
Dict: hitchcock - da


kjv@STRING:Abda @ a servant; servitude - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abidah @ father of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abidan @ father of judgment - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abinadab @ father of a vow, or of willingness - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aceldama @ field of blood - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adadah @ testimony of the assembly - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adah @ an assembly - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adaiah @ the witness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adaliah @ one that draws water; poverty; cloud; death - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adam @ earthy; red - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adamah @ red earth; of blood - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adami @ my man; red; earthy; human - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adar @ high; eminent - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Addon @ basis; foundation; the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahihud @ brother of vanity, or of darkness, or of joy, or of praise; @ witty brother - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahinadab @ a willing brother; brother of a vow - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Almodad @ measure of God - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aminadab @ same as Amminadab - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ammi-nadab @ my people is liberal - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ammishaddai @ the people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with me - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Asnapper @ unhappiness; increase of danger - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ataroth-addar @ crowns of power - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Baladan @ one without judgment - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bathsheba @ the seventh daughter; the daughter of satiety - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bedad @ alone; solitary - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bedan @ according to judgment - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Beeliada @ an open idol - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Benhadad @ son of Hadad, or noise - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Berodach-baladan @ the son of death - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Beth-dagon @ the house of corn, or of fish - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bethesda @ house of pity or mercy - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bethsaida @ house of fruits, or of food, or of snares - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bildad @ old friendship - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bithiah @ daughter of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Candace @ who possesses contrition - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chidon @ a dart - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Clauda @ a lamentable voice - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Darda @ home of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Dedan @ their breasts; friendship; a judge - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Dedanim @ the descendants of Dedan - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Dibon @ abundance of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Dibon-gad @ great understanding; abundance of sons - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Dodavah @ love - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Eladah @ the eternity of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Eldaah @ knowledge of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Eldad @ favored of God; love of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Eliada @ knowledge of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elidad @ beloved of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elmodam @ the God of measure, or of the garment - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Emims @ fears; terrors; formidable; people - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Eneas @ laudable - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:En-haddah @ quick sight; well of gladness - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Enon @ cloud; mass of darkness; fountain; eye - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Epenetus @ laudable; worthy of praise - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ephes-dammim @ effusion of blood - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Esrom @ dart of joy; division of a song - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Evil-merodach @ the fool of Merodach; the fool grinds bitterly - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Gadarenes @ men of Gadara, i-G.e., a place surrounded or walled - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Gudgodah @ happiness - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Hadad @ joy; noise; clamor - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadadezer @ beauty of assistance - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadadrimmon @ invocation to the god Rimmon - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadar @ power; greatness - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadarezer @ same as Hadadezer - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadashah @ news; a month - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadassah @ a myrtle; joy - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hammedatha @ he that troubles the law - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Haradah @ well of great fear - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hazar-addar @ an imprisoned generation - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hazargaddah @ imprisoned band - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hebrews @ descendants of Heber - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Henadad @ grace of the beloved - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hezron @ the dart of joy; the division of the song - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hiddai @ a praise; a cry - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hodaiah @ the praise of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hoglah @ his festival or dance - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Huldah @ the world - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Idalah @ the hand of slander, or of cursing - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Igdaliah @ the greatness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Irshemesh @ a city of bondage - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Jada @ knowing - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jadau @ his hand; his confession - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jedaiah @ the hand of the Lord; confessing the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jedidah @ well beloved; amiable - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehoadah @ passing over; testimony of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehoaddan @ pleasure, or time, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehoiada @ knowledge of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehozadak @ justice of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jemima @ handsome as the day - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jew @ same as Judah - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jonadab @ who gives liberally - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jordan @ the river of judgment - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Judah @ the praise of the Lord; confession - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Judith @ same as Judah - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Kedar @ blackness; sorrow - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Laadah @ to assemble together; to testify; passing over - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Laadan @ for pleasure; devouring; judgment - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Maadai @ pleasant; testifying - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Madai @ a measure; judging; a garment - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Magdala @ tower; greatness - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Magdalene @ a person from Magdala - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mahanehdan @ tents of judgment - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Makkedah @ worshiping; burning; raised; crookedness - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Medad @ he that measures; water of love - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Medan @ judgment; process - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mehida @ a riddle; sharpness of wit - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mejarkon @ the waters of Jordan - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Merodach @ bitter contrition - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Merodach-baladan @ bitter contrition, without judgment - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Metheg-ammah @ bridle of bondage - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Migdalel @ tower of God - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Migdalgad @ tower compassed about - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mithredath @ breaking the law - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Moladah @ birth; generation - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Nadab @ free and voluntary gift; prince - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nebuzar-adan @ fruits or prophecies of judgment - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nedabiah @ prince or vow of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nekoda @ painted; inconstant - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nimshi @ rescued from danger - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nisan @ standard; miracle - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Noah @ that quavers or totters -N(Zelophehad's daughter) - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Nodab @ vowing of his own accord - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Ophel @ a tower; darkness; small white cloud - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Padan-aram @ cultivated field or table-land - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Parshandatha @ given by prayer - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pasdammin @ portion or diminishing of blood - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pedahzur @ strong or powerful savior; stone of redemption - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pedaiah @ redemption of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Perida @ separation; division - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Peruda @ same as Perida - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pilate @ armed with a dart - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Raddai @ ruling; coming down - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Rhoda @ a rose - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Rhodes @ same as Rhoda - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Shemida @ name of knowledge; that puts knowledge - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shiloh -S(name of a city) @ peace; abundance - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Succoth-benoth @ the tents of daughters, or young women; or prostitutes - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Tahpenes @ standard; flight; temptation - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Theudas @ flowing with water - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tidal @ that breaks the yoke; knowledge of elevation - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Toah @ weapon; dart - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tob-adonijah @ my good God; the goodness of the foundation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Ummah @ darkened; covered; his people - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Zebedee @ abundant; portion - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zebudah @ endowed; endowing - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zedad @ his side; his hunting - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zeredah @ ambush; change of dominion - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zurishaddai @ the Almighty is my rock and strength - HITCHCOCK-Z