
Dict: all - bee


BEELZEBUB @ prince of devils- kjv@Matthew:10:25; kjv@Matthew:12:27; kjv@Mark:3:22; kjv@Luke:11:15


- SHEBA @ a city on the southern frontier of Palestine- kjv@Genesis:21:31; kjv@Genesis:22:19; kjv@Genesis:26:33; kjv@Genesis:28:10; kjv@Genesis:46:1; kjv@Joshua:15:28; kjv@Judges:20:1 kjv@1Samuel:8:2; kjv@2Chronicles:19:4; kjv@2Chronicles:30:5; kjv@Amos:5:5


BEE - B>@ - (deborah). (1:44; kjv@Judges:14:8; kjv@Psalms:118:12; kjv@Isaiah:7:18) Bees abounded in Palestine, honey being a common article of food kjv@Psalms:81:16) and was often found in the clefts of rocks and in hollow trees. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:25-27) English naturalists know little of the species of bees that are found in Palestine, but are inclined tn believe that the honey-bee of Palestine is distinct from the honey-bee (Apis mellifica) of this country. The passage in kjv@Isaiah:7:18) refers "to the custom of the people in the East of calling attention to any one by a significant hiss or rather hist ." We read, kjv@Judges:14:8) that "after a time," probably many days, Samson returned to the carcass of the lion he had slain, and saw bees and honey therein. "If any one here represents to himself a corrupt and putrid carcass, the occurrence ceases to have any true similitude, for it is well known that in these countries, at certain seasons of the year, the heat will in the course of twenty-four hours completely dry up the moisture of dead camels, and that, without their undergoing decomposition their bodies long remain like mummies, unaltered and entirely free from offensive odor."
Edmann .

BEELIADA - B>@ - (the Lord knows); one of David’s 9 sons, born in Jerusalem. ( kjv@1Chronicles:14:7) In the lists in Samuel the name is ELIADA. (B.C. after 1045.)


BEELZEBUL - B>@ - (lord of the house), the title of a heathen deity, to whom the Jews ascribed the sovereignty of the evil spirits; Satan, the prince of the devils. kjv@Matthew:10:25 kjv@Matthew:12:24; kjv@Mark:3:22; kjv@Luke:11:15) ff. The correct reading is without doubt Beelzebul , and not Beelzebub .

BEER - B>@ - (a well). One of the latest halting-places of the Israelites, lying beyond the Arnon. kjv@Numbers:21:16-18) This is possibly the BEER

- ELIM of kjv@Isaiah:15:8) A place to which Jotham, the son of Gideon, fled for fear of his brother Abimelech. kjv@Judges:9:21)

BEERA - B>@ - (a well), son of Zophah, of the tribe of Asher. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:37) (B.C. after 1450.)

BEERAH - B>@ - prince of the Reubenites, carried away by Tiglath-pileser. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:6) (B.C. 738).

BEERELIM - B>@ - (well of heroes), a spot named in kjv@Isaiah:15:8) as on the "border of Moab." kjv@Numbers:21:16) comp. Numb 21:13

BEERI - B>@ - The father of Judith, one of the wives of Esau. kjv@Genesis:26:34) ANAH (B.C. 1797.) Father of the prophet Hosea. kjv@Hosea:1:1) (B.C. before 725.)

BEERLAHAIROI - B>@ - (a well of the living), a living spring, Authorized Version, fountain, comp. kjv@Jeremiah:6:7) between Kadesh and Bered, in the wilderness. kjv@Genesis:24:62)

BEEROTH - B>@ - (wells), one of the four cities of the Hivites who deluded Joshua into a treaty of peace with them. kjv@Joshua:9:17) It is now el
- Bireh , which stands about 10 miles north of Jerusalem.

BEEROTH OF THE CHILDREN OF JAAKAN - B>@ - the wells of the tribe of Bene
- Jaakan, which formed one of the halting-places of the Israelites in the desert. (10:6) In kjv@Numbers:33:31) the name is given as BENE

- JAAKAN only.

