
Dict: all - anti


ANTICHRIST @ an opposer of Christ- kjv@1John:2:18; kjv@1John:4:3; kjv@2John:1:7 False Christs, CHRIST'S FALSE


(1) A city in Syria- kjv@Acts:11:19,26; kjv@Acts:13:1; kjv@Acts:14:26; kjv@Acts:15:22,30; kjv@Acts:18:22; kjv@Galatians:2:11

(2) A City in Pisidia- kjv@Acts:13:14; kjv@Acts:14:19; kjv@2Timothy:3:11


ANTICHRIST - A>@ - This term is employed by the apostle John alone, and is defined by him in a manner which leaves no doubt as to its intrinsic meaning. With regard to its application there is less certainty. In the first passage
( kjv@1John:2:18)
in which it occurs, the apostle makes direct reference to the false Christs whose coming, it had been fore-told, should mark the last days. In 5:22 we find, "he is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son;" and still more positively, "every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of antichrist." Comp. ( kjv@2John:1:7) From these emphatic and repeated definitions it has been supposed that the object of the apostle in his first epistle was to combat the errors of Cerinthus, the Docetae and the Gnostics on the subject of the Incarnation. (They denied the union of the divine and human in Christ.) The coming of Antichrist was (believed to be foretold in the "vile person" of Daniel’s prophecy, kjv@Daniel:11:21) which received its first accomplishment in Antiochus Epiphanes but of which the complete fulfillment was reserved for the last times. He is identified with "the man of sin, the son of perdition." ( kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3) This interpretation brings Antichrist into close connection with the gigantic power of evil, symbolized by the "beast," kjv@Revelation:13:1) ... who received his power from the dragon (i.e. the devil, the serpent of Genesis), continued for forty and two months, and was invested with the kingdom of the ten kings who destroyed the harlot Babylon, kjv@Revelation:17:12 kjv@Revelation:17:17) the city of seven hills. The destruction of Babylon is to be followed by the rule of Antichrist for a short period, kjv@Revelation:17:10) to be in his turn overthrown in "the battle of that great day of God Almighty," kjv@Revelation:16:14) with the false prophet and all his followers. kjv@Revelation:19. The personality of Antichrist is to be inferred as well from the personality of his historical precursor as from that of him to whom he stands opposed. Such an interpretation is to be preferred to that which regards Antichrist as the embodiment and personification of all powers and agencies inimical to Christ, or of the Antichristian might of the world.

ANTIOCH - A>@ - (from Antiochus)
- IN SYRIA. The capital of the Greek kings of Syria, and afterwards the residence of the Roman governors of the province which bore the same name. Situation .
This metropolis was situated where the chain of Lebanon, running northward, and the chain of Taurus, running eastward. are brought to an abrupt meeting. Here the Orontes breaks through the mountains; and Antioch was placed at a bend of the river, 16 1/2 miles from the Mediterranean, partly on an island, partly on the levee which forms the left bank, and partly on the steep and craggy ascent of Mount Silpius, which, rose abruptly on the south. It is about 300 miles north of Jerusalem. In the immediate neighborhood was Daphne the celebrated sanctuary of Apollo 2 Macc. kjv@4:33; whence the city was sometimes called Antioch by Daphne , to distinguish it from other cities of the same name. Destruction .
The city was founded in the year 300 B.C., by Seleucus Nicator. It grew under the successive Seleucid kings till it became a city of great extent and of remarkable beauty. One feature, which seems to have been characteristic of the great Syrian cities,
a vast street with colonnades, intersecting the whole from end to end,
was added by Antiochus Epiphanes. By Pompey it was made a free city, and such it continued till the time of Antoninus Pius. The early emperors raised there some large and important structures, such as aqueducts, amphitheatres and baths. (Antioch, in Paul’s time, was the third city of the Roman empire, and contained over 200,000 inhabitants. Now it is a small, mean place of about 6000.
ED.) Bible History .
No city, after Jerusalem, is so intimately connected with the history of the apostolic church. Jews were settled there from the first in large numbers, were governed by their own ethnarch, and allowed to have the same political privileges with the Greeks. The chief interest of Antioch, however, is connected with the progress of Christianity among the heathen, Here the first Gentile church was founded, kjv@Acts:11:20-21) here the disciples of Jesus Christ were first called Christians kjv@Acts:11:26) It was from Antioch that St. Paul started on his three missionary journeys. IN PISIDIA, kjv@Acts:13:14 kjv@Acts:14:19-21; kjv@2Timothy:3:11) on the borders of Phrygia, corresponds to Yalobatch , which is distant from Aksher six hours over the mountains. This city, like the Syrian Antioch, was founded by Seleucus Nicator. Under the Romans it became a colonia , and was also called Caesarea.

