
Dict: all - cai


CAIAPHAS @ high priest in the time of Christ- kjv@Matthew:26:3; kjv@Luke:3:2; kjv@John:11:49; kjv@John:18:14; kjv@Acts:4:6

CAIN @ son of Adam

(1) General References to- kjv@Genesis:4:2,16; kjv@Hebrews:11:4; kjv@1John:3:12; kjv@Jude:1:11

(2) Facts Concerning Brought an Offering- kjv@Genesis:4:3 Jealous- kjv@Genesis:4:5 Hardened under Divine reproof- kjv@Genesis:4:6,7 The first murderer- kjv@Genesis:4:8 Irreverent and selfish- kjv@Genesis:4:9 Lost the Divine favour- Genesis:4:14-16


CAIAPHAS, OR CAIAPHAS - C>@ - (depression), in full JOSEPH CAIAPHAS, high priest of the Jews under Tiberius. kjv@Matthew:26:3-57; kjv@John:11:49 kjv@John:18:13-14 kjv@John:18:24,28; kjv@Acts:4:6) The procurator Valerius Gratus appointed him to the dignity, He was son-in-law of Annas. ANNAS

CAIN - C>@ - (possession). kjv@Genesis:4. He was the eldest son of Adam and Eve; he followed the business of agriculture. In a fit of jealousy, roused by the rejection of his own sacrifice and the acceptance of Abel’s, he committed the crime of murder, for which he was expelled from Eden, and led the life of an exile. He settled in the land of Nod, and built a city, which he named after his son Enoch. His descendants are enumerated together with the inventions for which they were remarkable. (B.C. 4000.)

CAIN - C>@ - one of the cities in the low country of Judah, named with Zanoah and Gibeah. kjv@Joshua:15:57)

CAINAN - C>@ - (possessor) Son of Enos, aged 70 years when he begat Mahalaleel his son. He lived 840 years afterwards, and died aged 910. kjv@Genesis:6:9-14) Son of Arphaxad, and father of Sala, according to kjv@Luke:3:36-37) and usually called the second Cainan. The is nowhere named in the Hebrew MSS. It seems certain that his name was introduced into the genealogies of the Greek Old Testament in order to bring them into harmony with the genealogy of Christ in St. Luke’s Gospel.


Caiaphas @ the Jewish high priest (A.D. 27-36) at the beginning of our Lord's public ministry, in the reign of Tiberius kjv@Luke:3:2), and also at the time of his condemnation and crucifixion kjv@Matthew:26:3-57; kjv@John:11:49 kjv@John:18:13-14). He held this office during the whole of Pilate's administration. His wife was the daughter of Annas, who had formerly been high priest, and was probably the vicar or deputy (Heb. sagan) of Caiaphas. He was of the sect of the Sadducees kjv@Acts:5:17), and was a member of the council when he gave his opinion that Jesus should be put to death "for the people, and that the whole nation perish not" kjv@John:11:50). In these words he unconsciously uttered a prophecy. "Like Saul, he was a prophet in spite of himself." Caiaphas had no power to inflict the punishment of death, and therefore Jesus was sent to Pilate, the Roman governor, that he might duly pronounce the sentence against him kjv@Matthew:27:2; kjv@John:18:28). At a later period his hostility to the gospel is still manifest kjv@Acts:4:6). (

Cain @ a possession; a spear.

(1.) The first-born son of Adam and Eve Genesis:4). He became a tiller of the ground, as his brother Abel followed the pursuits of pastoral life. He was "a sullen, self-willed, haughty, vindictive man; wanting the religious element in his character, and defiant even in his attitude towards God." It came to pass "in process of time" (marg. "at the end of days"), i.e., probably on the Sabbath, that the two brothers presented their offerings to the Lord. Abel's offering was of the "firstlings of his flock and of the fat," while Cain's was "of the fruit of the ground." Abel's sacrifice was "more excellent" kjv@Hebrews:11:4) than Cain's, and was accepted by God. On this account Cain was "very wroth," and cherished feelings of murderous hatred against his brother, and was at length guilty of the desperate outrage of putting him to death ( kjv@1John:3:12). For this crime he was expelled from Eden, and henceforth led the life of an exile, bearing upon him some mark which God had set upon him in answer to his own cry for mercy, so that thereby he might be protected from the wrath of his fellow-men; or it may be that God only gave him some sign to assure him that he would not be slain kjv@Genesis:4:15). Doomed to be a wanderer and a fugitive in the earth, he went forth into the "land of Nod", i.e., the land of "exile", which is said to have been in the "east of Eden," and there he built a city, the first we read of, and called it after his son's name, Enoch. His descendants are enumerated to the sixth generation. They gradually degenerated in their moral and spiritual condition till they became wholly corrupt before God. This corruption prevailed, and at length the Deluge was sent by God to prevent the final triumph of evil. (
See ABEL.)

(2.) A town of the Kenites, a branch of the Midianites kjv@Joshua:15:57), on the east edge of the mountain above Engedi; probably the "nest in a rock" mentioned by Balaam kjv@Numbers:24:21). It is identified with the modern Yekin, 3 miles south-east of Hebron.

Cainan @ possession; smith.

(1.) The fourth antediluvian patriarch, the eldest son of Enos. He was 70 years old at the birth of his eldest son Mahalaleel, after which he lived 840 years kjv@Genesis:5:9-14), and was 910 years old when he died. He is also called Kenan ( kjv@1Chronicles:1:2).

(2.) The son of Arphaxad kjv@Luke:3:36). He is nowhere named in the Old Testament. He is usually called the "second Cainan."