BEERSHEBA, OR BEERSHEBA - B>@ - (well of the oath), the name of one of the old places in Palestine which formed the southern limit of the country. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given to Judah, kjv@Joshua:15:28) and then to Simeon, kjv@Joshua:19:2; kjv@1Chronicles:4:28) In the often-quoted "from Dan even unto Beersheba," kjv@Judges:20:1) it represents the southern boundary of Canaan, as Dan the northern. In the time of Jerome it was still a considerable place, and still retains its ancient name
Bir es
- Seba . There are at present on the spot two principal wells and five smaller ones. The two principal wells are on or close to the northern bank of the Wady es
- Seba . The larger of the two, which lies to the east, is, according to Dr. Robinson, 12 1/2 feet in diameter, and at the time of his visit (April 12) was 44 1/2 feet to the surface of the water. The masonry which encloses the well extends downward 28 1/2 feet. The other well Isaiah:5 feet in diameter, and was 42 feet to the water. The curb-stones around the mouth of both wells are worn into deep grooves by the action of the ropes of so many centures. These wells are in constant use today. The five lesser wells are in a group in the bed of the wady. On some low hills north of the large wells are scattered the foundations and ruins of a town of moderate size.

BEESHTERAH - B>@ - (house of Ashterah), one of the two cities allotted to the sons of Gershon out of the tribe of Manasseh beyond Jordan. kjv@Joshua:21:27) Probably identical with Ashtaroth. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:71)


BEEVES - B>@ - Same as cattle. kjv@Leviticus:22:19)


Bee @ First mentioned in kjv@Deuteronomy:1:44. Swarms of bees, and the danger of their attacks, are mentioned in kjv@Psalms:118:12. Samson found a "swarm of bees" in the carcass of a lion he had slain kjv@Judges:14:8). Wild bees are described as laying up honey in woods and in clefts of rocks kjv@Deuteronomy:32:13; kjv@Psalms:81:16). In kjv@Isaiah:7:18 the "fly" and the "bee" are personifications of the Egyptians and Assyrians, the inveterate enemies of Israel.

Beelzebub @ (Gr. form Beel'zebul), the name given to Satan, and found only in the New Testament kjv@Matthew:10:25 kjv@Matthew:12:24 kjv@Matthew:12:27; kjv@Mark:3:22). It is probably the same as Baalzebub (q.v.), the god of Ekron, meaning "the lord of flies," or, as others think, "the lord of dung," or "the dung-god."

Beer @ well.

(1.) A place where a well was dug by the direction of Moses, at the forty-fourth station of the Hebrews in their wanderings kjv@Numbers:21:16-18) in the wilderness of Moab. (

(2.) A town in the tribe of Judah to which Jotham fled for fear of Abimelech kjv@Judges:9:21). Some have identified this place with Beeroth.

Beer-elim @ well of heroes, probably the name given to Beer, the place where the chiefs of Israel dug a well kjv@Numbers:21:16; kjv@Isaiah:15:8).

Beer-lahai-roi @ i.e., "the well of him that liveth and seeth me," or, as some render it, "the well of the vision of life", the well where the Lord met with Hagar kjv@Genesis:16:7-14). Isaac dwelt beside this well (24:62; 25:11). It has been identified with 'Ain Muweileh, or Moilahhi, south-west of Beersheba, and about 12 miles W. from Kadesh-barnea.

Beeri @ illustrious, or the well-man.

(1.) The father of Judith, one of the wives of Esau kjv@Genesis:26:34), the same as Adah kjv@Genesis:36:2).

(2.) The father of the prophet Hosea (1:1).

Beeroth @ wells, one of the four cities of the Hivites which entered by fraud into a league with Joshua. It belonged to Benjamin kjv@Joshua:18:25). It has by some been identified with el
- Bireh on the way to Nablus, 10 miles north of Jerusalem.

Beeroth of the children of Jaakan @ kjv@Deuteronomy:10:6). The same as Bene-jaakan kjv@Numbers:33:31).

Beersheba @ well of the oath, or well of seven, a well dug by Abraham, and so named because he and Abimelech here entered into a compact kjv@Genesis:21:31). On re-opening it, Isaac gave it the same name kjv@Genesis:26:31-33). It was a favourite place of abode of both of these patriarchs (21:33-22:1,19; 26:33; 28:10). It is mentioned among the "cities" given to the tribe of Simeon kjv@Joshua:19:2; kjv@1Chronicles:4:28). From Dan to Beersheba, a distance of about 144 miles kjv@Judges:20:1; kjv@1Chronicles:21:2; kjv@2Samuel:24:2), became the usual way of designating the whole Promised Land, and passed into a proverb. After the return from the Captivity the phrase is narrowed into "from Beersheba unto the valley of Hinnom" kjv@Nehemiah:11:30). The kingdom of the ten tribes extended from Beersheba to Mount Ephraim ( kjv@2Chronicals:19:4). The name is not found in the New Testament. It is still called by the Arabs Bir es
- Seba, i.e., "well of the seven", where there are to the present day two principal wells and five smaller ones. It is nearly midway between the southern end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.

