
Dict: all - mos


MOSES @ (Drawn out) son of Amram, of the tribe of Levi, the leader and lawgiver of Israel

(1) General References to- kjv@Exodus:2:2,10,14; kjv@Exodus:3:3,11; kjv@Exodus:12:21; kjv@Exodus:14:21; kjv@Exodus:19:20; kjv@Exodus:33:11; kjv@Exodus:34:29 kjv@Numbers:10:29; kjv@Numbers:12:3; kjv@Numbers:20:10; kjv@Numbers:31:3; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:34:5 kjv@Matthew:17:3; kjv@Acts:7:22; kjv@Hebrews:11:24

(2) Moses and Christ - a Parallel Both were preserved in childhood- Exodus:2:2-10; kjv@Matthew:2:14,15 - Contended with masters of evil- kjv@Exodus:7:11; kjv@Matthew:4:1 - Fasted forty days- kjv@Exodus:34:28; kjv@Matthew:4:2 - Controlled the sea- kjv@Exodus:14:21; kjv@Matthew:8:26 - Fed a multitude- kjv@Exodus:16:15; kjv@Matthew:14:20,21 - Had radiant faces- kjv@Exodus:34:35; kjv@Matthew:17:2 - Endured murmurings- kjv@Exodus:15:24; kjv@Mark:7:2 - Discredited in the home- kjv@Numbers:12:1; kjv@John:7:5 - Made intercessory prayers- kjv@Exodus:32:32; kjv@John:17:9 - Spoke as oracles- kjv@Deuteronomy:18:18 - Had seventy helpers- kjv@Numbers:11:16,17; kjv@Luke:10:1 - Established memorials- kjv@Exodus:12:14; kjv@Luke:22:19 - Re-appeared after death- kjv@Matthew:17:3; kjv@Acts:1:3 MOSES' ROD SEE Rod, ROD OF MOSES

MOST HIGH @ a title given Jehovah- kjv@Deuteronomy:32:8; kjv@2Samuel:22:14; kjv@Psalms:7:17; kjv@Psalms:47:2; kjv@Psalms:83:18; kjv@Daniel:4:17 Living God, LIVING GOD


MOSERAH - M>@ - (bonds), (10:6) apparently the same as Moseroth, kjv@Numbers:33:30) its plural form, the name of a place near Mount Hor.

MOSES - M>@ - (Heb. Mosheh , "drawn," i.e. from the water; in the Coptic it means "saved from the water"), the legislator of the Jewish people, and in a certain sense the founder of the Jewish religion. The immediate pedigree of Moses is as follows: Levi was the father of: Gershon
Merari Kohath was the father of: Amram = Jochebed Amram = Jochebed was the father of: Hur = Miriam
Aaron = Elisheba
Moses = Zipporah Aaron = Elisheba was the father of: Nadab
Ithamar Eleazar was the father of: Phineas Moses = Zipporah was the father of: Gershom
Eliezer Gershom was the father of: Jonathan The history of Moses naturally divides itself into three periods of 40 years each. Moses was born at Goshen, In Egypt, B.C. 1571. The story of his birth is thoroughly Egyptian in its scene. His mother made extraordinary efforts for his preservation from the general destruction of the male children of Israel. For three months the child was concealed in the house. Then his mother placed him in a small boat or basket of papyrus, closed against the water by bitumen. This was placed among the aquatic vegetation by the side of one of the canals of the Nile. The sister lingered to watch her brother’s fate. The Egyptian princess, who, tradition says, was a childless wife, came down to bathe in the sacred river. Her attendant slaves followed her. She saw the basket in the flags, and despatched divers, who brought it. It was opened, and the cry of the child moved the princess to compassion. She determined to rear it as her own. The sister was at hand to recommend a Hebrew nurse, the child’s own mother. here was the first part of Moses’ training,
a training at home in the true religion, in faith in God, in the promises to his nation, in the life of a saint,
a training which he never forgot, even amid the splendors and gilded sin of Pharaoh’s court. The child was adopted by the princess. From this time for many years Moses must be considered as an Egyptian. In the Pentateuch this period is a blank, but in the New Testament he is represented as "learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians," and as "mighty in words and deeds." kjv@Acts:7:22) this was the second part of Moses’ training. The second period of Moses’ life began when he was forty years old. Seeing the sufferings of his people, Moses determined to go to them as their helper, and made his great life-choice, "choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt." kjv@Hebrews:11:25-26) Seeing an Israelite suffering the bastinado from an Egyptian, and thinking that they were alone, he slew the Egyptian, and buried the corpse in the sand. But the people soon showed themselves unfitted as yet to obtain their freedom, nor was Moses yet fitted to be their leader. He was compelled to leave Egypt when the slaying of the Egyptian became known, and he fled to the land of Midian, in the southern and southeastern part of the Sinai peninsula. There was a famous well ("the well,") kjv@Exodus:2:15) surrounded by tanks for the watering of the flocks of the Bedouin herdsmen. By this well the fugitive seated himself and watched the gathering of the sheep. There were the Arabian shepherds, and there were also seven maidens, whom the shepherds rudely drove away from the water. The chivalrous spirit which had already broken forth in behalf of his oppressed countrymen broke forth again in behalf of the distressed maidens. They returned unusually soon to their father, Jethro, and told him of their adventure. Moses, who up to this time had been "an Egyptian," kjv@Exodus:2:19) now became for a time an Arabian. He married Zipporah, daughter of his host, to whom he also became the slave and shepherd. kjv@Exodus:2:21 kjv@Exodus:3:1) Here for forty years Moses communed with God and with nature, escaping from the false ideas taught him in Egypt, and sifting out the truths that were there. This was the third process of his training for his work; and from this training he learned infinitely more than from Egypt. Stanely well says, after enumerating what the Israelites derived from Egypt, that the contrast was always greater than the likeness. This process was completed when God met him on Horeb, appearing in a burning bush, and, communicating with him, appointed him to be the leader and deliverer of his people. Now begins the third period of forty years in Moses’ life. He meets Aaron, his next younger brother, whom God permitted to be the spokesman, and together they return to Goshen in Egypt. From this time the history of Moses is the history of Israel for the next forty years. Aaron spoke and acted for Moses, and was the permanent inheritor of the sacred staff of power. But Moses was the inspiring soul behind. he is incontestably the chief personage of the history, in a sense in which no one else is described before or since. He was led into a closer communion with the invisible world than was vouchsafed to any other in the Old Testament. There are two main characters in which he appears
as a leader and as a prophet.

(1) As a leader, his life divides itself into the three epochs
the march to Sinai; the march from Sinai to Kadesh; and the conquest of the transjordanic kingdoms. On approaching Palestine the office of the leader becomes blended with that of the general or the conqueror. By Moses the spies were sent to explore the country. Against his advice took place the first disastrous battle at hormah. To his guidance is ascribed the circuitous route by which the nation approached Palestine from the east, and to his generalship the two successful campaigns in which Sihon and Og were defeated. The narrative is told so briefly that we are in danger of forgetting that at this last stage of his life Moses must have been as much a conqueror and victorious soldier as was Joshua.

(2) His character as a prophet is, from the nature of the case, more distinctly brought out. He is the first as he is the greatest example of a prophet in the Old Testament. His brother and sister were both endowed with prophetic gifts. The seventy elders, and Eldad and Medad also, all "prophesied." kjv@Numbers:11:25-27) But Moses rose high above all these. With him the divine revelations were made "mouth to mouth." kjv@Numbers:12:8) Of the special modes of this more direct communication, four great examples are given, corresponding to four critical epochs in his historical career. (a) The appearance of the divine presence in the flaming acacia tree. kjv@Exodus:3:2-6) (b) In the giving of the law from Mount Sinai, the outward form of the revelation was a thick darkness as of a thunder-cloud, out of which proceeded a voice. kjv@Exodus:19:19 kjv@Exodus:20:21) on two occasions he is described as having penetrated within the darkness. kjv@Exodus:24:18 kjv@Exodus:34:28) (c) It was nearly at the close of these communications in the mountains of Sinai that an especial revelation of God was made to him personally. kjv@Exodus:33:21-22 kjv@Exodus:34:5-6-7) God passed before him. (d) The fourth mode of divine manifestation was that which is described as beginning at this juncture, and which was maintained with more or less continuity through the rest of his career. kjv@Exodus:33:7) It was the communication with God in the tabernacle from out the pillar of cloud and fire. There is another form of Moses’ prophetic gift, viz., the poetical form of composition which characterizes the Jewish prophecy generally. These poetical utterances are
"The song which Moses and the children of Israel sung" (after the passage of the Red Sea). kjv@Exodus:15:1-19) A fragment of the war-song against Amalek. kjv@Exodus:17:16) A fragment of lyrical burst of indignation. kjv@Exodus:32:18) The fragments of war-songs, probably from either him or his immediate prophetic followers, in kjv@Numbers:21:14-15 kjv@Numbers:21:27-30) preserved in the "book of the wars of Jehovah," kjv@Numbers:21:14) and the address to the well. ch. kjv@Numbers:21:14) and the address to the well. ch. kjv@Numbers:21:16-17-18) The song of Moses, (32:1-43) setting forth the greatness and the failings of Israel. The blessing of Moses on the tribes, (33:1-29) The 90th Psalm, "A prayer of Moses, the man of God." The title, like all the titles of the psalms, is of doubtful authority, and the psalm has often been referred to a later author. Character .
The prophetic office of Moses can only be fully considered in connection with his whole character and appearance. kjv@Hosea:12:13) He was in a sense peculiar to himself the founder and representative of his people; and in accordance with this complete identification of himself with his nation is the only strong personal trait which we are able to gather from his history. kjv@Numbers:12:3) The word "meek" is hardly an adequate reading of the Hebrew term, which should be rather "much enduring." It represents what we should now designate by the word "disinterested." All that is told of him indicates a withdrawal of himself, a preference of the cause of his nation to his own interests, which makes him the most complete example of Jewish patriotism. (He was especially a man of prayer and of faith, of wisdom, courage and patience.) In exact conformity with his life is the account of his end. The book of Deuteronomy describes, and is, the long last farewell of the prophet to his people. This takes place on the first day of the eleventh month of the fortieth year of the wanderings, in the plains of Moab. (1:3-5) Moses is described as 120 years of age, but with his sight and his freshness of strength unabated. (34:7) Joshua is appointed his successor. The law is written out and ordered to be deposited in the ark. ch. 31. The song and the blessing of the tribes conclude the farewell. chs. 32-33. And then comes the mysterious close. He is told that he is to see the good land beyond the Jordan, but not to possess it himself. He ascends the mount of Pisgah and stands on Nebo, one of its summits, and surveys the four great masses of Palestine west of the Jordan, so far as it can be discerned from that height. The view has passes into a proverb for all nations. "So Moses the servant of Jehovah died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of Jehovah. And he buried him in a ’ravine’ in the land of Moab, ’before’ Beth-peor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day... And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days." (34:5-6-8) This is all that is said in the sacred record. (This burial was thus hidden probably

(1) To preserve his grave from idolatrous worship or superstitious reverence; and

(2) Because it may be that God did not intend to leave his body to corruption, but to prepare it, as he did the body of Elijah, so that Moses could in his spiritual body meet Christ, together with Elijah, on the mount of transfiguration.) Moses is spoken of as a likeness of Christ; and as this is a point of view which has been almost lost in the Church, compared with the more familiar comparisons of Christ to Adam, David, Joshua, and yet has as firm a basis in fact as any of them, it may be well to draw it out in detail.

