
Dict: all - Zachar


ZACHARIAH @ king of Israel, son of Jeroboam

(2)- kjv@2Kings:14:29; kjv@2Kings:15:8,11


(1) Or, Zechariah, slain by Jews- kjv@2Chronicles:24:20; kjv@Matthew:23:35; kjv@Luke:11:51

(2) Father of John the Baptist- kjv@Luke:1:5,13,21,62,67


ZACHARIAH - Z>@ - (remembered by Jehovah), or properly Zechariah. Son of Jeroboam II., fourteenth king of Israel, and the last of the house of Jehu. There is a difficulty about the date of his reign. Most chronologers assume an interregnum of eleven years between Jeroboam’s death and Zachariah’s accession. The latter event took place B.C. 772-1. His reign lasted only six months. He was killed in a conspiracy of which Shallum was the head, and by which the prophecy in ( kjv@2Kings:10:30) was accomplished, The father of Abi or Abijah, Hezekiah’s mother. ( kjv@2Kings:18:2)

ZACHARIAS - Z>@ - (Greek form of Zechariah). Father of John the Baptist. kjv@Luke:1:5) etc. He was a priest of the course of Abia. the eighth of the twenty-four courses who ministered at the temple in turn. He probably lived at Hebron. His wife’s name was Elisabeth. John was born to them in their old age, and the promise of this son was communicated to Zacharias by an angel while he was offering incense and praying in the temple. Son of Barachias, who, our Lord says, was slain by the Jews between the altar and the temple. kjv@Matthew:23:35; kjv@Luke:11:61) There has been much dispute who this Zacharias was. Many of the Greek fathers have maintained that the father of John the Baptist is the person to whom our Lord alludes but there can be little or no doubt that the allusion is to Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada, ( kjv@2Chronicles:24:20-21) and he may have been called "the son" of Barachias from his grandfather. (B.C. 838.) He is mentioned as being the martyr last recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures (as Abel was the first) -d Chronicles being the last book in their canon.


Zachariah @ remembered by the Lord.

(1.) Son of Jeroboam II., king of Israel. On the death of his father there was an interregnum of ten years, at the end of which he succeeded to the throne, which he occupied only six months, having been put to death by Shallum, who usurped the throne. "He did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, as his fathers had done" ( kjv@2Kings:14:29 kjv@2Kings:15:8-12). In him the dynasty of Jehu came to an end.

(2.) The father of Abi, who was the mother of Hezekiah ( kjv@2Kings:18:2).

Zacharias @

(1.) A priest of the course of Abia, the eighth of the twenty-four courses into which the priests had been originally divided by David ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:1-19). Only four of these courses or "families" of the priests returned from the Exile kjv@Ezra:2:36-39); but they were then re-distributed under the old designations. The priests served at the temple twice each year, and only for a week each time. Zacharias's time had come for this service. During this period his home would be one of the chambers set apart for the priests on the sides of the temple ground. The offering of incense was one of the most solemn parts of the daily worship of the temple, and lots were drawn each day to determine who should have this great honour, an honour which no priest could enjoy more than once during his lifetime. While Zacharias ministered at the golden altar of incense in the holy place, it was announced to him by the angel Gabriel that his wife Elisabeth, who was also of a priestly family, now stricken in years, would give birth to a son who was to be called John, and that he would be the forerunner of the long-expected Messiah kjv@Luke:1:12-17). As a punishment for his refusing to believe this message, he was struck dumb and "not able to speak until the day that these things should be performed"

(20). Nine months passed away, and Elisabeth's child was born, and when in answer to their inquiry Zacharias wrote on a "writing tablet," "His name is John," his mouth was opened, and he praised God (60-79). The child (John the Baptist), thus "born out of due time," "waxed strong in spirit" (1:80).

(2.) The "son of Barachias," mentioned as having been slain between the temple and the altar kjv@Matthew:23:35; kjv@Luke:11:51). "Barachias" here may be another name for Jehoiada, as some think. (






-1. Son of Jeroboam, and the last of the household of Jehu kjv@2Kings:10:30; kjv@2Kings:14:29; kjv@2Kings:15:8-12

-2. Grandfather of Hezekiah kjv@2Kings:18:2; kjv@2Chronicles:29:1


-1. A man who was killed by the Jews .Referred to by Jesus kjv@Matthew:23:35; kjv@Luke:11:51

-2. The father of John the Baptist kjv@Luke:1:5-80; kjv@Luke:3:2 .


kjv@STRING:Jozachar <HITCHCOCK>@ remembering; of the male sex - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Zachariah <HITCHCOCK>@ memory of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zechariah <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Zachariah - HITCHCOCK-Z


ZACHARIAH @ king of Israel, son of Jeroboam

(2)- kjv@2Kings:14:29; kjv@2Kings:15:8,11


(1) Or, Zechariah, slain by Jews- kjv@2Chronicles:24:20; kjv@Matthew:23:35; kjv@Luke:11:51

(2) Father of John the Baptist- kjv@Luke:1:5,13,21,62,67


H2148 <STRHEB>@ זכריהוּ זכריה zekaryâh zekaryâhû {zek-ar-yaw'} zek-ar-yaw'-hoo From H2142 and H3050; Jah has remembered; {Zecarjah} the name of twenty nine Israelites: - {Zachariah} Zechariah.

G2197 <STRGRK>@ Ζαχαρίας Zacharias dzakh-ar-ee'-as Of Hebrew origin [H2148]; Zacharias (that is Zechariah) the name of two Israelites: - Zacharias.