Beetle @ (Heb. hargol, meaning "leaper"). Mention of it is made only in kjv@Leviticus:11:22, where it is obvious the word cannot mean properly the beetle. It denotes some winged creeper with at least four feet, "which has legs above its feet, to leap withal." The description plainly points to the locust (q.v.). This has been an article of food from the earliest times in the East to the present day. The word is rendered "cricket" in the Revised Version.

Beeves @ (an old English plural of the word beef), a name applicable to all ruminating animals except camels, and especially to the Bovidce, or horned cattle kjv@Leviticus:22:19-21; kjv@Numbers:31:28-30, 33, 38, 44).





- In Palestine kjv@Deuteronomy:1:44; kjv@Judges:14:8; kjv@Psalms:118:12; kjv@Isaiah:7:18
- Called by hissing kjv@Isaiah:7:18

- Son of David kjv@1Chronicles:14:7
- Called ELIADA kjv@2Samuel:5:16; kjv@1Chronicles:3:8

- The prince of devils kjv@Matthew:10:25; kjv@Matthew:12:24 kjv@Matthew:12:27 kjv@Luke:11:15 kjv@Luke:11:Mark:3:22; 18, 19
- Messengers sent to inquire of, by Ahaziah kjv@2Kings:1:2



-1. A station of the Israelites kjv@Numbers:21:16-18

-2. A town in the territory of the tribe of Judah kjv@Judges:9:21

- Son of Zophah kjv@1Chronicles:7:37

- A Reubenite kjv@1Chronicles:5:6


- ELIM @
- A city of Moab kjv@Isaiah:15:8


-1. A Hittite kjv@Genesis:26:34 .

-2. Father of Hosea kjv@Hosea:1:1



- ROI @
- Also called LAHAI

- ROI, a well kjv@Genesis:16:14; kjv@Genesis:24:62; kjv@Genesis:25:11


-1. A station of the Israelites. Aaron died at kjv@Deuteronomy:10:6 .


-2. A city of the Hivites kjv@Joshua:9:17; kjv@Joshua:18:25; kjv@2Samuel:4:2; kjv@Ezra:2:25; kjv@Nehemiah:7:29



-1. The most southern city of Palestine kjv@Judges:20:1 .Named by Abraham, who lived there kjv@Genesis:21:31-33; kjv@Genesis:22:19 .The place where Isaac lived kjv@Genesis:26:23 .Jacob went out from, toward Haran kjv@Genesis:28:10 .Sacrifices offered at, by Jacob; when journeying to Egypt kjv@Genesis:46:1 .In the inheritance of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:20 kjv@Joshua:15:28 kjv@2Samuel:24:7 .Afterward assigned to Simeon kjv@Joshua:19:2 kjv@Joshua:19:9 kjv@1Chronicles:4:28 .Two sons of Samuel were judges at kjv@1Samuel:8:2 .Became a seat of idolatrous worship kjv@Amos:5:5; kjv@Amos:8:14

-2. The well of, belonged to Abraham and Isaac kjv@Genesis:21:25-26

-3. Wilderness of, Hagar miraculously sees a well in kjv@Genesis:21:14-19 .An angel fed Elijah in kjv@1Kings:19:5-7


- A Levitical city kjv@Joshua:21:27
- Called ASHTAROTH kjv@1Chronicles:6:71

- Authorized as food kjv@Leviticus:11:22


kjv@STRING:Adbeel <HITCHCOCK>@ vapor, or cloud of God - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Baalath-beer <HITCHCOCK>@ subjected pit - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beeliada <HITCHCOCK>@ an open idol - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beelzebub <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Baalzebub - HITCHCOCK-B


kjv@STRING:Beera <HITCHCOCK>@ a well; declaring - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beerelim <HITCHCOCK>@ the well of Elim, or of rains - HITCHCOCK-B


kjv@STRING:Beer-lahai-roi <HITCHCOCK>@ the well of him that liveth and seeth me - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beeroth <HITCHCOCK>@ wells; explaining - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beersheba <HITCHCOCK>@ the well of an oath; the seventh well - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Dabareh <HITCHCOCK>@ the word; the thing; a bee; obedient - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Deborah <HITCHCOCK>@ word; thing; a bee - HITCHCOCK-D


