEB>@ גּדר gâdêr gaw-dare' From H1443; a circumvallation; by implication an inclosure: - {fence} {hedge} wall.

H1455 <STRHEB>@ גּהה gâhâh gaw-haw' A primitive root; to remove (a bandage from a {wound} that {is} heal it): - cure.

H1474 <STRHEB>@ גּולן gôlân go-lawn' From H1473; captive; {Golan} a place East of the Jordan: - Golan.

H1477 <STRHEB>@ גּוּני gûnîy goo-nee' Patronymic from H1476; a Gunite (collectively with article prefixed) or descendant of Guni: - Gunites.

H1567 <STRHEB>@ גּלעד galyêd gal-ade' From H1530 and H5707; heap of testimony; {Galed} a memorial cairn East of the Jordan: - Galeed.

H1568 <STRHEB>@ גּלעד gil‛âd ghil-awd' Probably from H1567; {Gilad} a region East of the Jordan; also the name of three Israelites: - {Gilead} Gileadite.

H1569 <STRHEB>@ גּלעדי gil‛âdîy ghil-aw-dee' Patronymic from H1568; a Giladite or descendant of Gilad: - Gileadite.

H1586 <STRHEB>@ גּמר gômer go'-mer From H1584; completion; {Gomer} the name of a son of Japheth and of his descendants; also of a Hebrewess: - Gomer.

H1649 <STRHEB>@ גּרשׁנּי gêreshûnnîy gay-resh-oon-nee' Patronymic from H1648; a Gereshonite or descendant of Gereshon: - {Gershonite} sons of Gershon.

H1668 <STRHEB>@ דּא dâ' daw (Chaldee); corresponding to H2088; this: - one . . . {another} this.

H1669 <STRHEB>@ דּאב dâ'ab daw-ab' A primitive root; to pine: - {mourn} sorrow (-ful).

H1672 <STRHEB>@ דּאג dâ'ag daw-ag' A primitive root; be anxious: - be afraid ({careful} {sorry}) {sorrow} take thought.

H1675 <STRHEB>@ דּאה dâ'âh daw-aw' A primitive root; to {dart} that {is} fly rapidly: - fly.

H1676 <STRHEB>@ דּאה dâ'âh daw-aw' From H1675; the kite (from its rapid flight): - vulture. See H7201.

H1680 <STRHEB>@ דּבב dâbab daw-bab' A primitive root (compare H1679); to move {slowly} that {is} glide: - cause to speak.

H1692 <STRHEB>@ דּבק dâbaq daw-bak' A primitive root; properly to {impinge} that {is} cling or adhere; figuratively to catch by pursuit: - {abide} {fast} cleave (fast {together}) follow close ({hard} {after}) be joined ({together}) keep ({fast}) {overtake} pursue {hard} {stick} take.

H1695 <STRHEB>@ דּבק dâbêq daw-bake' From H1692; adhering: - {cleave} {joining} stick closer.

H1696 <STRHEB>@ דּבר dâbar daw-bar' A primitive root; perhaps properly to arrange; but used figuratively (of words) to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue: - {answer} {appoint} {bid} {command} {commune} {declare} {destroy} {give} {name} {promise} {pronounce} {rehearse} {say} {speak} be {spokesman} {subdue} {talk} {teach} {tell} {think} use {[entreaties]} {utter} X {well} X work.

H1697 <STRHEB>@ דּבר dâbâr daw-bawr' From H1696; a word; by implication a matter (as spoken of) of thing; adverbially a cause: - {act} {advice} {affair} {answer} X any such ({thing}) + because {of} {book} {business} {care} {case} {cause} certain {rate} + {chronicles} {commandment} X commune ({-ication}) + concern {[-ing]} + {confer} {counsel} + {dearth} {decree} {deed} X {disease} {due} {duty} {effect} + {eloquent} {errand} [evil favoured-] {ness} + {glory} + {harm} {hurt} + {iniquity} + {judgment} {language} + {lying} {manner} {matter} {message} [no] {thing} {oracle} X {ought} X {parts} + {pertaining} + {please} {portion} + {power} {promise} {provision} {purpose} {question} {rate} {reason} {report} {request} X (as hast) {said} {sake} {saying} {sentence} + {sign} + {so} some {[uncleanness]} somewhat to {say} + {song} {speech} X {spoken} {talk} {task} + {that} X there {done} thing ({concerning}) {thought} + {thus} {tidings} what {[-soever]} + {wherewith} {which} {word} work.

H1703 <STRHEB>@ דּבּרה dabbârâh dab-baw-raw' Intensive from H1696; a word: - word.

H1705 <STRHEB>@ דּברת dâberath daw-ber-ath' From H1697 (perhaps in the sense of H1699); {Daberath} a place in Palestine: - {Dabareh} Daberath.

H1707 <STRHEB>@ דּבּשׁת dabbesheth dab-beh'-sheth Intensive from the same as H1706; a sticky {mass} that {is} the hump of a camel: - hunch [of a camel].

H1708 <STRHEB>@ דּבּשׁת dabbesheth dab-beh'-sheth The same as H1707; {Dabbesheth} a place in Palestine: - Dabbesheth.

H1709 <STRHEB>@ דּאג דּגo dâg dâ'g {dawg} dawg From H1711; a fish (as prolific); or perhaps rather from H1672 (as timid); but still better from H1672 (in the sense of {squirming} that {is} moving by the vibratory action of the tail); a fish (often used collectively): - fish.

H1710 <STRHEB>@ דּגה dâgâh daw-gaw' Feminine of {H1709} and meaning the same: - fish.

H1711 <STRHEB>@ דּגה dâgâh daw-gaw' A primitive root; to move rapidly; used only as a denominative from H1709; to {spawn} that {is} become numerous: - grow.

H1712 <STRHEB>@ דּגון dâgôn daw-gohn' From H1709; the fish god; {Dagon} a Philistine deity: - Dagon.

H1713 <STRHEB>@ דּגל dâgal daw-gal' A primitive root; to {flaunt} that {is} raise a flag; figuratively to be conspicuous: - (set {up} with) {banners} chiefest.

H1714 <STRHEB>@ דּגל degel deh'-gel From H1713; a flag: - {banner} standard.

H1715 <STRHEB>@ דּגן dâgân daw-gawn' From H1711; properly {increase} that {is} grain: - corn ({[floor]}) wheat.

H1716 <STRHEB>@ דּגר dâgar daw-gar' A primitive root; to brood over eggs or young: - {gather} sit.

H1717 <STRHEB>@ דּד dad dad Apparently from the same as H1730; the breast (as the seat of {love} or from its shape): - {breast} teat.

H1718 <STRHEB>@ דּדה dâdâh daw-daw' A doubtful root; to walk gently: - go ({softly} with).

H1719 <STRHEB>@ דּדנה דּדן dedân dedâneh {ded-awn'} deh-daw'-neh Of uncertain derivation; {Dedan} the name of two Cushites and of their territory. The second form used in - Dedan.

H1720 <STRHEB>@ דּדנים dedânîym ded-aw-neem' Plural of H1719 (as patrial); {Dedanites} the descendants or inhabitants of Dedan: - Dedanim.

H1721 <STRHEB>@ רדנים דּדנים dôdânîym rôdânîym {do-daw-neem'} ro-daw-neem' The second form is used by orthographical error in . A plural of uncertain derivation; {Dodanites} or descendants of a son of Javan: - Dodanim.

H1723 <STRHEB>@ דּהואo dahăvâ' dah-hav-aw' (Chaldee); of uncertain derivation; {Dahava} a people colonized in Samaria: - Dehavites.

H1724 <STRHEB>@ דּהם dâham daw-ham' A primitive root (compare H1740); to be {dumb} that {is} (figuratively) dumbfounded: - be astonished.

H1725 <STRHEB>@ דּהר dâhar daw-har' A primitive root; to curvet or move irregularly: - pranse.

H1726 <STRHEB>@ דּההר dahăhar dah-hah-har' By reduplication from H1725; a gallop: - pransing.

H1728 <STRHEB>@ דּוּג davvâg dav-vawg' An orthographical variation of H1709 as a denominative (H1771); a fisherman: - fisher.

H1732 <STRHEB>@ דּויד דּוד dâvid dâvîyd {daw-veed'} daw-veed' From the same as H1730; loving; {David} the youngest son of Jesse: - David.

H1733 <STRHEB>@ דּודה dôdâh do-daw' Feminine of H1730; an aunt: - {aunt} father´ s {sister} uncle´ s wife.

H1735 <STRHEB>@ דּודוהוּ dôdâvâhû do-daw-vaw'-hoo From H1730 and H3050; love of Jah; {Dodavah} an Israelite: - Dodavah.

H1736 <STRHEB>@ דּוּדי dûday doo-dah'-ee From H1731; a boiler or basket; also the mandrake (as aphrodisiac): - {basket} mandrake.

H1737 <STRHEB>@ דּודי dôday do-dah'ee Formed like H1736; amatory; {Dodai} an Israelite: - Dodai.

H1738 <STRHEB>@ דּוה dâvâh daw-vaw' A primitive root; to be sick (as if in menstruation): - infirmity.

H1739 <STRHEB>@ דּוה dâveh daw-veh' From H1738; sick (especially in menstruation): - {faint} menstruous {cloth} she that is {sick} having sickness.

H1742 <STRHEB>@ דּוּי davvây dav-voy' From H1739; sick; figuratively troubled: - faint.

H1760 <STRHEB>@ דּחח דּחה dâchâh dâchach {daw-khaw'} daw-khakh' A primitive root; to push down: - {chase} drive away ({on}) {overthrow} {outcast} X {sore} {thrust} totter.

H1761 <STRHEB>@ דּחוה dachăvâh dakh-av-aw' (Chaldee); from the equivalent of H1760; probably a musical instrument (as being struck): - instrument of music.

H1763 <STRHEB>@ דּחל dechal deh-khal' (Chaldee); corresponding to H2119; to {slink} that {is} (by implication) to {fear} or (causatively) be formidable: - make {afraid} {dreadful} {fear} terrible.

H1765 <STRHEB>@ דּחף dâchaph daw-khaf' A primitive root; to {urge} that {is} hasten: - (be) haste ({-ned}) pressed on.

H1766 <STRHEB>@ דּחק dâchaq daw-khak' A primitive root; to {press} that {is} oppress: - {thrust} vex.

H1767 <STRHEB>@ דּי day dahee Of uncertain derivation; enough (as noun or {adverb}) used chiefly with preposition in phrases: - {able} according {to} after ({ability}) {among} as (oft {as}) (more than) {enough} {from} {in} {since} (much as is) sufficient ({-ly}) too {much} {very} when.

H1771 <STRHEB>@ דּיּג dayâg dah-yawg' From H1770; a fisherman: - fisher.

H1772 <STRHEB>@ דּיּה dayâh dah-yaw' Intensive from H1675; a falcon (from its rapid flight): - vulture.

H1781 <STRHEB>@ דּיּן dayân dah-yawn' From H1777; a judge or advocate: - judge.

H1782 <STRHEB>@ דּיּן dayân dah-yawn' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1781: - judge.

H1783 <STRHEB>@ דּינה dîynâh dee-naw' Feminine of H1779; justice; {Dinah} the daughter of Jacob: - Dinah.

H1785 <STRHEB>@ דּיק dâyêq daw-yake' From a root corresponding to H1751; a battering tower: - fort.

H1786 <STRHEB>@ דּישׁ dayish dah'-yish From H1758; threshing time: - threshing.

H1790 <STRHEB>@ דּך dak dak From an unused root (compare H1794); {crushed} that {is} (figuratively) injured: - {afflicted} oppressed.

H1791 <STRHEB>@ דּך דּך dêk dâk {dake} dawk (Chaldee); prolonged from H1668; this: - the {same} this.

H1792 <STRHEB>@ דּכא dâkâ' daw-kaw' A primitive root (compare H1794) to crumble; transitively to bruise (literally or figuratively): - beat to {pieces} break (in {pieces}) {bruise} {contrite} {crush} {destroy} {humble} {oppress} smite.

H1793 <STRHEB>@ דּכּא dakkâ' dak-kaw' From H1792; crushed (literally {powder} or figuratively contrite): - {contrite} destruction.

H1794 <STRHEB>@ דּכה dâkâh daw-kaw' A primitive root (compare {H1790} H1792); to collapse (physically or mentally): - break ({sore}) {contrite} crouch.

H1795 <STRHEB>@ דּכּה dakkâh dak-kaw' From H1794 like H1793; mutilated: - + wounded.

H1796 <STRHEB>@ דּכי dŏkîy dok-ee' From H1794; a dashing of surf: - wave.

H1800 <STRHEB>@ דּל dal dal From H1809; properly {dangling} that {is} (by implication) weak or thin: - {lean} {needy} poor ({man}) weaker.

H1801 <STRHEB>@ דּלג dâlag daw-lag' A primitive root; to spring: - leap.

H1802 <STRHEB>@ דּלה dâlâh daw-law' A primitive root (compare H1809); properly to {dangle} that {is} to let down a bucket (for drawing out water); figuratively to deliver: - draw ({out}) X {enough} lift up.

H1803 <STRHEB>@ דּלּה dallâh dal-law' From H1802; properly something {dangling} that {is} a loose thread or hair; figuratively indigent: - {hair} pining {sickness} poor (-est sort).

H1804 <STRHEB>@ דּלח dâlach daw-lakh' A primitive root; to roil water: - trouble.

H1806 <STRHEB>@ דּליהוּ דּליה delâyâh delâyâhû {del-aw-yaw'} del-aw-yaw'-hoo From H1802 adn H3050; Jah has delivered; {Delajah} the name of five Israelites: - {Dalaiah} Delaiah.

H1808 <STRHEB>@ דּליּה dâlîyâh daw-lee-yaw' From H1802; something {dangling} that {is} a bough: - branch.

H1809 <STRHEB>@ דּלל dâlal daw-lal' A primitive root (compare H1802); to slacken or be feeble; figuratively to be oppressed: - bring {low} dry {up} be {emptied} be not {equal} {fail} be {impoverished} be made thin.

H1811 <STRHEB>@ דּלף dâlaph daw-laf' A primitive root; to drip; by implication to weep: - drop {through} {melt} pour out.

H1813 <STRHEB>@ דּלפון dalphôn dal-fone' From H1811; dripping; {Dalphon} a son of Haman: - Dalphon.

H1814 <STRHEB>@ דּלק dâlaq daw-lak' A primitive root; to flame (literally or figuratively): - {burning} {chase} {inflame} {kindle} persecute ({-or}) pursue hotly.

H1816 <STRHEB>@ דּלּקת dalleqeth dal-lek'-keth From H1814; a burning fever: - inflammation.

H1817 <STRHEB>@ דּלת deleth deh'-leth From H1802; something {swinging} that {is} the valve of a door: - door ({two-leaved}) {gate} {leaf} lid. [In {dal} irreg.]

H1818 <STRHEB>@ דּם dâm dawm From H1826 (compare H119); blood (as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal; by analogy the juice of the grape; figuratively (especially in the plural) bloodshed (that {is} drops of blood): - blood ({-y} {-guiltiness} {[-thirsty]}) + innocent.

H1819 <STRHEB>@ דּמה dâmâh daw-maw' A primitive root; to compare; by implication to {resemble} {liken} consider: - {compare} {devise} (be) like ({-n}) {mean} {think} use similitudes.

H1820 <STRHEB>@ דּמה dâmâh daw-maw' A primitive root; to be dumb or silent; hence to fail or perish; transitively to destroy: - {cease} be cut down ({off}) {destroy} be brought to {silence} be {undone} X utterly.

H1826 <STRHEB>@ דּמם dâmam daw-mam' A primitive root (compare {H1724} H1820); to be dumb; by implication to be {astonished} to stop; also to perish: - {cease} be cut down ({off}) {forbear} hold {peace} quiet {self} {rest} be {silent} keep (put to) {silence} be ({stand}) {still} {tarry} wait.

H1830 <STRHEB>@ דּמע dâmadaw-mah' A primitive root; to weep: - X {sore} weep.

H1833 <STRHEB>@ דּמשׁק demesheq dem-eh'-shek By orthographical variation from H1834; damask (as a fabric of Damascus): - in Damascus.

H1834 <STRHEB>@ דּרמשׂק דּוּמשׂק דּמּשׂקo dammeώeq dûmeώeq darmeώeq {dam-meh'-sek} {doo-meh'-sek} dar-meh'-sek Of foreign origin; {Damascus} a city of Syria: - Damascus.

H1835 <STRHEB>@ דּן dân dawn From H1777; judge; {Dan} one of the sons of Jacob; also the tribe descended from {him} and its territory; likewise a place in Palestine colonized by them: - Dan.

H1836 <STRHEB>@ דּן dên dane (Chaldee); an orthographical variation of H1791; this: - [afore-] {time} + after this {manner} here {[-after]} one . . . {another} {such} there {[-fore]} {these} this ({matter}) + {thus} where {[-fore]} which.

H1837 <STRHEB>@ דּנּה dannâh dan-naw' Of uncertain derivation; {Dannah} a place in Palestine: - Dannah.

H1839 <STRHEB>@ דּני dânîy daw-nee' Patronymic from H1835; a Danite (often collectively) or descendant (or inhabitant) of Dan: - {Danites} of Dan.

H1840 <STRHEB>@ דּנאל דניּאל dânîyê'l dânil {daw-nee-yale'} daw-nee-ale' From H1835 and H410; judge of God; Daniel or {Danijel} the name of two Israelites: - Daniel.

H1841 <STRHEB>@ דּניּאל dânîyê'l daw-nee-yale' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1840; {Danijel} the Hebrew prophet: - Daniel.

H1842 <STRHEB>@ דּן יען dân yaan dawn yah'-an From H1835 and (apparently) H3282; judge of purpose; Dan {Jaan} a place in Palestine: - Dan-jaan.

H1843 <STRHEB>@ דּע dêaday'-ah From H3045; knowledge: - {knowledge} opinion.

H1844 <STRHEB>@ דּעה dê‛âh day-aw' Feminine of H1843; knowledge: - knowledge.

H1846 <STRHEB>@ דּעך dâ‛ak daw-ak' A primitive root; to be extinguished; figuratively to expire or be dried up: - be {extinct} {consumed} put {out} quenched.

H1847 <STRHEB>@ דּעת daath dah'-ath From H3045; knowledge: - {cunning} [ig-] {norantly} {know(-ledge}) [un-] awares (wittingly).

H1849 <STRHEB>@ דּפק dâphaq daw-fak' A primitive root; to knock; by analogy to press severely: - {beat} {knock} overdrive.

H1851 <STRHEB>@ דּק daq dak From H1854; {crushed} that {is} (by implication) small or thin: - {dwarf} lean {[-fleshed]} very little {thing} {small} thin.

H1854 <STRHEB>@ דּקק dâqaq daw-kak' A primitive root (compare H1915); to crush (or intransitively) crumble: - beat in pieces ({small}) {bruise} make {dust} (into) X {powder} ({be} very) {small} stamp (small).

H1856 <STRHEB>@ דּקר dâqar daw-kar' A primitive root; to stab; by analogy to starve; figuratively to revile: - {pierce} strike (thrust) {through} wound.

H1858 <STRHEB>@ דּר dar dar Apparently from the same as H1865; properly a pearl (from its sheen as rapidly turned); by analogy pearl {stone} that {is} mother of pearl or alabaster: - X white.

H1859 <STRHEB>@ דּר dâr dawr (Chaldee); corresponding to H1755; an age: - generation.

H1860 <STRHEB>@ דּראון דּראון derâ'ôn dêrâ'ôn {der-aw-one'} day-raw-one' From an unused root (meaning to repulse); an object of aversion: - {abhorring} contempt.

H1862 <STRHEB>@ דּרדּע dardadar-dah' Apparently from H1858 and H1843; pearl of knowledge; {Darda} an Israelite: - Darda.

H1863 <STRHEB>@ דּרדּר dardar dar-dar' Of uncertain derivation; a thorn: - thistle.

H1864 <STRHEB>@ דּרום dârôm daw-rome' Of uncertain derivation; the south; {poet} the south wind: - south.

H1867 <STRHEB>@ דּריושׁ dâreyâvêsh daw-reh-yaw-vaysh' Of Persian origin; {Darejavesh} a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings: - Darius.

H1868 <STRHEB>@ דּריושׁ dâreyâvêsh daw-reh-yaw-vaysh' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1867: - Darius.

H1869 <STRHEB>@ דּרך dârak daw-rak' A primitive root; to tread; by implication to walk; also to string a bow (by treading on it in bending): - {archer} {bend} {come} {draw} go ({over}) {guide} lead ({forth}) {thresh} tread ({down}) walk.

H1871 <STRHEB>@ דּרכּמון darkemôn dar-kem-one' Of Persian origin; a drachma or coin: - dram.

H1873 <STRHEB>@ דּרע dâradaw-rah' Probably contracted from H1862; {Dara} an Israelite: - Dara.

H1874 <STRHEB>@ דּרקון darqôn dar-kone' Of uncertain derivation; {Darkon} one of Solomon´ s servants: - Darkon.

H1875 <STRHEB>@ דּרשׁ dârash daw-rash' A primitive root; properly to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by implication to seek or ask; specifically to worship: - {ask} X at {all} care {for} X {diligently} {inquire} make {inquisition} [necro-] {mancer} {question} {require} {search} seek {[for} {out]} X surely.

H1876 <STRHEB>@ דּשׁא dâshâ' daw-shaw' A primitive root; to sprout: - bring {forth} spring.

H1878 <STRHEB>@ דּשׁן dâshên daw-shane' A primitive root; to be fat; transitively to fatten (or regard as fat); specifically to anoint; figuratively to satisfy; denominatively (from H1880) to remove (fat) ashes (of sacrifices): - {accept} {anoint} take away the (receive) ashes ({from}) make (wax) fat.

H1879 <STRHEB>@ דּשׁן dâshên daw-shane' From H1878; fat; figuratively {rich} fertile: - fat.

H1880 <STRHEB>@ דּשׁן deshen deh'-shen From H1878; the fat; abstractly {fatness} that {is} (figuratively) abundance; specifically the (fatty) ashes of sacrifices: - {ashes} fatness.

H1881 <STRHEB>@ דּת dâth dawth Of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation; a royal edict or statute: - {commandment} {commission} {decree} {law} manner.

H1882 <STRHEB>@ דּת dâth dawth (Chaldee); corresponding to H1881; {decree} law.

H1885 <STRHEB>@ דּתן dâthân daw-thawn' Of uncertain derivation; {Dathan} an Israelite: - Dathan.

H1893 <STRHEB>@ הבל hebel heh'-bel The same as H1892; {Hebel} the son of Adam: - Abel.

H1907 <STRHEB>@ הדּבר haddâbâr had-daw-bawr' (Chaldee); probably of foreign origin; a vizier: - counsellor.

H1908 <STRHEB>@ הדד hădad had-ad' Probably of foreign origin (compare H111); {Hadad} the name of an {idol} and of several kings of Edom: - Hadad.

H1909 <STRHEB>@ הדדעזר hădadezer had-ad-eh'-zer From H1908 and H5828; Hadad (is his) help; {Hadadezer} a Syrian king: - Hadadezer. Compare H1928.

H1910 <STRHEB>@ הדדרמּון hădadrimmôn had-ad-rim-mone' From H1908 and H7417; Hadad {Rimmon} a place in Palestine: - Hadad-rimmon.

H1911 <STRHEB>@ הדה hâdâh haw-daw' A primitive root (compare H3034); to stretch forth the hand: - put.

H1914 <STRHEB>@ הדּי hidday hid-dah'ee Of uncertain derivation; {Hiddai} an Israelite: - Hiddai.

H1915 <STRHEB>@ הדך hâdak haw-dak' A primitive root (compare H1854); to crush with the foot: - tread down.

H1917 <STRHEB>@ הדּם haddâm had-dawm' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to that of H1916; something stamped to {pieces} that {is} a bit: - piece.

H1918 <STRHEB>@ הדס hădas had-as' Of uncertain derivation; the myrtle: - myrtle (tree).

H1919 <STRHEB>@ הדסּה hădassâh had-as-saw' Feminine of H1918; Hadassah (or Esther): - Hadassah.

H1920 <STRHEB>@ הדף hâdaph haw-daf' A primitive root; to push away or down: - cast away ({out}) {drive} {expel} thrust (away).

H1921 <STRHEB>@ הדר hâdar haw-dar' A primitive root; to swell up (literally or {figuratively} actively or passively); by implication to favor or {honour} be high or proud: - {countenance} crooked {place} {glorious} {honour} put forth.

H1922 <STRHEB>@ הדּר hădar had-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1921; to magnify (figuratively): - {glorify} honour.

H1923 <STRHEB>@ הדר hădar had-ar' (Chaldee); from H1922; magnificence: - {honour} majesty.

H1924 <STRHEB>@ הדר hădar had-ar' The same as H1926; {Hadar} an Edomite: - Hadar.

H1926 <STRHEB>@ הדר hâdâr haw-dawr' From H1921; {magnificence} that {is} ornament or splendor: - {beauty} {comeliness} {excellency} {glorious} {glory} {goodly} {honour} majesty.

H1928 <STRHEB>@ הדרעזר hădarezer had-ar-eh'-zer From H1924 and H5828; Hadar (that {is} {Hadad} H1908) is his help; Hadarezer (that {is} {Hadadezer} {H1909}) a Syrian king: - Hadarezer.

H1938 <STRHEB>@ הודויה hôdavyâh ho-dav-yaw' From H1935 and H3050; majesty of Jah; {Hodavjah} the name of three Israelites: - Hodaviah.

H1939 <STRHEB>@ הודיוהוּ hôdayevâhû ho-dah-yeh-vaw'-hoo A form of H1938; {Hodajvah} an Israelite: - Hodaiah.

H1959 <STRHEB>@ הידד hêydâd hay-dawd' From an unused root (meaning to shout); acclamation: - shout (-ing).

H1991 <STRHEB>@ הם hêm haym From H1993; {abundance} that {is} wealth: - any of theirs.

H1995 <STRHEB>@ המן המון hâmôn hâmôn {haw-mone'} haw-mone' From H1993; a {noise} tumult6 crowd; also {disquietude} wealth: - {abundance} {company} {many} {multitude} {multiply} {noise} {riches} {rumbling} {sounding} {store} tumult.

H109 <STRHEB>@ אדב 'âdab aw-dab' A primitive root; to languish: - grieve.

H111 <STRHEB>@ אדד 'ădad ad-ad' Probably an orthographical variation for H2301; Adad (or {Hadad}) an Edomite: - Hadad.

H116 <STRHEB>@ אדין 'ĕdayin ed-ah'-yin (Chaldee); of uncertain derivation; then (of time): - {now} that {time} then.

H118 <STRHEB>@ אדליא 'ădalyâ' ad-al-yaw' Of Persian derivation; {Adalja} a son of Haman: - Adalia.

H119 <STRHEB>@ אדם 'âdam aw-dam' To show blood (in the {face}) that {is} flush or turn rosy: - be ({dyed} made) red (ruddy).

H120 <STRHEB>@ אדם 'âdâm aw-dawm' From H119; {ruddy} that {is} a human being (an individual or the {species} {mankind} etc.): - X {another} + {hypocrite} + common {sort} X {low} man ({mean} of low {degree}) person.

H121 <STRHEB>@ אדם 'âdâm aw-dawm' The same as H120; {Adam} the name of the first {man} also of a place in Palestine: - Adam.

H125 <STRHEB>@ אדמדּם 'ădamdâm ad-am-dawm' Reduplicated from H119; reddish: - (somewhat) reddish.

H128 <STRHEB>@ אדמה 'ădâmâh ad-aw-maw' The same as H127; {Adamah} a place in Palestine: - Adamah.

H129 <STRHEB>@ אדמי 'ădâmîy ad-aw-mee' From H127; earthy; {Adami} a place in Palestine: - Adami.

H130 <STRHEB>@ אדמי 'ĕdômîy ed-o-mee' Patronymic from H123; an {Edomite} or descendant from (or inhabitant of) Edom: - Edomite. See H726.

H134 <STRHEB>@ אדן 'eden eh'-den From the same as H113 (in the sense of strength); a basis (of a {building} a {column} etc.): - {foundation} socket.

H135 <STRHEB>@ אדּן 'addân ad-dawn' Intensive from the same as H134; firm; {Addan} an Israelite: - Addan.

H142 <STRHEB>@ אדר 'âdar aw-dar A primitive root; to {expand} that {is} be great or (figuratively) magnificent: - (become) {glorious} honourable.

H143 <STRHEB>@ אדר 'ădâr ad-awr' Probably of foreign derivation; perhaps meaning fire; {Adar} the H12 th Hebrew month: - Adar.

H144 <STRHEB>@ אדר 'ădâr ad-awr' (Chaldee); corresponding to H143: - Adar.

H146 <STRHEB>@ אדּר 'addâr ad-dawr' Intensive from H142; ample; {Addar} a place in Palestine; also an Israelite: - Addar.

H147 <STRHEB>@ אדּר 'iddar id-dar' (Chaldee); intensive from a root corresponding to H142; {ample} that {is} a threshing-floor: - threshingfloor.

H148 <STRHEB>@ אדרגּזר 'ădargâzêr ad-ar''-gaw-zare' (Chaldee); from the same as {H147} and H1505; a chief {diviner} or astrologer: - judge.

H149 <STRHEB>@ אדרזדּא 'adrazdâ' ad-raz-daw' (Chaldee); probably of Persian origin; quickly or carefully: - dilligently.

H150 <STRHEB>@ אדרכּן 'ădarkôn ad-ar-kone' Of Persian origin; a daric or Persian coin: - dram.

H156 <STRHEB>@ אדשׁ 'âdash aw-dash' A primitive root; to tread out (grain): - thresh.

H172 <STRHEB>@ אהליבהּ אהליבה 'ohŏlîybâh 'ohŏlîybâhh {o''-hol-ee-baw'} o''-hol-e-baw' (As with H170 the first form is in form a feminine of {H168} but is in fact for the second form); from H168; my tent (is) in her; {Oholibah} a symbolic name for Judah: - Aholibah.

H192 <STRHEB>@ אויל מרדך 'ĕvîyl merôdak ev-eel' mer-o-dak' Of Chaldee derivation and probably meaning soldier of Merodak; {Evil-Merodak} a Babylonian king: - Evil-merodach.