ANTIOCHUS - A>@ - (an opponent), the name of a number of kings of Syria who lived during the interval between the Old and New Testaments, and had frequent connection with the Jews during that period. They are referred to in the Apocrypha especially in the books of the Maccabees.

ANTIPAS - A>@ - (like the father), martyr at Pergamos, kjv@Revelation:2:13) and according to tradition the bishop of that place. (A.D. before 100.)


ANTIPATRIS, OR ANTIPATRIS - A>@ - (for his father), a town to which the soldiers conveyed St. Paul by night on their march. kjv@Acts:23:31) Its ancient name was Capharsaba; and Herod, when he rebuilt the city, changed it to Antipatris, in honor of his father, Antipater. The village Kefr
- Sabba still retains the ancient name of Antipatris.


Antichrist @ against Christ, or an opposition Christ, a rival Christ. The word is used only by the apostle John. Referring to false teachers, he says ( kjv@1John:2:18 kjv@1John:2:22 kjv@1John:4:3; kjv@2John:1:7), "Even now are there many antichrists."

(1.) This name has been applied to the "little horn" of the "king of fierce countenance" kjv@Daniel:7:24-25 kjv@Daniel:8:23-25).

(2.) It has been applied also to the "false Christs" spoken of by our Lord kjv@Matthew:24:5 kjv@Matthew:24:23, 24).

(3.) To the "man of sin" described by Paul ( kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3-4, 8-10).

(4.) And to the "beast from the sea" kjv@Revelation:13:1 kjv@Revelation:17:1-18).

Antioch @

(1.) In Syria, on the river Orontes, about 16 miles from the Mediterranean, and some 300 miles north of Jerusalem. It was the metropolis of Syria, and afterwards became the capital of the Roman province in Asia. It ranked third, after Rome and Alexandria, in point of importance, of the cities of the Roman empire. It was called the "first city of the East." Christianity was early introduced into it kjv@Acts:11:19-21, 24), and the name "Christian" was first applied here to its professors kjv@Acts:11:26). It is intimately connected with the early history of the gospel kjv@Acts:6:5 kjv@Acts:11:19 kjv@Acts:11:27, 28, 30; 12:25; 15:22-35; kjv@Galatians:2:11-12). It was the great central point whence missionaries to the Gentiles were sent forth. It was the birth-place of the famous Christian father Chrysostom, who died A.D. 407. It bears the modern name of Antakia, and is now a miserable, decaying Turkish town. Like Philippi, it was raised to the rank of a Roman colony. Such colonies were ruled by "praetors" (R.V. marg., kjv@Acts:16:20-21).

(2.) In the extreme north of Pisidia; was visited by Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey kjv@Acts:13:14). Here they found a synagogue and many proselytes. They met with great success in preaching the gospel, but the Jews stirred up a violent opposition against them, and they were obliged to leave the place. On his return, Paul again visited Antioch for the purpose of confirming the disciples kjv@Acts:14:21). It has been identified with the modern Yalobatch, lying to the east of Ephesus.

Antiochus @ the name of several Syrian kings from B.C. 280 to B.C. 65. The most notable of these were,

(1.) Antiochus the Great, who ascended the throne B.C. 223. He is regarded as the "king of the north" referred to in kjv@Daniel:11:13-19. He was succeeded (B.C. 187) by his son, Seleucus Philopater, spoken of by Daniel (11:20) as "a raiser of taxes", in the Revised Version, "one that shall cause an exactor to pass through the glory of the kingdom."

(2.) Antiochus IV., surnamed "Epiphanes" i.e., the Illustrious, succeeded his brother Seleucus (B.C. 175). His career and character are prophetically described by Daniel (11:21-32). He was a "vile person." In a spirit of revenge he organized an expedition against Jerusalem, which he destroyed, putting vast multitudes of its inhabitants to death in the most cruel manner. From this time the Jews began the great war of independence under their heroic Maccabean leaders with marked success, defeating the armies of Antiochus that were sent against them. Enraged at this, Antiochus marched against them in person, threatening utterly to exterminate the nation; but on the way he was suddenly arrested by the hand of death (B.C. 164).