(1) Moses is, as it would seem, the only character of the Old Testament to whom Christ expressly likens himself: "Moses wrote of me." kjv@John:5:46) It suggests three main points of likeness: (a) Christ was, like Moses, the great prophet of the people
the last, as Moses was the first. (b) Christ, like Moses, is a lawgiver: "Him shall ye hear." (c) Christ, like Moses, was a prophet out of the midst of the nation, "from their brethren." As Moses was the entire representative of his people, feeling for them more than for himself, absorbed in their interests, hopes and fears, so, with reverence be it said, was Christ.

(2) In kjv@Hebrews:3:1-19 kjv@Hebrews:12:24-29; kjv@Acts:7:37) Christ is described, though more obscurely, as the Moses of the new dispensation
as the apostle or messenger or mediator of God to the people
as the controller and leader of the flock or household of God.

(3) The details of their lives are sometimes, though not often, compared. kjv@Acts:7:24-28; 35) In kjv@Jude:1:1:9) is an allusion to an altercation between Michael and Satan over the body of Moses. It probably refers to a lost apocryphal book, mentioned by Origen, called the "Ascension" or "Assumption of Moses." Respecting the books of Moses, see PENTATEUCH, THE.


Mosera @ a bond, one of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness kjv@Deuteronomy:10:6), at the foot of Mount Hor. (Comp. kjv@Numbers:33:37-38). It has been identified with el
- Tayibeh, a small fountain at the bottom of the pass leading to the ascent of Mount Hor.

Moseroth @ bonds, one of the stations in the wilderness kjv@Numbers:33:30-31), probably the same as Mosera.

Moses @ drawn (or Egypt. mesu, "son;" hence Rameses, royal son). On the invitation of Pharaoh kjv@Genesis:45:17-25), Jacob and his sons went down into Egypt. This immigration took place probably about 350 years before the birth of Moses. Some centuries before Joseph, Egypt had been conquered by a pastoral Semitic race from Asia, the Hyksos, who brought into cruel subjection the native Egyptians, who were an African race. Jacob and his retinue were accustomed to a shepherd's life, and on their arrival in Egypt were received with favour by the king, who assigned them the "best of the land", the land of Goshen, to dwell in. The Hyksos or "shepherd" king who thus showed favour to Joseph and his family was in all probability the Pharaoh Apopi (or Apopis). Thus favoured, the Israelites began to "multiply exceedingly" kjv@Genesis:47:27), and extended to the west and south. At length the supremacy of the Hyksos came to an end. The descendants of Jacob were allowed to retain their possession of Goshen undisturbed, but after the death of Joseph their position was not so favourable. The Egyptians began to despise them, and the period of their "affliction" kjv@Genesis:15:13) commenced. They were sorely oppressed. They continued, however, to increase in numbers, and "the land was filled with them" kjv@Exodus:1:7). The native Egyptians regarded them with suspicion, so that they felt all the hardship of a struggle for existence. In process of time "a king [probably Seti I.] arose who knew not Joseph" kjv@Exodus:1:8). (
See PHARAOH.) The circumstances of the country were such that this king thought it necessary to weaken his Israelite subjects by oppressing them, and by degrees reducing their number. They were accordingly made public slaves, and were employed in connection with his numerous buildings, especially in the erection of store-cities, temples, and palaces. The children of Israel were made to serve with rigour. Their lives were made bitter with hard bondage, and "all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour" kjv@Exodus:1:13-14). But this cruel oppression had not the result expected of reducing their number. On the contrary, "the more the Egyptians afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew" kjv@Exodus:1:12). The king next tried, through a compact secretly made with the guild of midwives, to bring about the destruction of all the Hebrew male children that might be born. But the king's wish was not rigorously enforced; the male children were spared by the midwives, so that "the people multiplied" more than ever. Thus baffled, the king issued a public proclamation calling on the people to put to death all the Hebrew male children by casting them into the river kjv@Exodus:1:22). But neither by this edict was the king's purpose effected. One of the Hebrew households into which this cruel edict of the king brought great alarm was that of Amram, of the family of the Kohathites kjv@Exodus:6:16-20), who with his wife Jochebed and two children, Miriam, a girl of perhaps fifteen years of age, and Aaron, a boy of three years, resided in or near Memphis, the capital city of that time. In this quiet home a male child was born (B.C. 1571). His mother concealed him in the house for three months from the knowledge of the civic authorities. But when the task of concealment became difficult, Jochebed contrived to bring her child under the notice of the daughter of the king by constructing for him an ark of bulrushes, which she laid among the flags which grew on the edge of the river at the spot where the princess was wont to come down and bathe. Her plan was successful. The king's daughter "saw the child; and behold the child wept." The princess (see PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER 1) sent Miriam, who was standing by, to fetch a nurse. She went and brought the mother of the child, to whom the princess said, "Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages." Thus Jochebed's child, whom the princess called "Moses", i.e., "Saved from the water" kjv@Exodus:2:10), was ultimately restored to her. As soon as the natural time for weaning the child had come, he was transferred from the humble abode of his father to the royal palace, where he was brought up as the adopted son of the princess, his mother probably accompanying him and caring still for him. He grew up amid all the grandeur and excitement of the Egyptian court, maintaining, however, probably a constant fellowship with his mother, which was of the highest importance as to his religious belief and his interest in his "brethren." His education would doubtless be carefully attended to, and he would enjoy all the advantages of training both as to his body and his mind. He at length became "learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians" kjv@Acts:7:22). Egypt had then two chief seats of learning, or universities, at one of which, probably that of Heliopolis, his education was completed. Moses, being now about twenty years of age, spent over twenty more before he came into prominence in Bible history. These twenty years were probably spent in military service. There is a tradition recorded by Josephus that he took a lead in the war which was then waged between Egypt and Ethiopia, in which he gained renown as a skilful general, and became "mighty in deeds" kjv@Acts:7:22). After the termination of the war in Ethiopia, Moses returned to the Egyptian court, where he might reasonably have expected to be loaded with honours and enriched with wealth. But "beneath the smooth current of his life hitherto, a life of alternate luxury at the court and comparative hardness in the camp and in the discharge of his military duties, there had lurked from childhood to youth, and from youth to manhood, a secret discontent, perhaps a secret ambition. Moses, amid all his Egyptian surroundings, had never forgotten, had never wished to forget, that he was a Hebrew." He now resolved to make himself acquainted with the condition of his countrymen, and "went out unto his brethren, and looked upon their burdens" kjv@Exodus:2:11). This tour of inspection revealed to him the cruel oppression and bondage under which they everywhere groaned, and could not fail to press on him the serious consideration of his duty regarding them. The time had arrived for his making common cause with them, that he might thereby help to break their yoke of bondage. He made his choice accordingly kjv@Hebrews:11:25-27), assured that God would bless his resolution for the welfare of his people. He now left the palace of the king and took up his abode, probably in his father's house, as one of the Hebrew people who had for forty years been suffering cruel wrong at the hands of the Egyptians. He could not remain indifferent to the state of things around him, and going out one day among the people, his indignation was roused against an Egyptian who was maltreating a Hebrew. He rashly lifted up his hand and slew the Egyptian, and hid his body in the sand. Next day he went out again and found two Hebrews striving together. He speedily found that the deed of the previous day was known. It reached the ears of Pharaoh (the "great Rameses," Rameses II.), who "sought to slay Moses" kjv@Exodus:2:15). Moved by fear, Moses fled from Egypt, and betook himself to the land of Midian, the southern part of the peninsula of Sinai, probably by much the same route as that by which, forty years afterwards, he led the Israelites to Sinai. He was providentially led to find a new home with the family of Reuel, where he remained for forty years kjv@Acts:7:30), under training unconsciously for his great life's work. Suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared to him in the burning bush Exodus:3), and commissioned him to go down to Egypt and "bring forth the children of Israel" out of bondage. He was at first unwilling to go, but at length he was obedient to the heavenly vision, and left the land of Midian (4:18-26). On the way he was met by Aaron (q.v.) and the elders of Israel (27-31). He and Aaron had a hard task before them; but the Lord was with them (ch. 7-12), and the ransomed host went forth in triumph. (
See EXODUS.) After an eventful journey to and fro in the wilderness, we see them at length encamped in the plains of Moab, ready to cross over the Jordan into the Promised Land. There Moses addressed the assembled elders kjv@Deuteronomy:1:1-4 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:1-26:19; 27:11-30:20), and gives the people his last counsels, and then rehearses the great song Deuteronomy:32), clothing in fitting words the deep emotions of his heart at such a time, and in review of such a marvellous history as that in which he had acted so conspicious a part. Then, after blessing the tribes

(33), he ascends to "the mountain of Nebo (q.v.), to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho" (34:1), and from thence he surveys the land. "Jehovah shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan, and all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, unto the utmost sea, and the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar" kjv@Deuteronomy:34:2-3), the magnificient inheritance of the tribes of whom he had been so long the leader; and there he died, being one hundred and twenty years old, according to the word of the Lord, and was buried by the Lord "in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Beth-peor" (34:6). The people mourned for him during thirty days. Thus died "Moses the man of God" kjv@Deuteronomy:33:1; kjv@Joshua:14:6). He was distinguished for his meekness and patience and firmness, and "he endured as seeing him who is invisible." "There arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, in all the signs and the wonders, which the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land, and in all that mighty hand, and in all the great terror which Moses shewed in the sight of all Israel" kjv@Deuteronomy:34:10-12). The name of Moses occurs frequently in the Psalms and Prophets as the chief of the prophets. In the New Testament he is referred to as the representative of the law and as a type of Christ kjv@John:1:17; kjv@2Corinthians:3:13-18; kjv@Hebrews:3:5-6). Moses is the only character in the Old Testament to whom Christ likens himself kjv@John:5:46; comp. kjv@Deuteronomy:18:15 kjv@Deuteronomy:18:18, 19; kjv@Acts:7:37). In kjv@Hebrews:3:1-19 this likeness to Moses is set forth in various particulars. In kjv@Jude:1:1:9 mention is made of a contention between Michael and the devil about the body of Moses. This dispute is supposed to have had reference to the concealment of the body of Moses so as to prevent idolatry.






