
Dict: naves - lev


- Son of Jacob kjv@Genesis:29:34; kjv@Genesis:35:23; kjv@1Chronicles:2:1
- Avenges the seduction of Dinah kjv@Genesis:34; 1Chronicles:49:5-7
- Jacob's prophecy regarding kjv@Genesis:49:5-7
- His age at death kjv@Exodus:6:16 -(Descendants of, made the ministers of religion)

- Possibly a crocodile kjv@Job:41; Psalms:104:26

- FIGURATIVE kjv@Psalms:74:14

LEVITES @ -(The descendants of Levi)
- Set apart as ministers of religion kjv@Numbers:1:47-54; kjv@Numbers:3:6-16; kjv@Numbers:16:9; kjv@Numbers:26:57-62; kjv@Deuteronomy:10:8; kjv@1Chronicles:15:2
- Substituted in the place of the firstborn children kjv@Numbers:3:12-41-45; kjv@Numbers:8:14-16-18; kjv@Numbers:18:6
- Religious zeal of kjv@Exodus:32:26-28; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:9-10; kjv@Malachi:2:4-5
- Consecration of kjv@Numbers:8:6-21
- Sedition among, led by Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and On, on account of jealousy toward Moses and Aaron Numbers:16 with kjv@Numbers:4:19-20
- Three divisions of, each having the name of one of its progenitors
- Gershon, Kohath, and Merari kjv@Numbers:3:17
- Gershonites and their duties kjv@Numbers:3:18-26; kjv@Numbers:4:23-26; kjv@Numbers:10:17
- The ruling chief over the Gershonites was the second son of the ruling high priest kjv@Numbers:4:28
- The Kohathites, consisting of the families of the Amramites, the Izeharites, the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites kjv@Numbers:3:27; kjv@Numbers:4:18-20
- Of the Amramites, Aaron and his family were set apart as priests kjv@Exodus:28:1; kjv@Exodus:29:9; kjv@Numbers:3:38; kjv@Numbers:17:1-4 kjv@Numbers:17:8 kjv@Numbers:18:1
- The remaining families appointed to take charge of the ark of the covenant, table, lampstand, altars, and vessels of the sanctuary, the hangings, and all the service kjv@Numbers:3:27-32; kjv@Numbers:4:2-15
- The chief over the Kohathites was the oldest son of the ruling high priest kjv@Numbers:3:32; kjv@1Chronicles:9:20
- The Merarites kjv@Numbers:3:20 kjv@Numbers:3:33-37 kjv@Numbers:4:31-33; kjv@Numbers:7:8; kjv@1Chronicles:6:19 kjv@1Chronicles:6:1Chronicles:10:17; 29, 30; kjv@1Chronicles:23:21-23
- The chief over the Merarites was the second son of the ruling high priest kjv@Numbers:4:33
- Place of, in encampments and the march kjv@Numbers:1:50-53; kjv@Numbers:2:17; kjv@Numbers:3:23-35
- Cities assigned to, in the land of Canaan Joshua:21
- Lodged in the chambers of the temple kjv@1Chronicles:9:27 kjv@1Chronicles:9:33 kjv@Ezekiel:40:44
- Resided also in villages outside of Jerusalem kjv@Nehemiah:12:29
- Age of .When inducted into office kjv@Numbers:4:3 kjv@Numbers:4:30, 47; kjv@1Chronicles:23:3 kjv@1Chronicles:23:1Chronicles:8:23-26; 24, 27; kjv@Ezra:3:8 .When retired from office kjv@Numbers:4:3-47
- Functions of .Had charge of the tabernacle in the encampments and on the march kjv@Numbers:1:50-53; kjv@Numbers:3:6-9 kjv@Numbers:3:21-37 kjv@Numbers:4:1-15-17-49; kjv@Numbers:8:19; kjv@Numbers:18:3-6 .Had charge of the temple kjv@1Chronicles:9:27-29; kjv@1Chronicles:23:2-32; kjv@Ezra:8:24-34
- Carried the ark of the covenant kjv@1Chronicles:15:2 kjv@1Chronicles:15:Deuteronomy:10:8; 26, 27
- Ministered in the presence of the ark of the covenant kjv@1Chronicles:16:4