H2051 <STRHEB>@ ודן vedân ved-awn' Perhaps for H5730; Vedan (or {Aden}) a place in Arabia: - Dan also.

H2075 <STRHEB>@ זבוּלני zebûlônîy zeb-oo-lo-nee' Patronymic from H2074; a Zebulonite or descendant of Zebulun: - Zebulonite.

H2080 <STRHEB>@ זבידה zebîydâh zeb-ee-daw' Feminine from H2064; giving; {Zebidah} an Israelitess: - Zebudah.

H2120 <STRHEB>@ זחלת zôcheleth zo-kheh'-leth Feminine active participle of H2119; crawling (that {is} serpent); {Zocheleth} a boundary stone in Palestine: - Zoheleth.

H2123 <STRHEB>@ זיז zîyz zeez From an unused root apparently meaning to be conspicuous; fulness of the breast; also a moving creature: - {abundance} wild beast.

H2146 <STRHEB>@ זכרון zikrôn zik-rone' From H2142; a memento (or memorable {thing} day or writing): - {memorial} record.

H2187 <STRHEB>@ זנק zânaq zaw-nak' A primitive root; properly to draw together the feet (as an animal about to dart upon its {prey}) that {is} to spring forward: - leap.

H2199 <STRHEB>@ זעק zâ‛aq zaw-ak' A primitive root; to shriek (from anguish or danger); by analogy (as a herald) to announce or convene publicly: - {assemble} call ({together}) (make a) cry ({out}) come with such a {company} gather ({together}) cause to be proclaimed.

H2227 <STRHEB>@ זרחי zarchîy zar-khee' Patronymic from H2226; a Zarchite or descendant of Zerach: - Zarchite.

H2257 <STRHEB>@ חבל chăbal khab-al' (Chaldee); from H2255; harm (personal or pecuniary): - {damage} hurt.

H2277 <STRHEB>@ חברי chebrîy kheb-ree' Patronymic from H2268; a Chebrite (collectively) or descendant of Cheber: - Heberites.

H2282 <STRHEB>@ חג חג chag châg {khag} khawg A {festival} or a victim therefor: - (solemn) feast ({day}) {sacrifice} solemnity.

H2287 <STRHEB>@ חגג châgag khaw-gag' A primitive root (compare {H2283} H2328); properly to move in a {circle} that {is} (specifically) to march in a sacred {procession} to observe a festival; by implication to be giddy: - {celebrate} {dance} ({keep} hold) a (solemn) feast ({holiday}) reel to and fro.

H2291 <STRHEB>@ חגּי chaggîy khag-ghee' From H2287; festive; {Chaggi} an Israelite; also (patronymically) a {Chaggite} or descendant of the same: - {Haggi} Haggites.

H2294 <STRHEB>@ חגּית chaggîyth khag-gheeth' Feminine of H2291; festive; {Chaggith} a wife of David: - Haggith.

H2300 <STRHEB>@ חדד châdad khaw-dad' A primitive root; to be (causatively make) sharp or (figuratively) severe: - be {fierce} sharpen.

H2301 <STRHEB>@ חדד chădad khad-ad' From H2300; fierce; {Chadad} an Ishmaelite: - Hadad.

H2302 <STRHEB>@ חדה châdâh khaw-daw' A primitive root; to rejoice: - make {glad} be {joined} rejoice.

H2308 <STRHEB>@ חדל châdal khaw-dal' A primitive root; properly to be {flabby} that {is} (by implication) desist; (figuratively) be lacking or idle: - {cease} {end} {fail} {forbear} {forsake} leave ({off}) let {alone} {rest} be {unoccupied} want.

H2310 <STRHEB>@ חדל châdêl khaw-dale' From H2308; {vacant} that {is} ceasing or destitute: - he that {forbeareth} {frail} rejected.

H2314 <STRHEB>@ חדר châdar khaw-dar' A primitive root; properly to inclose (as a {room}) that {is} (by analogy) to beset (as in a siege): - enter a privy chamber.

H2316 <STRHEB>@ חדר chădar khad-ar' Another form for H2315; chamber; {Chadar} an Ishmaelite: - Hadar.

H2318 <STRHEB>@ חדשׁ châdash khaw-dash' A primitive root; to be new; causatively to rebuild: - {renew} repair.

H2319 <STRHEB>@ חדשׁ châdâsh khaw-dawsh' From H2318; new: - {fresh} new thing.

H2322 <STRHEB>@ חדשׁה chădâshâh khad-aw-shaw' Feminine of H2319; new; {Chadashah} a place in Palestine: - Hadashah.

H2325 <STRHEB>@ חיב חוּב chûb châyab {khoob} khaw-yab' A primitive root; properly perhaps to {tie} that {is} (figuratively and reflexively) to {owe} or (by implication) to forfeit: - make endanger.

H2342 <STRHEB>@ חיל חוּל chûl chîyl {khool} kheel A primitive root; properly to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral {manner}) that {is} (specifically) to {dance} to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear; figuratively to {wait} to pervert: - {bear} (make to) bring {forth} (make to) {calve} {dance} drive {away} fall grievously (with {pain}) {fear} {form} {great} {grieve} (be) {grievous} {hope} {look} {make} be in {pain} be much (sore) {pained} {rest} {shake} {shapen} (be) sorrow ({-ful}) {stay} {tarry} travail (with {pain}) {tremble} {trust} wait carefully ({patiently}) be wounded.

H2350 <STRHEB>@ חוּפמי chûphâmîy khoo-faw-mee' Patronymic from H2349; a Chuphamite or descendant of Chupham: - Huphamites.

H2362 <STRHEB>@ חורן chavrân khav-rawn' Apparently from H2357 (in the sense of H2352); cavernous; {Chavran} a region East of the Jordan: - Hauran.

H2396 <STRHEB>@ יחזקיּהוּ יחזקיּה חזקיּהוּ חזקיּה chizqîyâh chizqîyâhû yechizqîyâh yechizqîyâhû {khiz-kee-yaw'} {khiz-kee-yaw'-hoo} {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} yekh-iz-kee-yaw'-hoo From H2388 and H3050; strengthened of Jah; {Chizkijah} a king of {Judah} also the name of two other Israelites: - {Hezekiah} {Hizkiah} Hizkijah. Compare H3169.

H2420 <STRHEB>@ חידה chîydâh khee-daw' From H2330; a puzzle; hence a {trick} {conundrum} sententious maxim: - dark saying ({sentence} {speech}) hard {question} {proverb} riddle.

H2444 <STRHEB>@ חכילה chăkîylâh khak-ee-law' From the same as H2447; dark; {Chakilah} a hill in Palestine: - Hachilah.

H2446 <STRHEB>@ חכליה chăkalyâh khak-al-yaw' From the base of H2447 and H3050; darkness of Jah; {Chakaljah} an Israelite: - Hachaliah.

H2447 <STRHEB>@ חכליל chaklîyl khak-leel' By reduplication from an unused root apparently meaning to be dark; darkly flashing (only of the eyes); in a good {sense} brilliant (as stimulated by wine): - red.

H2468 <STRHEB>@ חלדּה chûldâh khool-daw' Feminine of H2467; {Chuldah} an Israelitess: - Huldah.

H2469 <STRHEB>@ חלדּי chelday khel-dah'-ee From H2466; worldliness; {Cheldai} the name of two Israelites: - Heldai.

H2489 <STRHEB>@ חלכה חלכא chêlekâ' chêlekâh {khay-lek-aw'} khay-lek-aw' Apparently from an unused root probably meaning to be dark or (figuratively) unhappy; a {wretch} that {is} unfortunate: - poor.

H2516 <STRHEB>@ חלקי chelqîy khel-kee' Patronymic from H2507; a Chelkite or descendant of Chelek: - Helkites.

H2526 <STRHEB>@ חם châm khawm The same as H2525; hot (from the tropical habitat); {Cham} a son of Noah; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country: - Ham.

H2532 <STRHEB>@ חמדּה chemdâh khem-daw' Feminine of H2531; delight: - {desire} {goodly} {pleasant} precious.

H2533 <STRHEB>@ חמדּן chemdân khem-dawn' From H2531; pleasant; {Chemdan} an Idumaean: - Hemdan.

H2539 <STRHEB>@ חמוּלי châmûlîy khaw-moo-lee' Patronymic from H2538; a Chamulite (collectively) or descendant of Chamul: - Hamulites.

H2555 <STRHEB>@ חמס châmâs khaw-mawce' From H2554; violence; by implication wrong; by metonymy unjust gain: - cruel ({-ty}) {damage} {false} {injustice} X {oppressor} {unrighteous} violence ({against} {done}) violent ({dealing}) wrong.

H2556 <STRHEB>@ חמץ châmêts khaw-mates' A primitive root; to be pungent; that {is} in taste ({sour} that {is} literally {fermented} or figuratively {harsh}) in color (dazzling): - cruel ({man}) {dyed} be {grieved} leavened.

H2560 <STRHEB>@ חמר châmar khaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to boil up; hence to ferment (with scum); to glow (with redness); as denominative (from H2564) to smear with pitch: - {daub} {foul} be {red} trouble.

H2582 <STRHEB>@ חנדד chênâdâd khay-naw-dawd' Probably from H2580 and H1908; favor of Hadad; {Chenadad} an Israelite: - Henadad.

H2599 <STRHEB>@ חנכי chănôkîy khan-o-kee' Patronymic from H2585; a Chanokite (collectively) or descendant of Chanok: - Hanochites.

H2624 <STRHEB>@ חסידה chăsîydâh khas-ee-daw' Feminine of H2623; the kind (maternal) {bird} that {is} a stork: - X {feather} stork.

H2662 <STRHEB>@ חפרי chephrîy khef-ree' Patronymic from H2660; a Chephrite (collectively) or descendant of Chepher: - Hepherites.

H2670 <STRHEB>@ חפשׁי chophshîy khof-shee' From H2666; exempt (from {bondage} tax or care): - {free} liberty.

H2671 <STRHEB>@ חץ chêts khayts From H2686; properly a {piercer} that {is} an arrow; by implication a wound; figuratively (of God) thunder bolt; (by interchange for H6086) the shaft of a spear: - + {archer} {arrow} {dart} {shaft} {staff} wound.

H2675 <STRHEB>@ חצור חדתּה châtsôr chădattâh khaw-tsore' khad-at-taw' From H2674 and a Chaldaizing form of the feminine of H2319 (compare H2323); new {Chatsor} a place in Palestine: - {Hazor} Hadattah [as if two places].

H2680 <STRHEB>@ חצי המּנחתּי chătsîy hammenachtîy khat-see' ham-men-akh-tee' Patronymic from H2679; a Chatsi ham-Menachtite or descendant of Chatsi ham-menuchoth: - half of the Manahethites.

H2692 <STRHEB>@ חצר אדּר chătsar 'addâr khats-ar' ad-dawr' From H269 and H146: (the) village of Addar; Chatsar {Addar} a place in Palestine: - Hazar-addar.

H2693 <STRHEB>@ חצר גּדּה chătsar gaddâh khats-ar' gad-daw' From H2691 and a feminine of H1408; (the) village of (female) Fortune; Chatsar {Gaddah} a place in Palestine: - Hazar-gaddah.

H2697 <STRHEB>@ חצרוני chetsrônîy khets-ro-nee' Patron from H2696; a Chetsronite or (collectively) descendant of Chetsron: - Hezronites.

H2719 <STRHEB>@ חרב chereb kheh'-reb From H2717; drought; also a cutting instrument (from its destructive {effect}) as a {knife} {sword} or other sharp implement: - {axe} {dagger} {knife} {mattock} {sword} tool.

H2731 <STRHEB>@ חרדה chărâdâh khar-aw-daw' Feminine of H2730; {fear} anxiety: - {care} X {exceedingly} {fear} {quaking} trembling.

H2732 <STRHEB>@ חרדה chărâdâh khar-aw-daw' The same as H2731; {Charadah} a place in the Desert: - Haradah.

H2781 <STRHEB>@ חרפּה cherpâh kher-paw' From H2778; {contumely} {disgrace} the pudenda: - {rebuke} reproach ({-fully}) shame.

H2806 <STRHEB>@ חשׁבּדּנה chashbaddânâh khash-bad-daw'-naw From H2803 and H1777; considerate judge; {Chasbaddanah} an Israelite: - Hasbadana.

H2809 <STRHEB>@ חשׁבּון cheshbôn khesh-bone' The same as H2808; {Cheshbon} a place East of the Jordan: - Heshbon.

H2816 <STRHEB>@ חשׁוך chăshôk khash-oke' (Chaldee) from a root corresponding to H2821; the dark: - darkness.

H2820 <STRHEB>@ חשׂך châώak khaw-sak' A prim root; to restrain or (reflexively) refrain; by implication to {refuse} spare6 preserve; also (by interchange with H2821) to observe: - {assuage} X {darken} {forbear} {hinder} hold {back} keep ({back}) {punish} {refrain} {reserve} {spare} withhold.

H2821 <STRHEB>@ חשׁך châshak khaw-shak' A primitive root; to be dark (as withholding light); transitively to darken: - be {black} be (make) {dark} {darken} cause {darkness} be {dim} hide.

H2822 <STRHEB>@ חשׁך chôshek kho-shek' From H2821; the dark; hence (literally) darkness; figuratively {misery} destruction6 {death} ignorance6 {sorrow} wickedness: - dark ({-ness}) {night} obscurity.

H2823 <STRHEB>@ חשׁך châshôk khaw-shoke' From H2821; dark (figuratively that {is} obscure): - mean.

H2824 <STRHEB>@ חשׁכה cheshkâh khesh-kaw' From H2821; darkness: - dark.

H2825 <STRHEB>@ חשׁיכה חשׁכה chăshêkâh chăshêykâh {khash-ay-kaw'} khash-ay-kaw' From H2821; darkness; figuratively misery: - darkness.

H2841 <STRHEB>@ חשׁרה chashrâh khash-raw' From the same as H2840; properly a combination or {gathering} that {is} of watery clouds: - dark.

H2843 <STRHEB>@ חשׁתי chûshâthîy khoo-shaw-thee' Patronymic from H2364; a Chushathite or descendant of Chushah: - Hushathite.

H2848 <STRHEB>@ חתּוּל chittûl khit-tool' From H2853; {swathed} that {is} a bandage: - roller.

H2850 <STRHEB>@ חתּי chittîy khit-tee' Patronymic from H2845; a {Chittite} or descendant of Cheth: - {Hittite} Hittites.

H2859 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthan khaw-than' A primitive root; to give (a daughter) away in marriage; hence (generally) to contract affinity by marriage: - join in {affinity} father in {law} make {marriages} mother in {law} son in law.

H2888 <STRHEB>@ טבּת ţabbath tab-bath' Of uncertain derivation; {Tabbath} a place East of the Jordan: - Tabbath.

H2897 <STRHEB>@ טוב ţôb tobe The same as H2896; good; {Tob} a region apparently East of the Jordan: - Tob.

H2902 <STRHEB>@ טוּח ţûach too'-akh A primitive root; to {smear} especially with lime: - {daub} {overlay} {plaister} smut.

H2914 <STRHEB>@ טחר ţechôr tekh-ore' From an unused root meaning to burn; a boil or ulcer (from the {inflammation}) especially a tumor in the anus or pudenda (the piles): - emerod.

H2915 <STRHEB>@ טיח ţîyach tee'-akh From (the equivalent of) H2902; mortar or plaster: - daubing.

H2940 <STRHEB>@ טעם ţaam tah'-am From H2938; properly a {taste} that {is} (figuratively) perception; by implication intelligence; transitively a mandate: - {advice} {behaviour} {decree} {discretion} {judgment} {reason} {taste} understanding.

H2946 <STRHEB>@ טפח ţâphach taw-fakh' A primitive root; to flatten out or extend (as a tent); figuratively to nurse a child (as promotive of growth); or perhaps a denominative from {H2947} from dandling on the palms: - {span} swaddle.

H2972 <STRHEB>@ יארי yâ'irîy yaw-ee-ree' Patronymic from H2971; a Jairite or descendant of Jair: - Jairite.

H2999 <STRHEB>@ יבּק yabbôq yab-boke' Probably from H1238; pouring forth; {Jabbok} a river East of the Jordan: - Jabbok.

H209 <STRHEB>@ אונן 'ônân o-nawn' A variation of H207; strong; {Onan} a son of Judah: - Onan.

H215 <STRHEB>@ אור 'ôr ore A primitive root; to be (causatively make) luminous (literally and metaphorically): - X break of {day} {glorious} {kindle} ({be} {en-} {give} show) light ({-en} {-ened}) set on {fire} shine.

H216 <STRHEB>@ אור 'ôr ore From H215; illumination or (concretely) luminary (in every {sense} including {lightning} {happiness} etc.): - {bright} {clear} + {day} light ({-ning}) {morning} sun.

H218 <STRHEB>@ אוּר 'ûr oor The same as H217; {Ur} a place in Chaldaea; also an Israelite: - Ur.

H244 <STRHEB>@ אזני 'oznîy oz-nee' From H241; having (quick) ears; {Ozni} an Israelite; also an Oznite ({collectively}) his descendants: - {Ozni} Oznites.

H250 <STRHEB>@ אזרחי 'ezrâchîy ez-raw-khee' Patronymic from H2246; an Ezrachite or descendants of Zerach: - Ezrahite.

H259 <STRHEB>@ אחד 'echâd ekh-awd' A numeral from H258; properly {united} that {is} one; or (as an ordinal) first: - {a} {alike} {alone} {altogether} {and} any ({-thing}) {apiece} a certain [dai-] {ly} each ({one}) + {eleven} {every} {few} {first} + {highway} a {man} {once} {one} {only} {other} {some} together.

H266 <STRHEB>@ אחוחי 'ăchôchîy akh-o-khee' Patronymic from H264; an Achochite or descendants of Achoach: - Ahohite.

H280 <STRHEB>@ אחידה 'ăchîydâh akh-ee-daw' (Chaldee); corresponding to {H2420} an enigma: - hard sentence.

H292 <STRHEB>@ אחינדב 'ăchîynâdâb akh-ee-naw-dawb' From H251 and H5068; brother of liberality; {Achinadab} an Israelite: - Ahinadab.

H298 <STRHEB>@ אחירמי 'ăchîyrâmîy akh-ee-raw-mee' Patronymic from H297; an Achiramite or descendants (collectively) of Achiram: - Ahiramites.

H300 <STRHEB>@ אחישׁחר 'ăchîyshachar akh-ee-shakh'-ar From H251 and H7837; brother of (the) dawn; {Achishachar} an Israelite: - Ahishar.

H3011 <STRHEB>@ יגבּהה yogbehâh yog-beh-haw' Feminine from H1361; hillock; {Jogbehah} a place East of the Jordan: - Jogbehah.

H3012 <STRHEB>@ יגדּליהוּ yigdalyâhû yig-dal-yaw'-hoo From H1431 and H3050; magnified of Jah; {Jigdaljah} an Israelite: - Igdaliah.

H3026 <STRHEB>@ יגר שׂהדוּתא yegar ώahădûthâ' yegar' sah-had-oo-thaw' (Chaldee); from a word derived from an unused root (meaning to gather) and a derivative of a root corresponding to H7717; heap of the testimony; {Jegar-Sahadutha} a cairn East of the Jordan: - Jegar-Sahadutha.

H3030 <STRHEB>@ ידאלה yidlâh yid-al-aw' Of uncertain derivation {Jidalah} a place in Palestine: - Idalah.

H3032 <STRHEB>@ ידד yâdad yaw-dad' A primitive root; properly to handle (compare {H3034}) that {is} to {throw} for example lots: - cast.

H3033 <STRHEB>@ ידדוּת yedidûth yed-ee-dooth' From H3039; properly affection; concretely a darling object: - dearly beloved.

H3034 <STRHEB>@ ידה yâdâh yaw-daw' A primitive root; used only as denominative from H3027; literally to use (that {is} hold out) the hand; physically to throw (a {stone} an arrow) at or away; especially to revere or worship (with extended hands); intensively to bemoan (by wringing the hands): - cast ({out}) (make) confess ({-ion}) {praise} {shoot} (give) thank ({-ful} {-s} -sgiving).

H3038 <STRHEB>@ ידיתוּן ידתוּן ידוּתוּן yedûthûn yedûthûn yedîythûn (1,2) {yed-oo-thoon'} (3) yed-ee-thoon' Probably from H3034; laudatory; {Jeduthun} an Israelite: - Jeduthun.

H3040 <STRHEB>@ ידידה yedîydâh yed-ee-daw' Feminine of H3039; beloved; {Jedidah} an Israelitess: - Jedidah.

H3042 <STRHEB>@ ידיה yedâyâh yed-aw-yaw' From H3034 and H3050; praised of Jah; {Jedajah} the name of two Israelites: - Jedaiah.

H3045 <STRHEB>@ ידע yâdayaw-dah' A primitive root; to know (properly to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of {senses} {figuratively} {literally} euphemistically and inferentially (including {observation} care6 recognition; and causatively {instruction} designation6 {punishment} etc.): - {acknowledge} acquaintance (-ted {with}) {advise} {answer} {appoint} {assuredly} be {aware} [un-] {awares} can {[-not]} {certainly} for a {certainty} {comprehend} {consider} X could {they} {cunning} {declare} be {diligent} ({can} cause to) {discern} {discover} endued {with} familiar {friend} {famous} {feel} can {have} be [ig-] {norant} {instruct} {kinsfolk} {kinsman} (cause {to} {let} make) {know} (come to {give} {have} take) {knowledge} have {[knowledge]} ({be} {make} make to {be} make self) {known} + be {learned} + lie by {man} {mark} {perceive} privy {to} X {prognosticator} {regard} have {respect} {skilful} {shew} can (man of) {skill} be {sure} of a {surety} {teach} (can) {tell} {understand} have {[understanding]} X will {be} {wist} {wit} wot.

H3046 <STRHEB>@ ידע yedayed-ah' (Chaldee); corresponding to H3045: - {certify} {know} make {known} teach.

H3047 <STRHEB>@ ידע yâdâ‛ yaw-daw' From H3045; knowing; {Jada} an Israelite: - Jada.

H3048 <STRHEB>@ ידעיה yedayâh yed-ah-yaw' From H3045 and H3050; Jah has known; {Jedajah} the name of two Israelites: - Jedaiah.

H3054 <STRHEB>@ יהד yâhad yaw-had' Denominative from a form corresponding to H3061; to {Judaize} that {is} become Jewish: - become Jews.

H3056 <STRHEB>@ יהדי yehday yeh-dah'ee Perhaps from a form corresponding to H3061; Judaistic; {Jehdai} an Israelite: - Jehdai.

H3061 <STRHEB>@ יהוּד yehûd yeh-hood' (Chaldee); contracted from a form. corresponding to H3063; properly {Judah} hence Judaea: - {Jewry} {Judah} Judea.

H3062 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדאי yehûdâ'îy yeh-hoo-daw-ee' (Chaldee); patrial from H3061; a Jehudaite (or {Judaite}) that {is} Jew: - Jew.

H3063 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדה yehûdâh yeh-hoo-daw' From H3034; celebrated; Jehudah (or {Judah}) the name of five Israelites; also of the tribe descended from the {first} and of its territory: - Judah.

H3064 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדי yehûdîy yeh-hoo-dee' Patronymic from H3063; a Jehudite (that {is} Judaite or {Jew}) or descendant of Jehudah (that {is} Judah): - Jew.

H3077 <STRHEB>@ יהוידע yehôyâdâ‛ yeh-ho-yaw-daw' From H3068 and H3045; Jehovah-known; {Jehojada} the name of three Israelites: - Jehoiada. Compare H3111.

H3082 <STRHEB>@ יהונדב yehônâdâb yeh-ho-naw-dawb' From H3068 and H5068; Jehovah-largessed; {Jehonadab} the name of an Israelite and of an Arab: - {Jehonadab} Jonadab. Compare H3122.

H3085 <STRHEB>@ יהועדּה yehô‛addâh yeh-ho-ad-daw' From H3068 and H5710; Jehovah-adorned; {Jehoaddah} an Israelite: - Jehoada.

H3086 <STRHEB>@ יהועדּן יהועדּין yehô‛addîyn yehô‛addân {yeh-ho-ad-deen'} yeh-ho-ad-dawn' From H3068 and H5727; Jehovah-pleased; Jehoaddin or {Jehoaddan} an Israelitess: - Jehoaddan.

H3087 <STRHEB>@ יהוצדק yehôtsâdâq yeh-ho-tsaw-dawk' From H3068 and H6663; Jehovah-righted; {Jehotsadak} an Israelite: - {Jehozadek} Josedech. Compare H3136.

H3096 <STRHEB>@ יהצה יהצה יהץ yahats yahtsâh yahtsâh {yah'-hats} {yah'-tsaw} yah-tsaw' From an unused root meaning to stamp; perhaps threshing floor; Jahats or {Jahtsah} a place East of the Jordan: - {Jahaz} {Jahazah} Jahzah.

H3111 <STRHEB>@ יוידע yôyâdâ‛ yo-yaw-daw' A form of H3077; {Jojada} the name of two Israelites: - {Jehoiada} Joiada.

H3117 <STRHEB>@ יום yôm yome From an unused root meaning to be hot; a day (as the warm {hours}) whether literally (from sunrise to {sunset} or from one sunset to the {next}) or figuratively (a space of time defined by an associated {term}) (often used adverbially): - {age} + {always} + {chronicles} continually ({-ance}) {daily} ({[birth-]} {each} to) {day} (now {a} two) days ({agone}) + {elder} X {end} + {evening} + (for) ever ({-lasting} {-more}) X {full} {life} as (so) long as (. . . {live}) (even) {now} + {old} + {outlived} + {perpetually} {presently} + {remaineth} X {required} {season} X {since} {space} {then} (process of) {time} + as at other {times} + in {trouble} {weather} (as) {when} ({a} {the} within a) while ({that}) X whole (+ {age}) (full) year ({-ly}) + younger.

H3118 <STRHEB>@ יום yôm yome (Chaldee); corresponding to H3117; a day: - day (by {day}) time.

H3119 <STRHEB>@ יומם yômâm yo-mawm' From H3117; daily: - {daily} ({by} in the) day (-time).

H3122 <STRHEB>@ יונדב yônâdâb yo-naw-dawb' A form of H3082; {Jonadab} the name of an Israelite and of a Rechabite: - Jonadab.

H3125 <STRHEB>@ יוני yevânîy yev-aw-nee' Patronymic from H3121; a {Jevanite} or descendant of Javan: - Grecian.

H3136 <STRHEB>@ יוצדק yôtsâdâq yo-tsaw-dawk' A form of H3087; {Jotsadak} an Israelite: - Jozadak.

H3148 <STRHEB>@ יותר yôthêr yo-thare' Active participle of H8498; properly redundant; hence over and {above} as {adjective} {noun} adverb or conjugation: - {better} more ({-over}) {over} profit.

H3155 <STRHEB>@ יזרח yizrâch yiz-rawkh' A variation for H250; a Jizrach (that {is} Ezrachite or Zarchite) or descendant of Zerach: - Izrahite.

H3172 <STRHEB>@ יחיאלי yechîylîy yekh-ee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3171; a Jechielite or descendant of Jechiel: - Jehieli.

H3173 <STRHEB>@ יחיד yâchîyd yaw-kheed' From H3161; properly {united} that {is} sole; by implication beloved; also lonely; (feminine) the life (as not to be replace): - {darling} {desolate} only ({child} {son}) solitary.

H3178 <STRHEB>@ יחלאלי yachlelîy yakh-leh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3177; a Jachleelite or descendant of Jachleel: - Jahleelites.

H3182 <STRHEB>@ יחף yâchêph yaw-khafe' From an unused root meaning to take off the shoes; unsandalled: - {barefoot} being unshod.

H3184 <STRHEB>@ יחצאלי yachtselîy yakh-tseh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3183; a Jachtseelite (collectively) or descendant of Jachtseel: - Jahzeelites.

H3198 <STRHEB>@ יכח yâkach yaw-kakh' A primitive root; to be right (that {is} correct); reciprocally to argue; causatively to {decide} justify or convict: - {appoint} {argue} {chasten} {convince} correct ({-ion}) {daysman} {dispute} {judge} {maintain} {plead} reason ({together}) {rebuke} reprove ({-r}) {surely} in any wise.

H3200 <STRHEB>@ יכיני yâkîynîy yaw-kee-nee' Patronymic from H3199; a Jakinite (collectively) or descendant of Jakin: - Jachinites.

H3205 <STRHEB>@ ילד yâlad yaw-lad' A primitive root; to bear young; causatively to beget; medically to act as midwife; specifically to show lineage: - {bear} {beget} birth ({[-day]}) {born} (make to) bring forth ({children} {young}) bring {up} {calve} {child} {come} be delivered (of a {child}) time of {delivery} {gender} {hatch} {labour} (do the office of a) {midwife} declare {pedigrees} be the son {of} (woman {in} woman that) travail ({-eth} -ing woman).

H3207 <STRHEB>@ ילדּה yaldâh yal-daw' Feminine of H3206; a lass: - {damsel} girl.

H3223 <STRHEB>@ ימוּאל yemû'êl yem-oo-ale' From H3117 and H410; day of God; {Jemuel} an Israelite: - Jemuel.

H3224 <STRHEB>@ ימימה yemîymâh yem-ee-maw' Perhaps from the same as H3117; properly {warm} that {is} affectionate; hence dove (compare H3123); {Jemimah} one of Job´ s daughters: - Jemimah.

H3228 <STRHEB>@ ימיני yemîynîy yem-ee-nee' Patronymic from H3226; a Jeminite (collectively) or descendant of Jamin: - Jaminites. See also H1145.

H3240 <STRHEB>@ ינח yânach yaw-nakh' A primitive root; to deposit; by implication to allow to stay. (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred {to} in accordance with the older grammarians; but if any distinction of the kind is to be {made} these should rather be referred to {H5117} and the others here): - {bestow} cast {down} lay ({down} {up}) leave ({off}) let alone ({remain}) {pacify} {place} {put} set ({down}) {suffer} {withdraw} withhold. (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred {to} in accordance with the older grammarians; but if any distinction of the kind is to be {made} these should rather be referred to {H5117} and the others here.)