BEELZEBUB @ prince of devils- kjv@Matthew:10:25; kjv@Matthew:12:27; kjv@Mark:3:22; kjv@Luke:11:15


- SHEBA @ a city on the southern frontier of Palestine- kjv@Genesis:21:31; kjv@Genesis:22:19; kjv@Genesis:26:33; kjv@Genesis:28:10; kjv@Genesis:46:1; kjv@Joshua:15:28; kjv@Judges:20:1 kjv@1Samuel:8:2; kjv@2Chronicles:19:4; kjv@2Chronicles:30:5; kjv@Amos:5:5


H24 <STRHEB>@ אביב 'âbîyb aw-beeb' From an unused root (meaning to be tender); {green} that is a young ear of grain; hence the name of the month Abib or Nisan: - {Abib} {ear} green ears of corn.

H46 <STRHEB>@ אביר 'âbîyr aw-beer' From H82; mighty (spoken of God): - mighty (one).

H47 <STRHEB>@ אבּיר 'abbîyr ab-beer' For H46: - {angel} {bull} {chiefest} mighty ({one}) stout {[-hearted]} strong ({one}) valiant.

H1001 <STRHEB>@ בּירא bîyrâ' bee-raw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1002; a palace: - palace.

H1002 <STRHEB>@ בּירה bîyrâh bee-raw' Of foreign origin; a castle or palace: - palace.

H1003 <STRHEB>@ בּירנית bîyrânîyth bee-raw-neeth' From H1002; a fortress: - castle.

H1055 <STRHEB>@ בּיתן bîythân bee-thawn' Probably from H1004; a palace (that {is} large house): - palace.

H1182 <STRHEB>@ בּעלידע beelyâdâ‛ beh-el-yaw-daw' From H1168 and H3045; Baal has known; {Beeljada} an Israelite: - Beeliada.

H1192 <STRHEB>@ בּעלת בּאר ba‛ălath ber bah-al-ath' beh-ayr' From H1172 and H875; mistress of a well; Baalath {Beer} a place in Palestine: - Baalath-beer.

H1203 <STRHEB>@ בּעשׁתּרה beeshterâh beh-esh-ter-aw' From H6251 (as singular of H6252) with prepositional prefix; with Ashtoreth; {Beeshterah} a place East of the Jordan: - Beeshterah.

H1241 <STRHEB>@ בּקר bâqâr baw-kawr' From H1239; a beeve or animal of the ox kind of either gender (as used for ploughing); collectively a herd: - {beeve} bull (+ {-ock}) + {calf} + {cow} great {[cattle]} + {heifer} {herd} {kine} ox.

H1269 <STRHEB>@ בּרזותo birzôth beer-zoth' Probably feminine plural from an unused root (apparently meaning to pierce); holes; {Birzoth} an Israelite: - Birzavith [from the margin].

H1279 <STRHEB>@ בּריה biryâh beer-yaw' Feminine from H1262; food: - meat.

H1284 <STRHEB>@ בּריעי berîy‛îy ber-ee-ee' Patronymic from H1283; a Beriite (collectively) or descendant of Beriah: - Beerites.

H1306 <STRHEB>@ בּרשׁע birshabeer-shah' Probably from H7562 with prepositional prefix; with wickedness; {Birsha} a king of Gomorrah: - Birsha.

H1337 <STRHEB>@ בּת רבּים bath rabbîym bath rab-beem' From H1323 and a masculine plural from H7227; the daughter (that {is} city) of Rabbah: - Bath-rabbim.

H1374 <STRHEB>@ גּבים gêbîym gay-beem' Plural of H1356; cisterns; {Gebim} a place in Palestine: - Gebim.

H1378 <STRHEB>@ גּבישׁ gâbîysh gaw-beesh' From an unused root (probably meaning to freeze); crystal (from its resemblance to ice): - pearl.

