
Dict: hitchcock - st


kjv@STRING:Aaron @ a teacher; lofty; mountain of strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abaddon @ the destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abana @ made of stone; a building - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abi-albon @ most intelligent father - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abihail @ the father of strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Achsah @ adorned; bursting the veil - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adadah @ testimony of the assembly - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adithaim @ assemblies; testimonies - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adnah @ eternal rest - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adonijah @ the Lord is my master - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adoniram @ my Lord is most high; Lord of might and elevation - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adoni-zedek @ justice of the Lord; lord of justice - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adoraim @ strength of the sea - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adullam @ their testimony; their prey; their ornament - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Agabus @ a locust; the father-A's joy or feast - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Agar @ or Hagar, a stranger; one that fears - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Agur @ stranger; gathered together - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aharhel @ another host; the last sorrow; a brother-A's sheep - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Ahasbai @ trusting in me; a grown-up brother - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahiezer @ brother of assistance - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahisamach @ brother of strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahoah @ a live brother; my thorn or thistle - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ajalon @ a chain; strength; a stag - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Alexander @ one who assists men - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Allon @ an oak; strong - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Almon-diblathaim @ hidden in a cluster of fig trees - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amasai @ strong - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amaziah @ the strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amoz @ strong; robust - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amzi @ strong, mighty - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Andrew @ a strong man - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aniam @ a people; the strength or sorrow of people - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Antichrist @ an adversary to Christ - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Antipas @ for all, or against all - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Antipatris @ for, or against the father - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollonia @ perdition, destruction - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollonius @ destroying - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollos @ one who destroys; destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollyon @ a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Appaim @ face; nostrils - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Arab @ multiplying; sowing sedition; a window; a locust - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Archippus @ a master of horses - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aristarchus @ the best prince - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aristobulus @ a good counselor - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Augustus @ increased, augmented - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azaz @ strong one - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azaziah @ strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azekah @ strength of walls - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azgad @ a strong army; a gang of robbers - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azmaveth @ strong death; a he-goat - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azmon @ bone of a bone; our strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azur @ he that assists or is assisted - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azzan @ their strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Baal @ master; lord - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baal-hermon @ possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baalim @ idols; masters; false gods - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baal-meon @ idol or master of the house - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baal-peor @ master of the opening - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baal-tamar @ master of the palm-tree - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baasha @ he that seeks, or lays waste - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Balaam @ the ancient of the people; the destruction of the people - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Balak @ who lays waste or destroys - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Barsabas @ son of return; son of rest - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bealoth @ cast under - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Becher @ first begotten; first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bechorath @ first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Behemoth @ beasts - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Belah @ destroying - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Belshazzar @ master of the treasure - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Benhail @ son of strength - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Beth-azmaveth @ house of death-B's strength - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Bichri @ first-born; first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Blastus @ that buds or brings forth - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Boaz @ or Booz, in strength - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bocheru @ the first born - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bozrah @ in tribulation or distress - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bunah @ building; understanding - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Cabbon @ as though understanding - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Carmel @ circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Cephas @ a rock or stone - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chalcol @ who nourishes, consumes, and sustains the whole - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chebar @ force or strength - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chelubai @ he altogether against me - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chemosh @ handling; stroking; taking away - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chenaniah @ preparation, or disposition, or strength, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chesed @ as a devil, or a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chislon @ hope, trust - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chorazin @ the secret; here is a mystery - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Christ @ anointed - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Coniah @ strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Dedan @ their breasts; friendship; a judge - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Derbe @ a sting - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Diblaim @ cluster of figs - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Diblath @ paste of dry figs - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Dibon-gad @ great understanding; abundance of sons - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Dothan @ the law; custom - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Eben-ezer @ the stone of help - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ecclesiastes @ a preacher - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elath @ a hind; strength; an oak - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elim @ the rams; the strong; stags - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elon @ oak; grove; strong - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Epher @ dust; lead - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ephron @ dust - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Epicurean @ follower of Epicurus, i-E.e., of one who gives assistance - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Erastus @ lovely, amiable - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Eshtaol @ a strong woman - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Esther @ secret; hidden - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Etham @ their strength; their sign - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ethan @ strong; the gift of the island - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ethanim @ strong; valiant - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ethni @ strong - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Evi @ unjust - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ezbon @ hastening to understand - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ezekiel @ the strength of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Festus @ festive, joyful - HITCHCOCK-F kjv@STRING:Gaash @ tempest; commotion - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gaza @ strong; a goat - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Geber @ manly, strong - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gershom @ a stranger here - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gibbar @ strong, manly - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gideon @ he that bruises or breaks; a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gilead @ the heap or mass of testimony - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gob @ cistern; grasshopper - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gozan @ fleece; pasture; who nourisheth the body - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gur @ the young of a beast; a whelp - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Habakkuk @ he that embraces; a wrestler - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hadadezer @ beauty of assistance - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hagar @ a stranger; one that fears - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Haggai @ feast; solemnity - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Haggiah @ the Lord-H's feast - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Halah @ a moist table - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hali @ sickness; a beginning; a precious stone - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harbonah @ his destruction; his sword - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harim @ destroyed; dedicated to God - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harod @ astonishment; fear - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harosheth @ a forest; agriculture; workmanship; deafness; silence - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harumaph @ destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hashabiah @ the estimation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hashub @ esteemed; numbered - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hashubah @ estimation; thought - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hashum @ silence; their hasting - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hatach @ he that strikes - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Helkath-hazzurim @ the field of strong men, or of rocks - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hen @ grace; quiet; rest - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hermon @ anathema; devoted to destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Heshbon @ invention; industry - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Heshmon @ a hasty messenger - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hezekiah @ strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hezrai @ an entry or vestibule - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hiram @ exaltation of life; a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hizkijah @ the strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hoglah @ his festival or dance - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hophin @ he that covers; my fist - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Horeb @ desert; solitude; destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hormah @ devoted or consecrated to God; utter destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hosah @ trusting - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hushah @ hasting; holding peace - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hushai @ their haste; their sensuality; their silence - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Huz @ counsel; woods; fastened - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Huzoth @ streets; populous - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Ibniah, the building of the Lord; the understanding of the Lord; @ son by adoption - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Idbash @ flowing with honey; the land of destruction - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Ishbak @ who is empty or exhausted - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Ispah @ a jasper stone - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Ithai @ strong; my sign; a plowshare - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Jabbok @ evacuation; dissipation; wrestling - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jachin @ he that strengthens and makes steadfast - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jagur @ husbandman; stranger - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jah @ the everlasting - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jakim @ rising; confirming; establishing - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jasiel @ the strength of God - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jazeel @ strength of God - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jazer @ assistance; helper - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jeconiah @ preparation, or stability, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehezekel @ strength of God - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehiskiah @ the strength, or taking, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehoadah @ passing over; testimony of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehoiachin @ preparation, or strength, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehoiakim @ avenging, or establishing, or resurrection, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehovah @ self-subsisting - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehozadak @ justice of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehu @ himself who exists - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehucal @ mighty; perfect; wasted - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehush @ keeping counsel; fastened - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jekamiah @ establishing, or revenging, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jesimiel @ naming, or astonishment, of God - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jethro @ his excellence; his posterity - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jezebel @ chaste - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jidlaph @ he that distills water - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Joakim @ rising or establishing of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jokim @ that made the sun stand still - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Joktan @ small dispute; contention; disgust - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jonah @ or Jonas, a dove; he that oppresses; destroyer - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Joram @ to cast; elevated - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Justus @ just or upright - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Kadesh-barnea @ holiness of an inconstant son - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kallai @ light; resting by fire; my voice - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Karkor @ they rested - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kedemah @ oriental; ancient; first - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kibroth-hattaavah @ the graves of lust - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kirjath-huzoth @ city of streets; populous city - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kish @ hard; difficult; straw; for age - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Korah @ baldness; ice; frost - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Laadah @ to assemble together; to testify; passing over - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Lachish @ who walks, or exists, of himself - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Laodicea @ just people - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Lazarus @ assistance of God - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Leshem @ a name; putting; a precious stone - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Maachah @ pressed down; worn; fastened - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Maadai @ pleasant; testifying - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Maadiah @ pleasantness; the testimony of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Maasiai @ the defense, or strength, or trust of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Madian @ judgment; striving; covering; chiding - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Magpiash @ a body thrust hard together - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Maharai @ hasting; a hill; from a hill - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Maher-shalal-hash-baz @ making speed to the spoil; he hastens to the prey - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Manahethites @ my lady; my prince of rest - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Manoah @ rest; a present - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Masrekah @ whistling; hissing - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mebunnai @ son; building; understanding - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Melchizedek @ king of justice - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Meres @ defluxion; imposthume - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Meribbaal @ he that resists Baal; rebellion - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mesobaite @ the Lord-M's standing-place; a little doe - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Michmach @ he that strikes - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Michmethah @ the gift or death of a striker - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Middin @ judgment; striving - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Moreh @ stretching - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Naharai @ my nostrils; hot; anger - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nahath @ rest; a leader - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Naphish @ the soul; he that rests, refreshes himself, or respires - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Naphtali @ that struggles or fights - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Narcissus @ astonishment; stupidity - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Neginoth @ stringed instruments - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nekoda @ painted; inconstant - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Neziah @ conqueror; strong - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nezib @ standing-place - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nisan @ standard; miracle - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:No @ stirring up; forbidding - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Noha @ rest; a guide - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Non @ posterity; a fish; eternal - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Noph @ honeycomb; anything that distills or drops - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Ocran @ a disturber; that disorders - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Oded @ to sustain, hold or lift up - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Omega @ the last letter of the Greek alphabet; long O - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Ono @ grief or strength or iniquity of him - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Ophrah @ dust; lead; a fawn - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Ozem @ that fasts; their eagerness - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Ozias @ strength from the Lord - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Palestina @ which is covered; watered; or brings and causes ruin - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Parnach @ a bull striking, or struck - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Patrobas @ paternal; that pursues the steps of his father - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pedahzur @ strong or powerful savior; stone of redemption - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pelethites @ judges; destroyers - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Peninnah @ pearl; precious stone; the face - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pentecost @ fiftieth - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Perez-Uzza @ division of Uzza, or of strength - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Peter @ a rock or stone - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Philistines @ those who dwell in villages - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Phinehas @ bold aspect; face of trust or protection - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pi-beseth @ abode of the goddess Bahest or Bast - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pul @ bean; destruction - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Punon @ precious stone; that beholds - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Rabmag @ who overthrows or destroys a multitude - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Reba @ the fourth; a square; that lies or stoops down - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Regem @ that stones or is stoned; purple - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Regemmelech @ he that stones the king; purple of the king - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Rephidim @ beds; places of rest - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Ribai @ strife - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Rissah @ watering; distillation; dew - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Roman @ strong; powerful - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Rome @ strength; power - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Sadoc @ or Zadok, just; righteous - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Salamis @ shaken; test; beaten - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Salim @ foxes; fists; path - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Samlah @ his raiment; his left hand; his astonishment - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sarsechim @ master of the wardrobe - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sennacherib @ bramble of destruction - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Seorim @ gates; hairs; tempests - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Serah @ lady of scent; song; the morning star - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sethur @ hid; destroying - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shaalabbim @ understanding, or son of a fox - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shabbethai @ my rest - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shamed @ destroying; wearing out - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shamgar @ named a stranger; he is here a stranger - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shamhuth @ desolation; destruction - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shammah @ loss; desolation; astonishment - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sharezer @ overseer of the treasury, or of the storehouse - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sheariah @ gate of the Lord; tempest of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shebna @ who rests himself; who is now captive - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shemeber @ name of force; name of the strong - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sheminith @ eighth -S(an eight-stringed instrument) - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Shihon @ sound; wall of strength - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shual @ fox; path; first - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shuthelah @ plant; verdure; moist; pot - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Silvanus @ who loves the forest - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sinon @ a breast-plate; deliverance - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sosthenes @ savior; strong; powerful - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Succoth-benoth @ the tents of daughters, or young women; or prostitutes - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Tahpenes @ standard; flight; temptation - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tammuz @ abstruse; concealed; consumed - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Taphath @ distillation; drop - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Taralah @ searching out slander, or strength - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Telah @ moistening; greenness - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Thahash @ that makes haste; that keeps silence - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Thessalonica @ victory against the Thessalians - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tibni @ straw; hay - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Timnath-heres @ or Timnath-serah, image of the sun; numbering of the rest - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tiphsah @ passage; leap; step; the passover - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tophel @ ruin; folly; without understanding - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Trachonitis @ stony - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Ulai @ strength; fool; senseless - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Ulam @ the porch; the court; their strength; their folly - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Uzzah @ strength; goat - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Uzzi @ my strength; my kid - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Zaccai @ pure meat; just - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zaccheus @ pure; clean; just - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zadok @ just; justified - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zarah @ east; brightness - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zared @ strange descent - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zedekiah @ the Lord is my justice; the justice of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zeresh @ misery; strange; dispersed inheritance - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zeror @ root; that straitens or binds; that keeps tight - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zerubbabel @ a stranger at Babylon; dispersion of confusion - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Ziba @ army; fight; strength - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Ziddim @ huntings; treasons; destructions - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zidkijah @ justice of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zilpah @ distillation from the mouth - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zur @ stone; rock; that besieges - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zuriel @ rock or strength of God - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zurishaddai @ the Almighty is my rock and strength - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zuzims @ the posts of a door; splendor; beauty - HITCHCOCK-Z