H3245 <STRHEB>@ יסד yâsad yaw-sad' A primitive root; to set (literally or figuratively); intensively to found; reflexively to sit down {together} that {is} {settle} consult: - {appoint} take {counsel} {establish} (lay {the} lay for a) found ({-ation}) {instruct} {lay} {ordain} {set} X sure.

H3246 <STRHEB>@ יסד yesûd yes-ood' From H3245; a foundation (figuratively that {is} beginning): - X began.

H3247 <STRHEB>@ יסוד yesôd yes-ode' From H3245; a foundation (literally or figuratively): - {bottom} {foundation} repairing.

H3248 <STRHEB>@ יסוּדה yesûdâh yes-oo-daw' Feminine of H3246; a foundation: - foundation.

H3270 <STRHEB>@ יעזר יעזיר ya‛ăzêyr yazêr {yah-az-ayr'} yah-zare' From H5826; helpful; Jaazer or {Jazer} a place East of the Jordan: - {Jaazer} Jazer.

H3311 <STRHEB>@ יפלטי yaphlêţîy yaf-lay-tee' Patronymic from H3310; a Japhletite or descendant of Japhlet: - Japhleti.

H3325 <STRHEB>@ יצהרי yitshârîy yits-haw-ree' Patronymic from H3324; a Jitsharite or descendant of Jitshar: - {Izeharites} Izharites.

H3340 <STRHEB>@ יצרי yitsrîy yits-ree' Patronymic from H3337; a Jitsrite (collectively) or descendant of Jetser: - Jezerites.

H3346 <STRHEB>@ יקדא yeqêdâ' yek-ay-daw' (Chaldee); from H3345; a conflagration: - burning.

H3381 <STRHEB>@ ירד yârad yaw-rad' A primitive root; to descend (literally to go downwards; or conventionally to a lower {region} as the {shore} a {boundary} the {enemy} etc.; or figuratively to fall); causatively to bring down (in all the above applications): - X {abundantly} bring {down} carry {down} cast {down} (cause to) come (-ing) {down} fall ({down}) get {down} go (-ing) down ({-ward}) hang {down} X {indeed} let {down} light ({down}) put down ({off}) (cause {to} let) run {down} {sink} {subdue} take down.

H3383 <STRHEB>@ ירדּן yardên yar-dane' From H3381; a descender; {Jarden} the principal river of Palestine: - Jordan.

H3397 <STRHEB>@ ירחמאלי yerachmelîy yer-akh-meh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3396; a Jerachmeelite or descendant of Jerachmeel: - Jerahmeelites.

H3432 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבי yâshûbîy yaw-shoo-bee' Patronymic from H3437; a {Jashubite} or descendant of Jashub: - Jashubites.

H3441 <STRHEB>@ ישׁוי yishvîy yish-vee' Patronymic from H3440; a Jishvite (collectively) or descendant of Jishvi: - Jesuites.

H3448 <STRHEB>@ אישׁי ישׁי yishayyshay {yee-shah'ee} ee-shah'ee From the same as H3426; extant; {Jishai} David´ s father: - Jesse.

H3459 <STRHEB>@ ישׁמעאלי yishmâ‛ê'lîy yish-maw-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3458; a Jishmaelite or descendant of Jishmael: - Ishmaelite.

H3481 <STRHEB>@ ישׂראלי yiώrelîy yish-reh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3478; a Jisreelite or descendant of Jisrael: - of {Israel} Israelite.

H3482 <STRHEB>@ ישׂראלית yiώrelîyth yis-reh-ay-leeth' Feminine of H3481; a Jisreelitess or female descendant of Jisrael: - Israelitish.

H3492 <STRHEB>@ יתּיר yattîyr yat-teer' From H3498; redundant; {Jattir} a place in Palestine: - Jattir.

H3499 <STRHEB>@ יתר yether yeh'-ther Properly an {overhanging} that {is} (by implication) an {excess} superiority6 remainder; also a small rope (as hanging free): - + {abundant} {cord} {exceeding} excellency ({-ent}) what they {leave} that hath {left} {plentifully} {remnant} {residue} {rest} {string} with.

H3502 <STRHEB>@ יתרה yithrâh yith-raw' Feminine of H3499; properly {excellence} that {is} (by implication) wealth: - {abundance} riches.

H3505 <STRHEB>@ יתרי yithrîy yith-ree' Patronymic from H3500; a Jithrite or descendant of Jether: - Ithrite.

H3507 <STRHEB>@ יתרעם yithre‛âm yith-reh-awm' From H3499 and H5971; excellence of people; {Jithream} a son of David: - Ithream.

H3508 <STRHEB>@ יתרת yôthereth yo-theh'-reth Feminine active participle of H3498; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or outhanging): - caul.

H3520 <STRHEB>@ כּבוּדּה kebûddâh keb-ood-daw' Irregular feminine passive participle of H3513; weightiness; that {is} {magnificence} wealth: - {carriage} all {glorious} stately.

H3527 <STRHEB>@ כּבר kâbar kaw-bar' A primitive root; properly to plait {together} that {is} (figuratively) to augment (especially in number or {quantity} to accumulate): - in {abundance} multiply.

H3533 <STRHEB>@ כּבשׁ kâbash kaw-bash' A primitive root; to tread down; hence negatively to disregard; positively to {conquer} {subjugate} violate: - bring into {bondage} {force} keep {under} {subdue} bring into subjection.

H3538 <STRHEB>@ כּדב kedab ked-ab' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H3576; false: - lying.

H3543 <STRHEB>@ כּהה kâhâh kaw-haw' A primitive root; to be {weak} that {is} (figuratively) to despond (causatively {rebuke}) or (of {light} the eye) to grow dull: - {darken} be {dim} {fail} {faint} {restrain} X utterly.

H3544 <STRHEB>@ כּהה kêheh kay-heh' From H3543; {feeble} obscure: - somewhat {dark} {darkish} wax {dim} {heaviness} smoking.

H3559 <STRHEB>@ כּוּן kûn koon A primitive root; properly to be erect (that {is} stand perpendicular);. hence (causatively) to set {up} in a great variety of {applications} whether literal ({establish} fix6 {prepare} {apply}) or figurative ({appoint} render {sure} proper or prosperous): - certain ({-ty}) {confirm} {direct} {faithfulness} {fashion} {fasten} {firm} be {fitted} be {fixed} {frame} be {meet} {ordain} {order} {perfect} (make) {preparation} prepare ({self}) {provide} make {provision} ({be} make) {ready} {right} set ({aright} {fast} {forth}) be {stable} (e-) {stablish} {stand} {tarry} X very deed.

H3569 <STRHEB>@ כּוּשׁי kûshîy koo-shee' Patronymic from H3568; a {Cushite} or descendant of Cush: - {Cushi} {Cushite} Ethiopian (-s).

H3591 <STRHEB>@ כּידון kîydôn kee-dohn' From the same as H3589; properly something to strike {with} that {is} a dart (perhaps smaller than H2595): - {lance} {shield} {spear} target.

H3603 <STRHEB>@ כּכר kikâr kik-kawr' From H3769; a {circle} that {is} (by implication) a circumjacent tract or {region} especially the Ghor or valley of the Jordan; also a (round) loaf; also a talent (or large (round) coin): - {loaf} {morsel} {piece} {plain} talent.

H3614 <STRHEB>@ כּלבי כּלבּוo kâlibbô kâlêbîy {kaw-lib-bo'} kaw-lay-bee' The first form is probably by erroneous transcription for the second form; patronymic from H3612; a Calebite or descendant of Caleb: - of the house of Caleb.

H3615 <STRHEB>@ כּלה kâlâh kaw-law' A primitive root; to {end} whether intransitively (to {cease} be {finished} perish) or transitively (to {complete} {prepare} consume): - {accomplish} {cease} consume ({away}) {determine} destroy ({utterly}) be (when . . . were) {done} (be an) end ({of}) {expire} (cause to) {fail} {faint} {finish} {fulfil} X {fully} X {have} leave ({off}) {long} bring to {pass} wholly {reap} make clean {riddance} {spend} quite take {away} waste.

H3617 <STRHEB>@ כּלה kâlâh kaw-law' From H3615; a completion; adverbially completely; also destruction: - {altogether} ({be} utterly) consume ({-d}) consummation ({-ption}) was {determined} ({full} utter) {end} riddance.

H3618 <STRHEB>@ כּלּה kallâh kal-law' From H3634; a bride (as if perfect); hence a son's wife: - {bride} {daughter-in-law} spouse.

H3679 <STRHEB>@ כּסדּי kasday kas-dah'ee For H3778: - Chaldean.

H3753 <STRHEB>@ כּרכּרה karkârâh kar-kaw-raw' From H3769; a dromedary (from its rapid motion as if dancing): - swift beast.

H3757 <STRHEB>@ כּרמי karmîy kar-mee' Patronymic from H3756; a Karmite or descendant of Karmi: - Carmites.

H3769 <STRHEB>@ כּרר kârar kaw-rar' A primitive root; to dance (that {is} whirl): - dance (-ing).

H3778 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂדּימה כּשׂדּי kaώdîy kaώdîymâh {kas-dee'} kas-dee'-maw (Occasionally shown as the second form with enclitic; meaning towards the Kasdites); patronymic from H3777 (only in the plural); a {Kasdite} or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldaean (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - into {Chaldea}) patronymicallyn. from H3777 (only in the plural); a Kasdite; or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldan (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - {Chaldeans} {Chaldees} inhabitants of Chaldea.

H3779 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂדּי kaώday kas-dah'ee (Chaldee); corresponding to H3778; a Chaldaean or inhabitant of Chaldaea; by implication a Magian or professional astrologer: - Chaldean.

H3846 <STRHEB>@ לבני libnîy lib-nee' Patronymic from H3845; a Libnite or descendant of Libni (collectively): - Libnites.

H3872 <STRHEB>@ לחות לוּחיתo lûchîyth lûchôth {loo-kheeth'} loo-khoth' From the same as H3871; floored; {Luchith} a place East of the Jordan: - Luhith.

H3881 <STRHEB>@ לוי לויּי lêvîyîy lêvîy {lay-vee-ee'} lay-vee' Patronymic from H3878; a Leviite or descendant of Levi: - Levite.

H3910 <STRHEB>@ לט lôţ lote Probably from H3874; a gum (from its sticky {nature}) probably ladanum: - myrrh.

H3935 <STRHEB>@ לעדּה ladâh lah-daw' From an unused root of uncertain meaning; {Ladah} an Israelite: - Laadah.

H3936 <STRHEB>@ לעדּן ladân lah-dawn' From the same as H3935; {Ladan} the name of two Israelites: - Laadan.

H3962 <STRHEB>@ לשׁע leshaleh'-shah From an unused root thought to mean to break through; a boiling spring; {Lesha} a place probably East of the Jordan: - Lasha.

H3988 <STRHEB>@ מאס mâ'as maw-as' A primitive root; to spurn; also (intransitively) to disappear: - {abhor} cast away ({off}) {contemn} {despise} {disdain} (become) loathe ({-some}) melt {away} {refuse} {reject} {reprobate} X {utterly} vile person.

H3990 <STRHEB>@ מאפל maphêl mah-af-ale' From the same as H651; something opaque: - darkness.

H3991 <STRHEB>@ מאפליהo maphêleyâh mah-af-ay-leh-yaw' Prolonged feminine of H3990; opaqueness: - darkness.

H3995 <STRHEB>@ מבדּלה mibdâlâh mib-daw-law' From H914; a {separation} that {is} (concretely) a separate place: - separate.

H323 <STRHEB>@ אחשׁדּרפּן 'ăchashdarpan akh-ash-dar-pan' Of Persian derivation; a satrap or governor of a main province (of Persia): - lieutenant.

H324 <STRHEB>@ אחשׁדּרפּן 'ăchashdarpan akh-ash-dar-pan' (Chaldee); corresponding to H323: - prince.

H373 <STRHEB>@ איעזרי 'îyezrîy ee-ez-ree' Patronymic from H372; an Iezrite or descendant of Iezer: - Jezerite.

H4016 <STRHEB>@ מבשׁ mâbûsh maw-boosh' From H954; (plural) the (male) pudenda: - secrets.

H4026 <STRHEB>@ מגדּלה מגדּל migdâl migdâlâh {mig-dawl'} mig-daw-law' From H1431; a tower (from its size or height); by analogy a rostrum; figuratively a (pyramidal) bed of flowers: - {castle} {flower} {pulpit} tower. Compare the names following.

H4027 <STRHEB>@ מגדּל־אל migdal-'êl mig-dal-ale' From H4026 and H410; tower of God; {Migdal-El} a place in Palestine: - Migdal-el.

H4028 <STRHEB>@ מגדּל־גּד migdal-gâd mig-dal-gawd' From H4026 and H1408; tower of Fortune; {Migdal-Gad} a place in Palestine: - Migdal-gad.

H4029 <STRHEB>@ מגדּל־עדר migdal-‛êder mig-dal'-ay'-der From H4026 and H5739; tower of a flock; {Migdal-Eder} a place in Palestine: - {Migdal-eder} tower of the flock.

H4030 <STRHEB>@ מגדּנה migdânâh mig-daw-naw' From the same as H4022; {preciousness} that {is} a gem: - precious {thing} present.

H4058 <STRHEB>@ מדד mâdad maw-dad' A primitive root; properly to stretch; by implication to measure (as if by stretching a line); figuratively to be extended: - {measure} {mete} stretch self.

H4059 <STRHEB>@ מדּד middad mid-dad' From H5074; flight: - be gone.

H4060 <STRHEB>@ מדּה middâh mid-daw' Feminine of H4055; properly {extension} that {is} height or breadth; also a measure (including its standard); hence a portion (as measured) or a vestment; specifically tribute (as measured): - {garment} measure ({-ing} {meteyard} {piece} {size} (great) {stature} {tribute} wide.

H4061 <STRHEB>@ מנדּה מדּה middâh mindâh {mid-daw'} min-daw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4060; tribute in money: - {toll} tribute.

H4073 <STRHEB>@ מדחפה medachphâh med-akh-faw' From H1765; a {push} that {is} ruin: - overthrow.

H4074 <STRHEB>@ מדי mâday maw-dah'ee Of foreign derivation; {Madai} a country of central Asia: - {Madai} {Medes} Media.

H4075 <STRHEB>@ מדי mâday maw-dah'ee Patrial from H4074; a Madian or native of Madai: - Mede.

H4076 <STRHEB>@ מדי mâday maw-dah'ee (Chaldee); corresponding to H4074: - Mede (-s).

H4077 <STRHEB>@ מדי mâday maw-dah'ee (Chaldee); corresponding to H4075: - Median.

H4078 <STRHEB>@ מדּי madday mad-dah'ee From H4100 and H1767; what (is) {enough} that {is} sufficiently: - sufficiently.

H4080 <STRHEB>@ מדין midyân mid-yawn' The same as H4079; {Midjan} a son of Abraham; also his country and (collectively) his descendants: - {Midian} Midianite.

H4084 <STRHEB>@ מדיני midyânîy mid-yaw-nee' Patronymic or patrial from H4080; a Midjanite or descendant (native) of Midjan: - Midianite. Compare H4092.

H4091 <STRHEB>@ מדן medân med-awn' The same as H4090; {Medan} a son of Abraham: - Medan.

H4093 <STRHEB>@ מדּע מדּע maddâ‛ madda‛ {mad-daw'} mad-dah' From H3045; intelligence or consciousness: - {knowledge} {science} thought.

H4099 <STRHEB>@ מדתא medâthâ' med-aw-thaw' Of Persian origin; {Medatha} the father of Haman. (Including the article.): - Hammedatha [includ. the article.]

H4124 <STRHEB>@ מואב mô'âb mo-awb From a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix m- and H1; from (her (the mother´ s)) father; {Moab} an incestuous son of Lot; also his territory and descendants: - Moab.

H4125 <STRHEB>@ מואבית מואביּה מואבי mô'âbîy mô'âbîyâh mô'âbîyth {mo-aw-bee'} {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} mo-aw-beeth' Patronymic from H4124; a Moabite or {Moabitess} that {is} a descendant from Moab: - (woman) of {Moab} Moabite ({-ish} -ss).

H4129 <STRHEB>@ מדע מודע môdamôdâ‛ {mo-dah'} mo-daw' From H3045; an acquaintance: - kinswoman.

H4130 <STRHEB>@ מודעת môdaath mo-dah'-ath From H3045; acquaintance: - kindred.

H4137 <STRHEB>@ מולדה môlâdâh mo-law-daw' From H3205; birth; {Moladah} a place in Palestine: - Moladah.

H4143 <STRHEB>@ מוּסד mûsâd moo-sawd' From H3245; a foundation: - foundation.

H4144 <STRHEB>@ מוסד môsâd mo-sawd' From H3245; a foundation: - foundation.

H4145 <STRHEB>@ מוּסדה mûsâdâh moo-saw-daw' Feminine of H4143; a foundation; figuratively an appointment: - {foundation} grounded. Compare H4328.

H4146 <STRHEB>@ מסדה מוסדה môsâdâh môsâdâh {mo-saw-daw'} mo-saw-daw' Feminine of H4144; a foundation: - foundation.

H4150 <STRHEB>@ מועדה מעד מועד mô‛êd mô‛êd mô‛âdâh {mo-ade'} {mo-ade'} mo-aw-daw' From H3259; properly an {appointment} that {is} a fixed time or season; specifically a festival; conventionally a year; by {implication} an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by {extension} the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed beforehand): - appointed ({sign} {time}) (place {of} solemn) {assembly} {congregation} ({set} solemn) {feast} ({appointed} due) {season} solemn ({-ity}) {synagogue} (set) time (appointed).

H4152 <STRHEB>@ מוּעדה mû‛âdâh moo-aw-daw' From H3259; an appointed {place} that {is} asylum: - appointed.

H4155 <STRHEB>@ מוּעף mû‛âph moo-awf' From H5774; properly {covered} that {is} dark; abstractly {obscurity} that {is} distress: - dimness.

H4161 <STRHEB>@ מצא מוצא môtsâ' môtsâ' {mo-tsaw'} mo-tsaw' From H3318; a going {forth} that {is} (the act) an {egress} or (the place) an exit; hence a source or product; specifically {dawn} the rising of the sun (the {East}) exportation6 {utterance} a {gate} a {fountain} a {mine} a meadow (as producing grass): - brought {out} {bud} that which came {out} {east} going {forth} goings {out} that which (thing that) is gone {out} {outgoing} proceeded {out} {spring} {vein} [water-] course [springs].

H4174 <STRHEB>@ מורד môrâd mo-rawd' From H3381; a descent; architecturally an ornamental {appendage} perhaps a festoon: - going {down} steep {place} thin work.

H4188 <STRHEB>@ מוּשׁי mûshîy moo-shee' Patronymic from H4187; a Mushite (collectively) or descendant of Mushi: - Mushites.

H4205 <STRHEB>@ מזר מזור mâzôr mâzôr {maw-zore'} maw-zore' From H2115 in the sense of binding up; a {bandage} that {is} remedy; hence a sore (as needing a compress): - bound {up} wound.

H4234 <STRHEB>@ מחול mâchôl maw-khole' From H2342; a (round) dance: - dance (-cing).

H4235 <STRHEB>@ מחול mâchôl maw-khole' The same as H4234; dancing; {Machol} an Israelite: - Mahol.

H4240 <STRHEB>@ מחידא mechîydâ' mekh-ee-daw' From H2330; junction; {Mechida} one of the Nethinim: - Mehida.

H4246 <STRHEB>@ מחלה mechôlâh mekh-o-law' Feminine of H4234; a dance: - {company} dances (-cing).

H4250 <STRHEB>@ מחלי machlîy makh-lee' Patronymic from H4249; a Machlite or (collectively) descendant of Machli: - Mahlites.

H4264 <STRHEB>@ מחנה machăneh makh-an-eh' From H2583; an encampment (of travellers or troops); hence an {army} whether literally (of soldiers) or figuratively (of {dancers} {angels} {cattle} {locusts} stars; or even the sacred courts): - {army} {band} {battle} {camp} {company} {drove} {host} tents.

H4265 <STRHEB>@ מחנה־דן machănêh-dân makh-an-ay'-dawn From H4264 and H1835; camp of Dan; {Machaneh-Dan} a place in Palestine: - Mahaneh-dan.

H4272 <STRHEB>@ מחץ mâchats maw-khats' A primitive root; to dash asunder; by implication to {crush} smash or violently plunge; figuratively to subdue or destroy: - {dip} pierce ({through}) smite ({through}) strike {through} wound.

H4276 <STRHEB>@ מחצית machătsîyth makh-ats-eeth' From H2673; a halving or the middle: - half (so {much}) mid [-day].

H4283 <STRHEB>@ מחרתם מחרת mochŏrâth mochŏrâthâm {mokh-or-awth'} mokh-or-aw-thawm' Feminine from the same as H4279; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow: - {morrow} next day.

H4285 <STRHEB>@ מחשׁך machshâk makh-shawk' From H2821; darkness; concretely a dark place: - dark ({-ness} place).

H4303 <STRHEB>@ מטעמּה מטעם maţ‛am maţ‛ammâh {mat-am'} mat-am-maw' From H2938; a delicacy: - dainty ({meat}) savoury meat.

H4312 <STRHEB>@ מידד mêydâd may-dawd' From H3032 in the sense of loving; affectionate; {Medad} an Israelite: - Medad.

H4324 <STRHEB>@ מיכל mîykâl me-kawl' Apparently the same as H4323; rivulet; {Mikal} Saul´ s daughter: - Michal.

H4328 <STRHEB>@ מיסּדהo meyûssâdâh meh-yoos-saw-daw' Properly feminine passive participle of H3245; something {founded} that {is} a foundation: - foundation.

H4342 <STRHEB>@ מכבּיר makbîyr mak-beer' Transitive participle of H3527; plenty: - abundance.

H4349 <STRHEB>@ מכון mâkôn maw-kone' From H3559; properly a {fixture} that {is} a basis; generally a {place} especially as an abode: - {foundation} {habitation} ({dwelling-} settled) place.

H4354 <STRHEB>@ מכירי mâkîyrîy maw-kee-ree' Patronymic from H4353; a Makirite or descendant of Makir: - of Machir.

H4364 <STRHEB>@ מכמר מכמר makmâr mikmôr {mak-mawr'} mik-more' From H3648 in the sense of blackening by heat; a (hunter´ s) net (as dark from concealment): - net.

H4376 <STRHEB>@ מכר mâkar maw-kar' A primitive root; to {sell} literally (as {merchandise} a daughter in {marriage} into {slavery}) or figuratively (to surrender): - X at {all} sell ({away} {-er} self).

H4395 <STRHEB>@ מלאה melê'âh mel-ay-aw' Feminine of H4392; something {fulfilled} that {is} abundance (of produce): - (first of ripe) {fruit} fulness.

H4419 <STRHEB>@ מלּח mallâch mal-lawkh' From H4414 in its secondary sense; a sailor (as followingthe salt´ ): - mariner.

H4440 <STRHEB>@ מלכּיאלי malkîylîy mal-kee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H4439; a Malkielite or descendant of Malkiel: - Malchielite.

H4483 <STRHEB>@ מנה מנא menâ' menâh {men-aw'} men-aw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4487; to {count} appoint: - {number} {ordain} set.

H4486 <STRHEB>@ מנדּע mandaman-dah' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4093; wisdom or intelligence: - {knowledge} {reason} understanding.

H4511 <STRHEB>@ מנּית minnîyth min-neeth' From the same as H4482; enumeration; {Minnith} a place East of the Jordan: - Minnith.

H4516 <STRHEB>@ מנעם manam man-am' From H5276; a delicacy: - dainty.

H4519 <STRHEB>@ מנשּׁה menashsheh men-ash-sheh' From H5382; causing to forget; {Menashsheh} a grandson of {jacob} also the tribe descendant from {him} and its territory: - Manasseh.

H4520 <STRHEB>@ מנשּׁי menashshîy men-ash-shee' From H4519; a Menashshite or descendant of Menashsheh: - of {Manasseh} Manassites.

H4527 <STRHEB>@ מסּד massad mas-sad' From H3245; a foundation: - foundation.

H4530 <STRHEB>@ מסּה missâh mis-saw' From H4549 (in the sense of flowing); {abundance} that {is} (adverbially) liberally: - tribute.

H4550 <STRHEB>@ מסּע massamas-sah From H5265; a departure (from striking the {tents}) that {is} march (not necessarily a single day´ s travel); by implication a station (or point of departure): - journey (-ing).

H4551 <STRHEB>@ מסּע massâ‛ mas-saw' From H5265 in the sense of projecting; a missile (spear or arrow); also a quarry (whence stones {are} as it {were} ejected): - before it was {brought} darticle

H4557 <STRHEB>@ מספּר mispâr mis-pawr' From H5608; a {number} definitely (arithmetical) or indefinitely ({large} innumerable; {small} a few); also (abstractly) narration: - + {abundance} {account} X {all} X {few} [in-] {finite} (certain) number ({-ed}) {tale} {telling} + time.

H4572 <STRHEB>@ מעדי ma‛ăday mah-ad-ah'ee From H5710; ornamental; {Maadai} an Israelite: - Maadai.

H4574 <STRHEB>@ מעדנּה מעדן ma‛ădân ma‛ădannâh {mah-ad-awn'} mah-ad-an-naw' From H5727; a delicacy or (abstractly) pleasure (adverbially cheerfully): - {dainty} {delicately} delight.

H4575 <STRHEB>@ מעדנּה ma‛ădannâh mah-ad-an-naw' By transposition from H6029; a {bond} that {is} group: - influence.

H4576 <STRHEB>@ מעדּר madêr mah-dare' From H5737; a (weeding) hoe: - mattock.

H4588 <STRHEB>@ מעוּף mâ‛ûph maw-oof' From H5774 in the sense of covering with shade (compare H4155); darkness: - dimness.

H4589 <STRHEB>@ מעור mâ‛ôr maw-ore' From H5783; {nakedness} that {is} (in plural) the pudenda: - nakedness.

H4612 <STRHEB>@ מעמד ma‛ămâd mah-am-awd' From H5975; (figuratively) a position: - {attendance} {office} {place} state.

H4626 <STRHEB>@ מער maar mah'-ar From H6168; a nude {place} that {is} (literally) the {pudenda} or (figuratively) a vacant space: - {nakedness} proportion.

H4631 <STRHEB>@ מערה me‛ârâh meh-aw-raw' From H5783; a cavern (as dark): - {cave} {den} hole.

H4662 <STRHEB>@ מפקד miphqâd mif-kawd' From H6485; an {appointment} that {is} mandate; concretely a designated spot; specifically a census: - appointed {place} {commandment} number.

H4679 <STRHEB>@ מצדה מצד מצד metsad metsâd metsâdâh {mets-ad'} {mets-awd'} mets-aw-daw' From H6679; a fastness (as a covert of ambush): - {castle} {fort} (strong) {hold} munition.

H4685 <STRHEB>@ מצדה מצודה מצוד mâtsôd metsôdâh metsôdâh {maw-tsode'} {mets-o-daw'} mets-o-daw' From H6679; a net (for capturing animals or fishes); also (by interchange for H4679) a fastness or (besieging) tower: - {bulwark} {hold} {munition} {net} snare.

H4686 <STRHEB>@ מצדה מצוּדה מצוּד mâtsûd metsûdâh metsûdâh {maw-tsood'} {mets-oo-daw'} mets-oo-daw' From H4685; a {net} or (abstractly) capture; also a fastness: - {castle} {defence} fort ({-ress}) (strong) {hold} be {hunted} {net} {snare} strong place.

H4719 <STRHEB>@ מקּדה maqqêdâh mak-kay-daw' From the same as H5348 in the denominative sense of herding (compare H5349); fold; {Makkedah} a place in Palestine: - Makkedah.

H4720 <STRHEB>@ מקּדשׁ מקדּשׁ miqdâsh miqqedâsh {mik-dawsh'} mik-ked-awsh' From H6942; a consecrated thing or {place} especially a {palace} sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum: - {chapel} hallowed {part} holy {place} sanctuary.

H4726 <STRHEB>@ מקר מקור mâqôr mâqôr {maw-kore'} maw-kore' From H6979; properly something {dug} that {is} a (generally) source (of {water} even when naturally flowing; also of {tears} blood (by euphemism of the female pudenda); figuratively of {happiness} {wisdom} progeny): - {fountain} {issue} {spring} well (-spring).

H4757 <STRHEB>@ מראדך בּלאדן merdak baldân mer-o-dak' bal-aw-dawn' Of foreign derivation; {Merodak-Baladan} a Babylonian king: - Merodach-baladan. Compare H4781.

H4764 <STRHEB>@ מרב mêrâb may-rawb' From H7231; increase; {Merab} a daughter of Saul: - Merab.

H4767 <STRHEB>@ מרבּה mirbâh meer-baw' From H7235; {abundance} that {is} a great quantity: - much.

H4781 <STRHEB>@ מרדך merôdâk mer-o-dawk' Of foreign derivation; {Merodak} a Babylonian idol: - Merodach. Compare H4757.

H4783 <STRHEB>@ מרדּף mûrdâph moor-dawf' From H7291; persecuted: - persecuted.

H4848 <STRHEB>@ מררי merârîy mer-aw-ree' From H4847; a Merarite ({collectively}) or descendant of Merari: - Merarites.

H4851 <STRHEB>@ משׁ mash mash Of foreign derivation; {Mash} a son of {Aram} and the people descendant from him: - Mash.

H4891 <STRHEB>@ משׁחר mishchâr mish-khawr' From H7836 in the sense of day breaking; dawn: - morning.

H4902 <STRHEB>@ משׁך meshek meh'-shek The same in form as {H4901} but probably of foreign derivation; {Meshek} a son of {Japheth} and the people descendant from him: - {Mesech} Meshech.

H4905 <STRHEB>@ משׂכּיל maώkîyl mas-keel' From H7919; {instructive} that {is} a didactic poem: - Maschil.

H4911 <STRHEB>@ משׁל mâshal maw-shal' Denominative from H4912; to {liken} that {is} (transitively) to use figurative language (an {allegory} {adage} song or the like); intransitively to resemble: - be (-come) {like} {compare} use (as a) {proverb} speak (in {proverbs}) utter.