H1682 <STRHEB>@ דּברה דּבורה debôrâh debôrâh {deb-o-raw'} deb-o-raw' From H1696 (in the sense of orderly motion); the bee (from its systematic instincts): - bee.

H110 <STRHEB>@ אדבּאל 'adbel ad-beh-ale' Probably from H109 (in the sense of chastisement) and H410; disciplined of God; {Adbeel} a son of Ishmael: - Adbeel.

H179 <STRHEB>@ אוביל 'ôbîyl o-beel' Probably from H56; mournful; {Obil} an Ishmaelite: - Obil.

H2029 <STRHEB>@ הרה hârâh haw-raw' A primitive root; to be (or become) {pregnant} conceive (literally of figuratively): - {been} be with {child} {conceive} progenitor.

H2728 <STRHEB>@ חרגּל chârgôl khar-gole' From H2727; the leaping {insect} that {is} a locust: - beetle.

H2764 <STRHEB>@ חרם חרם chêrem cherem {khay'-rem} kheh'-rem From H2763; physically (as shutting in) a net (either literally or figuratively); usually a doomed object; abstractly extermination: - (ac-)curse ({-d} -d {thing}) dedicated {thing} things which should have been utterly {destroyed} (appointed to) utter {destruction} devoted ({thing}) net.

H2870 <STRHEB>@ טבאל ţâbl taw-beh-ale' From H2895 and H410; pleasing (to) God; {Tabeel} the name of a Syrian and of a Persian: - {Tabeal} Tabeel.

H2900 <STRHEB>@ טוביּהוּ טוביּה ţôbîyâh ţôbîyâhû {to-bee-yaw'} to-bee-yaw'-hoo From H2896 and H3050; goodness of Jehovah; {Tobijah} the name of three Israelites and of one Samaritan: - {Tobiah} Tobijah.

H3432 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבי yâshûbîy yaw-shoo-bee' Patronymic from H3437; a {Jashubite} or descendant of Jashub: - Jashubites.

H3433 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבי לחם ישׁבי לחם yâshûbîy lechem yôshebêy lechem {yaw-shoo'-bee} yo-sheh-bay' (leh'-khem) Shown as the first form; from H7725 and H3899; returner of bread; {Jashubi-Lechem} an Israelite; but probably the text should be pointed (as in the second form) and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} that {is} of Bethlehem (by contraction): - Jashubi-lehem. [Probably the text should be pointed Yoshebey {Lechem} yo-sheh-bay {leh-khem} and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} That is6of Bethlehem (by contraction). Compare H3902.]

H3524 <STRHEB>@ כּבּיר kabbîyr kab-beer' From H3727; {vast} whether in extent (figuratively of {power} mighty; of {time} {aged}) or in {number} many: - + {feeble} {mighty} {most} {much} {strong} valiant.

H3579 <STRHEB>@ כּזבּי kozbîy koz-bee' From H3576; false; {Cozbi} a Midianitess: - Cozbi.

H3614 <STRHEB>@ כּלבי כּלבּוo kâlibbô kâlêbîy {kaw-lib-bo'} kaw-lay-bee' The first form is probably by erroneous transcription for the second form; patronymic from H3612; a Calebite or descendant of Caleb: - of the house of Caleb.

H3810 <STRHEB>@ לדבר לדבר לו דבר לא דבר lô' debar lô debar lidbir lôdebar (1,2) lo {deb-ar'} {lid-beer'} lo-deb-ar' From H3808 and H1699; pastureless; lo {Debar} a place in Palestine: - {Debir} Lo-debar.

H3833 <STRHEB>@ לבאות לבאים לביּא לביא lâbîy' lebîyâ' lebâ'îym lebâ'ôth law-bee' leb-ee-yaw' leb-aw-eem' (-oth') From an unused root meaning to roar; a lion (properly a lioness as the fiercer (although not a roarer; compare H738)): - ({great} {old} stout) {lion} {lioness} young [lion].

H3834 <STRHEB>@ לבבה לביבה lâbîybâh lebibâh {law-bee-baw'} leb-ee-baw' From H3823 in its original sense of fatness (or perhaps of folding); a cake (either as fried or turned): - cake.

H3853 <STRHEB>@ להבים lehâbîym leh-haw-beem' Plural of H3851; flames; {Lehabim} a son of {Mizrain} and his descendents: - Lehabim.

