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SADDUCEES - S>@ - (followers of Zadok), kjv@Matthew:3:7 kjv@Matthew:16:1 kjv@Matthew:16:6,11-12; 22:23,31; kjv@Mark:12:18; kjv@Luke:20:27; kjv@Acts:4:1 kjv@Acts:5:17 kjv@Acts:23:6 -7-8) a religious party or school among the Jews at the time of Christ, who denied that the oral law was a revelation of God to the Israelites. and who deemed the written law alone to be obligatory on the nation, as of divine authority. Except on one occasion. kjv@Matthew:16:1 kjv@Matthew:16:4-6) Christ never assailed the Sadducees with the same bitter denunciations which he uttered against the Pharisees. The origin of their name is involved in great difficulties, but the most satisfactory conjecture is that the Sadducees or Zadokites were originally identical with the sons of Zadok, and constituted what may be termed a kind of sacerdotal aristocracy, this Zadok being the priest who declared in favor of Solomon when Abiathar took the part of Adonijah. (Kings:1:32-45) To these sons of Zadok were afterward attached all who for any reason reckoned themselves as belonging to the aristocrats; such, for example, as the families of the high priest, who had obtained consideration under the dynasty of Herod. These were for the most part judges, and individuals of the official and governing class. This explanation elucidates at once kjv@Acts:5:17) The leading tenet of the Sadducees was the negation of the leading tenet of their opponents. As the Pharisees asserted so the Sadducees denied, that the Israelites were in possession of an oral law transmitted to them by Moses, PHARISEES In opposition to the Pharisees, they maintained that the written law alone was obligatory on the nation, as of divine authority. The second distinguishing doctrine of the Sadducees was the denial of man’s resurrection after death . In connection with the disbelief of a resurrection by the Sadducees, they likewise denied there was "angel or spirit," kjv@Acts:23:8) and also the doctrines of future punishment and future rewards. Josephus states that the Sadducees believed in the freedom of the will , which the Pharisees denied. They pushed this doctrine so far as almost to exclude God from the government of the world. Some of the early Christian writers attribute to the Sadducees the rejection of all the sacred Scriptures except the Pentateuch ; a statement, however, that is now generally admitted to have been founded on a misconception of the truth, and it seems to have arisen from a confusion of the Sadducees with the Samaritans. An important fact in the history of the Sadducees is their rapid disappearance from history after the first century, and the subsequent predominance among the Jews of the opinions of the Pharisees. Two circumstances contributed, indirectly but powerfully, to produce this result: 1st. The state of the Jews after the capture of Jerusalem by Titus; and 2d. The growth of the Christian religion. As to the first point, it is difficult to overestimate the consternation and dismay which the destruction of Jerusalem occasioned in the minds of sincerely-religious Jews. In their hour of darkness and anguish they naturally turned to the consolations and hopes of a future state; and the doctrine of the Sadducees, that there was nothing beyond the present life, would have appeared to them cold, heartless and hateful. Again, while they were sunk in the lowest depths of depression, a new religion, which they despised as a heresy and a superstition, was gradually making its way among the subjects of their detested conquerors, the Romans. One of the causes of its success was undoubtedly the vivid belief in the resurrection of Jesus and a consequent resurrection of all mankind, which was accepted by its heathen converts with a passionate earnestness of which those who at the present day are familiar from infancy with the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead call form only a faint idea. To attempt to chock the progress of this new religion among the Jews by an appeal to the temporary rewards and punishments of the Pentateuch would have been as idle as an endeavor to check an explosive power by ordinary mechanical restraints. Consciously, therefore, or unconsciously, many circumstances combined to induce the Jews who were not Pharisees, but who resisted the new heresy, to rally round the standard of the oral law, and to assert that their holy legislator, Moses, had transmitted to his faithful people by word of mouth, although not in writing, the revelation of a future state of rewards and punishments.

SADOC - S>@ - (Greek form of Zadok, just). Zadok the ancestor of Ezra:2 Esd. kjv@1:1; comp. kjv@Ezra:7:2) A descendant of Zerubbabel in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. kjv@Matthew:1:14) (B.C. about 280.)


