
Dict: tcr - Sam



(1) City of- kjv@1Kings:16:24,29; kjv@1Kings:20:1; kjv@2Kings:6:19; kjv@2Kings:17:5; kjv@2Kings:18:9; kjv@Isaiah:8:4; kjv@Micah:1:6 kjv@Acts:8:5

(2) Province of- kjv@2Kings:23:19; kjv@John:4:4; kjv@Acts:8:1; kjv@Acts:9:31; kjv@Acts:15:3

SAMARITANS @ inhabitants of Samaria

(1) Facts concerning: They were colonists whom the king of Assyria sent to inhabit the Land of Israel after the captivity, and hence were despised by the Jews:- 2Kings:17:24-41; kjv@John:4:9 In the time of Zerubbabel they sought to form an alliance with the returned captives and to unite with them in building the temple, but were rejected:- kjv@Ezra:4:2,3 They had a temple on Mt. Gerizim:- kjv@John:4:20 They were treated with charity by Christ, see Parable of Good Samaritan:- kjv@Luke:10:30
- Healing of the Ten Lepers:- Luke:17:12-18
- Instruction of the Samaritan woman:- John:4:3-43
- Two Days' work in Samaria:- kjv@John:4:40 Philip did a successful work among them- Acts:8:5-8

(2) Marginal Chain of texts- kjv@2Kings:17:24; kjv@Ezra:4:2; kjv@Nehemiah:4:2; kjv@Matthew:10:5; kjv@Luke:9:52; kjv@Luke:10:33; kjv@Luke:17:16 kjv@John:4:9,39; kjv@John:8:48; kjv@Acts:8:25

SAMSON @ son of Manoah, of the Judges- kjv@Judges:13:24; kjv@Judges:14:1; kjv@Judges:15:7; kjv@Judges:16:20,30
"A life of Contrasts" Separated as a Nazarite- kjv@Judges:13:5; kjv@Judges:16:17 yet tampering with evil associations Judges:14:13 Spiritual at times kjv@Judges:13:25; kjv@Judges:15:14 yet under the power of carnal appetites Judges:16:14 Childish in his plans kjv@Judges:15:4 yet courageous in battle Judges:15:1114 Mighty in physical strength kjv@Judges:16:3,9,12,14 yet weak in resisting temptation Judges:16:1517 His sad end kjv@Judges:16:30

SAMUEL @ son of Elkanah and Hannah, the last of the Judges, General References to- kjv@1Samuel:1:20; kjv@1Samuel:2:11,18; kjv@1Samuel:3:1,19; kjv@1Samuel:4:1; kjv@1Samuel:7:15; kjv@1Samuel:8:1; kjv@1Samuel:9:14; kjv@1Samuel:13:11; kjv@1Samuel:16:1 kjv@1Samuel:19:18; kjv@1Samuel:25:1; kjv@1Samuel:28:3,11; kjv@1Chronicles:9:22; kjv@Psalms:99:6; kjv@Jeremiah:15:1; kjv@Hebrews:11:32
"The Upright Judge"- kjv@1Samuel:12:3,4 Life Summarized Consecrated to God by his parents- 1Samuel:1:2428 A wonderful childhood 1Samuel:2:8-21 like that of Christ kjv@1Samuel:2:26
- Heard God's voice in boyhood- 1Samuel:3:1-18 Courageous kjv@1Samuel:13:13; 15:1629 A man of prayer 1Samuel:7:5-8; target="9;7;5-8">1Samuel:8:6; target="9;7;5-8">1Samuel:12:17; target="9;7;5-8">1Samuel:15:11 An Inspired prophet- kjv@1Samuel:3:19,21; kjv@1Samuel:8:22 A circuit judge- kjv@1Samuel:7:16