
Dict: hitchcock - au


kjv@STRING:Abinoam @ father of beauty - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adoram @ their beauty; their power - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Agrippa @ one who causes great pain at his birth - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahinoam @ beauty of the brother; brother of motion - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Araunah @ ark; song; joyful cry - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Archelaus @ the prince of the people - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Augustus @ increased, augmented - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Bathsheba @ the seventh daughter; the daughter of satiety - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bithiah @ daughter of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Capernaum @ the field of repentance; city of comfort - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Clauda @ a lamentable voice - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Corinth @ which is satisfied; ornament; beauty - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Emmaus @ people despised or obscure - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Eneas @ laudable - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Epenetus @ laudable; worthy of praise - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Esau @ he that acts or finishes - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Garmites @ men of Garmi, ie-G., bones, or, my cause - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Hadadezer @ beauty of assistance - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadoram @ their beauty; their power - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hauran @ a hole; liberty; whiteness - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hazar-susah @ or susim, the hay-paunch of a horse - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Isaac @ laughter - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Ishbak @ who is empty or exhausted - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Jaasau @ doing; my doing - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jadau @ his hand; his confession - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jerubbaal @ he that defends Baal, let Baal defend his cause - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Joppa @ beauty; comeliness - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Keren-happuch @ the horn or child of beauty - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Nain @ beauty; pleasantness - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Naioth @ beauties; habitations - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Naomi @ beautiful; agreeable - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Naum @ same as Nahum - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Noah @ that quavers or totters -N(Zelophehad's daughter) - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Palestina @ which is covered; watered; or brings and causes ruin - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Paran @ beauty; glory; ornament - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pau @ same as Pai - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Paul @ small; little - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Paulus @ same as Paul - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Ragau @ friend; shepherd - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Sabtechah @ that surrounds; that causes wounding - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Saul @ demanded; lent; ditch; death - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Selah @ the end; a pause - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Succoth-benoth @ the tents of daughters, or young women; or prostitutes - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Zipporah @ beauty; trumpet; mourning - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zuzims @ the posts of a door; splendor; beauty - HITCHCOCK-Z