H3864 <STRHEB>@ לבּי לוּבי lûbîy lûbbîy {loo-bee'} loob-bee' Patrial from a name probably derived from an unused root meaning to {thirst} that {is} a dry region; apparently a Libyan or inhabitant of interior Africa (only in plural): - Lubim ({-s}) Libyans.

H4019 <STRHEB>@ מגבּישׁ magbîysh mag-beesh' From the same as H1378; stiffening; {Magbish} an {Israelite} or a place in Palestine: - Magbish.

H4036 <STRHEB>@ מגור מסּביב mâgôr missâbîyb maw-gore' mis-saw-beeb' From H4032 and H5439 with the preposition inserted; affright from around; {Magor-mis-Sabib} a symbolical name of Pashur: - Magor-missabib.

H4105 <STRHEB>@ מהיטבאל mehêyţabl meh-hay-tab-ale' From H3190 (augmented) and H410; bettered of God; {Mehetabel} the name of an Edomitish man and woman: - {Mehetabeel} Mehetabel.

H4125 <STRHEB>@ מואבית מואביּה מואבי mô'âbîy mô'âbîyâh mô'âbîyth {mo-aw-bee'} {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} mo-aw-beeth' Patronymic from H4124; a Moabite or {Moabitess} that {is} a descendant from Moab: - (woman) of {Moab} Moabite ({-ish} -ss).

H4342 <STRHEB>@ מכבּיר makbîyr mak-beer' Transitive participle of H3527; plenty: - abundance.

H4524 <STRHEB>@ מסבּות מסבּים מסב mêsab mesibbîym mesibbôth {may-sab'} {mes-ib-beem'} mes-ib-bohth' From H5437; a divan (as enclosing the room); abstractly (adverbially) around: - that compass {about} (place) round {about} at table.

H4610 <STRHEB>@ מעלה עקרבּים ma‛ălêhaqrabbîym mah-al-ay' ak-rab-beem' From H4608 and (the plural of) H6137; Steep of {Scorpions} a place in the Desert: - {Maaleh-accrabim} the ascent (going up) of Akrabbim.

H4768 <STRHEB>@ מרבּית marbîyth mar-beeth' From H7235; a multitude; also offspring; specifically interest (on capital): - greatest {part} {greatness} {increase} multitude.

H4806 <STRHEB>@ מריא merîy' mer-ee' From H4754 in the sense of {grossness} through the idea of domineering (compare H4756); stall fed; often (as noun) a beeve: - fat (fed) beast ({cattle} -ling).

H4898 <STRHEB>@ משׁיזבאל meshêyzabl mesh-ay-zab-ale' From an equivalent to H7804 and H410; delivered of God; {Meshezabel} an Israelite: - Meshezabeel.

H417 <STRHEB>@ אלגּבישׁ 'elgâbîysh el-gaw-beesh' From H410 and H1378; hail (as if a great pearl): - great hail [-stones].

H5030 <STRHEB>@ נביא nâbîy' naw-bee' From H5012; a prophet or (generally) inspired man: - {prophecy} that {prophesy} prophet.

H5147 <STRHEB>@ נחבּי nachbîy nakh-bee' From H2247; occult; {Nachbi} an Israelite: - Nakbi.

H5439 <STRHEB>@ סביבה סביב sâbîyb sebîybâh {saw-beeb'} seb-ee-baw' From H5437; (as noun) a {circle} {neighbor} or environs; but chiefly (as {adverb} with or without preposition) around: - ({place} round) {about} {circuit} {compass} on every side.

H5908 <STRHEB>@ עכּבישׁ ‛akkâbîysh ak-kaw-beesh' Probably from an unused root in the literal sense of entangling; a spider (as weaving a network): - spider.

H6163 <STRHEB>@ ערבי ערבי ‛ărâbîyarbîy {ar-aw-bee'} ar-bee' Patrial from H6152; an Arabian or inhabitant of Arab (that {is} Arabia): - Arabian.

H6737 <STRHEB>@ ציר tsâyar tsaw-yar' A denominative from H6735 in the sense of ambassador; to make an {errand} that {is} betake oneself: - make as if . . . had been ambassador.