Antipas @

(1.) Herod Antipas, a son of Herod the Great by his Samaritan wife Malthace. He was tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea during the whole period of our Lord's life on earth kjv@Luke:23:7). He was a frivolous and vain prince, and was chargeable with many infamous crimes kjv@Mark:8:15; kjv@Luke:3:19 kjv@Luke:13:31-32). He beheaded John the Baptist kjv@Matthew:14:1-12) at the instigation of Herodias, the wife of his half-brother Herod
- Philip, whom he had married. Pilate sent Christ to him when he was at Jerusalem at the Passover kjv@Luke:23:7). He asked some idle questions of him, and after causing him to be mocked, sent him back again to Pilate. The wife of Chuza, his house-steward, was one of our Lord's disciples kjv@Luke:8:3).

(2.) A "faithful martyr" kjv@Revelation:2:13), of whom nothing more is certainly known.

Antipatris @ a city built by Herod the Great, and called by this name in honour of his father, Antipater. It lay between Caesarea and Lydda, two miles inland, on the great Roman road from Caesarea to Jerusalem. To this place Paul was brought by night kjv@Acts:23:31) on his way to Caesarea, from which it was distant 28 miles. It is identified with the modern, Ras-el
- Ain, where rise the springs of Aujeh, the largest springs in Palestine.



Antichrist @ Denies the Father and the Son kjv@1John:2:22
Denies the incarnation of Christ kjv@1John:4:3 kjv@2John:1:7
Spirit of, prevalent in apostolic times kjv@1John:2:18
Deceit, a characteristic of kjv@2John:1:7



- General scriptures concerning kjv@Matthew:24:5 kjv@Matthew:24:23, kjv@Mark:13:6 kjv@Mark:13:24, 26; 21, 22; kjv@Luke:21:8; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3-12; kjv@1John:2:18 kjv@1John:2:22 kjv@1John:4:3; kjv@2John:1:7
- To be destroyed kjv@Revelation:19:20; kjv@Revelation:20:10 kjv@Revelation:20:15


-1. A city of Syria .Disciples first called Christians in kjv@Acts:11:19-30 .The congregation in kjv@Acts:13:1; kjv@Acts:14:26-27 .Barnabas and Paul make second visit to kjv@Acts:14:26-28 .Dissension within the congregation of kjv@Acts:15:22 with kjv@Acts:15:1-35 .Paul and Peter's controversy at kjv@Galatians:2:11-15

-2. A city of Pisidia. Persecutes Paul kjv@Acts:13:14-52; kjv@2Timothy:3:11; kjv@Acts:14:19-22; kjv@Acts:18:22

- A martyr kjv@Revelation:2:13

- A city in Samaria kjv@Acts:23:31


kjv@STRING:Akkub <HITCHCOCK>@ foot-print; supplanting; crookedness; lewdness - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Antichrist <HITCHCOCK>@ an adversary to Christ - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Antioch <HITCHCOCK>@ speedy as a chariot - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Antipas <HITCHCOCK>@ for all, or against all - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Antipatris <HITCHCOCK>@ for, or against the father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Hasrah <HITCHCOCK>@ wanting - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Kedemoth <HITCHCOCK>@ antiquity; old age - HITCHCOCK-K


ANTICHRIST @ an opposer of Christ- kjv@1John:2:18; kjv@1John:4:3; kjv@2John:1:7 False Christs, CHRIST'S FALSE


(1) A city in Syria- kjv@Acts:11:19,26; kjv@Acts:13:1; kjv@Acts:14:26; kjv@Acts:15:22,30; kjv@Acts:18:22; kjv@Galatians:2:11

(2) A City in Pisidia- kjv@Acts:13:14; kjv@Acts:14:19; kjv@2Timothy:3:11


H2583 <STRHEB>@ חנה chânâh khaw-naw' A primitive root (compare H2603); properly to incline; by implication to decline (of the slanting rays of evening); specifically to pitch a tent; generally to encamp (for abode or siege): - abide (in {tents}) {camp} {dwell} {encamp} grow to an {end} {lie} pitch ({tent}) rest in tent.

H2627 <STRHEB>@ חסּיר chassîyr khas-seer' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H2637; deficient: - wanting.

H2642 <STRHEB>@ חסרון chesrôn khes-rone' From H2637; deficiency: - wanting.

