
Dict: tcr - guidance



(1) Promised to the Obedient Into Pleasant Paths- kjv@Psalms:23:2 In Making Decisions- kjv@Psalms:25:9; kjv@Psalms:32:8 Unto the End of Life- kjv@Psalms:48:14 By Wise Counsel- kjv@Psalms:73:24 By the Still Small Voice- kjv@Isaiah:30:21 In the Midst of Uncertainties- kjv@Isaiah:42:16; kjv@Isaiah:48:17 By Divine Illumination- kjv@Luke:1:79; kjv@John:10:4 Into all Truth- kjv@John:16:13 Inspiration

(2), INSPIRATION, DIVINE "Spirit" Teacher, HOLY SPIRIT Enlightenment, LIGHT Light Promised, LIGHT Wisdom Promised, WISDOM

(2) Sought- kjv@Psalms:5:8; kjv@Psalms:25:5; kjv@Psalms:27:11; kjv@Psalms:143:10; kjv@Acts:1:24 Teachableness, PATIENCE Crying to God, EARNESTNESS & EARNESTNESS Seekers, SEEKING GOD Instruction Sought, RECEPTION

(3) Examples of- kjv@Genesis:25:27; kjv@Exodus:13:21; kjv@Nehemiah:9:19; kjv@Psalms:78:14; kjv@Matthew:2:9 Instruction, RECEPTION "Spirit" Guides, HOLY SPIRIT Inspiration


(4) Explicit Instructions given As to Leaving old associations- kjv@Genesis:12:1 Returning home kjv@Genesis:31:3 Assuming Leadership kjv@Exodus:3:10 Forward Movements kjv@Joshua:1:2 Waging Warfare kjv@Judges:6:14; kjv@2Samuel:5:19 Finding Supplies kjv@1Kings:17:3,4,9 Coming out from retirement kjv@1Kings:18:1 Anointing leaders kjv@1Kings:19:15 Pronouncing judgments kjv@1Kings:21:18,19; kjv@2Kings:1:3 Divine Commands, COMMANDS, DIVINE (B) THE DIVINE LEADERHow and where he leads his People In Difficult Places, for testing kjv@Deuteronomy:8:2 Like a Mother Bird teaching her Young to Fly- kjv@Deuteronomy:32:11,12 In a Plain Path- kjv@Psalms:27:11; kjv@Psalms:60:9 Like a Shepherd- kjv@Psalms:77:20 No Place beyond the Reach of his Hand- kjv@Psalms:139:9,10; kjv@Proverbs:20:24; kjv@Isaiah:63:14 Steadily toward the Cross- kjv@Mark:10:32 To the Border of the Unseen- kjv@Luke:24:50,51 Pillar of Cloud, REVELATIONS "Spirit" Guides, HOLY SPIRIT (C) INQUIRING OF GOD, seeking guidance

(1) General Examples of- kjv@Genesis:25:22; kjv@Judges:1:1; kjv@Judges:20:27; kjv@2Samuel:2:1; kjv@1Chronicles:14:14; kjv@Psalms:78:34 Prayer, PRAYER Seekers, SEEKING GOD

(2) Inquiring through the Prophets, concerning Perplexing Questions Business affairs- kjv@1Samuel:9:8 Battles- kjv@1Samuel:23:2; kjv@1Kings:22:7 Great Emergencies- kjv@2Kings:3:11 Sickness- kjv@2Kings:8:8 The Teachings of the Scriptures- kjv@2Kings:22:13 The Issues of war- kjv@Jeremiah:21:2; kjv@Jeremiah:37:7 By Hypocrites- kjv@Ezekiel:14:7; kjv@Ezekiel:20:1