- An encampment of the Israelites, where Aaron died kjv@Deuteronomy:10:6
- Probably identical with MOSEROTH below

- An encampment of the Israelites kjv@Numbers:33:30-31

- A Levite and son of Amram kjv@Exodus:2:1-4; kjv@Exodus:6:20; kjv@Acts:7:20; kjv@Hebrews:11:23
- Hidden in a small basket kjv@Exodus:2:3
- Discovered and adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh kjv@Exodus:2:5-10
- Learned in all the wisdom of Egypt kjv@Acts:7:22
- His loyalty to his race kjv@Hebrews:11:24-26
- Takes the life of an Egyptian taskmaster; flees from Egypt; finds refuge among the Midianites kjv@Exodus:2:11-22; kjv@Acts:7:24-29
- Joins himself to Jethro, priest of Midian; marries his daughter Zipporah; has one son, Gershom kjv@Exodus:2:15-22
- Is a herdsman for Jethro in the desert of Horeb kjv@Exodus:3:1
- Has the vision of the burning bush kjv@Exodus:3:2-6
- God reveals to him his purpose to deliver the Israelites and bring them into the land of Canaan kjv@Exodus:3:7-10
- Commissioned as leader of the Israelites kjv@Exodus:3:10-22; kjv@Exodus:6:13
- His rod miraculously turned into a serpent, and his hand was made leprous, and then restored kjv@Exodus:4:1-9 kjv@Exodus:4:28
- With his wife and sons, he leaves Jethro to perform his mission in Egypt kjv@Exodus:4:18-20
- His controversy with his wife on account of circumcision kjv@Exodus:4:20-26
- Meets Aaron in the wilderness kjv@Exodus:4:27-28
- With Aaron assembles the leaders of Israel kjv@Exodus:4:29-31
- Along with Aaron, Moses goes before Pharaoh and demands the liberties of his people in the name of Jehovah kjv@Exodus:5:1
- Rejected by Pharaoh; hardships of the Israelites increased Exodus:5
- People complain against Moses and Aaron kjv@Exodus:5:20-21; kjv@Exodus:15:24; kjv@Exodus:16:2-3; kjv@Exodus:17:2-3; kjv@Numbers:14:2-4; kjv@Numbers:16:41; kjv@Numbers:20:2-5; kjv@Numbers:21:4-6; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:12 kjv@Deuteronomy:1:26-28
- Receives comfort and assurance from the Lord kjv@Exodus:6:1-8
- Unbelief of the people kjv@Exodus:6:9
- Renews his appeal to Pharaoh kjv@Exodus:6:11
- Under divine direction brings plagues upon the land of Egypt kjv@Exodus:7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12
- Secures the deliverance of the people and leads them out of Egypt Exodus:13
- Crosses the Red Sea; Pharaoh and his army are destroyed Exodus:14
- Composes a song for the people of Israel on their deliverance from Pharaoh Exodus:15
- Joined by his family in the wilderness kjv@Exodus:18:1-12
- Institutes a system of government kjv@Exodus:18:13-26; kjv@Numbers:11:16-30; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:9-18
- Receives the law and ordains various statutes
- Face of, transfigured kjv@Exodus:34:29-35; kjv@2Corinthians:3:13
- Sets up the tabernacle
- Reproves Aaron for .Making the golden calf kjv@Exodus:32:22-23 .Irregularity in the offerings kjv@Leviticus:10:16-20
- Jealousy of Aaron and Miriam toward Numbers:12
- Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram against Numbers:16
- Appoints Joshua as his successor kjv@Deuteronomy:31:7-8 kjv@Deuteronomy:31:Numbers:27:22-23; 14, 23; kjv@Numbers:34:9
- Not permitted to enter Canaan, but views the land from atop Mount Pisgah kjv@Numbers:27:12-14; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:37; kjv@Deuteronomy:3:23-29; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:48-52; kjv@Deuteronomy:34:1-8
- Death and burial of kjv@Numbers:31:2; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:50; kjv@Deuteronomy:34:1-6
- Body of, disputed over kjv@Jude:1:9 -120 Years old at death kjv@Deuteronomy:31:2
- Mourning for, thirty days in the plains of Moab kjv@Deuteronomy:34:8
- His virility kjv@Deuteronomy:31:2; kjv@Deuteronomy:34:7
- Present with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration kjv@Matthew:17:3-4; kjv@Mark:9:4; kjv@Luke:9:30
- A type of the Messiah kjv@Deuteronomy:18:15-18; kjv@Acts:3:22; kjv@Acts:7:37

- BENEDICTIONS OF .Upon the people kjv@Leviticus:9:23; kjv@Numbers:10:35-36; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:11 .Last benediction upon the twelve tribes Deuteronomy:33

- CHARACTER OF .Complainings of kjv@Exodus:5:22-23; kjv@Numbers:11:10-15 .Impatience of kjv@Exodus:5:22-23; kjv@Exodus:6:12; kjv@Exodus:32:19; kjv@Numbers:11:10-15; kjv@Numbers:16:15; kjv@Numbers:20:10; kjv@Numbers:31:14 .Respected and feared kjv@Exodus:33:8 .Faith of kjv@Numbers:10:29; kjv@Deuteronomy:9:1-3; kjv@Hebrews:11:23-28 .Called the man of God kjv@Deuteronomy:33:1 .God spoke to, as a man to his friend kjv@Exodus:33:11 .Magnified of God kjv@Exodus:19:9; kjv@Numbers:14:12-20; kjv@Deuteronomy:9:13-29; with_Exodus:32:30 .Magnanimity of, toward Eldad and Medad kjv@Numbers:11:29 .Meekness of kjv@Exodus:14:13-14; kjv@Exodus:16:2-3 kjv@Exodus:16:Exodus:15:24-25; 7, 8; kjv@Numbers:12:3; kjv@Numbers:16:4-11 .Obedience of kjv@Numbers:40:16 kjv@Numbers:40:Exodus:7:6; 19, 21 .Unaspiring kjv@Numbers:14:12-20; kjv@Deuteronomy:9:13-29; with_Exodus:32:30



- PROPHECIES OF with_Exodus:4:5 kjv@Exodus:4:Exodus:3:10; 11, 12; kjv@Exodus:6:13; kjv@Exodus:7:2; kjv@Exodus:17:16; kjv@Exodus:19:3-9; kjv@Exodus:33:11; kjv@Numbers:11:17; kjv@Numbers:12:7-8; kjv@Numbers:36:13; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:3; kjv@Deuteronomy:5:31; kjv@Deuteronomy:18:15 kjv@Deuteronomy:18:18 kjv@Deuteronomy:34:10-12; kjv@Hosea:12:13; kjv@Mark:7:9-10; kjv@Acts:7:37-38


kjv@STRING:Abi-albon <HITCHCOCK>@ most intelligent father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adoniram <HITCHCOCK>@ my Lord is most high; Lord of might and elevation - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Amos <HITCHCOCK>@ loading; weighty - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Chemosh <HITCHCOCK>@ handling; stroking; taking away - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Moses <HITCHCOCK>@ taken out; drawn forth - HITCHCOCK-M


kjv@STRING:Pentateuch <HITCHCOCK>@ the five books of Moses - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pergamos <HITCHCOCK>@ height; elevation - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Samos <HITCHCOCK>@ full of gravel - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Saph <HITCHCOCK>@ rushes; sea-moss - HITCHCOCK-S


MOSES @ (Drawn out) son of Amram, of the tribe of Levi, the leader and lawgiver of Israel

(1) General References to- kjv@Exodus:2:2,10,14; kjv@Exodus:3:3,11; kjv@Exodus:12:21; kjv@Exodus:14:21; kjv@Exodus:19:20; kjv@Exodus:33:11; kjv@Exodus:34:29 kjv@Numbers:10:29; kjv@Numbers:12:3; kjv@Numbers:20:10; kjv@Numbers:31:3; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:34:5 kjv@Matthew:17:3; kjv@Acts:7:22; kjv@Hebrews:11:24

(2) Moses and Christ - a Parallel Both were preserved in childhood- Exodus:2:2-10; kjv@Matthew:2:14,15 - Contended with masters of evil- kjv@Exodus:7:11; kjv@Matthew:4:1 - Fasted forty days- kjv@Exodus:34:28; kjv@Matthew:4:2 - Controlled the sea- kjv@Exodus:14:21; kjv@Matthew:8:26 - Fed a multitude- kjv@Exodus:16:15; kjv@Matthew:14:20,21 - Had radiant faces- kjv@Exodus:34:35; kjv@Matthew:17:2 - Endured murmurings- kjv@Exodus:15:24; kjv@Mark:7:2 - Discredited in the home- kjv@Numbers:12:1; kjv@John:7:5 - Made intercessory prayers- kjv@Exodus:32:32; kjv@John:17:9 - Spoke as oracles- kjv@Deuteronomy:18:18 - Had seventy helpers- kjv@Numbers:11:16,17; kjv@Luke:10:1 - Established memorials- kjv@Exodus:12:14; kjv@Luke:22:19 - Reappeared after death kjv@Matthew:17:3; kjv@Acts:1:3 MOSES' ROD SEE Rod, ROD OF MOSES

MOST HIGH @ a title given Jehovah- kjv@Deuteronomy:32:8; kjv@2Samuel:22:14; kjv@Psalms:7:17; kjv@Psalms:47:2; kjv@Psalms:83:18; kjv@Daniel:4:17 Living God, LIVING GOD


H1687 <STRHEB>@ דּבר דּביר debîyr debir {deb-eer'} deb-eer' From H1696 (apparently in the sense of oracle); the shrine or innermost part of the sanctuary: - oracle.