Sadducees @ The origin of this Jewish sect cannot definitely be traced. It was probably the outcome of the influence of Grecian customs and philosophy during the period of Greek domination. The first time they are met with is in connection with John the Baptist's ministry. They came out to him when on the banks of the Jordan, and he said to them, "O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" kjv@Matthew:3:7.) The next time they are spoken of they are represented as coming to our Lord tempting him. He calls them "hypocrites" and "a wicked and adulterous generation" kjv@Matthew:16:1-4 kjv@Matthew:22:23). The only reference to them in the Gospels of Mark (12:18-27) and Luke (20:27-38) is their attempting to ridicule the doctrine of the resurrection, which they denied, as they also denied the existence of angels. They are never mentioned in John's Gospel. There were many Sadducees among the "elders" of the Sanhedrin. They seem, indeed, to have been as numerous as the Pharisees kjv@Acts:23:6). They showed their hatred of Jesus in taking part in his condemnation kjv@Matthew:16:21 kjv@Matthew:26:1-3, 59; kjv@Mark:8:31 kjv@Mark:15:1; kjv@Luke:9:22 kjv@Luke:22:66). They endeavoured to prohibit the apostles from preaching the resurrection of Christ kjv@Acts:2:24 kjv@Acts:2:31, 32; kjv@4:1-2; 5:17,24-28). They were the deists or sceptics of that age. They do not appear as a separate sect after the destruction of Jerusalem.

Sadoc @ just, mentioned in the genealogy of our Lord kjv@Matthew:1:14).



Sadducees, the @ A sect of the Jews kjv@Acts:5:17
Denied the resurrection and a future stated kjv@Matthew:22:23 kjv@Luke:20:27
The resurrection a cause of dispute between them and the Pharisees kjv@Acts:23:6-9
Were refused baptism by John kjv@Matthew:3:7
Tempted by kjv@Matthew:16:1
Cautioned his disciples against their principles kjv@Matthew:16:6 kjv@Matthew:16:11 kjv@Matthew:16:12
Vindicated the resurrection against kjv@Matthew:22:24-32 kjv@Mark:12:19-27
Silenced kjv@Matthew:22:34
Persecuted the Christians kjv@Acts:4:1 kjv@Acts:5:17 kjv@Acts:5:18 kjv@Acts:5:40



SADDUCEES @ -(A sect of the Jews)
- Rebuked by John the Baptist kjv@Matthew:3:7-9; kjv@Luke:3:7-9
- Reject the doctrine of the resurrection kjv@Matthew:22:23-34; kjv@Mark:12:18-27; kjv@Luke:20:27-40; kjv@Acts:23:7-8
- Jesus warns his disciples against kjv@Matthew:16:6-12
- Persecute the apostles kjv@Acts:4:1-3; kjv@Acts:5:17-33

- An ancestor of Joseph kjv@Matthew:1:14


kjv@STRING:Achaicus <HITCHCOCK>@ a native of Achaia; sorrowing; sad - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Cedron <HITCHCOCK>@ black; sad - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Hasadiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the mercy of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Javan <HITCHCOCK>@ deceiver; one who makes sad - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Kidron <HITCHCOCK>@ obscure; making black or sad - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Sadducees <HITCHCOCK>@ followers of Sadoc, or Zadok - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Sadoc <HITCHCOCK>@ or Zadok, just; righteous - HITCHCOCK-S



H99 <STRHEB>@ אגם 'âgêm aw-game' Probably from the same as H98 (in the sense of stagnant water); figuratively sad: - pond.

H2196 <STRHEB>@ זעף zâ‛aph zaw-af' A primitive root; properly to boil {up} that {is} (figuratively) to be peevish or angry: - {fret} {sad} worse {liking} be wroth.

H2280 <STRHEB>@ חבשׁ châbash khaw-bash' A primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a {turban} {compress} or saddle); figuratively to {stop} to rule: - bind ({up}) gird {about} {govern} {healer} {put} {saddle} wrap about.

H2616 <STRHEB>@ חסד châsad khaw-sad' A primitive root; properly perhaps to bow (the neck only (compare H2603) in courtesy to an {equal}) that {is} to be kind; also (by euphemism (compare {H1288}) but rarely) to reprove: - shew self {merciful} put to shame.