H4912 <STRHEB>@ משׁל mâshâl maw-shawl' Apparently from H4910 in some original sense of superiority in mental action; properly a pithy {maxim} usually of a metaphorical nature; hence a simile (as an {adage} {poem} discourse): - {byword} {like} {parable} proverb.

H4968 <STRHEB>@ מתוּשׁלח methûshelach meth-oo-sheh'-lakh From H4962 and H7973; man of a dart; {Methushelach} an antediluvian patriarch: - Methuselah.

H4988 <STRHEB>@ מתק mâthâq maw-thawk' From H4985; a {dainty} that {is} (generally) food: - feed sweetly.

H4990 <STRHEB>@ מתרדת mithredâth mith-red-awth' Of Persian origin; {Mithredath} the name of two Persians: - Mithredath.

H4997 <STRHEB>@ נאדה נאוד נאד nô'd nô'd nô'dâh {node} {node} no-daw' From an unused root of uncertain signification; a (skin or leather) bag (for fluids): - bottle.

H419 <STRHEB>@ אלדּד 'eldâd el-dad' From H410 and H1780; God has loved; {Eldad} an Israelite: - Eldad.

H420 <STRHEB>@ אלדּעה 'eldâ‛âh el-daw-aw' From H410 and H3045; God of knowledge; {Eldaah} a son of Midian: - Eldaah.

H440 <STRHEB>@ אלני אלוני 'êlônîylônîy {ay-lo-nee'} ay-lo-nee' Patronymic from H438; an Elonite or descendant (collectively) of Elon: - Elonites.

H449 <STRHEB>@ אלידד 'ĕlîydâd el-ee-dawd' From the same as H419; God of (his) love; {Elidad} an Israelite: - Elidad.

H450 <STRHEB>@ אלידע 'elyâdâ‛ el-yaw-daw' From H410 and H3045; God (is) knowing; {Eljada} the name of two Israelites and of an Aramaean: - Eliada.

H461 <STRHEB>@ אליעזר 'ĕlîyezer el-ee-eh'-zer From H410 and H5828; God of help; {Eliezer} the name of a Damascene and of ten Israelites: - Eliezer.

H474 <STRHEB>@ אלישׁוּע 'ĕlîyshûael-ee-shoo'-ah From H410 and H7769; God of supplication (or of riches); {Elishua} a son of King David: - Elishua.

H484 <STRHEB>@ אלמגּים 'almuggiym al-moog-gheem' Probably of foreign derivation (used thus only in the plural); almug (that {is} probably sandalwood) sticks: - almug trees. Compare H418.

H486 <STRHEB>@ אלמודד 'almôdâd al-mo-dawd' Probably of foreign derivation; {Almodad} a son of Joktan: - Almodad.

H497 <STRHEB>@ אלעדה 'el‛âdâh el-aw-daw' From H410 and H5710; God has decked; {Eladah} an Israelite: - Eladah.

H5018 <STRHEB>@ נבוּזראדן nebûzardân neb-oo-zar-ad-awn' Of foreign origin; {Nebuzaradan} a Babylonian general: - Nebuzaradan.

H5025 <STRHEB>@ נבח nôbach no'-bach From H5024; a bark; {Nobach} the name of an Israelite and of a place East of the Jordan: - Nobah.

H5040 <STRHEB>@ נבלוּת nablûth nab-looth' From H5036; properly {disgrace} that {is} the (female) pudenda: - lewdness.

H5042 <STRHEB>@ נבע nâbanaw-bah' A primitive root; to gush forth; figuratively to utter (good or bad words); specifically to emit (a foul odor): - belch {out} {flowing} pour {out} send {forth} utter (abundantly).

H5045 <STRHEB>@ נגב negeb neh'-gheb From an unused root meaning to be parched; the south (from its drought); specifically the negeb or southern district of {Judah} occasionally6 Egypt (as south to Palestine): - south ({country} {side} -ward).

H5052 <STRHEB>@ נגהּ nôgahh no'-gah The same as H5051; {Nogah} a son of David: - Nogah.

H5053 <STRHEB>@ נגהּ nôgahh no'-gah (Chaldee); corresponding to H5051; dawn: - morning.

H5062 <STRHEB>@ נגף nâgaph naw-gaf' A primitive root; to {push} gore6 {defeat} stub (the {toe}) inflict (a disease): - {beat} {dash} {hurt} {plague} {slay} smite ({down}) {strike} {stumble} X {surely} put to the worse.

H5068 <STRHEB>@ נדב nâdab naw-dab' A primitive root; to impel; hence to volunteer (as a {soldier}) to present spontaneously: - offer {freely} be ({give} {make} offer self) willing (-ly).

H5069 <STRHEB>@ נדב nedab ned-ab' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5068; be (or give) liberal (liberally): - (be minded of . . . own) freewill ({offering}) offer freely (willingly).

H5070 <STRHEB>@ נדב nâdâb naw-dawb' From H5068; liberal; {Nadab} the name of four Israelites: - Nadab.

H5071 <STRHEB>@ נדבה nedâbâh ned-aw-baw' From H5068; properly (abstractly) {spontaneity} or (adjectively) spontaneous; also (concretely) a spontaneous or (by {inference} in plural) abundant gift: - free (-will) {offering} {freely} {plentiful} voluntary ({-ily} {offering}) willing ({-ly} offering).

H5072 <STRHEB>@ נדביה nedabyâh ned-ab-yaw' From H5068 and H3050; largess of Jah; {Nedabjah} an Israelite: - Nedabiah.

H5074 <STRHEB>@ נדד nâdad naw-dad' A primitive root; properly to wave to and fro (rarely to flap up and down); figuratively to {rove} {flee} or (causatively) to drive away: - chase ({away}) X could {not} {depart} flee (X {apace} {away}) (re-) {move} thrust {away} wander ({abroad} {-er} -ing).

H5075 <STRHEB>@ נדד nedad ned-ad' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5074; to depart: - go from.

H5077 <STRHEB>@ נדא נדהo nâdâh nâdâ' {naw-daw'} naw-daw' A primitive root; properly to toss; figuratively to {exclude} that {is} {banish} {postpone} prohibit: - cast {out} {drive} put far away.

H5079 <STRHEB>@ נדּה niddâh nid-daw' From H5074; properly rejection; by implication {impurity} especially personal (menstruation) or moral ({idolatry} incest): - X {far} {filthiness} X {flowers} menstruous ({woman}) put {apart} X removed ({woman}) {separation} set {apart} unclean ({-ness} {thing} with filthiness).

H5080 <STRHEB>@ נדח nâdach naw-dakh' A primitive root; to push off; used in a great variety of {applications} literally and figuratively (to {expel} {mislead} {strike} {inflict} etc.): - {banish} {bring} cast down ({out}) {chase} {compel} draw {away} drive ({away} {out} {quite}) fetch a {stroke} {force} go {away} {outcast} thrust away ({out}) withdraw.

H5083 <STRHEB>@ נדן nâdân naw-dawn' Probably from an unused root meaning to give; a present (for prostitution): - gift.

H5084 <STRHEB>@ נדן nâdân naw-dawn' Of uncertain derivation; a sheath (of a sword): - sheath.

H5086 <STRHEB>@ נדף nâdaph naw-daf' A primitive root; to shove {asunder} that {is} disperse: - drive ({away} to and {fro}) thrust {down} {shaken} tossed to and fro.

H5087 <STRHEB>@ נדר nâdar naw-dar' A primitive root; to promise ({positively} to do or give something to God): - (make a) vow.

H5105 <STRHEB>@ נהרה nehârâh neh-haw-raw' From H5102 in its original sense; daylight: - light.

H5114 <STRHEB>@ נודב nôdâb no-dawb' From H5068; noble; {Nodab} an Arab tribe: - Nodab.

H5127 <STRHEB>@ נוּס nûs noos A primitive root; to {flit} that {is} vanish away ({subside} escape; causatively {chase} {impel} deliver): - X {abate} {away} be {displayed} (make to) flee ({away} {-ing}) put to {flight} X {hide} lift up a standard.

H5142 <STRHEB>@ נזק nezaq nez-ak' (Chaldee); corresponding to the root of H5143; to suffer (causatively inflict) loss: - have (en-) {damage} hurt (-ful).

H5143 <STRHEB>@ נזק nêzeq nay'-zek From an unused root meaning to injure; loss: - damage.

H5161 <STRHEB>@ נחלמי nechĕlâmîy nekh-el-aw-mee' Apparently a patronymic from an unused name (apparently passive participle of H2492); dreamed; a {Nechelamite} or descendant of Nechlam: - Nehelamite.

H5188 <STRHEB>@ נטיפה neţîyphâh net-ee-faw' From H5197; a pendant for the ears (especially of pearls): - {chain} collar.

H5206 <STRHEB>@ נידה nîydâh nee-daw' Feminine of H5205; {removal} that {is} exile: - removed.

H5242 <STRHEB>@ נמוּאלי nemû'êlîy nem-oo-ay-lee' From H5241; a {Nemuelite} or descendant of Nemuel: - Nemuelite.

H5247 <STRHEB>@ נמרה nimrâh nim-raw' From the same as H5246; clear water; {Nimrah} a place East of the Jordan: - Nimrah. See also {H1039} H5249.

H5249 <STRHEB>@ נמרים nimrîym nim-reem' Plural of a masculine corresponding to H5247; clear waters; {Nimrim} a place East of the Jordan: - Nimrim. Compare H1039.

H5251 <STRHEB>@ נס nês nace From H5264; a flag; also a sail; by implication a flagstaff; generally a signal; figuratively a token: - {banner} {pole} {sail} (en-) {sign} standard.

H5264 <STRHEB>@ נסס nâsas naw-sas' A primitive root; to gleam from {afar} that {is} to be conspicuous as a signal; or rather perhaps a denominative from H5251 (and identical with {H5263} through the idea of a flag as fluttering in the wind); to raise a beacon: - lift up as an {ensign} standard bearer.

H5274 <STRHEB>@ נעל nâ‛al naw-al' A primitive root; properly to fasten {up} that {is} with a bar or cord; hence (denominatively from {H5275}) to {sandal} that {is} furnish with slippers: - {bolt} {inclose} {lock} {shod} shut up.

H5275 <STRHEB>@ נעלה נעל naal na‛ălâh {nah'-al} nah-al-aw' From H5274; properly a sandal tongue; by extension a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of {occupancy} a refusal to {marry} or of something valueless): - {dryshod} (pair of) shoe ({[-latchet]} -s).

H5280 <STRHEB>@ נעמי na‛ămîy nah-am-ee' Patronymic from H5283; a {Naamanite} or descendant of Naaman (collectively): - Naamites.

H5283 <STRHEB>@ נעמן na‛ămân nah-am-awn' The same as H5282; {Naaman} the name of an Israelite and of a Damascene: - Naaman.

H5288 <STRHEB>@ נער naar nah'-ar From H5287; (concretely) a boy (as {active}) from the age of infancy to adolescence; by implication a servant; also (by interchange of {sex}) a girl (of similar latitude in age): - {babe} {boy} {child} damsel [from the {margin]} {lad} {servant} young (man).

H5291 <STRHEB>@ נערה na‛ărâh nah-ar-aw' Feminine of H5288; a girl (from infancy to adolescence): - {damsel} maid ({-en}) young (woman).

H5310 <STRHEB>@ נפץ nâphats naw-fats' A primitive root; to dash to {pieces} or scatter: - be beaten in {sunder} break (in {pieces}) {broken} dash (in {pieces}) cause to be {discharged} {dispersed} be {overspread} scatter.

H5315 <STRHEB>@ נפשׁ nephesh neh'-fesh From H5314; properly a breathing {creature} that {is} animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a {literal} accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): - {any} {appetite} {beast} {body} {breath} {creature} X dead ({-ly}) {desire} X [dis-] {contented} X {fish} {ghost} + {greedy} {he} heart ({-y}) ({hath} X jeopardy of) life (X in {jeopardy}) {lust} {man} {me} {mind} {mortality} {one} {own} {person} {pleasure} ({her-} {him-} {my-} thy-) {self} them (your) {-selves} + {slay} {soul} + {tablet} {they} {thing} (X she) {will} X would have it.

H5342 <STRHEB>@ נצר nêtser nay'-tser From H5341 in the sense of greenness as a striking color; a shoot; {figuratively} a descendant: - branch.

H5351 <STRHEB>@ נקדּה neqûddâh nek-ood-daw' Feminine of H5348; a boss: - stud.

H5353 <STRHEB>@ נקודא neqôdâ' nek-o-daw' Feminine of H5348 (in the figuratively sense of marked); distinction; {Nekoda} a Temple Servant: - Nekoda.

H5399 <STRHEB>@ נשׁף nesheph neh'-shef From H5398; properly a {breeze} that {is} (by implication) dusk (when the evening breeze prevails): - {dark} dawning of the day ({morning}) {night} twilight.

H5414 <STRHEB>@ נתן nâthan naw-than' A primitive root; to {give} used with great latitude of application ({put} {make} etc.): - {add} {apply} {appoint} {ascribe} {assign} X {avenge} X be ({[healed]}) {bestow} bring ({forth} {hither}) {cast} {cause} {charge} {come} commit {consider} {count} + {cry} deliver ({up}) {direct} distribute {do} X {doubtless} X without {fail} {fasten} {frame} X {get} give ({forth} {over} {up}) {grant} hang ({up}) X {have} X {indeed} lay (unto {charge} {up}) (give) {leave} {lend} let ({out}) + {lie} lift {up} {make} + O {that} {occupy} {offer} {ordain} {pay} {perform} {place} {pour} {print} X {pull} put ({forth}) {recompense} {render} {requite} {restore} send ({out}) set ({forth}) {shew} shoot forth (up). + {sing} + {slander} {strike} [sub-] {mit} {suffer} X {surely} X {take} {thrust} {trade} {turn} {utter} + {weep} X {willingly} + {withdraw} + would (to) {God} yield.

H5476 <STRHEB>@ סודי sôdîy so-dee' From H5475; a confidant; {Sodi} an Israelite: - Sodi.

H5513 <STRHEB>@ סיני sîynîy see-nee' From an otherwise unknown name of a man; a {Sinite} or descendant of one of the sons of Canaan: - Sinite.

H5524 <STRHEB>@ סכּות בּנות sûkkôth benôth sook-kohth' ben-ohth' From H5523 and the (irregular) plural of H1323; booths of (the) daughters; {brothels} that {is} idolatrous tents for impure purposes: - Succoth-benoth.

H5533 <STRHEB>@ סכן sâkan saw-kan' Probably a denominative from H7915; properly to {cut} that {is} damage; also to grow (causatively make) poor: - {endanger} impoverish.

H5548 <STRHEB>@ סלכה salkâh sal-kaw' From an unused root meaning to walk; walking; {Salcah} a place East of the Jordan: - {Salcah} Salchah.

H5549 <STRHEB>@ סלל sâlal saw-lal' A primitive root; to mound up (especially a turnpike); figuratively to exalt; reflexively to oppose (as by a dam): - cast {up} exalt ({self}) {extol} make {plain} raise up.

H5563 <STRHEB>@ סמדר semâdar sem-aw-dar' Of uncertain derivation; a vine blossom; used also adverbially abloom: - tender grape.

H5619 <STRHEB>@ סקל sâqal saw-kal' A primitive root; properly to be weighty; but used only in the sense of lapidation or its contrary (as if a delapidation): - ({cast} gather {out} throw) stone ({-s}) X surely.

H5625 <STRHEB>@ סרדּי sardîy sar-dee' Patronymic from H5624; a Seredite (collectively) or descendant of Sered: - Sardites.

H5629 <STRHEB>@ סרח serach seh'-rakh From H5628; a redundancy: - remnant.

H5638 <STRHEB>@ סתו sethâv seth-awv' From an unused root meaning to hide; winter (as the dark season): - winter.

H5645 <STRHEB>@ עב ‛âb awb Masculine and feminine; from H5743; properly an {envelope} that {is} darkness (or {density} ); specifically a (scud) cloud; also a copse: - {clay} (thick) {cloud} X {thick} thicket. Compare H5672.

H5647 <STRHEB>@ עבד ‛âbad aw-bad' A primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication to {serve} {till} (causatively) {enslave} etc.: - X {be} keep in {bondage} be {bondmen} {bond-service} {compel} {do} {dress} {ear} {execute} + {husbandman} {keep} labour (-ing {man}) bring to {pass} (cause {to} make to) serve ({-ing} {self}) ({be} become) servant ({-s}) do (use) {service} till ({-er}) transgress [from {margin]} (set a) {work} be {wrought} worshipper.

H5650 <STRHEB>@ עבד ‛ebed eh'-bed From H5647; a servant: - X {bondage} {bondman} [bond-] {servant} (man-) servant.

H5653 <STRHEB>@ עבדּא ‛abdâ' ab-daw' From H5647; work; {Abda} the name of two Israelites: - Abda.

H5656 <STRHEB>@ עבודה עבדה ‛ăbôdâh ‛ăbôdâh {ab-o-daw'} ab-o-daw' From H5647; work of any kind: - {act} {bondage} + {bondservant} {effect} {labour} ministering ({-try}) {office} service ({-ile} {-itude}) {tillage} {use} {work} X wrought.

H5657 <STRHEB>@ עבדּה ‛ăbûddâh ab-ood-daw' Passive participle of H5647; something {wrought} that {is} (concretely) service: - {household} store of servants.

H5659 <STRHEB>@ עבדוּת ‛abdûth ab-dooth' From H5647; servitude: - bondage.

H5664 <STRHEB>@ עבד נגו ‛ăbêd negô ab-ade' neg-o' The same as H5665; {Abed-Nego} the Babylonian name of one of Daniel´ s companions: - Abed-nego.

H5673 <STRHEB>@ עבידה ‛ăbîydâh ab-ee-daw' (Chaldee); from H5648; labor or business: - {affairs} {service} work.

H5676 <STRHEB>@ עבר ‛êber ay'-ber From H5674; properly a region across; but used only adverbially (with or without a preposition) on the opposite side (especially of the Jordan; usually meaning the east): - X {against} {beyond} {by} X {from} {over} {passage} {quarter} ({other} this) {side} straight.

H5680 <STRHEB>@ עברי ‛ibrîy ib-ree' Patronymic from H5677; an Eberite (that {is} Hebrew) or descendant of Eber: - Hebrew ({-ess} woman).

H5698 <STRHEB>@ עגלה ‛eglâh eg-law' The same as H5697; {Eglah} a wife of David: - Eglah.

H5710 <STRHEB>@ עדה ‛âdâh aw-daw' A primitive root; to {advance} that {is} pass on or continue; causatively to remove; specifically to bedeck (that {is} bring an ornament upon): - {adorn} deck ({self}) pass {by} take away.

H5711 <STRHEB>@ עדה ‛âdâh aw-daw' From H5710; ornament; {Adah} the name of two women: - Adah.

H5712 <STRHEB>@ עדה ‛êdâh ay-daw' Feminine of H5707 in the original sense of fixture; a stated assemblage (specifically a {concourse} or generally a family or crowd): - {assembly} {company} {congregation} {multitude} {people} swarm. Compare H5713.

H5713 <STRHEB>@ עדה ‛êdâh ay-daw' Feminine of H5707 in its technical sense; testimony: - {testimony} witness. Compare H5712.

H5718 <STRHEB>@ עדיהוּ עדיה ‛ădâyâh ‛ădâyâhû {ad-aw-yaw'} ad-aw-yaw'-hoo From H5710 and H3050; Jah has adorned; {Adajah} the name of eight Israelites: - Adaiah.

H5727 <STRHEB>@ עדן ‛âdan aw-dan' A primitive root; to be soft or pleasant; figuratively and reflexively to live voluptuously: - delight self.

H5731 <STRHEB>@ עדן ‛êden ay'-den The same as H5730 (masculine); {Eden} the region of Adam´ s home: - Eden.

H5732 <STRHEB>@ עדּן ‛iddân id-dawn' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to that of H5708; a set time; technically a year: - time.

H5735 <STRHEB>@ עדעדה ‛ăd‛âdâh ad-aw-daw' From H5712; festival; {Adadah} a place in Palestine: - Adadah.

H5736 <STRHEB>@ עדף ‛âdaph aw-daf' A primitive root; to be (causatively have) redundant: - be {more} odd {number} be (have) over (and {above}) {overplus} remain.

H5737 <STRHEB>@ עדר ‛âdar aw-dar' A primitive root; to {arrange} as a {battle} a vineyard (to hoe); hence to {muster} and so to miss (or find wanting): - {dig} {fail} keep ({rank}) lack.

H5740 <STRHEB>@ עדר ‛êder ay'-der The same as H5739; {Eder} the name of an Israelite and of two places in Palestine: - {Edar} Eder.

H5742 <STRHEB>@ עדשׁ ‛âdâsh aw-dawsh' From an unused root of uncertain meaning; a lentil: - lentile.

H5743 <STRHEB>@ עוּב ‛ûb oob A primitive root; to be dense or {dark} that {is} to becloud: - cover with a cloud.

H5752 <STRHEB>@ עדד עודד ‛ôdêd ‛ôdêd {o-dade'} o-dade' From H5749; reiteration; {Oded} the name of two Israelites: - Oded.

H5774 <STRHEB>@ עוּף ‛ûph oof A primitive root; to cover (with wings or obscurity); hence (as denominative from H5775) to fly; also (by implication of dimness) to faint (from the darkness of swooning): - {brandish} be (wax) {faint} flee {away} fly (away - {}) X {set} shine {forth} weary.

H5817 <STRHEB>@ עזּיאלי ‛ozzîylîy oz-zee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H5816; an Uzzielite (collectively) or descendant of Uzziel: - Uzzielites.

H5839 <STRHEB>@ עזריה ‛ăzaryâh az-ar-yaw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5838; {Azarjah} one of Daniel´ s companions: - Azariah.

H5848 <STRHEB>@ עטף ‛âţaph aw-taf' A primitive root; to {shroud} that {is} clothe (whether transitively or reflexively); hence (from the idea of darkness) to languish: - cover ({over}) {fail} {faint} {feebler} hide {self} be {overwhelmed} swoon.

H5853 <STRHEB>@ עטרות אדּר ‛aţrôth 'addâr at-roth' ad-dawr' From the same as H5852 and H146; crowns of Addar; {Atroth-Addar} a place in Palestine: - Ataroth-adar (-addar).

H5867 <STRHEB>@ עולם עילםo ‛êylâm ‛ôlâm {ay-lawm'} o-lawm' Probably from H5956; {hidden} that {is} distant; {Elam} a son of {Shem} and his {descendants} with their country; also of six Israelites: - Elam.

H5876 <STRHEB>@ עין חדּה ‛êyn chaddâh ane khad-daw' From H5869 and the feminine of a derivative from H2300; fountain of sharpness; {En-Chaddah} a place in Palestine: - En-haddah.

H5890 <STRHEB>@ עיפה ‛êyphâh ay-faw' Feminine from H5774; obscurity (as if from covering): - darkness.

H5909 <STRHEB>@ עכבּר ‛akbâr ak-bawr' Probably from the same as H5908 in the secondary sense of attacking; a mouse (as nibbling): - mouse.

H5927 <STRHEB>@ עלה ‛âlâh aw-law' A primitive root; to {ascend} intransitively (be high) or active (mount); used in a great variety of {senses} primary and {secondary} literally and figuratively: - arise (up). (cause to) ascend {up} at {once} break [the day] ({up}) bring ({up}) (cause to) {burn} carry {up} cast {up} + {shew} climb ({up}) (cause {to} make to) come ({up}) cut {off} {dawn} {depart} {exalt} {excel} {fall} fetch {up} get {up} (make to) go ({away} {up}) grow ({over}) {increase} {lay} {leap} {levy} lift (self) {up} {light} [make] {up} X {mention} mount {up} {offer} make to {pay} + {perfect} {prefer} put ({on}) {raise} {recover} {restore} (make to) rise ({up}) {scale} set ({up}) shoot forth ({up}) (begin to) spring ({up}) stir {up} take away ({up}) work.

H5939 <STRHEB>@ עלטה ‛ălâţâh al-aw-taw' Feminine from an unused root meaning to cover; dusk: - {dark} twilight.

H5959 <STRHEB>@ עלמה ‛almâh al-maw' Feminine of H5958; a lass (as veiled or private): - {damsel} {maid} virgin.

H5971 <STRHEB>@ עם ‛am am From H6004; a people (as a congregated unit); specifically a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively a flock: - {folk} {men} {nation} people.

H5975 <STRHEB>@ עמד ‛âmad aw-mad' A primitive root; to {stand} in various relations (literally and {figuratively} intransitively and transitively): - abide ({behind}) {appoint} {arise} {cease} {confirm} {continue} {dwell} be {employed} {endure} {establish} {leave} {make} {ordain} be {[over]} {place} (be) present ({self}) raise {up} {remain} {repair} + {serve} set ({forth} {over} {-tle} {up}) (make {to} make to be at {a} with-) stand ({by} {fast} {firm} {still} {up}) (be at a) stay ({up}) tarry.

H5979 <STRHEB>@ עמדּה ‛emdâh em-daw' From H5975; a {station} that {is} domicile: - standing.

H5992 <STRHEB>@ עמּינדב ‛ammîynâdâb am-mee-naw-dawb' From H5971 and H5068; people of liberality; {Amminadab} the name of four Israelites: - Amminadab.

H5996 <STRHEB>@ עמּישׁדּי ‛ammîyshadday am-mee-shad-dah'ee From H5971 and H7706; people of (the) Almighty; {Ammishaddai} an Israelite: - Ammishaddai.

H500 <STRHEB>@ אלעלה אלעלא 'el‛âlê' 'el‛âlêh {el-aw-lay'} el-aw-lay' From H410 and H5927; God (is) going up; Elale or {Elaleh} a place east of the Jordan: - Elealeh.

H517 <STRHEB>@ אם 'êm ame A primitive word; a mother (as the bond of the family); in a wide sense (both literally and figuratively); (like H1): - {dam} {mother} X parting.

H549 <STRHEB>@ אמנה 'ămânâh am-aw-naw' The same as H548; {Amanah} a mountain near Damascus: - Amana.

H550 <STRHEB>@ אמינון אמנון 'amnônmîynôn {am-nohn'} am-ee-nohn' From H539; faithful; Amnon (or {Aminon}) a son of David: - Amnon.

H570 <STRHEB>@ אמשׁ 'emesh eh'-mesh Time {past} that {is} yesterday or last night: - former {time} yesterday (-night).

H6002 <STRHEB>@ עמלק ‛ămâlêq am-aw-lake' Probably of foreign origin; {Amalek} a descendant of Esau; also his posterity and their country: - Amalek.

H6003 <STRHEB>@ עמלקי ‛ămâlêqîy am-aw-lay-kee' Patronymic from H6002; an Amalekite (or collectively the Amalekites) or descendant of Amalek: - Amalekite (-s).

H6010 <STRHEB>@ עמק ‛êmeq ay'-mek From H6009; a vale (that {is} broad depression).: - {dale} {vale} valley [often used as a part of proper names]. See also H1025.

H6020 <STRHEB>@ עמרמי ‛amrâmîy am-raw-mee' Patronymic from H6019; an Amramite or descendant of Amram: - Amramite.

H6047 <STRHEB>@ ענמים ‛ănâmîym an-aw-meem' As if plural of some Egyptian word; {Anamim} a son of Mizraim and his {descendants} with their country: - Anamim.

H6062 <STRHEB>@ ענקי ‛ănâqîy an-aw-kee' Patronymic from H6061; an Anakite or descendant of Anak: - Anakim.

H6079 <STRHEB>@ עפעף ‛aphaph af-af' From H5774; an eyelash (as fluttering); figuratively morning ray: - {dawning} eye-lid.

H6109 <STRHEB>@ עצמה ‛otsmâh ots-maw' Feminine of H6108; powerfulness; by extension numerousness: - {abundance} strength.

H6116 <STRHEB>@ עצרת עצרה ‛ătsârâh ‛ătsereth {ats-aw-raw'} ats-eh'-reth From H6113; an {assembly} especially on a festival or holiday: - (solemn) assembly (meeting).

H6150 <STRHEB>@ ערב ‛ârab aw-rab' A primitive root (rather identical with H6148 through the idea of covering with a texture); to grow dusky at sundown: - be {darkened} (toward) evening.

H6153 <STRHEB>@ ערב ‛ereb eh'-reb From H6150; dusk: - + {day} even ({-ing} {tide}) night.

H6159 <STRHEB>@ עורב ערב ‛ôrêb ‛ôrêb {o-rabe'} o-rabe' The same as H6158; {Oreb} the name of a Midianite and of a cliff near the Jordan: - Oreb.

H6160 <STRHEB>@ ערבה ‛ărâbâh ar-aw-baw' From H6150 (in the sense of sterility); a desert; especially (with the article prefixed) the (generally) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea: - {Arabah} {champaign} {desert} {evening} {heaven} {plain} wilderness. See also H1026.

H6172 <STRHEB>@ ערוה ‛ervâh er-vaw' From H6168; {nudity} literally (especially the pudenda) or figuratively ({disgrace} blemish): - {nakedness} {shame} unclean (-ness).

H6180 <STRHEB>@ ערי ‛êrîy ay-ree' Patronymic of H6179; an Erite (collectively) or descendant of Eri: - Erites.

H6186 <STRHEB>@ ערך ‛ârak aw-rak' A primitive root; to set in a {row} that {is} {arrange} put in order (in a very wide variety of applications): - put (set) (the {battle} self) in {array} {compare} {direct} {equal} {esteem} {estimate} expert [in {war]} {furnish} {handle} join {[battle]} {ordain} ({lay} {put} reckon {up} set) (in) {order} {prepare} {tax} value.

H6198 <STRHEB>@ ערני ‛êrânîy ay-raw-nee' Patronymic from H6197; an Eranite or descendant (collectively) of Eran: - Eranites.

H6205 <STRHEB>@ ערפל ‛ărâphel ar-aw-fel' Probably from H6201; gloom (as of a lowering sky): - ({gross} thick) dark ({cloud} -ness).

