
Dict: all - Dispersion



(1) Of the Nations after the Flood- kjv@Genesis:11:8; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:8

(2) Of the Jews- kjv@Leviticus:26:33; kjv@Nehemiah:1:8; kjv@Esther:3:8; kjv@Psalms:44:11; kjv@Ezekiel:6:8; kjv@Ezekiel:36:19 kjv@John:7:35; kjv@James:1:1 Captivity, ISRAEL



(3) Of the Early Disciples- kjv@Matthew:26:31; kjv@Acts:8:1,4; kjv@Acts:11:19


DISPERSION, THE JEWS OF THE - D>@ - or simply THE DISPERSION, was the general title applied to those Jews who remained settled in foreign countries after the return from the Babylonian exile, and during the period of the second temple. At the beginning of the Christian era the Dispersion was divided into three great sections, the Babylonian, the Syrian, the Egyptian. From Babylon the Jews spread throughout Persia, Media and Parthia. Large settlements of Jews were established in Cyprus, in the islands of the AEgean, and on the western coast of Asia Minor. Jewish settlements were also established at Alexandria by Alexander and Ptolemy I. The Jewish settlements in Rome, were consequent upon the occupation of Jerusalem by Pompey, B.C. 63. The influence of the Dispersion on the rapid promulgation of Christianity can scarcely be overrated. The course of the apostolic preaching followed in a regular progress the line of Jewish settlements. The mixed assembly from which the first converts were gathered on the day of Pentecost represented each division of the Dispersion. kjv@Acts:2:9-11)

(1) Parthians...Mesopotamia;

(2) Judea (i.e. Syria)...Pamphylia;

(3) Egypt...Greece;

(4) Romans..., and these converts naturally prepared the way for the apostles int he interval which preceded the beginning of the separate apostolic missions. St. James and St. Peter wrote to the Jews of the Dispersion. kjv@James:1:1; kjv@1Peter:1:1)


Dispersion @ (Gr. diaspora, "scattered," kjv@James:1:1; kjv@1Peter:1:1) of the Jews. At various times, and from the operation of divers causes, the Jews were separated and scattered into foreign countries "to the outmost parts of heaven" kjv@Deuteronomy:30:4).

(1.) Many were dispersed over Assyria, Media, Babylonia, and Persia, descendants of those who had been transported thither by the Exile. The ten tribes, after existing as a separate kingdom for two hundred and fifty-five years, were carried captive (B.C. 721) by Shalmaneser (or Sargon), king of Assyria. They never returned to their own land as a distinct people, although many individuals from among these tribes, there can be no doubt, joined with the bands that returned from Babylon on the proclamation of Cyrus.

(2.) Many Jews migrated to Egypt and took up their abode there. This migration began in the days of Solomon ( kjv@2Kings:18:21-24; kjv@Isaiah:30:7). Alexander the Great placed a large number of Jews in Alexandria, which he had founded, and conferred on them equal rights with the Egyptians. Ptolemy Philadelphus, it is said, caused the Jewish Scriptures to be translated into Greek (the work began B.C. 284), for the use of the Alexandrian Jews. The Jews in Egypt continued for many ages to exercise a powerful influence on the public interests of that country. From Egypt they spread along the coast of Africa to Cyrene kjv@Acts:2:10) and to Ethiopia (8:27).

(3.) After the time of Seleucus Nicator (B.C. 280), one of the captains of Alexander the Great, large numbers of Jews migrated into Syria, where they enjoyed equal rights with the Macedonians. From Syria they found their way into Asia Minor. Antiochus the Great, king of Syria and Asia, removed 3,000 families of Jews from Mesopotamia and Babylonia, and planted them in Phrygia and Lydia.

(4.) From Asia Minor many Jews moved into Greece and Macedonia, chiefly for purposes of commerce. In the apostles' time they were found in considerable numbers in all the principal cities. From the time of Pompey the Great (B.C. 63) numbers of Jews from Palestine and Greece went to Rome, where they had a separate quarter of the city assigned to them. Here they enjoyed considerable freedom. Thus were the Jews everywhere scattered abroad. This, in the overruling providence of God, ultimately contributed in a great degree toward opening the way for the spread of the gospel into all lands. Dispersion, from the plain of Shinar. This was occasioned by the confusion of tongues at Babel kjv@Genesis:11:9). They were scattered abroad "every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations" kjv@Genesis:10:5 kjv@Genesis:10:20,31). The tenth chapter of Genesis gives us an account of the principal nations of the earth in their migrations from the plain of Shinar, which was their common residence after the Flood. In general, it may be said that the descendants of Japheth were scattered over the north, those of Shem over the central regions, and those of Ham over the extreme south. The following table shows how the different families were dispersed: - Japheth - Gomer Cimmerians, Armenians - Magog Caucasians, Scythians - Madal Medes and Persian tribes - Javan - Elishah Greeks - Tarshish Etruscans, Romans - Chittim Cyprians, Macedonians - Dodanim Rhodians - Tubal Tibareni, Tartars - Mechech Moschi, Muscovites - Tiras Thracians - Shem - Elam Persian tribes - Asshur Assyrian - Arphaxad - Abraham - Isaac - Jacob Hebrews - Esau Edomites - Ishmael Mingled with Arab tribes - Lud Lydians - Aram Syrians - Ham - Cush Ethiopans - Mizrain Egyptians - Phut Lybians, Mauritanians - Canaan Canaanites, Phoenicians





- Of the descendants of Noah Genesis:10
- After building the tower of Babel kjv@Genesis:11:1-9; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:8
- Of the Jews, foretold kjv@Jeremiah:16:15; kjv@Jeremiah:24:9; kjv@John:7:35


kjv@STRING:Zerubbabel <HITCHCOCK>@ a stranger at Babylon; dispersion of confusion - HITCHCOCK-Z



(1) Of the Nations after the Flood- kjv@Genesis:11:8; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:8

(2) Of the Jews- kjv@Leviticus:26:33; kjv@Nehemiah:1:8; kjv@Esther:3:8; kjv@Psalms:44:11; kjv@Ezekiel:6:8; kjv@Ezekiel:36:19 kjv@John:7:35; kjv@James:1:1 Captivity, ISRAEL



(3) Of the Early Disciples- kjv@Matthew:26:31; kjv@Acts:8:1,4; kjv@Acts:11:19


H1048 <STRHEB>@ בּית פּצּץ bêyth patstsêts bayth pats-tsates' From H1004 and a derivative from H6327; house of dispersion; {Beth-Patstsets} a place in Palestine: - Beth-pazzez.

H6462 <STRHEB>@ פּספּה pispâh pis-paw' Perhaps from H6461; dispersion; {Pispah} an Israelite: - Pispah.

H6514 <STRHEB>@ פּרידא פּרוּדא perûdâ' perîydâ' {per-oo-daw'} per-ee-daw' From H6504; dispersion; Peruda or {Perida} one of Solomon´ s servants: - {Perida} Peruda.

H8600 <STRHEB>@ תּפוצה tephôtsâh tef-o-tsaw' From H6327; a dispersal: - dispersion.

G1290 <STRGRK>@ διασπορά diaspora dee-as-por-ah' From G1289; dispersion that is (specifically and concretely) the (converted) Israelites resident in Gentile countries: - (which are) scattered (abroad).