- High priest kjv@Luke:3:2
- Son-in-law of Annas kjv@John:18:13
- Prophesies concerning Jesus kjv@John:11:49-51; kjv@John:18:14
- Jesus tried before kjv@Matthew:26:2-3 kjv@Matthew:26:57 kjv@Matthew:26:63-65; kjv@John:18:24 kjv@John:18:28
- Peter and other disciples accused before kjv@Acts:4:1-22


-1. Son of Adam kjv@Genesis:4:1 .Jealousy and crime of kjv@Genesis:4:3-15; kjv@Hebrews:11:4; kjv@1John:3:12; kjv@Jude:1:11 .Sojourns in the land of Nod kjv@Genesis:4:16 .Children and descendants of kjv@Genesis:4:17-18

-2. A city of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:57


-1. Also called KENAN .Son of Enos kjv@Genesis:5:9-15; kjv@1Chronicles:1:2; kjv@Luke:3:37

-2. Son of Arphaxad kjv@Luke:3:36


kjv@STRING:Caiphas <HITCHCOCK>@ he that seeks with diligence; one that vomiteth - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Cain <HITCHCOCK>@ possession, or possessed - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Cainan <HITCHCOCK>@ possessor; purchaser - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Micaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ who is like to God-M? - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Micha <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Micaiah - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mordecai <HITCHCOCK>@ contrition; bitter; bruising - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Tubal-cain <HITCHCOCK>@ worldly possession; possessed of confusion - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Zaccai <HITCHCOCK>@ pure meat; just - HITCHCOCK-Z


CAIAPHAS @ high priest in the time of Christ- kjv@Matthew:26:3; kjv@Luke:3:2; kjv@John:11:49; kjv@John:18:14; kjv@Acts:4:6

CAIN @ son of Adam

(1) General References to- kjv@Genesis:4:2,16; kjv@Hebrews:11:4; kjv@1John:3:12; kjv@Jude:1:11

(2) Facts Concerning Brought an Offering- kjv@Genesis:4:3 Jealous- kjv@Genesis:4:5 Hardened under Divine reproof- kjv@Genesis:4:6,7 The first murderer- kjv@Genesis:4:8 Irreverent and selfish- kjv@Genesis:4:9 Lost the Divine favour- Genesis:4:14-16


H1567 <STRHEB>@ גּלעד galyêd gal-ade' From H1530 and H5707; heap of testimony; {Galed} a memorial cairn East of the Jordan: - Galeed.

H2079 <STRHEB>@ זבּי zabbay zab-bah'ee Probably by orthography error for H2140; Zabbai (or {Zaccai}) an Israelite: - Zabbai.

H2140 <STRHEB>@ זכּי zakkay zak-kah'ee From H2141; pure; {Zakkai} an Israelite: - Zaccai.

H3026 <STRHEB>@ יגר שׂהדוּתא yegar ώahădûthâ' yegar' sah-had-oo-thaw' (Chaldee); from a word derived from an unused root (meaning to gather) and a derivative of a root corresponding to H7717; heap of the testimony; {Jegar-Sahadutha} a cairn East of the Jordan: - Jegar-Sahadutha.

H4318 <STRHEB>@ מיכה mîykâh mee-kaw' An abbreviation of H4320; {Micah} the name of seven Israelites: - {Micah} {Micaiah} Michah.

H4319 <STRHEB>@ מיכהוּo mîykâhû me-kaw'-hoo A contraction for H4321; {Mikehu} an Israelitish prophet: - Micaiah ().

H4321 <STRHEB>@ מכיהוּ מיכיהוּ mîykâyehû mikâyehû {me-kaw-yeh-hoo'} me-kaw-yeh-hoo' Abbreviated for H4322; {Mikajah} the name of three Israelites: - {Micah} {Micaiah} Michaiah.

H4782 <STRHEB>@ מרדּכּי mordekay mor-dek-ah'ee Of foreign derivation; {Mordecai} an Israelite: - Mordecai.

H5113 <STRHEB>@ נוד nôd node The same as H5112; vagrancy; {Nod} the land of Cain: - Nod.

H5444 <STRHEB>@ סבּכי sibbekay sib-bek-ah'ee From H5440; copse like; {Sibbecai} an Israelite: - {Sibbecai} Sibbechai.

H7014 <STRHEB>@ קין qayin kah'-yin The same as H7013 (with a play upon the affinity to H7069); {Kajin} the name of the first {child} also of a place in {Palestine} and of an Oriental tribe: - {Cain} Kenite (-s).

H7018 <STRHEB>@ קינן qêynân kay-nawn' From the same as H7064; fixed; {Kenan} an antediluvian: - {Cainan} Kenan.

H8423 <STRHEB>@ תּוּבל קין tûbal qayin too-bal' kah'-yin Apparently from H2986 (compare H2981) and H7014; offspring of Cain; Tubal {Kajin} an antediluvian patriarch: - Tubal-cain.

G1050 <STRGRK>@ Γάΐος Gaios gah'-ee-os Of Latin origin; Gaius (that is Caius) a Christian: - Gaius.

G2533 <STRGRK>@ Καΐάφας Kaiaphas kah-ee-af'-as Of Chaldee origin; the dell; Caiaphas (that is Cajepha) an Israelite: - Caiaphas.

G2535 <STRGRK>@ Κάΐν Kain kah'-in Of Hebrew origin [H7014]; Cain (that is Cajin) the son of Adam: - Cain.

G2536 <STRGRK>@ Καΐνάν Kainan Kah-ee-nan' Of Hebrew origin [H7018]; Cainan (that is Kenan) the name of two patriarchs: - Cainan.