H2706 <STRHEB>@ חק chôq khoke From H2710; an enactment; hence an appointment (of {time} {space} {quantity} labor or usage): - {appointed} {bound} {commandment} {convenient} {custom} decree ({-d}) {due} {law} {measure} X {necessary} ordinance ({-nary}) {portion} set {time} {statute} task.

H2708 <STRHEB>@ חקּה chûqqâh khook-kaw' Feminine of {H2706} and meaning substantially the same: - {appointed} {custom} {manner} {ordinance} {site} statute.

H3426 <STRHEB>@ ישׁ yêsh yaysh Perhaps from an unused root meaning to stand {out} or exist; entity; used adverbially or as a copula for the substantive verb (H1961); there is or are (or any other form of the verb to {be} as may suit the connection): - (there) {are} ({he} {it} {shall} {there} there {may} there {shall} there should) {be} thou {do} {had} {hast} (which) {hath} ({I} {shalt} that) {have} ({he} {it} there) {is} {substance} it (there) {was} (there) {were} ye {will} thou {wilt} wouldest.

H3527 <STRHEB>@ כּבר kâbar kaw-bar' A primitive root; properly to plait {together} that {is} (figuratively) to augment (especially in number or {quantity} to accumulate): - in {abundance} multiply.

H3669 <STRHEB>@ כּנעני kenaanîy ken-ah-an-ee' Patrial from H3667; a Kenaanite or inhabitant of Kenaan; by implication a pedlar (the Cananites standing for their neighbors the {Ishmaelites} who conducted mercantile caravans): - {Canaanite} {merchant} trafficker.

H4302 <STRHEB>@ מטּע maţţâ‛ mat-taw' From H5193; something {planted} that {is} the place (a garden or {vineyard}) or the thing (a {plant} figuratively of men); by implication the {act} planting: - plant ({-ation} -ing).

H4627 <STRHEB>@ מערב ma‛ărâb mah-ar-awb' From {H6148} in the sense of trading; traffic; by implication mercantile goods: - {market} merchandise.

H4767 <STRHEB>@ מרבּה mirbâh meer-baw' From H7235; {abundance} that {is} a great quantity: - much.

H5090 <STRHEB>@ נהג nâhag naw-hag' A primitive root; to drive forth (a {person} an animal or {chariot}) that {is} lead6 carry away; reflexively to proceed (that {is} impel or guide oneself); also (from the panting induced by {effort}) to sigh: - {acquaint} bring ({away}) carry {away} drive ({away}) lead ({away} {forth}) (be) {guide} lead ({away} forth).

H5194 <STRHEB>@ נטע neţaneh'-tah From H5193; a plant; {collectively} a plantation; {abstractly} a planting: - plant.

H5703 <STRHEB>@ עד ‛ad ad From H5710; properly a (peremptory) {terminus} that {is} (by implication) {duration} in the sense of perpetuity (substantially as a {noun} either with or without a preposition): - {eternity} ever ({-lasting} {-more}) {old} {perpetually} + world without end.

H5737 <STRHEB>@ עדר ‛âdar aw-dar' A primitive root; to {arrange} as a {battle} a vineyard (to hoe); hence to {muster} and so to miss (or find wanting): - {dig} {fail} keep ({rank}) lack.

H6266 <STRHEB>@ עתיק ‛âthîyq aw-theek' From H6275; properly {antique} that {is} venerable or splendid: - durable.

H6267 <STRHEB>@ עתּיק ‛attîyq at-teek' From H6275; {removed} that {is} weaned; also antique: - {ancient} drawn.

H6276 <STRHEB>@ עתק ‛âthêq aw-thake' From H6275; {antique} that {is} valued: - durable.

H6923 <STRHEB>@ קדם qâdam kaw-dam' A primitive root; to project (one {self}) that {is} precede; hence to {anticipate} hasten6 meet (usually for help): - come ({go} [flee]) {before} + {disappoint} {meet} prevent.

H6924 <STRHEB>@ קדמה קדם qedem qêdmâh {keh'-dem} kayd'-maw From H6923; the {front} of palce (absolutely the fore {part} relatively the East) or time (antiquity); often used adverbially ({before} {anciently} eastward): - {aforetime} ancient ({time}) {before} east ({end} {part} {side} {-ward}) {eternal} X ever ({-lasting}) {forward} {old} past. Compare H6926.

H6927 <STRHEB>@ קדמה qadmâh kad-maw' From H6923; priority (in time); also used adverbially (before): - {afore} {antiquity} former (old) estate.

