
Dict: hitchcock - tr


kjv@STRING:Aaron @ a teacher; lofty; mountain of strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abaddon @ the destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Abihail @ the father of strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Achaia @ grief; trouble - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Achan @ or Achar, he that troubleth - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Achor @ trouble - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Achshaph @ poison; tricks - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adoraim @ strength of the sea - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Agar @ or Hagar, a stranger; one that fears - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Agur @ stranger; gathered together - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahasbai @ trusting in me; a grown-up brother - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahisamach @ brother of strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ajalon @ a chain; strength; a stag - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Allon @ an oak; strong - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Almon-diblathaim @ hidden in a cluster of fig trees - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amana @ integrity; truth; a nurse - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amasai @ strong - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amaziah @ the strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amittai @ true; fearing - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amnon @ faithful and true; tutor - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amon @ faithful; true - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amoz @ strong; robust - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amzi @ strong, mighty - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Andrew @ a strong man - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aniam @ a people; the strength or sorrow of people - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Antipatris @ for, or against the father - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollonia @ perdition, destruction - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollonius @ destroying - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollos @ one who destroys; destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Apollyon @ a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Appaim @ face; nostrils - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Arah @ the way; a traveler - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ararat @ the curse of trembling - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Assyria @ country of Assur or Ashur - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azaz @ strong one - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azaziah @ strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azekah @ strength of walls - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azgad @ a strong army; a gang of robbers - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azmaveth @ strong death; a he-goat - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azmon @ bone of a bone; our strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Aznoth-tabor @ the ears of Tabor; the ears of purity or contrition - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Azzan @ their strength - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Baal-hermon @ possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baal-tamar @ master of the palm-tree - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Baca @ a mulberry-tree - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Balaam @ the ancient of the people; the destruction of the people - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Balak @ who lays waste or destroys - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Belah @ destroying - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Belshazzar @ master of the treasure - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Belteshazzar @ who lays up treasures in secret - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Benhail @ son of strength - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Beth-aven @ the house of vanity; of iniquity of trouble - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Beth-azmaveth @ house of death-B's strength - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Bether @ division, or in the trial - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Boaz @ or Booz, in strength - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bochim @ the place of weeping; or of mulberry-trees - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Bozrah @ in tribulation or distress - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Canaan @ merchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Candace @ who possesses contrition - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chebar @ force or strength - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chemosh @ handling; stroking; taking away - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chenaniah @ preparation, or disposition, or strength, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chesed @ as a devil, or a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Chislon @ hope, trust - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Coniah @ strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Demetrius @ belonging to corn, or to Ceres - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Diotrephes @ nourished by Jupiter - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Egypt @ that troubles or oppresses; anguish - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elath @ a hind; strength; an oak - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elim @ the rams; the strong; stags - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elon @ oak; grove; strong - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Eshtaol @ a strong woman - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Etham @ their strength; their sign - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ethan @ strong; the gift of the island - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ethanim @ strong; valiant - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ethni @ strong - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ezekiel @ the strength of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Gad @ a band; a troop - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gaddi @ my troop; a kid - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gaza @ strong; a goat - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gazabar @ a treasurer - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Geber @ manly, strong - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gershom @ a stranger here - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gether @ the vale of trial or searching - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gibbar @ strong, manly - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Gideon @ he that bruises or breaks; a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Hagar @ a stranger; one that fears - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hammedatha @ he that troubles the law - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Haran @ mountainous country - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harbonah @ his destruction; his sword - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harim @ destroyed; dedicated to God - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Harumaph @ destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hatach @ he that strikes - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Helam @ their army; their trouble - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Helkath-hazzurim @ the field of strong men, or of rocks - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Heman @ their trouble; tumult; much; in great number - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hena @ troubling - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hermon @ anathema; devoted to destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Heshbon @ invention; industry - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Heth @ trembling; fear - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hezekiah @ strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hezrai @ an entry or vestibule - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hiram @ exaltation of life; a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hizkijah @ the strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Horeb @ desert; solitude; destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hormah @ devoted or consecrated to God; utter destruction - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Hosah @ trusting - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Huzoth @ streets; populous - HITCHCOCK-H kjv@STRING:Idbash @ flowing with honey; the land of destruction - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Ithai @ strong; my sign; a plowshare - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Ithamar @ island of the palm-tree - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Jaakan @ tribulation; labor - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jabez @ sorrow; trouble - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jachin @ he that strengthens and makes steadfast - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jagur @ husbandman; stranger - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jashub @ a returning; a controversy; a dwelling place - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jasiel @ the strength of God - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jazeel @ strength of God - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jebus @ treading under foot; manger - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jebusi @ trodden under foot; mangers - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehezekel @ strength of God - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehiskiah @ the strength, or taking, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jehoiachin @ preparation, or strength, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jesui @ even-tempered; flat country - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jonah @ or Jonas, a dove; he that oppresses; destroyer - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Jubal @ he that runs; a trumpet - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Keziz @ end; extremity - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kirjath-huzoth @ city of streets; populous city - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kish @ hard; difficult; straw; for age - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Kitron @ making sweet; binding together - HITCHCOCK-K kjv@STRING:Leummim @ countries; without water - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Maasiai @ the defense, or strength, or trust of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Madian @ judgment; striving; covering; chiding - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mamre @ rebellious; bitter; set with trees - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Matred @ wand of government - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Matri @ rain; prison - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Memucan @ impoverished; to prepare; certain; true - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Merodach @ bitter contrition - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Merodach-baladan @ bitter contrition, without judgment - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Michmach @ he that strikes - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Michmethah @ the gift or death of a striker - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Middin @ judgment; striving - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mizraim @ tribulations - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mordecai @ contrition; bitter; bruising - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Moreh @ stretching - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Naharai @ my nostrils; hot; anger - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Naphtali @ that struggles or fights - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nason @ helper; entry-way - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Neginoth @ stringed instruments - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nehushtan @ a trifling thing of brass - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Nergal-sharezer @ treasurer of Nergal - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Neziah @ conqueror; strong - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Ono @ grief or strength or iniquity of him - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Ozias @ strength from the Lord - HITCHCOCK-O kjv@STRING:Pamphylia @ a nation made up of every tribe - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Parnach @ a bull striking, or struck - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Patara @ trodden under foot - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Patrobas @ paternal; that pursues the steps of his father - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pedahzur @ strong or powerful savior; stone of redemption - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pelaliah @ entreating the Lord - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pelethites @ judges; destroyers - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Perez-Uzza @ division of Uzza, or of strength - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Phinehas @ bold aspect; face of trust or protection - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pisgah @ hill; eminence; fortress - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Pul @ bean; destruction - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Rabmag @ who overthrows or destroys a multitude - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Remmon @ greatness; elevation; a pomegranate-tree - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Ribai @ strife - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Roman @ strong; powerful - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Rome @ strength; power - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Satan @ contrary; adversary; enemy; accuser - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sebat @ twig; scepter; tribe - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sennacherib @ bramble of destruction - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sethur @ hid; destroying - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shalmaneser @ peace; tied; chained; perfection; retribution - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shamed @ destroying; wearing out - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shamgar @ named a stranger; he is here a stranger - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shamhuth @ desolation; destruction - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sharezer @ overseer of the treasury, or of the storehouse - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shemeber @ name of force; name of the strong - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sheminith @ eighth -S(an eight-stringed instrument) - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Shenazar @ treasurer of a tooth - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sheshbazzar @ joy in tribulation; joy of the vintage - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shethar @ putrefied; searching - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shiggaion @ a song of trouble or comfort - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shihon @ sound; wall of strength - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shillem @ peace; perfection; retribution - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shiphrah @ handsome; trumpet; that does good - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Shitrai @ gatherer of money - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sihor @ black; trouble -S(the river Nile) - HITCHCOCK kjv@STRING:Sinim @ south country, - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sitnah @ hatred - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sosthenes @ savior; strong; powerful - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Suah @ speaking; entreating; ditch - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Taanach-shilo @ breaking down a fig-tree - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tadmor @ the palm-tree; bitterness - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tamar @ palm; palm-tree - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tammuz @ abstruse; concealed; consumed - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Taralah @ searching out slander, or strength - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tatnai @ that gives; the overseer of the gifts and tributes - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tehinnah @ entreaty; a favor - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tekoa @ trumpet; that is confirmed - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tetrarch @ governor of a fourth part - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Thummim @ perfection; truth - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tibni @ straw; hay - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tophet @ a drum; betraying - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Troas @ penetrated - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Ulai @ strength; fool; senseless - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Ulam @ the porch; the court; their strength; their folly - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Uzzah @ strength; goat - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Uzzi @ my strength; my kid - HITCHCOCK-U kjv@STRING:Zaavan @ trembling - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zair @ little; afflicted; in tribulation - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zared @ strange descent - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zaretan @ tribulation; perplexity - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zatthu @ olive tree - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zeresh @ misery; strange; dispersed inheritance - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zeror @ root; that straitens or binds; that keeps tight - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zerubbabel @ a stranger at Babylon; dispersion of confusion - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zeruiah @ pain or tribulation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Ziba @ army; fight; strength - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Ziddim @ huntings; treasons; destructions - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zipporah @ beauty; trumpet; mourning - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zuriel @ rock or strength of God - HITCHCOCK-Z kjv@STRING:Zurishaddai @ the Almighty is my rock and strength - HITCHCOCK-Z