H175 <STRHEB>@ אהרון 'ahărôn a-har-one' Of uncertain derivation; {Aharon} the brother of Moses: - Aaron.

H2145 <STRHEB>@ זכר zâkâr zaw-kawr' From H2142; properly {remembered} that {is} a male (of man or {animals} as being the most noteworthy sex): - X {him} {male} man ({child} -kind).

H2179 <STRHEB>@ זנב zânab zaw-nab' A primitive root meaning to wag; used only as a denominative from H2180; to {curtail} that {is} cut off the rear: - smite the hindmost.

H2246 <STRHEB>@ חבב chôbâb kho-bawb' From H2245; cherished; {Chobab} father in law of Moses: - Hobab.

H2315 <STRHEB>@ חדר cheder kheh'-der From H2314; an apartment (usually literally): - ([bed] inner) {chamber} innermost (-ward) {part} {parlour} + {south} X within.

H2373 <STRHEB>@ חזה châzeh khaw-zeh' From H2372; the breast (as most seen in front): - breast.

H2429 <STRHEB>@ חיל chayil khah'-yil (Chaldee); corresponding to H2428; an {army} or strength: - {aloud} {army} X most {[mighty]} power.

H2896 <STRHEB>@ טוב ţôb tobe From H2895; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense; used likewise as a {noun} both in the masculine and the {feminine} the singular and the plural ({good} a good or good {thing} a good man or woman; the {good} goods or good {things} good men or {women}) also as an adverb (well): - {beautiful} {best} {better} {bountiful} {cheerful} at {ease} X fair ({word}) (be in) {favour} {fine} {glad} good ({deed} {-lier} {liest} {-ly} {-ness} {-s}) {graciously} {joyful} {kindly} {kindness} liketh ({best}) {loving} {merry} X {most} {pleasant} + {pleaseth} {pleasure} {precious} {prosperity} {ready} {sweet} {wealth} {welfare} (be) well ([-favoured]).

H2910 <STRHEB>@ טחה ţûchâh too-khaw' From H2909 (or H2902) in the sense of overlaying; (in the plural only) the kidneys (as being covered); hence (figuratively) the inmost thought: - inward parts.

H2945 <STRHEB>@ טף ţaph taf From H2952 (perhaps referring to the tripping gait of children); a family (mostly used collectively in the singular): - (little) children ({ones}) families.

H3050 <STRHEB>@ יהּ yâhh yaw Contracted for {H3068} and meaning the same; {Jah} the sacred name: - {Jah} the {Lord} most vehement. Cp. names in {-iah} -jah.

H3115 <STRHEB>@ יוכבד yôkebed yo-keh'-bed From H3068 contracted and H3513; Jehovah-gloried; {Jokebed} the mother of Moses: - Jochebed.

H3477 <STRHEB>@ ישׁר yâshâr yaw-shawr' From H3474; straight (literally or figuratively): - {convenient} {equity} {Jasher} {just} meet ({-est}) + pleased well right ({-eous}) {straight} (most) upright ({-ly} -ness).

H3503 <STRHEB>@ יתרו yithrô yith-ro' From H3499 with pronominal suffix; his excellence; {Jethro} Moses´ father in law: - Jethro. Compare H3500.

H3524 <STRHEB>@ כּבּיר kabbîyr kab-beer' From H3727; {vast} whether in extent (figuratively of {power} mighty; of {time} {aged}) or in {number} many: - + {feeble} {mighty} {most} {much} {strong} valiant.

H3645 <STRHEB>@ כּמישׁ כּמושׁo kemôsh kemîysh {kem-oshe'} kem-eesh' From an unused root meaning to subdue; the powerful; {Kemosh} the god of the Moabites: - Chemosh.

H3671 <STRHEB>@ כּנף kânâph kaw-nawf' From H3670; an edge or extremity; specifically (of a bird or army) a {wing} (of a garment or bed clothing) a {flap} (of the earth) a {quarter} (of a building) a pinnacle: - + {bird} {border} {corner} {end} feather {[-ed]} X {flying} + (one an-) {other} {overspreading} X {quarters} {skirt} X {sort} uttermost {part} wing ([-ed]).

H3800 <STRHEB>@ כּתם kethem keh'-them From H3799; properly something carved {out} that {is} ore; hence gold (pure as originally mined): - ([most] {fine} pure) gold (-en wedge).

H3824 <STRHEB>@ לבב lêbâb lay-bawb' From H3823; the heart (as the most interior organ); used also like H3820: - + bethink {themselves} {breast} {comfortably} {courage} ({[faint]} [tender-] {heart([-ed]}) {midst} {mind} X {unawares} understanding.

H314 <STRHEB>@ אחרן אחרין 'achăryôn 'achărôn {akh-ar-one'} akh-ar-one' From H309; hinder; generally late or last; specifically (as facing the east) western: - after ({-ward}) to {come} {following} hind ({-er} {-ermost} {-most}) {last} {latter} {rereward} ut(ter)most.

H319 <STRHEB>@ אחרית 'achărîyth akh-ar-eeth' From H310; the last or {end} hence the future; also posterity: - ({last} latter) end ({time}) hinder (utter) {-most} {length} {posterity} {remnant} {residue} reward.

H4013 <STRHEB>@ מבצרה מבצר mibtsâr mibtsârâh {mib-tsawr'} mib-tsaw-raw' From H1219; a {fortification} {castle} or fortified city; figuratively a defender: - ({de-} most) {fenced} {fortress} (most) strong (hold).

H4149 <STRHEB>@ מסרות מוסרה môsêrâh môserôth {mo-say-raw'} mo-ser-othe' Feminine of H4147; correction or corrections; Moserah or {Moseroth} a place in the Desert: - {Mosera} Moseroth.

H4358 <STRHEB>@ מכלול miklôl mik-lole' From H3634; perfection (that {is} concretely adverbial splendidly): - most {gorgeously} all sorts.

H4448 <STRHEB>@ מלל mâlal maw-lal' A primitive root; to speak (mostly poetical) or say: - {say} {speak} utter.

H4477 <STRHEB>@ ממתּק mamtaq mam-tak' From H4985; something sweet (literally or figuratively): - (most) sweet.

H4581 <STRHEB>@ מעז מעז מעוּז מעוז mâ‛ôz mâ‛ûz mâ‛ôz mâ‛ûz {maw-oze'} {maw-ooz'} {maw-oze'} maw-ooz' From H5810; a fortified place; figuratively a defence: - {force} fort ({-ress}) {rock} strength ({-en}) (X most) strong (hold).

H4592 <STRHEB>@ מעט מעט meaţ me‛âţ {meh-at'} meh-awt' From H4591; a little or few (often adverbial or comparative): - {almost} ({some} very) few ({-er} {-est}) {lightly} little ({while}) (very) small ({matter} {thing}) {some} {soon} X very.

H4791 <STRHEB>@ מרום mârôm maw-rome' From H7311; {altitude} that {is} concretely (an elevated {place}) abstractly ({elevation}) fig ({elation}) or adverbial (aloft): - (far) {above} {dignity} {haughty} {height} ({most} on) high ({one} {place}) {loftily} upward.

H4805 <STRHEB>@ מרי merîy mer-ee' From H4784; {bitterness} that {is} (figuratively) rebellion; concretely {bitter} or rebellious: - {bitter} (most) rebel ({-ion} -lious).

H4872 <STRHEB>@ משׁה môsheh mo-sheh' From H4871; drawing out (of the {water}) that {is} rescued; {Mosheh} the Israelitish lawgiver: - Moses.

H4873 <STRHEB>@ משׁה môsheh mo-sheh' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4872: - Moses.

H4888 <STRHEB>@ משׁחה משׁחה mishchâh moshchâh {meesh-khaw'} mosh-khaw' From H4886; unction (the act); by implication a consecratory gift: - (to be) anointed ({-ing}) ointment.

H4893 <STRHEB>@ משׁחת משׁחת mishchâth moshchâth {mish-khawth'} mosh-khawth' From H7843; disfigurement: - {corruption} marred.

H4994 <STRHEB>@ נא nâ' naw A primitive particle of incitement and {entreaty} which may usually be rendered I {pray} now or then; added mostly to verbs (in the imperative or {future}) or to {interjections} occasionally to an adverb or conjugation: - I beseech (pray) thee ({you}) go {to} {now} oh.

H5244 <STRHEB>@ נמלה nemâlâh nem-aw-law' Feminine from H5243; an ant (probably from its almost bisected form): - ant.

H5331 <STRHEB>@ נצח נצח netsach nêtsach {neh'-tsakh} nay'-tsakh From H5329; properly a {goal} that {is} the bright object at a distance travelled towards; hence ({figuratively}) {splendor} or (subjectively) {truthfulness} or (objectively) confidence; but usually ({adverbially}) continually (that {is} to the most distant point of view): - alway ({-s}) {constantly} {end} (+ n-) ever ({more}) {perpetual} {strength} victory.

H5582 <STRHEB>@ סעד sâ‛ad saw-ad' A primitive root; to support (mostly figuratively): - {comfort} {establish} hold {up} refresh {self} {strengthen} be upholden.

H5585 <STRHEB>@ סעיף sâ‛îyph saw-eef' From H5586; a fissure (of rocks); also a bough (as subdivided): - ({outmost}) {branch} {clift} top.

H5920 <STRHEB>@ על ‛al al From H5927; properly the top; specifically the Highest (that {is} God); also (adverbially) {aloft} to Jehovah: - {above} {high} most High.

H5943 <STRHEB>@ עלּי ‛illay il-lah'ee (Chaldee); corresponding to H5942; supreme (that {is} God): - (most) high.

H5945 <STRHEB>@ עליון ‛elyôn el-yone' From H5927; an {elevation} that {is} (adjectively) lofty (comparatively); as {title} the Supreme: - ({Most} on) high ({-er} {-est}) upper (-most).

H5946 <STRHEB>@ עליון ‛elyôn el-yone' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5945; the supreme: - Most high.