H6759 <STRHEB>@ צלמנּע tsalmûnnâ‛ tsal-moon-naw' From H6738 and H4513; shade has been denied; {Tsalmunna} a Midianite: - Zalmunna.

H6763 <STRHEB>@ צלעה צלע tsêlâ‛ tsal‛âh {tsay-law'} tsal-aw' From H6760; a rib (as {curved}) literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a {door} that {is} leaf); hence a {side} literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the {sky} that {is} quarter); arcitecturally a timber (especially floor or ceiling) or plank (single or {collectively} that {is} a flooring): - {beem} {board} {chamber} {corner} {leaf} {plank} {rib} side (chamber).

H7241 <STRHEB>@ רביב râbîyb raw-beeb' From H7231; a rain (as an accumulation of drops): - shower.

H7242 <STRHEB>@ רביד râbîyd raw-beed' From H7234; a collar (as spread around the neck): - chain.

H7245 <STRHEB>@ רבּית rabbîyth rab-beeth' From H7231; multitude; {Rabbith} a place in Palestine: - Rabbith.

H7629 <STRHEB>@ שׁבי shôbîy sho-bee' From H7617; captor; {Shobi} an Ammonite: - Shobi.

H7632 <STRHEB>@ שׁביב shâbîyb shaw-beeb' From the same as H7616; flame (as split into tongues): - spark.

H7635 <STRHEB>@ שׁביל shâbîyl shaw-beel' From the same as H7640; a track or passage way (as if flowing along): - path.

H7636 <STRHEB>@ שׁביס shâbîys shaw-beece' From an unused root meaning to interweave; a netting for the hair: - caul.

H701 <STRHEB>@ ארבּי 'arbîy ar-bee' Patrial from H694; an Arbite or native of Arab: - Arbite.

H8143 <STRHEB>@ שׁנהבּים shenhabbîym shen-hab-beem' From H8127 and the plural apparently of a foreign word; probably tooth of {elephants} that {is} ivory tusk: - ivory.

H8169 <STRHEB>@ שׁעלבּין שׁעלבים shaalbîym sha‛ălabbîyn {shah-al-beem'} shah-al-ab-been' Plural from H7776; fox holes; Shaalbim or {Shaalabbin} a place in Palestine: - {Shaalabbin} Shaalbim.

H8275 <STRHEB>@ שׁרביט sharbîyţ shar-beet' From H7626; a rod of empire: - sceptre.

H8512 <STRHEB>@ תּל אביב têlbîyb tale aw-beeb' From H8510 and H24; mound of green growth; {Tel-Abib} a place in Chaldaea: - Tel-abib.

H8636 <STRHEB>@ תּרבּית tarbîyth tar-beeth' From H7235; {multiplication} that {is} percentage or bonus in addition to principal: - {increase} unjust gain.

H8664 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁבּי tishbîy tish-bee' Patrial from an unused name meaning recourse; a Tishbite or inhabitant of Tishbeh (in Gilead): - Tishbite.

H876 <STRHEB>@ בּאר ber be-ayr' The same as H875; {Beer} a place in the {Desert} also one in Palestine: - Beer.

H878 <STRHEB>@ בּארא berâ' be-ay-raw' From H875; a well; {Beera} an Israelite: - Beera.

H879 <STRHEB>@ בּאר אלים berlîym be-ayr' ay-leem' From H875 and the plural of H410; well of heroes; {Beer-elim} a place in the Desert: - Beer-elim.

H880 <STRHEB>@ בּארה berâh be-ay-raw' The same as H878; {Berrah} an Israelite: - Beerah.

H881 <STRHEB>@ בּארות berôth be-ay-rohth' Feminine plural of H875; wells; {Beeroth} a place in Palestine: - Beeroth.

H882 <STRHEB>@ בּארי berîy be-ay-ree' From H875; fountained; {Beeri} the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite: - Beeri.

H883 <STRHEB>@ בּאר לחי ראי ber lachay rô'îy be-ayr' lakh-ah'ee ro-ee' From H875 and H2416 (with prefix) and H7208; well of a living (One) my Seer; {Beer-lachai-roi} a place in the Desert: - Beer-lahai-roi.

H884 <STRHEB>@ בּאר שׁבע ber shebabe-ayr' sheh'-bah From H875 and H7651 (in the sense of H7650); well of an oath; Beer {Sheba} a place in Palestine: - Beer-shebah.

