
Dict: tcr - Ishma


ISHMAEL @ (God shall hear), son of Abraham and Hagar- kjv@Genesis:16:11; kjv@Genesis:17:18; kjv@Genesis:21:10,14,18,21; kjv@Genesis:25:12; kjv@Judges:8:24; kjv@Psalms:83:6 -"The Outcast", Life Summarized Born of a bigamous marriage, with a foreigner Genesis:16:2-4,15 May have had childish dreams that he was to be the heir kjv@Genesis:17:18 The real heir born Genesis:21:1-7
- Lacking prudence, mocked at the weaningfeast of his rival kjv@Genesis:21:9 Thus became an outcast- Genesis:21:10-14 A man of the desert kjv@Genesis:21:21 Returned to attend the funeral of his father, Abraham kjv@Genesis:25:9 Became the head of a great nation kjv@Genesis:17:20; 25:12-16