H5980 <STRHEB>@ עמּה ‛ûmmâh oom-maw' From H6004; {conjunction} that {is} society; mostly adverbial or prepositional (with prepositional {prefix}) near6 {beside} along with: - (over) {against} {at} {beside} hard {by} in points.

H5986 <STRHEB>@ עמוס ‛âmôs aw-moce' From H6006; burdensome; {Amos} an Israelitish prophet: - Amos.

H594 <STRHEB>@ אנך 'ănâk an-awk' Probably from an unused root meaning to be narrow; according to most a plumb {line} and to others a hook: - plumb-line.

H6157 <STRHEB>@ ערב ‛ârôb aw-robe' From H6148; a mosquito (from its swarming): - divers sorts or {flies} swarm.

H6579 <STRHEB>@ פּרתּם partam par-tam' Of Persian origin; a grandee: - (most) {noble} prince.

H6855 <STRHEB>@ צפּרה tsippôrâh tsip-po-raw' Feminine of H6833; bird; {tsipporah} Moses´ wife: - Zipporah.

H6936 <STRHEB>@ קדקד qodqôd kod-kode' From H6915; the crown of the head (as the part most bowed): - crown (of the {head}) {pate} {scalp} top of the head.

H6944 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ qôdesh ko'-desh From H6942; a sacred place or thing; rarely abstractly sanctity: - consecrated ({thing}) dedicated ({thing}) hallowed ({thing}) {holiness} (X most) holy (X {day} {portion} {thing}) {saint} sanctuary.

H657 <STRHEB>@ אפס 'ephes eh'-fes From H656; {cessation} that {is} an end (especially of the earth); often used adverbially no further; also (like H6466) the ankle (in the {dual}) as being the extremity of the leg or foot: - {ankle} but ({only}) {end} {howbeit} less than {nothing} nevertheless ({where}) {no} none ({beside}) not ({any} {-withstanding}) thing of {nought} save ({-ing}) {there} uttermost {part} {want} without (cause).

H7020 <STRHEB>@ קיצון qîytsôn kee-tsone' From H6972; terminal: - out- (utter-) most.

H7057 <STRHEB>@ קימושׁ קמּושׁ qimmôsh qîymôsh {kim-moshe'} kee-moshe' From an unused root meaning to sting; a prickly plant: - nettle. Compare H7063.

H7093 <STRHEB>@ קץ qêts kates Contracted from H7112; an extremity; adverbially (with prepositional prefix) after: - + {after} (utmost) {border} {end} [in-] {finite} X process.

H7097 <STRHEB>@ קצה קצה qâtseh qêtseh {kaw-tseh'} kay-tseh' The second form is negative only; from H7096; an extremity (used in a great variety of applications and idioms; compare H7093): - X {after} {border} {brim} {brink} {edge} {end} [in-] {finite} {frontier} outmost {coast} {quarter} {shore} (out-) {side} X {some} ut (-ter-) most (part).

H7098 <STRHEB>@ קצה qâtsâh kaw-tsaw' Feminine of H7097; a termination (used like H7097): - {coast} {corner} (selv-) {edge} {lowest} (uttermost) part.

H7099 <STRHEB>@ קצוה קצו qetsev qitsvâh {keh'-tsev} kits-vaw' From H7096; a limit (used like {H7097} but with less variety): - {end} {edge} uttermost part.

H7112 <STRHEB>@ קצץ qâtsats kaw-tsats' A primitive root; to chop off (literally or figuratively): - cut ({asunder} in {pieces} in {sunder} {off}) X utmost.

H7218 <STRHEB>@ ראשׁ rô'sh roshe From an unused root apparently meaning to shake; the head (as most easily {shaken}) whether literally or figuratively (in many {applications} of {place} {time} {rank} etc.): - {band} {beginning} {captain} {chapiter} chief (-est {place} {man} {things}) {company} {end} X every {[man]} {excellent} {first} {forefront} ([be-]) {head} {height} (on) high (-est {part} {[priest]}) X {lead} X {poor} {principal} {ruler} {sum} top.

H7223 <STRHEB>@ ראשׁן ראשׁון ri'shôn ri'shôn {ree-shone'} ree-shone' From H7221; {first} in {place} time or rank (as adjective or noun): - {ancestor} (that were) before ({-time}) {beginning} {eldest} {first} fore [-father] ({-most}) former ({thing}) of old {time} past.

H7230 <STRHEB>@ רב rôb robe From H7231; abundance (in any respect): - abundance ({-antly}) {all} X common {[sort]} {excellent} great ({-ly} {-ness} {number}) {huge} be {increased} {long} {many} more in {number} {most} {much} {multitude} plenty ({-ifully}) X very [age].

H7378 <STRHEB>@ רוּב ריבo rîyb rûb {reeb} roob A primitive root; properly to {toss} that {is} grapple; mostly figuratively to {wrangle} that {is} hold a controversy; (by implication) to defend: - {adversary} {chide} {complain} {contend} {debate} X {ever} X lay {wait} {plead} {rebuke} {strive} X thoroughly.

H7467 <STRHEB>@ רעוּאל re‛û'êl reh-oo-ale' From the same as H7466 and H410; friend of God; {Reuel} the name of Moses´ father in {law} also of an Edomite and an Israelite: - {Raguel} Reuel.

H8077 <STRHEB>@ שׁממה שׁממה shemâmâh shimâmâh {shem-aw-maw'} shee-mam-aw' Feminine of H8076; devastation; figuratively astonishment: - ({laid} X most) desolate ({-ion}) waste.

H8379 <STRHEB>@ תּאוה tavâh tah-av-aw' From H8376; a {limit} that {is} full extent: - utmost bound.

H8481 <STRHEB>@ תּחתּן תּחתּון tachtôn tachtôn {takh-tone'} takh-tone' From H8478; bottommost: - lower ({-est}) nether (-most).

H8482 <STRHEB>@ תּחתּי tachtîy takh-tee' From H8478; lowermost; as noun (feminine plural) the depths (figuratively a {pit} the womb): - low ({parts} {-er} -er {parts} {-est}) nether (part).

H8484 <STRHEB>@ תּיכן תּיכון tîykôn tîykôn {tee-kone'} tee-kone' From H8432; central: - middle ({-most}) midst.

H8563 <STRHEB>@ תּמרוּר tamrûr tam-roor' From H4843; bitterness (plural as collective): - X most bitter (-ly).

G2 <STRGRK>@ Ἀαρών Aarōn ah-ar-ohn' Of Hebrew origin [H175]; Aaron the brother of Moses: - Aaron.

G22 <STRGRK>@ ἄγαμος agamos ag'-am-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1062; unmarried: - unmarried.

G38 <STRGRK>@ ἁγιασμός hagiasmos hag-ee-as-mos' From G37; properly purification that is (the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier: - holiness sanctification.

G40 <STRGRK>@ ἅγιος hagios hag'-ee-os From ἅγος hagos (an awful thing) compare G53 [H2282]; sacred (physically pure morally blameless or religious ceremonially consecrated): - (most) holy (one thing) saint.

G49 <STRGRK>@ ἁγνισμός hagnismos hag-nis-mos' From G48; a cleansing (the act) that is (ceremonially) lustration: - purification.

G96 <STRGRK>@ ἀδόκιμος adokimos ad-ok'-ee-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1384; unapproved that is rejected; by implication worthless (literally or morally): - castaway rejected reprobate.

G1030 <STRGRK>@ βρυγμός brugmos broog-mos' From G1031; a grating (of the teeth): - gnashing.

G1034 <STRGRK>@ βρώσιμος brōsimos bro'-sim-os From G1035; eatable: - meat.

G1041 <STRGRK>@ βῶμος bōmos bo'-mos From the base of G939; properly a stand that is (specifically) an altar: - altar.

G1062 <STRGRK>@ γάμος gamos gam'-os Of uncertain affinity; nuptials: - marriage wedding.

G1112 <STRGRK>@ γογγυσμός goggusmos gong-goos-mos' From G1111; a grumbling: - grudging murmuring.

G1117 <STRGRK>@ γόμος gomos gom'-os From G1073; a load (as filling) that is (specifically) a cargo or (by extension) wares: - burden merchandise.

G1199 <STRGRK>@ δεσμόν δεσμός desmon desmos des-mon' des-mos' Neuter and masculine respectively from G1210; a band that is ligament (of the body) or shackle (of a prisoner); figuratively an impediment or disability: - band bond chain string.

G1218 <STRGRK>@ δῆμος dēmos day'-mos From G1210; the public (as bound together socially): - people.

G1219 <STRGRK>@ δημόσιος dēmosios day-mos'-ee-os From G1218; public; (feminine singular dative as adverb) in public: - common openly publickly.

G1231 <STRGRK>@ διαγινώσκω diaginōskō dee-ag-in-o'-sko From G1223 and G1097; to know thoroughly that is ascertain exactly: - (would) enquire know the uttermost.

G1248 <STRGRK>@ διακονία diakonia dee-ak-on-ee'-ah From G1249; attendance (as a servant etc.); figuratively (eleemosynary) aid (official) service (especially of the Christian teacher or technically of the diaconate): - (ad-) minister (-ing -tration -try) office relief service (-ing).

G1261 <STRGRK>@ διαλογισμός dialogismos dee-al-og-is-mos' From G1260; discussion that is (internal) consideration (by implication purpose) or (external) debate: - dispute doubtful (-ing) imagination reasoning thought.

G1267 <STRGRK>@ διαμερισμός diamerismos dee-am-er-is-mos' From G1266; disunion (of opinion and conduct): - division.

G1324 <STRGRK>@ Δίδυμος Didumos did'-oo-mos Prolonged from G1364; double that is twin; Didymus a Christian: - Didymus.

G1325 <STRGRK>@ δίδωμι didōmi did'-o-mee A prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternate in most of the tenses); to give (used in a very wide application properly or by implication literally or figuratively; greatly modified by the connection): - adventure bestow bring forth commit deliver (up) give grant hinder make minister number offer have power put receive set shew smite (+ with the hand) strike (+ with the palm of the hand) suffer take utter yield.

G1366 <STRGRK>@ δίστομος distomos dis'-tom-os From G1364 and G4750; double edged: - with two edges two-edged.

G1375 <STRGRK>@ διωγμός diōgmos dee-ogue-mos' From G1377; persecution: - persecution.

G1384 <STRGRK>@ δόκιμος dokimos dok'-ee-mos From G1380; properly acceptable (current after assayal) that is approved: - approved tried.