H6252 <STRHEB>@ עשׁתּרת עשׁתּרות ‛ashtârôthashtârôth {ash-taw-roth'} ash-taw-roth' Plural of H6251; {Ashtaroth} the name of a Sidonian {deity} and of a place East of the Jordan: - {Ashtaroth} Astaroth. See also {H1045} {H6253} H6255.

H6255 <STRHEB>@ עשׁתּרת קרנים ‛ashterôth qarnayim ash-ter-oth' kar-nah'-yim From H6252 and the dual of H7161; Ashtaroth of (the) double horns (a symbol of the deity); Ashteroth {Karnaim} a place East of the Jordan: - Ashtoreth Karnaim.

H6272 <STRHEB>@ עתם ‛âtham aw-tham' A primitive root; probably to {glow} that {is} (figuratively) be desolated: - be darkened.

H6280 <STRHEB>@ עתר ‛âthar aw-thar' A primitive root; to be (causatively make) abundant: - {deceitful} multiply.

H6281 <STRHEB>@ עתר ‛ether eh'-ther From H6280; abundance; {Ether} a place in Palestine: - Ether.

H6283 <STRHEB>@ עתרת ‛ăthereth ath-eh'-reth From H6280; copiousness: - abundance.

H6299 <STRHEB>@ פּדה pâdâh paw-daw' A primitive root; to {sever} that {is} ransom; generally to {release} preserve: - X at {all} {deliver} X by any {means} {ransom} (that are to {be} let be) redeem ({-ed}) {rescue} X surely.

H6300 <STRHEB>@ פּדהאל pedahl ped-ah-ale' From H6299 and H410; God has ransomed; {Pedahel} an Israelite: - Pedahel.

H6301 <STRHEB>@ פּדהצוּר pedâhtsûr ped-aw-tsoor' From H6299 and H6697; a rock (that {is} God) has ransomed; {Pedahtsur} an Israelite: - Pedahzur.

H6305 <STRHEB>@ פּדיהוּ פּדיה pedâyâh pedâyâhû {ped-aw-yaw'} ped-aw-yaw'-hoo From H6299 and H3050; Jah has ransomed; {Pedajah} the name of six Israelites: - Pedaiah.

H6307 <STRHEB>@ פדּן ארם פּדּן paddân paddanrâm {pad-dawn'} pad-dan' ar-awm' From an unused root meaning to extend; a plateau; or the second form which is from the same and H758; the table land of Aram; Paddan or {Paddan-Aram} a region of Syria: - {Padan} Padan-aram.

H6308 <STRHEB>@ פּדע pâdapaw-dah' A primitive root; to retrieve: - deliver.

H6316 <STRHEB>@ פּוּט pûţ poot Of foreign origin; {Put} a son of {Ham} also the name of his descendants or thier {region} and of a Persian tribe: - {Phut} Put.

H6324 <STRHEB>@ פּוּני pûnîy poo-nee' Patronymic from an unused name meaning a turn; a Punite (collectively) or descendant of an unknown Pun: - Punites.

H6327 <STRHEB>@ פּוּץ pûts poots A primitive root; to dash in {pieces} literally or figuratively (especially to disperse): - break ({dash} shake) in (to) {pieces} cast ({abroad}) disperse ({selves}) {drive} {retire} scatter ({abroad}) spread abroad.

H6336 <STRHEB>@ פּוּתי pûthîy poo-thee' Patronymic from an unused name meaning a hinge; a Puthite (collectively) or descendant of an unknown Puth. (As if from H6312.): - Puhites [as if from H6312].

H6345 <STRHEB>@ פּחדּה pachdâh pakh-daw' Feminine of H6343; alarm (that {is} awe): - fear.

H6357 <STRHEB>@ פּטדה piţdâh pit-daw' Of foreign derivation; a {gem} probably the topaz: - topaz.

H6384 <STRHEB>@ פּלּאי pallû'îy pal-loo-ee' Patronymic from H6396; a Palluite (collectively) or descendant of Pallu: - Palluites.

H6393 <STRHEB>@ פּלדה pelâdâh pel-aw-daw' From an unused root meaning to divide; a {cleaver} that {is} iron armature (of a chariot): - torch.

H6394 <STRHEB>@ פּלדּשׁ pildâsh pil-dawsh' Of uncertain derivation; {Pildash} a relative of Abraham: - Pildash.

H6407 <STRHEB>@ פּלטי palţîy pal-tee' Patronymic from H6406; a Paltite or descendant of Palti: - Paltite.

H6437 <STRHEB>@ פּנה pânâh paw-naw' A primitive root; to turn; by implication to {face} that {is} appear6 {look} etc.: - {appear} at [even-] {tide} {behold} cast {out} come {on} X {corner} {dawning} {empty} go {away} {lie} {look} {mark} pass {away} {prepare} {regard} (have) respect ({to}) (re-) turn ({aside} {away} {back} {face} {self}) X right [early].

H6439 <STRHEB>@ פּניאל פּנוּאל penû'êl penîyl {pen-oo-ale'} pen-ee-ale' From H6437 and H410; face of God; Penuel or {Peniel} a place East of Jordan; also (as Penuel) the name of two Israelites: - {Peniel} Penuel.

H6449 <STRHEB>@ פּסגּה pisgâh pis-gaw' From H6448; a cleft; {Pisgah} a mountain East of Jordan: - Pisgah.

H6450 <STRHEB>@ פּס דּמּים pas dammîym pas dam-meem' From H6446 and the plural of H1818; palm (that {is} dell) of bloodshed; {Pas-Dammim} a place in Palestine: - Pas-dammim. Compare H658.

H6451 <STRHEB>@ פּסּה pissâh pis-saw' From H6461; {expansion} that {is} abundance: - handful.

H6452 <STRHEB>@ פּסח pâsach paw-sakh' A primitive root; to {hop} that {is} (figuratively) skip over (or spare); by implication to hesitate; also (literally) to {limp} to dance: - {halt} become {lame} {leap} pass over.

H6465 <STRHEB>@ פּעור pe‛ôr peh-ore' From H6473; a gap; {Peor} a mountain East of Jordan; also (for H1187) a deity worshipped there: - Peor. See also H1047.

H6466 <STRHEB>@ פּעל pâ‛al paw-al' A primitive root; to do or make (systematically and {habitually}) especially to practise: - {commit} [evil-] do ({-er}) make ({-r}) {ordain} work ({-er}) wrought.

H6486 <STRHEB>@ פּקדּה peqûddâh pek-ood-daw' Feminine passive participle of H6485; visitation (in many {senses} chiefly official): - {account} (that have the) {charge} {custody} that which . . . laid {up} {numbers} office ({-r}) {ordering} {oversight} + {prison} {reckoning} visitation.

H6490 <STRHEB>@ פּקּד פּקּוּד piqqûd piqqûd {pik-kood'} pik-kood' From H6485; properly {appointed} that {is} a mandate (of God; plural {only} collectively for the Law): - {commandment} {precept} statute.

H6501 <STRHEB>@ פּרה פּרא pere' pereh {peh'-reh} peh'-reh From H6500 in the secondary sense of running wild; the onager: - wild (ass).

H6506 <STRHEB>@ פּרדּה pirdâh pir-daw' Feminine of H6505; a she mule: - mule.

H6507 <STRHEB>@ פּרדה perûdâh per-oo-daw' Feminine passive participle of H6504; something {separated} that {is} a kernel: - seed.

H6508 <STRHEB>@ פּרדּס pardês par-dace' Of foreign origin; a park: - {forest} orchard.

H6514 <STRHEB>@ פּרידא פּרוּדא perûdâ' perîydâ' {per-oo-daw'} per-ee-daw' From H6504; dispersion; Peruda or {Perida} one of Solomon´ s servants: - {Perida} Peruda.

H6524 <STRHEB>@ פּרח pârach paw-rakh' A primitive root; to break forth as a {bud} that {is} bloom; generally to spread; specifically to fly (as extending the wings); figuratively to flourish: - X {abroad} X {abundantly} {blossom} break forth ({out}) {bud} {flourish} make {fly} {grow} {spread} spring (up).

H6558 <STRHEB>@ פּרצי partsîy par-tsee' Patronymic from H6557; a Partsite (collectively) or descendant of Perets: - Pharzites.

H6577 <STRHEB>@ פּרשׁנדּתא parshandâthâ' par-shan-daw-thaw' Of Persian origin; {Parshandatha} a son of Haman: - Parshandatha.

H6596 <STRHEB>@ פּתה פּת pôth pôthâh {pohth} po-thaw' From an unused root meaning to open; a {hole} that {is} hinge or the female pudenda: - {hinge} secret part.

H6598 <STRHEB>@ פּתבּג pathbag path-bag' Of Persian origin; a dainty: - portion (provision) of meat.

H6614 <STRHEB>@ פּתיגיל pethîygîyl peth-eeg-eel' Of uncertain derivation; probably a figured mantle for holidays: - stomacher.

H6657 <STRHEB>@ צדד tsedâd tsed-awd' From the same as H6654; a siding; {Tsedad} a place near Palestine: - Zedad.

H6658 <STRHEB>@ צדה tsâdâh tsaw-daw' A primitive root; to chase; by implication to desolate: - {destroy} {hunt} lie in wait.

H6663 <STRHEB>@ צדק tsâdaq tsaw-dak' A primitive root; to be (causatively make) right (in a moral or forensic sense): - {cleanse} clear {self} ({be} do) just ({-ice} {-ify} -ify {self}) ({be} turn to) righteous (-ness).

H6672 <STRHEB>@ צהר tsôhar tso'-har From H6671; a light (that {is} window); dual double {light} that {is} noon: - {midday} noon ({-day} {-tide}) window.

H6701 <STRHEB>@ צוּרישׁדּי tsûrîyshadday tsoo-ree-shad-dah'ee From H6697 and H7706; rock of (the) Almighty; {Tsurishaddai} an Israelite: - Zurishaddai.

H6703 <STRHEB>@ צח tsach tsakh From H6705; {dazzling} that {is} sunny6 {bright} (figuratively) evident: - {clear} {dry} {plainly} white.

H6705 <STRHEB>@ צחח tsâchach tsaw-khakh' A primitive root; to {glare} that {is} be dazzling white: - be whiter.

H6713 <STRHEB>@ צחר tsachar tsakh'-ar From an unused root meaning to dazzle; {sheen} that {is} whiteness: - white.

H6720 <STRHEB>@ צדה צידה tsêydâh tsêdâh {tsay-daw'} tsay-daw' Feminine of H6718; food: - {meat} {provision} {venison} victuals.

H6751 <STRHEB>@ צלל tsâlal tsaw-lal' A primitive root (rather identical with H6749 through the idea of hovering over (compare H6754)); to {shade} as twilight or an opaque object: - begin to be {dark} shadowing.

H6776 <STRHEB>@ צמד tsemed tseh'-med A yoke or team (that {is} pair); hence an acre (that {is} day´ s task for a yoke of cattle to plough): - {acre} {couple} X {together} two {[asses]} yoke (of oxen).

H6807 <STRHEB>@ צעדה tse‛âdâh tseh-aw-daw' Feminine of H6806; a march; (concretely) an (ornamental) ankle chain: - {going} ornament of the legs.

H6820 <STRHEB>@ צער tsô‛ar tso'-ar From H6819; little; {Tsoar} a place East of the Jordan: - Zoar.

H6824 <STRHEB>@ צפה tsâphâh tsaw-faw' From H6823; an inundation (as covering): - X swimmest.

H6828 <STRHEB>@ צפן צפון tsâphôn tsâphôn {tsaw-fone'} tsaw-fone' From H6845; properly {hidden} that {is} dark; used only of the north as a quarter (gloomy and unknown): - north ({-ern} {side} {-ward} wind).

H6831 <STRHEB>@ צפוני tsephônîy tsef-o-nee' Patronymic from H6827; a {Tsephonite} or (collectively) a descendant of Tsephon: - Zephonites.

H6839 <STRHEB>@ צפים tsôphîym tso-feem' Plural of active participle of H6822; watchers; {Tsophim} a place East of Jordan: - Zophim.

H6854 <STRHEB>@ צפרדּע tsephardêatsef-ar-day'-ah From H6852 and a word elsewhere unused meaning a swamp; a marsh {leaper} that {is} frog: - frog.

H6856 <STRHEB>@ צפּרן tsippôren tsip-po'-ren From H6852 (in the denominative sense (from H6833) of scratching); properly a {claw} that {is} (human) nail; also the point of a style (or {pen} tipped with adamant): - {nail} point.

H6868 <STRHEB>@ צרדתה צרדה tserêdâh tserêdâthâh {tser-ay-daw'} tser-ay-daw'-thaw Apparently from an unused root meaning to pierce; puncture; {Tseredah} a place in Palestine: - {Zereda} Zeredathah.

H6888 <STRHEB>@ צררה tserêrâh tser-ay-raw' Apparently by erroneous transcription for H6868; Tsererah for Tseredah: - Zereath.

H6890 <STRHEB>@ צרת השּׁחר tsereth hashshachar tseh'-reth hash-shakh'-ar From the same as H6889 and H7837 with the article interposed; splendor of the dawn; Tsereth hash {Shachar} a place in Palestine: - Zareth-shahar.

H6915 <STRHEB>@ קדד qâdad kaw-dad' A primitive root; to shrivel {up} that {is} contract or bend the body (or neck) in deference: - bow (down) (the) {head} stoop.

H6916 <STRHEB>@ קדּה qiddâh kid-daw' From H6915; cassia bark (as in shrivelled rolls): - cassia.

H6919 <STRHEB>@ קדח qâdach kaw-dakh' A primitive root to inflame: - {burn} kindle.

H6920 <STRHEB>@ קדּחת qaddachath kad-dakh'-ath From H6919; {inflammation} that {is} febrile disease: - burning {ague} fever.

H6923 <STRHEB>@ קדם qâdam kaw-dam' A primitive root; to project (one {self}) that {is} precede; hence to {anticipate} hasten6 meet (usually for help): - come ({go} [flee]) {before} + {disappoint} {meet} prevent.

H6937 <STRHEB>@ קדר qâdar kaw-dar' A primitive root; to be {ashy} that {is} dark colored; by implication to mourn (in sackcloth or sordid garments): - be black ({-ish}) be (make) dark ({-en}) X {heavily} (cause to) mourn.

H6938 <STRHEB>@ קדר qêdâr kay-dawr' From H6937; dusky (of the skin or the tent); {Kedar} a son of Ishmael; also (collectively) bedawin (as his descendants or representatives): - Kedar.

H6942 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ qâdash kaw-dash' A primitive root; to be (causatively {make} pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally): - {appoint} {bid} {consecrate} {dedicate} {defile} {hallow} ({be} keep) holy ({-er} {place}) {keep} {prepare} {proclaim} {purify} sanctify (-ied {one} {self}) X wholly.

H6944 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ qôdesh ko'-desh From H6942; a sacred place or thing; rarely abstractly sanctity: - consecrated ({thing}) dedicated ({thing}) hallowed ({thing}) {holiness} (X most) holy (X {day} {portion} {thing}) {saint} sanctuary.

H6945 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ qâdêsh kaw-dashe' From H6942; a (quasi) sacred {person} that {is} (technically) a (male) devotee (by prostitution) to licentious idolatry: - {sodomite} unclean.

H6946 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ qâdêsh kaw-dashe' The same as H6945; sanctuary; {Kadesh} a place in the Desert: - Kadesh. Compare H6947.

H6947 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ בּרנע qâdêsh barnêakaw-dashe' bar-nay'-ah From the same as H6946 and an otherwise unused word (apparently compounded of a correspondent to H1251 and a derivative of H5128) meaning desert of a fugitive; Kadesh of (the) Wilderness of Wandering; {Kadesh-Barnea} a place in the Desert: - Kadesh-barnea.

H6956 <STRHEB>@ קהתי qŏhâthîy ko-haw-thee' Patronymic from H6955; a Kohathite (collectively) or descendant of Kehath: - Kohathites.

H6965 <STRHEB>@ קוּם qûm koom A primitive root; to rise (in various {applications} {literally} {figuratively} intensively and causatively): - {abide} {accomplish} X be {clearer} {confirm} {continue} {decree} X be {dim} {endure} X {enemy} {enjoin} get {up} make {good} {help} {hold} (help to) lift up ({again}) {make} X but {newly} {ordain} {perform} {pitch} raise ({up}) rear ({up}) {remain} (a-) rise (up) ({again} {against}) rouse {up} set ({up}) (e-) {stablish} (make to) stand ({up}) stir {up} {strengthen} {succeed} ({as-} make) sure ({-ly}) (be) up ({-hold} -rising).

H642 <STRHEB>@ אפדּה 'êphûddâh ay-food-daw' Feminine of H646; a girding on (of the ephod); hence generally a plating (of metal): - {ephod} ornament.

H651 <STRHEB>@ אפל 'aphêl aw-fale' From an unused root meaning to set as the sun; dusky: - very dark.

H652 <STRHEB>@ אפל 'ôphel o'-fel From the same as H651; dusk: - {darkness} {obscurity} privily.

H653 <STRHEB>@ אפלה 'ăphêlâh af-ay-law' Feminine of H651; {duskiness} figuratively misfortune; concretely concealment: - {dark} {darkness} {gloominess} X thick.

H658 <STRHEB>@ אפס דּמּים 'ephes dammîym eh'-fes dam-meem' From H657 and the plural of H1818; boundary of blood drops; {Ephes-Dammim} a place in Palestine: - Ephes-dammim.

H678 <STRHEB>@ אציל 'âtsîyl aw-tseel' From H680 (in its secondary sense of separation); an extremity () also a noble: - chief {man} noble.

H685 <STRHEB>@ אצעדה 'ets‛âdâh ets-aw-daw' A variation from H6807; properly a step chain; by analogy a bracelet: - {bracelet} chain.

H688 <STRHEB>@ אקדּח 'eqdâch ek-dawkh' From H6916; {burning} that {is} a carbuncle or other fiery gem: - carbuncle.

H692 <STRHEB>@ אראלי 'arlîy ar-ay-lee' From H691; heroic; Areli (or an {Arelite} {collectively}) an Israelite and his descendants: - {Areli} Arelites.

H7036 <STRHEB>@ קלון qâlôn kaw-lone' From H7034; disgrace; (by implication) the pudenda: - {confusion} {dishonour} {ignominy} {reproach} shame.

H7056 <STRHEB>@ קמון qâmôn kaw-mone' From H6965; an elevation; {Kamon} a place East of the Jordan: - Camon.

H7074 <STRHEB>@ קנזּי qenizzîy ken-iz-zee' Patronymic from {H7073} a Kenizzite or descendant of Kenaz: - {Kenezite} Kenizzites.

H7079 <STRHEB>@ קנת qenâth ken-awth' From H7069; possession; {Kenath} a place East of the Jordan: - Kenath.

H7087 <STRHEB>@ קפא qâphâ' kaw-faw' A primitive root; to {shrink} that {is} thicken (as unracked {wine} curdled {milk} clouded {sky} frozen water): - {congeal} {curdle} {dark`} settle.

H7089 <STRHEB>@ קפדה qephâdâh kef-aw-daw' From H7088; {shrinking} that {is} terror: - destruction.

H7091 <STRHEB>@ קפּוז qippôz kip-poze' From an unused root meaning to {contract} that {is} spring forward; an arrow snake (as darting on its prey): - great owl.

H7103 <STRHEB>@ קציעה qetsîy‛âh kets-ee-aw' The same as H7102; {Ketsiah} a daughter of Job: - Kezia.

H7145 <STRHEB>@ קרחי qorchîy kor-khee' Patronymic from H7141; a Korchite (collectively) or descendant of Korach: - {Korahite} {Korathite} sons of {Kore} Korhite.

H7163 <STRHEB>@ קרן הפּוּך qeren happûk keh'-ren hap-pook' From H7161 and H6320; horn of cosmetic; {Keren-hap-Puk} one of Job´ s daughters: - Keren-happuch.

H7174 <STRHEB>@ קרקר qarqôr kar-kore' From H6979; foundation; {Karkor} a place East of the Jordan: - Karkor.

H7206 <STRHEB>@ ראוּבני rebênîy reh-oo-bay-nee' Patronymic from H7205; a Reubenite or descendant of Reuben: - children of {Reuben} Reubenites.

H7227 <STRHEB>@ רב rab rab By contraction from H7231; abundant (in {quantity} {size} {age} {number} {rank} quality): - (in) abound ({-undance} {-ant} {-antly}) {captain} {elder} {enough} {exceedingly} {full} great ({-ly} {man} {one}) {increase} long ({enough} {[time]}) ({do} have) many ({-ifold} {things} a {time}) ([ship-]) {master} {mighty} {more} ({too} very) {much} multiply ({-tude}) {officer} often {[-times]} {plenteous} {populous} {prince} process [of {time]} suffice (-ient).

H7230 <STRHEB>@ רב rôb robe From H7231; abundance (in any respect): - abundance ({-antly}) {all} X common {[sort]} {excellent} great ({-ly} {-ness} {number}) {huge} be {increased} {long} {many} more in {number} {most} {much} {multitude} plenty ({-ifully}) X very [age].

H7233 <STRHEB>@ רבבה rebâbâh reb-aw-baw From H7231; abundance (in {number}) that {is} (specifically) a myriad (whether definite or indefinite): - {many} {million} X {multiply} ten thousand.

H7235 <STRHEB>@ רבה râbâh raw-baw' A primitive root; to increase (in whatever respect): - [bring in] abundance (X {-antly}) + archer [by mistake for {H7232]} be in {authority} bring {up} X {continue} {enlarge} {excel} exceeding ({-ly}) be full {of} ({be} make) great ({-er} {-ly}) X {-ness}) grow {up} {heap} {increase} be {long} ({be} {give} {have} {make} use) many (a {time}) ({any} {be} {give} give {the} have) more (in {number}) ({ask} {be} be {so} {gather} {over} {take} yield) much ({greater} {more}) (make to) {multiply} {nourish} plenty ({-eous}) X process [of {time]} {sore} {store} {thoroughly} very.

H7256 <STRHEB>@ רבּע ribbêarib-bay'-ah From H7251; a descendant of the fourth {generation} that {is} great great grandchild: - fourth.

H7269 <STRHEB>@ רגזה rogzâh rog-zaw' Feminine of H7267; trepidation: - trembling.

H7272 <STRHEB>@ רגל regel reh'-gel From H7270; a foot (as used in walking); by implication a step; by euphemism the pudenda: - X be able to {endure} X according {as} X {after} X {coming} X {follow} ([broken-]) foot ({[-ed} {-stool]}) X great {toe} X {haunt} X {journey} {leg} + {piss} + {possession} time.

H7274 <STRHEB>@ רגלים rôgelîym ro-gel-eem' Plural of active participle of H7270; fullers (as tramping the cloth in washing); {Rogelim} a place East of the Jordan: - Rogelim.

H7275 <STRHEB>@ רגם râgam raw-gam' A primitive root (compare {H7263} H7321 and H7551); to cast together ({stones}) that {is} to lapidate: - X {certainly} stone.

H7286 <STRHEB>@ רדד râdad raw-dad' A primitive root; to tread in {pieces} that {is} (figuratively) to {conquer} or (specifically) to overlay: - {spend} {spread} subdue.

H7287 <STRHEB>@ רדה râdâh raw-daw' A primitive root; to tread {down} that {is} subjugate; specifically to crumble off: - (come {to} make to) have {dominion} prevail {against} {reign} ({bear} make to) {rule} ({-r} {over}) take.

H7288 <STRHEB>@ רדּי radday rad-dah'ee Intensive from H7287; domineering; {Raddai} an Israelite: - Raddai.

H7290 <STRHEB>@ רדם râdam raw-dam' A primitive root; to {stun} that {is} stupefy (with sleep or death): - (be fast {a-} be in a {deep} cast into a {dead} that) sleep ({-er} -eth).

H7291 <STRHEB>@ רדף râdaph raw-daf' A primitive root; to run after (usually with hostile intent; figuratively (of time) gone by): - {chase} put to {flight} follow ({after} {on}) {hunt} (be under) persecute ({-ion} {-or}) pursue (-r).

H7301 <STRHEB>@ רוה râvâh raw-vaw' A primitive root; to slake the thirst (occasionally of other appetites): - {bathe} make {drunk} (take the) {fill} {satiate} (abundantly) {satisfy} {soak} water (abundantly).

H7356 <STRHEB>@ רחם racham rakh'-am From H7355; compassion (in the plural); by extension the womb (as cherishing the foetus); by implication a maiden: - {bowels} {compassion} {damsel} tender {love} ({great} tender) {mercy} {pity} womb.

H7361 <STRHEB>@ רחמה rachămâh rakh-am-aw' Feminine of H7356; a maiden: - damsel.

H7376 <STRHEB>@ רטשׁ râţash raw-tash' A primitive root; to dash down: - dash (in pieces).

H7384 <STRHEB>@ ריפת rîyphath ree-fath' The second form is probably by orthographical error; of foreign origin; {Riphath} a grandson of Jepheth and his descendants: - Riphath.

H7400 <STRHEB>@ רכיל râkîyl raw-keel' From H7402; a scandal monger (as travelling about): - {slander} carry {tales} talebearer.

H7409 <STRHEB>@ רכשׁ rekesh reh'-kesh From H7408; a relay of animals on a post route (as stored up for that purpose); by implication a courser: - {dromedary} {mule} swift beast.

H7424 <STRHEB>@ רמּך rammâk ram-mawk' Of foreign origin; a brood mare: - dromedary.

H7433 <STRHEB>@ רמות גּלעד רמת גּלעד râmôth gil‛âd râmôth gil‛âd raw-moth' gil-awd' From the plural of H7413 and H1568; heights of Gilad; Ramoth {Gilad} a place East of the Jordan: - {Ramoth-gilead} Ramoth in Gilead. See also H7216.

H7461 <STRHEB>@ רעדה רעד raad re‛âdâh {rah'-ad} reh-aw-daw' From H7460; a shudder: - {fear} trembling.

H7488 <STRHEB>@ רענן ra‛ănân rah-an-awn' From an unused root meaning to be green; verdant; by analogy new; figuratively prosperous: - {green} flourishing.

H7492 <STRHEB>@ רעץ râ‛ats raw-ats' A primitive root; to break in pieces; figuratively harass: - dash in {pieces} vex.

H7507 <STRHEB>@ רפידה rephîydâh ref-ee-daw' From H7502; a railing (as spread along): - bottom.

H7513 <STRHEB>@ רפסדה raphsôdâh raf-so-daw' From H7511; a raft (as flat on the water): - flote.

H7523 <STRHEB>@ רצח râtsach raw-tsakh' A primitive root; properly to dash in {pieces} that {is} kill (a human {being}) especially to murder: - put to {death} {kill} (man-) slay ({-er}) murder (-er).

H7540 <STRHEB>@ רקד râqad raw-kad' A primitive root; properly to {stamp} that {is} to spring about (wildly or for joy): - {dance} {jump} {leap} skip.

H7587 <STRHEB>@ שׁאוּלי shâ'ûlîy shaw-oo-lee' Patronymic from H7856; a Shaulite or descendant of Shaul: - Shaulites.

H7595 <STRHEB>@ שׁאלא shelâ' sheh-ay-law' (Chaldee); from H7593; properly a question (at {law}) that {is} judicial decision or mandate: - demand.

H7604 <STRHEB>@ שׁאר shâ'ar shaw-ar' A primitive root; properly to swell {up} that {is} be (causatively make) redundant: - {leave} (be) {left} {let} {remain} {remnant} {reserve} the rest.

H7615 <STRHEB>@ שׁבאי shebâ'îy sheb-aw-ee' Patronymic from H7614; a Shebaite or descendant of Sheba: - Sabean.

H7626 <STRHEB>@ שׁבט shêbeţ shay'-bet From an unused root probably meaning to branch off; a {scion} that {is} (literally) a stick (for {punishing} {writing} {fighting} {ruling} {walking} etc.) or (figuratively) a clan: - X {correction} {dart} {rod} {sceptre} {staff} tribe.

H7647 <STRHEB>@ שׂבע ώâbâ‛ saw-baw' From H7646; copiousness: - {abundance} plenteous ({-ness} -ly).

H7677 <STRHEB>@ שׁבּתון shabbâthôn shab-baw-thone' From H7676; a sabbatism or special holiday: - {rest} sabbath.

H7700 <STRHEB>@ שׁד shêd shade From H7736; a daemon (as malignant): - devil.

H7702 <STRHEB>@ שׂדד ώâdad saw-dad' A primitive root; to {abrade} that {is} harrow a field: - break {clods} harrow.

H7703 <STRHEB>@ שׁדד shâdad shaw-dad' A primitive root; properly to be {burly} that {is} (figuratively) powerful (passively impregnable); by implication to ravage: - {dead} destroy ({-er}) {oppress} {robber} spoil ({-er}) X {utterly} (lay) waste.

H7704 <STRHEB>@ שׂדי שׂדה ώâdeh ώâday {saw-deh'} saw-dah'ee From an unused root meaning to spread out; a field (as flat): - {country} {field} {ground} {land} {soil} X wild.

H7705 <STRHEB>@ שׁדּה shiddâh shid-dah' From H7703; a wife (as mistress of the house): - X all {sorts} musical instrument.

H7706 <STRHEB>@ שׁדּי shadday shad-dah'ee From H7703; the Almighty: - Almighty.

H7710 <STRHEB>@ שׁדף shâdaph shaw-daf' A primitive root; to scorch: - blast.

H7711 <STRHEB>@ שׁדּפון שׁדפה shedêphâh shiddâphôn {shed-ay-faw'} shid-daw-fone' From H7710; blight: - blasted (-ing).

H7712 <STRHEB>@ שׁדר shedar shed-ar' (Chaldee); a primitive root; to endeavor: - labour.

H7714 <STRHEB>@ שׁדרך shadrak shad-rak' Probably of foreign origin; {Shadrak} the Babylonian name of one of Daniel´ s companions: - Shadrach.

H7720 <STRHEB>@ שׂהרן ώahărôn sah-har-one' From the same as H5469; a round pendant for the neck: - {ornament} round tire like the moon.

H7741 <STRHEB>@ שׁוה קריתים shâvêh qiryâthayim shaw-vay' kir-yaw-thah'-yim From the same as H7740 and the dual of H7151; plain of a double city; Shaveh {Kirjathajim} a place East of the Jordan: - Shaveh Kiriathaim.