- Custodians and administrators of the tithes and other offerings kjv@1Chronicles:9:26-29; kjv@1Chronicles:26:28; kjv@1Chronicles:29:8; kjv@2Chronicles:24:5 kjv@2Chronicles:24:11 kjv@2Chronicles:31:11-19; kjv@2Chronicles:34:9; kjv@Ezra:8:29-30 kjv@Ezra:8:33; kjv@Nehemiah:12:44
- Prepared the shewbread kjv@1Chronicles:23:28-29
- Assisted the priests in preparing the sacrifice kjv@2Chronicles:29:12-36; kjv@2Chronicles:35:1-18
- Killed the Passover lambs for the people of the captivity kjv@Ezra:6:20-21
- Teachers of the law kjv@Deuteronomy:33:10; kjv@2Chronicles:17:8-9; kjv@2Chronicles:30:22; kjv@2Chronicles:35:3; kjv@Nehemiah:8:7-13; kjv@Malachi:2:6-7
- Were judges kjv@Deuteronomy:17:9; kjv@1Chronicles:23:4; kjv@1Chronicles:26:29; kjv@2Chronicles:19:8-11; kjv@Nehemiah:11:16
See JUDGES -(Were scribes of the sacred books)
- Pronounced the blessings of the law in the responsive service at Mount Gerizim kjv@Deuteronomy:27:12; kjv@Joshua:8:33
- Were porters of the doors
- Were overseers in building and the repairs of the temple kjv@1Chronicles:23:2-4; kjv@Ezra:3:8-9
- Were musicians of the temple service
- Supervised weights and measures as standards of doing business kjv@1Chronicles:23:29
- The list of those who returned from captivity kjv@Ezra:2:40-63; kjv@Ezra:7:7; kjv@Ezra:8:16-20; kjv@Nehemiah:7:43-73; 12
- Sealed the covenant with Nehemiah kjv@Nehemiah:10:9-28
- Profits from .In lieu of landed inheritance, forty-eight cities with suburbs were assigned to them kjv@Numbers:35:2-8 with kjv@Numbers:18:24 .And kjv@Numbers:26:62; kjv@Numbers:12:12 kjv@Numbers:12:Deuteronomy:10:9; 18, 19; kjv@Deuteronomy:14:27-29; kjv@Deuteronomy:18:1-8; kjv@Joshua:13:14; kjv@Joshua:14:3; kjv@Joshua:18:7; kjv@1Chronicles:6:54-81; kjv@1Chronicles:13:2; kjv@2Chronicles:23:2; kjv@Ezekiel:34:1-5
- Assigned to, by families kjv@Joshua:21:4-40
- Suburbs of their cities were inalienable for debt kjv@Leviticus:25:32-34
- Tithes and other offerings kjv@Numbers:18:24-26-32; kjv@Deuteronomy:18:1-8; kjv@Deuteronomy:26:11-13; kjv@Joshua:13:14; kjv@Nehemiah:10:38-39; kjv@Nehemiah:12:44 kjv@Nehemiah:12:47
- First fruits kjv@Nehemiah:12:44 kjv@Nehemiah:12:47
- The plunder of war, including captives kjv@Numbers:31:30 kjv@Numbers:31:42-47
- Tithes withheld from kjv@Nehemiah:13:10-13; kjv@Malachi:3:10
- Pensioned kjv@2Chronicles:31:16-18
- Owned lands kjv@Deuteronomy:18:8; with_1Kings:2:26
- Land allotted to, by Ezekiel kjv@Ezekiel:48:13-14
- Enrollment of, at Mount Sinai kjv@Numbers:1:47-49; kjv@Numbers:2:33; kjv@Numbers:3:14-39; kjv@Numbers:4:2-3; kjv@Numbers:26:57-62; kjv@1Chronicles:23:3-5
- Degraded from the Levitical office by Jeroboam kjv@2Chronicles:11:13-17; kjv@2Chronicles:13:9-11
- Loyal to the ruler kjv@2Kings:11:7-11; kjv@2Chronicles:23:7
- Intermarried with Canaanites kjv@Ezra:9:1-2; kjv@Ezra:10:23-24
- Exempt from enrollment for military duty kjv@Numbers:1:47-54; with_1Chronicles:12:26
- Subordinate to the sons of Aaron kjv@Numbers:3:9; kjv@Numbers:8:19; kjv@Numbers:18:6
- Prophecies concerning kjv@Jeremiah:33:18; kjv@Ezekiel:44:10-14; kjv@Malachi:3:3
- Of their repentance of the crucifixion of the Messiah kjv@Zechariah:12:10-13
- John's vision concerning kjv@Revelation:7:7