G1408 <STRGRK>@ δρόμος dromos drom'-os From the alternate of G5143; a race that is (figuratively) career: - course.

G1442 <STRGRK>@ ἕβδομος hebdomos heb'-dom-os Ordinal from G2033; seventh: - seventh.

G1654 <STRGRK>@ ἐλεημοσύνη eleēmosunē el-eh-ay-mos-oo'-nay From G1656; compassionateness that is (as exercised towards the poor) beneficence or (concretely) a benefaction: - alms (-deeds).

G1699 <STRGRK>@ ἐμός emos em-os' From the oblique cases of G1473 (G1698 G1700 G1691); my: - of me mine (own) my.

G1701 <STRGRK>@ ἐμπαιγμός empaigmos emp-aheeg-mos' From G1702; derision: - mocking.

G1722 <STRGRK>@ ἐν en en A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place time or state) and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively) that is a relation of rest (intermediate between G1519 and G1537); in at (up-) on by etc.: - about after against + almost X altogether among X as at before between (here-) by (+ all means) for (. . . sake of) + give self wholly to (here-) in (-to -wardly) X mightily (because) of (up-) on [open-] ly X outwardly one X quickly X shortly [speedi-] ly X that X there (-in -on) through (-out) (un-) to(-ward) under when where (-with) while with (-in). Often used in compounds with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion and then not to indicate direction except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) prep.

G1772 <STRGRK>@ ἔννομος ennomos en'-nom-os From G1722 and G3551; (subjectively) legal or (objectively) subject to: - lawful under law.

G1780 <STRGRK>@ ἐνταφιασμός entaphiasmos en-taf-ee-as-mos' From G1779; preparation for interment: - burying.

G1784 <STRGRK>@ ἔντιμος entimos en'-tee-mos From G1722 and G5092; valued (figuratively): - dear more honourable precious in reputation.

G1790 <STRGRK>@ ἔντρομος entromos en'-trom-os From G1722 and G5156; terrified: - X quake X trembled.

G1978 <STRGRK>@ ἐπίσημος episēmos ep-is'-ay-mos From G1909 and some form of the base of G4591; remarkable that is (figuratively) eminent: - notable of note.

G1979 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισιτισμός episitismos ep-ee-sit-is-mos' From a compound of G1909 and a derivative of G4621; a provisioning that is (concretely) food: - victuals.

G106 <STRGRK>@ ἄζυμος azumos ad'-zoo-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G2219; unleavened that is (figuratively) uncorrupted; (in the neuter plural) specifically (by implication) the Passover week: - unleavened (bread).

G113 <STRGRK>@ ἄθεσμος athesmos ath'-es-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G5087 (in the sense of enacting); lawless that is (by implication) criminal: - wicked.

G196 <STRGRK>@ ἀκριβέστατος akribestatos ak-ree-bes'-ta-tos Superlative of ἀκριβης akribēs (a derivative of the same as G206); most exact: - most straitest.

G2048 <STRGRK>@ ἔρημος erēmos er'-ay-mos Of uncertain affinity; lonesome that is (by implication) waste (usually as a noun G5561 being implied): - desert desolate solitary wilderness.

G2078 <STRGRK>@ ἔσχατος eschatos es'-khat-os A superlative probably from G2192 (in the sense of contiguity); farthest final (of place or time): - ends of last latter end lowest uttermost.

G2092 <STRGRK>@ ἑτοιμος hetoimos het-oy'-mos From an old noun ἕτεος heteos (fitness); adjusted that is ready: - prepared (made) ready (-iness to our hand).

G2115 <STRGRK>@ εὔθυμος euthumos yoo'-thoo-mos From G2095 and G2372; in fine spirits that is cheerful: - of good cheer the more cheerfully.

G2154 <STRGRK>@ εὔσημος eusēmos yoo'-say-mos From G2095 and the base of G4591; well indicated that is (figuratively) significant: - easy to be understood.

G2157 <STRGRK>@ εὐσχημοσύνη euschēmosunē yoo-skhay-mos-oo'-nay From G2158; decorousness: - comeliness.

G2163 <STRGRK>@ εὔφημος euphēmos yoo'-fay-mos From G2095 and G5345; well spoken of that is reputable: - of good report.

G2176 <STRGRK>@ εὐώνυμος euōnumos yoo-o'-noo-mos From G2095 and G3686; properly well named (good omened) that is the left (which was the lucky side among the pagan Greeks); neuter as adverb at the left hand: - (on the) left.

G2236 <STRGRK>@ ἥδιστα hēdista hay'-dis-tah Neuter plural of the superlative of the same as G2234; with great pleasure: - most (very) gladly.

G2263 <STRGRK>@ ἤρεμος ēremos ay'-rem-os Perhaps by transposition from G2048 (through the idea of stillness); tranquil: - quiet.

G2286 <STRGRK>@ θανάσιμος thanasimos than-as'-ee-mos From G2288; fatal that is poisonous: - deadly.

G2326 <STRGRK>@ θερισμός therismos ther-is-mos' From G2325; reaping that is the crop: - harvest.

G2372 <STRGRK>@ θυμός thumos thoo-mos' From G2380; passion (as if breathing hard): - fierceness indignation wrath. Compare G5590.

G2434 <STRGRK>@ ἱλασμός hilasmos hil-as-mos' atonementthat is (concretely) an expiator: - propitiation.

G2441 <STRGRK>@ ἱματισμός himatismos him-at-is-mos' From G2439; clothing: - apparel (X -led) array raiment vesture.

G2454 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαΐσμός Ioudaismos ee-oo-dah-is-mos' From G2450; judaism that is the Jewish faith and usages: - Jews´ religion.

G2472 <STRGRK>@ ἰσότιμος isotimos ee-sot'-ee-mos From G2470 and G5092; of equal value or honor: - like precious.

G2512 <STRGRK>@ καθαρισμός katharismos kath-ar-is-mos' From G2511; a washing off that is (ceremonially) ablution (morally) expiation: - cleansing + purge purification (-fying).

G2563 <STRGRK>@ κάλαμος kalamos kal'-am-os Of uncertain affinity; a reed (the plant or its stem or that of a similar plant); by implication a pen: - pen reed.

G2596 <STRGRK>@ κατά kata kat-ah' A primary particle; (preposition) down (in place or time) in varied relations (according to the case [genitive dative or accusative] with which it is joined): - about according as (to) after against (when they were) X alone among and X apart (even like) as (concerning pertaining to touching) X aside at before beyond by to the charge of [charita-] bly concerning + covered [dai-] ly down every (+ far more) exceeding X more excellent for from . . . to godly in (-asmuch divers every -to respect of) . . . by after the manner of + by any means beyond (out of) measure X mightily more X natural of (up-) on (X part) out (of every) over against (+ your) X own + particularly so through (-oughout -oughout every) thus (un-) to (-gether -ward) X uttermost where (-by) with. In composition it retains many of these applications and frequently denotes opposition distribution or intensity.

G2627 <STRGRK>@ κατακλυσμός kataklusmos kat-ak-looce-mos' From G2626; an inundation: - flood.

G2665 <STRGRK>@ καταπέτασμα katapetasma kat-ap-et'-as-mah From a compound of G2596 and a congener of G4072; something spread thoroughly that is (specifically) the door screen (to the Most Holy Place) in the Jewish Temple: - vail.

G2677 <STRGRK>@ καταρτισμός katartismos kat-ar-tis-mos' From G2675; complete furnishing (objectively): - perfecting.

G2766 <STRGRK>@ κέραμος keramos ker'-am-os Probably from the base of G2767 (through the idea of mixing clay and water); earthenware that is a tile (by analogy a thin roof or awning): - tiling.

G2776 <STRGRK>@ κεφαλή kephalē kef-al-ay' Probably from the primary wordκάπτω kaptō (in the sense of seizing); the head (as the part most readily taken hold of) literally or figuratively: - head.

G2805 <STRGRK>@ κλαυθμός klauthmos klowth-mos' From G2799; lamentation: - wailing weeping X wept.

G2818 <STRGRK>@ κληρονόμος klēronomos klay-ron-om'-os From G2819 and the base of G3551 (in its original sense of partitioning that is [reflexively] getting by apportionment); a sharer by lot that is an inheritor (literally or figuratively); by implication a possessor: - heir.

G2889 <STRGRK>@ κόσμος kosmos kos'-mos Probably from the base of G2865; orderly arrangement that is decoration; by implication the world (in a wide or narrow sense including its inhabitants literally or figuratively [morally]): - adorning world.

G2903 <STRGRK>@ κράτιστος kratistos krat'-is-tos Superlative of a derivative of G2904; strongest that is (in dignity) very honorable: - most excellent (noble).

G2970 <STRGRK>@ κῶμος kōmos ko'-mos From G2749; a carousal (as if a letting loose): - revelling rioting.

G2971 <STRGRK>@ κώνωψ kōnōps ko'-nopes Apparently from a derivative of the base of G2759 and a derivative of G3700; a mosquito (from its stinging proboscis): - gnat.

G206 <STRGRK>@ ἄκρον akron ak'-ron Neuter of an adjective probably akin to the base of G188; the extremity: - one end . . . other tip top uttermost part.

G285 <STRGRK>@ ἄμμος ammos am'-mos Perhaps from G260; sand (as heaped on the beach): - sand.

G299 <STRGRK>@ ἄμωμος amōmos am'-o-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3470; unblemished (literally or figuratively): - without blame (blemish fault spot) faultless unblameable.

G3038 <STRGRK>@ λιθόστρωτος lithostrōtos lith-os'-tro-tos From G3037 and a derivative of G4766; stone strewed that is a tessellated mosaic on which the Roman tribunal was placed: - Pavement.

G3039 <STRGRK>@ λικμάω likmaō lik-mah'-o From λικμός likmos the equivalent. of λίκνον liknon (a winnowing fan or basket); to winnow that is (by analogy) to triturate: - grind to powder.

G3042 <STRGRK>@ λιμός limos lee-mos' Probably from G3007 (through the idea of destitution); a scarcity of food: - dearth famine hunger.

G3053 <STRGRK>@ λογισμός logismos log-is-mos' From G3049; computation that is (figuratively) reasoning (conscience conceit): - imagination thought.