H7747 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּחי shûchîy shoo-khee' Patronymic from H7744; a Shuchite or descendant of Shuach: - Shuhite.

H7756 <STRHEB>@ שׂוּכתי ώûkâthîy soo-kaw-thee' Probably patronymic from a name corresponding to H7754 (feminine); a Sukathite or descendant of an unknown Israelite named Sukah: - Suchathite.

H7760 <STRHEB>@ שׂים שׂוּם ώûm ώîym {soom} seem A primitive root; to put (used in a great variety of {applications} {literally} {figuratively} inferentially and elliptically): - X any {wise} {appoint} {bring} call [a {name]} {care} cast {in} {change} {charge} {commit} {consider} {convey} {determine} + {disguise} {dispose} {do} {get} {give} heap {up} {hold} {impute} lay ({down} {up}) {leave} {look} make ({out}) {mark} + {name} X {on} {ordain} {order} + {paint} {place} {preserve} {purpose} put ({on}) + {regard} {rehearse} {reward} (cause to) set ({on} {up}) {shew} + {stedfastly} {take} X {tell} + tread {down} ([over-]) {turn} X {wholly} work.

H7765 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּני shûnîy shoo-nee' Patronymic from H7764; a Shunite (collectively) or descendant of Shuni: - Shunites.

H7781 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּפמי shûphâmîy shoo-faw-mee' Patronymic from H8197; a Shuphamite (collectively) or descendant of Shephupham: - Shuphamite.

H7811 <STRHEB>@ שׂחה ώâchâh saw-khaw' A primitive root; to swim; causatively to inundate: - (make to) swim.

H7835 <STRHEB>@ שׁחר shâchar shaw-khar' A primitive root (rather identical with H7836 through the idea of the duskiness of early dawn); to be dim or dark (in color): - be black.

H7836 <STRHEB>@ שׁחר shâchar shaw-khar' A primitive root; properly to {dawn} that {is} (figuratively) be (up) early at any task (with the implication of earnestness); by extension to search for (with painstaking): - [do something] {betimes} enquire {early} rise (seek) {betimes} seek (diligently) {early} in the morning).

H7837 <STRHEB>@ שׁחר shachar shakh'-ar From H7836; dawn ({literally} figuratively or adverbially): - day ({-spring}) {early} {light} {morning} whence riseth.

H7839 <STRHEB>@ שׁחרוּת shachărûth shakh-ar-ooth' From H7836; a {dawning} that {is} (figuratively) juvenescence: - youth.

H7842 <STRHEB>@ שׁחרים shachărayim shakh-ar-ah'-yim Dual of H7837; double dawn; {Shacharajim} an Israelite: - Shaharaim.

H7851 <STRHEB>@ שׁטּים shiţţîym shit-teem' The same as the plural of H7848; acacia trees; {Shittim} a place East of the Jordan: - Shittim.

H7857 <STRHEB>@ שׁטף shâţaph shaw-taf' A primitive root; to gush; by implication to {inundate} cleanse; by analogy to {gallop} conquer: - {drown} (over-) flow ({-whelm}) {rinse} {run} {rush} (throughly) wash (away).

H7883 <STRHEB>@ שׁחר שׁחור שׁיחור shîychôr shichôr shichôr {shee-khore'} {shee-khore'} shee-khore' Probably from H7835; {dark} that {is} turbid; {Shichor} a stream of Egypt: - {Shihor} Sihor.

H7884 <STRHEB>@ שׁיחור לבנת shîychôr libenâth shee-khore' lib-nawth' From the same as H7883 and H3835; darkish whiteness; Shichor {Libnath} a stream of Palestine: - Shihor-libnath.

H7905 <STRHEB>@ שׂכּה ώûkkâh sook-kaw' Feminine of H7900 in the sense of H7899; a dart (as pointed like a thorn): - barbed iron.

H7916 <STRHEB>@ שׂכיר ώâkîyr saw-keer' From H7936; a man at wages by the day or year: - hired ({man} {servant}) hireling.

H7930 <STRHEB>@ שׁכמי shikmîy shik-mee' Patronymic from H7928; a Shikmite ({collectively}) or descendant of Shekem: - Shichemites.

H7937 <STRHEB>@ שׁכר shâkar shaw-kar' A primitive root; to become tipsy; in a qualified {sense} to satiate with a stimulating drink or (figuratively) influence. (Superlative of H8248.): - (be filled with) drink ({abundantly}) ({be} make) drunk ({-en}) be merry. [Superlative of H8248.]

H7962 <STRHEB>@ שׁלוה shalvâh shal-vaw' From H7951; security (genuine or false): - {abundance} peace ({-ably}) {prosperity} quietness.

H7964 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּח שׁלּוּח shillûach shillûach {shil-loo'-akh} shil-loo'-akh From H7971; (only in plural) a {dismissal} that {is} (of a wife) divorce (especially the document); also (of a daughter) dower: - {presents} have sent back.

H7973 <STRHEB>@ שׁלח shelach sheh'-lakh From H7971; a missile of {attack} that {is} spear; also (figuratively) a shoot of {growth} that {is} branch: - {dart} {plant} X put {off} {sword} weapon.

H7992 <STRHEB>@ שׁלישׁי shelîyshîy shel-ee-shee' Ordinal from H7969; third; feminine a third (part); by extension a third ({day} year or time); specifically a third story cell): - third ({part} {rank} {time}) three (years old).

H716 <STRHEB>@ ארדּי 'ardîy ar-dee' Patronymic from H714; an Ardite (collectively) or descendant of Ard: - Ardites.

H722 <STRHEB>@ ארודי 'ărôdîy ar-o-dee' Patronymic from H721; an Arodite or descendant of Arod: - {Arodi} Arodites.

H729 <STRHEB>@ ארז 'âraz aw-raz' A primitive root; to be firm; used only in the passive participle as a denominative from H730; of cedar: - made of cedar.

H730 <STRHEB>@ ארז 'erez eh'-rez From H729; a cedar tree (from the tenacity of its roots): - cedar (tree).

H731 <STRHEB>@ ארזה 'arzâh ar-zaw' Feminine of H730; cedar wainscoting: - cedar work.

H742 <STRHEB>@ ארידי 'ărîyday ar-ee-dah'-ee Of Persian origin; {Aridai} a son of Haman: - Aridai.

H743 <STRHEB>@ ארידתא 'ărîydâthâ' ar-ee-daw-thaw' Of Persian origin; {Aridatha} a son of Haman: - Aridatha.

H769 <STRHEB>@ ארנן ארנון 'arnôn 'arnôn {ar-nohn'} ar-nohn' From H7442; a brawling stream; the {Arnon} a river east of the Jordan; also its territory: - Arnon.

H787 <STRHEB>@ אשׁ 'ôsh ohsh (Chaldee); corresponding (by transposition and abbreviation) to H803; a foundation: - foundation.

H789 <STRHEB>@ אשׁבּלי 'ashbêlîy ash-bay-lee' Patronymic from H788; an Ashbelite (collectively) or descendant of Ashbel: - Ashbelites.

H794 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדה 'ăshêdâh ash-ay-daw' Feminine of H793; a ravine: - springs.

H798 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּות הפּסגּה 'ashdôth happisgâh ash-doth' hap-pis-gaw' From the plural of H794 and H6449 with the article interposed; ravines of the Pisgah; {Ashdoth-Pisgah} a place east of the Jordan: - Ashdoth-pisgah.

H799 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּת 'eshdâth esh-dawth' From H784 and H1881; a fire law: - fiery law.

H8010 <STRHEB>@ שׁלמה shelômôh shel-o-mo' From H7965; peaceful; {Shelomoh} David´ s successor: - Solomon.

H8016 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּמי shillêmîy shil-lay-mee Patronymic from H8006; a Shilemite (collectively) or descendant of Shillem: - Shillemites.

H8024 <STRHEB>@ שׁלני shêlânîy shay-law-nee' From H7956; a Shelanite ({collectively}) or descendant of Shelah: - Shelanites.

H8027 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁ shâlash shaw-lash' A primitive root perhaps originally to {intensify} that {is} treble; but apparently used only as denominative from {H7969} to be (causatively make) triplicate (by {restoration} in {portions} {strands} days or years): - do the third {time} (divide {into} stay) three ({days} {-fold} {parts} years old).

H8029 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּשׁ shillêsh shil-laysh' From H8027; a descendant of the third {degree} that {is} great grandchild: - third [generation].

H8032 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁם שׁלשׁום shilshôm shilshôm {shil-shome'} shil-shome' From the same as H8028; {trebly} that {is} (in time) day before yesterday: - + before (that {time} {-time}) excellent things [from the {margin]} + {heretofore} three {days} + time past.

H8040 <STRHEB>@ שׂמאל שׂמאול ώemô'l ώeml {sem-ole'} sem-ole' A primitive word (rather perhaps from the same as H8071 (by insertion of the 'aleph) through the idea of wrapping up); properly dark (as {enveloped}) that {is} the north; hence (by orientation) the left hand: - left ({hand} side).

H8061 <STRHEB>@ שׁמידע shemîydâ‛ shem-ee-daw' Apparently from H8034 and H3045; name of knowing; {Shemida} an Israelite: - {Shemida} Shemidah.

H8062 <STRHEB>@ שׁמידעי shemîydâ‛îy shem-ee-daw-ee' Patronymic from H8061; a Shemidaite (collectively) or descendant of Shemida: - Shemidaites.

H8068 <STRHEB>@ שׁמיר shâmîyr shaw-meer' From H8104 in the original sense of pricking; a thorn; also (from its keenness for scratching) a {gem} probably the diamond: - adamant ({stone}) {brier} diamond.

H8095 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעון shim‛ôn shim-one' From H8085; hearing; {Shimon} one of Jacob´ s {sons} also the tribe descendant from him: - Simeon.

H8097 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעי shim‛îy shim-ee' Patronymic from H8096; a Shimite (collectively) or descendant of Shimi: - of {Shimi} Shimites.

H8099 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעני shim‛ônîy shim-o-nee' Patronymic from H8095; a Shimonite (collectively) or descendant of Shimon: - tribe of {Simeon} Simeonites.

H8101 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעתי shim‛âthîy shim-aw-thee' Patronymic from H8093; a Shimathite (collectively) or descendant of Shimah: - Shimeathites.

H8117 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרני shimrônîy shim-ro-nee' Patronymic from H8110; a Shimronite (collectively) or descendant of Shimron: - Shimronites.

H8120 <STRHEB>@ שׁמשׁ shemash shem-ash' (Chaldee); corresponding to the root of H8121 through the idea of activity implied in daylight; to serve: - minister.

H8126 <STRHEB>@ שׁמתי shûmâthîy shoo-maw-thee' Patronymic from an unused name from H7762 probably meaning garlic smell; a Shumathite (collectively) or descendant of Shumah: - Shumathites.

H8173 <STRHEB>@ שׁעע shâ‛ashaw-ah' A primitive root; (in a good acceptation) to look upon (with {complacency}) that {is} fondle6 please or amuse (self); (in a bad one) to look about (in {dismay}) that {is} stare. (cry out is by confusion with H7768.): - cry (out) [by confusion with {H7768]} {dandle} delight ({self}) {play} shut.

H8193 <STRHEB>@ שׂפת שׂפה ώâphâh ώepheth {saw-faw'} sef-eth' (The second form is in dual and plural); Probably from H5595 or H8192 through the idea of termination (compare H5490); the lip (as a natural boundary); by implication language; by analogy a margin (of a {vessel} {water} {cloth} etc.): - {band} {bank} {binding} {border} {brim} {brink} {edge} {language} {lip} {prating} ([sea-]) {shore} {side} {speech} {talk} [vain] words.

H8228 <STRHEB>@ שׁפע shephasheh'-fah From an unused root meaning to abound; resources: - abundance.

H8229 <STRHEB>@ שׁפעה shiph‛âh shif-aw' Feminine of H8228; copiousness: - {abundance} {company} multitude.

H8238 <STRHEB>@ שׁפרפר shepharphar shef-ar-far' (Chaldee); from H8231; the dawn (as brilliant with aurora): - X very early in the morning.

H8239 <STRHEB>@ שׁפת shâphath shaw-fath' A primitive root; to {locate} that {is} (generally) hang on or (figuratively) {establish} reduce: - {bring} {ordain} set on.

H8255 <STRHEB>@ שׁקל sheqel sheh'-kel From H8254; probably a weight; used as a commercial standard: - shekel.

H8317 <STRHEB>@ שׁרץ shârats shaw-rats' A primitive root; to {wriggle} that {is} (by implication) swarm or abound: - breed (bring {forth} increase) abundantly (in {abundance}) {creep} move.

H8352 <STRHEB>@ שׁת shêth shayth From H7896; {put} that {is} substituted; {Sheth} third son of Adam: - {Seth} Sheth.

H8356 <STRHEB>@ שׁתה shâthâh shaw-thaw' From H7896; a {basis} that {is} (figuratively) political or moral support: - {foundation} purpose.

H8364 <STRHEB>@ שׁתלחי shûthalchîy shoo-thal-khee' Patronymic from H7803; a Shuthalchite (collectively) or descendant of Shuthelach: - Shuthalhites.

H8374 <STRHEB>@ תּאב tâ'ab taw-ab' A primitive root (probably rather identical with H8373 through the idea of puffing disdainfully at; compare H340); to loathe (morally): - abhor.

H8378 <STRHEB>@ תּאוה tavâh tah-av-aw' From H183 (abbreviated); a longing; by implication a delight (subjectively {satisfaction} objectively a charm): - {dainty} {desire} X {exceedingly} X {greedily} lust ({ing}) pleasant. See also H6914.

H8391 <STRHEB>@ תּאשּׁוּר te'ashshûr teh-ash-shoor' From H833; a species of cedar (from its erectness): - box (tree).

H8413 <STRHEB>@ תּדעל tid‛âl tid-awl' Perhaps from H1763; fearfulness; {Tidal} a Canaanite: - Tidal.

H8416 <STRHEB>@ תּהלּה tehillâh teh-hil-law' From H1984; laudation; specifically (concretely) a hymn: - praise.

H8426 <STRHEB>@ תּודה tôdâh to-daw' From H3034; properly an extension of the {hand} that {is} (by implication) {avowal} or (usually) adoration; specifically a choir of worshippers: - {confession} (sacrifice of) {praise} thanks ({-giving} offering).

H8440 <STRHEB>@ תּולעי tôlâ‛îy to-law-ee' Patronymic from H8439; a Tolaite (collectively) or descendant of Tola: - Tolaites.

H8444 <STRHEB>@ תּצאה תּוצאה tôtsâ'âh tôtsâ'âh {to-tsaw-aw'} to-tsaw-aw' From H3318; (only in plural collective) {exit} that {is} (geographical) {boundary} or (figuratively) {deliverance} (actively) source: - border ({-s}) going (-s) forth ({out}) {issues} outgoings.

H8455 <STRHEB>@ תּותח tôthâch to-thawkh' From an unused root meaning to smite: - darts.

H8458 <STRHEB>@ תּחבּוּלה תּחבּלה tachbûlâh tachbûlâh {takh-boo-law'} takh-boo-law' From H2254 as denominative from H2256; (only in plural) properly steerage (as a management of {ropes}) that {is} (figuratively) guidance or (by implication) a plan: - good {advice} (wise) counsels.

H8470 <STRHEB>@ תּחני tachănîy takh-an-ee' Patronymic from H8465; a Tachanite (collectively) or descendant of Tachan: - Tahanites.

H8487 <STRHEB>@ תּמן תּימן têymân têmân {tay-mawn'} tay-mawn' The same as H8486; {Teman} the name of two {Edomites} and of the region and descendants of one of them: - {south} Teman.

H8489 <STRHEB>@ תּימני têymânîy tay-maw-nee' Patronymic from H8487; a Temanite or descendant of Teman: - {Temani} Temanite.

H8491 <STRHEB>@ תּיצי tîytsîy tee-tsee' Partrial or patronymic from an unused noun of uncertain meaning; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits: - Tizite.

H8512 <STRHEB>@ תּל אביב têlbîyb tale aw-beeb' From H8510 and H24; mound of green growth; {Tel-Abib} a place in Chaldaea: - Tel-abib.

H8543 <STRHEB>@ תּמל תּמול temôl temôl {tem-ole'} tem-ole' Probably for H865; properly {ago} that {is} a (short or long) time since; especially {yesterday} or (with H8032) day before yesterday: - + before ({-time}) + these [three] {days} + {heretofore} + time {past} yesterday.

H8548 <STRHEB>@ תּמיד tâmîyd taw-meed' From an unused root meaning to stretch; properly continuance (as indefinite extension); but used only (attributively as adjective) constant (or adverbially constantly); elliptically the regular (daily) sacrifice: - alway ({-s}) continual ({employment} {-ly}) {daily} ([n-]) ever ({-more}) perpetual.

H8584 <STRHEB>@ תּעוּדה te‛ûdâh teh-oo-daw' From H5749; {attestation} that {is} a {precept} usage: - testimony.

H8585 <STRHEB>@ תּעלה te‛âlâh teh-aw-law' From H5927; a channel (into which water is raised for irrigation); also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound): - {conduit} {cured} {healing} little {river} {trench} watercourse.

H8628 <STRHEB>@ תּקע tâqataw-kah' A primitive root; to {clatter} that {is} slap (the hands {together}) clang (an instrument); by analogy to drive (a nail or tent {pin} a {dart} etc.); by implication to become bondsman (by handclasping): - blow ([a {trumpet]}) {cast} {clap} {fasten} pitch {[tent]} {smite} {sound} {strike} X {suretiship} thrust.

H8639 <STRHEB>@ תּרדּמה tardêmâh tar-day-maw' From H7290; a lethargy or (by implication) trance: - deep sleep.

H803 <STRHEB>@ אשׁוּיה 'ăshûyâh ash-oo-yah' Feminine passive participle from an unused root meaning to found; foundation: - foundation.

H804 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁר אשּׁוּר 'ashshûr 'ashshûr {ash-shoor'} ash-shoor' Apparently from H833 (in the sense of successful); {Ashshur} the second son of Shem; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (that {is} {Assyria}) its region and its empire: - {Asshur} {Assur} {Assyria} Assyrians. See H838.

H808 <STRHEB>@ אשׁישׁ 'âshîysh aw-sheesh' From the same as H784 (in the sense of pressing down firmly; compare H803); a (ruined) foundation: - foundation.

H813 <STRHEB>@ אשׁכּנז 'ashkenaz ash-ken-az' Of foreign origin; {Ashkenaz} a {Japhethite} also his descendants: - Ashkenaz.

H839 <STRHEB>@ אשׁר 'ăshûr ash-oor' Contracted for H8391; the cedar tree or some other light elastic wood: - Ashurite.

H843 <STRHEB>@ אשׁרי 'âshêrîy aw-shay-ree' Patronymic from H836; an Asherite (collectively) or descendant of Asher: - Asherites.

H845 <STRHEB>@ אשׂראלי 'aώrilîy as-ree-ale-ee' Patronymic from H844; an Asrielite (collectively) or descendant of Asriel: - Asrielites.

H865 <STRHEB>@ אתמוּל אתמול אתמול 'ethmôl 'ithmôl 'ethmûl {eth-mole'} {ith-mole'} eth-mool' Probably from H853 or H854 and H4136; heretofore; definitely yesterday: - + before (that) {time} + {heretofore} of late ({old}) + times {past} yester[day].

H908 <STRHEB>@ בּדא bâdâ' baw-daw' A primitive root; (figuratively) to invent: - {devise} feign.

H909 <STRHEB>@ בּדד bâdad baw-dad' A primitive root; to {divide} that {is} (reflexively) be solitary: - alone.

H910 <STRHEB>@ בּדד bâdâd baw-dawd' From H909; separate; adverbially separately: - {alone} {desolate} {only} solitary.

H911 <STRHEB>@ בּדד bedad bed-ad' From H909; separation; {Bedad} an Edomite: - Bedad.

H914 <STRHEB>@ בּדל bâdal baw-dal' A primitive root; to divide (in various senses literally or {figuratively} separate6 {distinguish} differ6 {select} etc.): - ({make} put) {difference} divide ({asunder}) (make) separate ({self} {-ation}) sever ({out}) X utterly.

H915 <STRHEB>@ בּדל bâdâl baw-dawl' From H914; a part: - piece.

H917 <STRHEB>@ בּדן bedân bed-awn' Probably shortened for H5658; servile; {Bedan} the name of two Israelite: - Bedan.

H918 <STRHEB>@ בּדק bâdaq baw-dak' A primitive root; to gap open; used only as a denominative from H919; to mend a breach: - repair.

H921 <STRHEB>@ בּדר bedar bed-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding (by transposition) to H6504: to scatter: - scatter.

H940 <STRHEB>@ בּוּזי bûzîy boo-zee' Patronymic from H938; a Buzite or descendant of Buz: - Buzite.

H959 <STRHEB>@ בּזה bâzâh baw-zaw' A primitive root; to disesteem: - {despise} {disdain} contemn ({-ptible}) + think to {scorn} vile person.

G6 <STRGRK>@ Ἄβελ Abel ab'-el Of Hebrew origin [H1893]; Abel the son of Adam: - Abel.

G76 <STRGRK>@ Ἀδάμ Adam ad-am' Of Hebrew origin [H121]; Adam the first man; typically (of Jesus) man (as his representative): - Adam.

G77 <STRGRK>@ ἀδάπανος adapanos ad-ap'-an-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1160; costless that is gratuitous: - without expense.

G86 <STRGRK>@ ᾅδης hadēs hah'-dace From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1492; properly unseen that is Hades or the place (state) of departed souls: - grave hell.

G100 <STRGRK>@ ἁδρότης hadrotēs had-rot'-ace From ἁδρός hadros (stout); plumpness that is (figuratively) liberality: - abundance.

G1002 <STRGRK>@ βολίς bolis bol-ece' From G906; a missile that is javelin: - dart.

G1046 <STRGRK>@ Γαδαρηνός Gadarēnos gad-ar-ay-nos' From Γαδαρά Gadara (a town East of the Jordan); a Gadarene or inhabitant of Gadara: - Gadarene.

G1061 <STRGRK>@ γαμίσκω gamiskō gam-is'-ko From G1062; to espouse (a daughter to a husband): - give in marriage.

G1077 <STRGRK>@ γενέσια genesia ghen-es'-ee-ah Neuter plural of a derivative of G1078; birthday ceremonies: - birthday.

G1096 <STRGRK>@ γίνομαι ginomai ghin'-om-ahee A prolonged and middle form of a primary verb; to cause to be (gen -erate) that is (reflexively) to become (come into being) used with great latitude (literally figuratively intensively etc.): - arise be assembled be (come -fall -have self) be brought (to pass) (be) come (to pass) continue be divided be done draw be ended fall be finished follow be found be fulfilled + God forbid grow happen have be kept be made be married be ordained to be partake pass be performed be published require seem be showed X soon as it was sound be taken be turned use wax will would be wrought.

G1126 <STRGRK>@ γραώδης graōdēs grah-o'-dace From γραῦς graus (an old woman) and G1491; crone like that is silly: - old wives´ .

G1138 <STRGRK>@ Δαβίδ Dabid dab-eed' Of Hebrew origin [H1732]; Dabid (that is David) the Israelite king: - David.

G1139 <STRGRK>@ δαιμονίζομαι daimonizomai dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee Middle voice from G1142; to be exercised by a daemon: - have a (be vexed with be possessed with) devil (-s).

G1140 <STRGRK>@ δαιμόνιον daimonion dahee-mon'-ee-on Neuter of a derivative of G1142; a daemonic being; by extension a deity: - devil god.

G1141 <STRGRK>@ δαιμονιώδης daimoniōdēs dahee-mon-ee-o'-dace From G1140 and G1142; daemon like: - devilish.

G1142 <STRGRK>@ δαίμων daimōn dah'ee-mown From δαίω daiō (to distribute fortunes); a demon or super natural spirit (of a bad nature): - devil.

G1143 <STRGRK>@ δάκνω daknō dak'-no A prolonged form of a primary root; to bite that is (figuratively) thwart: - bite.

G1144 <STRGRK>@ δάκρυ δάκρυον dakru dakruon dak'-roo dak'-roo-on Of uncertain affinity; a tear: - tear.

G1145 <STRGRK>@ δακρύω dakruō dak-roo'-o From G1144; to shed tears: - weep. Compare G2799.

G1146 <STRGRK>@ δακτύλιος daktulios dak-too'-lee-os From G1147; a finger ring: - ring.

G1147 <STRGRK>@ δάκτυλος daktulos dak'-too-los Probably from G1176; a finger: - finger.

G1148 <STRGRK>@ Δαλμανουθά Dalmanoutha dal-man-oo-thah' Probably of Chaldee origin; Dalmanutha a place in Palestine: - Dalmanutha.

G1149 <STRGRK>@ Δαλματία Dalmatia dal-mat-ee'-ah Probably of foreign derivation; Dalmatia a region of Europe: - Dalmatia.

G1150 <STRGRK>@ δαμάζω damazō dam-ad'-zo A variation of an obsolete primary of the same meaning; to tame: - tame.

G1151 <STRGRK>@ δάμαλις damalis dam'-al-is Probably from the base of G1150; a heifer (as tame): - heifer.

G1152 <STRGRK>@ Δάμαρις Damaris dam'-ar-is Probably from the base of G1150; perhaps gentle; Damaris an Athenian woman: - Damaris.

G1153 <STRGRK>@ Δαμασκηνός Damaskēnos dam-as-kay-nos' From G1154; a Damascene or inhabitant of Damascus: - Damascene.

G1154 <STRGRK>@ Δαμασκός Damaskos dam-as-kos' Of Hebrew origin [H1834]; Damascus a city of Syria: - Damascus.

G1155 <STRGRK>@ δανείζω daneizō dan-ide'-zo From G1156; to loan on interest; reflexively to borrow: - borrow lend.

G1156 <STRGRK>@ δάνειον daneion dan'-i-on From δάνος danos (a gift); probably akin to the base of G1325; a loan: - debt.

G1157 <STRGRK>@ δανειστής daneistēs dan-ice-tace' From G1155; a lender: - creditor.

G1158 <STRGRK>@ Δανιήλ Daniēl dan-ee-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H1840]; Daniel an Israelite: - Daniel.

G1159 <STRGRK>@ δαπανάω dapanaō dap-an-ah'-o From G1160; to expend that is (in a good sense) to incur cost or (in a bad one) to waste: - be at charges consume spend.

G1160 <STRGRK>@ δαπάνη dapanē dap-an'-ay From δάπτω daptō (to devour); expense (as consuming): - cost.

G1174 <STRGRK>@ δεισιδαιμονέστερος deisidaimonesteros dice-ee-dahee-mon-es'-ter-os The compound of a derivative of the base of G1169 and G1142; more religious than others: - too superstitious.

G1175 <STRGRK>@ δεισιδαιμονία deisidaimonia dice-ee-dahee-mon-ee'-ah From the same as G1174; religion: - superstition.

G1201 <STRGRK>@ δεσμωτήριον desmōtērion des-mo-tay'-ree-on From a derivative of G1199 (equivalent to G1196); a place of bondage that is a dungeon: - prison.

G1206 <STRGRK>@ δευτεραῖος deuteraios dyoo-ter-ah'-yos From G1208; secondary that is (specifically) on the second day: - next day.

G1207 <STRGRK>@ δευτερόπρωτος deuteroprōtos dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos From G1208 and G4413; second first that is (specifically) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): - second . . . after the first.

G1211 <STRGRK>@ δή dē day Probably akin to G1161; a particle of emphasis or explicitness; now then etc.: - also and doubtless now therefore.

G1212 <STRGRK>@ δῆλος dēlos day'-los Of uncertain derivation; clear: - + bewray certain evident manifest.

G1213 <STRGRK>@ δηλόω dēloō day-lo'-o From G1212; to make plain (by words): - declare shew signify.

G1214 <STRGRK>@ Δημᾶς Dēmas day-mas' Probably for G1216; Demas a Christian: - Demas.

G1215 <STRGRK>@ δημηγορέω dēmēgoreō day-may-gor-eh'-o From a compound of G1218 and G58; to be a people gatherer that is to address a public assembly: - make an oration.

G1216 <STRGRK>@ Δημήτριος Dēmētrios day-may'-tree-os From Δημήτηρ Dēmētēr (Ceres); Demetrius the name of an Ephesian and of a Christian: - Demetrius.

G1217 <STRGRK>@ δημιουργός dēmiourgos day-me-oor-gos' From G1218 and G2041; a worker for the people that is mechanic (spoken of the Creator): - maker.

G1218 <STRGRK>@ δῆμος dēmos day'-mos From G1210; the public (as bound together socially): - people.

G1219 <STRGRK>@ δημόσιος dēmosios day-mos'-ee-os From G1218; public; (feminine singular dative as adverb) in public: - common openly publickly.

G1220 <STRGRK>@ δηνάριον dēnarion day-nar'-ee-on Of Latin origin; a denarius (or ten asses): - pence penny [-worth].

G1221 <STRGRK>@ δήποτε dēpote day'-pot-eh From G1211 and G4218; a particle of generalization; indeed at any time: - (what-) soever.

G1222 <STRGRK>@ δήπου dēpou day'-poo From G1211 and G4225; a particle of asseveration; indeed doubtless: - verily.

G1247 <STRGRK>@ διακονέω diakoneō dee-ak-on-eh'-o From G1249; to be an attendant that is wait upon (menially or as a host friend or [figuratively] teacher); technically to act as a Christian deacon: - (ad-) minister (unto) serve use the office of a deacon.

G1248 <STRGRK>@ διακονία diakonia dee-ak-on-ee'-ah From G1249; attendance (as a servant etc.); figuratively (eleemosynary) aid (official) service (especially of the Christian teacher or technically of the diaconate): - (ad-) minister (-ing -tration -try) office relief service (-ing).

G1249 <STRGRK>@ διάκονος diakonos dee-ak'-on-os Probably from διάκω diakō (obsolete to run on errands; compare G1377); an attendant that is (generally) a waiter (at table or in other menial duties); specifically a Christian teacher and pastor (technically a deacon or deaconess): - deacon minister servant.

G1286 <STRGRK>@ διασείω diaseiō dee-as-i'-o From G1223 and G4579; to shake thoroughly that is (figuratively) to intimidate: - do violence to.