H6996 <STRHEB>@ קטן קטן qâţân qâţôn {kaw-tawn'} kaw-tone' From H6962; {abbreviated} that {is} {diminutive} literally (in {quantity} size or number) or figuratively (in age or importance): - {least} less ({-ser}) little ({one}) small ({-est} {one} {quantity} {thing}) young ({-er} -est).

H7052 <STRHEB>@ קלקל qelôqêl kel-o-kale' From H7043; insubstantial: - light.

H7227 <STRHEB>@ רב rab rab By contraction from H7231; abundant (in {quantity} {size} {age} {number} {rank} quality): - (in) abound ({-undance} {-ant} {-antly}) {captain} {elder} {enough} {exceedingly} {full} great ({-ly} {man} {one}) {increase} long ({enough} {[time]}) ({do} have) many ({-ifold} {things} a {time}) ([ship-]) {master} {mighty} {more} ({too} very) {much} multiply ({-tude}) {officer} often {[-times]} {plenteous} {populous} {prince} process [of {time]} suffice (-ient).

H7306 <STRHEB>@ רוּח rûach roo'-akh A primitive root; properly to {blow} that {is} breathe; only (literally) to smell or (by implication perceive (figuratively to {anticipate} enjoy): - {accept} {smell} X {touch} make of quick understanding.

H7307 <STRHEB>@ רוּח rûach roo'-akh From H7306; wind; by resemblance {breath} that {is} a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively {life} anger6 unsubstantiality; by extension a region of the sky; by resemblance {spirit} but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions): - {air} {anger} {blast} {breath} X {cool} {courage} {mind} X {quarter} X {side} spirit ({[-ual]}) {tempest} X {vain} ([whirl-]) wind (-y).

H7690 <STRHEB>@ שׂגּיא ώaggîy' sag-ghee' H3 (Chaldee); corresponding to H7689; large (in {size} quantity or {number} also adverbially): - {exceeding} great ({-ly}) {many} {much} {sore} very.

H7991 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁ שׁלושׁ שׁלישׁo shâlîysh shâlôsh shâlôsh {shaw-leesh'} {shaw-loshe'} shaw-loshe' (The second form used in ; the third form used in ); from H7969; a {triple} that {is} (as a musical instrument) a triangle (or perhaps rather three stringed lute); also (as an indefinitely great quantity) a three fold measure (perhaps a treble ephah); also (as an officer) a general of the third rank ({upward} that {is} the highest): - {captain} instrument of {musick} (great) {lord} (great) {measure} {prince} three [from the margin].

H8454 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁיּה תּוּשׁיּה tûshîyâh tûshîyâh {too-shee-yaw'} too-shee-yaw' From an unused root probably meaning to substantiate; support or (by implication) {ability} that {is} (direct) {help} (in purpose) an {undertaking} (intellectual) understanding: - {enterprise} that which (thing as it) {is} {substance} (sound) {wisdom} working.

H8506 <STRHEB>@ תּכן tôken to'-ken From H8505; a fixed quantity: - {measure} tale.

G1024 <STRGRK>@ βραχύς brachus brakh-ooce' Of uncertain affinity; short (of time place quantity or number): - few words little (space while).

G1136 <STRGRK>@ Γώγ Gōg gogue Of Hebrew origin [H1463]; Gog a symbolic name for some future Antichrist: - Gog.

G1456 <STRGRK>@ ἐγκαίνια egkainia eng-kah'ee-nee-ah Neuter plural of a presumed compound from G1722 and G2537; innovatives that is (specifically) renewal (of religious services after the Antiochian interruption): - dedication.

G1640 <STRGRK>@ ἐλάσσων ἐλάττων elassōn elattōn el-as'-sone el-at'-tone Compound of the same as G1646; smaller (in size quantity age or quality): - less under worse younger.

G1661 <STRGRK>@ ἐλεφάντινος elephantinos el-ef-an'-tee-nos From ἔλεφας elephas (an elephant); elephantine that is (by implication) composed of ivory: - of ivory.

G1680 <STRGRK>@ ἐλπίς elpis el-pece' Fromἔλπω elpō which is a primary word (to anticipate usually with pleasure); expectation (abstract or concrete) or confidence: - faith hope.

G1722 <STRGRK>@ ἐν en en A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place time or state) and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively) that is a relation of rest (intermediate between G1519 and G1537); in at (up-) on by etc.: - about after against + almost X altogether among X as at before between (here-) by (+ all means) for (. . . sake of) + give self wholly to (here-) in (-to -wardly) X mightily (because) of (up-) on [open-] ly X outwardly one X quickly X shortly [speedi-] ly X that X there (-in -on) through (-out) (un-) to(-ward) under when where (-with) while with (-in). Often used in compounds with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion and then not to indicate direction except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) prep.