H885 <STRHEB>@ בּארת בּני־יעקן berôth benêy-ya‛ăqan be-ay-roth' be-nay' yah-a-can' From the feminine plural of {H875} and the plural contraction of {H1121} and H3292; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan; Beeroth {Bene-Jaakan} a place in the Desert: - Beeroth of the children of Jaakan.

H886 <STRHEB>@ בּארתי berôthîy be-ay-ro-thee' Patrial from H881; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth: - Beerothite.

H994 <STRHEB>@ בּי bîy bee Perhaps from H1158 (in the sense of asking); properly a request; used only adverbially (always with my Lord); Oh that!; with {leave} or if it please: - {alas} {O} oh.

H998 <STRHEB>@ בּינה bîynâh bee-naw' From H995; understanding: - {knowledge} {meaning} X {perfectly} {understanding} wisdom.

H999 <STRHEB>@ בּינה bîynâh bee-naw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H998: - knowledge.

G1016 <STRGRK>@ βοῦς bous booce Probably from the base of G1006; an ox (as grazing) that is an animal of that species (beef): - ox.

G1322 <STRGRK>@ διδαχή didachē did-akh-ay' From G1321; instruction (the act or the matter): - doctrine hath been taught.

G1510 <STRGRK>@ εἰμί eimi i-mee' First person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist (used only when emphatic): - am have been X it is I was. See also G1488 G1498 G1511 G1527 G2258 G2071 G2070 G2075 G2076 G2771 G2468 G5600.

G1913 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιβιβάζω epibibazō ep-ee-bee-bad'-zo From G1909 and a reduplicated derivation of the base of G939 (compare G307); to cause to mount (an animal): - set on.

G2075 <STRGRK>@ ἐστέ este es-teh' Second person plural present indicative of G1510; ye are: - be have been belong.

G3193 <STRGRK>@ μελίσσιος melissios mel-is'-see-os From G3192; relating to honey that is bee (comb): - honeycomb.

G4461 <STRGRK>@ ῥαββί rhabbi hrab-bee' Of Hebrew origin [H7227] with pronominal suffix; my master that is Rabbi as an official title of honor: - Master Rabbi.

G5502 <STRGRK>@ χερουβίμ cheroubim kher-oo-beem' Plural of Hebrew origin [H3742]; cherubim (that is cherubs or kerubim): - cherubims.

G5613 <STRGRK>@ ὡς hōs hoce Probably adverb of compound from G3739; which how that is in that manner (very variously used as shown): - about after (that) (according) as (it had been it were) as soon (as) even as (like) for how (greatly) like (as unto) since so (that) that to wit unto when ([-soever]) while X with all speed.

G5616 <STRGRK>@ ὡσεί hōsei ho-si' From G5613 and G1487; as if: - about as (it had been it were) like (as).

G954 <STRGRK>@ Βεελζεβούλ Beelzeboul beh-el-zeb-ool' Of Chaldee origin (by parody upon [H1176]); dung god; Beelzebul a name of Satan: - Beelzebub.

G970 <STRGRK>@ βία bia bee'-ah Probably akin to G979 (through the idea of vital activity); force: - violence.

G971 <STRGRK>@ βιάζω biazō bee-ad'-zo From G970; to force that is (reflexively) to crowd oneself (into) or (passively) to be seized: - press suffer violence.

G972 <STRGRK>@ βίαιος biaios bee'-ah-yos From G970; violent: - mighty.

G973 <STRGRK>@ βιαστής biastēs bee-as-tace' From G971; a forcer that is (figuratively) energetic: - violent.

G978 <STRGRK>@ Βιθυνία Bithunia bee-thoo-nee'-ah Of uncertain derivation; Bithynia a region of Asia: - Bithynia.

G979 <STRGRK>@ βίος bios bee'-os A primary word; life that is (literally) the present state of existence; by implication the means of livelihood: - good life living.

G980 <STRGRK>@ βιόω bioō bee-o'-o From G979; to spend existence: - live.

G981 <STRGRK>@ Βίωσις Biōsis bee'-o-sis From G980; living (properly the act by implication the mode): - manner of life

G982 <STRGRK>@ βιωτικός biōtikos bee-o-tee-kos' From a derivative of G980; relating to the present existence: - of (pertaining to things that pertain to) this life.