H2619 <STRHEB>@ חסדיה chăsadyâh khas-ad-yaw' From H2617 and H3050; Jah has favored; {Chasadjah} an Israelite: - Hasadiah.

H3087 <STRHEB>@ יהוצדק yehôtsâdâq yeh-ho-tsaw-dawk' From H3068 and H6663; Jehovah-righted; {Jehotsadak} an Israelite: - {Jehozadek} Josedech. Compare H3136.

H3136 <STRHEB>@ יוצדק yôtsâdâq yo-tsaw-dawk' A form of H3087; {Jotsadak} an Israelite: - Jozadak.

H3245 <STRHEB>@ יסד yâsad yaw-sad' A primitive root; to set (literally or figuratively); intensively to found; reflexively to sit down {together} that {is} {settle} consult: - {appoint} take {counsel} {establish} (lay {the} lay for a) found ({-ation}) {instruct} {lay} {ordain} {set} X sure.

H3510 <STRHEB>@ כּאב kâ'ab kaw-ab' A primitive root; properly to feel pain; by implication to grieve; figuratively to spoil: - {grieving} {mar} have {pain} make sad ({sore}) (be) sorrowful.

H3512 <STRHEB>@ כּאה kâ'âh kaw-aw' A primitive root; to despond; causatively to deject: - {broken} be {grieved} make sad.

H3733 <STRHEB>@ כּר kar kar From H3769 in the sense of plumpness; a ram (as full grown and {fat}) including a battering ram (as butting); hence a meadow (as for sheep); also a pad or camel´ s saddle (as puffed out): - {captain} {furniture} {lamb} (large) {pasture} ram. See also {H1033} H3746.

H3887 <STRHEB>@ לוּץ lûts loots A primitive root; properly to make mouths {at} that {is} to scoff; hence (from the effort to pronounce a foreign language) to {interpret} or (generally) intercede: - {ambassador} have in {derision} {interpreter} make a {mock} {mocker} scorn ({-er} {-ful}) teacher.

H4397 <STRHEB>@ מלאך malk mal-awk' From an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of {God} that {is} an angel (also a {prophet} priest or teacher): - {ambassador} {angel} {king} messenger.

H4527 <STRHEB>@ מסּד massad mas-sad' From H3245; a foundation: - foundation.

H4679 <STRHEB>@ מצדה מצד מצד metsad metsâd metsâdâh {mets-ad'} {mets-awd'} mets-aw-daw' From H6679; a fastness (as a covert of ambush): - {castle} {fort} (strong) {hold} munition.

H4817 <STRHEB>@ מרכּב merkâb mer-kawb' From H7392; a chariot; also a seat (in a vehicle): - {chariot} {covering} saddle.

H5465 <STRHEB>@ סד sad sad From an unused root meaning to estop; the stocks: - stocks.

H5620 <STRHEB>@ סר sar sar From H5637 contracted; peevish: - {heavy} sad.

H5701 <STRHEB>@ עגם ‛âgam aw-gam' A primitive root; to be sad: - grieve.

H6654 <STRHEB>@ צד tsad tsad Contracted from an unused root meaning to sidle off; a side; figuratively an adversary: - (be-) side.

H6655 <STRHEB>@ צד tsad tsad (Chaldee); corresponding to H6654; used adverbially (with preposition) at or upon the side of: - {against} concerning.

H6659 <STRHEB>@ צדוק tsâdôq tsaw-doke' From H6663; just; {Tsadok} the name of eight or nine Israelites: - Zadok.

H6662 <STRHEB>@ צדּיק tsaddîyq tsad-deek' From H6663; just: - {just} {lawful} righteous (man).

H6735 <STRHEB>@ ציר tsîyr tseer From H6696; a hinge (as pressed in turning); also a throe (as a physical or mental pressure); also a herald or errand doer (as constrained by the principal): - {ambassador} {hinge} {messenger} {pain} {pang} sorrow. Compare H6736.

H6737 <STRHEB>@ ציר tsâyar tsaw-yar' A denominative from H6735 in the sense of ambassador; to make an {errand} that {is} betake oneself: - make as if . . . had been ambassador.