G1725 <STRGRK>@ ἔναντι enanti en'-an-tee From G1722 and G473; in front (that is figuratively presence) of: - before.

G1726 <STRGRK>@ ἐναντίον enantion en-an-tee'-on Neuter of G1727; (adverb) in the presence (view) of: - before in the presence of.

G1727 <STRGRK>@ ἐναντίος enantios en-an-tee'-os From G1725; opposite; figuratively antagonistic: - (over) against contrary.

G2713 <STRGRK>@ κατέναντι katenanti kat-en'-an-tee From G2596 and G1725; directly opposite: - before over against.

G262 <STRGRK>@ ἀμαράντινος amarantinos am-ar-an'-tee-nos From G263; amaranthine that is (by implication) fadeless: - that fadeth not away.

G3007 <STRGRK>@ λείπω leipō li'-po A primary verb; to leave that is (intransitive or passive) to fail or be absent: - be destitute (wanting) lack.

G3098 <STRGRK>@ Μαγώγ Magōg mag-ogue' Of Hebrew origin [H4031]; Magog a foreign nation that is (figuratively) an Antichristian party: - Magog.

G3326 <STRGRK>@ μετά meta met-ah' A primary preposition (often used adverbially); properly denoting accompaniment; amid (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case association or accusative case succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between G575 or G1537 and G1519 or G4314; less intimate than G1722 and less close than G4862): - after (-ward)6X that he again against among X and + follow hence hereafter in of (up-) on + our X and setting since (un-) to + together when with (+ -out). Often used in composition in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity and transfer or sequence.

G3361 <STRGRK>@ μή mē may A primary particle of qualified negation (whereas G3756 expresses an absolute denial); (adverbially) not (conjugationally) lest; also (as interrogitive implying a negative answer [whereas G3756 expects an affirmative one]); whether: - any but (that) X forbear + God forbid + lack lest neither never no (X wise in) none nor [can-] not nothing that not un [-taken] without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also G3362 G3363 G3364 G3372 G3373 G3375 G3378.

G3398 <STRGRK>@ μικρός μικρότερος mikros mikroteros mik-ros' mik-rot'-er-os Apparently a primary word including the comparative (second form); small (in size quantity number or (figuratively) dignity): - least less little small.

G3426 <STRGRK>@ μόδιος modios mod'-ee-os Of Latin origin; a modius that is certain measure for things dry (the quantity or the utensil): - bushel.

G3820 <STRGRK>@ παλαιός palaios pal-ah-yos' From G3819; antique that is not recent worn out: - old.

G3821 <STRGRK>@ παλαιότης palaiotēs pal-ah-yot'-ace From G3820; antiquatedness: - oldness.

G3936 <STRGRK>@ παρίστημι παριστάνω paristēmi paristanō par-is'-tay-mee par-is-tan'-o From G3488 and G2476; to stand beside that is (transitively) to exhibit proffer (specifically) recommend (figuratively) substantiate; or (intransitively) to be at hand (or ready) aid: - assist bring before command commend give presently present prove provide shew stand (before by here up with) yield.

G368 <STRGRK>@ ἀναντίῤῥητος anantirrhētos an-an-tir'-hray-tos From G1 (as a negatively particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of G473 and G4483; indisputable: - cannot be spoken against.

G369 <STRGRK>@ ἀναντιῤῥήτως anantirrhētōs an-an-tir-hray'-toce Adverb from G368; promptly: - without gainsaying.

G4012 <STRGRK>@ περί peri per-ee' From the base of G4008; properly through (all over) that is around; figuratively with respect to; used in various applications of place cause or time (with the genitive case denoting the subject or occasion or superlative point; with the accusative case the locality circuit6 matter circumstance or general period): - (there-) about above against at on behalf of X and his company which concern (as) concerning for X how it will go with ([there- where-]) of on over pertaining (to) for sake X (e-) state (as) touching [where-] by (in) with. In compounds it retains substantially the same meaning of circuit (around) excess (beyond) or completeness (through).

G4052 <STRGRK>@ περισσεύω perisseuō per-is-syoo'-o From G4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality) be in excess be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: - (make more) abound (have have more) abundance (be more) abundant be the better enough and to spare exceed excel increase be left redound remain (over and above).