G3061 <STRGRK>@ λοιμός loimos loy-mos' Of uncertain affinity; a plague (literally the disease or figuratively a pest): - pestilence (-t).

G3108 <STRGRK>@ μακαρισμός makarismos mak-ar-is-mos' From G3106; beatification that is attribution of good fortune: - blessedness.

G3122 <STRGRK>@ μάλιστα malista mal'-is-tah Neuter plural of the superlative of an apparently primary adverb μάλα mala (very); (adverb) most (in the greatest degree) or particularly: - chiefly most of all (e-) specially.

G3195 <STRGRK>@ μέλλω mellō mel'-lo A strengthened form of G3199 (through the idea of expectation); to intend that is be about to be do or suffer something (of persons or things especially events; in the sense of purpose duty6 necessity probability6 possibility or hesitation): - about after that be (almost) (that which is things + which was for) to come intend was to (be) mean mind be at the point (be) ready + return shall (begin) (which that) should (after afterwards hereafter) tarry which was for will would be yet.

G3311 <STRGRK>@ μερισμός merismos mer-is-mos' From G3307; a separation or distribution: - dividing asunder gift.

G3365 <STRGRK>@ μηδαμῶς mēdamōs may-dam-oce' Adverb from a compound of G3361 and ἀμός amos (somebody); by no means: - not so.

G3394 <STRGRK>@ μιασμός miasmos mee-as-mos' From G3392; (morally) contamination (properly the act): - uncleanness.

G3401 <STRGRK>@ μιμέομαι mimeomai mim-eh'-om-ahee Middle voice from μῖμος mimos (a mimic); to imitate: - follow.

G3422 <STRGRK>@ μνημόσυνον mnēmosunon mnay-mos'-oo-non From G3421; a reminder (memorandum) that is record: - memorial.

G3436 <STRGRK>@ μολυσμός molusmos mol-oos-mos' From G3435; a stain that is (figuratively) immorality: - filthiness.

G3442 <STRGRK>@ μονόφθαλμος monophthalmos mon-of'-thal-mos From G3441 and G3788; one eyed: - with one eye.

G3447 <STRGRK>@ μοσχοποιέω moschopoieō mos-khop-oy-eh'-o From G3448 and G4160; to fabricate the image of a bullock: - make a calf.

G3448 <STRGRK>@ μόσχος moschos mos'-khos Probably strengthened for ὄσχος oschos (a shoot); a young bullock: - calf.

G3470 <STRGRK>@ μῶμος mōmos mo'-mos Perhaps from G3201; a flaw or blot that is (figuratively) disgraceful person: - blemish.

G3475 <STRGRK>@ Μωσεύς Μωσῆς Μωΰσῆς Mōseus Mōsēs Mōusēs moce-yoos' mo-sace' Of Hebrew origin [H4872]; Moseus Moses or Mouses (that is Mosheh) the Hebrew lawgiver: - Moses.

G3510 <STRGRK>@ νεφρός nephros nef-ros' Of uncertain affinity; a kidney (plural) that is (figuratively) the inmost mind: - reins.

G3530 <STRGRK>@ Νικόδημος Nikodēmos nik-od'-ay-mos From G3534 and G1218; victorious among his people; Nicodemus an Israelite: - Nicodemus.

G3544 <STRGRK>@ νομικός nomikos nom-ik-os' From G3551; according (or pertaining) to law that is legal (ceremonially); as noun an expert in the (Mosaic) law: - about the law lawyer.

G3548 <STRGRK>@ νομοθεσία nomothesia nom-oth-es-ee'-ah From G3550; legislation (specifically the institution of the Mosaic code): - giving of the law.

G3549 <STRGRK>@ νομοθετέω nomotheteō nom-oth-et-eh'-o From G3550; to legislate that is (passively) to have (the Mosaic) enactments injoined be sanctioned (by them): - establish receive the law.

G3551 <STRGRK>@ νόμος nomos nom'-os From a primary word νέμω nemō (to parcel out especially food or grazing to animals); law (through the idea of prescriptive usage) generally (regulation) specifically (of Moses [including the volume]; also of the Gospel) or figuratively (a principle): - law.

G3602 <STRGRK>@ ὀδυρμός odurmos od-oor-mos' From a derivative of the base of G1416; moaning that is lamentation: - mourning.

G3623 <STRGRK>@ οἰκονόμος oikonomos oy-kon-om'-os From G3624 and the base of G3551; a house distributor (that is manager) or overseer that is an employee in that capacity; by extension a fiscal agent (treasurer); figuratively a preacher (of the Gospel): - chamberlain governor steward.

G3628 <STRGRK>@ οἰκτιρμός oiktirmos oyk-tir-mos' From G3627; pity: - mercy.

G3641 <STRGRK>@ ὀλίγος oligos ol-ee'-gos Of uncertain affinity; puny (in extent degree number duration or value); especially neuter (adverbially) somewhat: - + almost brief [-ly] few (a) little + long a season short small a while.

G3674 <STRGRK>@ ὁμοῦ homou hom-oo' Genitive case of ὁμός homos (the same; akin to G260) as adverb; at the same place or time: - together.

G3680 <STRGRK>@ ὀνειδισμός oneidismos on-i-dis-mos' From G3679; contumely: - reproach.

G3682 <STRGRK>@ Ὀνήσιμος O̓nēsimos on-ay'-sim-os From G3685; profitable; Onesimus a Christian: - Onesimus.

G3728 <STRGRK>@ ὁρκωμοσία horkōmosia hor-ko-mos-ee'-ah From a compound of G3727 and a derivative of G3660; asseveration on oath: - oath.

G3788 <STRGRK>@ ὀφθαλμός ophthalmos of-thal-mos' From G3700; the eye (literally or figuratively); by implication vision; figuratively envy (from the jealous side glance): - eye sight.

G3797 <STRGRK>@ ὄψιμος opsimos op'-sim-os From G3796; later that is vernal (showering): - latter.

G3838 <STRGRK>@ παντελής pantelēs pan-tel-ace' From G3956 and G5056; full ended that is entire (neuter as noun completion): - + in [no] wise uttermost.

G3894 <STRGRK>@ παραπικρασμός parapikrasmos par-ap-ik-ras-mos' From G3893; irritation: - provocation.

G3897 <STRGRK>@ παραπλήσιον paraplēsion par-ap-lay'-see-on Neuter of a compound of G3844 and the base of G4139 (as adverb); close by that is (figuratively) almost: - nigh unto.

G3902 <STRGRK>@ παράσημος parasēmos par-as'-ay-mos From G3844 and the base of G4591; side marked that is labelled (with a badge [figure head] of a ship): - sign.

G3927 <STRGRK>@ παρεπίδημος parepidēmos par-ep-id'-ay-mos From G3844 and the base of G1927; an alien alongside that is a resident foreigner: - pilgrim stranger.

G3948 <STRGRK>@ παροξυσμός paroxusmos par-ox-oos-mos' From G3947 (paroxysm); incitement (to good) or dispute (in anger): - contention provoke unto.

G3950 <STRGRK>@ παροργισμός parorgismos par-org-is-mos' From G3949; rage: - wrath.

G3963 <STRGRK>@ Πάτμος Patmos pat'-mos Of uncertain derivation; Patmus an islet in the Mediterranean: - Patmos.

G3986 <STRGRK>@ πειρασμός peirasmos pi-ras-mos' From G3985; a putting to proof (by experiment [of good] experience [of evil] solicitation discipline or provocation); by implication adversity: - temptation X try.

G301 <STRGRK>@ Ἀμώς Amōs am-oce' Of Hebrew origin [H531]; Amos an Israelite: - Amos.

G304 <STRGRK>@ ἀναβαθμός anabathmos an-ab-ath-mos' From G305 (compare G898); a stairway: - stairs.

G4009 <STRGRK>@ πέρας peras per'-as From the same as G4008; an extremity: - end ut- (ter-) most part.

G4010 <STRGRK>@ Πέργαμος Pergamos per'-gam-os From G4444; fortified; Pergamus a place in Asia Minor: - Pergamos.

G4118 <STRGRK>@ πλεῖστος pleistos plice'-tos Irregular superlative of G4183; the largest number or very large: - very great most.

G4135 <STRGRK>@ πληροφορέω plērophoreō play-rof-or-eh'-o From G4134 and G5409; to carry out fully (in evidence) that is completely assure (or convince) entirely accomplish: - most surely believe fully know (persuade) make full proof of.

G4171 <STRGRK>@ πόλεμος polēmos pol'-em-os From πέλομαι pelomai (to bustle); warfare (literally or figuratively; a single encounter or a series): - battle fight war.

G4183 <STRGRK>@ πολύς πολλός polus polos pol-oos' Including the forms from the alternate pollos; (singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverb largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often mostly largely: - abundant + altogether common + far (passed spent) (+ be of a) great (age deal -ly while) long many much oft (-en [-times]) plenteous sore straitly. Compare G4118 G4119.

G4186 <STRGRK>@ πολύτιμος polutimos pol-oot'-ee-mos From G4183 and G5092; extremely valuable: - very costly of great price.

G4200 <STRGRK>@ πορισμός porismos por-is-mos' From a derivative of πόρος poros (a way that is means); furnishing (procuring) that is (by implication) money getting (acquisition): - gain.

G4215 <STRGRK>@ ποταμός potamos pot-am-os' Probably from a derivative of the alternate of G4095 (compare G4224); a current brook or freshet (as drinkable) that is running water: - flood river stream water.

G4248 <STRGRK>@ πρηνής prēnēs pray-nace' From G4253; leaning (falling) forward (prone) that is head foremost: - headlong.

G4274 <STRGRK>@ πρόδρομος prodromos prod'-rom-os From the alternate of G4390; a runner ahead that is scout (figuratively precursor): - forerunner.

G4289 <STRGRK>@ πρόθυμος prothumos proth'-oo-mos From G4253 and G2372; forward in spirit that is predisposed; neuter (as noun) alacrity: - ready willing.

G4403 <STRGRK>@ πρύμνα prumna proom'-nah Feminine of πρυμνύς prumnus (hindmost); the stern of a ship: - hinder part stern.

G4406 <STRGRK>@ πρώΐμος prōimos pro'-ee-mos From G4404; dawning that is (by analogy) autumnal (showering the first of the rainy season): - early.

G4410 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοκαθεδρία prōtokathedria pro-tok-ath-ed-ree'-ah From G4413 and G2515; a sitting first (in the front row) that is preeminence in council: - chief (highest uppermost) seat.