H7451 <STRHEB>@ רעה רע rarâ‛âh {rah} raw-aw' From H7489; bad or (as noun) evil (naturally or morally). This includes the second (feminine) form; as adjective or noun: - {adversity} {affliction} {bad} {calamity} + displease ({-ure}) {distress} evil ({[-favouredness]} {man} {thing}) + {exceedingly} X {great} grief ({-vous}) {harm} {heavy} hurt ({-ful}) ill ({favoured}) + {mark} {mischief} ({-vous}) {misery} naught ({-ty}) {noisome} + not {please} sad ({-ly}) {sore} {sorrow} {trouble} {vex} wicked ({-ly} {-ness} {one}) worse (-st) {wretchedness} wrong. [Including feminine ra´ ah; as adjective or noun.]

H7455 <STRHEB>@ רע rôaro'-ah From H7489; badness (as {marring}) physically or morally: - X be so {bad} {badness} (X be so) {evil} {naughtiness} {sadness} {sorrow} wickedness.

H7520 <STRHEB>@ רצד râtsad raw-tsad' A primitive root; probably to look {askant} that {is} (figuratively) be jealous: - leap.

G2726 <STRGRK>@ κατήφεια katēpheia kat-ay'-fi-ah From a compound of G2596 and perhaps a derivative of the base of G5316 (meaning downcast in look); demureness that is (by implication) sadness: - heaviness.

G3076 <STRGRK>@ λυπέω lupeō loo-peh'-o From G3077; to distress; reflexively or passively to be sad: - cause grief grieve be in heaviness (be) sorrow (-ful) be (make) sorry.

G3077 <STRGRK>@ λύπη lupē loo'-pay Apparently a primary word; sadness: - grief grievous + grudgingly heaviness sorrow.

G3449 <STRGRK>@ μόχθος mochthos mokh'-thos From the base of G3425; toil that is (by implication) sadness: - painfulness travail.

G4016 <STRGRK>@ περιβάλλω periballō per-ee-bal'-lo From G4012 and G906; to throw all around that is invest (with a palisade or with clothing): - array cast about clothe (-d me) put on.

G4036 <STRGRK>@ περίλυπος perilupos per-il'-oo-pos From G4012 and G3077; grieved all around that is intensely sad: - exceeding (very) sorry (-owful).

G4242 <STRGRK>@ πρεσβεία presbeia pres-bi'-ah From G4243; seniority (eldership) that is (by implication) an embassy (concretely ambassadors): - ambassage message.

G4243 <STRGRK>@ πρεσβεύω presbeuō pres-byoo'-o From the base of G4245; to be a senior that is (by implication) act as a representative (figuratively preacher): - be an ambassador.

G4522 <STRGRK>@ σαγήνη sagēnē sag-ay'-nay From a derivative of σάττω sattō (to equip) meaning furniture especially a pack saddle (which in the East is merely a bag of netted rope); a seine for fishing: - net.

G4523 <STRGRK>@ Σαδδουκαῖος Saddoukaios sad-doo-kah'-yos Probably from G4524; a Sadducaean (that is Tsadokian) or follower of a certain heretical Israelite: - Sadducee.

G4524 <STRGRK>@ Σαδώκ Sadōk sad-oke' Of Hebrew origin [H6659]; Sadoc (that is Tsadok) an Israelite: - Sadoc.

G4659 <STRGRK>@ σκυθρωπός skuthrōpos skoo-thro-pos' From σκυθρός skuthros (sullen) and a derivative of G3700; angry visaged that is gloomy or affecting a mournful appearance: - of a sad countenance.

G4768 <STRGRK>@ στυγνάζω stugnazō stoog-nad'-zo From the same as G4767; to render gloomy that is (by implication) glower (be overcast with clouds or sombreness of speech): - lower be sad.

G5482 <STRGRK>@ χάραξ charax khar'-ax From charasso (to sharpen to a point; akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching); a stake that is (by implication) a palisade or rampart (millitary mound for circumvallation in a siege): - trench.

G652 <STRGRK>@ ἀπόστολος apostolos ap-os'-tol-os From G649; a delegate; specifically an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ (apostle) (with miraculous powers): - apostle messenger he that is sent.