G1299 <STRGRK>@ διατάσσω diatassō dee-at-as'-so From G1223 and G5021; to arrange thoroughly that is (specifically) institute prescribe etc.: - appoint command give (set in) order ordain.

G1306 <STRGRK>@ διαυγάζω diaugazō dee-ow-gad'-zo From G1223 and G826; to glimmer through that is break (as day): - dawn.

G1317 <STRGRK>@ διδακτικός didaktikos did-ak-tik-os' From G1318; instructive (didactic): - apt to teach.

G1318 <STRGRK>@ διδακτός didaktos did-ak-tos' From G1321; (subjectively) instructed or (objectively) communicated by teaching: - taught which . . . teacheth.

G1319 <STRGRK>@ διδασκαλία didaskalia did-as-kal-ee'-ah From G1320; instruction (the function or the information): - doctrine learning teaching.

G1320 <STRGRK>@ διδάσκαλος didaskalos did-as'-kal-os From G1321; an instructor (generally or specifically): - doctor master teacher.

G1321 <STRGRK>@ διδάσκω didaskō did-as'-ko A prolonged (causative) form of a primary verb δάω daō (to learn); to teach (in the same broad application): - teach.

G1322 <STRGRK>@ διδαχή didachē did-akh-ay' From G1321; instruction (the act or the matter): - doctrine hath been taught.

G1397 <STRGRK>@ δουλεία douleia doo-li'-ah From G1398; slavery (ceremonially or figuratively): - bondage.

G1398 <STRGRK>@ δουλεύω douleuō dool-yoo'-o From G1401; to be a slave to (literally or figuratively involuntarily or voluntarily): - be in bondage (do) serve (-ice).

G1402 <STRGRK>@ δουλόω douloō doo-lo'-o From G1401; to enslave (literally or figuratively): - bring into (be under) bondage X given become (make) servant.

G1411 <STRGRK>@ δύναμις dunamis doo'-nam-is From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): - ability abundance meaning might (-ily -y -y deed) (worker of) miracle (-s) power strength violence mighty (wonderful) work.

G1438 <STRGRK>@ ἑαυτοῦ heautou heh-ow-too' (Including all the other cases); from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive (dative or accusative) of G846; him (her it6 them also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the other persons] my thy6 our your) -self (-selves) etc.: - alone her (own -self) (he) himself his (own) itself one (to) another our (thine) own (-selves) + that she had their (own own selves) (of) them (-selves) they thyself you your (own own conceits own selves -selves).

G1474 <STRGRK>@ ἐδαφίζω edaphizō ed-af-id'-zo From G1475; to raze: - lay even with the ground.

G1475 <STRGRK>@ ἔδαφος edaphos ed'-af-os From the base of G1476; a basis (bottom) that is the soil: - ground.

G1519 <STRGRK>@ εἰς eis ice A primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered) of place time or (figuratively) purpose (result etc.); also in adverbial phrases.: - [abundant-] ly against among as at [back-] ward before by concerning + continual + far more exceeding for [intent purpose] fore + forth in (among at unto -so much that -to) to the intent that + of one mind + never of (up-) on + perish + set at one again (so) that therefore (-unto) throughout till to (be the end -ward) (here-) until (-to) . . . ward [where-] fore with. Often used in composition with the same general import but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literallyor figuratively.

G1520 <STRGRK>@ εἷς heis hice (Including the neuter [etc.] ἕν hen); a primary numeral; one: - a (-n -ny certain) + abundantly man one (another) only other some. See also G1527 G3367 G3391 G3762.

G1530 <STRGRK>@ εἰσπηδάω eispēdaō ice-pay-dah'-o From G1519 and πηδάω pēdaō (to leap); to rush in: - run (spring) in.

G1537 <STRGRK>@ ἐκ ἐξ ek ex ek ex A primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence motion or action proceeds) from6 out (of place time or cause; literally or figuratively; direct or remote): - after among X are at betwixt (-yond) by (the means of) exceedingly (+ abundantly above) for (-th) from (among forth up) + grudgingly + heartily X heavenly X hereby + very highly in . . . ly (because by reason) of off (from) on out among (from of) over since X thenceforth through X unto X vehemently with (-out). Often used in composition with the same general import; often of completion.

G1547 <STRGRK>@ ἐκγαμίζω ekgamizō ek-gam-id'-zo From G1537 and a form of G1061 (compare G1548); to marry off a daughter: - give in marriage.

G1549 <STRGRK>@ ἔκγονον ekgonon ek'-gon-on Neuter of a derivative of a compound of G1537 and G1096; a descendant that is (specifically) grandchild: - nephew.

G1550 <STRGRK>@ ἐκδαπανάω ekdapanaō ek-dap-an-ah'-o From G1537 and G1159; to expend (wholly) that is (figuratively) exhaust: - spend.

G1552 <STRGRK>@ ἔκδηλος ekdēlos ek'-day-los From G1537 and G1212; wholly evident: - manifest.

G1553 <STRGRK>@ ἐκδημέω ekdēmeō ek-day-meh'-o From a compound of G1537 and G1218; to emigrate that is (figuratively) vacate or quit: - be absent.

G1643 <STRGRK>@ ἐλαύνω elaunō el-ow'-no A prolonged form of a primary verb (obsolete except in certain tenses as an alternate of this) of uncertain affinity; to push (as wind oars or daemoniacal power): - carry drive row.

G1678 <STRGRK>@ Ἐλμωδάμ Elmōdam el-mo-dam' Of Hebrew origin (perhaps for [H486]); Elmodam an Israelite: - Elmodam.

G1683 <STRGRK>@ ἐμαυτοῦ ἐμαυτῷ ἐμαυτόν emautou emautō emauton em-ow-too' em-ow-to' em-ow-ton Genitive dative and accusative of a compound of G1700 and G846; of myself: - me mine own (self) myself.

G1736 <STRGRK>@ ἐνδημέω endēmeō en-day-meh'-o From a compound of G1722 and G1218; to be in one´ s own country that is home (figuratively): - be at home (present).

G1773 <STRGRK>@ ἔννυχον ennuchon en'-noo-khon Neuter of a compound of G1722 and G3571; (adverbially) by night: - before day.

G1777 <STRGRK>@ ἔνοχος enochos en'-okh-os From G1758; liable to (a condition penalty or imputation): - in danger of guilty of subject to.

G1859 <STRGRK>@ ἑορτή heortē heh-or-tay' Of uncertain affinity; a festival: - feast holyday.

G1868 <STRGRK>@ ἔπαινος epainos ep'-ahee-nos From G1909 and the base of G134; laudation; concretely a commendable thing: - praise.

G1887 <STRGRK>@ ἐπαύριον epaurion ep-ow'-ree-on From G1909 and G839; occuring on the succeeding day that is (G2250 being implied) tomorrow: - day following morrow next day (after).

G1888 <STRGRK>@ ἐπαυτοφώρῳ epautophōrō ep-ow-tof-o'-ro From G1909 and G846 and (the dative singular of) a derivative of φώρ phōr (a thief); in theft itself that is (by analogy) in actual crime: - in the very act.

G1894 <STRGRK>@ ἐπειδή epeidē ep-i-day' From G1893 and G1211; since now that is (of time) when or (of cause) whereas: - after that because for (that -asmuch as) seeing since.

G1895 <STRGRK>@ ἐπειδήπερ epeidēper ep-i-day'-per From G1894 and G4007; since indeed (of cause): - forasmuch.

G1909 <STRGRK>@ ἐπί epi ep-ee' A primary preposition properly meaning superimposition (of time place order etc.) as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case] that is over6 upon etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at on etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards upon etc.: - about (the times) above after against among as long as (touching) at beside X have charge of (be- [where-]) fore in (a place as much as the time of -to) (because) of (up-) on (behalf of) over (by for) the space of through (-out) (un-) to (-ward) with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import at6 upon etc. (literally or figuratively).

G1927 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιδημέω epidēmeō ep-ee-day-meh'-o From a compound of G1909 and G1218; to make oneself at home that is (by extension) to reside (in a foreign country): - [be] dwelling (which were) there stranger.

G1966 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιοῦσα epiousa ep-ee-oo'-sah Feminine singular participle of a compound of G1909 and εἷμι heimi (to go); supervening that is (G2250 or G3571 being expressed or implied) the ensuing day or night: - following next.

G1967 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιούσιος epiousios ep-ee-oo'-see-os Perhaps from the same as G1966; to-morrow's; but more probably from G1909 and a derivative of the present participle feminine of G1510; for subsistence that is needful: - daily.

G2000 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισφαλής episphalēs ep-ee-sfal-ace' From a compound of G1909 and σφάλλω sphallō (to trip); figuratively insecure: - dangerous.

G123 <STRGRK>@ αἰγιαλός aigialos ahee-ghee-al-os' From ἀΐ́σσω aissō (to rush) and G251 (in the sense of the sea); a beach (on which the waves dash): - shore.

G135 <STRGRK>@ αἴνιγμα ainigma ah'ee-nig-ma From a derivative of G136 (in its primary sense); an obscure saying (enigma) that is (abstractly) obscureness: - X darkly.

G146 <STRGRK>@ αἰσχροκερδής aischrokerdēs ahee-skhrok-er-dace' From G150 and κέρδος kerdos (gain); sordid: - given to (greedy of) filthy lucre.

G184 <STRGRK>@ Ἀκελδαμά Akeldama ak-el-dam-ah' Of Chaldee origin (meaning field of blood; corresponding to [H2506] and [H1818]); Akeldama a place near Jerusalem: - Aceldama.

G2020 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιφώσκω epiphōskō ep-ee-foce'-ko A form of G2017; to begin to grow light: - begin to dawn X draw on.

G2085 <STRGRK>@ ἑτεροδιδασκαλέω heterodidaskaleō het-er-od-id-as-kal-eh'-o From G2087 and G1320; to instruct differently: - teach other doctrine (-wise).

G2086 <STRGRK>@ ἑτεροζυγέω heterozugeō het-er-od-zoog-eh'-o From a compound of G2087 and G2218; to yoke up differently that is (figuratively) to associate discordantly: - unequally yoke together with.

G2087 <STRGRK>@ ἕτερος heteros het'-er-os Of uncertain affinity; (an- the) other or different: - altered else next (day) one (an-) other some strange.

G2129 <STRGRK>@ εὐλογία eulogia yoo-log-ee'-ah From the same as G2127; fine speaking that is elegance of language; commendation (eulogy) that is (reverentially) adoration; religiously benediction; by implication consecration; by extension benefit or largess: - blessing (a matter of) bounty (X -tifully) fair speech.

G2164 <STRGRK>@ εὐφορέω euphoreō yoo-for-eh'-o From G2095 and G5409; to bear well that is be fertile: - bring forth abundantly.

G2184 <STRGRK>@ ἐφήμερος ephēmeros ef-ay'-mer-os From G1909 and G2250; for a day (ephemeral) that is diurnal: - daily.

G2199 <STRGRK>@ Ζεβεδαῖος Zebedaios dzeb-ed-ah'-yos Of Hebrew origin (compare [H2067]); Zebedaeus an Israelite: - Zebedee.

G2209 <STRGRK>@ ζημία zēmia dzay-mee'-ah Probably akin to the base of G1150 (through the idea of violence); detriment: - damage loss.

G2210 <STRGRK>@ ζημιόω zēmioō dzay-mee-o'-o From G2209; to injure that is (reflexively or passively) to experience detriment: - be cast away receive damage lose suffer loss.

G2215 <STRGRK>@ ζιζάνιον zizanion dziz-an'-ee-on Of uncertain origin; darnel or false grain: - tares.

G2217 <STRGRK>@ ζόφος zophos dzof'-os Akin to the base of G3509; gloom (as shrouding like a cloud): - blackness darkness mist.

G2235 <STRGRK>@ ἤδη ēdē ay'-day Apparently from G2228 (or possibly G2229) and G1211; even now: - already (even) now (already) by this time.

G2237 <STRGRK>@ ἡδονή hēdonē hay-don-ay' From ἁνδάνω handanō (to please); sensual delight; by implication desire: - lust pleasure.

G2250 <STRGRK>@ ἡμέρα hēmera hay-mer'-ah Feminine (with G5610 implied) of a derivative of ἧμαι hēmai (to sit; akin to the base of G1476) meaning tame that is gentle; day that is (literally) the time space between dawn and dark or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context): - age + alway (mid-) day (by day [-ly]) + for ever judgment (day) time while years.

G2254 <STRGRK>@ ἡμῖν hēmin hay-meen' Dative plural of G1473; to (or for with6 by) us: - our (for) us we.

G2264 <STRGRK>@ Ἡρώδης Hērōdēs hay-ro'-dace Compound of ἥρως hērōs (a hero) and G1491; heroic; Herodes the name of four Jewish kings: - Herod.

G2280 <STRGRK>@ Θαδδαῖος Thaddaios thad-dah'-yos Of uncertain origin; Thaddaeus one of the Apostles: - Thaddus.

G2294 <STRGRK>@ θάρσος tharsos thar'-sos Akin (by transposition) to θράσος thrasos (daring); boldness (subjectively): - courage.

G2306 <STRGRK>@ θειώδης theiōdēs thi-o'-dace From G2303 and G1491; sulphur like that is sulphurous: - brimstone.

G2310 <STRGRK>@ θεμέλιος themelios them-el'-ee-os From a derivative of G5087; something put down that is a substruction (of a building etc.) (literally or figuratively): - foundation.

G2311 <STRGRK>@ θεμελιόω themelioō them-el-ee-o'-o From G2310; to lay a basis for that is (literally) erect or (figuratively) consolidate: - (lay the) found (-ation) ground settle.

G2312 <STRGRK>@ θεοδίδακτος theodidaktos theh-od-id'-ak-tos From G2316 and G1321; divinely instructed: - taught of God. 2312' θεολόγος theologos theh-ol-og'-os From G2316 and G3004; a theologian: - divine.

G2322 <STRGRK>@ θεραπεία therapeia ther-ap-i'-ah From G2323; attendance (specifically medical that is cure); figuratively and collectively domestics: - healing household.

G2324 <STRGRK>@ θεράπων therapōn ther-ap'-ohn Apparently a participle from an otherwise obsolete derivation of the base of G2330; a menial attendant (as if cherishing): - servant.

G2333 <STRGRK>@ Θευδᾶς Theudas thyoo-das' Of uncertain origin; Theudas as Israelite: - Theudas.

G2342 <STRGRK>@ θηρίον thērion thay-ree'-on Diminutive from the same as G2339; a dangerous animal: - (venomous wild) beast.

G2364 <STRGRK>@ θυγάτηρ thugatēr thoo-gat'-air Apparently a primary word (compare daughter); a female child or (by Hebraism) descendant (or inhabitant): - daughter.

G2365 <STRGRK>@ θυγάτριον thugatrion thoo-gat'-ree-on From G2364; a daughterling: - little (young) daughter.

G2429 <STRGRK>@ ἱκμάς hikmas hik-mas' Of uncertain affinity; dampness: - moisture.

G2438 <STRGRK>@ ἱμάς himas hee-mas' Perhaps from the same as G260; a strap that is (specifically) the tie (of a sandal) or the lash (of a scourge): - latchet thong.

G2446 <STRGRK>@ Ἰορδάνης Iordanēs ee-or-dan'-ace Of Hebrew origin [H3383]; the Jordanes (that is Jarden) a river of Palestine: - Jordan.

G2448 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδά Iouda ee-oo-dah' Of Hebrew origin [H3063] or perhaps [H3194]; Judah (that is Jehudah or Juttah) a part of (or place in) Palestine: - Judah.

G2449 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαία Ioudaia ee-oo-dah'-yah Feminine of G2453 (with G1093 implied); the Judaean land (that is judaea) a region of Palestine: - Juda.

G2450 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαΐ́ζω Ioudaizō ee-oo-dah-id'-zo From G2453; to become a Judaean that is judaize: - live as the Jews.

G2451 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαΐκός Ioudaikos ee-oo-dah-ee-kos' From G2453; Judaic that is resembling a Judaean: - Jewish.

G2452 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαΐκώς Ioudaikōs ee-oo-dah-ee-koce' Adverb from G2451; Judaically or in a manner resembling a Judaean: - as do the Jews.

G2453 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαῖος Ioudaios ee-oo-dah'-yos From G2448 (in the sense of G2455 as a country); udaean that is belonging to Jehudah: - Jew (-ess) of Juda.

G2454 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαΐσμός Ioudaismos ee-oo-dah-is-mos' From G2450; judaism that is the Jewish faith and usages: - Jews´ religion.

G2455 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδάς Ioudas ee-oo-das' Of Hebrew origin [H3063]; Judas (that is Jehudah) the name of ten Israelites; also of the posterity of one of them and its region: - Juda (-h -s); Jude.

G2466 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσαχάρ Isachar ee-sakh-ar' Of Hebrew origin [H3485]; Isachar (that is Jissaskar) a son of Jacob (figuratively his descendants): - Issachar.

G2469 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσκαριώτης Iskariōtēs is-kar-ee-o'-tace Of Hebrew origin (probably [H377] and [H7149]); inhabitants of Kerioth; Iscariotes (that is Keriothite) an epithet of Judas the traitor: - Iscariot.

G2474 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσραήλ Israēl is-rah-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H3478]; Israel (that is Jisrael) the adopted name of Jacob including his descendants (literally or figuratively): - Israel.

G2475 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσραηλίτης Israēlitēs is-rah-ale-ee'-tace From G2474; an israelite that is descendant of Israel (literally or figuratively): - Israelite.

G2504 <STRGRK>@ κἀγώ κἀμοί κἀμέ kagō kamoi kame kag-o' kam-oy' kam-eh' So also the dative (second form) and accusative (third form); from G2532 and G1473; and (or also even etc.) I (to) me: - (and even even so so) I (also in like wise) both me me also.

G2522 <STRGRK>@ καθημερινός kathēmerinos kath-ay-mer-ee-nos' From G2596 and G2250; quotidian: - daily.

G2525 <STRGRK>@ καθίστημι kathistēmi kath-is'-tay-mee From G2596 and G2476; to place down (permanently) that is (figuratively) to designate constitute convoy: - appoint be conduct make ordain set.

G2535 <STRGRK>@ Κάΐν Kain kah'-in Of Hebrew origin [H7014]; Cain (that is Cajin) the son of Adam: - Cain.

G2567 <STRGRK>@ καλοδιδάσκαλος kalodidaskalos kal-od-id-as'-kal-os From G2570 and G1320; a teacher of the right: - teacher of good things.

G2582 <STRGRK>@ Κανδάκη Kandakē kan-dak'-ay Of foreign origin; Candace an Egyptian queen: - Candace.

G2583 <STRGRK>@ κανών kanōn kan-ohn' Fromκάνη kanē (a straight reed that is rod); a rule (canon) that is (figuratively) a standard (of faith and practice); by implication a boundary that is (figuratively) a sphere (of activity): - line rule.

G2596 <STRGRK>@ κατά kata kat-ah' A primary particle; (preposition) down (in place or time) in varied relations (according to the case [genitive dative or accusative] with which it is joined): - about according as (to) after against (when they were) X alone among and X apart (even like) as (concerning pertaining to touching) X aside at before beyond by to the charge of [charita-] bly concerning + covered [dai-] ly down every (+ far more) exceeding X more excellent for from . . . to godly in (-asmuch divers every -to respect of) . . . by after the manner of + by any means beyond (out of) measure X mightily more X natural of (up-) on (X part) out (of every) over against (+ your) X own + particularly so through (-oughout -oughout every) thus (un-) to (-gether -ward) X uttermost where (-by) with. In composition it retains many of these applications and frequently denotes opposition distribution or intensity.

G2602 <STRGRK>@ καταβολή katabolē kat-ab-ol-ay' From G2598; a deposition that is founding; figuratively conception: - conceive foundation.

G2611 <STRGRK>@ καταδέω katadeō kat-ad-eh'-o From G2596 and G1210; to tie down that is bandage (a wound): - bind up.

G2615 <STRGRK>@ καταδουλόω katadouloō kat-ad-oo-lo'-o From G2596 and G1402; to enslave utterly: - bring into bondage.

G2626 <STRGRK>@ κατακλύζω katakluzō kat-ak-lood'-zo From G2596 and the base of G2830; to dash (wash) down that is (by implication) to deluge: - overflow.

G2627 <STRGRK>@ κατακλυσμός kataklusmos kat-ak-looce-mos' From G2626; an inundation: - flood.

G2632 <STRGRK>@ κατακρίνω katakrinō kat-ak-ree'-no From G2596 and G2919; to judge against that is sentence: - condemn damn.

G2662 <STRGRK>@ καταπατέω katapateō kat-ap-at-eh'-o From G2596 and G3961; to trample down; figuratively to reject with disdain: - trample tread (down underfoot).

G2680 <STRGRK>@ κατασκευάζω kataskeuazō kat-ask-yoo-ad'-zo From G2596 and a derivative of G4632; to prepare thoroughly (properly by external equipment; whereas G2090 refers rather to internal fitness); by implication to construct create: - build make ordain prepare.

G2770 <STRGRK>@ κερδαίνω kerdainō ker-dah'ee-no From G2771; to gain (literally or figuratively): - (get) gain win.

G2793 <STRGRK>@ κινδυνέυω kinduneuō kin-doon-yoo'-o From G2794; to undergo peril: - be in danger be (stand) in jeopardy.

G2794 <STRGRK>@ κίνδυνος kindunos kin'-doo-nos Of uncertain derivation; danger: - peril.

G2802 <STRGRK>@ Κλαύδη Klaudē klow'-day Of uncertain derivation; Claude an island near Crete: - Clauda.

G2830 <STRGRK>@ κλύδων kludōn kloo'-dohn From κλύζω kluzō (to billow or dash over); a surge of the sea (literally or figuratively): - raging wave.

G2877 <STRGRK>@ κοράσιον korasion kor-as'-ee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of κόρη korē (a maiden); a (little) girl: - damsel maid.

G2886 <STRGRK>@ κοσμικός kosmikos kos-mee-kos' From G2889 (in its secondary sense); terrene (cosmic) literally (mundane) or figuratively (corrupt): - worldly.

G2897 <STRGRK>@ κραιπάλη kraipalē krahee-pal'-ay Probably from the same as G726; properly a headache (as a seizure of pain) from drunkenness that is (by implication) a debauch (by analogy a glut): - surfeiting.

G2917 <STRGRK>@ κρίμα krima kree'-mah From G2919; a decision (the function or the effect for or against [crime]): - avenge condemned condemnation damnation + go to law judgment.

G2919 <STRGRK>@ κρίνω krinō kree'-no Properly to distinguish that is decide (mentally or judicially); by implication to try condemn punish: - avenge conclude condemn damn decree determine esteem judge go to (sue at the) law ordain call in question sentence to think.

G2920 <STRGRK>@ κρίσις krisis kree'-sis (Subjectively or objectively for or against); by extension a tribunal; by implication justice (specifically divine law): - accusation condemnation damnation judgment.

G2945 <STRGRK>@ κύκλῳ kuklō koo'-klo As if dative case of κύκλος kuklos (a ring cycle; akin to G2947); that is in a circle (by implication of G1722) that is (adverbially) all around: - round about.

G208 <STRGRK>@ ἀκυρόω akuroō ak-oo-ro'-o From G1 (as a negative particle) and G2964; to invalidate: - disannul make of none effect.

G284 <STRGRK>@ Ἀμιναδάβ Aminadab am-ee-nad-ab' Of Hebrew origin [H5992]; Aminadab an Israelite: - Aminadab.

G3019 <STRGRK>@ Λευΐ́της Leuitēs lyoo-ee'-tace From G3017; a Levite that is descendant of Levi: - Levite.

G3034 <STRGRK>@ λιθάζω lithazō lith-ad'-zo From G3037; to lapidate: - stone.

G3036 <STRGRK>@ λιθοβολέω lithoboleō lith-ob-ol-eh'-o From a compound of G3037 and G906; to throw stones that is lapidate: - stone cast stones.

G3045 <STRGRK>@ λιπαρός liparos lip-ar-os' From λιπος lipos (grease); fat that is (figuratively) sumptuous: - dainty.

G3069 <STRGRK>@ Λύδδα Ludda lud'-dah Of Hebrew origin [H3850]; Lydda (that is Lod) a place in Palestine: - Lydda.

G3093 <STRGRK>@ Μαγδαλά Magdala mag-dal-ah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H4026]); the tower; Magadala (that is Migdala) a place in Palestine: - Magdala.

G3094 <STRGRK>@ Μαγδαληνή Magdalēnē mag-dal-ay-nay' Feminine of a derivative of G3093; a female Magdalene that is inhabitant of Magdala: - Magdalene.

G3314 <STRGRK>@ μεσημβρία mesēmbria mes-ame-bree'-ah From G3319 and G2250; midday; by implication the south: - noon south.

G3319 <STRGRK>@ μέσος mesos mes'-os From G3326; middle (as adjective or [neuter] noun): - among X before them between + forth mid [-day -night] midst way.

G3345 <STRGRK>@ μετασχηματίζω metaschēmatizō met-askh-ay-mat-id'-zo From G3326 and a derivative of G4976; to transfigure or disguise; figuratively to apply (by accommodation): - transfer transform (self).

G3354 <STRGRK>@ μετρέω metreō met-reh'-o From G3358; to measure (that is ascertain in size by a fixed standard); by implication to admeasure (that is allot by rule); figuratively to estimate: - measure mete.

G3355 <STRGRK>@ μετρητής metrētēs met-ray-tace' From G3354; a measurer that is (specifically) a certain standard measure of capacity for liquids: - firkin.

G3365 <STRGRK>@ μηδαμῶς mēdamōs may-dam-oce' Adverb from a compound of G3361 and ἀμός amos (somebody); by no means: - not so.

G3521 <STRGRK>@ νηστεία nēsteia nace-ti'-ah From G3522; abstinence (from lack of food or voluntary and religious); specifically the fast of the Day of Atonement: - fast (-ing.)

G3547 <STRGRK>@ νομοδιδάσκαλος nomodidaskalos nom-od-id-as'-kal-os From G3551 and G1320; an expounder of the (Jewish) law that is a Rabbi: - doctor (teacher) of the law.

G3565 <STRGRK>@ νύμφη numphē noom-fay' From a primary but obsolete verb νύπτω nuptō (to veil as a bride; compare the Latin nupto to marry); a young married woman (as veiled) including a betrothed girl; by implication a son's wife: - bride daughter in law.

G3567 <STRGRK>@ νυμφών numphōn noom-fohn' From G3565; the bridal room: - bridechamber.

G3568 <STRGRK>@ νῦν nun noon A primary particle of present time; now (as adverb of date a transition or emphasis); also as noun or adjective present or immediate: - henceforth + hereafter of late soon present this (time). See also G3569 G3570.

G3574 <STRGRK>@ νυχθήμερον nuchthēmeron nookh-thay'-mer-on From G3571 and G2250; a day and night that is full day of twenty four hours: - night and day.

G3608 <STRGRK>@ ὀθόνιον othonion oth-on'-ee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G3607; a linen bandage: - linen clothes.

G3637 <STRGRK>@ ὀκταήμερος oktaēmeros ok-tah-ay'-mer-os From G3638 and G2250; an eight day old person or act: - the eighth day.

G3703 <STRGRK>@ ὀπώρα opōra op-o'-rah Apparently from the base of G3796 and G5610; properly even tide of the (summer) season (dog days) that is (by implication) ripe fruit: - fruit.

G3714 <STRGRK>@ ὀρεινός oreinos or-i-nos' From G3735; mountainous that is (feminine by implication of G5561) the Highlands (of Judaea): - hill country.

G3719 <STRGRK>@ ὀρθρίζω orthrizō or-thrid'-zo From G3722; to use the dawn that is (by implication) to repair betimes: - come early in the morning.

G3720 <STRGRK>@ ὀρθρινός orthrinos or-thrin-os' From G3722; relating to the dawn that is matutinal (as an epithet of Venus especially brilliant in the early day): - morning.

G3721 <STRGRK>@ ὄρθριος orthrios or'-three-os From G3722; in the dawn that is up at day break: - early.

G3722 <STRGRK>@ ὄρθρος orthros or'-thros From the same as G3735; dawn (as sun rise rising of light); by extension morn: - early in the morning.

G3724 <STRGRK>@ ὁρίζω horizō hor-id'-zo From G3725; to mark out or bound (horizon) that is (figuratively) to appoint decree specify: - declare determine limit ordain.

G3725 <STRGRK>@ ὅριον horion hor'-ee-on Neuter of a derivative of an apparently primary word ὅρος horos (a bound or limit); a boundary line that is (by implication) a frontier (region): - border coast.

G3729 <STRGRK>@ ὁρμάω hormaō hor-mah'-o From G3730; to start spur or urge on that is (reflexively) to dash or plunge: - run (violently) rush.

G3734 <STRGRK>@ ὁροθεσία horothesia hor-oth-es-ee'-ah From a compound of the base of G3725 and a derivative of G5087; a limit placing that is (concretely) boundary line: - bound.

G3738 <STRGRK>@ ὀρχέομαι orcheomai or-kheh'-om-ahee Middle voice fromόρχος orchos (a row or ring); to dance (from the ranklike or regular motion): - dance.

G3754 <STRGRK>@ ὅτι hoti hot'-ee Neuter of G3748 as conjugation; demonstrative that (sometimes redundant); causatively because: - as concerning that as though because (that) for (that) how (that) (in) that though why.

G3760 <STRGRK>@ οὐδαμῶς oudamōs oo-dam-oce' Adverb from (the feminine) of G3762; by no means: - not.

G3796 <STRGRK>@ ὀψέ opse op-seh' From the same as G3694 (through the idea of backwardness); (adverbially) late in the day; by extension after the close of the day: - (at) even in the end.

G3807 <STRGRK>@ παιδαγωγός paidagōgos pahee-dag-o-gos' From G3816 and a reduplication form of G71; a boy leader that is a servant whose office it was to take the children to school; (by implication [figuratively] a tutor [paedagogue]): - instructor schoolmaster.

G3808 <STRGRK>@ παιδάριον paidarion pahee-dar'-ee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G3816; a little boy: - child lad.