G4411 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοκλισία prōtoklisia pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah From G4413 and G2828; a reclining first (in the place of honor) at the dinner bed that is preeminence at meals: - chief (highest uppermost) room.

G4413 <STRGRK>@ πρῶτος prōtos pro'-tos Contracted superlative of G4253; foremost (in time place order or importance): - before beginning best chief (-est) first (of all) former.

G4473 <STRGRK>@ ῥαντισμός rhantismos hran-tis-mos' From G4472; aspersion (ceremonially or figuratively): - sprinkling.

G4520 <STRGRK>@ σαββατισμός sabbatismos sab-bat-is-mos' From a derivative of G4521; a sabbatism that is (figuratively) the repose of Christianity (as a type of heaven): - rest.

G4543 <STRGRK>@ Σαμοθρᾴκη Samothrakē sam-oth-rak'-ay From G4544 and Θρᾴκη Thrakē (Thrace); Samo-thrace (Samos of Thrace) an island in the Mediterranean: - Samothrace.

G4544 <STRGRK>@ Σάμος Samos sam'-os Of uncertain affinity; Samus an island of the Mediterranean: - Samos.

G4578 <STRGRK>@ σεισμός seismos sice-mos' From G4579; a commotion that is (of the air) a gale (of the ground) an earthquake: - earthquake tempest.

G4680 <STRGRK>@ σοφός sophos sof-os' Akin to σαφής saphēs (clear); wise (in a most general application): - wise. Compare G5429.

G4702 <STRGRK>@ σπόριμος sporimos spor'-ee-mos From G4703; sown that is (neuter plural) a planted field: - corn (-field).

G4726 <STRGRK>@ στεναγμός stenagmos sten-ag-mos' From G4727; a sigh: - groaning.

G4740 <STRGRK>@ στηριγμός stērigmos stay-rig-mos' From G4741; stability (figuratively): - stedfastness

G4789 <STRGRK>@ συγκληρονόμος sugklēronomos soong-klay-ron-om'-os From G4862 and G2818; a co-heir that is (by analogy) participant in common: - fellow (joint) -heir heir together heir with.

G4886 <STRGRK>@ σύνδεσμος sundesmos soon'-des-mos From G4862 and G1199; a joint tie that is ligament (figuratively) uniting principle control: - band bond.

G4898 <STRGRK>@ συνέκδημος sunekdēmos soon-ek'-day-mos From G4862 and the base of G1553; a co-absentee from home that is fellow traveller: - companion in travel travel with.

G4945 <STRGRK>@ συνωμοσία sunōmosia soon-o-mos-ee'-ah From a compound of G4862 and G3660; a swearing together that is (by implication) a plot: - conspiracy.

G4954 <STRGRK>@ σύσσωμος sussōmos soos'-so-mos From G4862 and G4983; of a joint body that is (figuratively) a fellow member of the Christian community: - of the same body.

G4975 <STRGRK>@ σχεδόν schedon skhed-on' Neuter of a presumed derivative of the alternate of G2192 as an adverb; nigh that is nearly: - almost.

G4995 <STRGRK>@ σωφρονισμός sōphronismos so-fron-is-mos' From G4994; discipline that is self control: - sound mind.

G417 <STRGRK>@ ἄνεμος anemos an'-em-os From the base of G109; wind; (plural) by implication (the four) quarters (of the earth): - wind.

G459 <STRGRK>@ ἄνομος anomos an'-om-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3551; lawless that is (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication a Gentile) or (positively) wicked: - without law lawless transgressor unlawful wicked.

G5033 <STRGRK>@ τάχιστα tachista takh'-is-tah Neuter plural of the superlative of G5036 (as adverb); most quickly that is (with G5613 prefixed) as soon as possible: - + with all speed.

G5056 <STRGRK>@ τέλος telos tel'-os From a primary word τέλλω tellō (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly the point aimed at as a limit that is (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination [literally figuratively or indefinitely] result [immediate ultimate or prophetic] purpose); specifically an impost or levy (as paid): - + continual custom end (-ing) finally uttermost. Compare G5411.

G5093 <STRGRK>@ τίμιος timios tim'-ee-os Including the comparative τίμιώτερος timiōteros and the superlative τίμιώτατος timiōtatos; from G5092; valuable that is (objectively) costly or (subjectively) honored esteemed or (figuratively) beloved: - dear honourable (more most) precious had in reputation.

G5156 <STRGRK>@ τρόμος tromos trom'-os From G5141; a trembling that is quaking with fear: - + tremble (-ing).

G5161 <STRGRK>@ Τρόφιμος Trophimos trof'-ee-mos From G5160; nutritive; Trophimus a Christian: - Trophimus.

G5230 <STRGRK>@ ὑπέρακμος huperakmos hoop-er'-ak-mos From G5228 and the base of G188; beyond the acme that is figuratively (of a daughter) past the bloom (prime) of youth: - + pass the flower of (her) age.

G5261 <STRGRK>@ ὑπογραμμός hupogrammos hoop-og-ram-mos' From a compound of G5259 and G1125; an underwriting that is copy for imitation (figuratively): - example.

G5310 <STRGRK>@ ὕψιστος hupsistos hoop'-sis-tos Superlative from the base of G5311; highest that is (masculine singular) the Supreme (God) or (neuter plural) the heavens: - most high highest.

G5359 <STRGRK>@ Φιλαδέλφεια Philadelpheia fil-ad-el'-fee-ah From Φιλάδέλφος Philadelphos (the same as G5361) a king of Pergamos; Philadelphia a place in Asia Minor: - Philadelphia.

G5392 <STRGRK>@ φιμόω phimoō fee-mo'-o From φιμός phimos (a muzzle); to muzzle: - muzzle.

G5418 <STRGRK>@ φραγμός phragmos frag-mos' From G5420; a fence or inclosing barrier (literally or figuratively): - hedge (+ round about) partition.

G5429 <STRGRK>@ φρόνιμος phronimos fron'-ee-mos From G5424; thoughtful that is sagacious or discreet (implying a cautious character; while G4680 denotes practical skill or acumen; and G4908 indicates rather intelligence or mental acquirement); in a bad sense conceited (also in the comparative): - wise (-r).

G5462 <STRGRK>@ φωτισμός phōtismos fo-tis-mos' From G5461; illumination (figurative): - light.

G5538 <STRGRK>@ χρηματισμός chrēmatismos khray-mat-is-mos' From G5537; a divine response or revelation: - answer of God.

G5539 <STRGRK>@ χρήσιμος chrēsimos khray'-see-mos From G5540; serviceable: - profit.

G5568 <STRGRK>@ ψαλμός psalmos psal-mos' From G5567; a set piece of music that is a sacred ode (accompanied with the voice harp or other instrument; a psalm); collectively the book of the Psalms: - psalm. Compare G5603.

G5581 <STRGRK>@ ψευδώνυμος pseudōnumos psyoo-do'-noo-mos From G5571 and G3686; untruly named: - falsely so called.

G5587 <STRGRK>@ ψιθυρισμός psithurismos psith-oo-ris-mos' From a derivative of ψίθος psithos (a whisper; by implication a slander; probably akin to G5574); whispering that is secret detraction: - whispering.

G5606 <STRGRK>@ ὦμος ōmos o'-mos Perhaps from the alternate of G5342; the shoulder (as that on which burdens are borne): - shoulder.

G5624 <STRGRK>@ ὠφέλιμος ōphelimos o-fel'-ee-mos From a form of G3786; helpful or serviceable that is advantageous: - profit (-able).

G535 <STRGRK>@ ἀπαρτισμός apartismos ap-ar-tis-mos' From a derivative of G534; completion: - finishing.

G557 <STRGRK>@ ἀπελεγμός apelegmos ap-el-eg-mos' From a compound of G575 and G1651; refutation that is (by implication) contempt: - nought.

G590 <STRGRK>@ ἀπόδημος apodēmos ap-od'-ay-mos From G575 and G1218; absent from one´ s own people that is a foreign traveller: - taking a far journey.

G706 <STRGRK>@ ἀριθμός arithmos ar-ith-mos' From G142; a number (as reckoned up): - number.

G719 <STRGRK>@ ἁρμός harmos har-mos' From the same as G716; an articulation (of the body): - joint.

G725 <STRGRK>@ ἁρπαγμός harpagmos har-pag-mos' From G726; plunder (properly concrete): - robbery.

G767 <STRGRK>@ ἄσημος asēmos as'-ay-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G4591; unmarked that is (figuratively) ignoble: - mean.

G783 <STRGRK>@ ἀσπασμός aspasmos as-pas-mos' From G782; a greeting (in person or by letter): - greeting salutation.

G808 <STRGRK>@ ἀσχημοσύνη aschēmosunē as-kay-mos-oo'-nay From G809; an indecency; by implication the pudenda: - shame that which is unseemly.

G820 <STRGRK>@ ἄτιμος atimos at'-ee-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively) dishonoured. May show a comparative degree such as less honourable: - despised without honour less honourable [comparative degree].

G823 <STRGRK>@ ἄτομος atomos at'-om-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G5114; uncut that is (by implication) indivisible (an atom of time): - moment.

G850 <STRGRK>@ αὐχμηρός auchmēros owkh-may-ros' From αὐχμός auchmos (probably from a base akin to that of G109; dust as dried by wind); properly dirty that is (by implication) obscure: - dark.

G854 <STRGRK>@ ἀφανισμός aphanismos af-an-is-mos' From G853; disappearance that is (figuratively) abrogation: - vanish away.

G898 <STRGRK>@ βαθμός bathmos bath-mos' From the same as G899; a step that is (figuratively) grade (of dignity): - degree.

G909 <STRGRK>@ βαπτισμός baptismos bap-tis-mos' From G907; ablution (ceremonially or Christian): - baptism washing.

G927 <STRGRK>@ βαρύτιμος barutimos bar-oo'-tim-os From G926 and G5092; highly valuable: - very precious.

G929 <STRGRK>@ βασανισμός basanismos bas-an-is-mos' From G928; torture: - torment.

G989 <STRGRK>@ βλάσφημος blasphēmos blas'-fay-mos From a derivative of G984 and G5345; scurrilous that is calumnious (against man) or (specifically) impious (against God): - blasphemer (-mous) railing.