G4053 <STRGRK>@ περισσός perissos per-is-sos' From G4012 (in the sense of beyond); superabundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); by implication excessive; adverb (with G1537) violently; neuter (as noun) preeminence: - exceeding abundantly above more abundantly advantage exceedingly very highly beyond measure more superfluous vehement [-ly].

G4080 <STRGRK>@ πηλίκος pēlikos pay-lee'-kos A quantitative form (the feminine) of the base of G4225; how much (as indefinite) that is in size or (figuratively) dignity: - how great (large).

G4119 <STRGRK>@ πλείων πλεῖον πλέον pleiōn pleion pleon pli'-own pli'-on pleh'-on Comparative of G4183; more in quantity number or quality; also (in plural) the major portion: - X above + exceed more excellent further (very) great (-er) long (-er) (very) many greater (more) part + yet but.

G4257 <STRGRK>@ προακούω proakouō pro-ak-oo'-o From G4253 and G191; to hear already that is anticipate: - hear before.

G4301 <STRGRK>@ προλαμβάνω prolambanō prol-am-ban'-o From G4253 and G2983; to take in advance that is (literally) eat before others have an opportunity; (figuratively) to anticipate surprise: - come aforehand overtake take before.

G4328 <STRGRK>@ προσδοκάω prosdokaō pros-dok-ah'-o From G4314 and δοκεύω dokeuō (to watch); to anticipate (in thought hope or fear); by implication to await: - (be in) expect (-ation) look (for) when looked tarry wait for.

G4329 <STRGRK>@ προσδοκία prosdokia pros-dok-ee'-ah From G4328; apprehension (of evil); by implication infliction anticipated: - expectation looking after.

G4399 <STRGRK>@ προφθάνω prophthanō prof-than'-o From G4253 and G5348; to get an earlier start of that is anticipate: - prevent.

G4472 <STRGRK>@ ῥαντίζω rhantizō hran-tid'-zo From a derivative of ῥαίνω rhainō (to sprinkle); to render besprinkled that is asperse (ceremonially or figuratively): - sprinkle.

G4473 <STRGRK>@ ῥαντισμός rhantismos hran-tis-mos' From G4472; aspersion (ceremonially or figuratively): - sprinkling.

G4690 <STRGRK>@ σπέρμα sperma sper'-mah From G4687; somethng sown that is seed (including the male sperm); by implication offspring; specifically a remnant (figuratively as if kept over for planting): - issue seed.

G4878 <STRGRK>@ συναντιλαμβάνομαι sunantilambanomai soon-an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee From G4862 and G482; to take hold of opposite together that is co-operate (assist): - help.

G473 <STRGRK>@ ἀντί anti an-tee' A primary particle; opposite that is instead or because of (rarely in addition to): - for in the room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast requital6 substitution correspondence etc.

G474 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιβάλλω antiballō an-tee-bal'-lo From G473 and G906; to bandy: - have.

G475 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιδιατίθεμαι antidiatithemai an-tee-dee-at-eeth'-em-ahee From G473 and G1303; to set oneself opposite that is be disputatious: - that oppose themselves.

G476 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίδικος antidikos an-tid'-ee-kos From G473 and G1349; an opponent (in a lawsuit); specifically Satan (as the arch enemy): - adversary.

G477 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίθεσις antithesis an-tith'-es-is From a compound of G473 and G5087; opposition that is a conflict (of theories): - opposition.

G478 <STRGRK>@ ἀντικαθίστημι antikathistēmi an-tee-kath-is'-tay-mee From G473 and G2525; to set down (troops) against that is withstand: - resist.

G479 <STRGRK>@ ἀντικαλέω antikaleō an-tee-kal-eh'-o From G473 and G2564; to invite in return: - bid again.

G480 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίκειμαι antikeimai an-tik'-i-mahee From G473 and G2749; to lie opposite that is be adverse (figuratively repugnant) to: - adversary be contrary oppose.

G481 <STRGRK>@ ἀντικρύ antikru an-tee-kroo' Prolonged from G473; opposite: - over against.

G482 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιλαμβάνομαι antilambanomai an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee From G473 and the middle of G2983; to take hold of in turn that is succor; also to participate: - help partaker support.

G483 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίλεγω antilegō an-til'-eg-o From G473 and G3004; to dispute refuse: - answer again contradict deny gainsay (-er) speak against.