G3813 <STRGRK>@ παιδίον paidion pahee-dee'-on Neuter diminutive of G3816; a childling (of either sex) that is (properly) an infant or (by extension) a half grown boy or girl; figuratively an immature Christian: - (little young) child damsel.

G3814 <STRGRK>@ παιδίσκη paidiskē pahee-dis'-kay Feminine diminutive of G3816; a girl that is (specifically) a female slave or servant: - bondmaid (-woman) damsel maid (-en).

G3826 <STRGRK>@ παμπληθεί pamplēthei pam-play-thi' Dative case (adverb) of a compound of G3956 and G4128; in full multitude that is concertedly or simultaneously: - all at once.

G3844 <STRGRK>@ παρά para par-ah' A primary preposition; properly near that is (with genitive case) from beside (literally or figuratively) (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of (objectively or subjectively) (with accusative case) to the proximity with (local [especially beyond or opposed to] or causal [on account of]). In compounds it retains the same variety of application: - above against among at before by contrary to X friend from + give [such things as they] + that [she] had X his in more than nigh unto (out) of past save side . . . by in the sight of than [there-] fore with. In compounds it retains the same variety of application.

G3850 <STRGRK>@ παραβολή parabolē par-ab-ol-ay' From G3846; a similitude (parable) that is (symbolically) fictitious narrative (of common life conveying a moral) apoth gm or adage: - comparison figure parable proverb.

G3852 <STRGRK>@ παραγγελία paraggelia par-ang-gel-ee'-ah From G3853; a mandate: - charge command.

G3917 <STRGRK>@ πάρδαλις pardalis par'-dal-is Feminine of πάρδος pardos (a panther); a leopard: - leopard.

G3933 <STRGRK>@ παρθένος parthenos par-then'-os Of unknown origin; a maiden; by implication an unmarried daughter: - virgin.

G3942 <STRGRK>@ παροιμία paroimia par-oy-mee'-ah From a compound of G3844 and perhaps a derivative of G3633; apparently a state alongside of supposition that is (concretely) an adage; specifically an enigmatical or fictitious illustration: - parable proverb.

G3956 <STRGRK>@ πᾶς pas pas Including all the forms of declension; apparently a primary word; all any6 every the whole: - all (manner of means) alway (-s) any (one) X daily + ever every (one way) as many as + no (-thing) X throughly whatsoever whole whosoever.

G3957 <STRGRK>@ πάσχα pascha pas'-khah Of Chaldee origin (compare [H6453]); the Passover (the meal the day the festival or the special sacrifices connected with it): - Easter Passover.

G3979 <STRGRK>@ πεζῇ pezē ped-zay' Dative feminine of a derivative of G4228 (as adverb); foot wise that is by walking: - a- (on) foot.

G3988 <STRGRK>@ πεισμονή peismonē pice-mon-ay' From a presumed derivative of G3982; persuadableness that is credulity: - persuasion.

G3993 <STRGRK>@ πένης penēs pen'-ace From a primary peno (to toil for daily subsistence); starving that is indigent: - poor. Compare G4434.

G395 <STRGRK>@ ἀνατολή anatolē an-at-ol-ay' From G393; a rising of light that is dawn (figuratively); by implication the east (also in plural): - dayspring east rising.

G4007 <STRGRK>@ περ per per From the base of G4008; an enclitic particle significant of abundance (thoroughness) that is emphasis; much very or ever: - [whom-] soever.

G4050 <STRGRK>@ περισσεία perisseia per-is-si'-ah From G4052; surplusage that is superabundance: - abundance (-ant [-ly]) superfluity.

G4051 <STRGRK>@ περίσσευμα perisseuma per-is'-syoo-mah From G4052; a surplus or superabundance: - abundance that was left over and above.

G4052 <STRGRK>@ περισσεύω perisseuō per-is-syoo'-o From G4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality) be in excess be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: - (make more) abound (have have more) abundance (be more) abundant be the better enough and to spare exceed excel increase be left redound remain (over and above).

G4053 <STRGRK>@ περισσός perissos per-is-sos' From G4012 (in the sense of beyond); superabundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); by implication excessive; adverb (with G1537) violently; neuter (as noun) preeminence: - exceeding abundantly above more abundantly advantage exceedingly very highly beyond measure more superfluous vehement [-ly].

G4054 <STRGRK>@ περισσότερον perissoteron per-is-sot'-er-on Neuter of G4055 (as adverb); in a more superabundant way: - more abundantly a great deal far more.

G4055 <STRGRK>@ περισσότερος perissoteros per-is-sot'-er-os Comparative of G4053; more superabundant (in number degree or character): - more abundant greater (much) more overmuch.

G4056 <STRGRK>@ περισσοτέρως perissoterōs per-is-sot-er'-oce Adverb from G4055; more superabundantly: - more abundant (-ly) X the more earnest (more) exceedingly more frequent much more the rather.

G4057 <STRGRK>@ περισσῶς perissōs per-is-soce' Adverb from G4053; superabundantly: - exceedingly out of measure the more.

G4075 <STRGRK>@ πετρώδης petrōdēs pet-ro'-dace From G4073 and G1491; rock like that is rocky: - stony.

G4079 <STRGRK>@ πηδάλιον pēdalion pay-dal'-ee-on Neuter of a (presumed) derivative of πηδόν pēdon (the blade of an oar; from the same as G3976); a pedal that is helm: - rudder.

G4121 <STRGRK>@ πλεονάζω pleonazō pleh-on-ad'-zo From G4119; to do make or be more that is increase (transitively or intransitively); by extension to superabound: - abound abundant make to increase have over.

G4146 <STRGRK>@ πλουσίως plousiōs ploo-see'-oce From G4145; copiously: - abundantly richly.

G4149 <STRGRK>@ πλοῦτος ploutos ploo'-tos From the base of G4130; wealth (as fulness) that is (literally) money possessions or (figuratively) abundance richness (specifically) valuable bestowment: - riches.

G4151 <STRGRK>@ πνεῦμα pneuma pnyoo'-mah From G4154; a current of air that is breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively a spirit that is (human) the rational soul (by implication) vital principle mental disposition etc. or (superhuman) an angel daemon or (divine) God Christ´ s spirit the Holy spirit: - ghost life spirit (-ual -ually) mind. Compare G5590.

G4152 <STRGRK>@ πνευματικός pneumatikos phyoo-mat-ik-os' From G4151; non-carnal that is (humanly) ethereal (as opposed to gross) or (daemoniacally) a spirit (concretely) or (divinely) supernatural regenerate religious: - spiritual. Compare G5591.

G4160 <STRGRK>@ ποιέω poieō poy-eh'-o Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application more or less direct): - abide + agree appoint X avenge + band together be bear + bewray bring (forth) cast out cause commit + content continue deal + without any delay (would) do (-ing) execute exercise fulfil gain give have hold X journeying keep + lay wait + lighten the ship make X mean + none of these things move me observe ordain perform provide + have purged purpose put + raising up X secure shew X shoot out spend take tarry + transgress the law work yield. Compare G4238.

G4183 <STRGRK>@ πολύς πολλός polus polos pol-oos' Including the forms from the alternate pollos; (singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverb largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often mostly largely: - abundant + altogether common + far (passed spent) (+ be of a) great (age deal -ly while) long many much oft (-en [-times]) plenteous sore straitly. Compare G4118 G4119.

G4227 <STRGRK>@ Πούδης Poudēs poo'-dace Of Latin origin; modest; Pudes (that is Pudens) a Christian: - Pudens.

G4267 <STRGRK>@ προγινώσκω proginōskō prog-in-oce'-ko From G4253 and G1097; to know beforehand that is foresee: - foreknow (ordain) know (before).

G4270 <STRGRK>@ προγράφω prographō prog-raf'-o From G4253 and G1125; to write previously; figuratively to announce prescribe: - before ordain evidently set forth write (afore aforetime).

G4282 <STRGRK>@ προετοιμάζω proetoimazō pro-et-oy-mad'-zo From G4253 and G2090; to fit up in advance (literally or figuratively): - ordain before prepare afore.

G4287 <STRGRK>@ προθέσμιος prothesmios proth-es'-mee-os From G4253 and a derivative of G5087; fixed beforehand that is (feminine with G2250 implied) a designated day: - time appointed.

G4309 <STRGRK>@ προορίζω proorizō pro-or-id'-zo From G4253 and G3724; to limit in advance that is (figuratively) predetermine: - determine before ordain predestinate.

G4314 <STRGRK>@ πρός pros pros A strengthened form of G4253; a preposition of direction; forward to that is toward (with the genitive case the side of that is pertaining to; with the dative case by the side of that is near to; usually with the accusative case the place time occasion or respect which is the destination of the relation that is whither or for which it is predicated): - about according to against among at because of before between ([where-]) by for X at thy house in for intent nigh unto of which pertain to that to (the end that) + together to ([you]) -ward unto with (-in). In compounds it denotes essentially the same applications namely motion towards accession to or nearness at.

G4315 <STRGRK>@ προσάββατον prosabbaton pros-ab'-bat-on From G4253 and G4521; a fore sabbath that is the sabbath eve: - day before the sabbath. Compare G3904.

G4325 <STRGRK>@ προσδαπανάω prosdapanaō pros-dap-an-ah'-o From G4314 and G1159; to expend additionally: - spend more.

G4339 <STRGRK>@ προσήλυτος prosēlutos pros-ah'-loo-tos From the alternate of G4334; an arriver from a foreign region that is (specifically) an acceder (convert) to Judaism (proselyte): - proselyte.

G4350 <STRGRK>@ προσκόπτω proskoptō pros-kop'-to From G4314 and G2875; to strike at that is surge against (as water); specifically to stub on that is trip up (literally or figuratively): - beat upon dash stumble (at).

G4402 <STRGRK>@ Πρόχορος Prochoros prokh'-or-os From G4253 and G5525; before the dance; Prochorus a Christian: - Prochorus.

G4404 <STRGRK>@ πρωΐ́ prōi pro-ee' Adverb from G4253; at dawn; by implication the day break watch: - early (in the morning) (in the) morning.

G4405 <STRGRK>@ πρωΐ́α prōia pro-ee'-ah Feminine of a derivative of G4404 as noun; day dawn: - early morning.

G4406 <STRGRK>@ πρώΐμος prōimos pro'-ee-mos From G4404; dawning that is (by analogy) autumnal (showering the first of the rainy season): - early.

G4407 <STRGRK>@ πρωΐνός prōinos pro-ee-nos' From G4404; pertaining to the dawn that is matutinal: - morning.

G4435 <STRGRK>@ πυγμή pugmē poog-may' From a primary word πύζ pux (the fist as a weapon); the clenched hand that is (only in the dative case as adverb) with the fist (hard scrubbing): - oft.

G4480 <STRGRK>@ ῥέδα rheda hred'-ah Of Latin origin; a rheda that is four wheeled carriage (wagon for riding): - chariot.

G4498 <STRGRK>@ Ῥόδη Rhodē hrod'-ay Probably for ῥόδή rhodē (a rose); Rode a servant girl: - Rhoda.

G4517 <STRGRK>@ ῥώννυμι rhōnnumi hrone'-noo-mee Prolonged from ῥώομαι rhōomai (to dart; probably akin to G4506); to strengthen that is (imperative passive) have health (as parting exclamation good bye): - farewell.

G4521 <STRGRK>@ σάββατον sabbaton sab'-bat-on Of Hebrew origin [H7676]; the Sabbath (that is Shabbath) or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension a se'nnight that is the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: - sabbath (day) week.

G4547 <STRGRK>@ σανδάλιον sandalion san-dal'-ee-on Neuter of a derivative of σάνδαλον sandalon (a sandal; of uncertain origin); a slipper or sole pad: - sandal.

G4572 <STRGRK>@ σεαυτοῦ σεαυτῷ σεαυτόν σαυτοῦ σαυτῷ σαυτόν seautou seautō seauton sautou sautō sauton seh-ow-too' she-ow-to' she-ow-ton' sow-too' sow-to' sow-ton' The genitive case from G4571 and G846 with the dative and accusative of the same with contractions respectively6 of (with to) thyself: - thee thine own self (thou) thy (-self).

G4585 <STRGRK>@ σεμίδαλις semidalis sem-id'-al-is Probably of foreign origin; fine wheaten flour: - fine flour.

G4593 <STRGRK>@ σημειόω sēmeioō say-mi-o'-o From G4592; to distinguish that is mark (for avoidance): - note.

G4594 <STRGRK>@ σήμερον sēmeron say'-mer-on Neuter (as adverb) of a presumed compound of the article G3588 (tau changed to sigma) and G2250; on the (that is this) day (or night current or just passed); genitively now (that is at present hitherto): - this (to-) day.

G4607 <STRGRK>@ σικάριος sikarios sik-ar'-ee-os Of Latin origin; a dagger man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans): - murderer. Compare G5406.

G4624 <STRGRK>@ σκανδαλίζω skandalizō skan-dal-id'-zo To scandalize; from G4625; to entrap that is trip up (figuratively stumble [transitively] or entice to sin apostasy or displeasure): - (make to) offend.

G4625 <STRGRK>@ σκάνδαλον skandalon skan'-dal-on A scandal; probably from a derivative of G2578; a trap stick (bent sapling) that is snare (figuratively cause of displeasure or sin): - occasion to fall (of stumbling) offence thing that offends stumbling-block.

G4639 <STRGRK>@ σκία skia skee'-ah Apparently a primary word; shade or a shadow (literally or figuratively [darkness of error or an adumbration]): - shadow.

G4652 <STRGRK>@ σκοτεινός skoteinos skot-i-nos' From G4655; opaque that is (figuratively) benighted: - dark full of darkness.

G4653 <STRGRK>@ σκοτία skotia skot-ee'-ah From G4655; dimness obscurity (literally or figuratively): - dark (-ness).

G4654 <STRGRK>@ σκοτίζω skotizō skot-id'-zo From G4655; to obscure (literally or figuratively): - darken.

G4655 <STRGRK>@ σκότος skotos skot'-os From the base of G4639; shadiness that is obscurity (literally or figuratively): - darkness.

G4656 <STRGRK>@ σκοτόω skotoō skot-o'-o From G4655; to obscure or blind (literally or figuratively): - be full of darkness.

G4671 <STRGRK>@ σοί soi soy Dative case of G4771; to thee: - thee thine own thou thy.

G4672 <STRGRK>@ Σολομών Σολομῶν Solomōn Solomōn sol-om-one' Of Hebrew origin [H8010]; Solomon (that is Shelomoh) the son of David: - Solomon.

G4676 <STRGRK>@ σουδάριον soudarion soo-dar'-ee-on Of Latin origin; a sudarium (sweat cloth) that is towel (for wiping the perspiration from the face or binding the face of a corpse): - handerchief napkin.

G4704 <STRGRK>@ σπουδάζω spoudazō spoo-dad'-zo From G4710; to use speed that is to make effort be prompt or earnest: - do (give) diligence be diligent (forward) endeavour labour study.

G4705 <STRGRK>@ σπουδαῖος spoudaios spoo-dah'-yos From G4710; prompt energetic earnest: - diligent.

G4706 <STRGRK>@ σπουδαιότερον spoudaioteron spoo-dah-yot'-er-on Neuter of G4707 as adverb; more earnestly than others) that is very promptly: - very diligently.

G4707 <STRGRK>@ σπουδαιότερος spoudaioteros spoo-dah-yot'-er-os Comparative of G4705; more prompt more earnest: - more diligent (forward).

G4708 <STRGRK>@ σπουδαιοτέρως spoudaioterōs spoo-dah-yot-er'-oce Adverb from G4707; more speedily that is sooner than otherwise: - more carefully.

G4709 <STRGRK>@ σπουδαίως spoudaiōs spoo-dah'-yoce Adverb from G4705; earnestly promptly: - diligently instantly.

G4710 <STRGRK>@ σπουδή spoudē spoo-day' From G4692; speed that is (by implication) despatch eagerness earnestness: - business (earnest) care (-fulness) diligence forwardness haste.

G4715 <STRGRK>@ στατήρ statēr stat-air' From the base of G2746; a stander (standard of value) that is (specifically) a stater or certain coin: - piece of money.

G4747 <STRGRK>@ στοιχεῖον stoicheion stoy-khi'-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4748; something orderly in arrangement that is (by implication) a serial (basal fundamental6 initial) constituent (literally) proposition (figuratively): - element principle rudiment.

G4752 <STRGRK>@ στρατεία strateia strat-i'-ah From G4754; military service that is (figuratively) the apostolic career (as one of hardship and danger): - warfare.

G4759 <STRGRK>@ στρατοπεδάρχης stratopedarchēs strat-op-ed-ar'-khace From G4760 and G757; a ruler of an army that is (specifically) a Praetorian praefect: - captain of the guard.

G4857 <STRGRK>@ συμφόνησις sumphonēsis soom-fo'-nay-sis From G4856; accordance: - concord.

G4859 <STRGRK>@ σύμφωνος sumphōnos soom'-fo-nos From G4862 and G5456; sounding together (alike) that is (figuratively) accordant (neuter as noun agreement): - consent.

G4893 <STRGRK>@ συνείδησις suneidēsis soon-i'-day-sis From a prolonged form of G4894; co-perception that is moral consciousness: - conscience.

G4898 <STRGRK>@ συνέκδημος sunekdēmos soon-ek'-day-mos From G4862 and the base of G1553; a co-absentee from home that is fellow traveller: - companion in travel travel with.

G4917 <STRGRK>@ συνθλάω sunthlaō soon-thlah'-o From G4862 and θλάω thlaō (to crush); to dash together that is shatter: - break.

G4956 <STRGRK>@ συστατικός sustatikos soos-tat-ee-kos' From a derivative of G4921; introductory that is recommendatory: - of commendation.

G4980 <STRGRK>@ σχολάζω scholazō skhol-ad'-zo From G4981; to take a holiday that is be at leisure for (by implication devote oneself wholly to); figuratively to be vacant (of a house): - empty give self.

G5021 <STRGRK>@ τάσσω tassō tas'-so A prolonged form of a primary verb (which latter appears only in certain tenses); to arrange in an orderly manner that is assign or dispose (to a certain position or lot): - addict appoint determine ordain set.

G5025 <STRGRK>@ ταύταις ταύτας tautais tautas tow'-taheece tow'-tas Dative and accusative feminine plural respectively of G3778; (to or with or by etc.) these: - hence that then these those.

G5026 <STRGRK>@ ταύτῃ ταύτην ταύτης tautē tautēn tautēs tow-'tay tow'-tane tow'-tace Dative accusative and genitive case respectively of the feminine singular of G3778; (towards or of) this: - her + hereof it that + thereby the (same) this (same).

G5040 <STRGRK>@ τεκνίον teknion tek-nee'-on Diminutive of G5043; an infant that is (plural figurative) darlings (Christian converts): - little children.

G5043 <STRGRK>@ τέκνον teknon tek'-non From the base of G5098; a child (as produced): - child daughter son.

G5066 <STRGRK>@ τεταρταῖος tetartaios tet-ar-tah'-yos From G5064; pertaining to the fourth day: - four days.

G5087 <STRGRK>@ τίθημι tithēmi tith'-ay-mee A prolonged form of a primary word θέω theō (which is used only as an alternate in certain tenses); to place (in the widest application literally and figuratively; properly in a passive or horizontal posture and thus different from G2476 which properly denotes an upright and active position while G2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate): - + advise appoint bow commit conceive give X kneel down lay (aside down up) make ordain purpose put set (forth) settle sink down.

G5104 <STRGRK>@ τοί toi toy Probably for the dative case of G3588; an enclitic particle of asseveration by way of contrast; in sooth: - [used only with other particles in compounds as G2544 G3305 G5105 G5106 etc.]

G5111 <STRGRK>@ τολμάω tolmaō tol-mah'-o From τόλμα tolma (boldness; probably itself from the base of G5056 through the idea of extreme conduct); to venture (objectively or in act; while G2292 is rather subjective or in feeling); by implication to be courageous: - be bold boldly dare durst.

G5112 <STRGRK>@ τολμηρότερον tolmēroteron tol-may-rot'-er-on Neuter of the compound of a derivative of the bse of G5111 (as adverb); more daringly that is with greater confidence than otherwise: - the more boldly.

G5113 <STRGRK>@ τολμητής tolmētēs tol-may-tace' From G5111; a daring (audacious) man: - presumptuous.

G5125 <STRGRK>@ τούτοις toutois too'-toice Dative plural masculine or neuter of G3778; to (for in6 with or by) these (persons or things): - such them there [-in -with] these this those.

G5129 <STRGRK>@ τούτῳ toutō too'-to Dative singular masculine or neuter of G3778; to (in with or by) this (person or thing): - here [-by -in] him one the same there [-in] this.

G5204 <STRGRK>@ ὕδωρ ὕδατος hudōr hudatos hoo'-dor hoo'-dat-os etc. From the base of G5205; water (as if rainy) literally or figuratively: - water.

G5213 <STRGRK>@ ὑμῖν humin hoo-min' Irregular dative case of G5210; to (with or by) you: - ye you your (-selves).

G5228 <STRGRK>@ ὑπέρ huper hoop-er' A primary preposition; over that is (with the genitive case) of place above6 beyond across or causal for the sake of instead6 regarding; with the accusative case superior to more than. In compounds it retains many of the listed applications: - (+ exceeding abundantly) above in (on) behalf of beyond by + very chiefest concerning exceeding (above -ly) for + very highly more (than) of over on the part of for sake of in stead than to (-ward) very. In compounds it retains many of the above applications.

G5230 <STRGRK>@ ὑπέρακμος huperakmos hoop-er'-ak-mos From G5228 and the base of G188; beyond the acme that is figuratively (of a daughter) past the bloom (prime) of youth: - + pass the flower of (her) age.

G5236 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερβολή huperbolē hoop-er-bol-ay' From G5235; a throwing beyond others that is (figuratively) supereminence; adverbially (with G1519 or G2596) pre-eminently: - abundance (far more) exceeding excellency more excellent beyond (out of) measure.

G5249 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερπερισσῶς huperperissōs hoop-er-per-is-soce' From G5228 and G4057; superabundantly that is exceedingly: - beyond measure.

G5250 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερπλεονάζω huperpleonazō hoop-er-pleh-on-ad'-zo From G5228 and G4121; to super abound: - be exceeding abundant.

G5265 <STRGRK>@ ὑποδέω hupodeō hoop-od-eh'-o From G5259 and G1210; to bind under one´ s feet that is put on shoes or sandals: - bind on (be) shod.

G5266 <STRGRK>@ ὑπόδημα hupodēma hoop-od'-ah-mah From G5265; something bound under the feet that is a shoe or sandal: - shoe.

G5398 <STRGRK>@ φοβερός phoberos fob-er-os' From G5401; frightful that is (objectively) formidable: - fearful terrible.

G5438 <STRGRK>@ φυλακή phulakē foo-lak-ay' From G5442; a guarding or (concretely guard) the act the parson; figuratively the place the condition or (specifically) the time (as a division of day or night) literally or figuratively: - cage hold (im-) prison (-ment) ward watch.

G5459 <STRGRK>@ φωσφόρος phōsphoros foce-for'-os From G5457 and G5342; light bearing (phosphorus) that is (specifically) the morning star (figuratively): - day star.

G5466 <STRGRK>@ Χαλδαῖος Chaldaios khal-dah'-yos Probably of Hebrew origin [H3778]; a Chaldaean (that is Kasdi) or native of the region of the lower Euphrates: - Chaldan.

G5467 <STRGRK>@ χαλεπός chalepos khal-ep-os' Perhaps from G5465 through the idea of reducing the strength; difficult that is dangerous or (by implication) furious: - fierce perilous.

G5486 <STRGRK>@ χάρισμα charisma char'-is-mah From G5483; a (divine) gratuity that is deliverance (from danger or passion); (specifically) a (spiritual) endowment that is (subjectively) religious qualification or (objectively) miraculous faculty: - (free) gift.

G5500 <STRGRK>@ χειροτονέω cheirotoneō khi-rot-on-eh'-o From a compound of G5495 and τείνω teinō (to stretch); to be a hand reacher or voter (by raising the hand) that is (genitive) to select or appoint: - choose ordain.

G5504 <STRGRK>@ χθές chthes khthes Of uncertain derivation; yesterday; by extension in time past or hitherto: - yesterday.

G5515 <STRGRK>@ χλωρός chlōros khlo-ros' From the same as G5514; greenish that is verdant dun-colored: - green pale.

G5524 <STRGRK>@ χορηγέω chorēgeō khor-ayg-eh'-o From a compound of G5525 and G71; to be a dance leader that is (genitive case) to furnish: - give minister.

G5525 <STRGRK>@ χορός choros khor-os' Of uncertain derivation; a ring that is round dance (choir): - dancing.

G5526 <STRGRK>@ χορτάζω chortazō khor-tad'-zo From G5528; to fodder that is (genitive case) to gorge (supply food in abundance): - feed fill satisfy.

G5554 <STRGRK>@ χρυσοδακτύλιος chrusodaktulios khroo-sod-ak-too'-lee-os From G5557 and G1146; gold ringed that is wearing a golden finger ring or similar jewelry: - with a gold ring.

G5569 <STRGRK>@ ψευδάδελφος pseudadelphos psyoo-dad'-el-fos From G5571 and G80; a spurious brother that is pretended associate: - false brethren.

G5570 <STRGRK>@ ψευδαπόστολος pseudapostolos psyoo-dap-os'-tol-os From G5571 and G652; a spurious apostle that is pretended preacher: - false teacher.

G5571 <STRGRK>@ ψευδής pseudēs psyoo-dace' From G5574; untrue that is erroneous6 deceitful wicked: - false liar.

G5572 <STRGRK>@ ψευδοδιδάσκαλος pseudodidaskalos psyoo-dod-id-as'-kal-os From G5571 and G1320; a spurious teacher that is propagator of erroneous Christian doctrine: - false teacher.

G5573 <STRGRK>@ ψευδολόγος pseudologos psyoo-dol-og'-os From G5571 and G3004; mendacious that is promulgating erroneous Christian doctrine: - speaking lies.

G5603 <STRGRK>@ ᾠδή ōdē o-day' From G103; a chant or ode (the general term for any words sung; while G5215 denotes especially a religious metrical composition and G5568 still more specifically a Hebrew cantillation: - song.

G5610 <STRGRK>@ ὥρα hōra ho'-rah Apparently a primary word; an hour (literally or figuratively): - day hour instant season X short [even-] tide (high) time.

G545 <STRGRK>@ ἀπειθής apeithēs ap-i-thace' From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3982; unpersuadable that is contumacious: - disobedient.

G562 <STRGRK>@ ἀπέραντος aperantos ap-er'-an-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a secondary derivative of G4008; unfinished that is (by implication) interminable: - endless.

G592 <STRGRK>@ ἀποδιορίζω apodiorizō ap-od-ee-or-id'-zo From G575 and a compound of G1223 and G3724; to disjoin (by a boundary figuratively a party): - separate.

G629 <STRGRK>@ ἀπολύτρωσις apolutrōsis ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis From a compound of G575 and G3083; (the act) ransom in full that is (figuratively) riddance or (specifically) Christian salvation: - deliverance redemption.

G640 <STRGRK>@ ἀπορία aporia ap-or-ee'-a From the same as G639; a (state of) quandary: - perplexity.

G684 <STRGRK>@ ἀπώλεια apōleia ap-o'-li-a From a presumed derivative of G622; ruin or loss (physical spiritual or eternal): - damnable (-nation) destruction die perdition X perish pernicious ways waste.

G737 <STRGRK>@ ἄρτι arti ar'-tee Adverb from a derivative of G142 (compare G740) through the idea of suspension; just now: - this day (hour) hence [-forth] here [-after] hither [-to] (even) now (this) present.

G808 <STRGRK>@ ἀσχημοσύνη aschēmosunē as-kay-mos-oo'-nay From G809; an indecency; by implication the pudenda: - shame that which is unseemly.

G827 <STRGRK>@ αὐγή augē owg-ay' Of uncertain derivation; a ray of light that is (by implication) radiance dawn: - break of day.

G839 <STRGRK>@ αὔριον aurion ow'-ree-on From a derivative of the same as G109 (meaning a breeze that is the morning air); properly fresh that is (adverbially with ellipsis of G2250) tomorrow: - (to-) morrow next day.

G850 <STRGRK>@ αὐχμηρός auchmēros owkh-may-ros' From αὐχμός auchmos (probably from a base akin to that of G109; dust as dried by wind); properly dirty that is (by implication) obscure: - dark.

G873 <STRGRK>@ ἀφορίζω aphorizō af-or-id'-zo From G575 and G3724; to set off by boundary that is (figuratively) limit exclude6 appoint etc.: - divide separate sever.

G893 <STRGRK>@ ἀψευδής apseudēs aps-yoo-dace' From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5579; veracious: - that cannot lie.

G897 <STRGRK>@ Βαβυλών Babulōn bab-oo-lone' Of Hebrew origin [H894]; Babylon the capital of Chaldaea (literally or figuratively as a type of tyranny): - Babylon.

G922 <STRGRK>@ βάρος baros bar'-os Probably from the same as G939 (through the notion of going down; compare G899); weight; in the New Testament only figuratively a load abundance authority: - burden (-some) weight.

G935 <STRGRK>@ βασιλεύς basileus bas-il-yooce' Probably from G939 (through the notion of a foundation of power); a sovereign (abstractly relatively or figuratively): - king.

G956 <STRGRK>@ βέλος belos bel'-os From G906; a missile that is spear or arrow: - dart.

G962 <STRGRK>@ Βηθαβαρά Bēthabara bay-thab-ar-ah' Of Hebrew origin ([H1004] and [H5679]); ferry house; Bethabara (that is Bethabarah) a place on the Jordan: - Bethabara.

G963 <STRGRK>@ Βηθανία Bēthania bay-than-ee'-ah Of Chaldee origin; date house; Bethany a place in Palestine: - Bethany.

G964 <STRGRK>@ Βηθεσδά Bēthesda bay-thes-dah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1004] and [H2617]); house of kindness; Bethesda a pool in Jerusalem: - Bethesda.

G966 <STRGRK>@ Βηθσαΐδά Bēthsaida bayth-sahee-dah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1004] and [H6719]); fishing house; Bethsaida a place in Palestine: - Bethsaida.