
Dict: strongs - trace


G1075 @ γενεαλογέω genealogeō ghen-eh-al-og-eh'-o From G1074 and G3056; to reckon by generations that is trace in genealogy: - count by descent.

G3877 @ παρακολουθέω parakoloutheō par-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o From G3844 and G190; to follow near that is (figuratively) attend (as a result) trace out conform to: - attain follow fully know have understanding.

G421 @ ἀνεξιχνίαστος anexichniastos an-ex-ikh-nee'-as-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2487; not tracked out that is (by implication) untraceable: - past finding out unsearchable.