G484 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίληψις antilēpsis an-til'-ape-sis From G482; relief: - help.

G485 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιλογία antilogia an-tee-log-ee'-ah From a derivative of G483; dispute disobedience: - contradiction gainsaying strife.

G486 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιλοιδορέω antiloidoreō an-tee-loy-dor-eh'-o From G473 and G3058; to rail in reply: - revile again.

G487 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίλυτρον antilutron an-til'-oo-tron From G473 and G3083; a redemption price: - ransom.

G488 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιμετρέω antimetreō an-tee-met-reh'-o From G473 and G3354; to mete in return: - measure again.

G489 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιμισθία antimisthia an-tee-mis-thee'-ah From a compound of G473 and G3408; requital correspondence: - recompense.

G490 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντιόχεια Antiocheia an-tee-okh'-i-ah From Ἀντίοχος Antiochos (a Syrian king); Antiochia a place in Syria: - Antioch.

G491 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντιοχεύς Antiocheus an-tee-okh-yoos' From G490; an Antiochian or inhabitant of Antiochia: - of Antioch.

G492 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιπαρέρχομαι antiparerchomai an-tee-par-er'-khom-ahee From G473 and G3928; to go along opposite: - pass by on the other side.

G493 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντίπας Antipas an-tee'-pas Contracted for a compound of G473 and a derivative of G3962; Antipas a Christian: - Antipas.

G494 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντιπατρίς Antipatris an-tip-at-rece' From the same as G493; Antipatris a place in Palestine: - Antipatris.

G495 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιπέραν antiperan an-tee-per'-an From G473 and G4008; on the opposite side: - over against.

G496 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιπίπτω antipiptō an-tee-pip'-to From G473 and G4098 (including its alternate); to oppose: - resist.

G497 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιστρατεύομαι antistrateuomai an-tee-strat-yoo'-om-ahee From G473 and G4754; (figuratively) to attack that is (by implication) destroy: - war against.

G498 <STRGRK>@ ἀντιτάσσομαι antitassomai an-tee-tas'-som-ahee From G473 and the middle of G5021; to range oneself against that is oppose: - oppose themselves resist.

G499 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίτυπον antitupon an-teet'-oo-pon Neuter of a compound of G473 and G5179; corresponding (antitype) that is a representative counterpart: - (like) figure (whereunto).

G500 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίχριστος antichristos an-tee'-khris-tos From G473 and G5547; an opponent of the Messiah: - antichrist.

G5006 <STRGRK>@ ταλαντιαῖος talantiaios tal-an-tee-ah'-yos From G5007; talent like in weight: - weight of a talent.

G5118 <STRGRK>@ τοσοῦτος tosoutos tos-oo'-tos From τόσος tosos (so much; apparently from G3588 and G3739) and G3778 (including its variations); so vast as this that is such (in quantity amount number or space): - as large so great (long many much) these many.

G5121 <STRGRK>@ τοὐναντίον tounantion too-nan-tee'-on Contraction for the neuter of G3588 and G1726; on the contrary: - contrariwise.

G5227 <STRGRK>@ ὑπεναντίος hupenantios hoop-en-an-tee'-os From G5259 and G1727; under (covertly) contrary to that is opposed or (as noun) an opponent: - adversary against.

G5348 <STRGRK>@ φθάνω phthanō fthan'-o Apparently a primary verb; to be beforehand that is anticipate or precede; by extension to have arrived at: - (already) attain come prevent.

G5451 <STRGRK>@ φυτεία phuteia foo-ti'-ah From G5452; trans planting that is (concretely) a shrub or vegetable: - plant.

G5603 <STRGRK>@ ᾠδή ōdē o-day' From G103; a chant or ode (the general term for any words sung; while G5215 denotes especially a religious metrical composition and G5568 still more specifically a Hebrew cantillation: - song.

G561 <STRGRK>@ ἀπέναντι apenanti ap-en'-an-tee From G575 and G1725; from in front that is opposite6 before or against: - before contrary over against in the presence of.

G603 <STRGRK>@ ἀποκαραδοκία apokaradokia ap-ok-ar-ad-ok-ee'-ah From a compound of G575 and a compound of κάρα kara (the head) and G1380 (in the sense of watching); intense anticipation: - earnest expectation.

G905 <STRGRK>@ βαλάντιον balantion bal-an'-tee-on Probably remotely from G906 (as a depository); a pouch (for money): - bag purse.